Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prince having a deep draught the party had to embark on the Eleanor , whioh took them as far aa Hole Hole , where they were pnt on board the Prince , whioh had proceeded there earlier . The weather was exceptionally fine all day , but towards the evening it was rather cold , and the trip around the Breakwater was abandoned . An adjournment was then made to the Masonio Hall and Club , where a capital concert was given by the brethren and friends , Mrs . De
Batty rendering some songa in excellent style . Congratulatory speeches were delivered , and the health | of the Worshipful Master , proposed in eulogistic terms by Bro . Godfrey Evans , was most heartily received . Bro . Charles Mutton , in response , suggested that Masonic brethren should introduce ladies more often into their festivities . Personally he intended , so far as bo possibly could , that members of Lodge Prudence should have the enjoyment of the company of ladies more frequently at their gatherings .
DEE LODGE , No . 1576 .
THE installation meeting of the Dee Lodge , No . 1576 , took place on the 16 th nit ., in the Moatyn House School-room , Park gate , and waa numerously attended . The retiring Worshipful Master Bro . R . G . Hawkins presided at the opening of the Lodge . The visitors included Bros . Salmon P . M . P . G . S . W . of Cheshire , and P . G . Treasurer of North Wales , 0 . Jones P . M . 605 P . P . G . S . B ., S . Jones
P . M . 477 P . P . G . J . D ., Dean W . M . 2375 P . P . G . S . D ., Dr . J . Wn Napier W . M . 2132 , Young P . M . 1336 P . G . S . of W . North Wales , Rev . J . G . Napier S . W . 68 Scotland , Barron P . M . 1570 , Ellis P . M . 721 , Clarke P . M . 605 , M'Leavy 477 , Ramage W . M . 673 , Wilcock P . M . 425 , Bradshaw P . M . 1325 P . P . G . S . W . aod Superintendent of Works Wes * t Lancashire , Wylie J . W . 673 , Darby Secretary 1380 , Barnes P . M . 823 , Robinson W . M . 721 , Dutton P . P . G . J . W ., and many others . The
Worshipfnl Master elect was presented by Bros , the Hon . H . Holbrooke P . M . and R . C . Richmond P . M . The ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . J . Morris P . M . The Worshipfnl Master afterwards invested his Officers , as follow :- Bros . Hawkins I . P . M ., Forester S . W ., Evans J . W ., Morris P . M . Treasurer , Gibbs Secretary , Mayers S . D ., Fearn J . D ., Gerrish I . G .,
W . Jones P . M . Dir . of Cera ., Dutton , Davies , and Edwards Stewards , Phipps Organist , Croft Tyler . Bro . Hawkins I . P . M . was presented with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel , in recognition of his very valuable services to the Lodge during the year . Subsequently the brethren adjourned to the Lodge Room , the Union Hotel , where an excellent banquet waa served by Mrs . Acton . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were proposed and responded to .
THE annual summer outing of the members took place on Thursday , the 16 th ult . Among those present who attended were Bros . Roberts W . M ., Bro . Murlis P . M . and Mrs . Murlis , Bro . Parkhouse P . M . and Mrs . Parkhouse , Green P . M ., Bro . Davis P . M . and Mrs . Davis , Wood P . M ., Woodmason P . M ., Holmes P . M ., Rogers P . M ., Bro . Mason P . M . and Mrs . and Misa Mason , Bro . Hatton and Mrs .
Hatton , Leete , Bro . Jameson and Mrs . Jameson , Fuelling , Bro . Tarner and Mrs . Turner , Bro . Lander P . M . and Mrs . Lander , Adkins P . M ., Taylor P . M ., Bro . Beard and Mrs . Beard , Bro . Rider and Miss Rider , Bro . Dr . Smith and Mrs . Smith , Bro . Payer and Mrs . Fayer , Bro . Wadham and Mr ? . Wadham , Bro . Handover and Mrs . Handover , Bro . Armfield and Mrs . and Miss Armfield , Bro . Choequel and Mrs .
Choequel , Bro . Lea and Mrs . Lee , Bro . Ransom ancl Mrs . Ransom , also Bros . Huisb , Foskett , Williams , French , King , Whittlesea , Mrs . and Miss Heath , and many others . The brethren , with their wives and friends , mustered at Paddington Station at 9 * 10 a . m ., and proceeded , by saloon carriages , to Reading , where a splendid steam launch had been engaged to convey the party up the river in the
direction of Wallingford . The day was gloriously fine , and the magnificent views on both sides of the river were much admired . Covetous eyes were cast on the many pretty riverside retreats , and a frequent inquiry was , " How could you do with that and £ 1000 a year ? " There was a good supply of fruit on board , and the stoppages at the various looks gave the brethren further opportunities of
showing their attention rud devotion to the ladies . Streatley was reached about 1 o ' clock , and a sumptuous luncheon at the Bull Hotel was highly appreciated . The grounds attached to the hotel aro very pretty ; the lawn was like a carpet , and the magnificent rosea and other flowers were in the best condition . After a short rest , the
party again boarded the launch , and for abont half-an-hour the vessel proceeded towards Wallingford . A halt was then made , and the return journey commenced . Fresh beauties in the scenery were discovered , and with short stories and pleasant conversation the time passed rapidly until Reading was again reached .
For busy thoughts the stream flowed on In foamy agitation ; And slept in many a crystal pool For qniot contemplation . * No public and no private care The freeborn mind enthralling , We made a day of happy hours , Our boyhood ' s days recalling .
After the delightful water trip , the party proceeded to the Groat Western Hotel , where a splendid banquet had been prepared . The tables were arranged wifch great taste , and the good things provided wore thoroughly enjoyed . Some Loyal and Masonic toasts followed , and these afforded an opportunity for a few short and amnsin- * speeches . The toast of "The Grand Officers" was responded tn in
an excellent speech by Bro . R . D . Mehta , from India . Bro . R . 0 . kreen proposed "The Worshipfnl Master , " in a few well-chosen words . He referred to the excellent qualities of Bro . Roberts , and on behalf of the Lodge he sympathised with him on a recsont domestic bereavement . They all wished him health , long life , and prosperity . " The Visitors" and " The Ladies " were proposed by
the W . M ., and both toasts were received with great cordiality . BT ° i * f Mason , Taylor , Leete aud Turner responded for the former , and Bro . Beard , who has recently been initiated into Freemasonry , responded , in a humovons speech , for the ladies . A stroll to . the railway station and a rather slow journey to Paddington brought to an end one of Ji oi
the happiest of the many happy summer outings of tne -an Carnarvon Lodge . It would not ba right to conclude this abort account of the dav ' s proceedings without expressing the thanka of all to Bro . Parkhouse and Bro . Murlis , the Treasurer and Secretary , for the splendid arrangements they made , and for the admirable way in whioh everything was carried out .
A REGULAR meeting of thia popular Lodge was held at tha Criterion ( Masonio Temple ) , Piccadilly Circus , S . W ., on the 21 st ult ., when there were present . Bros . Woolley W . M ., Tilton I . P . M ., Hancock S . W ., Reynolds J . W ., Camming Treasurer , G . Roynolda Secretary , Skinner S . D ., Harris J . D ., Jackson I . G ., Schartau OrganiatRowe StewardC . A . Bergholz and G . A . Bergholz Assistant
, , Stewards , Walkley Tyler , Kedge P . M ., Vilain , Snow , Rotter , Thruasell , Atkinson , Spooner , Hansen , D * Alton , Sanders , Hiraoh , Lewis , Bowles , Bertini , Sherwood , Lincoln , Woodward , Williams , and others . Visitors : —Bros . Connor 320 P . G . M . U . S . A ., Tennessee , Langley W . M . 2381 , Cross 1366 , Dawe 1288 , Fendick P . M . 1321 , Williams 101 , Haslett P . M . 145 , Dalzell P . M . 1549 . Lodge was opened in due
form and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Treasurer reported the state of hia account . A ballot waa takan for Mr . Sherwood . This proved unanimous , and the candidate attended , and waa initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The W . Past Grand Master of Tennessee , U . S . A ., Bro . Connor waa unanimously elected an honorary memberand waa presented with the jewel of the
, Lodge . All Masonio bnsiness being ended the Lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and the Brethren adjourned to the Prince ' s Room , where a capital banquet waa served under the superintendence of Bro . Bertini . After the brethren had done justice to the good things placed before them , the W . M . gave the usual toasts in a most happy manner , and iu reply to the toaat of the Siater Grand Lodges of the
United States of America and the Dominion of Canada , the P . G . M . of Tennessee , U . S . A ., Bro . Connor said it had afforded him muoh pleasure to be amongst them , and he wished the Anglo-American Lodge every success . He shonld have been sorry not to have been with them that evening , for it had been one of the happiest he had spent while in London . The idea of the Lodge was grand , and ho hoped
at some futnre time again to visit them . He shonld always remember with pleasure the great honour conferred npon him of being unanimously made an honorary member of the Lodge , and being presented with the jewel , whioh he should always wear on his breast , and take back to America as a memento to remind him of how
English Masons had received him . He waa delighted with the work , although it differed somewhat from that in America , but it had the aame meaning . The evening had been to him one of enjoyment and geniality , and should remain in hia memory as a happy visit to the Anglo-American Lodge . The Tyler ' a toast brought the evening to a close . Thia had been much enlivened with some excellent singing , by Bros . D'Alton , Bagge , Dalzell , and Sohartan ( Organist ) , under whose direction the musio was arranged .
THE installation banquet was held at the Farley Hotol , Plymouth , on Wednesday , 22 nd ult . The W . Master Bro . Major Dick , R . M . L . I ., presided , assisted by Bro . Sergeant-Major Jones , R . E ., Sen . Warden , and Surgeon-Major May , A . M . S ., Jun . Warden ; The usual Masonio toasts were duly responded to , several songs given , and a pi isant evening spent .
THE installation ceremony took place , on the 15 th inst ., at Dore , Derbyshire , when Bro . H . A . Styring P . M . Senior Warden waa installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was very efficiently and ably performed by the retiring master , Bro . Wm . Boden P . P . G . J . W . The retiring W . M . is well-known in Burton , not only as a P . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodge here , bnt also by his connection with the local volnnteers , in which he is a Major .
THE annnal meeting was held at tho Freemasons' Hall , Princess Square , Plymouth , on the 22 nd ult ., to instal Bro . Farnell Hannpford aa the W . Master for the year ensuing . The installing Officers were Bros . Lord and Langmead . The Officers were invested , as follow : —Bros . Lavers I . P . M ., Count S . W ., Cornish J . W ., Yeomans M . O ., Gale S . O ., Tozer J . O ., Goodyear P . M . Chap ., Browning P . M .
Treas ., Lilliorap Registrar of Marks , Hifley P . M . Secretary , Stephens S . D ., Biscombe J . D ., Trout P . M . D . C , Lewarn P . M . A . D . C , Soper Organist , Taylor I . G ., Blight P . M . Steward , and Phillips Tyler . At
the close of the Lodge tho brethren , to the number of twenty-one , adjourned to the refreshment-room at the club , where an excellent supper was prepared by tho manager , Bro . Harvey , and under tho presidency of the W . Master a pleasant evening was spent .
Viscount Valentia , Provincial Grand Master of Mark Masons for the Province of Berkshire and Oxfordshire , presided on the 23 rd ult . at the annual Provincial Grand Lodge , held under the banner of tho Jersey Lodge , at the Town-hall , Maidenhead , whero thero was a
numerous attendance . Lord Valentia appointed and invested Bro . John Tomkins , Mayor of Abiuger , and Grand Deacon of tho Grand Mark Lodge of England , as Deputy Provincial Grand Master in the room of Bro Charles Stephens , who had resigned throngh ill-health . A trip on the Thames aud a banquet followed the Lodge business .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prince having a deep draught the party had to embark on the Eleanor , whioh took them as far aa Hole Hole , where they were pnt on board the Prince , whioh had proceeded there earlier . The weather was exceptionally fine all day , but towards the evening it was rather cold , and the trip around the Breakwater was abandoned . An adjournment was then made to the Masonio Hall and Club , where a capital concert was given by the brethren and friends , Mrs . De
Batty rendering some songa in excellent style . Congratulatory speeches were delivered , and the health | of the Worshipful Master , proposed in eulogistic terms by Bro . Godfrey Evans , was most heartily received . Bro . Charles Mutton , in response , suggested that Masonic brethren should introduce ladies more often into their festivities . Personally he intended , so far as bo possibly could , that members of Lodge Prudence should have the enjoyment of the company of ladies more frequently at their gatherings .
DEE LODGE , No . 1576 .
THE installation meeting of the Dee Lodge , No . 1576 , took place on the 16 th nit ., in the Moatyn House School-room , Park gate , and waa numerously attended . The retiring Worshipful Master Bro . R . G . Hawkins presided at the opening of the Lodge . The visitors included Bros . Salmon P . M . P . G . S . W . of Cheshire , and P . G . Treasurer of North Wales , 0 . Jones P . M . 605 P . P . G . S . B ., S . Jones
P . M . 477 P . P . G . J . D ., Dean W . M . 2375 P . P . G . S . D ., Dr . J . Wn Napier W . M . 2132 , Young P . M . 1336 P . G . S . of W . North Wales , Rev . J . G . Napier S . W . 68 Scotland , Barron P . M . 1570 , Ellis P . M . 721 , Clarke P . M . 605 , M'Leavy 477 , Ramage W . M . 673 , Wilcock P . M . 425 , Bradshaw P . M . 1325 P . P . G . S . W . aod Superintendent of Works Wes * t Lancashire , Wylie J . W . 673 , Darby Secretary 1380 , Barnes P . M . 823 , Robinson W . M . 721 , Dutton P . P . G . J . W ., and many others . The
Worshipfnl Master elect was presented by Bros , the Hon . H . Holbrooke P . M . and R . C . Richmond P . M . The ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . J . Morris P . M . The Worshipfnl Master afterwards invested his Officers , as follow :- Bros . Hawkins I . P . M ., Forester S . W ., Evans J . W ., Morris P . M . Treasurer , Gibbs Secretary , Mayers S . D ., Fearn J . D ., Gerrish I . G .,
W . Jones P . M . Dir . of Cera ., Dutton , Davies , and Edwards Stewards , Phipps Organist , Croft Tyler . Bro . Hawkins I . P . M . was presented with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel , in recognition of his very valuable services to the Lodge during the year . Subsequently the brethren adjourned to the Lodge Room , the Union Hotel , where an excellent banquet waa served by Mrs . Acton . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were proposed and responded to .
THE annual summer outing of the members took place on Thursday , the 16 th ult . Among those present who attended were Bros . Roberts W . M ., Bro . Murlis P . M . and Mrs . Murlis , Bro . Parkhouse P . M . and Mrs . Parkhouse , Green P . M ., Bro . Davis P . M . and Mrs . Davis , Wood P . M ., Woodmason P . M ., Holmes P . M ., Rogers P . M ., Bro . Mason P . M . and Mrs . and Misa Mason , Bro . Hatton and Mrs .
Hatton , Leete , Bro . Jameson and Mrs . Jameson , Fuelling , Bro . Tarner and Mrs . Turner , Bro . Lander P . M . and Mrs . Lander , Adkins P . M ., Taylor P . M ., Bro . Beard and Mrs . Beard , Bro . Rider and Miss Rider , Bro . Dr . Smith and Mrs . Smith , Bro . Payer and Mrs . Fayer , Bro . Wadham and Mr ? . Wadham , Bro . Handover and Mrs . Handover , Bro . Armfield and Mrs . and Miss Armfield , Bro . Choequel and Mrs .
Choequel , Bro . Lea and Mrs . Lee , Bro . Ransom ancl Mrs . Ransom , also Bros . Huisb , Foskett , Williams , French , King , Whittlesea , Mrs . and Miss Heath , and many others . The brethren , with their wives and friends , mustered at Paddington Station at 9 * 10 a . m ., and proceeded , by saloon carriages , to Reading , where a splendid steam launch had been engaged to convey the party up the river in the
direction of Wallingford . The day was gloriously fine , and the magnificent views on both sides of the river were much admired . Covetous eyes were cast on the many pretty riverside retreats , and a frequent inquiry was , " How could you do with that and £ 1000 a year ? " There was a good supply of fruit on board , and the stoppages at the various looks gave the brethren further opportunities of
showing their attention rud devotion to the ladies . Streatley was reached about 1 o ' clock , and a sumptuous luncheon at the Bull Hotel was highly appreciated . The grounds attached to the hotel aro very pretty ; the lawn was like a carpet , and the magnificent rosea and other flowers were in the best condition . After a short rest , the
party again boarded the launch , and for abont half-an-hour the vessel proceeded towards Wallingford . A halt was then made , and the return journey commenced . Fresh beauties in the scenery were discovered , and with short stories and pleasant conversation the time passed rapidly until Reading was again reached .
For busy thoughts the stream flowed on In foamy agitation ; And slept in many a crystal pool For qniot contemplation . * No public and no private care The freeborn mind enthralling , We made a day of happy hours , Our boyhood ' s days recalling .
After the delightful water trip , the party proceeded to the Groat Western Hotel , where a splendid banquet had been prepared . The tables were arranged wifch great taste , and the good things provided wore thoroughly enjoyed . Some Loyal and Masonic toasts followed , and these afforded an opportunity for a few short and amnsin- * speeches . The toast of "The Grand Officers" was responded tn in
an excellent speech by Bro . R . D . Mehta , from India . Bro . R . 0 . kreen proposed "The Worshipfnl Master , " in a few well-chosen words . He referred to the excellent qualities of Bro . Roberts , and on behalf of the Lodge he sympathised with him on a recsont domestic bereavement . They all wished him health , long life , and prosperity . " The Visitors" and " The Ladies " were proposed by
the W . M ., and both toasts were received with great cordiality . BT ° i * f Mason , Taylor , Leete aud Turner responded for the former , and Bro . Beard , who has recently been initiated into Freemasonry , responded , in a humovons speech , for the ladies . A stroll to . the railway station and a rather slow journey to Paddington brought to an end one of Ji oi
the happiest of the many happy summer outings of tne -an Carnarvon Lodge . It would not ba right to conclude this abort account of the dav ' s proceedings without expressing the thanka of all to Bro . Parkhouse and Bro . Murlis , the Treasurer and Secretary , for the splendid arrangements they made , and for the admirable way in whioh everything was carried out .
A REGULAR meeting of thia popular Lodge was held at tha Criterion ( Masonio Temple ) , Piccadilly Circus , S . W ., on the 21 st ult ., when there were present . Bros . Woolley W . M ., Tilton I . P . M ., Hancock S . W ., Reynolds J . W ., Camming Treasurer , G . Roynolda Secretary , Skinner S . D ., Harris J . D ., Jackson I . G ., Schartau OrganiatRowe StewardC . A . Bergholz and G . A . Bergholz Assistant
, , Stewards , Walkley Tyler , Kedge P . M ., Vilain , Snow , Rotter , Thruasell , Atkinson , Spooner , Hansen , D * Alton , Sanders , Hiraoh , Lewis , Bowles , Bertini , Sherwood , Lincoln , Woodward , Williams , and others . Visitors : —Bros . Connor 320 P . G . M . U . S . A ., Tennessee , Langley W . M . 2381 , Cross 1366 , Dawe 1288 , Fendick P . M . 1321 , Williams 101 , Haslett P . M . 145 , Dalzell P . M . 1549 . Lodge was opened in due
form and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Treasurer reported the state of hia account . A ballot waa takan for Mr . Sherwood . This proved unanimous , and the candidate attended , and waa initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The W . Past Grand Master of Tennessee , U . S . A ., Bro . Connor waa unanimously elected an honorary memberand waa presented with the jewel of the
, Lodge . All Masonio bnsiness being ended the Lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and the Brethren adjourned to the Prince ' s Room , where a capital banquet waa served under the superintendence of Bro . Bertini . After the brethren had done justice to the good things placed before them , the W . M . gave the usual toasts in a most happy manner , and iu reply to the toaat of the Siater Grand Lodges of the
United States of America and the Dominion of Canada , the P . G . M . of Tennessee , U . S . A ., Bro . Connor said it had afforded him muoh pleasure to be amongst them , and he wished the Anglo-American Lodge every success . He shonld have been sorry not to have been with them that evening , for it had been one of the happiest he had spent while in London . The idea of the Lodge was grand , and ho hoped
at some futnre time again to visit them . He shonld always remember with pleasure the great honour conferred npon him of being unanimously made an honorary member of the Lodge , and being presented with the jewel , whioh he should always wear on his breast , and take back to America as a memento to remind him of how
English Masons had received him . He waa delighted with the work , although it differed somewhat from that in America , but it had the aame meaning . The evening had been to him one of enjoyment and geniality , and should remain in hia memory as a happy visit to the Anglo-American Lodge . The Tyler ' a toast brought the evening to a close . Thia had been much enlivened with some excellent singing , by Bros . D'Alton , Bagge , Dalzell , and Sohartan ( Organist ) , under whose direction the musio was arranged .
THE installation banquet was held at the Farley Hotol , Plymouth , on Wednesday , 22 nd ult . The W . Master Bro . Major Dick , R . M . L . I ., presided , assisted by Bro . Sergeant-Major Jones , R . E ., Sen . Warden , and Surgeon-Major May , A . M . S ., Jun . Warden ; The usual Masonio toasts were duly responded to , several songs given , and a pi isant evening spent .
THE installation ceremony took place , on the 15 th inst ., at Dore , Derbyshire , when Bro . H . A . Styring P . M . Senior Warden waa installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was very efficiently and ably performed by the retiring master , Bro . Wm . Boden P . P . G . J . W . The retiring W . M . is well-known in Burton , not only as a P . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodge here , bnt also by his connection with the local volnnteers , in which he is a Major .
THE annnal meeting was held at tho Freemasons' Hall , Princess Square , Plymouth , on the 22 nd ult ., to instal Bro . Farnell Hannpford aa the W . Master for the year ensuing . The installing Officers were Bros . Lord and Langmead . The Officers were invested , as follow : —Bros . Lavers I . P . M ., Count S . W ., Cornish J . W ., Yeomans M . O ., Gale S . O ., Tozer J . O ., Goodyear P . M . Chap ., Browning P . M .
Treas ., Lilliorap Registrar of Marks , Hifley P . M . Secretary , Stephens S . D ., Biscombe J . D ., Trout P . M . D . C , Lewarn P . M . A . D . C , Soper Organist , Taylor I . G ., Blight P . M . Steward , and Phillips Tyler . At
the close of the Lodge tho brethren , to the number of twenty-one , adjourned to the refreshment-room at the club , where an excellent supper was prepared by tho manager , Bro . Harvey , and under tho presidency of the W . Master a pleasant evening was spent .
Viscount Valentia , Provincial Grand Master of Mark Masons for the Province of Berkshire and Oxfordshire , presided on the 23 rd ult . at the annual Provincial Grand Lodge , held under the banner of tho Jersey Lodge , at the Town-hall , Maidenhead , whero thero was a
numerous attendance . Lord Valentia appointed and invested Bro . John Tomkins , Mayor of Abiuger , and Grand Deacon of tho Grand Mark Lodge of England , as Deputy Provincial Grand Master in the room of Bro Charles Stephens , who had resigned throngh ill-health . A trip on the Thames aud a banquet followed the Lodge business .