Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HAMPSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article BALL AT SOUTHSEA. Page 1 of 1
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MASONIC HALL , CROYDON , HAREWOOD HOUSE , 105 HIGH STEEET . THIS Hall has every requirement for Masonio purposes , lt contains a large Organ , blown by hydraulic power , and has an excellent cellar for Lodges to keep their own wines . The following Lodges , & c . hold their meeting" * here : —Frederick Lodge , No . 452 ; Addiscombe Lodge , No . 1656 ; Mozart Lodge , No . 1929 ; Croydon Mark No . 198 ; Frederick Chapter , No . 452 . For terms , Ac , address— JOHN RHODES P . M ., P . P . G . O . Surrey , and P . P . G . M . O . Middlesex and Surrey
r ^^^^^^^ Sl 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . O .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hampshire.
A SPECIALLY convened Grand Lodge of Freemasons of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight was held on Monday , 20 th ult ., in the Masonio Hall , Southampton , for the purpose of voting addresses to the Queen and the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of the Craft , in connection with the recent attempted
assassination of Her Majesty . The Right Worshipful the Prov . Grand Master Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., presided ; the D . P . G . M . ' s chair was filled by the Rev . G . Y . Nepean P . M . 130 P . P . G . C , and the other P . G . L . Officers present were : —Bros . Le Fenvre P . M . 130 P . G . S . W ., Rev . J . N . Palmer P . G . J . W ., A . J . Miller P . M . 359 Sec , Barfield P . M . P . G . J . D ., G . Tilling P . M . 1461 P . G . Supt . Works
Arnold W . M . 1421 Assist P . G . D . C , V . Brown P . M . 903 P . G . Purs ., R . Osborne P . M . 487 P . G . Org ., and J . Murray P . M . 76 , and A . Scott P . M . 551 P . G . Stewards . After the Lodge bad been opened iu doe form , the Prov . Grand Master said he must firsfc announce that the Deputy-Prov . Grand Master , the Worshipfsl Bro . Hickman
extremely regretted he was unavoidably prevented attending through absence in London . The Grand Master of the Order , Hia Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , last week summoned the Grand Lodge in London for the purpose of voting an address to Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of her escape from the recent attempt on
her . life , and he could have been well content that tbe large meeting which then assembled should have acted as a general expression of the feelings entertained by the Craft throughout the Kingdom . There -was , however , a special reason naturally suggesting itself to the brethren present , rendering it , in his opinion , not unfitbut on
, the other band incumbent upon them , as Masons of Hampshire and thelsleof Wight , to meet in Prov . Grand Lodge for the purpose of voting a similar address , and that was the fact that Her Maiestv
resided for a considerable portion of the year within the Province . It had been frequently remarked that those who were placed in high and prominent positions in this life sometimes formed targets for the aim of the assassin , aud were exposed to imminent dancer in
consequence . Many examples of this might be cited in history , in which attempts , some successful and some unsuccessful , had been made on the lives of various sovereigns—attempts in some cases animated by a fanatical hatred of the very existence of a Sovereign , and in others animated by a variety of reasons , and these attemnts . as he had said .
had met with more or less success , as would be found in frequent parts of historical record . They had , however , been aimed nob merely against tho persons of Sovereigns , for we had recently had a lamentable instance that they were not confined to that sphere alone , because we had seen in republican America the assassin ,
unfortunately , only too successful in taking away the life of their chief rnler . He thought , therefore , they might well draw from this the "Merence that not only were such attempts at assassination fnl a S ainsfc the persons of tbe Sovereign , but also at tbe ruler ot the State , and wereeonsennenfclv . aimed at the nfiann iinrl wnnrt
, order of society , and if there was one body of men in the world who were more concerned than another that peace and good order , which where the very cement and foundation of their institution , should be maintained , it was the Freemasons . They boasted that they aimed to be exemplary in the discharge of their civil duties , and ¦ !
"tney tried to preserve peace and good order in society , and how , ? ? L ' ^ 'hey carry out those precepts which were inculcated t their very entrance into the Order if they were unmindful of the on ? 01 ? 3 tl ] e y then received . No , he felt sure thafc Freemasons were y too proud to show thev were mindful of t . h = > an lessons , and fcW
thr ^ ? " *' " corno forward , as some of tho most loyal subjects , ranged de ' ° ? r t "" e extensiv ' 0 empire of the Qneen , to show their Wat if ° f SUC ' " " me as t " wfc recentlv perpetrated , and to conda «( » j ) * ' ^ aJesty npon having escaped the danger of such a end otlfcl ' ago . It was with the fall conviction that they would Ba < * 0 r 8 e 8 nc ~ " sen , "in , ents as he had endeavoured to express that he in a !! V " -monea fcbe "Pfov . Grand Lodge that day , to ask them to join th 6 Q I " 111011 would express their cougrafcttlatiou to tho Queen and tendnr " *!! ¦ Master on her escape from the assassin , and , above all , l .. i ? . '" * thankBto the Grnah ArnWfcfirt * -. nF t . Thn TTnivfirso fVmf . Via
, SevereV F *^ - mercy been p'ensed to spare the person of their rei 1 SD ' nstin S the san * c time Her Majesty would be spared to Be prot > , pros P erons ancl united people for many years to como . Th f ! Ser ™? n eS 8 es be P resented by this Provincial Grand Lodge to 08 * Gracious Majesty the Queen , and His Royal Highness the
Prince of Wales , the M . W . Grand Master , expressive of the indi gnution felt by all the brethren of this Province at the recent dastardly attempt on the life of Her Majesty , and their sincere thankfulness thafc Her Majesty , by the merciful interposition of Divine Providence , escaped uninjured . Bro . J . E . LeFeuvre P . G . S . W ., in seconding the resolution said
that the fact thafc Hampshire , associated as it was with the Isle of Wight , was a royal county , and that , following immediately after the Province of Sussex , this was one of tbe first Prov . Grand Lodges in voting loyal addresses to the Queen and the Prince of Wales , would Rive peculiar satisfaction to every Freemason in the Province . The Prov . Grand Master had so well interpreted the feelings of every
loyal and good Freemason under his jurisdiction that many words were not needed in seconding the proposition , which he knew would be unanimously and enthusiastically carried . He ventured to suggest that whereas the Grand Master had intimated thafc the Queen had signified her pleasure that the resolution from Grand Lodgo shonld be presented to her personally , it was possible she might
allow similar addresses from the Provinces in England to be presented personally , and if Her Majesty should consent to receive them he was sure that Hampshire and the Isle of Wight wonld be pleased to join in so agreeable a duty . The resolution was then put and carried , and tbe National Anthem sung , the following special verse being interpolated aa a solo : —
" God save the Queen . " —The Prov . Grand Lodge was then close in ancient and solemn form . —Portsmouth Times .
Saved from the assassin s arm , Thou , Lord , her shield from harm Ever hast been . Angela around her way Watch—while , by night and day , Masons in thousands pray .
Ball At Southsea.
UNDER the distinguished patronage of the Provincial Grand Master W . W . B . Beach , Esq ., M . P ., the Officers of the Pro . vinoial Grand Lodge and the Lodges of the district , tbe Mayor and Mayoress , T . S . H . Prince and Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar , Admiral Ryder Commander-in-Chief , Vice-Admiral Foley , Sir H .
Drummond Wolff , M . P ., aud the Officers of the various regiments in garrison , the annual ball on behalf of the funds of the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , at Wood-Green , was held at the Assembly Rooms , Southsea , on Thursday evening , 16 th ultimo . The arrangements were in the efficient hands of the following Stewards : — The Worshipful Masters of Lodges Nos . 357 , 309 , 342 , 487 , 804 , 903 , 1069 , 1428 , 1705 , 1776 , 1834 , 1903 ; Alderman W . D . King , J . P .,
Chairman , Councillor G . T . Cunningham Vice-Chairman , and Directors of the Freemasons' Hall Company , the Committee of the Masonio "At Home , " and a sub-committee , composed as follows : — Messrs . G . Mason Chairman , T . Hall , A . L . Emannel , J . Willmott , T . Mares , S . R . Ellis , J . Craven jun ., G . Dean , 0 . B . Whitcomb , T . Basket , with Bro . E . S . Main P . M . P . P . G . D . Secretary . The ball
is annually held under the banners of the different local Lodges , and this year ifc was under that of the Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 1834 , Bro . G . Mason W . M ., and by dispensation from the Provincial Grand Master . The whole of the elegant suite of rooms , including the ball room , withdrawing rooms , refreshment and sapper rooms , were thrown open to the guests by Bro . H . Cawte P . M . P . P . G . W .,
the proprietor , who had displayed every care in looking to the comfort and pleasure of his guests . The ball room was graced with groups of valuable ferns and flowers from the hothouses of Bro . Cawte . Suspended from the gallery was the banner of the Duke of Connaught Lodge . The following members of the Order officiated as M . C . ' s , and were distinguished by white rosettes : —Bros . J . Bidd
Hayman W . M . 309 , T . Good , T . C ., P . M . 1834 , John Brickwood W . M . 342 , G . Dean , T . C ., J . W . 487 , T . Halt P . M . 804 , T . Baskett 1776 . The company numbered 250 , the accepted invitations including the following -. —Their Serene Highnesses Prince and Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar , Sir H . and Lady Drummond Wolff , Mr . W . W . B , Beach , M . P ., Vice-Admiral the Hon . F . A . 0 . Foley , Mrs . and Misa
Foley , Colonel J . G . Jervois , K . E ., Colonel G . F . C . Bray , A . Q . M . G ., Colonel J . C . Hay and the Officers of the Gordon Highlanders , Colonel J . W . Barnes and the Officers of the Royal Highlanders ( Black Watch ) , Col . H . W . Mawbey and Officers of the Boyal Marine Artillery , Col . W . H . Worthy Bennett and Oflicers of the Royal Marine Li bfc Infantry . The opening polka , " Brotherly Love , "
( Winterbottom ) was commenced at about nine o ' clock , while the " Farewell " galop was not concluded until about three p . m . The tasteful bine and silver programmes , bearing the signs of the Craft , contained twenty items . Tbe newest music , including the " Saxe-Weimar" raise , by T . F . Wilton , was played by tbe band of that composer , the whole of tbe dance music being pronounced excellent .
A recherche supper was served in the dining ball at about midnight , afc which Bro . Alderman W . D . King presided . After supper the toasts of "The Queen , " "The Prince aud Princess of Wales , " and " The remainder of tho Royal Family , " were drunk with enthusiasm , the whole company singing the National Anthem , and " God bless the Prince of Wales . " In proposing the health of the Prince
and Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar , the Chairman referred to the esteem ancl regard in which both the Prince and Princess were held , nofc only by the Masons as a body , bufc by the whole of the inhabitants of tho borough . By permission of the Prov . G . Master , the brethren wore their Masonic regalia , almost every degree
of the Order being represented . Tbe decorations worn by representatives of " Blue Lodges" were in modest contrast with the imposing uniform of the Provincial Officers and Eoyal Arch Masons , ancl these again paled before the attractive regalia of the Masonic Knights . The dresses of the ladies were at once bright and elegant . —Portsmouth Times .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC HALL , CROYDON , HAREWOOD HOUSE , 105 HIGH STEEET . THIS Hall has every requirement for Masonio purposes , lt contains a large Organ , blown by hydraulic power , and has an excellent cellar for Lodges to keep their own wines . The following Lodges , & c . hold their meeting" * here : —Frederick Lodge , No . 452 ; Addiscombe Lodge , No . 1656 ; Mozart Lodge , No . 1929 ; Croydon Mark No . 198 ; Frederick Chapter , No . 452 . For terms , Ac , address— JOHN RHODES P . M ., P . P . G . O . Surrey , and P . P . G . M . O . Middlesex and Surrey
r ^^^^^^^ Sl 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . O .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hampshire.
A SPECIALLY convened Grand Lodge of Freemasons of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight was held on Monday , 20 th ult ., in the Masonio Hall , Southampton , for the purpose of voting addresses to the Queen and the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of the Craft , in connection with the recent attempted
assassination of Her Majesty . The Right Worshipful the Prov . Grand Master Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., presided ; the D . P . G . M . ' s chair was filled by the Rev . G . Y . Nepean P . M . 130 P . P . G . C , and the other P . G . L . Officers present were : —Bros . Le Fenvre P . M . 130 P . G . S . W ., Rev . J . N . Palmer P . G . J . W ., A . J . Miller P . M . 359 Sec , Barfield P . M . P . G . J . D ., G . Tilling P . M . 1461 P . G . Supt . Works
Arnold W . M . 1421 Assist P . G . D . C , V . Brown P . M . 903 P . G . Purs ., R . Osborne P . M . 487 P . G . Org ., and J . Murray P . M . 76 , and A . Scott P . M . 551 P . G . Stewards . After the Lodge bad been opened iu doe form , the Prov . Grand Master said he must firsfc announce that the Deputy-Prov . Grand Master , the Worshipfsl Bro . Hickman
extremely regretted he was unavoidably prevented attending through absence in London . The Grand Master of the Order , Hia Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , last week summoned the Grand Lodge in London for the purpose of voting an address to Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of her escape from the recent attempt on
her . life , and he could have been well content that tbe large meeting which then assembled should have acted as a general expression of the feelings entertained by the Craft throughout the Kingdom . There -was , however , a special reason naturally suggesting itself to the brethren present , rendering it , in his opinion , not unfitbut on
, the other band incumbent upon them , as Masons of Hampshire and thelsleof Wight , to meet in Prov . Grand Lodge for the purpose of voting a similar address , and that was the fact that Her Maiestv
resided for a considerable portion of the year within the Province . It had been frequently remarked that those who were placed in high and prominent positions in this life sometimes formed targets for the aim of the assassin , aud were exposed to imminent dancer in
consequence . Many examples of this might be cited in history , in which attempts , some successful and some unsuccessful , had been made on the lives of various sovereigns—attempts in some cases animated by a fanatical hatred of the very existence of a Sovereign , and in others animated by a variety of reasons , and these attemnts . as he had said .
had met with more or less success , as would be found in frequent parts of historical record . They had , however , been aimed nob merely against tho persons of Sovereigns , for we had recently had a lamentable instance that they were not confined to that sphere alone , because we had seen in republican America the assassin ,
unfortunately , only too successful in taking away the life of their chief rnler . He thought , therefore , they might well draw from this the "Merence that not only were such attempts at assassination fnl a S ainsfc the persons of tbe Sovereign , but also at tbe ruler ot the State , and wereeonsennenfclv . aimed at the nfiann iinrl wnnrt
, order of society , and if there was one body of men in the world who were more concerned than another that peace and good order , which where the very cement and foundation of their institution , should be maintained , it was the Freemasons . They boasted that they aimed to be exemplary in the discharge of their civil duties , and ¦ !
"tney tried to preserve peace and good order in society , and how , ? ? L ' ^ 'hey carry out those precepts which were inculcated t their very entrance into the Order if they were unmindful of the on ? 01 ? 3 tl ] e y then received . No , he felt sure thafc Freemasons were y too proud to show thev were mindful of t . h = > an lessons , and fcW
thr ^ ? " *' " corno forward , as some of tho most loyal subjects , ranged de ' ° ? r t "" e extensiv ' 0 empire of the Qneen , to show their Wat if ° f SUC ' " " me as t " wfc recentlv perpetrated , and to conda «( » j ) * ' ^ aJesty npon having escaped the danger of such a end otlfcl ' ago . It was with the fall conviction that they would Ba < * 0 r 8 e 8 nc ~ " sen , "in , ents as he had endeavoured to express that he in a !! V " -monea fcbe "Pfov . Grand Lodge that day , to ask them to join th 6 Q I " 111011 would express their cougrafcttlatiou to tho Queen and tendnr " *!! ¦ Master on her escape from the assassin , and , above all , l .. i ? . '" * thankBto the Grnah ArnWfcfirt * -. nF t . Thn TTnivfirso fVmf . Via
, SevereV F *^ - mercy been p'ensed to spare the person of their rei 1 SD ' nstin S the san * c time Her Majesty would be spared to Be prot > , pros P erons ancl united people for many years to como . Th f ! Ser ™? n eS 8 es be P resented by this Provincial Grand Lodge to 08 * Gracious Majesty the Queen , and His Royal Highness the
Prince of Wales , the M . W . Grand Master , expressive of the indi gnution felt by all the brethren of this Province at the recent dastardly attempt on the life of Her Majesty , and their sincere thankfulness thafc Her Majesty , by the merciful interposition of Divine Providence , escaped uninjured . Bro . J . E . LeFeuvre P . G . S . W ., in seconding the resolution said
that the fact thafc Hampshire , associated as it was with the Isle of Wight , was a royal county , and that , following immediately after the Province of Sussex , this was one of tbe first Prov . Grand Lodges in voting loyal addresses to the Queen and the Prince of Wales , would Rive peculiar satisfaction to every Freemason in the Province . The Prov . Grand Master had so well interpreted the feelings of every
loyal and good Freemason under his jurisdiction that many words were not needed in seconding the proposition , which he knew would be unanimously and enthusiastically carried . He ventured to suggest that whereas the Grand Master had intimated thafc the Queen had signified her pleasure that the resolution from Grand Lodgo shonld be presented to her personally , it was possible she might
allow similar addresses from the Provinces in England to be presented personally , and if Her Majesty should consent to receive them he was sure that Hampshire and the Isle of Wight wonld be pleased to join in so agreeable a duty . The resolution was then put and carried , and tbe National Anthem sung , the following special verse being interpolated aa a solo : —
" God save the Queen . " —The Prov . Grand Lodge was then close in ancient and solemn form . —Portsmouth Times .
Saved from the assassin s arm , Thou , Lord , her shield from harm Ever hast been . Angela around her way Watch—while , by night and day , Masons in thousands pray .
Ball At Southsea.
UNDER the distinguished patronage of the Provincial Grand Master W . W . B . Beach , Esq ., M . P ., the Officers of the Pro . vinoial Grand Lodge and the Lodges of the district , tbe Mayor and Mayoress , T . S . H . Prince and Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar , Admiral Ryder Commander-in-Chief , Vice-Admiral Foley , Sir H .
Drummond Wolff , M . P ., aud the Officers of the various regiments in garrison , the annual ball on behalf of the funds of the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , at Wood-Green , was held at the Assembly Rooms , Southsea , on Thursday evening , 16 th ultimo . The arrangements were in the efficient hands of the following Stewards : — The Worshipful Masters of Lodges Nos . 357 , 309 , 342 , 487 , 804 , 903 , 1069 , 1428 , 1705 , 1776 , 1834 , 1903 ; Alderman W . D . King , J . P .,
Chairman , Councillor G . T . Cunningham Vice-Chairman , and Directors of the Freemasons' Hall Company , the Committee of the Masonio "At Home , " and a sub-committee , composed as follows : — Messrs . G . Mason Chairman , T . Hall , A . L . Emannel , J . Willmott , T . Mares , S . R . Ellis , J . Craven jun ., G . Dean , 0 . B . Whitcomb , T . Basket , with Bro . E . S . Main P . M . P . P . G . D . Secretary . The ball
is annually held under the banners of the different local Lodges , and this year ifc was under that of the Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 1834 , Bro . G . Mason W . M ., and by dispensation from the Provincial Grand Master . The whole of the elegant suite of rooms , including the ball room , withdrawing rooms , refreshment and sapper rooms , were thrown open to the guests by Bro . H . Cawte P . M . P . P . G . W .,
the proprietor , who had displayed every care in looking to the comfort and pleasure of his guests . The ball room was graced with groups of valuable ferns and flowers from the hothouses of Bro . Cawte . Suspended from the gallery was the banner of the Duke of Connaught Lodge . The following members of the Order officiated as M . C . ' s , and were distinguished by white rosettes : —Bros . J . Bidd
Hayman W . M . 309 , T . Good , T . C ., P . M . 1834 , John Brickwood W . M . 342 , G . Dean , T . C ., J . W . 487 , T . Halt P . M . 804 , T . Baskett 1776 . The company numbered 250 , the accepted invitations including the following -. —Their Serene Highnesses Prince and Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar , Sir H . and Lady Drummond Wolff , Mr . W . W . B , Beach , M . P ., Vice-Admiral the Hon . F . A . 0 . Foley , Mrs . and Misa
Foley , Colonel J . G . Jervois , K . E ., Colonel G . F . C . Bray , A . Q . M . G ., Colonel J . C . Hay and the Officers of the Gordon Highlanders , Colonel J . W . Barnes and the Officers of the Royal Highlanders ( Black Watch ) , Col . H . W . Mawbey and Officers of the Boyal Marine Artillery , Col . W . H . Worthy Bennett and Oflicers of the Royal Marine Li bfc Infantry . The opening polka , " Brotherly Love , "
( Winterbottom ) was commenced at about nine o ' clock , while the " Farewell " galop was not concluded until about three p . m . The tasteful bine and silver programmes , bearing the signs of the Craft , contained twenty items . Tbe newest music , including the " Saxe-Weimar" raise , by T . F . Wilton , was played by tbe band of that composer , the whole of tbe dance music being pronounced excellent .
A recherche supper was served in the dining ball at about midnight , afc which Bro . Alderman W . D . King presided . After supper the toasts of "The Queen , " "The Prince aud Princess of Wales , " and " The remainder of tho Royal Family , " were drunk with enthusiasm , the whole company singing the National Anthem , and " God bless the Prince of Wales . " In proposing the health of the Prince
and Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar , the Chairman referred to the esteem ancl regard in which both the Prince and Princess were held , nofc only by the Masons as a body , bufc by the whole of the inhabitants of tho borough . By permission of the Prov . G . Master , the brethren wore their Masonic regalia , almost every degree
of the Order being represented . Tbe decorations worn by representatives of " Blue Lodges" were in modest contrast with the imposing uniform of the Provincial Officers and Eoyal Arch Masons , ancl these again paled before the attractive regalia of the Masonic Knights . The dresses of the ladies were at once bright and elegant . —Portsmouth Times .