Article POMFRET LODGE, No. 360. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. MARTIN'S LODGE, No. 510, LISKEARD. Page 1 of 1 Article LOYAL VICTORIA LODGE, No. 557, CALLINGTON. Page 1 of 1 Article ELMS LODGE No. 1212. Page 1 of 1
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Pomfret Lodge, No. 360.
POMFRET LODGE , No . 360 .
MONDAY being St . John's Day , the annual Festival of this Lodge took place at the Masonio nail , Abiivjrton-street , Northampton . In the afternoon the brethren met at tho Lodgo Room , when Bro . George EUard , the W . M . elect , was installed by Bro . Hamilton W . Parker . Bro . J . T . Green P . M . D . C . occupied tho S . W . chair , and Bro . Butler Wilkins D . P . G . M . tho J . W . chair . Amongst the brethren present of the Pomfret Lodge were T . R . Wood
I . P . M ., George EUard S . W . and W . M . elect , John Bingley J . W ., Rev . S . J . W . Sanders Chaplain , Butler Wilkins Treasurer , George Robinson P . M . Secretary , Frederick James Airs S . D ., John J . Hart -J . D ., Frederiok J . Dufty I . G ., Edward Haynes Steward ; and P . M . 's Bros . M . A . Boeme P . M . 1764 , John Kellett , J . U . Stanton , John T . Green , and the following members : —Bros . Henry J . Atkins
W . M . 1764 , Jos . Sadler , Henry Spoor S . D . 1764 , Henry Hill , Robert McClnre , Henry A . Robinson , Alfred Cockorill , Henry Brown S . W . 1764 , Henry Timpson . The Eleanor Cross Lodge was represented by J . W . Linnett , J . Manning , C H . Frank Sec , T . Emery J . S ., Rov . S . Wathen Wigg P . G . C N . and H . and L . and R ., Richard Croft Assist . Org ., Eli Morris J . D ., R . J . Johnston , Sam S . Campion . Also
present—Arthur E . Greville W . M ., William Whitton P . M ., and Thos , Oldham J . D . Fidelity Lodge , Towcester , Arthur Littlewood Northern Counties 586 , G . Carrick P . M . 327 809 P . P . G . S . W . Cambridgeshire , and others . The ceremony of installation was performed with great impressiveness by Bro . Parker . The W . M . having been duly in . stalled , proceeded to invest his officers for tho ensuing year as fob
lows : Bros . Jno . Bingley S . W ., ! F . J . Airs J . W ., S . J . W . Sanders P . M . 1764 Chaplain , Butler Wilkins P . M . D . P . G . M . Treas ., Geo . Robinson P . M . Sec , J . J . Hart S . D ., F . J . Dufty J . D ., John Townley Green P . M . D . C , Jos . Sadler I . G ., J . U . Stanton P . M . P . P . G . S . D ., and Edward Haynes Stewards , Charles Dean and William Kirby Tylers . The installation banquet was held subsequently in the
Masonic Hall , being provided by Mr . and Mrs . Forth , of the Peacock and Midland Hotel . The room had been very tastefully decorated by Bro . Jos . Jeffery , of Gold-street . The ohair was occupied by the newly-installed W . M . Bro . Geo . EUard . The cloth having been withdrawn , and the usual toasts duly honoured , Past Master Geo . Robinson gave The Right Worshipful his Grace the Duke of
Manchester Prov . G . M . of Norths and Hunts , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the Past Officers of tbe Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . Butler Wilkins , in responding , congratulated the W . M . on his installation , and then referred in sympathetic terms to the death during the past year of Bro . Cox , who had done so much to promote the interests of the Masonic Charities , and the extension of
Masonic principles . He congratulated the Pomfret Lodge on the unanimity and harmony of its working , and regretted they were not favoured with the presence of the Prov . G . M ., as it would act as a stimulus to Freemasonry . Bro . the Rev . S . Wathen Wigg gave the health of the Installing Master , whose performance of the ceremony he had rarely seen approaohed . It had been done
faultlessly and with an amount of energy and feeling which made it exceedingly impressive . Bro . Hamilton W . Parker spoke of the benefits derivable from the study of Masonic law and ceremony . It had a tendency to expand their ideas , aid to lead to higher things . Bro . Airs next proposed the Masonic Charities . Bro . J . U . Stanton , in responding , said they had such information given them lately
concerning the Charities , which might be regarded as the ornaments of the Craft , that it was unnecessary for him to speak about them at any length . He explained how he came to be proposed as Steward for the Institution for aged and Decayed Freemasons , on behalf of whom he made a special appeal , and stated that so far the response had been most gratifying and that he hoped to take at least
£ 120 and probably more to the Festival which takes place in February . Bro . J . T . Green proposed " The Worshipful Master of the Pomfret Lodge . " He remarked that it was a hackneyed observation for the proposer of a toast to make , that his was the toast of the evening . But he ( Bro . Green ) thought they would all agree with him in this , that the toast of their king—the representative of King
Solomonwas a most important one- They had been reminded before by Bro . Sanders of the old maxim , " The King never dies , " and he ( Bro . Green ) hoped that would always be trne in regard to the ruler of the Pomfret Lodge . They had just lost one bnt they had got another , Bro . Wood having been succeeded by Bro . Ellard , who had shown himself a sharp and acute Craftsman . He had watched his progress with much
pleasure , and felt sure that the working of the Lodge would be safe in his hands . They were not all gifted alike , and few of them in the same degree as Bro . Ellard , who had a most retentive memory , which would be of great help to him in the exalted position he now occupied . Being for the time the mouthpiece of the Lodge , he ( Bro . Green ) * was sure that he was expressing the feeling of every one present when he
said , " We wish him every happiness in the ensuing twelve months that Ire could wish for himself , and we feel certain that the Pomfret Lodge in his hands will continue to make progress . " The Worshipful Master , in responding said he felt more than he had ever felt beforo in his life the need of the ability to make a speech . After the very kind and considerate remarks which had been made he could only
say that he would do the best he could in the discharge of the dnties of the Office he had undertaken . With the example of so many excellent workers before him , he could hardly expect to attain to so high a standard as that which had been reached , but he could assure them that if he did not carry out the ceremonies to the superlative degree of perfection it would not be because his heart was not in Masonry , but rather because the ability and not the inclination was
wanting . He at least hoped to be able so to perform his dnties that his conduct should meet with their approval . The Worshipful Master afterwards gave the "Immediate Past Master , Bro . T . H . Wood , " who made a suitable response . The other toasts were " Tbe Past Masters , " " The Visiting Brethren , " "The W . M . and Brethren of the Eleanor Cross , " " The Officers of the Lodge , " " The Tyler ' s Toast . " A very plesant evening was spent .
St. Martin's Lodge, No. 510, Liskeard.
rnfTE members of this Lodgo colebrated tho Festival of St . John on * Monday , the 27 th nit ., when the W . M . elect , Bro . Oliver Colmer , was installed by his predecessor , Bro . John Harris , assisted by Bro . W . Nettle P . M . P . G . Steward , and the following Board of Installed Masters : —W . Bros . T . Lang P . M ., R . Coath P . M . P . G . Steward , R . A . Courtney P . M . P . P . S . G . D , T . White P . M . P . P . G . S . of Works , J . W .
Chegwidden P . M . P . P . G . D . C , W . IT . Kinsman P . M . 121 , W . P . Smith P . M . 856 P . P . G . S . of Works , n . De Leigh P . M . 420 , S . Mitchell P . M . 699 , P . G . Steward , W . Polkinghom P . M . 1151 P . G . Stoward . At tlio closo of tho installation the following brethren wero invested as tho Officers for tho ensuing year : —Bros . Wor . J . Harris I . P . M ., W . Sargent S . W ., J . Hill J . W ., the Rov . W . Fookes Chaplain , Thomas
White Treasnrer , R . A . Courtney Sceretarv , W . Hockon S . D ., T . E . Moon J . D ., G . R . Sandovs D . C , W . Hnddy Organist , E . Mallet l . G ., W . II . Stanton and T . Higman Stewards , and It . I ' enwarden Tyler . Bro . J . J . Lavnigoon was nnanimonsly elected Steward or tho CM . A . Fund . In the evening the brothrnn of tho Lodge , with several visitors , dined together at Webb ' s Hotel , where an enjoyable evening was spent .
Loyal Victoria Lodge, No. 557, Callington.
THE Annual Festival of this Lodge was held on Monday , a t tho Masonic Hall . Tho W . M . elect , Worshipful Bro . Georgo B . Woolcock , was installed by Worshipfnl Bro . C T . Pearce P . P . G . D ., assisted by Worshipful Bros . John Peter P . P . G . W ., T . B . Richards P . M ., and Richard Parkin P . M . At the close of tho installation , tho following brethren wero invested as the Officers for the ensuing
year : —Wor . Bros . Richard Parkin I . P . M ., W . Tamblyn S . W ., Georgo Morgan J . W ., Chas . T . Pearco Treasurer , J . T . Williams Secretary , W . Stephons S . D ., John H . Consins J . D ., J . Rabbago I . G ., Stephen Gt . Bennett D . C , William Bond Org ., D . Steer S . S ., Georgo Body J . S ., James Hen wood Tyler . Bro . T . B . Richards was unanimously reelected Steward of tho O . M . A . and B . F . Tho brethren of the Lodgo and Visitors dined together at Gelding ' s Hotel , the usnal Masonic
toasts being given and responded to . In the evoning an entertainment was held under tho auspices of the Ledge at Golding ' s Assembly Room , the chief attractions being Mr . Dowliug ' s admirable songs , and the excellent performance of Mr . Bodinuer ' s Qnadrillo Band . There was also an auction sale of surplns bazaar goods . Tho entertainment concluded with a dance . The attendance was very good , the room being crowded , and all seomed to have thoroughly enjoyed themselves .
Elms Lodge No. 1212.
ELMS LODGE No . 1212 .
THE annual meeting of this Lodge was hcld ' . on Tuesday , 28 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Home Park , Stoke . Bro . J . II . Trounce , the late Secretary , who had been previously unanimously elected , was installed the Worshipful Master for 1 S 81 . The very interesting ceremony was performed by the retiring Master Wor . Bro . Joseph Bassett , assisted by Wor . Bros . J . Ripper P . M . and T . G . BickleP . M .,
in the presence of a board of Installed Masters , amongst whom were Wor . Bros . S . S . Tremayne P . M . P . P . G . S . Works , F . Hooper P . M ., E . Murch P . M . P . P . G . O ., W . Fowler P . M ., T . S . Jackson P . M ., all of 1212 ; P . B . Clements P . M . 954 P . P . G . O ., R . Cawsey P . M ., and S . R . Ellis W . M ., J . H . R . Harris I . P . M . of 230 , R . Grills W . M . 202 , E . Poor P . M . 1136 P . P . G . P . Cornwall , E . A . Davies P . M . 1099
P . P . G . S . Works , J . B . Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , Geo . Cassoll P . M . 1136 , J . Baxter P . M . 954 . The accounts were audited , and there was a very satisfactory balance in favour of tho Lodge . The Officers appointed and invested for the year were-r-Bros . Joseph Bassett I . P . M ., George Decry S . W ., W . Jenkins J . W ., W . Fowler Treasurer , J . G . Bickle Sec , A . H . Widden S . D ., F . Wright J . D ., J . Hocken Org .,
Wm . Bickle D . C , R . D . Atkin I . G ., Leonard S . S ., T . Cnndy J . S ., James Rashbrook Tyler . The W . M . is the representative of tho Committeo of Petitions . The brethren , about fifty , adjourned to tho Royal Hotel , Devonport , for tho banquet . This was in all respects what a banquet should be , gave universal satisfaction , and Bro . Parker was thanked for his catering . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and responded to , tho W . M . ably presiding .
We have received from Messrs . Beckmann Bros ., Printsellers to the Queen , a copy of a pictnre they have just issued of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales in his insignia of office as Grand Master of English Freemasons . The portrait is 19 by 14 inches , and is printed in colours , forming a very
handsome picture , and one which we think will meet a favourable reception at the hands of English brethren . The plate will , no doubt , be recognised by many as an old favourite , it being none other than that issued some time back by Bro . E . J . Harty , who , we are given to understand ,
has disposed of his copyright to Messrs . Beckmann . As we have already said , the picture is now produced in colours , and at a much more reasonable price than was hitherto the case , it being obtainable at 7 s Gd per copy . Each plate has a facsimile of the signature of the Grand Master , and is altogether a work of which Masons may be proud .
At the monthly moeting of the Boscawen Lodge' No . 699 , Chacewater , Bro . the Hon . and Rev . J . T . Boscawen was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . P . M . Ninnis was re-elected Treasnrer .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Pomfret Lodge, No. 360.
POMFRET LODGE , No . 360 .
MONDAY being St . John's Day , the annual Festival of this Lodge took place at the Masonio nail , Abiivjrton-street , Northampton . In the afternoon the brethren met at tho Lodgo Room , when Bro . George EUard , the W . M . elect , was installed by Bro . Hamilton W . Parker . Bro . J . T . Green P . M . D . C . occupied tho S . W . chair , and Bro . Butler Wilkins D . P . G . M . tho J . W . chair . Amongst the brethren present of the Pomfret Lodge were T . R . Wood
I . P . M ., George EUard S . W . and W . M . elect , John Bingley J . W ., Rev . S . J . W . Sanders Chaplain , Butler Wilkins Treasurer , George Robinson P . M . Secretary , Frederick James Airs S . D ., John J . Hart -J . D ., Frederiok J . Dufty I . G ., Edward Haynes Steward ; and P . M . 's Bros . M . A . Boeme P . M . 1764 , John Kellett , J . U . Stanton , John T . Green , and the following members : —Bros . Henry J . Atkins
W . M . 1764 , Jos . Sadler , Henry Spoor S . D . 1764 , Henry Hill , Robert McClnre , Henry A . Robinson , Alfred Cockorill , Henry Brown S . W . 1764 , Henry Timpson . The Eleanor Cross Lodge was represented by J . W . Linnett , J . Manning , C H . Frank Sec , T . Emery J . S ., Rov . S . Wathen Wigg P . G . C N . and H . and L . and R ., Richard Croft Assist . Org ., Eli Morris J . D ., R . J . Johnston , Sam S . Campion . Also
present—Arthur E . Greville W . M ., William Whitton P . M ., and Thos , Oldham J . D . Fidelity Lodge , Towcester , Arthur Littlewood Northern Counties 586 , G . Carrick P . M . 327 809 P . P . G . S . W . Cambridgeshire , and others . The ceremony of installation was performed with great impressiveness by Bro . Parker . The W . M . having been duly in . stalled , proceeded to invest his officers for tho ensuing year as fob
lows : Bros . Jno . Bingley S . W ., ! F . J . Airs J . W ., S . J . W . Sanders P . M . 1764 Chaplain , Butler Wilkins P . M . D . P . G . M . Treas ., Geo . Robinson P . M . Sec , J . J . Hart S . D ., F . J . Dufty J . D ., John Townley Green P . M . D . C , Jos . Sadler I . G ., J . U . Stanton P . M . P . P . G . S . D ., and Edward Haynes Stewards , Charles Dean and William Kirby Tylers . The installation banquet was held subsequently in the
Masonic Hall , being provided by Mr . and Mrs . Forth , of the Peacock and Midland Hotel . The room had been very tastefully decorated by Bro . Jos . Jeffery , of Gold-street . The ohair was occupied by the newly-installed W . M . Bro . Geo . EUard . The cloth having been withdrawn , and the usual toasts duly honoured , Past Master Geo . Robinson gave The Right Worshipful his Grace the Duke of
Manchester Prov . G . M . of Norths and Hunts , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the Past Officers of tbe Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . Butler Wilkins , in responding , congratulated the W . M . on his installation , and then referred in sympathetic terms to the death during the past year of Bro . Cox , who had done so much to promote the interests of the Masonic Charities , and the extension of
Masonic principles . He congratulated the Pomfret Lodge on the unanimity and harmony of its working , and regretted they were not favoured with the presence of the Prov . G . M ., as it would act as a stimulus to Freemasonry . Bro . the Rev . S . Wathen Wigg gave the health of the Installing Master , whose performance of the ceremony he had rarely seen approaohed . It had been done
faultlessly and with an amount of energy and feeling which made it exceedingly impressive . Bro . Hamilton W . Parker spoke of the benefits derivable from the study of Masonic law and ceremony . It had a tendency to expand their ideas , aid to lead to higher things . Bro . Airs next proposed the Masonic Charities . Bro . J . U . Stanton , in responding , said they had such information given them lately
concerning the Charities , which might be regarded as the ornaments of the Craft , that it was unnecessary for him to speak about them at any length . He explained how he came to be proposed as Steward for the Institution for aged and Decayed Freemasons , on behalf of whom he made a special appeal , and stated that so far the response had been most gratifying and that he hoped to take at least
£ 120 and probably more to the Festival which takes place in February . Bro . J . T . Green proposed " The Worshipful Master of the Pomfret Lodge . " He remarked that it was a hackneyed observation for the proposer of a toast to make , that his was the toast of the evening . But he ( Bro . Green ) thought they would all agree with him in this , that the toast of their king—the representative of King
Solomonwas a most important one- They had been reminded before by Bro . Sanders of the old maxim , " The King never dies , " and he ( Bro . Green ) hoped that would always be trne in regard to the ruler of the Pomfret Lodge . They had just lost one bnt they had got another , Bro . Wood having been succeeded by Bro . Ellard , who had shown himself a sharp and acute Craftsman . He had watched his progress with much
pleasure , and felt sure that the working of the Lodge would be safe in his hands . They were not all gifted alike , and few of them in the same degree as Bro . Ellard , who had a most retentive memory , which would be of great help to him in the exalted position he now occupied . Being for the time the mouthpiece of the Lodge , he ( Bro . Green ) * was sure that he was expressing the feeling of every one present when he
said , " We wish him every happiness in the ensuing twelve months that Ire could wish for himself , and we feel certain that the Pomfret Lodge in his hands will continue to make progress . " The Worshipful Master , in responding said he felt more than he had ever felt beforo in his life the need of the ability to make a speech . After the very kind and considerate remarks which had been made he could only
say that he would do the best he could in the discharge of the dnties of the Office he had undertaken . With the example of so many excellent workers before him , he could hardly expect to attain to so high a standard as that which had been reached , but he could assure them that if he did not carry out the ceremonies to the superlative degree of perfection it would not be because his heart was not in Masonry , but rather because the ability and not the inclination was
wanting . He at least hoped to be able so to perform his dnties that his conduct should meet with their approval . The Worshipful Master afterwards gave the "Immediate Past Master , Bro . T . H . Wood , " who made a suitable response . The other toasts were " Tbe Past Masters , " " The Visiting Brethren , " "The W . M . and Brethren of the Eleanor Cross , " " The Officers of the Lodge , " " The Tyler ' s Toast . " A very plesant evening was spent .
St. Martin's Lodge, No. 510, Liskeard.
rnfTE members of this Lodgo colebrated tho Festival of St . John on * Monday , the 27 th nit ., when the W . M . elect , Bro . Oliver Colmer , was installed by his predecessor , Bro . John Harris , assisted by Bro . W . Nettle P . M . P . G . Steward , and the following Board of Installed Masters : —W . Bros . T . Lang P . M ., R . Coath P . M . P . G . Steward , R . A . Courtney P . M . P . P . S . G . D , T . White P . M . P . P . G . S . of Works , J . W .
Chegwidden P . M . P . P . G . D . C , W . IT . Kinsman P . M . 121 , W . P . Smith P . M . 856 P . P . G . S . of Works , n . De Leigh P . M . 420 , S . Mitchell P . M . 699 , P . G . Steward , W . Polkinghom P . M . 1151 P . G . Stoward . At tlio closo of tho installation the following brethren wero invested as tho Officers for tho ensuing year : —Bros . Wor . J . Harris I . P . M ., W . Sargent S . W ., J . Hill J . W ., the Rov . W . Fookes Chaplain , Thomas
White Treasnrer , R . A . Courtney Sceretarv , W . Hockon S . D ., T . E . Moon J . D ., G . R . Sandovs D . C , W . Hnddy Organist , E . Mallet l . G ., W . II . Stanton and T . Higman Stewards , and It . I ' enwarden Tyler . Bro . J . J . Lavnigoon was nnanimonsly elected Steward or tho CM . A . Fund . In the evening the brothrnn of tho Lodge , with several visitors , dined together at Webb ' s Hotel , where an enjoyable evening was spent .
Loyal Victoria Lodge, No. 557, Callington.
THE Annual Festival of this Lodge was held on Monday , a t tho Masonic Hall . Tho W . M . elect , Worshipful Bro . Georgo B . Woolcock , was installed by Worshipfnl Bro . C T . Pearce P . P . G . D ., assisted by Worshipful Bros . John Peter P . P . G . W ., T . B . Richards P . M ., and Richard Parkin P . M . At the close of tho installation , tho following brethren wero invested as the Officers for the ensuing
year : —Wor . Bros . Richard Parkin I . P . M ., W . Tamblyn S . W ., Georgo Morgan J . W ., Chas . T . Pearco Treasurer , J . T . Williams Secretary , W . Stephons S . D ., John H . Consins J . D ., J . Rabbago I . G ., Stephen Gt . Bennett D . C , William Bond Org ., D . Steer S . S ., Georgo Body J . S ., James Hen wood Tyler . Bro . T . B . Richards was unanimously reelected Steward of tho O . M . A . and B . F . Tho brethren of the Lodgo and Visitors dined together at Gelding ' s Hotel , the usnal Masonic
toasts being given and responded to . In the evoning an entertainment was held under tho auspices of the Ledge at Golding ' s Assembly Room , the chief attractions being Mr . Dowliug ' s admirable songs , and the excellent performance of Mr . Bodinuer ' s Qnadrillo Band . There was also an auction sale of surplns bazaar goods . Tho entertainment concluded with a dance . The attendance was very good , the room being crowded , and all seomed to have thoroughly enjoyed themselves .
Elms Lodge No. 1212.
ELMS LODGE No . 1212 .
THE annual meeting of this Lodge was hcld ' . on Tuesday , 28 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Home Park , Stoke . Bro . J . II . Trounce , the late Secretary , who had been previously unanimously elected , was installed the Worshipful Master for 1 S 81 . The very interesting ceremony was performed by the retiring Master Wor . Bro . Joseph Bassett , assisted by Wor . Bros . J . Ripper P . M . and T . G . BickleP . M .,
in the presence of a board of Installed Masters , amongst whom were Wor . Bros . S . S . Tremayne P . M . P . P . G . S . Works , F . Hooper P . M ., E . Murch P . M . P . P . G . O ., W . Fowler P . M ., T . S . Jackson P . M ., all of 1212 ; P . B . Clements P . M . 954 P . P . G . O ., R . Cawsey P . M ., and S . R . Ellis W . M ., J . H . R . Harris I . P . M . of 230 , R . Grills W . M . 202 , E . Poor P . M . 1136 P . P . G . P . Cornwall , E . A . Davies P . M . 1099
P . P . G . S . Works , J . B . Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , Geo . Cassoll P . M . 1136 , J . Baxter P . M . 954 . The accounts were audited , and there was a very satisfactory balance in favour of tho Lodge . The Officers appointed and invested for the year were-r-Bros . Joseph Bassett I . P . M ., George Decry S . W ., W . Jenkins J . W ., W . Fowler Treasurer , J . G . Bickle Sec , A . H . Widden S . D ., F . Wright J . D ., J . Hocken Org .,
Wm . Bickle D . C , R . D . Atkin I . G ., Leonard S . S ., T . Cnndy J . S ., James Rashbrook Tyler . The W . M . is the representative of tho Committeo of Petitions . The brethren , about fifty , adjourned to tho Royal Hotel , Devonport , for tho banquet . This was in all respects what a banquet should be , gave universal satisfaction , and Bro . Parker was thanked for his catering . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and responded to , tho W . M . ably presiding .
We have received from Messrs . Beckmann Bros ., Printsellers to the Queen , a copy of a pictnre they have just issued of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales in his insignia of office as Grand Master of English Freemasons . The portrait is 19 by 14 inches , and is printed in colours , forming a very
handsome picture , and one which we think will meet a favourable reception at the hands of English brethren . The plate will , no doubt , be recognised by many as an old favourite , it being none other than that issued some time back by Bro . E . J . Harty , who , we are given to understand ,
has disposed of his copyright to Messrs . Beckmann . As we have already said , the picture is now produced in colours , and at a much more reasonable price than was hitherto the case , it being obtainable at 7 s Gd per copy . Each plate has a facsimile of the signature of the Grand Master , and is altogether a work of which Masons may be proud .
At the monthly moeting of the Boscawen Lodge' No . 699 , Chacewater , Bro . the Hon . and Rev . J . T . Boscawen was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . P . M . Ninnis was re-elected Treasnrer .