Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Industry Lodge , No . 186 . —The installation meeting of this old established and nourishing Lodgo was hold on Tuesday , tho 28 th ult ., at Freemason's Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-irin-fields . There wero present a very largo number of tho members , and between fifty aud sixty Visitors . The Lodgo was opened at 5 . 30 by the P . M . Bro . Douglas J . Robinson . Amongst those present were
Past Masters Alfred Block , John Seex , C . W . Noehmer , George Dyor , H . Bartlett , Thomas Price , T . Mortlock , and Wylie . Tho Visitors wore represented by Bros . C . Sawyer W . M . 1019 , T . Bartlett P . M 813 , D . A . Ross S . W . 121 G , W . Downing P . M . 20 , IT . A . Carter 192 , Cantle P . M . 14 : 11 , E . Moody P . M . Soc . 1420 , W . J . Cooper 166 S , G . W . Hagall 1539 , Skelton P . M . 105 G , S . Webb P . M . 193 , Benjamin
Nownham 1624 , A . Town 1381 , G . J . Graco P . M . 73 , S . W . Sutton 73 , F . H . Ebsworth P . M . 73 , James naro Sackvillo , John Elliot 45 , J . Williams 1441 , W . E . Wright 1201 , Marcus 15 S , Howard 1623 , Houry Reed 463 , Simmons 74 , Wetherell 1681 , Harvey 871 , Humphrey 1364 , C . F . T . Strnbe 72 , R . Challoner 17 S , Peter R . Harris 177 , W . S . Marshall J . W . 15 , Searle , Carter P . M . 382 , W . C . Banks S . W .
1223 , W . C . Davey 1512 , C . Philp P . M . 1550 , G . Pago P . M . 1209 , J . Wright P . M . 1446 , R . H . Harvey P . M . 902 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , W \ Hamlyn 1622 , N . B . Headon P . M . 1426 , James Freeman W . M . 1426 Blackio S . W . 1426 , Beningfield 1589 , F . T . C . Keeblo 1426 , T . Chapman 1426 , J . Cunningham , Pickford 282 , Dr . Dixon P . M . 73 , & c . With such an array of brethren our readers will agree with us that
the members had exhibited their judgment in fixing the fnturo locale for their meetings at Freemasons Hall . During the past few years the assemblies of this Lodgo have been held at various places , but if tho success of this gathering is taken into consideration , we think it will be some time ere a change of habitation is again asked for . The Lodge was formally opened , and the W . M . called upon Bro .
Mann P . M ., who has now held the post of Secretary for ten years , to read the minutes , which were approved by the brethren , and wero duly signed as correct . The Anditors' report was read and adopted . The Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Charles Noehmer P . M ., then introduced the Senior Warden , Bro . W . H . Hook P . M ., as tho W . M . elect . Bro . Robinson acted as Installing Master , nnd , after he had
addressed Bro . Hook , and the latter had assented to tho usual requisitions , administered tho obligation . Lodge was advanced , and a request made that those below tho rank of Installing Master would retire . A Board of Masters was opened , and the ceremony was proceeded w ith . On the re-admission of tho brethren the W . M . was saluted in tho three degrees and the ceremony
completed . Bro . Hook now appointed his Officers : — Bros . Powell S . W ., Allison J . W ., Lake P . M . Treasurer , Mann P . M . Secretary , Philp S . D ., Johnson J . D ., Tapps T . G ., iVochmcr P . M . D . C ., Hook jun . Organist , Horsey W . S ., Smith A . S ., Woodstock P . M . Tyler . Bro . Robinson then , in capital style , delivered tho addresses , and took his seat amidst the congratulations of tho members and visitors for
having so admirably completed the labours of a most successful year . The W . M ., on rising , said his first duty was to present to the I . P . M . the elegant jewel which the Lodge had voted . Bro . Hook remarked it was a well-earned recognition for valnable services , and , personally , he was greatly pleased to be the medium of its presentation . Aftor a graceful acknowledgment by Bro . Robinson , two propositions were hauded in for additions to the muster roll . Bro . Thos . Mortlock
announced his intention to act as Steward at tho Festival of the Boys School , aud a sum of twenty guineas was voted to be placed on his list . Somo gratuities were voted to those brethren who have charge of the apartments , & c , at Freemasons' Hall , and then " hearty good wishes" were tendered , and the W . M . closed the Lodge . The
banquet was served in the Large Hall , and was placed ou the table in an unexceptionable style by Bro . Alfred Best , who personally superintended , and was ably seconded by Bro . Dawkins . The W . M ., who is famed for his devotion to the science of music , had provided a band of ten performers , under the direction of Mr . C . Adams , and during dinner the following selection of music was played : —
Overture "Tancredi" Rossini Valse " Viener Kinder " Strauss Quadrille "Alhambra" Riviere Valse "La Serine" Waldteufel Polka ... ... "Oxford and Cambridge" Greave
Valse " Ki ' rnstler leben " Strauss Valse "Soldartenleider" Gung'l Quadrille "Selected" Valse " Dreams on the Ocean" Gung'l Valse "Lily of tho North" Marriott Galop "M . P . " Weston
On the removal of the cloth , tho W . M . proposed the health of I lor Most Gracions Majesty and Prosperity to tho Craft , after which tho brethren sang tho National Anthem with full musical accompaniment . The second toast that was brought under notice was the M . W . the Grand Master , who the W . M . described as a thorough good Mason , who was fitted in every way to govern tho Craft . Here Bro .
Morton , who possesses a voice of great , peculiarity- Bro . Hook must pardon us , if wc are in error in calling it a falsetto—sang "Thy Face . " His rendering of tho song seemed to please the multitude , but certainly was not to our taste : however , this may bo bad judgment on our part . The Pro Grand Master , tbe Deputy , and the other Grand Officers were next complimented , and then came an admirable
pianoforte solo , "Irlaudais , " arranged by Sydney Smith , and skilfully rendered by Bro . F . Smith H .. A . M . Bro . Douglas J . Robinson proposed the health of the W . M . He ventured to say that never in the history of this old Lodgo had a more genial brother been selected to fill the chair . As one of tho musical brethren of the Lodge , Bro .
Hook had endeared himself to the members , and all would join heartil y in wishing him health and prospcritj- during bin year of office . Miss Jessie Royd now favoured the company with Balfo ' s song , " Killarney , " after which Bro . Hook rose to reply . He felt it a great honour that had been conferred upon him . He should use hi ? utmost
< - endeavours to keep up the prestige the Lodge had so long held . It was an old and influential Lodge ; he trusted ho might bo able to conduct the business in such a way as would enhance its prosperity . A change had been made ; they wero now located in their old quarters , aud that under auspices most favourable and satisfactory to all tho members . He would endeavour to advance the interests of
all , and thanked tho members for electing him . Tho W . M ., on again rising , remarked that the Lodgo had not that evening had any new blood infused into it ; however , at their last meeting they had the pleasure of initiating two gontlemon , Messrs . Pago and Lennard . The presont was the first occasion thoso brethren had had an opportunity of joining in tho festivities , aud it wonld give him infinite
pleasure to propose their health . After this compliment had beeu acknowledged , Bro . Hook proposed tho health of the Installing Master of tho Day , and the Past Masters of tho Lodgo . After Bro . Carter had favoured the company , Bro . Robinson replied . As Installing Master he returned thanks for the hearty way in which they had received the toast . He referred to what Bro . Mortlock had done iu
tho cause of tho Charities , and deemed it a great honour to be able to join tho ranks of the P . M . ' s of this Lodge . Bro . Bartlett was gratified at being able to bo with them once more . The effort he was compelled to make was a great ono , bnt he would strive to say a few words to those assembled . Our estfiomed brother then referred to the time when the members met at Dicks' Coffee House . Ho was
gratified at seeing so many present who wore entitled to wear tho emblem of tho Lodge—the Busy Bees . As P . M . ' s they folt proud of the badge that distinguished them . The members of Tho Groat City Lodge who wero present , they were gratified to see . The brethrenof Industry Lodge claimed somo sort of relationship with them , inasmuch as they had supported theirpetition for a warrant of constitution . He could
not say tho Industry was essentially a bread-and-cheeso Lodge , though he well remembered the timo when the funds would not permit even that moderate expenditure . He was pleased to know that the efforts of the founders of Tho Great City Lodgo had been so successful , and concluded his remarks by again saying he was proud of his association with his Lodgo , and gratified at being present once more .
Bro . Mann , as Secretary , had had a good deal of experience in the Lodge , and was pleased to see so many visitors and brethren present . Whatever adversities tho Lodge had passed throngh , it unquestionably at the present time was prosperous . Bro . Mortlock would refer to tho more immediate object ho had in view ; that was to solicit tho support of tho brethren to tho Institntiou he was about to serve
a Stewardship for . fen years ago ho brought to the notice of the brethren the claims the Masonic Charities had on their support . He was rewarded , for tho Lodgo voted him 50 guiueas for the Boys ' School ; the year following they did a like service when he urged the claims of tho Girls' School , and two years later the brethren voted him a third amount— £ 50—towards the funds of the Royal Masonic
Benevolent Institution . Thus , in tin short space of four years the Lodgo made itself Vice-President of tho throe Institutions . Since then they had not been idle ; each year £ 10 or £ 20 bad been voted . He felt assured , from the liberality already evinced by the brethren , that in his present Stewardship he should be supported , and frankly told them he must not go up without a three-fignre list . The next toast given was the Visitors—gracefully replied to by Dr . Dickson .
Then came Prosperity to the Industry Lodge , and this called forth the oratorial powers of our worthy Bro . Seex , to whom was entrusted the reply . Tho W . M . called on Bro . Moody to respond for Tho Charities , and this the energetic Secretary of The Great City Lodge did , much to the edification of tho company . The Officers of the Lodge were not overlooked , and , after a reply to their toast by Bro . Philp , Bro . Hook favoured the brethren with the following Masonic lyric : —
Are your glasses charg'd in the West and the South ? The Worshipful Master cries . ' They are charg'd in the West , " " They are charg'd in the South , " are the Wardens' prompt replies . Then to our parting toast to-night , your glasses fairly draiu , Happy co meet , Sorry to part , Happy to meet again . The Mason feels the noble truth the Scottish peasant told ,
Tbat rank is bat the guinea ' s stamp , the man himself ' s the gold , With us the rich and poor unite , and equal rights maintain , Happy to meet , Sorry to part , Happy to meet again . Dear Brethren of tho mystic tie , the night is waning fast , Our duty ' s done , our feast is o ' er , this song must be our last ; Good night , once more repeat the farewell strain , Happy to meet , Sorry to part , Happy to meet again .
The singing of Miss Jessie Royd and Bro . Carter was greatly appreciatfid ; indeed , the Musical arrangements throughout were deserving of the highest praise . As may be imagined , it was very late ere the summons for the Tylor was given . Royal Savoy Lodge , Ho . 1744 . —A meeting was held ou Tuesday 28 th ult ., at Ashley ' s Hotel , Covcnt-garden , W . C . Present
—Bros . J . WilP . jUI 1 . W . M ., J . Douglass S . W ., F . H . Clemow J . W ., W . M . Stiles Sou ., Trcadwell P . M . Treas ., T . J . Hyland J . D ., G . H . Deller D . C ., A . Holt and J . W . Smith Stewards , W . Cook I . G ., W . Jaqaos Orgt ., II . G . Buss Assist . G . Sec , Hon . Member , and about ¦ 10 other members . Among the visitors were Bros . J . J . Michael W . M . 1732 , & c , It . R . Browning 176 , W . Phillips 511 , H . Speedy 742 , H . W .
Blake 834 , W . VV . Morgan jun . 1385 , R . VV . Brooks Gooch 1420 , A . Thompson 1 G 01 , li . Kauffmutui 1732 , etc . Tho usual formalities as to opening the Lodge having been observed , tho ballot was brought into requisition . Tho names of seven gentlemen wero submitted , and on the result bcin r made known all w ^ re declared duly elected —the ballot being unanimous in their favour . The Lodge was then
advanced , and after the usual examination llro . I . W . Smith was raised to the third degree . Bro . R . A . Cole n > w j- 'e ented himself as n candidate for the second degree , and that co mon was worked to his benefit . Lodge was next resumed to ihe lirvt > e ; ree , when Messrs . B . P . George , J . W . Wheeler , and P . Jagels were introduced , and severally received the benefit of Masonic light . The Secretary
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Industry Lodge , No . 186 . —The installation meeting of this old established and nourishing Lodgo was hold on Tuesday , tho 28 th ult ., at Freemason's Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-irin-fields . There wero present a very largo number of tho members , and between fifty aud sixty Visitors . The Lodgo was opened at 5 . 30 by the P . M . Bro . Douglas J . Robinson . Amongst those present were
Past Masters Alfred Block , John Seex , C . W . Noehmer , George Dyor , H . Bartlett , Thomas Price , T . Mortlock , and Wylie . Tho Visitors wore represented by Bros . C . Sawyer W . M . 1019 , T . Bartlett P . M 813 , D . A . Ross S . W . 121 G , W . Downing P . M . 20 , IT . A . Carter 192 , Cantle P . M . 14 : 11 , E . Moody P . M . Soc . 1420 , W . J . Cooper 166 S , G . W . Hagall 1539 , Skelton P . M . 105 G , S . Webb P . M . 193 , Benjamin
Nownham 1624 , A . Town 1381 , G . J . Graco P . M . 73 , S . W . Sutton 73 , F . H . Ebsworth P . M . 73 , James naro Sackvillo , John Elliot 45 , J . Williams 1441 , W . E . Wright 1201 , Marcus 15 S , Howard 1623 , Houry Reed 463 , Simmons 74 , Wetherell 1681 , Harvey 871 , Humphrey 1364 , C . F . T . Strnbe 72 , R . Challoner 17 S , Peter R . Harris 177 , W . S . Marshall J . W . 15 , Searle , Carter P . M . 382 , W . C . Banks S . W .
1223 , W . C . Davey 1512 , C . Philp P . M . 1550 , G . Pago P . M . 1209 , J . Wright P . M . 1446 , R . H . Harvey P . M . 902 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , W \ Hamlyn 1622 , N . B . Headon P . M . 1426 , James Freeman W . M . 1426 Blackio S . W . 1426 , Beningfield 1589 , F . T . C . Keeblo 1426 , T . Chapman 1426 , J . Cunningham , Pickford 282 , Dr . Dixon P . M . 73 , & c . With such an array of brethren our readers will agree with us that
the members had exhibited their judgment in fixing the fnturo locale for their meetings at Freemasons Hall . During the past few years the assemblies of this Lodgo have been held at various places , but if tho success of this gathering is taken into consideration , we think it will be some time ere a change of habitation is again asked for . The Lodge was formally opened , and the W . M . called upon Bro .
Mann P . M ., who has now held the post of Secretary for ten years , to read the minutes , which were approved by the brethren , and wero duly signed as correct . The Anditors' report was read and adopted . The Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Charles Noehmer P . M ., then introduced the Senior Warden , Bro . W . H . Hook P . M ., as tho W . M . elect . Bro . Robinson acted as Installing Master , nnd , after he had
addressed Bro . Hook , and the latter had assented to tho usual requisitions , administered tho obligation . Lodge was advanced , and a request made that those below tho rank of Installing Master would retire . A Board of Masters was opened , and the ceremony was proceeded w ith . On the re-admission of tho brethren the W . M . was saluted in tho three degrees and the ceremony
completed . Bro . Hook now appointed his Officers : — Bros . Powell S . W ., Allison J . W ., Lake P . M . Treasurer , Mann P . M . Secretary , Philp S . D ., Johnson J . D ., Tapps T . G ., iVochmcr P . M . D . C ., Hook jun . Organist , Horsey W . S ., Smith A . S ., Woodstock P . M . Tyler . Bro . Robinson then , in capital style , delivered tho addresses , and took his seat amidst the congratulations of tho members and visitors for
having so admirably completed the labours of a most successful year . The W . M ., on rising , said his first duty was to present to the I . P . M . the elegant jewel which the Lodge had voted . Bro . Hook remarked it was a well-earned recognition for valnable services , and , personally , he was greatly pleased to be the medium of its presentation . Aftor a graceful acknowledgment by Bro . Robinson , two propositions were hauded in for additions to the muster roll . Bro . Thos . Mortlock
announced his intention to act as Steward at tho Festival of the Boys School , aud a sum of twenty guineas was voted to be placed on his list . Somo gratuities were voted to those brethren who have charge of the apartments , & c , at Freemasons' Hall , and then " hearty good wishes" were tendered , and the W . M . closed the Lodge . The
banquet was served in the Large Hall , and was placed ou the table in an unexceptionable style by Bro . Alfred Best , who personally superintended , and was ably seconded by Bro . Dawkins . The W . M ., who is famed for his devotion to the science of music , had provided a band of ten performers , under the direction of Mr . C . Adams , and during dinner the following selection of music was played : —
Overture "Tancredi" Rossini Valse " Viener Kinder " Strauss Quadrille "Alhambra" Riviere Valse "La Serine" Waldteufel Polka ... ... "Oxford and Cambridge" Greave
Valse " Ki ' rnstler leben " Strauss Valse "Soldartenleider" Gung'l Quadrille "Selected" Valse " Dreams on the Ocean" Gung'l Valse "Lily of tho North" Marriott Galop "M . P . " Weston
On the removal of the cloth , tho W . M . proposed the health of I lor Most Gracions Majesty and Prosperity to tho Craft , after which tho brethren sang tho National Anthem with full musical accompaniment . The second toast that was brought under notice was the M . W . the Grand Master , who the W . M . described as a thorough good Mason , who was fitted in every way to govern tho Craft . Here Bro .
Morton , who possesses a voice of great , peculiarity- Bro . Hook must pardon us , if wc are in error in calling it a falsetto—sang "Thy Face . " His rendering of tho song seemed to please the multitude , but certainly was not to our taste : however , this may bo bad judgment on our part . The Pro Grand Master , tbe Deputy , and the other Grand Officers were next complimented , and then came an admirable
pianoforte solo , "Irlaudais , " arranged by Sydney Smith , and skilfully rendered by Bro . F . Smith H .. A . M . Bro . Douglas J . Robinson proposed the health of the W . M . He ventured to say that never in the history of this old Lodgo had a more genial brother been selected to fill the chair . As one of tho musical brethren of the Lodge , Bro .
Hook had endeared himself to the members , and all would join heartil y in wishing him health and prospcritj- during bin year of office . Miss Jessie Royd now favoured the company with Balfo ' s song , " Killarney , " after which Bro . Hook rose to reply . He felt it a great honour that had been conferred upon him . He should use hi ? utmost
< - endeavours to keep up the prestige the Lodge had so long held . It was an old and influential Lodge ; he trusted ho might bo able to conduct the business in such a way as would enhance its prosperity . A change had been made ; they wero now located in their old quarters , aud that under auspices most favourable and satisfactory to all tho members . He would endeavour to advance the interests of
all , and thanked tho members for electing him . Tho W . M ., on again rising , remarked that the Lodgo had not that evening had any new blood infused into it ; however , at their last meeting they had the pleasure of initiating two gontlemon , Messrs . Pago and Lennard . The presont was the first occasion thoso brethren had had an opportunity of joining in tho festivities , aud it wonld give him infinite
pleasure to propose their health . After this compliment had beeu acknowledged , Bro . Hook proposed tho health of the Installing Master of tho Day , and the Past Masters of tho Lodgo . After Bro . Carter had favoured the company , Bro . Robinson replied . As Installing Master he returned thanks for the hearty way in which they had received the toast . He referred to what Bro . Mortlock had done iu
tho cause of tho Charities , and deemed it a great honour to be able to join tho ranks of the P . M . ' s of this Lodge . Bro . Bartlett was gratified at being able to bo with them once more . The effort he was compelled to make was a great ono , bnt he would strive to say a few words to those assembled . Our estfiomed brother then referred to the time when the members met at Dicks' Coffee House . Ho was
gratified at seeing so many present who wore entitled to wear tho emblem of tho Lodge—the Busy Bees . As P . M . ' s they folt proud of the badge that distinguished them . The members of Tho Groat City Lodge who wero present , they were gratified to see . The brethrenof Industry Lodge claimed somo sort of relationship with them , inasmuch as they had supported theirpetition for a warrant of constitution . He could
not say tho Industry was essentially a bread-and-cheeso Lodge , though he well remembered the timo when the funds would not permit even that moderate expenditure . He was pleased to know that the efforts of the founders of Tho Great City Lodgo had been so successful , and concluded his remarks by again saying he was proud of his association with his Lodgo , and gratified at being present once more .
Bro . Mann , as Secretary , had had a good deal of experience in the Lodge , and was pleased to see so many visitors and brethren present . Whatever adversities tho Lodge had passed throngh , it unquestionably at the present time was prosperous . Bro . Mortlock would refer to tho more immediate object ho had in view ; that was to solicit tho support of tho brethren to tho Institntiou he was about to serve
a Stewardship for . fen years ago ho brought to the notice of the brethren the claims the Masonic Charities had on their support . He was rewarded , for tho Lodgo voted him 50 guiueas for the Boys ' School ; the year following they did a like service when he urged the claims of tho Girls' School , and two years later the brethren voted him a third amount— £ 50—towards the funds of the Royal Masonic
Benevolent Institution . Thus , in tin short space of four years the Lodgo made itself Vice-President of tho throe Institutions . Since then they had not been idle ; each year £ 10 or £ 20 bad been voted . He felt assured , from the liberality already evinced by the brethren , that in his present Stewardship he should be supported , and frankly told them he must not go up without a three-fignre list . The next toast given was the Visitors—gracefully replied to by Dr . Dickson .
Then came Prosperity to the Industry Lodge , and this called forth the oratorial powers of our worthy Bro . Seex , to whom was entrusted the reply . Tho W . M . called on Bro . Moody to respond for Tho Charities , and this the energetic Secretary of The Great City Lodge did , much to the edification of tho company . The Officers of the Lodge were not overlooked , and , after a reply to their toast by Bro . Philp , Bro . Hook favoured the brethren with the following Masonic lyric : —
Are your glasses charg'd in the West and the South ? The Worshipful Master cries . ' They are charg'd in the West , " " They are charg'd in the South , " are the Wardens' prompt replies . Then to our parting toast to-night , your glasses fairly draiu , Happy co meet , Sorry to part , Happy to meet again . The Mason feels the noble truth the Scottish peasant told ,
Tbat rank is bat the guinea ' s stamp , the man himself ' s the gold , With us the rich and poor unite , and equal rights maintain , Happy to meet , Sorry to part , Happy to meet again . Dear Brethren of tho mystic tie , the night is waning fast , Our duty ' s done , our feast is o ' er , this song must be our last ; Good night , once more repeat the farewell strain , Happy to meet , Sorry to part , Happy to meet again .
The singing of Miss Jessie Royd and Bro . Carter was greatly appreciatfid ; indeed , the Musical arrangements throughout were deserving of the highest praise . As may be imagined , it was very late ere the summons for the Tylor was given . Royal Savoy Lodge , Ho . 1744 . —A meeting was held ou Tuesday 28 th ult ., at Ashley ' s Hotel , Covcnt-garden , W . C . Present
—Bros . J . WilP . jUI 1 . W . M ., J . Douglass S . W ., F . H . Clemow J . W ., W . M . Stiles Sou ., Trcadwell P . M . Treas ., T . J . Hyland J . D ., G . H . Deller D . C ., A . Holt and J . W . Smith Stewards , W . Cook I . G ., W . Jaqaos Orgt ., II . G . Buss Assist . G . Sec , Hon . Member , and about ¦ 10 other members . Among the visitors were Bros . J . J . Michael W . M . 1732 , & c , It . R . Browning 176 , W . Phillips 511 , H . Speedy 742 , H . W .
Blake 834 , W . VV . Morgan jun . 1385 , R . VV . Brooks Gooch 1420 , A . Thompson 1 G 01 , li . Kauffmutui 1732 , etc . Tho usual formalities as to opening the Lodge having been observed , tho ballot was brought into requisition . Tho names of seven gentlemen wero submitted , and on the result bcin r made known all w ^ re declared duly elected —the ballot being unanimous in their favour . The Lodge was then
advanced , and after the usual examination llro . I . W . Smith was raised to the third degree . Bro . R . A . Cole n > w j- 'e ented himself as n candidate for the second degree , and that co mon was worked to his benefit . Lodge was next resumed to ihe lirvt > e ; ree , when Messrs . B . P . George , J . W . Wheeler , and P . Jagels were introduced , and severally received the benefit of Masonic light . The Secretary