Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Santon S . W . Tho ceremony was performed , according to ancient custom , by Bro . Riohard Boggett P . M . 1005 . The Worshipful Master then installed the following Officers : —Bros . Esau Wilson I . P . M ., John Dunn S . W ., James Scott Wilson J . W ., Ralph Teal P . M . Treasurer , Samuel Chadwiek Chaplain , Henry Holgreaves Secretary , Marmadnko Simpson S . D ., George Biclhy J . D ., Richard Hornby D . C ., James Elgey P . M . Almoner , John Terry Kirby I . G ., William Barnby
and William Ross Stewards , Robert Potts Tyler . Tho Installation Banqnet was afterwards held at the Bell Hotel , at which the Worshipful Master presided , being supported by several Provincial Grand Officers and Past Mastors . Tho Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a subscription of £ 10 10 s was made ^ to endow one of the chairs with a life vote for one of the Charities . After a few hours spent in that social intercourse pecnliar to tho Craft , the brethren retired to their homes .
Wandsworth Lodge , No . 1044 . —A meeting of this Lodge wa 3 hold at the Spread Eaglo Hotel , Wandsworth , on Wednesday evening , tlie 19 th nit , when tho following were among the brethren present : —Bros . W . A . Morgan W . M ., A . N . Nowens S . W ., A . B . Walker J . W ., W . J . Huntley S . D ., J . ' J . Holland J . D ., F . W . Wardroper I . G ., J . Frost Secretary , S . C . Landon D . C ., S . Steed
Tyler , E . II . Boddy P . M ., H . R . Jones P . M ., J . G . Carter P . M ., J . G . Ivewney P . M ., and Bros . R . Walker , John Stirk , George Fortc 3 cuo , and A . A . Denliam . Tho Visitors wero : Bro . C . Digby ( the newlyinstalled W . M . of the Doric , 933 ) , and Bro . W . S . Stewart ( of tho Strong Man Lodge , No . 45 ) , who wore the centenary medal . The Lodgo being duly opened , tho W . M . very impressively initiated Mr .
Thomas Arnison , Truro Villa , Wimbledon , and Mr . W . T . Boll , of Now Wandsworth . The brethren afterwards proooeded to elect two Past Masters as Trustees of the Lodgo Benevolent Fund , and after some discussion , Bros . Carter and Boddy were nnanimonsly chosen . The Lodge waa closed in due form , and an adjournment was made to tho banquet room . Tho W . M ., npon the cloth being removed , gave
tho usnal Loyal and Masonic toasts , with his nsual felicity . Bro . Digby in replying to the | toast of tho Visitors , referred to a remark from tho W . M . that brethren were always welcomed at tho 1011 . no ( Bro . Digby ) had heard of " knifo and fork" Masons ; bat ho thought that , as the ruling principle of Freemasonry was Charity , that moro attention to the Charitit s , and less to tho fourth degree
—( laughter ) — wonld be bettor . Bro . Stewart also humorously replied , and said that in his Lodgo the brethren wero induced to forego a banquet so as to subscribe more to the Charities . He thought such a sacrafice—one of tho stomach—was deserving all praise . ( Laughter ) . The other usual toasts having been given , the Tyler ' s brought the evening ' s meeting to a close .
Hartington Lodge , No . 1085 , Derby . —A very distinguished gathering of Freomasons took placo at tho Masonic Hall , Gower-street , on Wednesday , the 5 th ult ., tho occasion being the anniversary meeting of tho above Lodge , and the Installation of its W . M . for the ensuing twelve months . Tho Lodge was opened by Bro . Georgo Pipos P . G . O ., tho retiring Master . Bro . M . IT . Bobart
P . M . P . P . S . G . W . Derbyshire subsequently assnmod the chair , and then Bro . Joseph Heathcoate S . W . was presented by two P . M . ' s — Bros . S . Pipes P . P . S . G . D ., and J . Worsnop P . P . G . P . —for the benefit of Installation , which ceremony was thereupon proceeded with by Bro . Bobart . It was most efficiently and impressively performed , and
called forth high encomiums . The newly installed Master invested Bro . G . Pipes the I . P . M ., Bro . Bobart tho Treasurer , and his Officers as follow . —Bros . W . B . Hextall S . W ., J . O . Maaton J . W ., W . Bntterficld Sec , J . E . Russell S . D ., 0 . D . Hart J . D ., J . Parkins M . O ., J . Pakeman I . G ., and G . Johnson and J . Lano Stewards . A handsome Past Master ' s jewel , voted by the Lodge , was afterwards
presented to Bro . G . Pipes in recognition of his very able Mastership during the past twelve months , aud was suitably acknowledged by him . Thero was also an amonnt of ten guineas voted from the Lodgo fnuds to the Masonic Institution for Girls . At the closo of the Lodge the brethren adjourned to the banquet table , and the usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts wero given . At an early stage of the evening the
W . M . was compelled to retire , owing to indisposition ; the toast of the evening—that to the W . M ., therefore , was robbed somewhat of its interest ; nevertheless , tho W . M . was very highly spoken of , and his work in the subordinate positions in tho Craft was very favourably commented upon . The toast to the Visitors was tho next in interest , and showed that tho Hartington Lodgo heartily welcomed members
of other Lodges , and that its welcome was fnlly appreciated . Next , perhaps , stands the toast to tho Officers of tho Lodgo . Tn the selection of tho Senior and Junior Wardens , it was confidently anticipated that the chair of the Lodge wonld not lack a suitable occupant at loast for some timo to come , and as regards the other Officers , thoir work hitherto proved that much might yet bo looked for amongst
them . Our space is too limited to give the names of all those present , and it is a difficult matter to make a selection from such a large assembly of Masons of high rank . However , wo give a few names : — Bros . T . Cox P . M . Prov . G . Treas ., W . Naylor ' P . M . Prov . G . Sec , W . IT . Marsdcn P . M ., and F . Campion P . M ., each of whom aro also
P . P . S . G . W . 's of the Province , E . II . Waul W . M . 253 , G . Small P . M . 787 , T . C . Hammond P . M . 253 , and W . Morry P . M . 1179 . Bro . Stone the Tyler , was almost overlooked in our report , but such a deserving Officer and such a well-informed Mason is at all times prominent , and , as if , happens , he very snitably "tyios" this report .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday 12 th nit ., at tho Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . William George Flanagan W . ^ ., John Early Danks S . W ., William Ferguson J . W ., W . P . Ivo . y P . M . Sec ., J . T . Stvansom Treas ., E . J . Blackwell S . D ., Richard Dowsott J . D ., W . W . Ridley D . C ., J . H . llawlce Steward , C . If . Honey T . G ., W . Hammings Tyler . Past Masters Bros . A . Welch I . P . M . Members—Bros . Vowles , Hnnt
White , Cordrey , Trickott , Rhind . Visitors—Bros . Pocock P . M ., F . Blackwell T . G ., F . Forguson J . D ., ITawkes , all of 414 , Major J . E . Shanks , Greenock , Kilwinning 12 G . L . S ., P . M ., P . P . G . W . Devon , Sincority 189 G . L . E . Businoss—Tho Lodgo was openod in tho first degree . Tho minutos of tho last regular Lodge wero read aud
confirmed . Ono of tho two candidates for initiation put iu an appearance , aud was duly admitted by tho W . M . into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . The chargo was given by Bro . Welch I . P . M . in his usual fervent and effective manner . Bro . Major Shanks congratulated tho W . M . and Officers on tho superior working . All business being ended the Lodgo was closed .
John Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 . —The Master and Wardens of the Hervey Lodgo , No . 12 C 0 , having petitioned H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales tho Most Worshipful Grand Master for permission to alter the title of tho Lodge , by prefixing " John " before " Hervey , " and thus unmistakably identifying this Lodgo with our esteemed Grand Secretary , who was one of its founders , H . R H . the M . W . G . M . was graciously pleased to grant thoprayer that the Lodge bo henceforth called the "John Hervey" Lodgo , No . 1260 , London .
John Hervey Lodge of Instruction , No . 1280 . —Held under tho sanction of tho Mother Lodge . Bros . Saul P . M . Preceptor , Edward A . Baber P . M . 452 Sec , H . J . Dean Org . This Lodge of Instruction having removed to a private room , in the Albion Hall , Lon - don-wall , City , members of tho Craft are invited to attend and
cooperate . Bro . H . J . Dean Org . has generously offerod to givo his services in conducting the Musical portion of the ritual . The first meeting of the Lodgo of Instruction , in its new quarters , will be on Monday , 3 rd March , and every sneceeding Monday evening , at 8 o ' olook punctually .
Hilda Chapter Bose CroiX . —The annual Convocation for installation of . M . W . S . aud Officers for tho year , was held afc the Queen ' s Hotol , York , on Wednesday ovening . There was a nice attendance of members and visitors although many letters of apology were read from members laid up by illness . The M . W . S . Bro . T . Cooper presided , and opened tho Chapter , after whioh the ceremony
of installation of the M . W . S . elect ( Bro . the Hon . W . T . Ordo-Powlott ) was proceeded with by M . I . Bro . C . J . Banister 33 deg . ( Bradford ) S . G . I . G . for the Northern District . He afterwards appointed his Ofiicors as follows : —Bros . T . B . Whytehead H . P . and acting Recorder , J . S . Cumberland First Gon ., Rev . W . C . Lnkis Seoond Gen .,
T . Cooper P . S . Treas ., M . Millington G . M ., A . T . B . Turner R ., T . M . Richey norald , P . H . Rowland C . of G ., P . Pearson and H . Jackson Equerries . A committee was appointed to draw up a now code of bye-laws ; a satisfactory balance shoot was presented by tlio auditors , and tho Chapter was closed . The members dined togethor tho same evening , and a pleasant reunion was experienced .
Royal Military Lodge of Instruction , No . 1449 ;—A meeting was held on 24 th February at tho Masonic Hall , Cantor , bnry . Present—Bros . Tyler W . M ., Cattelle S . W ., Howarth J . W ., E . Beor Treas ., W . Carter Sec , Vautier S . D ., Miskin J . D ., Naylor P . M . D . C ., Widgery Steward , Price T . G . Past Masters Bros . Blamiro ,
Hammond . Business—Tho Lodge was rogularly opened , and the minutes confirmed . Tho working tools of the E . A . degree wore explained , and the questions leading from 1 st to 2 nd wero answered by the brethren gonerally . Tho Lodgo was opened to tho 3 rd , lowered , and closed in dne and ancient form .
New Finsbury Park Lodge , No . 1695 . —Tho first meeting of this Lodge at its now qnarters was hold at tho Alexandra Palaco , on Tuesday , the 18 th nit . The members present being Bros . W . T . Pnrkis W . M ., T . Press S . W ., H . B . D . Dunn J . W ., R . V . Davios Treas ., A . J . Berry Sec , H . C . Frampton S . D ., J . N . Thompson J . D ., J . Eldridgo D . C ., George Edmunds I . G ., E . Grout Org ., G . Carey
Steward ; T . Jackson , 0 . Hutchinson , J . Cox , J . H . Bastable , S . Hawkins , G . Chalter , J . Reed , J . Brown and G . E . Frodsham . The Vistors wore Bros . H . Hallis P . M . 167 P . G . S . B . Herts , J . Rowo P . M . 107 , J . Shackell P . M . 193 , J . Yeoman W . M . 167 , J . F . 0 . Wood 1288 , G . Searle 1288 , A . Sholler 217 , J . Wilkinson 167 , J . Scouryard 1178 , and A . J . Mucklow 1 C 58 . The Lodge having been opened , Bro . J .
Reed was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and Bro . J . Brown was passed to the dogreo of F . C . A ballot was taken for Bro . G . E . Frodsham of No . 3 , who was unanimously elected a joining member . The W . M . having announced his intention to serve as Steward at tho forthcoming Festival of the Girls' School , the sum of £ 5 5 s was voted from the Lodge funds to be placed on his list . After
propositions for joining and initiation , tho Lodgo was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet , provided in the best stylo by Bros . Bertram and Roberts , the spirited proprietors of the Alexandra Palace . The nsual Loyal and Masonio toast 3 were given ; that of the Visitors was eloquently responded to by Bro . Hallis . Several vocal contributions by tho brethren concluded a most enjoy , able meeting .
King ' s Cross Lodge , No . 1732 . —Amongst the most successful of our recently consecrated Lodges , wo may justly place in tlio first rank No . 1732 . It will be in tho recollection of our readers that this Lodge , consecrated in LS 78 , is an offshoot of the Metropolitan , which formerly hold its meetings at the Metropolitan Club , Eing ' s-
cross-road . In conrsc of time , tho number of members who enrolled themselves under tho banner of 1507 , so increased as to overtax the limited accommodation at the disposal of the executive of tho clnb ; hence a move had to be made , and tho members availed themselves of the opportunity offered by Bro . Clemow , and fixed their habitation at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Santon S . W . Tho ceremony was performed , according to ancient custom , by Bro . Riohard Boggett P . M . 1005 . The Worshipful Master then installed the following Officers : —Bros . Esau Wilson I . P . M ., John Dunn S . W ., James Scott Wilson J . W ., Ralph Teal P . M . Treasurer , Samuel Chadwiek Chaplain , Henry Holgreaves Secretary , Marmadnko Simpson S . D ., George Biclhy J . D ., Richard Hornby D . C ., James Elgey P . M . Almoner , John Terry Kirby I . G ., William Barnby
and William Ross Stewards , Robert Potts Tyler . Tho Installation Banqnet was afterwards held at the Bell Hotel , at which the Worshipful Master presided , being supported by several Provincial Grand Officers and Past Mastors . Tho Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a subscription of £ 10 10 s was made ^ to endow one of the chairs with a life vote for one of the Charities . After a few hours spent in that social intercourse pecnliar to tho Craft , the brethren retired to their homes .
Wandsworth Lodge , No . 1044 . —A meeting of this Lodge wa 3 hold at the Spread Eaglo Hotel , Wandsworth , on Wednesday evening , tlie 19 th nit , when tho following were among the brethren present : —Bros . W . A . Morgan W . M ., A . N . Nowens S . W ., A . B . Walker J . W ., W . J . Huntley S . D ., J . ' J . Holland J . D ., F . W . Wardroper I . G ., J . Frost Secretary , S . C . Landon D . C ., S . Steed
Tyler , E . II . Boddy P . M ., H . R . Jones P . M ., J . G . Carter P . M ., J . G . Ivewney P . M ., and Bros . R . Walker , John Stirk , George Fortc 3 cuo , and A . A . Denliam . Tho Visitors wero : Bro . C . Digby ( the newlyinstalled W . M . of the Doric , 933 ) , and Bro . W . S . Stewart ( of tho Strong Man Lodge , No . 45 ) , who wore the centenary medal . The Lodgo being duly opened , tho W . M . very impressively initiated Mr .
Thomas Arnison , Truro Villa , Wimbledon , and Mr . W . T . Boll , of Now Wandsworth . The brethren afterwards proooeded to elect two Past Masters as Trustees of the Lodgo Benevolent Fund , and after some discussion , Bros . Carter and Boddy were nnanimonsly chosen . The Lodge waa closed in due form , and an adjournment was made to tho banquet room . Tho W . M ., npon the cloth being removed , gave
tho usnal Loyal and Masonic toasts , with his nsual felicity . Bro . Digby in replying to the | toast of tho Visitors , referred to a remark from tho W . M . that brethren were always welcomed at tho 1011 . no ( Bro . Digby ) had heard of " knifo and fork" Masons ; bat ho thought that , as the ruling principle of Freemasonry was Charity , that moro attention to the Charitit s , and less to tho fourth degree
—( laughter ) — wonld be bettor . Bro . Stewart also humorously replied , and said that in his Lodgo the brethren wero induced to forego a banquet so as to subscribe more to the Charities . He thought such a sacrafice—one of tho stomach—was deserving all praise . ( Laughter ) . The other usual toasts having been given , the Tyler ' s brought the evening ' s meeting to a close .
Hartington Lodge , No . 1085 , Derby . —A very distinguished gathering of Freomasons took placo at tho Masonic Hall , Gower-street , on Wednesday , the 5 th ult ., tho occasion being the anniversary meeting of tho above Lodge , and the Installation of its W . M . for the ensuing twelve months . Tho Lodge was opened by Bro . Georgo Pipos P . G . O ., tho retiring Master . Bro . M . IT . Bobart
P . M . P . P . S . G . W . Derbyshire subsequently assnmod the chair , and then Bro . Joseph Heathcoate S . W . was presented by two P . M . ' s — Bros . S . Pipes P . P . S . G . D ., and J . Worsnop P . P . G . P . —for the benefit of Installation , which ceremony was thereupon proceeded with by Bro . Bobart . It was most efficiently and impressively performed , and
called forth high encomiums . The newly installed Master invested Bro . G . Pipes the I . P . M ., Bro . Bobart tho Treasurer , and his Officers as follow . —Bros . W . B . Hextall S . W ., J . O . Maaton J . W ., W . Bntterficld Sec , J . E . Russell S . D ., 0 . D . Hart J . D ., J . Parkins M . O ., J . Pakeman I . G ., and G . Johnson and J . Lano Stewards . A handsome Past Master ' s jewel , voted by the Lodge , was afterwards
presented to Bro . G . Pipes in recognition of his very able Mastership during the past twelve months , aud was suitably acknowledged by him . Thero was also an amonnt of ten guineas voted from the Lodgo fnuds to the Masonic Institution for Girls . At the closo of the Lodge the brethren adjourned to the banquet table , and the usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts wero given . At an early stage of the evening the
W . M . was compelled to retire , owing to indisposition ; the toast of the evening—that to the W . M ., therefore , was robbed somewhat of its interest ; nevertheless , tho W . M . was very highly spoken of , and his work in the subordinate positions in tho Craft was very favourably commented upon . The toast to the Visitors was tho next in interest , and showed that tho Hartington Lodgo heartily welcomed members
of other Lodges , and that its welcome was fnlly appreciated . Next , perhaps , stands the toast to tho Officers of tho Lodgo . Tn the selection of tho Senior and Junior Wardens , it was confidently anticipated that the chair of the Lodge wonld not lack a suitable occupant at loast for some timo to come , and as regards the other Officers , thoir work hitherto proved that much might yet bo looked for amongst
them . Our space is too limited to give the names of all those present , and it is a difficult matter to make a selection from such a large assembly of Masons of high rank . However , wo give a few names : — Bros . T . Cox P . M . Prov . G . Treas ., W . Naylor ' P . M . Prov . G . Sec , W . IT . Marsdcn P . M ., and F . Campion P . M ., each of whom aro also
P . P . S . G . W . 's of the Province , E . II . Waul W . M . 253 , G . Small P . M . 787 , T . C . Hammond P . M . 253 , and W . Morry P . M . 1179 . Bro . Stone the Tyler , was almost overlooked in our report , but such a deserving Officer and such a well-informed Mason is at all times prominent , and , as if , happens , he very snitably "tyios" this report .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday 12 th nit ., at tho Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . William George Flanagan W . ^ ., John Early Danks S . W ., William Ferguson J . W ., W . P . Ivo . y P . M . Sec ., J . T . Stvansom Treas ., E . J . Blackwell S . D ., Richard Dowsott J . D ., W . W . Ridley D . C ., J . H . llawlce Steward , C . If . Honey T . G ., W . Hammings Tyler . Past Masters Bros . A . Welch I . P . M . Members—Bros . Vowles , Hnnt
White , Cordrey , Trickott , Rhind . Visitors—Bros . Pocock P . M ., F . Blackwell T . G ., F . Forguson J . D ., ITawkes , all of 414 , Major J . E . Shanks , Greenock , Kilwinning 12 G . L . S ., P . M ., P . P . G . W . Devon , Sincority 189 G . L . E . Businoss—Tho Lodgo was openod in tho first degree . Tho minutos of tho last regular Lodge wero read aud
confirmed . Ono of tho two candidates for initiation put iu an appearance , aud was duly admitted by tho W . M . into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . The chargo was given by Bro . Welch I . P . M . in his usual fervent and effective manner . Bro . Major Shanks congratulated tho W . M . and Officers on tho superior working . All business being ended the Lodgo was closed .
John Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 . —The Master and Wardens of the Hervey Lodgo , No . 12 C 0 , having petitioned H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales tho Most Worshipful Grand Master for permission to alter the title of tho Lodge , by prefixing " John " before " Hervey , " and thus unmistakably identifying this Lodgo with our esteemed Grand Secretary , who was one of its founders , H . R H . the M . W . G . M . was graciously pleased to grant thoprayer that the Lodge bo henceforth called the "John Hervey" Lodgo , No . 1260 , London .
John Hervey Lodge of Instruction , No . 1280 . —Held under tho sanction of tho Mother Lodge . Bros . Saul P . M . Preceptor , Edward A . Baber P . M . 452 Sec , H . J . Dean Org . This Lodge of Instruction having removed to a private room , in the Albion Hall , Lon - don-wall , City , members of tho Craft are invited to attend and
cooperate . Bro . H . J . Dean Org . has generously offerod to givo his services in conducting the Musical portion of the ritual . The first meeting of the Lodgo of Instruction , in its new quarters , will be on Monday , 3 rd March , and every sneceeding Monday evening , at 8 o ' olook punctually .
Hilda Chapter Bose CroiX . —The annual Convocation for installation of . M . W . S . aud Officers for tho year , was held afc the Queen ' s Hotol , York , on Wednesday ovening . There was a nice attendance of members and visitors although many letters of apology were read from members laid up by illness . The M . W . S . Bro . T . Cooper presided , and opened tho Chapter , after whioh the ceremony
of installation of the M . W . S . elect ( Bro . the Hon . W . T . Ordo-Powlott ) was proceeded with by M . I . Bro . C . J . Banister 33 deg . ( Bradford ) S . G . I . G . for the Northern District . He afterwards appointed his Ofiicors as follows : —Bros . T . B . Whytehead H . P . and acting Recorder , J . S . Cumberland First Gon ., Rev . W . C . Lnkis Seoond Gen .,
T . Cooper P . S . Treas ., M . Millington G . M ., A . T . B . Turner R ., T . M . Richey norald , P . H . Rowland C . of G ., P . Pearson and H . Jackson Equerries . A committee was appointed to draw up a now code of bye-laws ; a satisfactory balance shoot was presented by tlio auditors , and tho Chapter was closed . The members dined togethor tho same evening , and a pleasant reunion was experienced .
Royal Military Lodge of Instruction , No . 1449 ;—A meeting was held on 24 th February at tho Masonic Hall , Cantor , bnry . Present—Bros . Tyler W . M ., Cattelle S . W ., Howarth J . W ., E . Beor Treas ., W . Carter Sec , Vautier S . D ., Miskin J . D ., Naylor P . M . D . C ., Widgery Steward , Price T . G . Past Masters Bros . Blamiro ,
Hammond . Business—Tho Lodge was rogularly opened , and the minutes confirmed . Tho working tools of the E . A . degree wore explained , and the questions leading from 1 st to 2 nd wero answered by the brethren gonerally . Tho Lodgo was opened to tho 3 rd , lowered , and closed in dne and ancient form .
New Finsbury Park Lodge , No . 1695 . —Tho first meeting of this Lodge at its now qnarters was hold at tho Alexandra Palaco , on Tuesday , the 18 th nit . The members present being Bros . W . T . Pnrkis W . M ., T . Press S . W ., H . B . D . Dunn J . W ., R . V . Davios Treas ., A . J . Berry Sec , H . C . Frampton S . D ., J . N . Thompson J . D ., J . Eldridgo D . C ., George Edmunds I . G ., E . Grout Org ., G . Carey
Steward ; T . Jackson , 0 . Hutchinson , J . Cox , J . H . Bastable , S . Hawkins , G . Chalter , J . Reed , J . Brown and G . E . Frodsham . The Vistors wore Bros . H . Hallis P . M . 167 P . G . S . B . Herts , J . Rowo P . M . 107 , J . Shackell P . M . 193 , J . Yeoman W . M . 167 , J . F . 0 . Wood 1288 , G . Searle 1288 , A . Sholler 217 , J . Wilkinson 167 , J . Scouryard 1178 , and A . J . Mucklow 1 C 58 . The Lodge having been opened , Bro . J .
Reed was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and Bro . J . Brown was passed to the dogreo of F . C . A ballot was taken for Bro . G . E . Frodsham of No . 3 , who was unanimously elected a joining member . The W . M . having announced his intention to serve as Steward at tho forthcoming Festival of the Girls' School , the sum of £ 5 5 s was voted from the Lodge funds to be placed on his list . After
propositions for joining and initiation , tho Lodgo was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet , provided in the best stylo by Bros . Bertram and Roberts , the spirited proprietors of the Alexandra Palace . The nsual Loyal and Masonio toast 3 were given ; that of the Visitors was eloquently responded to by Bro . Hallis . Several vocal contributions by tho brethren concluded a most enjoy , able meeting .
King ' s Cross Lodge , No . 1732 . —Amongst the most successful of our recently consecrated Lodges , wo may justly place in tlio first rank No . 1732 . It will be in tho recollection of our readers that this Lodge , consecrated in LS 78 , is an offshoot of the Metropolitan , which formerly hold its meetings at the Metropolitan Club , Eing ' s-
cross-road . In conrsc of time , tho number of members who enrolled themselves under tho banner of 1507 , so increased as to overtax the limited accommodation at the disposal of the executive of tho clnb ; hence a move had to be made , and tho members availed themselves of the opportunity offered by Bro . Clemow , and fixed their habitation at