Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOK AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , C S . O -X" X > O 35 T . — : o : — Patron and President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & o ., M . W . G . M . rpHE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION L will take place on Wednesday , the lith February 1879 , at FreemasonB ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Low-Ion , upon which occasion , LIEUT .-C 010 NEL IE GENDRE N . STARKIE , R . W . PROV . G . M . FOR EAST LANCASHIRE , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren desiring of accepting tho office of Steward upon this occasion , will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and Masonic rank , ns soon as couvoniout , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any informntiou required . JAMES TERRY , l'vov . G .. TAV . Herts . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . Secretary .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STEEET . LONDON , "W . C . The admirable nnd unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establisment for : M : A . Soniric B ^ ZSTQ . TJIETS ., PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known to need comment . Tho entire management has bean changed , and the Krftablishmcnt in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body i ? directed to the many advantages offered . ¦ ' CJTSITNTE OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINKS JPKRFECT IN CONDITION AND QUALITY . N . B .-D 1 NNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Soup , Fish , entrees , Joints . Served from 12 to -1 daily-GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH .
THE MASONIC SEASON . rpo WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SECRETARIES of LODGES . JL Bro . George Smith ( from Anderton ' s ) will be pleased to supply TARisr op CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & c , & c . for large or small parties . Address—GEORGE SMITH , George Taveru , Billingsgate Market .
ANY CRAFT LODGE NOT NOW WORKING , wishing to dispose of their CHARTER and FURNITURE , would oblige by forwarding terms to W . M ., care of Mr . Keeling , Bookseller , St . Neots , Hunts .
W' ^ V . WAV . Wi 1 gMArWMrWMM H ^^^^^^^ 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
f IlilE Queen , Avith . the members of the Royal Family and J _ the Grand Duke of Hesse and his children , attended Divine service in Osborne-house on Sunday last . The Prince of Wales left Osborne on Friday , and the next day rejoined the Princess and family at Sandringhain . The
Dnke of Connaught returned to London on Monday from Berlin , and proceeded to Osborne . Cabinet Councils were held on Friday and Saturday , all the Ministers being present , except on Friday , when Lord Cranbrook was absent .
The Serapis , troopship , yesterday embarked atPortsmouth the 29 th Regiment , 900 strong , with detachments of other corps , for service in India . Reinforcements for the regiments serving in South Africa , amounting to 500 men , have been ordered to prepare for embarkation for the Cape of Good Hope in March next .
The following appointment has been made : —The Rev . Dr . Liglitfoot ^ Canon of St . Paul ' s and Margaret Professor of Divinity at Cambridge , to the Bishopric of Durham in succession to Dr . Baring , retired . The steamship Ontario arrived at Liverpool a few days since with 247 head of cattle from Canada , soveral of which
were found to be suffering from plouro-pneumonia , and the whole have been slaughtered by order of the Government inspectors . It is stated that the disease does not exist in Canada , and that the animals must have been infected during
their joTiraey to Portland , Maine , where they were embarked . A fishing boat was run down off Stonehaven by a steamer , and three men were drowned . A police constable , on duty for the first time in Sheerness Dockyai-d , was found drowned in the basin on Friday .
Ihe cotton factory operatives at Preston , who struck on Friday against a further reduction of wages , after an interview with the employers on the following day , consented to resume work upon the proposed terms .
Unionist caulkers , employed at Messrs . Elder ' s shipbuilding yard at Jarrow , have struck work because their employers refused to dismiss a man who transgressed the Union rules by doing more than the prescribed amount of work in the day .
The American Pedestrian , Weston , having reached Penzance , is continuing his 2000 miles walk , and is now returninp- from Cornwall .
An explosion of gas occurred on Saturday in the Fitzwilliam Colliery , near Wakefield , whereby two men were killed and five others injured . Two colliers were killed and a third dangerously hurt by the fall of a mass of
mineral in a pit in the Forest of Dean . Two boys were drowned near Ballynahinch , County Down , while skating on ice which broke under their weight . Similar accidents occurred to two boys at West Mailing , Kent , to two lads at Warrington , and to three men on Lake Windermere .
At a meeting of creditors of the Cornish Bank , held on Thursday at Truro , an oiler of lGs in the pound was accepted , and resolutions expressing sympathy with Messrs . Tweedy were passed . Bank rate has been again reduced , the quotation now
being 8 per cent . This reduction , added to a more favourable weekly return , and the conclusion of the fortnightly settlement , led to a considerable improvement in the various stock departments . Bank shares have not shown mnch movement during the week , but gas shares
have been very firm all round . The accounts received from India are satisfactory . General Roberts has had no further difficulty with tho hill tribes , and the Ghundzais have proffered their friendship , in which course it is expected that they will be
followed by other tribes . Wali Mahomed , a half-brother of Shere AH , who commanded the Af ghan force defeated at the Peiwer Pass , having been summoned to Cabul by Yakoob Khan , has preferred to submit himself to General Roberts . Shere Ali is still in
Turkestan , and , according to the Russian papers , has been very ill , but intends shortly to proceed to Tashkend . The weather in Afghanistan is xinusuall y mild , and rain is wanted for next year ' s crops . In France a sudden crisis has arisen . The President , ' Marshal MacMahon , has
refused to sign orders for the dismissal or supersession of several Generals in command of military districts ; but it is thought that his reluctance refers rather to a threatened motion iu the Chambers for an impeachment of the De Broglie-Fourtou Ministry . The President , however ,
yesterday formally notified his resignation , and the Chamber of Deputies immediately elected as his successor M . Jules Grevy by 563 votes , General Chanzy receiving 99 . The
Presidency of the Chamber , vacated b y M . Grevy , will , it is confidently expected , be conferred on M . Gambetta . This sudden change of affairs has caused great surprise in Paris , and some anxiety as to the consequences .
We have received copy of the Annual Report , Regulations and List of Governors and Subscribers—corrected to 1 st November 1878—of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . One matter in connection with the list we are i anxious to draw Bro . Terry ' s attention to , especially as it
hns been again and again brought under our notice by brethren , both Metropolitan and Provincial , but particularly the lutter . These latter , indeed , may be said to be labouring under a grievance , inso much as , with the List of Governors and Subscribers as at present arranged it is impossible for
them , except after an immense deal of trouble , to ascerfaij the voting strength of their province in respect of this Institution , and it has been suggested that if Bio . Terry wonld only have his list drawn up on a somewhat similar fashion to those of the Boys' and Girls' Schools—London
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOK AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , C S . O -X" X > O 35 T . — : o : — Patron and President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & o ., M . W . G . M . rpHE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION L will take place on Wednesday , the lith February 1879 , at FreemasonB ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Low-Ion , upon which occasion , LIEUT .-C 010 NEL IE GENDRE N . STARKIE , R . W . PROV . G . M . FOR EAST LANCASHIRE , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren desiring of accepting tho office of Steward upon this occasion , will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and Masonic rank , ns soon as couvoniout , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any informntiou required . JAMES TERRY , l'vov . G .. TAV . Herts . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . Secretary .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STEEET . LONDON , "W . C . The admirable nnd unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establisment for : M : A . Soniric B ^ ZSTQ . TJIETS ., PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known to need comment . Tho entire management has bean changed , and the Krftablishmcnt in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body i ? directed to the many advantages offered . ¦ ' CJTSITNTE OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINKS JPKRFECT IN CONDITION AND QUALITY . N . B .-D 1 NNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Soup , Fish , entrees , Joints . Served from 12 to -1 daily-GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH .
THE MASONIC SEASON . rpo WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SECRETARIES of LODGES . JL Bro . George Smith ( from Anderton ' s ) will be pleased to supply TARisr op CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & c , & c . for large or small parties . Address—GEORGE SMITH , George Taveru , Billingsgate Market .
ANY CRAFT LODGE NOT NOW WORKING , wishing to dispose of their CHARTER and FURNITURE , would oblige by forwarding terms to W . M ., care of Mr . Keeling , Bookseller , St . Neots , Hunts .
W' ^ V . WAV . Wi 1 gMArWMrWMM H ^^^^^^^ 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
f IlilE Queen , Avith . the members of the Royal Family and J _ the Grand Duke of Hesse and his children , attended Divine service in Osborne-house on Sunday last . The Prince of Wales left Osborne on Friday , and the next day rejoined the Princess and family at Sandringhain . The
Dnke of Connaught returned to London on Monday from Berlin , and proceeded to Osborne . Cabinet Councils were held on Friday and Saturday , all the Ministers being present , except on Friday , when Lord Cranbrook was absent .
The Serapis , troopship , yesterday embarked atPortsmouth the 29 th Regiment , 900 strong , with detachments of other corps , for service in India . Reinforcements for the regiments serving in South Africa , amounting to 500 men , have been ordered to prepare for embarkation for the Cape of Good Hope in March next .
The following appointment has been made : —The Rev . Dr . Liglitfoot ^ Canon of St . Paul ' s and Margaret Professor of Divinity at Cambridge , to the Bishopric of Durham in succession to Dr . Baring , retired . The steamship Ontario arrived at Liverpool a few days since with 247 head of cattle from Canada , soveral of which
were found to be suffering from plouro-pneumonia , and the whole have been slaughtered by order of the Government inspectors . It is stated that the disease does not exist in Canada , and that the animals must have been infected during
their joTiraey to Portland , Maine , where they were embarked . A fishing boat was run down off Stonehaven by a steamer , and three men were drowned . A police constable , on duty for the first time in Sheerness Dockyai-d , was found drowned in the basin on Friday .
Ihe cotton factory operatives at Preston , who struck on Friday against a further reduction of wages , after an interview with the employers on the following day , consented to resume work upon the proposed terms .
Unionist caulkers , employed at Messrs . Elder ' s shipbuilding yard at Jarrow , have struck work because their employers refused to dismiss a man who transgressed the Union rules by doing more than the prescribed amount of work in the day .
The American Pedestrian , Weston , having reached Penzance , is continuing his 2000 miles walk , and is now returninp- from Cornwall .
An explosion of gas occurred on Saturday in the Fitzwilliam Colliery , near Wakefield , whereby two men were killed and five others injured . Two colliers were killed and a third dangerously hurt by the fall of a mass of
mineral in a pit in the Forest of Dean . Two boys were drowned near Ballynahinch , County Down , while skating on ice which broke under their weight . Similar accidents occurred to two boys at West Mailing , Kent , to two lads at Warrington , and to three men on Lake Windermere .
At a meeting of creditors of the Cornish Bank , held on Thursday at Truro , an oiler of lGs in the pound was accepted , and resolutions expressing sympathy with Messrs . Tweedy were passed . Bank rate has been again reduced , the quotation now
being 8 per cent . This reduction , added to a more favourable weekly return , and the conclusion of the fortnightly settlement , led to a considerable improvement in the various stock departments . Bank shares have not shown mnch movement during the week , but gas shares
have been very firm all round . The accounts received from India are satisfactory . General Roberts has had no further difficulty with tho hill tribes , and the Ghundzais have proffered their friendship , in which course it is expected that they will be
followed by other tribes . Wali Mahomed , a half-brother of Shere AH , who commanded the Af ghan force defeated at the Peiwer Pass , having been summoned to Cabul by Yakoob Khan , has preferred to submit himself to General Roberts . Shere Ali is still in
Turkestan , and , according to the Russian papers , has been very ill , but intends shortly to proceed to Tashkend . The weather in Afghanistan is xinusuall y mild , and rain is wanted for next year ' s crops . In France a sudden crisis has arisen . The President , ' Marshal MacMahon , has
refused to sign orders for the dismissal or supersession of several Generals in command of military districts ; but it is thought that his reluctance refers rather to a threatened motion iu the Chambers for an impeachment of the De Broglie-Fourtou Ministry . The President , however ,
yesterday formally notified his resignation , and the Chamber of Deputies immediately elected as his successor M . Jules Grevy by 563 votes , General Chanzy receiving 99 . The
Presidency of the Chamber , vacated b y M . Grevy , will , it is confidently expected , be conferred on M . Gambetta . This sudden change of affairs has caused great surprise in Paris , and some anxiety as to the consequences .
We have received copy of the Annual Report , Regulations and List of Governors and Subscribers—corrected to 1 st November 1878—of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . One matter in connection with the list we are i anxious to draw Bro . Terry ' s attention to , especially as it
hns been again and again brought under our notice by brethren , both Metropolitan and Provincial , but particularly the lutter . These latter , indeed , may be said to be labouring under a grievance , inso much as , with the List of Governors and Subscribers as at present arranged it is impossible for
them , except after an immense deal of trouble , to ascerfaij the voting strength of their province in respect of this Institution , and it has been suggested that if Bio . Terry wonld only have his list drawn up on a somewhat similar fashion to those of the Boys' and Girls' Schools—London