Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
A MEETING of the Royal Arch Masons of fche Province of Dorset was hold at . Weymouth , on Tuesday , 21 st ultimo , for the purpope of installing M . E . Comp . Montagu J . Guest as firand Superintendent in succession to M . E . Comp . J . M . P . Montague , resigned . The
retirement of the late Grand Supnrintendent has been a cause of unfeigned sorrow in the Province , and this feeling has been accentuated by the knowledge that the cause of his withdrawal was not a lack of interest in the Order but a
comp lete break-down in health . M . E . Comp . Montague was one of the most distinguished Masons in England , and has enjoyed the confidence and official approval of H . R . H . the Grand Master . He has taken especial interest ; in the
progress of Masonry in his own Province , and has won the affection and esteem of every member of the Craft , more particularly of those of the exalted degree . The AH Souls ( Weymouth ) Chapter was opened at noon , and the
following brethren were present : —The Earl of Euston P . G . Supt . North Hunts , Rev . W . Mortimer Heath P . G . lst A . S ., Sir R . N . Howard P . G . D . England , tho afore-named being Officers of the Grand Chapter of England ; the
following Provincial Grand Officers : —H . T . George P . Z . 170 H „ J . A . Sherrin P . Z . 170 S . E ., A . McLean P . Z . 170 S . N ., S . R . Baskett P . Z . 707 P . S ., W . 0 . Browne Z . 137 lst A . S . Past Grand Provincial Officers : —W . K . Brymer P . Z . 417 H ., Pelly Hooper P . Z . 170 H ., G . J . G . Gregory P . Z . 417 H ., J . Robinson P . Z . 417 J ., T . R . Charles P . Z . 170 Svv . B ., Rov . T . Rnssell-Wright P . Z . 417 Sw . B ., J . W . Smith P . Z . 622 J ., J . S . Stroud P . Z . 417 A . S ., J . B . Cole P . Z . 170 H ., C . G . Tareettt P . Z . 170 R .,
A . Graham P . Z . 170 P . S , VV . D . Dugdale P . Z . 137 A . S ., Nosworthy P . Z . 170 329 Organist . The following Principals and Companions : —Chapter Amity , Poole—Rev . W . C . Brown Z ., W . Davis H ., D . Hitching N „ J . H . Tiloy S ., and J . Squibb Janitor . All Souls' Chapter ,
Weymouth—A . Reynolds Z ., W . Smith J ., G . J . Davis P . Z ., H . Gibbs , J . E . Crickmay , J . H . Bowen , Hetley , B . Morris , Browning , H . Groves and Jesty . Faith and Unanimity , Dorchester—B . A . Hogg P . Z . and E . Newman . Cuthberga Chapter , Wimborne—C . W . Burt Z . and A . Harris .
Portland Chapter—C . J . Freeman Z ., E . Mills H ., Hussev S . N ., A . G . Western P . Z ., Cox P . Z ., Bennett P . Z . and j Cooke Janitor . De Moulham Chapter , Swanage—Shearman Z . Beaminster Chapter—Webb P . Z . and Comp . Long Provincial Janitor . Tho Grand Officers were received
by All Souls Chapter , who resigned their chairs to Grand Chapter Officers . The Acting Firsfc Principal ( Earl of Euston ) then explained fche objects of fche meeting . They were assembled , his Lordship said , to do honour to whom honour was due . M . E . Companion Montague Guest had
for the past fourteen years discharged the distinguished office of Provincial Grand Master of Dorset , and he congratulated the Royal Arch Masons on having such a man selected to preside over them . He trusted the Province would be even more successful in the future than in the
past . The Grand Superintendent elect was thin introduced by the two Senior Past Prov . Second Principals Present ( M . E . Companions George and Pelley Hooper ) , and the patent from Grand Chapter having beeu read by Prov . Grand Scribe ( M . E . Companion Sherren ) he was duly
installed b y the Earl of Euston . M . E . Companions Brymer and Sherren were installed Second and Third Principals respectively . Prov . Grand Chapter was then held . The report and statement of accounts , both of which were highly
satisfactory , were presented . Tho Rev . W . Mortimer Heath was unanimousl y elected Treasurer for fche year . The Grand Superintendent thanked the Chapter for the honour tbey had done him that day , and assured them he would do his utmost to follow in the footsteps * of his predecessor . Lie aimaea
in leelmg terms to tho cause of Comp . Montague ' s retirement , and expressed the hope , thongh he feared ifc was a sorrowful hope , thafc he might be restored to health . With regard to the future , he claimed tho support of all
a . a .. Masons in tho Province , and trusted that the fraternal feelings which had always characterised his relations with the brethren of the Craft would be extended to him in the Higher degree . He then proposed , and Comp . Brymer
Royal Arch.
seconded , a hearty vote of thanks to Lord Euston for his kindness in performing tho installation ceremony that day . This was snpported by Comp . Sherren . Tho Earl of Euston assured them it had afforded him tho greatest pleasure to come down and instal his friend tl e Grand Superintendent of Dorset .
The Grand Superintendent proposed a hearty vote of sympathy with M . E . Comp . Montague in his affliction . Sir R . N . Howard seconded , and said their lato Superintendent was one of the finest Masons he had ever known .
Sympathetic allusion was made by the Grand Superintendent to the loss the Province had sustained by the death of the late Colonel Hambro—a loss not only to tho Craft , of which he was so distinguished a member , but to tho county generally .
The following Provincial Grand Officers wero thon invested : —
Rev . W . Mortimer Heath Treasurer Pelly Hooper S . E . C . Haun S . N . Shearman Registrar J . S . Stroud P . S .
W . C . Burt 1 st A . S . Mills 2 nd A . S . Rev . J . Hubert Scott Sword Bearer W . Smith Standard Bearer Zillwood Milledge Dir . of Cers . P . Long Janitor
It was decided to hold the next Provincial Grand Chapter at Swanage . Other Provincial Chapter bnsiness was transacted . Subsequently a banquet ; was served at Cooke ' s Rooms , when tho Grand Superintendent presided ,
supported by the Earl of Euston , Sir R . N . Howard , W . E . Brymer , Rev . W . Mortimer Heath , Tizard Georgo , J . Robinson , G . J . G . Gregory , and other distinguished R . A . Masons of the Province . Mr . Cooke catered in an
admirable manner . An abundant supply of champagne was placed on tbo table by the newly-installed Grand Superintendent . Grace was said by the Rev . W . M . Heath . A shorfc toast list was gone through . The Qneen and R . A . Masonry , proposed
by the Grand Superintendent , was responded to by the Earl of Euston . The Grand Snpt . then proposed tbo Prince of Wales Grand Z . of England , which was followed by Officers of Grand Chapter Past aud Present . Sir R . N . Howard briefly replied , and congratulated the
Province on their new Grand Superintendent . During the past 14 years they had worked in perfect harmony with him in the Craft , and bis appointment was a happy augnry for the success of Royal Arch Masonry . The Earl of Euston then proposed the Grand Superintendent
of Dorset . They had done him a great compliment in asking him to come and assist that day . It had been a source of great pleasure , and if at any time he could assist their Grand Superintendent he should beonly too glad . He wished the Province continued prosperity . The Grand
Superintendent said the kind words which had been said of him that day would sink deep into his heart . He waa not unknown to the Provincial Chapter , for as Masons he had been connected with them as their Provincial Grand Master for 14 years . He was sure he should not in vain claim the
support and assistance he had always received , and wifch that assurance he had no hesitation in accepting the chair when offered him by the Prince of Wales . His great object wonld be to advance the interests of the Province , and he was snre thafc in this aim he wonld have their warm
cooperation . Sir R . N . Howard proposed the installing Principal , Lord Euston , and his Lordship reiterated his feelings of pleasure at being allowed to take part in fchafc day ' s proceedings . He shonld ever regard it as a red-letter day in his history as a Freemason .
The Grand Superintendent proposed tho Officers Past and Present of Prov . Grand Chapter of Dorset , and Comps . W . E . Brymer , M . P ., "Rev . W . M . Heath , Pelly Hooper , and Tizard George responded . The Visitors was the next toast , and the Rev . W . C . Brown responded , though ho
disclaimed the idea that he was a visitor . Ho had passed over the Borders it was true , but all his interests as a Mason would ever remain in Dorset . The Grand Superintendent submitted the Principals of All Souls' Chapter , and
tendered tho thanks of the Provincial Chapter to the local Chapter for their kind reception that day . Principals Reynolds and Smith acknowledged the compliment . This concluded the toasfc list , and a pleasant time was subsequently spent , under the presidency of Comp . Brymer , M . P .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
A MEETING of the Royal Arch Masons of fche Province of Dorset was hold at . Weymouth , on Tuesday , 21 st ultimo , for the purpope of installing M . E . Comp . Montagu J . Guest as firand Superintendent in succession to M . E . Comp . J . M . P . Montague , resigned . The
retirement of the late Grand Supnrintendent has been a cause of unfeigned sorrow in the Province , and this feeling has been accentuated by the knowledge that the cause of his withdrawal was not a lack of interest in the Order but a
comp lete break-down in health . M . E . Comp . Montague was one of the most distinguished Masons in England , and has enjoyed the confidence and official approval of H . R . H . the Grand Master . He has taken especial interest ; in the
progress of Masonry in his own Province , and has won the affection and esteem of every member of the Craft , more particularly of those of the exalted degree . The AH Souls ( Weymouth ) Chapter was opened at noon , and the
following brethren were present : —The Earl of Euston P . G . Supt . North Hunts , Rev . W . Mortimer Heath P . G . lst A . S ., Sir R . N . Howard P . G . D . England , tho afore-named being Officers of the Grand Chapter of England ; the
following Provincial Grand Officers : —H . T . George P . Z . 170 H „ J . A . Sherrin P . Z . 170 S . E ., A . McLean P . Z . 170 S . N ., S . R . Baskett P . Z . 707 P . S ., W . 0 . Browne Z . 137 lst A . S . Past Grand Provincial Officers : —W . K . Brymer P . Z . 417 H ., Pelly Hooper P . Z . 170 H ., G . J . G . Gregory P . Z . 417 H ., J . Robinson P . Z . 417 J ., T . R . Charles P . Z . 170 Svv . B ., Rov . T . Rnssell-Wright P . Z . 417 Sw . B ., J . W . Smith P . Z . 622 J ., J . S . Stroud P . Z . 417 A . S ., J . B . Cole P . Z . 170 H ., C . G . Tareettt P . Z . 170 R .,
A . Graham P . Z . 170 P . S , VV . D . Dugdale P . Z . 137 A . S ., Nosworthy P . Z . 170 329 Organist . The following Principals and Companions : —Chapter Amity , Poole—Rev . W . C . Brown Z ., W . Davis H ., D . Hitching N „ J . H . Tiloy S ., and J . Squibb Janitor . All Souls' Chapter ,
Weymouth—A . Reynolds Z ., W . Smith J ., G . J . Davis P . Z ., H . Gibbs , J . E . Crickmay , J . H . Bowen , Hetley , B . Morris , Browning , H . Groves and Jesty . Faith and Unanimity , Dorchester—B . A . Hogg P . Z . and E . Newman . Cuthberga Chapter , Wimborne—C . W . Burt Z . and A . Harris .
Portland Chapter—C . J . Freeman Z ., E . Mills H ., Hussev S . N ., A . G . Western P . Z ., Cox P . Z ., Bennett P . Z . and j Cooke Janitor . De Moulham Chapter , Swanage—Shearman Z . Beaminster Chapter—Webb P . Z . and Comp . Long Provincial Janitor . Tho Grand Officers were received
by All Souls Chapter , who resigned their chairs to Grand Chapter Officers . The Acting Firsfc Principal ( Earl of Euston ) then explained fche objects of fche meeting . They were assembled , his Lordship said , to do honour to whom honour was due . M . E . Companion Montague Guest had
for the past fourteen years discharged the distinguished office of Provincial Grand Master of Dorset , and he congratulated the Royal Arch Masons on having such a man selected to preside over them . He trusted the Province would be even more successful in the future than in the
past . The Grand Superintendent elect was thin introduced by the two Senior Past Prov . Second Principals Present ( M . E . Companions George and Pelley Hooper ) , and the patent from Grand Chapter having beeu read by Prov . Grand Scribe ( M . E . Companion Sherren ) he was duly
installed b y the Earl of Euston . M . E . Companions Brymer and Sherren were installed Second and Third Principals respectively . Prov . Grand Chapter was then held . The report and statement of accounts , both of which were highly
satisfactory , were presented . Tho Rev . W . Mortimer Heath was unanimousl y elected Treasurer for fche year . The Grand Superintendent thanked the Chapter for the honour tbey had done him that day , and assured them he would do his utmost to follow in the footsteps * of his predecessor . Lie aimaea
in leelmg terms to tho cause of Comp . Montague ' s retirement , and expressed the hope , thongh he feared ifc was a sorrowful hope , thafc he might be restored to health . With regard to the future , he claimed tho support of all
a . a .. Masons in tho Province , and trusted that the fraternal feelings which had always characterised his relations with the brethren of the Craft would be extended to him in the Higher degree . He then proposed , and Comp . Brymer
Royal Arch.
seconded , a hearty vote of thanks to Lord Euston for his kindness in performing tho installation ceremony that day . This was snpported by Comp . Sherren . Tho Earl of Euston assured them it had afforded him tho greatest pleasure to come down and instal his friend tl e Grand Superintendent of Dorset .
The Grand Superintendent proposed a hearty vote of sympathy with M . E . Comp . Montague in his affliction . Sir R . N . Howard seconded , and said their lato Superintendent was one of the finest Masons he had ever known .
Sympathetic allusion was made by the Grand Superintendent to the loss the Province had sustained by the death of the late Colonel Hambro—a loss not only to tho Craft , of which he was so distinguished a member , but to tho county generally .
The following Provincial Grand Officers wero thon invested : —
Rev . W . Mortimer Heath Treasurer Pelly Hooper S . E . C . Haun S . N . Shearman Registrar J . S . Stroud P . S .
W . C . Burt 1 st A . S . Mills 2 nd A . S . Rev . J . Hubert Scott Sword Bearer W . Smith Standard Bearer Zillwood Milledge Dir . of Cers . P . Long Janitor
It was decided to hold the next Provincial Grand Chapter at Swanage . Other Provincial Chapter bnsiness was transacted . Subsequently a banquet ; was served at Cooke ' s Rooms , when tho Grand Superintendent presided ,
supported by the Earl of Euston , Sir R . N . Howard , W . E . Brymer , Rev . W . Mortimer Heath , Tizard Georgo , J . Robinson , G . J . G . Gregory , and other distinguished R . A . Masons of the Province . Mr . Cooke catered in an
admirable manner . An abundant supply of champagne was placed on tbo table by the newly-installed Grand Superintendent . Grace was said by the Rev . W . M . Heath . A shorfc toast list was gone through . The Qneen and R . A . Masonry , proposed
by the Grand Superintendent , was responded to by the Earl of Euston . The Grand Snpt . then proposed tbo Prince of Wales Grand Z . of England , which was followed by Officers of Grand Chapter Past aud Present . Sir R . N . Howard briefly replied , and congratulated the
Province on their new Grand Superintendent . During the past 14 years they had worked in perfect harmony with him in the Craft , and bis appointment was a happy augnry for the success of Royal Arch Masonry . The Earl of Euston then proposed the Grand Superintendent
of Dorset . They had done him a great compliment in asking him to come and assist that day . It had been a source of great pleasure , and if at any time he could assist their Grand Superintendent he should beonly too glad . He wished the Province continued prosperity . The Grand
Superintendent said the kind words which had been said of him that day would sink deep into his heart . He waa not unknown to the Provincial Chapter , for as Masons he had been connected with them as their Provincial Grand Master for 14 years . He was sure he should not in vain claim the
support and assistance he had always received , and wifch that assurance he had no hesitation in accepting the chair when offered him by the Prince of Wales . His great object wonld be to advance the interests of the Province , and he was snre thafc in this aim he wonld have their warm
cooperation . Sir R . N . Howard proposed the installing Principal , Lord Euston , and his Lordship reiterated his feelings of pleasure at being allowed to take part in fchafc day ' s proceedings . He shonld ever regard it as a red-letter day in his history as a Freemason .
The Grand Superintendent proposed tho Officers Past and Present of Prov . Grand Chapter of Dorset , and Comps . W . E . Brymer , M . P ., "Rev . W . M . Heath , Pelly Hooper , and Tizard George responded . The Visitors was the next toast , and the Rev . W . C . Brown responded , though ho
disclaimed the idea that he was a visitor . Ho had passed over the Borders it was true , but all his interests as a Mason would ever remain in Dorset . The Grand Superintendent submitted the Principals of All Souls' Chapter , and
tendered tho thanks of the Provincial Chapter to the local Chapter for their kind reception that day . Principals Reynolds and Smith acknowledged the compliment . This concluded the toasfc list , and a pleasant time was subsequently spent , under the presidency of Comp . Brymer , M . P .