Article GRAND LODGE NEXT WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article A DEVONIAN LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article DEVONSHIRE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge Next Week.
HP HE Agenda of Business for the Quarterly Com-* munication of United Grand Lodge to be held on Wednesday next may be regarded as an indication of prosperity and steady growth on the part of the English Brotherhood . There is really nothing for the
Brethren to do , unless it be to rub their hands and congratulate each other on the all round manifestation of contentment presented , and yet there is much in the business to be brought before the Craft which it would be unwise to simply gloss over .
Unfortunately a note of sadness will be sounded at the outset , it being arranged for the Grand Master in the chair to move a resolution sympathising with the M . W . the Grand Master on the death of his brother the late Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha .
This will be followed by the presentation of the Report of the Board of Benevolence for the quarter , and then the Report of the Board of General Purposes will be dealt with . The former requires confirmation
for two grants of ^" 75 each , and four of ^" 50 each ; the latter records the receipt of upwards of ^ , ' 9 , 000 on behalf of the distressed Freemasons of South Africa , announces the completion of the additions to
Freemasons' Hall , arranges for different payments in connection therewith , and proposes some better and easier method of verifying Brethren previous to admittance to the stated meetings of Grand Lodge .
Later on the Brethren will be asked to sanction
an arrangement by which printed copies of the minutes of previous assemblies of Grand Lodge will be provided for those attending the quarterly meetings , it being recognised such a course will save time , and make the Brethren better acquainted with the work .
Thirteen new Lodges have been warranted during the past quarter , six for London , four for the Provinces , and three for the colonies .
A Devonian Lodge.
THE Devonian Club , a club the designation of which is sufficiently descriptive of its scope , and having
headquarters at the Adelphi Hotel , Adam Street , London , is giving proof of its vitality . A movement is on foot among its members for the formation of a Lodge . A Warrant has been applied for , and will doubtless be speedily granted . The Lord Chancellor ( Lord Halsbury ) will be its first
Master . It was at first intended to limit the Lodge to members ¦ of the Devonian Club , but , at the suggestion of Lord Halsbury , the application now stands for Devonshire men and men of Devonshire descent . We understand that Lord Churston will be one of the first Officers and that
Bro . George Lambert , M . P . for South Molton , will also take a position in the Lodge . The Senior Warden will be Bro . Wellsman , C . C ., and the Lodge will be unique in having seven Grand Officers among its fourteen Founders . A number of Brethren have expressed a desire to join , and a large number of initiates is expected . The Lodge will meet at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel ,
THE annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge , held at the Freemasons' Hall , Plymouth , on the 28 th ult , was presided over by Bro . G . C . Davie P . G . A . D . C . Eng ., acting
Prov . G . M ., who was supported by two past Officers of the Grand Lodge of England : Bros . Rev . R . Peek ( of Drewsteignton ) Past Grand Chaplain , and Bro . Sandeman ( of Plymouth ) .
The Acting Prov . Grand Master said as that was the first annual meeting since the departure of their Provincial Grand Master for India , he thought it would be a graceful act if they sent Lord Northcote the following telegram .- — " Northcote ,
Governor , Bombay . —Hearty good wishes and sincere congratulations from Provincial Grand Lodge assembled at Plymouth . " He proposed that the telegram be sent , and this being seconded by the Provincial Senior Grand Warden was cordially agreed to .
The Provincial Grand Secretary reported that on 31 st December 1899 there were 4 , 065 members in the 59 Lodges in the Province , an increase of 193 members over the previous year . The names of 271 Brethren had been removed from the register by death , resignation , or exclusion , and 3 6 4 new
members admitted . The number of Past Masters was 904 . A vacancy having occurred in the office of Prov . Asst . Grand Director of Ceremonies the Prov . G . Master had filled it by the appointment in writing of Bro . John Hammond P . M . 1255 , who now . took Office and rank as though he had been
appointed at the annual meeting of Prov . G . Lodge . Attention was called to the many distinguished , valued , and well-known Brethren who had lately been called to their rest , especially to the great loss sustained by the deaths of Bros . John Lane and John Brewer , both of whom were past Officers of Grand
Lodge . The former was Prov . Junior G . Warden at the time of his death , and the latter ; had for ten years faithfully carried out the duties of Prov . G . Secretary . Another new Lodge had recently been constituted , viz ., the Lodge of the Three Pillars , to meet at Cockington , making the sixtieth on the roll of the Province . Two new Masonic Halls had been
erected and dedicated : at Ilfracombe and St . Budeaux , and progress was being made with the building of another at Okehampton . The Brethren had made a generous response to the Prov . G . Master ' s appeal on behalf of the National Ked Cross Fund , £ 384 2 s having been contributed from the
Province . The Lord Mayor of London had sent a grateful acknowledgment of the generous amount contributed by his Masonic Brethren in Devonshire . Two applications had been received from Lodges for the supplemental grant to acquire
Life Governorships in the great Masonic Charities , viz ., St , John , No . 70 , Plymouth , and Devon , No . 1138 , Newton Abbot , The Treasurer ' s account was presented , showing a balance in hand of £ 354 13 s 3 d .
The reports were adopted , on the motion of Bro . Powell , seconded by Bro . Allsford . Brother Shorto presented the report of the Fortescue Annuity Fund , which began with a regret that many Lodges and members still apparently took no interest in their
Benevolent organisations . During the past year £ 435 had been paid to annuitants , their net revenue had been £ 580 , and the capital value of the Fund was now £ 4 , 550 . Bro . Shorto moved , and Bro . Allsford seconded the adoption of the report . Bro . Gover presented the report of the Committee of
Petitions . The Lodges and Brethren generally had been loyal to the Provincial arrangement , but the need was urged of all votes being sent to the Committee as soon as issued .-iney had secured the election of one aged Freemason and one uoy , and were in a position to adopt a candidate for one of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Next Week.
HP HE Agenda of Business for the Quarterly Com-* munication of United Grand Lodge to be held on Wednesday next may be regarded as an indication of prosperity and steady growth on the part of the English Brotherhood . There is really nothing for the
Brethren to do , unless it be to rub their hands and congratulate each other on the all round manifestation of contentment presented , and yet there is much in the business to be brought before the Craft which it would be unwise to simply gloss over .
Unfortunately a note of sadness will be sounded at the outset , it being arranged for the Grand Master in the chair to move a resolution sympathising with the M . W . the Grand Master on the death of his brother the late Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha .
This will be followed by the presentation of the Report of the Board of Benevolence for the quarter , and then the Report of the Board of General Purposes will be dealt with . The former requires confirmation
for two grants of ^" 75 each , and four of ^" 50 each ; the latter records the receipt of upwards of ^ , ' 9 , 000 on behalf of the distressed Freemasons of South Africa , announces the completion of the additions to
Freemasons' Hall , arranges for different payments in connection therewith , and proposes some better and easier method of verifying Brethren previous to admittance to the stated meetings of Grand Lodge .
Later on the Brethren will be asked to sanction
an arrangement by which printed copies of the minutes of previous assemblies of Grand Lodge will be provided for those attending the quarterly meetings , it being recognised such a course will save time , and make the Brethren better acquainted with the work .
Thirteen new Lodges have been warranted during the past quarter , six for London , four for the Provinces , and three for the colonies .
A Devonian Lodge.
THE Devonian Club , a club the designation of which is sufficiently descriptive of its scope , and having
headquarters at the Adelphi Hotel , Adam Street , London , is giving proof of its vitality . A movement is on foot among its members for the formation of a Lodge . A Warrant has been applied for , and will doubtless be speedily granted . The Lord Chancellor ( Lord Halsbury ) will be its first
Master . It was at first intended to limit the Lodge to members ¦ of the Devonian Club , but , at the suggestion of Lord Halsbury , the application now stands for Devonshire men and men of Devonshire descent . We understand that Lord Churston will be one of the first Officers and that
Bro . George Lambert , M . P . for South Molton , will also take a position in the Lodge . The Senior Warden will be Bro . Wellsman , C . C ., and the Lodge will be unique in having seven Grand Officers among its fourteen Founders . A number of Brethren have expressed a desire to join , and a large number of initiates is expected . The Lodge will meet at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel ,
THE annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge , held at the Freemasons' Hall , Plymouth , on the 28 th ult , was presided over by Bro . G . C . Davie P . G . A . D . C . Eng ., acting
Prov . G . M ., who was supported by two past Officers of the Grand Lodge of England : Bros . Rev . R . Peek ( of Drewsteignton ) Past Grand Chaplain , and Bro . Sandeman ( of Plymouth ) .
The Acting Prov . Grand Master said as that was the first annual meeting since the departure of their Provincial Grand Master for India , he thought it would be a graceful act if they sent Lord Northcote the following telegram .- — " Northcote ,
Governor , Bombay . —Hearty good wishes and sincere congratulations from Provincial Grand Lodge assembled at Plymouth . " He proposed that the telegram be sent , and this being seconded by the Provincial Senior Grand Warden was cordially agreed to .
The Provincial Grand Secretary reported that on 31 st December 1899 there were 4 , 065 members in the 59 Lodges in the Province , an increase of 193 members over the previous year . The names of 271 Brethren had been removed from the register by death , resignation , or exclusion , and 3 6 4 new
members admitted . The number of Past Masters was 904 . A vacancy having occurred in the office of Prov . Asst . Grand Director of Ceremonies the Prov . G . Master had filled it by the appointment in writing of Bro . John Hammond P . M . 1255 , who now . took Office and rank as though he had been
appointed at the annual meeting of Prov . G . Lodge . Attention was called to the many distinguished , valued , and well-known Brethren who had lately been called to their rest , especially to the great loss sustained by the deaths of Bros . John Lane and John Brewer , both of whom were past Officers of Grand
Lodge . The former was Prov . Junior G . Warden at the time of his death , and the latter ; had for ten years faithfully carried out the duties of Prov . G . Secretary . Another new Lodge had recently been constituted , viz ., the Lodge of the Three Pillars , to meet at Cockington , making the sixtieth on the roll of the Province . Two new Masonic Halls had been
erected and dedicated : at Ilfracombe and St . Budeaux , and progress was being made with the building of another at Okehampton . The Brethren had made a generous response to the Prov . G . Master ' s appeal on behalf of the National Ked Cross Fund , £ 384 2 s having been contributed from the
Province . The Lord Mayor of London had sent a grateful acknowledgment of the generous amount contributed by his Masonic Brethren in Devonshire . Two applications had been received from Lodges for the supplemental grant to acquire
Life Governorships in the great Masonic Charities , viz ., St , John , No . 70 , Plymouth , and Devon , No . 1138 , Newton Abbot , The Treasurer ' s account was presented , showing a balance in hand of £ 354 13 s 3 d .
The reports were adopted , on the motion of Bro . Powell , seconded by Bro . Allsford . Brother Shorto presented the report of the Fortescue Annuity Fund , which began with a regret that many Lodges and members still apparently took no interest in their
Benevolent organisations . During the past year £ 435 had been paid to annuitants , their net revenue had been £ 580 , and the capital value of the Fund was now £ 4 , 550 . Bro . Shorto moved , and Bro . Allsford seconded the adoption of the report . Bro . Gover presented the report of the Committee of
Petitions . The Lodges and Brethren generally had been loyal to the Provincial arrangement , but the need was urged of all votes being sent to the Committee as soon as issued .-iney had secured the election of one aged Freemason and one uoy , and were in a position to adopt a candidate for one of