Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Auderton's Hotel . As a consequence , therefore , when the King s Cross Lodgo waa being formed , tho promoters , who for the most part wero members of tlio Metropolitan , wero not unmindful of tho invariable attention aud courtesy that had boon shown them , aud a 3 the new Lodgo was to be confined to tho modest proportion of thirty members , came to an agreement that tho Metropolitan Club shonld
bo fixed upou as their locale . Ou Saturday , tho 15 th ultimo , tho first anniversary meeting was held , when the Lodge was opened by Bro . J . J . Michael P . M . 1507 , & c , who was supported by his Officers and a large nttemlaueo of Visitors , of whom we may name the following : — II . G . Buss A . G . S . J ., Terry Sec . R . M . B . I ., T . Adams P . G . P ., E . E . B . Kidder J . D . 12 , E . F . Pardon 948 , J . G . MoEw . in 1507 , J . C . Edmonds
1507 , F . W . Sillis 1741 , G . W . Pauley 1507 , S . Beatlio 1507 , II . A . Robinson 05 , W . Millis P . M . 157 , II . Ash P . M . 179 , H . Uimsdalo 1507 , F . H . Dimsdalo 1507 , T . Gilbert 1507 , T . Gilbert Jan ., S . Hickman P . M . 188 , C . W . Hudson W . M . elect 315 , n . Hamilton ( Fitzroy ) 539 , L . Rnmf ' ord P . M . 91 , T . M . Ormisron 1507 , M . Little 1507 , S . Bamberger S . W . 1366 , II . J . Flaws 228 , fl . EI . Churchlov W . M .
( ila , J . Douglass 1507 , J . Trvine S 62 , R . Moss 1706 , A . J . Thompson 1507 , U . Sheath 1507 , J . G . Humphreys T . G . J 67 , H . f'onnew Burgoyne , E , Kelly 851 . G . Musgrove 1507 , W . Ilarmer 71 , A'c . Tho proliminary business being disposed of , Bro . W . M . Stiles was introduced to Bro . Michaol , who acted a ? . Installing Officer , and the ceremony wns performed , Bro . Terry rendering goodly assistance ns Director of
Ceremonies . Oar respected Bro . Michael , though suffering from severe indisposition threw into his work all his wonted zeal and energy , and nn completion of his labours received tho applause of tho Brethren . Bro . Stiles then appointed his Officers : —¦ Bros . J . T . Briggs P . M . S . W ., If . Stiles J . W ., J . . 7 . Michael I . P . M . Treas ., F . Saintsbury Sec , H . Higgins P . M . S . D ., L . Solomon J . D ., L . Jacobs I . G ., G . If . Oorrmgo DC ., B . Kanfl ' mnmi A . D . C ., C . B .
Putland W . Steward , W . R . Yates Assist . W . Steward , J . Daly Tylor . Tho new W . M . ' s first duty was tn present , on behalf of tlio Lodge , a P . M . ' . ' ; jewel to Bro . Michael lor his eminent services , lor which also a voto of thankn was proposed by Bro . P . M . Knight , seconded by Bro . S . W . Briggs , and carried unanimously . Iu addition , the memhers of iho Lodgo Unci reqnesfed Bro . Stiles to offer for Uvo . Michael ' s acceptance , an illuminated address , which bore the following inscription : —
Tliin Testimonial , together with a P . M . ' s jewel was presented ( o BRO . J . J . Micrui-r . P . M . By tho Officers and Members of the King ' s Cross Lodge of Anciciil Free and Accepted Masons , No . 1732 , hold at the Metropolitan Club , King ' s Cross , as a mark of their esteem , and in recognition of able and valuable nervicos as First W . M . and Founder of the Lodge , 187 S-9 . Hnro follow the signatures of the Officers aud Founders .
Tlio way in which Bro . Stilea oxpresaod himself as ho handed Bro , Michael theso tokens of tho members ' regard seemed to have an over , powering effect , and Bro . Michael wns compelled to ask tho indnlgenco of tho brethren , as his physical prostration was indeed great . However , later in tho evening ho would strive to thank thorn . After henrty good wishes tho Lodgo was closed . The
brethren then partook of a capital banquet , which was we ! served by Brother Cox , tho manager of tlio Club , and nn the removal of tho cloth the customary toast a and complimentary speeches were given . Wo regret nur . spaces will not permit of nui extending this report ; wo will merely add that under the new Master , Bro . Stiles , tho King ' s Cro . sa Lodge ia nnro to prosper ; ho is one of tho most nineero Masons we know .
DICK RADCLYFFE & CO ., F . R . H . S . L i ^ H M ^ a EEDS- ? ^ — if s * * r s > J = jg * . "g PRIZE MEDAL ° ¦ ' - FQ J |* SI G ARDEN R EQUISITES AND I ? i % f STT V > » am w % HORTICULTURAL - DECORATIONS . ' Address :-129 HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
APRIL ELECTION 1879 . TO THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS or THK liana ( IWasanic fnsittuttan fat <§ kl & The favonr of yonr Totcfi and Interest is earnestly aud respectfully solicited on behalf of MARY ANN AMELIA WYATT , JVCHmi ) f ) YKARS , THE Candidate is tlio oldest of four orphan children of our late Brothor William Patch Wyatfc ( both pai'ents died within six months of each other ) , who was initiated in the Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1007 , of which he was Junior Warden at tho time of his death . Joined the Lodge of Sincerity , and continued a subscribing member until death . He was a liberal supporter , and a Life Governor of tho Il . M . Ti . I . and a Life Subscriber to tho Boys' and Girlfl ' Institutions . The case -is 'riyominended by * Rro . Henry l'hythian P . M . 1293 , T' . P . f ! . So <\ Mid . llesov , -132 Strand , W . C . * Bro . Frederick Keilly P . M . 1293 , W . M . 1597 , Z . 414 , P . G . Treas . Middx ., Clydo Villa , Bavoiisbnnrno Villa Hoad , Forest Hill , S . F . Bro . Jas . Tern- F . CU . VV . Herts , See . B . M . B . I ., & c . & c . Bro . Chas . Lacey P . G . D . Herts , P . M . 174 , 1327 , 1-121 , 1 G 25 , & c . & c . Bro . Chas . , 7 . Perceval V . P ., 171 , S . W . I « 07 . Bro . fl . II . Seddon W . M . 171 Bro . If . If . Blafchford W . M . HOC * . Bro . Japheth Tickle W . M . 1702 , P . M . 1190 . Bro . John Appleby P . M . 174 . Bro . Frederick Brown S . D . 174 , P . M . Ifi 07 . Rro . fi . J . Hilliard 1007 , P . M . 17-1 . Bro . E . G . Leggo , Treas . 1007 , P . M . 1190 . Bro . Chas . TIawksley J . D . 119 « , S . W . 1 . 702 . Dro . J . S . Fraaer J . D . 174 , * lho . A . II . Brown J . G . 174 , 4 Tomlina Grovo , Bow , F . * Hrn . A . Wyatfc 1293 , 10 St . Bcnet Placo , Graceohureh Street , E . C . * Rro . C . II . Webb 1190 , S . W . 174 , W . M . 1007 , 3 Wharf Howl , Cnbitt Town , F . Brethren marked thus * will thankfull y receive proxies . Proxies for Boys' School and R . M . B . Institution available for exchange .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masouic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Advertisers will find THK FRErcMA . sOjVsCniiONicT . K an exceptionally good modinm for Advertisements of every class .
SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Pago £ 8 0 0 Hack Page £ 10 0 0 Mirths , Mnrviagos and Deaths , lid per line . General AdvcH iseincnta , Trade Announcements , < fcc . single coliniin , f > 3 per inch . Doable Colnmn Advertisements 1 B per linn . Special Ternin for a Snn ' na of Insertions on application .
< s A . suitable gift , from a Master to his Lodge . " NEATLY HOUND IN CLOTH , P . IUCE 8 s Gd EACH . THf £ nE £ MACfili'Q PUDflNIPI ( C Itit rmfcmmM ® inHUNIbLEi VOLUMES 1 to 8 . London : —W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on ivocipfc of Cheque or P . O . O .
CANTON STREET HOTEL , CAOTO . TST STREET , LONDON , E . C . Dan been thniw / Uly renovated ; the Hailway advantages , in direct commnnicatum with tho Hotel , render this establishment unequalled iu tho Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & c . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LARCfE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWARDS OF TWELVE HOTDRED PEOPLE . Visnons A - "PAMIXIT-3 visiting LONDON , for LONG or SHORT TERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Auderton's Hotel . As a consequence , therefore , when the King s Cross Lodgo waa being formed , tho promoters , who for the most part wero members of tlio Metropolitan , wero not unmindful of tho invariable attention aud courtesy that had boon shown them , aud a 3 the new Lodgo was to be confined to tho modest proportion of thirty members , came to an agreement that tho Metropolitan Club shonld
bo fixed upou as their locale . Ou Saturday , tho 15 th ultimo , tho first anniversary meeting was held , when the Lodge was opened by Bro . J . J . Michael P . M . 1507 , & c , who was supported by his Officers and a large nttemlaueo of Visitors , of whom we may name the following : — II . G . Buss A . G . S . J ., Terry Sec . R . M . B . I ., T . Adams P . G . P ., E . E . B . Kidder J . D . 12 , E . F . Pardon 948 , J . G . MoEw . in 1507 , J . C . Edmonds
1507 , F . W . Sillis 1741 , G . W . Pauley 1507 , S . Beatlio 1507 , II . A . Robinson 05 , W . Millis P . M . 157 , II . Ash P . M . 179 , H . Uimsdalo 1507 , F . H . Dimsdalo 1507 , T . Gilbert 1507 , T . Gilbert Jan ., S . Hickman P . M . 188 , C . W . Hudson W . M . elect 315 , n . Hamilton ( Fitzroy ) 539 , L . Rnmf ' ord P . M . 91 , T . M . Ormisron 1507 , M . Little 1507 , S . Bamberger S . W . 1366 , II . J . Flaws 228 , fl . EI . Churchlov W . M .
( ila , J . Douglass 1507 , J . Trvine S 62 , R . Moss 1706 , A . J . Thompson 1507 , U . Sheath 1507 , J . G . Humphreys T . G . J 67 , H . f'onnew Burgoyne , E , Kelly 851 . G . Musgrove 1507 , W . Ilarmer 71 , A'c . Tho proliminary business being disposed of , Bro . W . M . Stiles was introduced to Bro . Michaol , who acted a ? . Installing Officer , and the ceremony wns performed , Bro . Terry rendering goodly assistance ns Director of
Ceremonies . Oar respected Bro . Michael , though suffering from severe indisposition threw into his work all his wonted zeal and energy , and nn completion of his labours received tho applause of tho Brethren . Bro . Stiles then appointed his Officers : —¦ Bros . J . T . Briggs P . M . S . W ., If . Stiles J . W ., J . . 7 . Michael I . P . M . Treas ., F . Saintsbury Sec , H . Higgins P . M . S . D ., L . Solomon J . D ., L . Jacobs I . G ., G . If . Oorrmgo DC ., B . Kanfl ' mnmi A . D . C ., C . B .
Putland W . Steward , W . R . Yates Assist . W . Steward , J . Daly Tylor . Tho new W . M . ' s first duty was tn present , on behalf of tlio Lodge , a P . M . ' . ' ; jewel to Bro . Michael lor his eminent services , lor which also a voto of thankn was proposed by Bro . P . M . Knight , seconded by Bro . S . W . Briggs , and carried unanimously . Iu addition , the memhers of iho Lodgo Unci reqnesfed Bro . Stiles to offer for Uvo . Michael ' s acceptance , an illuminated address , which bore the following inscription : —
Tliin Testimonial , together with a P . M . ' s jewel was presented ( o BRO . J . J . Micrui-r . P . M . By tho Officers and Members of the King ' s Cross Lodge of Anciciil Free and Accepted Masons , No . 1732 , hold at the Metropolitan Club , King ' s Cross , as a mark of their esteem , and in recognition of able and valuable nervicos as First W . M . and Founder of the Lodge , 187 S-9 . Hnro follow the signatures of the Officers aud Founders .
Tlio way in which Bro . Stilea oxpresaod himself as ho handed Bro , Michael theso tokens of tho members ' regard seemed to have an over , powering effect , and Bro . Michael wns compelled to ask tho indnlgenco of tho brethren , as his physical prostration was indeed great . However , later in tho evening ho would strive to thank thorn . After henrty good wishes tho Lodgo was closed . The
brethren then partook of a capital banquet , which was we ! served by Brother Cox , tho manager of tlio Club , and nn the removal of tho cloth the customary toast a and complimentary speeches were given . Wo regret nur . spaces will not permit of nui extending this report ; wo will merely add that under the new Master , Bro . Stiles , tho King ' s Cro . sa Lodge ia nnro to prosper ; ho is one of tho most nineero Masons we know .
DICK RADCLYFFE & CO ., F . R . H . S . L i ^ H M ^ a EEDS- ? ^ — if s * * r s > J = jg * . "g PRIZE MEDAL ° ¦ ' - FQ J |* SI G ARDEN R EQUISITES AND I ? i % f STT V > » am w % HORTICULTURAL - DECORATIONS . ' Address :-129 HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
APRIL ELECTION 1879 . TO THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS or THK liana ( IWasanic fnsittuttan fat <§ kl & The favonr of yonr Totcfi and Interest is earnestly aud respectfully solicited on behalf of MARY ANN AMELIA WYATT , JVCHmi ) f ) YKARS , THE Candidate is tlio oldest of four orphan children of our late Brothor William Patch Wyatfc ( both pai'ents died within six months of each other ) , who was initiated in the Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1007 , of which he was Junior Warden at tho time of his death . Joined the Lodge of Sincerity , and continued a subscribing member until death . He was a liberal supporter , and a Life Governor of tho Il . M . Ti . I . and a Life Subscriber to tho Boys' and Girlfl ' Institutions . The case -is 'riyominended by * Rro . Henry l'hythian P . M . 1293 , T' . P . f ! . So <\ Mid . llesov , -132 Strand , W . C . * Bro . Frederick Keilly P . M . 1293 , W . M . 1597 , Z . 414 , P . G . Treas . Middx ., Clydo Villa , Bavoiisbnnrno Villa Hoad , Forest Hill , S . F . Bro . Jas . Tern- F . CU . VV . Herts , See . B . M . B . I ., & c . & c . Bro . Chas . Lacey P . G . D . Herts , P . M . 174 , 1327 , 1-121 , 1 G 25 , & c . & c . Bro . Chas . , 7 . Perceval V . P ., 171 , S . W . I « 07 . Bro . fl . II . Seddon W . M . 171 Bro . If . If . Blafchford W . M . HOC * . Bro . Japheth Tickle W . M . 1702 , P . M . 1190 . Bro . John Appleby P . M . 174 . Bro . Frederick Brown S . D . 174 , P . M . Ifi 07 . Rro . fi . J . Hilliard 1007 , P . M . 17-1 . Bro . E . G . Leggo , Treas . 1007 , P . M . 1190 . Bro . Chas . TIawksley J . D . 119 « , S . W . 1 . 702 . Dro . J . S . Fraaer J . D . 174 , * lho . A . II . Brown J . G . 174 , 4 Tomlina Grovo , Bow , F . * Hrn . A . Wyatfc 1293 , 10 St . Bcnet Placo , Graceohureh Street , E . C . * Rro . C . II . Webb 1190 , S . W . 174 , W . M . 1007 , 3 Wharf Howl , Cnbitt Town , F . Brethren marked thus * will thankfull y receive proxies . Proxies for Boys' School and R . M . B . Institution available for exchange .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masouic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Advertisers will find THK FRErcMA . sOjVsCniiONicT . K an exceptionally good modinm for Advertisements of every class .
SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Pago £ 8 0 0 Hack Page £ 10 0 0 Mirths , Mnrviagos and Deaths , lid per line . General AdvcH iseincnta , Trade Announcements , < fcc . single coliniin , f > 3 per inch . Doable Colnmn Advertisements 1 B per linn . Special Ternin for a Snn ' na of Insertions on application .
< s A . suitable gift , from a Master to his Lodge . " NEATLY HOUND IN CLOTH , P . IUCE 8 s Gd EACH . THf £ nE £ MACfili'Q PUDflNIPI ( C Itit rmfcmmM ® inHUNIbLEi VOLUMES 1 to 8 . London : —W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on ivocipfc of Cheque or P . O . O .
CANTON STREET HOTEL , CAOTO . TST STREET , LONDON , E . C . Dan been thniw / Uly renovated ; the Hailway advantages , in direct commnnicatum with tho Hotel , render this establishment unequalled iu tho Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & c . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LARCfE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWARDS OF TWELVE HOTDRED PEOPLE . Visnons A - "PAMIXIT-3 visiting LONDON , for LONG or SHORT TERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E H . RAND , MANAGER .