Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article JAMAICA. Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTH AFRICA. Page 1 of 1 Article DEVON MASONIC EDUCATIONAL FUND. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 554 . —At the regular meeting , on Tuesday , 28 th ult ., at Bro . A . Walter ' s , Green Dragon , Stepney , E ., Bro . Dr . Thomas Loane officiated as W . M ., and was supported by Bros . W . Cross ( Sec . ) as S . W ., Lax J . W ., J . Andrews P . M . Acting Preceptor , J . Taylor Deacon , J . E . Shingfield l . G . ; also Bros . Anderson , Stephens , Clark , & c . Lodge having been
dnly opened , after preliminaries the ceremony of initiation was most ably worked , Bro . Shingfield candidate . Tho W . M . next proceeded to work the first section of the lecture , afterwards calling upon Bro . Andrews to work tho second , third , and fourth sections , the brethren assisting . Bro . H . Clark , United Mariners' Lodge , No . 30 , was unanimously eleoted a member of the Lodge , and returned thanks . Bro .
Walter was re-elected to the chair for the ensuing meeting . The next bnsiness transacted was of a very pleasing nature , viz ., the conferring npon the W . M . Bro . T . Loane a cordial vote of thanks for the skilful and able manner in which he had discharged the duties of W . M . for the first time in this Lodge . This having been done in a hearty manner , Bro . Loane expressed his appreciation of this mark
of esteem , and trusted ho should , by continning to work as hard as he had done during the last fourteen months , be enabled to give them satisfaction on many similar occasions . Lodge was then closed , and adjourned till the first Tuesday in January . We are glad to note the steady improvement in the attendance which has taken place during the last few months . Brethren seeking
instruction will find the Yarborough Lodge a capital means of obtaining it , combined with all the comforts of a well-appointed Lodgeroom . The Fifteen Sections will be worked at this Lodge in January by Bro . J . Andrews P . M . 1227 . Particulars will be duly announced , and , from the names already promised , a capital rendering may be relied upon .
King ' s Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 1732 . —On the 26 th inst ., at Bro . Devine ' s , Blue Posts , Charlotte-street , Fitzroysquare . Bro . F . Silvester W . M ., L . Jacobs S . W ., B . Kauffman J . W ., Devine Treas ., L . Solomon Sec , Solomon S . D ., Davis J . D ., N . Vallentine I . G ., Hemming Preceptor , and Bros . 0 . Josephs , J . Edwards , H . M . Levy , H . L . Phillips , & o . After preliminaries the
first section of the first lecture was worked , and the ceremony of initiation rehearsed , Bro . H . L . Phillips candidate . The second section of the second lecture was worked by the brethren , who were ably assisted by Bro . Hemming . The ceremony of passing was then rehearsed , Bro . Edwards acting as candidate . Bro . L . Jacobs was elected W . M . for the next meeting .
The Royal Arthur Lodge of Instruction , No . 1360 , will remove from the Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea , to the Duke of Cambridge , 216 Bridge-road , Battersea Park , five minutes' walk from Battersea Station , three minutes' walk from the Prince's Head . The latter establishment has been purchased by Bro . J . Wright , owing to the Prince ' s Head being pulled down for improvements . Tbe
ceremony of installation will be worked on the 4 th of January 1881 , being the first night of meeting in the new establishment , on which occasion Bro . Radoliffe , W . M . of St . Michael ' s , 211 , has consented to rehearse the ceremony . It is intended , after the bnsiness of the Lodge , to present a purse of money , as a testimonial , to the late Preceptor Bro . King , as a token of tbe regard and esteem in which he is held by the brethren of this Lodge of Instruction .
United Service Lodge , No . 1873 . —Was consecrated at the Masonio Hall , 57 Hanover-street , Kingston , on the 6 th December , by R . W . Bro . Altamont de Cordova Deputy District G . Master in charge of the district , assisted by the Grand Wardens , Bros . J . L . Ashenheim and 0 . W . Tait , and the District Grand Secretary Bro . G . C . H . Lewis . The W . M . designate Commander A . W . Warry ,
R . N ., was then installed in the chair of K . S ., and appointed his Officers as follow : —Deputy Commissary Pearson as P . M ., Captain W . Marvin as S . W ., Dr . M . P . Cormac McCoraiac as J . W ., F . S . Sangninetti as S . D ., J . A . Harvey as J . D ., Lieut . A . R . Hampton 2 nd W . I . Regiment , as I . G ., George Magnus as Tyler , Captain T . Bell as Treasurer , J . Lucie-Smith as Secretary , the Eev . Dr . H . Croskery as
Chaplain , A . H . Jones as Organist , Lient . Hastings , R . N ., as Steward , and Captain Coward as Director of Ceremonies . Bros . A . de Cordova , the Hon . J . C . Mackglasban , C . W . Tait , W . Lee Mudon , John Harris , Moses Delgado , Captain Karl H . A . Mainwaring R . N ., and J . H . de Pass were elected as Honorary Members . Bro . de Pass presented to set of jewels for the use of the Lodge , which formerly belonged to the
Lod ge of Harmony . The following brethren were elected as joining members : —A . H . Alexander J . P ., Inspector Lindesay Crosbie J . O ., Thomas G . Dundas Brougbton J . P ., Captain Eichard Bingham 2 nd W . I . Regiment , E . Sangninetti , and Lieut . Percy 0 Brien 1 st W . I . Regiment . Hearty good wishes were offered for the prosperit y of the new Lodge by tho District Grand Lodge , and the Royal , Friendly , and Sussex Lodges . Lieut . J . W . H . Harwood 2 nd
W . I . Regiment , and Deputy Assistant Commissary General VVhitehead were proposed as candidates for initiation . Tho forma-1 ° fw f the Lo ( 3 8 e originated with the late Bro . T . Nicholson P . M ., 1 st W . I . Regiment , and since his lamented death the work of organisation has been carried on by Bro . Captain W . Portlock Dadson P . M ., ¦ r . District Grand Deacon , and the Lodge opens with nearly thirty members on its roll . It will meet on the first Tuesday in the months of February , April , June , Augnst , October and December .
<< fS ™ D 0 WiYB pnrnnan Aim PILIS . —Health ' s Defences . —None savo the Mxmgest can with impunity pass through the sudden transitions from wet to oavi ' r » fc 0 mu S £ y weather , so provalent during tho late autumn and will ntTl i « Taot , th s- Influenza , bronchitis , cough , sore throat or qninsoy , of rh « .= „ , ? ? ost w » 'chful of their health ; but they can readily arrest any adinnonf , P'amts by rubbing Holloway's Ointment twice a day upon the skin annrrm ^ L - > ° * , cted Part , and by assisting its corrective action with S El ° « 08 ea ° / hls P , - ™ well-known , safe , and easy mode of treatout ! v « w- y protects , invalid both from prosent and future danger with' weakening or even depressing tho system in the slightest degree .
South Africa.
Peace and Harmony Lodge . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 24 th November , at DuToits Pan , Diamond Fields , South Africa . Present : —Charles Roberts W . M ., D . Van Ulsen D . M ., B . Klisser S . W ., J . B . King J . W ., E . Isaacs Hon . Sec , A . Yockmonitz Treas ., Jno . Sonbeek Orator , E . Garisch M . C , D . Avis Amb ., A . J . Wolhuter Aim ., W . Kuipers Arch , and Steward ,
H . N . Campbell acting I . G ., S . W . Green Tyler ; also Bros . R . C . Partridge , W . H . Vilgeon , J . Creewel , C . J . Barnes , J . Sonnenbnrg , C . Aburron . Visitors—Bros . David Harris , P . Tallerman , C . Allen , M . Ettling , C . La Rine , and about ten others . Lodge opened in 1 st degree , when the W . M . stated that as there was so much work before the Lodge , he had convened this emergency meeting for the
purpose of raising Bros . Creewel and Barnes . Lodge was then passed to second degree , when the candidates , after answering the necessary questions in a manner which proved to the brethren that they had made considerable progre 33 in the science , retired . Lodge was raised to the third degree , when the candidates re-entered the Temple and were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M .,
in a most solemn manner . The labours being ended in that degree , the Lodge was reduced to the first . The W . M . thanked the Visitors for their attendance , and , commenting in praiseworthy terms on the fraternal feeling that existed between tbe brethren at the Diamond Fields , once more he thanked them on behalf of the Peace and
Harmony Lodge for their attendance , at the same time assuring them of a hearty welcome on next Lodge night ( 1 st Dec ) , when there wonld be a candidate for initiation . Bro . David Harris ( Charles Warren Lodge ) thanked the Lodge for the welcome the Visitors had received , complimented the W . M . on his working , and wished the Lodge prosperity and success . Lodge was then closed .
On Wednesday , 1 st December . Officers present—Bros . C . Roberts W . M ., D . Van TJlsen D . M ., B . Klisser S . W ., J . B . King J . W ., E . Isaacs Hon . Sec , A . Yockmonitz Treasurer , D . Avis Amb ., W . Kuipers Arch , and Steward , H . W . Campbell acting I . G ., S . W . Green Tyler , Visitors—Bros . P . Tallerman ( Riohard Giddy Lodge ) , E . Wells , W . F . Richardson , Jas . W . Marshall ( Atbole ) , A . McDonald ( Cale .
Soman 354 ) , G . A . Ettling ( Unie Bloemfonfcein ) , G . A . Dowling , John Foote ( 724 Derby ) ; and several others . After preliminaries , a letter was read from D . D . G . M . Griqualand , soliciting assistance on behalf of Rev . Bro . E . W . Stenson , who is at present serving as Chaplain to the field force now in Basutoland . While ministering to the wants and comforts of the sick , wounded , and dying , the enemy carried off all
the property he had in the world . After the letter had been read ,- it was resolved to contribute £ 10 out of the Poor Fund of tbe Lodge , md the collection made for the evening to be added . An application ivas read from Mr . Arthur Bainbridge to become a Freemason , and Bro . Alfred Farr ( Lodge Meltham , No . 1205 , Devon ) was proposed as a , joining member . After some accounts were passed for payment , Mr . William Herbert Lomas , the candidate for initiation , was
in-; rodnced and duly initiated into the mysteries of our Order by the SVM . Bro . D . M . gave the Charge . The W . M . reminded the brethren that the collection for the evening was voted to our dis . iressed Bro . Rev . E . W . Stenson . Bro . Almoner went on his journey , md returned with a very handsome amount . The Visitors were ihanked for their attendance . Hearty good wishes were expressed , ) he Lodge was then closed , and the brethren departed in peace tnd harmony .
Devon Masonic Educational Fund.
THERE was a meeting of the Committee appointed to carry out the details of the Concert in aid of the above Institution at the Huyshe Masonic Temple on Thursday , 23 rd ult . There was a large attendance , and it was arranged that the official programme should be advertised early in January . The date will be tbe 26 th January . The list of patrons is large , and the brethren may hope to welcome their esteemed P . G . Master Viscount Ebrington on the occasion .
It is probable that on the 27 th January there will be held a special Provincial Grand Lodge of the Province of Devon . It will be held at Torrington for the purpose of consecrating the new Lodge Torridge , a Warrant for which has been granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . The Committee of Petitions for the Province will be held at the same time and place , to consider petitions and elect the chairman and officers . —Western Daily Mercury .
BPPS'S COCOA . GRATEFUL AND COMPORTING . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and hy a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease . Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point . We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood , and a properly nourished frame . " —Civil Service Gazette . JAMES EPPS & CO ., Homceopathic Chemists . Also Makers of Eppss chocolate Essence for Afternoon use .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 554 . —At the regular meeting , on Tuesday , 28 th ult ., at Bro . A . Walter ' s , Green Dragon , Stepney , E ., Bro . Dr . Thomas Loane officiated as W . M ., and was supported by Bros . W . Cross ( Sec . ) as S . W ., Lax J . W ., J . Andrews P . M . Acting Preceptor , J . Taylor Deacon , J . E . Shingfield l . G . ; also Bros . Anderson , Stephens , Clark , & c . Lodge having been
dnly opened , after preliminaries the ceremony of initiation was most ably worked , Bro . Shingfield candidate . Tho W . M . next proceeded to work the first section of the lecture , afterwards calling upon Bro . Andrews to work tho second , third , and fourth sections , the brethren assisting . Bro . H . Clark , United Mariners' Lodge , No . 30 , was unanimously eleoted a member of the Lodge , and returned thanks . Bro .
Walter was re-elected to the chair for the ensuing meeting . The next bnsiness transacted was of a very pleasing nature , viz ., the conferring npon the W . M . Bro . T . Loane a cordial vote of thanks for the skilful and able manner in which he had discharged the duties of W . M . for the first time in this Lodge . This having been done in a hearty manner , Bro . Loane expressed his appreciation of this mark
of esteem , and trusted ho should , by continning to work as hard as he had done during the last fourteen months , be enabled to give them satisfaction on many similar occasions . Lodge was then closed , and adjourned till the first Tuesday in January . We are glad to note the steady improvement in the attendance which has taken place during the last few months . Brethren seeking
instruction will find the Yarborough Lodge a capital means of obtaining it , combined with all the comforts of a well-appointed Lodgeroom . The Fifteen Sections will be worked at this Lodge in January by Bro . J . Andrews P . M . 1227 . Particulars will be duly announced , and , from the names already promised , a capital rendering may be relied upon .
King ' s Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 1732 . —On the 26 th inst ., at Bro . Devine ' s , Blue Posts , Charlotte-street , Fitzroysquare . Bro . F . Silvester W . M ., L . Jacobs S . W ., B . Kauffman J . W ., Devine Treas ., L . Solomon Sec , Solomon S . D ., Davis J . D ., N . Vallentine I . G ., Hemming Preceptor , and Bros . 0 . Josephs , J . Edwards , H . M . Levy , H . L . Phillips , & o . After preliminaries the
first section of the first lecture was worked , and the ceremony of initiation rehearsed , Bro . H . L . Phillips candidate . The second section of the second lecture was worked by the brethren , who were ably assisted by Bro . Hemming . The ceremony of passing was then rehearsed , Bro . Edwards acting as candidate . Bro . L . Jacobs was elected W . M . for the next meeting .
The Royal Arthur Lodge of Instruction , No . 1360 , will remove from the Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea , to the Duke of Cambridge , 216 Bridge-road , Battersea Park , five minutes' walk from Battersea Station , three minutes' walk from the Prince's Head . The latter establishment has been purchased by Bro . J . Wright , owing to the Prince ' s Head being pulled down for improvements . Tbe
ceremony of installation will be worked on the 4 th of January 1881 , being the first night of meeting in the new establishment , on which occasion Bro . Radoliffe , W . M . of St . Michael ' s , 211 , has consented to rehearse the ceremony . It is intended , after the bnsiness of the Lodge , to present a purse of money , as a testimonial , to the late Preceptor Bro . King , as a token of tbe regard and esteem in which he is held by the brethren of this Lodge of Instruction .
United Service Lodge , No . 1873 . —Was consecrated at the Masonio Hall , 57 Hanover-street , Kingston , on the 6 th December , by R . W . Bro . Altamont de Cordova Deputy District G . Master in charge of the district , assisted by the Grand Wardens , Bros . J . L . Ashenheim and 0 . W . Tait , and the District Grand Secretary Bro . G . C . H . Lewis . The W . M . designate Commander A . W . Warry ,
R . N ., was then installed in the chair of K . S ., and appointed his Officers as follow : —Deputy Commissary Pearson as P . M ., Captain W . Marvin as S . W ., Dr . M . P . Cormac McCoraiac as J . W ., F . S . Sangninetti as S . D ., J . A . Harvey as J . D ., Lieut . A . R . Hampton 2 nd W . I . Regiment , as I . G ., George Magnus as Tyler , Captain T . Bell as Treasurer , J . Lucie-Smith as Secretary , the Eev . Dr . H . Croskery as
Chaplain , A . H . Jones as Organist , Lient . Hastings , R . N ., as Steward , and Captain Coward as Director of Ceremonies . Bros . A . de Cordova , the Hon . J . C . Mackglasban , C . W . Tait , W . Lee Mudon , John Harris , Moses Delgado , Captain Karl H . A . Mainwaring R . N ., and J . H . de Pass were elected as Honorary Members . Bro . de Pass presented to set of jewels for the use of the Lodge , which formerly belonged to the
Lod ge of Harmony . The following brethren were elected as joining members : —A . H . Alexander J . P ., Inspector Lindesay Crosbie J . O ., Thomas G . Dundas Brougbton J . P ., Captain Eichard Bingham 2 nd W . I . Regiment , E . Sangninetti , and Lieut . Percy 0 Brien 1 st W . I . Regiment . Hearty good wishes were offered for the prosperit y of the new Lodge by tho District Grand Lodge , and the Royal , Friendly , and Sussex Lodges . Lieut . J . W . H . Harwood 2 nd
W . I . Regiment , and Deputy Assistant Commissary General VVhitehead were proposed as candidates for initiation . Tho forma-1 ° fw f the Lo ( 3 8 e originated with the late Bro . T . Nicholson P . M ., 1 st W . I . Regiment , and since his lamented death the work of organisation has been carried on by Bro . Captain W . Portlock Dadson P . M ., ¦ r . District Grand Deacon , and the Lodge opens with nearly thirty members on its roll . It will meet on the first Tuesday in the months of February , April , June , Augnst , October and December .
<< fS ™ D 0 WiYB pnrnnan Aim PILIS . —Health ' s Defences . —None savo the Mxmgest can with impunity pass through the sudden transitions from wet to oavi ' r » fc 0 mu S £ y weather , so provalent during tho late autumn and will ntTl i « Taot , th s- Influenza , bronchitis , cough , sore throat or qninsoy , of rh « .= „ , ? ? ost w » 'chful of their health ; but they can readily arrest any adinnonf , P'amts by rubbing Holloway's Ointment twice a day upon the skin annrrm ^ L - > ° * , cted Part , and by assisting its corrective action with S El ° « 08 ea ° / hls P , - ™ well-known , safe , and easy mode of treatout ! v « w- y protects , invalid both from prosent and future danger with' weakening or even depressing tho system in the slightest degree .
South Africa.
Peace and Harmony Lodge . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 24 th November , at DuToits Pan , Diamond Fields , South Africa . Present : —Charles Roberts W . M ., D . Van Ulsen D . M ., B . Klisser S . W ., J . B . King J . W ., E . Isaacs Hon . Sec , A . Yockmonitz Treas ., Jno . Sonbeek Orator , E . Garisch M . C , D . Avis Amb ., A . J . Wolhuter Aim ., W . Kuipers Arch , and Steward ,
H . N . Campbell acting I . G ., S . W . Green Tyler ; also Bros . R . C . Partridge , W . H . Vilgeon , J . Creewel , C . J . Barnes , J . Sonnenbnrg , C . Aburron . Visitors—Bros . David Harris , P . Tallerman , C . Allen , M . Ettling , C . La Rine , and about ten others . Lodge opened in 1 st degree , when the W . M . stated that as there was so much work before the Lodge , he had convened this emergency meeting for the
purpose of raising Bros . Creewel and Barnes . Lodge was then passed to second degree , when the candidates , after answering the necessary questions in a manner which proved to the brethren that they had made considerable progre 33 in the science , retired . Lodge was raised to the third degree , when the candidates re-entered the Temple and were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M .,
in a most solemn manner . The labours being ended in that degree , the Lodge was reduced to the first . The W . M . thanked the Visitors for their attendance , and , commenting in praiseworthy terms on the fraternal feeling that existed between tbe brethren at the Diamond Fields , once more he thanked them on behalf of the Peace and
Harmony Lodge for their attendance , at the same time assuring them of a hearty welcome on next Lodge night ( 1 st Dec ) , when there wonld be a candidate for initiation . Bro . David Harris ( Charles Warren Lodge ) thanked the Lodge for the welcome the Visitors had received , complimented the W . M . on his working , and wished the Lodge prosperity and success . Lodge was then closed .
On Wednesday , 1 st December . Officers present—Bros . C . Roberts W . M ., D . Van TJlsen D . M ., B . Klisser S . W ., J . B . King J . W ., E . Isaacs Hon . Sec , A . Yockmonitz Treasurer , D . Avis Amb ., W . Kuipers Arch , and Steward , H . W . Campbell acting I . G ., S . W . Green Tyler , Visitors—Bros . P . Tallerman ( Riohard Giddy Lodge ) , E . Wells , W . F . Richardson , Jas . W . Marshall ( Atbole ) , A . McDonald ( Cale .
Soman 354 ) , G . A . Ettling ( Unie Bloemfonfcein ) , G . A . Dowling , John Foote ( 724 Derby ) ; and several others . After preliminaries , a letter was read from D . D . G . M . Griqualand , soliciting assistance on behalf of Rev . Bro . E . W . Stenson , who is at present serving as Chaplain to the field force now in Basutoland . While ministering to the wants and comforts of the sick , wounded , and dying , the enemy carried off all
the property he had in the world . After the letter had been read ,- it was resolved to contribute £ 10 out of the Poor Fund of tbe Lodge , md the collection made for the evening to be added . An application ivas read from Mr . Arthur Bainbridge to become a Freemason , and Bro . Alfred Farr ( Lodge Meltham , No . 1205 , Devon ) was proposed as a , joining member . After some accounts were passed for payment , Mr . William Herbert Lomas , the candidate for initiation , was
in-; rodnced and duly initiated into the mysteries of our Order by the SVM . Bro . D . M . gave the Charge . The W . M . reminded the brethren that the collection for the evening was voted to our dis . iressed Bro . Rev . E . W . Stenson . Bro . Almoner went on his journey , md returned with a very handsome amount . The Visitors were ihanked for their attendance . Hearty good wishes were expressed , ) he Lodge was then closed , and the brethren departed in peace tnd harmony .
Devon Masonic Educational Fund.
THERE was a meeting of the Committee appointed to carry out the details of the Concert in aid of the above Institution at the Huyshe Masonic Temple on Thursday , 23 rd ult . There was a large attendance , and it was arranged that the official programme should be advertised early in January . The date will be tbe 26 th January . The list of patrons is large , and the brethren may hope to welcome their esteemed P . G . Master Viscount Ebrington on the occasion .
It is probable that on the 27 th January there will be held a special Provincial Grand Lodge of the Province of Devon . It will be held at Torrington for the purpose of consecrating the new Lodge Torridge , a Warrant for which has been granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . The Committee of Petitions for the Province will be held at the same time and place , to consider petitions and elect the chairman and officers . —Western Daily Mercury .
BPPS'S COCOA . GRATEFUL AND COMPORTING . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and hy a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease . Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point . We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood , and a properly nourished frame . " —Civil Service Gazette . JAMES EPPS & CO ., Homceopathic Chemists . Also Makers of Eppss chocolate Essence for Afternoon use .