Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 2 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 1301—Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , nt 7 ( Instruction ) 1024—EccloUon , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-sqimre , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) R . A . 30 H—Affability , Station House Hotel , Bottoms . StansBold Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 .
4 o— Strong Man , George Hotel , Australian Avenue , Barbican , at 8 ( Instruc . ) 171-Sincenty , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . C , at 7 ( Instruction ) ISO—St . James ' s Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 188—Joppa , Albion , Aldersgate-street , E . C . & l 8-Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Deptford , at 8 ( Instruction ) 704-Camden , Bed Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1 'J * H & £ » T , he Westbonrne , Craven-rd ., Paddington , at 8 ( Instruction ) lllo—Prince Leopold , Mitiord Tavern , Sandringbam-road , Dalston . at 8 ( Inst . )
1 ™ ~ " ^ afqnes , . R > Pon , Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hackney , nt 7 . 30 ( In . ) lS ^~ Metropolitan , The Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement . E . G ., at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1608—Kilburn , 48 South Moltou Street , Oxford Streot , VV ., at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1623—West Smithfield , New Market Hotel , King-st ., Snow-hill , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1825—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , corner of Burdett-road , at 8 ( In . ) 1693—Kingsland , Canonbury Tavern , Canonbury , N ., at 8 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1095—New Finsbury Park , Hornsey Wood Tavern , Finsbury Park , at 8 ( Inst . ) M . M . 139—Panmure , Surrey Masonic Hall , Cambenvell , S . E . M . M . —Old Kent , Trocadero , Broad Street Buildings , E . C . at 6 . 30 ( Instruction )
37—Anchor and Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton-le-Moors 53—Royai Sussex , Masonic Hall , Old Orchard-street , Bath 119—Sim , Square and Compasses , Freemasons' Hall , Whitehaven 133—Harmony , Ship Hotel , Faversham 151—Unanimity , Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield 156—Harmony , Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth 199—Peace and Harmony , Royal Oak Hotel , Dover 236—York , Masonic Hall , York
338—Vitruvian , Royal Hotel , Ross , Herefordshire 831—Harmony and Industry , Smalley ' s Hotel , Market-street , Over Darwen 395—Guy , Crown Hotel , Leamington Priors 431—St . George , Masonic Hall , Norfolk-streot , N . Shields 411—Three Grand Principles , Red Lion Hotel , Petty Curry , Cambridge 482—St . James ' s , Masonic Rooms , Wretham Road , Handsworth , Staffordshire 597—St . Oybi , Town Hall , Holyhead 622—St . Cuthborga , Masonic Hall , Wimborne
604—Oakley , Masonic Hah , Basingstoke 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 850—St . Oswald , Town Hall , Ashbourne , Derbvshire 1009—Shakspeare , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester 1045—Stamford , Town Hall , Altrincham , Cheshire 1050—Gundulph , King ' s Head Hotel , Rochester 1051—Rowley , Athenaeum , Lancaster
1077—Wilton , Red Lion Inn , Blackley , Lancashire 1108—Riyal Wharfedalo , Private Room , Boroughgate , Otley , Yorks 1124—St . Oswald , Wynnstay Arms Hotel , Oswestry 1180—Forward , Masonic Rooms , New Hall-street , Birmingham 1211—Goderich , Masonic Hall , Gt . George-street , Leeds 1239—Wentworth , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . 1264—Neptune , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1302—De Warren , Masonic Hall , White Swan Hotel , Halifax . 1380—Skelmersdale , Queen ' s Hotel , Waterloo , Liverpool
1419—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury at 8 ( Instruction ) 1519—Albert Edward , Albion Hotel , Clayton-le-Moors , near Accrington 1573—Caradoc , Masonic Hall . Caer-street , Swansea . 1578—Merlin , New Inn Hotel , Pontypridd , South Wales 1674— Caradoc , Town Hall , Rhyl 1679—St . Nicholas , Freemasons * Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 1798—Zion , Hulme Town Hall , Manchester . R . A . 262—Salopian , The Lion Hotel , Shrewsbury R . A , 380—Integrity , Masonic Temple , Morley M . M . 37—Wvndham , Masonic Hall , Church-street , Basingstoke .
Colonial Board , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 55—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Southampton-blrtsrs ., Holborn , at 7 ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C , at 7 . ( Instruction ) Ml—Faith , 2 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 172—Old Concord , Freemasons * Hall , W . C . 177—Domatic , Surrey Masonic Hall . Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 551—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ( Instruction ) 763—Prince Frederick William , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Woodat 8 ( Inst . )
, 765—St . James , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark 860—Dalhousie , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1044—Wandsworth , Star and Garter Hotel , St . Ann ' s-hill , Wandsworth ( Inst . ) 1298—Royal Standard , Cluj , Upper-street , Islington 1349—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1360—Royal Arthur , D . of Cambridge , 316 Bridge-rd ., Battersea Park , at 8 ( In ) 1381—Kennington , Surrey Tavern , Kennington Oval 1416—Mount Kdgcumbe , 19 Jermyn-street , S . W ., nt 8 ( Instruction )
1471—Islington , The Moorgate . 15 Finsbury Pavement , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1472—Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1558—D . Connaught , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , at 8 ( In . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Crown and Woolpack , St . John's-st .-rd ., at 8 ( In ) 1668—Samson , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 1707—Eleanor , Trocadero , Broad-streot-buildings , Liverpool-street , 6 . 30 ( Inst ) R . A . 1365—Clapton , White Hart Tavern , Clapton , at 8 . ( Instruction ) Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement , Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , 6 . 30 .
70—St . John , Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth 103—Beaufort , Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . 117—Wynnstay , Ravon Hotel , Shrewsbury , at 8 ( Instruction ) 120—Palladian , Green Dnigo ; i Hotel , Hereford . 121—Marquis of Granby , Freemasons' Hall , Old Elvet , Durham 158—Adams , Masonic Rooms , Victoria Hall , Trinity-road , Sheerness 209—Etonian , Masonic Hall , Windsor 226—Benevolence , Red Lion Hotel , Littlcboroush .
241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 630 . ( Instruction ) 248—True Love and Unity , Freemasons' Hall , Brixham , Devon 265—Royal Yorkshire , Masonic Club , Hanover-street , Keighley 361—Cambrian , Masonic Hall , Neath . 393—St . David , Masons'Hall , The Parade , Berwick 193—Royal Lebanon , Spread Eagle , Gloucester 558—Temple , Town Hall , Folkestone . 673— St . John , Masonio HallLiverpool .
, 734—Londesborough , Masonic Hall , Bridlington Quay . 794—Warden , Royal Hotel , Sutton Coldfield 804—Carnarvon , Masonic Hall , Havant . 847—Fortescue , Manor House , Honiton , Devon . 948—St . Barnabas , Masonic Room , Linslade , Loighton Buzzard 860—Bute . Masonic Hall , 9 Working-street , Cardiff .
995—Furness , Masonic Hall , Ulverston . 9 ° 2—Skiddaw , Lodge Room , Market-place , Cockermouth . 134-Newall , Freemasons' Hall , Salford . £ «—Marwood , Freemasons' Hall , Redcar . 322—Waverley , Caledonia Inn , Ashton-nnder-Lyne . was—Square and Compass , Corn Exchange , Wrexham .
Diary For The Week.
1473—Bootle , 140 Berry-street , Bootle , at 6 . ( Instruction . ) 1188—St . Eloth , Castle Hotel , Amlwch , Anglesea 1750—Uoleridgo , Sandringham House , Clevedon . R . A . 203—St . John of Jerusalem , Masonio Hall , Liverpool . R . A . 296—Loyalty , Froemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . M . M . 69—United Service , Assembly Rooms , liiompton , Chatham . M . M . 115—Bedford , Masouic Hall , New-street , Birmiugham .
New Year ' s Entertainment to the " Old Folks , " R . M . B . I . Asylum , Croydon 193—Contidenco , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 ( Instruction ) 22-i—United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndalo-rd ., Caiudeu-town , 8 ( In . ) 538—La Tolerance , Green Dragon , 3 Jlartdox-streot , W ., at 7 . 45 ( lust . ) 720—Panmure , Balham Hotol , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ) 781—Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Bimlott-. iiatl , K ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 813—New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 86!—Whittingtou , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-street , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Grcon , at 7 ( Instruction )
1327—Upton , King and Qneen , Norton Folgate , E . C , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coatts . Lamb Tavern , opposite Bethnal G . Junct ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1238—Finsbury Park , Alwyne Castle , Highbury , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1475—Peckham , Lord Wellington Hotol , 516 Old Kent-road , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1521—Duko of Connaught , Havelock , Albion Road , Dalston , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1662—Beaconsflo'd , Chequers , Marsh Street . Walthamstow , at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1707—Elonnor , Ship and Turtlo , Leadenhall Street , E . G . 1791—Creaton , Princo Albert Tavern , Portobello-ter ., Notting-hill-gate ( Inst . ) R . A . 177—Domatic . Union Tavern . Air-street , Rogent-st ., at 8 ( Instruction )
71—Athol , Masonic Hall , Severn-street , Birmingham . 293—Harmony , Masonio Rooms , Ann-street , Rochdale 326—Moira , Freemasons' Hall , Park-street , Bristol 327—Wigton St . John , Lion and Lamb , Wigton 406—Northern Counties , Freemasons' Hall , Maple-street , Nowcastle-on-Tyno 417—Faith and Unanimity , Masonic Hall , Dorchestor 429—Royal Navy , Royal Hotel , Ramsgate 471—Silurian , Freemasons' Hall , Dock-street , Newport , Monmouthshire .
594—Downsuire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 611—Marches , Old Rectory , Ludlow 615—Humphrey Chesham , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester . 673—St . John , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 673—Earl Ellesmero , Church Hotel , Kersley , Farnworth , near Bolton . 972—St . Augustine , Masonic Hall , Canterbury ( Instruction . ) 992—St . Thomas , Griffin Hotel , Lower Broughton . 1010—Kingston , Masonic Hall , Worship-street , Hull .
1013—Royal Victoria , Masonic Hall , Liverpool . 1037—Portland , Portland Hall , Portland . ( Instruction . ) 1085—Hartington , Masonic Hall , Gower-street , Derby 1091—Erme . Erme House , Ivybridge , Devon 1167—Alnwick , Masonic Hall , Claypovt-street , Alnwick 1274—Earl of Durham , Freemasons' Hall , Chester-le-Street . 1323—Talbot , Masonic Rooms , Wind-street , Swansea 1335—Lindsay , 20 King-street , Wigan . 1354—Marquis of Lome , Masonic Rooms , Leigh , Lancashire .
1356—Do Grey and Ripon , 140 North Hill Street , Toxteth Park , Liverpool ( In . ) 1363—Tyndall , Town Hall , Chipping Sodbury , Gloucester . 1431—St . Alphege , George Hotel , Solihull 1511—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea , Hull . ( Instruction . ) 1620—Marlborough , Derby Hall . Tue Brook , Liverpool R . A . 300—Perseverance , Pitt and Nelson Hotel , Ashton-nnder-Lyne . R . A . 304—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Gt . George-street , Leeds M . M . 36—Furness , Hartington Hotel , Duke-street , Barrow-in-Furness . M . M . 65—West Lancashire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool
3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fuzroy-sq ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 15—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , at 7 . 1 'J ( Instruction ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street , Lambeth , at 8 ( Instruction ) 211—St . Michael , The Moorgate , Moorgate Street , E . G ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 135—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W .-, at 8 ( Inst . ) 551—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney 751—High Cross , Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham , at 8 ( Instruction )
1283—Finsbury Park , Cock Tavern , Highbury 1426—The Great City , Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , E . G ., at 0 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1445—Prince Leopold , Mitford Tavern , Sandringham-road , Dalston 1614—Covent Garden , Nag's Head , James Street , Covent Garden , at 7 . 45 ( Inst . ) R . A . 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John's Wood , at 8 ( Inst . ) R . A . 1471—North London , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N „ at 8 . ( Inst . ) R . A . 1507—Metropolitan , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-stTeet , E . C . M . M . 199- Duke of Connaught , Bell Hotel , Shoreditch . ( Instruction . )
24—Newcastle-on-Tyne , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-sfc ., Newcastle . 31—United Industrious , Masonio Room , Canterbury 38—Union , Council Chamber , Chichester 41—Royal Cumberland , Masonic Hall . Old Orchard-street , Bath 50—Knights of Malta , George Hotel , Hinckley , Leicestershire 123—Lennox , Freemasons' Hall , Richmond , Yorkshire 249—Mariners , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 254—Trinity , Craven Arms Hotel , Coventry
266—Napthali , Masonic Hall , Market-place , Heywood 269—Fidelity , White Bull Hotel , Blackburn 289—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds 294—Constitutional , Assembly Rooms , Beverley , Yorks 295—Combermere Union , Macclesfield Arms , Macclesfield 300—Minerva , Pitt and Nelson , Ashton-nnder-Lyne 309—Harmony , Red Lion , Fareham 317—Affability , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester .
419—St . Peter , Starand Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . 425—Cestrian , Grosvenor Hotel , Chester . 410—Benevolent , Town Hall , Wells , Somersetshire 463—East Snrrey of Concord , Greyhound , Croydon . 609—Tees , Freemasons' Hall , Stockton , Durham . 637—Portland , Masonic Rooms , Town Hall , Stoke-upon-Trent . 792—Pelham Pillar , Masonio Hall , Bullring-lane , Great Grimsby . 913—Pattison , Lord Raglan Tavern , Plumstead .
974—Pentalpha , New Masonic Hall , Darley-street , Bradford 1012—Prince of Wales , Derby Hotel , Bury , Lancashire . 1074—Unclerley , Masonic Room , Market-place , Kirkby Lonsdale 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 * 30 ( Instruction ) 1231—Savile , Royal Hotel , Elland 1282—Ancholme , Foresters * Hall , Brigg , Lincolnshire 1284—Brent , Globe Hotel , Topsham , Devonshire 1304—Olive Union , Masonic Hall , Horncastle , Lincolnshire
1360—Royal Arthur , Village Club Lecture Hall , Wimbledon 1381—Equity , Alfordo Chambers , Widnes 1473—Bootle , 146 B rry-street , Bootle . 1500—Walpole , Bell Hotel , Norwich 1504—Red Rose of Lancaster , Starkie ' s Arms Hotel , Padiham , near Burnley 1513—Friendly , Kinjr ' s Head Hotel , Barnsley 15 S 0—Cranbourne , Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1591—Cedewain , Public Rooms . Newtown , Montgomeryshire
1612—West Middlesex , Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1639—Watling-street , Cock Hotel , Stoney Stratford , Bucks 1790—Old England , Masonic Hall , New Thornton Heath 1807—Loyal Wye , Builth , Breconshire R . A . 325—St . John , Freemasons' Hall , Islington-square , Salford R . A . 758—Bridgwater , Freemasons' Hall , Runcorn , Cheshire R . A . 1016—Elkington , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham M . M . 53—Britannia , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield
Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 1301—Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , nt 7 ( Instruction ) 1024—EccloUon , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-sqimre , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) R . A . 30 H—Affability , Station House Hotel , Bottoms . StansBold Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 .
4 o— Strong Man , George Hotel , Australian Avenue , Barbican , at 8 ( Instruc . ) 171-Sincenty , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . C , at 7 ( Instruction ) ISO—St . James ' s Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 188—Joppa , Albion , Aldersgate-street , E . C . & l 8-Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Deptford , at 8 ( Instruction ) 704-Camden , Bed Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1 'J * H & £ » T , he Westbonrne , Craven-rd ., Paddington , at 8 ( Instruction ) lllo—Prince Leopold , Mitiord Tavern , Sandringbam-road , Dalston . at 8 ( Inst . )
1 ™ ~ " ^ afqnes , . R > Pon , Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hackney , nt 7 . 30 ( In . ) lS ^~ Metropolitan , The Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement . E . G ., at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1608—Kilburn , 48 South Moltou Street , Oxford Streot , VV ., at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1623—West Smithfield , New Market Hotel , King-st ., Snow-hill , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1825—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , corner of Burdett-road , at 8 ( In . ) 1693—Kingsland , Canonbury Tavern , Canonbury , N ., at 8 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1095—New Finsbury Park , Hornsey Wood Tavern , Finsbury Park , at 8 ( Inst . ) M . M . 139—Panmure , Surrey Masonic Hall , Cambenvell , S . E . M . M . —Old Kent , Trocadero , Broad Street Buildings , E . C . at 6 . 30 ( Instruction )
37—Anchor and Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton-le-Moors 53—Royai Sussex , Masonic Hall , Old Orchard-street , Bath 119—Sim , Square and Compasses , Freemasons' Hall , Whitehaven 133—Harmony , Ship Hotel , Faversham 151—Unanimity , Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield 156—Harmony , Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth 199—Peace and Harmony , Royal Oak Hotel , Dover 236—York , Masonic Hall , York
338—Vitruvian , Royal Hotel , Ross , Herefordshire 831—Harmony and Industry , Smalley ' s Hotel , Market-street , Over Darwen 395—Guy , Crown Hotel , Leamington Priors 431—St . George , Masonic Hall , Norfolk-streot , N . Shields 411—Three Grand Principles , Red Lion Hotel , Petty Curry , Cambridge 482—St . James ' s , Masonic Rooms , Wretham Road , Handsworth , Staffordshire 597—St . Oybi , Town Hall , Holyhead 622—St . Cuthborga , Masonic Hall , Wimborne
604—Oakley , Masonic Hah , Basingstoke 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 850—St . Oswald , Town Hall , Ashbourne , Derbvshire 1009—Shakspeare , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester 1045—Stamford , Town Hall , Altrincham , Cheshire 1050—Gundulph , King ' s Head Hotel , Rochester 1051—Rowley , Athenaeum , Lancaster
1077—Wilton , Red Lion Inn , Blackley , Lancashire 1108—Riyal Wharfedalo , Private Room , Boroughgate , Otley , Yorks 1124—St . Oswald , Wynnstay Arms Hotel , Oswestry 1180—Forward , Masonic Rooms , New Hall-street , Birmingham 1211—Goderich , Masonic Hall , Gt . George-street , Leeds 1239—Wentworth , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . 1264—Neptune , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1302—De Warren , Masonic Hall , White Swan Hotel , Halifax . 1380—Skelmersdale , Queen ' s Hotel , Waterloo , Liverpool
1419—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury at 8 ( Instruction ) 1519—Albert Edward , Albion Hotel , Clayton-le-Moors , near Accrington 1573—Caradoc , Masonic Hall . Caer-street , Swansea . 1578—Merlin , New Inn Hotel , Pontypridd , South Wales 1674— Caradoc , Town Hall , Rhyl 1679—St . Nicholas , Freemasons * Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 1798—Zion , Hulme Town Hall , Manchester . R . A . 262—Salopian , The Lion Hotel , Shrewsbury R . A , 380—Integrity , Masonic Temple , Morley M . M . 37—Wvndham , Masonic Hall , Church-street , Basingstoke .
Colonial Board , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 55—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Southampton-blrtsrs ., Holborn , at 7 ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C , at 7 . ( Instruction ) Ml—Faith , 2 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 172—Old Concord , Freemasons * Hall , W . C . 177—Domatic , Surrey Masonic Hall . Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 551—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ( Instruction ) 763—Prince Frederick William , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Woodat 8 ( Inst . )
, 765—St . James , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark 860—Dalhousie , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1044—Wandsworth , Star and Garter Hotel , St . Ann ' s-hill , Wandsworth ( Inst . ) 1298—Royal Standard , Cluj , Upper-street , Islington 1349—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1360—Royal Arthur , D . of Cambridge , 316 Bridge-rd ., Battersea Park , at 8 ( In ) 1381—Kennington , Surrey Tavern , Kennington Oval 1416—Mount Kdgcumbe , 19 Jermyn-street , S . W ., nt 8 ( Instruction )
1471—Islington , The Moorgate . 15 Finsbury Pavement , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1472—Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1558—D . Connaught , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , at 8 ( In . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Crown and Woolpack , St . John's-st .-rd ., at 8 ( In ) 1668—Samson , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 1707—Eleanor , Trocadero , Broad-streot-buildings , Liverpool-street , 6 . 30 ( Inst ) R . A . 1365—Clapton , White Hart Tavern , Clapton , at 8 . ( Instruction ) Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement , Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , 6 . 30 .
70—St . John , Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth 103—Beaufort , Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . 117—Wynnstay , Ravon Hotel , Shrewsbury , at 8 ( Instruction ) 120—Palladian , Green Dnigo ; i Hotel , Hereford . 121—Marquis of Granby , Freemasons' Hall , Old Elvet , Durham 158—Adams , Masonic Rooms , Victoria Hall , Trinity-road , Sheerness 209—Etonian , Masonic Hall , Windsor 226—Benevolence , Red Lion Hotel , Littlcboroush .
241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 630 . ( Instruction ) 248—True Love and Unity , Freemasons' Hall , Brixham , Devon 265—Royal Yorkshire , Masonic Club , Hanover-street , Keighley 361—Cambrian , Masonic Hall , Neath . 393—St . David , Masons'Hall , The Parade , Berwick 193—Royal Lebanon , Spread Eagle , Gloucester 558—Temple , Town Hall , Folkestone . 673— St . John , Masonio HallLiverpool .
, 734—Londesborough , Masonic Hall , Bridlington Quay . 794—Warden , Royal Hotel , Sutton Coldfield 804—Carnarvon , Masonic Hall , Havant . 847—Fortescue , Manor House , Honiton , Devon . 948—St . Barnabas , Masonic Room , Linslade , Loighton Buzzard 860—Bute . Masonic Hall , 9 Working-street , Cardiff .
995—Furness , Masonic Hall , Ulverston . 9 ° 2—Skiddaw , Lodge Room , Market-place , Cockermouth . 134-Newall , Freemasons' Hall , Salford . £ «—Marwood , Freemasons' Hall , Redcar . 322—Waverley , Caledonia Inn , Ashton-nnder-Lyne . was—Square and Compass , Corn Exchange , Wrexham .
Diary For The Week.
1473—Bootle , 140 Berry-street , Bootle , at 6 . ( Instruction . ) 1188—St . Eloth , Castle Hotel , Amlwch , Anglesea 1750—Uoleridgo , Sandringham House , Clevedon . R . A . 203—St . John of Jerusalem , Masonio Hall , Liverpool . R . A . 296—Loyalty , Froemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . M . M . 69—United Service , Assembly Rooms , liiompton , Chatham . M . M . 115—Bedford , Masouic Hall , New-street , Birmiugham .
New Year ' s Entertainment to the " Old Folks , " R . M . B . I . Asylum , Croydon 193—Contidenco , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 ( Instruction ) 22-i—United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndalo-rd ., Caiudeu-town , 8 ( In . ) 538—La Tolerance , Green Dragon , 3 Jlartdox-streot , W ., at 7 . 45 ( lust . ) 720—Panmure , Balham Hotol , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ) 781—Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Bimlott-. iiatl , K ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 813—New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 86!—Whittingtou , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-street , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Grcon , at 7 ( Instruction )
1327—Upton , King and Qneen , Norton Folgate , E . C , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coatts . Lamb Tavern , opposite Bethnal G . Junct ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1238—Finsbury Park , Alwyne Castle , Highbury , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1475—Peckham , Lord Wellington Hotol , 516 Old Kent-road , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1521—Duko of Connaught , Havelock , Albion Road , Dalston , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1662—Beaconsflo'd , Chequers , Marsh Street . Walthamstow , at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1707—Elonnor , Ship and Turtlo , Leadenhall Street , E . G . 1791—Creaton , Princo Albert Tavern , Portobello-ter ., Notting-hill-gate ( Inst . ) R . A . 177—Domatic . Union Tavern . Air-street , Rogent-st ., at 8 ( Instruction )
71—Athol , Masonic Hall , Severn-street , Birmingham . 293—Harmony , Masonio Rooms , Ann-street , Rochdale 326—Moira , Freemasons' Hall , Park-street , Bristol 327—Wigton St . John , Lion and Lamb , Wigton 406—Northern Counties , Freemasons' Hall , Maple-street , Nowcastle-on-Tyno 417—Faith and Unanimity , Masonic Hall , Dorchestor 429—Royal Navy , Royal Hotel , Ramsgate 471—Silurian , Freemasons' Hall , Dock-street , Newport , Monmouthshire .
594—Downsuire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 611—Marches , Old Rectory , Ludlow 615—Humphrey Chesham , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester . 673—St . John , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 673—Earl Ellesmero , Church Hotel , Kersley , Farnworth , near Bolton . 972—St . Augustine , Masonic Hall , Canterbury ( Instruction . ) 992—St . Thomas , Griffin Hotel , Lower Broughton . 1010—Kingston , Masonic Hall , Worship-street , Hull .
1013—Royal Victoria , Masonic Hall , Liverpool . 1037—Portland , Portland Hall , Portland . ( Instruction . ) 1085—Hartington , Masonic Hall , Gower-street , Derby 1091—Erme . Erme House , Ivybridge , Devon 1167—Alnwick , Masonic Hall , Claypovt-street , Alnwick 1274—Earl of Durham , Freemasons' Hall , Chester-le-Street . 1323—Talbot , Masonic Rooms , Wind-street , Swansea 1335—Lindsay , 20 King-street , Wigan . 1354—Marquis of Lome , Masonic Rooms , Leigh , Lancashire .
1356—Do Grey and Ripon , 140 North Hill Street , Toxteth Park , Liverpool ( In . ) 1363—Tyndall , Town Hall , Chipping Sodbury , Gloucester . 1431—St . Alphege , George Hotel , Solihull 1511—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea , Hull . ( Instruction . ) 1620—Marlborough , Derby Hall . Tue Brook , Liverpool R . A . 300—Perseverance , Pitt and Nelson Hotel , Ashton-nnder-Lyne . R . A . 304—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Gt . George-street , Leeds M . M . 36—Furness , Hartington Hotel , Duke-street , Barrow-in-Furness . M . M . 65—West Lancashire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool
3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fuzroy-sq ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 15—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , at 7 . 1 'J ( Instruction ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street , Lambeth , at 8 ( Instruction ) 211—St . Michael , The Moorgate , Moorgate Street , E . G ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 135—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W .-, at 8 ( Inst . ) 551—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney 751—High Cross , Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham , at 8 ( Instruction )
1283—Finsbury Park , Cock Tavern , Highbury 1426—The Great City , Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , E . G ., at 0 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1445—Prince Leopold , Mitford Tavern , Sandringham-road , Dalston 1614—Covent Garden , Nag's Head , James Street , Covent Garden , at 7 . 45 ( Inst . ) R . A . 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John's Wood , at 8 ( Inst . ) R . A . 1471—North London , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N „ at 8 . ( Inst . ) R . A . 1507—Metropolitan , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-stTeet , E . C . M . M . 199- Duke of Connaught , Bell Hotel , Shoreditch . ( Instruction . )
24—Newcastle-on-Tyne , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-sfc ., Newcastle . 31—United Industrious , Masonio Room , Canterbury 38—Union , Council Chamber , Chichester 41—Royal Cumberland , Masonic Hall . Old Orchard-street , Bath 50—Knights of Malta , George Hotel , Hinckley , Leicestershire 123—Lennox , Freemasons' Hall , Richmond , Yorkshire 249—Mariners , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 254—Trinity , Craven Arms Hotel , Coventry
266—Napthali , Masonic Hall , Market-place , Heywood 269—Fidelity , White Bull Hotel , Blackburn 289—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds 294—Constitutional , Assembly Rooms , Beverley , Yorks 295—Combermere Union , Macclesfield Arms , Macclesfield 300—Minerva , Pitt and Nelson , Ashton-nnder-Lyne 309—Harmony , Red Lion , Fareham 317—Affability , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester .
419—St . Peter , Starand Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . 425—Cestrian , Grosvenor Hotel , Chester . 410—Benevolent , Town Hall , Wells , Somersetshire 463—East Snrrey of Concord , Greyhound , Croydon . 609—Tees , Freemasons' Hall , Stockton , Durham . 637—Portland , Masonic Rooms , Town Hall , Stoke-upon-Trent . 792—Pelham Pillar , Masonio Hall , Bullring-lane , Great Grimsby . 913—Pattison , Lord Raglan Tavern , Plumstead .
974—Pentalpha , New Masonic Hall , Darley-street , Bradford 1012—Prince of Wales , Derby Hotel , Bury , Lancashire . 1074—Unclerley , Masonic Room , Market-place , Kirkby Lonsdale 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 * 30 ( Instruction ) 1231—Savile , Royal Hotel , Elland 1282—Ancholme , Foresters * Hall , Brigg , Lincolnshire 1284—Brent , Globe Hotel , Topsham , Devonshire 1304—Olive Union , Masonic Hall , Horncastle , Lincolnshire
1360—Royal Arthur , Village Club Lecture Hall , Wimbledon 1381—Equity , Alfordo Chambers , Widnes 1473—Bootle , 146 B rry-street , Bootle . 1500—Walpole , Bell Hotel , Norwich 1504—Red Rose of Lancaster , Starkie ' s Arms Hotel , Padiham , near Burnley 1513—Friendly , Kinjr ' s Head Hotel , Barnsley 15 S 0—Cranbourne , Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1591—Cedewain , Public Rooms . Newtown , Montgomeryshire
1612—West Middlesex , Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1639—Watling-street , Cock Hotel , Stoney Stratford , Bucks 1790—Old England , Masonic Hall , New Thornton Heath 1807—Loyal Wye , Builth , Breconshire R . A . 325—St . John , Freemasons' Hall , Islington-square , Salford R . A . 758—Bridgwater , Freemasons' Hall , Runcorn , Cheshire R . A . 1016—Elkington , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham M . M . 53—Britannia , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield
Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction )