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NOTICE . FOOTBALL !! FOOTBALL !! SECRETARIES OF FOOTBALL CLUBS . WHO require OUTFITS should send for ono of JOHN LIIiTiYWHITE'S list of prices ( post free ) , whoso tariff will bo found cheaper than that of any other house in tho trade . Solo authorised Publisher of tho Rugby Union Football Laws . THE LARGEST EXHIBITION" OF FOOTBALLS IN THE WORLD may bo seen during tho season at his Warehouse . ADDBESS : JOHN LILLYWHITE , FOOTBALL WAREHOUSE , 10 Seymour Street , Euston Square , London , xJ . AW . N . B . —No connexion with any other house in tho trade .
" There should bo a better reason for tho race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or threo per cent . "—IN - VESTOR ' S GIMDDIAS . T OMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . -l-J 33 Lombard-street , City . Established ISO , receives Deposits . On Demand , 5 per cent . Subject to Notice , 8 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors ore invited to examine this now nnd improved system , that ensures a high rate of interest with perfect security . The Directors havenover re-discounted or re-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —It offers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal pubUoity , sureties , or fees . JAMBS PRYOR , Manager . "TOMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , J-i 33 Lombard-street , City . Established 1 KB ) . Income , ratedunderthe New Act , 137 * . TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal interest . Tho Directors by strict economy havo hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are offered unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , & a . New and Special Feature . —The Society win build Houses , etc ., in any approved partof Great Britain , finding the whole cost of thcbulldln"nt 5 per cent ., repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding tho plan and paying or giving security for tho first 5 yoars' interest . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . JAMES PEl'OR , Manager .
EUPTITBES . BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S HOC-MAIN LEVER TEUSS is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to bo the t most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring-, so often hurtful in its effects , is here avoided , a soft bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER fitting with so much ease and looseness that it cannot be detected , and may bo worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss , which cannot fail to fit , forwarded by post on the circumference of tho body two inches below the loins being sent to tho manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON , Price of a single Truss , lCs , 21 s . 2 iis Gd & 31 s Cd . Postage free . Price of a Double Truss . ' ( Is Cd , 43 ) aud 5 'iaGd . Postage free . Price of an Umbilical Truss , 42 s and 52 s ( Jd . Postage free . Tost Office - — Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post Office , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT I ELASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , li or VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and ELLINGS of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , & c . They are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Prico is Cd , 7 s Cd , 10 s and 103 each , post free . pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both V ^ sexes . ) For Gentlemen they net as a substitute- for the ordinary braces . For children they are invaluable ; they prevent stooping and preserve the symmetry of the chest . Prices for children 5 s Cd , 7 s Gd and 10 s Gd ; adults 13 s Cd and 21 s , post free . JOHN "WHITE , JlANu-FACTiniER , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS , G-ROYEB Sc GBOYER LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , * mSBI 8 [ BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . rllpSHL PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS ; j Cj ^^^^ w-- ^ - ^ FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . L <| £ I " 8 TUe AdvnntnseH ot" a Trial , with the Couvouleuce of the * rff « ,., » . »«<»_| fl Three Years' System at Cash Priee , by Paying about a Quarter < 3 ^ | j : fc-- ~ - ^ -7 :=: -t Jy ol * the value doivn , the Kalauee by Easy Payiueuts , li'oiu J _^ f—ffi - ^ r ^ s * _ V 4 & i 5 » per quarter . GBOVEH & GBOVEB , 157-9 Kingsland Road . ESTABLISHED 1830 .
FIRST-CLASS PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . MEMBERS OF THE CRAFT supplied with tho very finest qualities of all kinds of PROVISIONS , which are now Delivered Free in all the Suburban Districta Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & o . Eggs ... New Laid Country . Bacon . ... Finest Mill Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . Katb . Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Cheshire , Ham and Tongue , & c . fresh daily Cheese ... American , Chedda Stilton , & c . 1 Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . Fresh deliveries dally , at Wholesale Prices , of ^ . nyEEi ^ iaj ^ -isr IF : R > _ s : B E E : E \ Pronounced by the Press to bo equal , if not superior , to tho BEST BEEF OP HOME GROWTH . BOLT & CO ., 105 UPPER THAMES STREET , E . G .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name iu misted letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on roceipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 361 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E
& WHAT is YOUR CREST and BJ 'I MOTTO ? By sending Name and County /^ Sk -with 39 Gd , a plain drawing will be sent ; il fi'ki'i painted in Heraldic Colours , 7 s . Pedigrees ( JELI . traced . The Arms of Man and Wifo blended . K 522 J » r \ Tho proper colour for Servants' Livery , what \ 4 , "ja r 1 buttons to bo used , and bow the Carriage should VS ^ fe ^ I Painted , according to Heraldic Rules . Cul-\^^ 9 M leton ' s " Book of Family Crests and Mottoes , " w ' e * ^ T 4 , 000 Engravings , printed in colours , £ 10 103 ; f \ «& I " The Manual oi Heraldry , " 400 engravings , y / Av / 33 Gd ; post free by T . CULLETON , Geneato-- jfflL-Jk AXm . Mat ,. qr . nrnnhnitrnn-Bfcreet ( comer of St . Martin ' s-lane W . c- ) Th" Heraldio Library open from 10 tilH .
SEAL-EN GEAVINGS , by CULLETON . — Crest engraved on Seals , Rings , Book-plates , nnd Steel Dies , for stamping paper , price 7 s Cd . Livery Button Dies , £ 2 2 s . Crests engraved on silver spoons and family plate , 5 J per dozen articles . A neat Desk Seal , with engraved Crest , 12 s Cd . Registered letter , Cd extra . —T . CTJLLETON , Engraver to the Queen and Eoyal Family , 23 Cranbourne-strcel ( corner of St . Martin ' s-lano ) .
pULLETON'S GUINEA BOX of STA-> - ^ TIONERY contains a ream of the very best paper and COO envelopes , oil beautifully stomped with Crest and Motto . Monogram , or Address , and the Steel Die engraved free of charge . —T . CULLETON , Die Sinker to tho Board of Trade , 25 Cranbourne-stroet ( corner of St . Martln ' s-lano ) .
SIGNET EINGS , by CULLETON , all 18-carat , Hall-marked . The most elegant patterns in London . 2 , 000 to select from : — £ 2 2 s , £ 3 3 s , £ 4 4 s , JM 6 s , £ 6 1 ( B ; very massive , £ 1010 s ; heavy knuckle dusters , £ 16163 . Send sizo of finger by fitting a piece of thread , and mention the price i ing required . Arms , Crest or Monogram engraved on the Rings . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , 25 Cranbourne . street ( cornerof St . Martin ' s-lane ) , W . C .
pULLETON'S PLATES for MASKING \ -J LINEN require no preparation , and aro easily used . Initial Plates , Is ; Name Plate , 2 s Cd ; Set of Moveable Numbers , 2 s fid ; Crest or Monogram Plato , 5 s , with directions , post free for cash or stamps , by T . CULLT 5 TON , 25 Cranbourne-stveet ( corner of St . Martins ' s-lane ) , W . C .
VISITING CAEDS , by CULLETON . — V Fifty , best quality , 2 s 8 d , post free , including the ongraving of copper plate . Wedding cards , fifty each , fifty ombossed envelopes with maiden name , 23 s Gd . Memorial cards printed , and hatchments painted on the shortest notice . —T . CTJLLETON , Seal Engraver , 23 Cranbourne street ( comer ol St . Martin ' s-lane ) , W . C .
BALL PROGRAMMES , by CULLETON . —All the newest designs in BALL PROGRAMMES and MENU CARTES for tho season . Ball , dinner , breakfast , and wedding ; Invitation cards and notes of every description , printed in gold , silver , and colour , and beautifully stomped with arms , crest , or monogram . Silk banners painted , illuminated vellums for presentations , vote 3 of thanks , & o . Paintings on Berlin paper for needlework . —T . CTJLLETON , Engraver to tho Queen and all the Royal Family , 23 Cranbourne-street ( corner of St . Martin ' s-lane ) , W . C .
SOLID GOLD SEALS , engraved with crest , £ 1 Is Od . £ 3 2 s 0 : 1 , £ 3 3 s Od , M 4 s Od , £ 5 5 s Od , £ B 6 s Od , and £ 7 7 s Od . —T . CULLETON , 25 Cranbourn-Btaeet , London w . c . Post Offlca ordsrs payable at Crwjbourne- « tre « W London .
THE NEW REGISTERED CLOCK BAROMETER . Height , 27 inches ; "Width , 10 inches . INDISPENSABLE in every House , and undamageable by heat or damp . Price ( securely packed ) £ 3 3 s . THE case is metal bi-oezed ( the design being beautifully brought out ) , and forms a striking ornament for tho dining room , hall , library , counting-house , & e . 'pHE CLOCK goes 12 days , striking hours 1 in full , and ono at each half hour , and is a sound movement , keeping accurate timo . White enamel dial and crystal glass . rpHE BAROMETER is Aneroid , the kind JL which from its convenient sizo , precision , and non-liability to injury , has como into such universal requirement . THE THERMOMETER is graduated to both the Fahrenheit and Reaumur scales . THE NEW REGISTERED CLOCK BAROMETER is also made same in all respects as abovo , but with a cylinder movement , of superior quality , jewelled in six actions , going and striking equally well in any position , so as to bo suitablo for Travelling and Ship ' s Use , as well a for all the above purposes . Price ( securely packed ) £ 4 4 s . AOEM : "W . W . MORGAN JUN- ., G 7 B . iimiCAir , LONDON , E . C .
YOUNG'S Arnicated Corn and Bunion Plaisters are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d and Is per bos . Any Chemist not having them in stoek can procure them . Observe the Trade Mark—H . Y . —without whicfc none aro genuine . Bo sure and ask for Young ' s .
D 1 GK RADGLYFFE & CO ., F . R . H . S . *| S Horticultural Decorations , Feme | Efc . lS § s 9 r ' i Window Gardening , ^ Jll ^^ i SEEDS , BULBS , PLANTS , FERNS , N ^^ W W ^^ K Plants for Decorations , ~^§| wfl | P $ Pil gpsonic Hait qiicts , ' § ui ( s , tfc , J $ E | j |§ l & 3 TABLE DECORATIONS , WsWw & f' BALL ROOM DECORATIONS . BBi * I | $ | igft \ SEEDS FOR EXrORT . Jr-t ^ BmL' ^ X Illustrated Catalogues gratis & pos t free , VJEjsSsSlM jf Seeds , Bulbs , & c , carefully packed for DICK RADGLYFFE & CO ,, F . R . H . S ., 129 HIGH HOLBOEM " , W . C .
BRO . J . GREENWALL & GO . ENGLISH AND AMEBICAIT ECONOMICAL TAI 10 R 8 , 128 STIR ^ JSTID , Three doors West of Waterloo BrlJi / e . Naval and Military Uniforms , Riding Habits and liveries . SPECIALITIES IN 13 / TROUSERS , ALL WOOL AND SHRUNK .
Second Edition . Demy 8 vo , Price 2 s Gd . SYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENINGS ; a tabulated analysis , by WIIXUM COOK , a member of the Bristol and Clifton Chess Association . Second Edition , with additions and emendations .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . FOOTBALL !! FOOTBALL !! SECRETARIES OF FOOTBALL CLUBS . WHO require OUTFITS should send for ono of JOHN LIIiTiYWHITE'S list of prices ( post free ) , whoso tariff will bo found cheaper than that of any other house in tho trade . Solo authorised Publisher of tho Rugby Union Football Laws . THE LARGEST EXHIBITION" OF FOOTBALLS IN THE WORLD may bo seen during tho season at his Warehouse . ADDBESS : JOHN LILLYWHITE , FOOTBALL WAREHOUSE , 10 Seymour Street , Euston Square , London , xJ . AW . N . B . —No connexion with any other house in tho trade .
" There should bo a better reason for tho race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or threo per cent . "—IN - VESTOR ' S GIMDDIAS . T OMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . -l-J 33 Lombard-street , City . Established ISO , receives Deposits . On Demand , 5 per cent . Subject to Notice , 8 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors ore invited to examine this now nnd improved system , that ensures a high rate of interest with perfect security . The Directors havenover re-discounted or re-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —It offers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal pubUoity , sureties , or fees . JAMBS PRYOR , Manager . "TOMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , J-i 33 Lombard-street , City . Established 1 KB ) . Income , ratedunderthe New Act , 137 * . TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal interest . Tho Directors by strict economy havo hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are offered unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , & a . New and Special Feature . —The Society win build Houses , etc ., in any approved partof Great Britain , finding the whole cost of thcbulldln"nt 5 per cent ., repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding tho plan and paying or giving security for tho first 5 yoars' interest . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . JAMES PEl'OR , Manager .
EUPTITBES . BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S HOC-MAIN LEVER TEUSS is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to bo the t most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring-, so often hurtful in its effects , is here avoided , a soft bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER fitting with so much ease and looseness that it cannot be detected , and may bo worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss , which cannot fail to fit , forwarded by post on the circumference of tho body two inches below the loins being sent to tho manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON , Price of a single Truss , lCs , 21 s . 2 iis Gd & 31 s Cd . Postage free . Price of a Double Truss . ' ( Is Cd , 43 ) aud 5 'iaGd . Postage free . Price of an Umbilical Truss , 42 s and 52 s ( Jd . Postage free . Tost Office - — Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post Office , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT I ELASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , li or VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and ELLINGS of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , & c . They are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Prico is Cd , 7 s Cd , 10 s and 103 each , post free . pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both V ^ sexes . ) For Gentlemen they net as a substitute- for the ordinary braces . For children they are invaluable ; they prevent stooping and preserve the symmetry of the chest . Prices for children 5 s Cd , 7 s Gd and 10 s Gd ; adults 13 s Cd and 21 s , post free . JOHN "WHITE , JlANu-FACTiniER , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS , G-ROYEB Sc GBOYER LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , * mSBI 8 [ BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . rllpSHL PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS ; j Cj ^^^^ w-- ^ - ^ FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . L <| £ I " 8 TUe AdvnntnseH ot" a Trial , with the Couvouleuce of the * rff « ,., » . »«<»_| fl Three Years' System at Cash Priee , by Paying about a Quarter < 3 ^ | j : fc-- ~ - ^ -7 :=: -t Jy ol * the value doivn , the Kalauee by Easy Payiueuts , li'oiu J _^ f—ffi - ^ r ^ s * _ V 4 & i 5 » per quarter . GBOVEH & GBOVEB , 157-9 Kingsland Road . ESTABLISHED 1830 .
FIRST-CLASS PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . MEMBERS OF THE CRAFT supplied with tho very finest qualities of all kinds of PROVISIONS , which are now Delivered Free in all the Suburban Districta Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & o . Eggs ... New Laid Country . Bacon . ... Finest Mill Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . Katb . Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Cheshire , Ham and Tongue , & c . fresh daily Cheese ... American , Chedda Stilton , & c . 1 Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . Fresh deliveries dally , at Wholesale Prices , of ^ . nyEEi ^ iaj ^ -isr IF : R > _ s : B E E : E \ Pronounced by the Press to bo equal , if not superior , to tho BEST BEEF OP HOME GROWTH . BOLT & CO ., 105 UPPER THAMES STREET , E . G .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name iu misted letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on roceipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 361 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E
& WHAT is YOUR CREST and BJ 'I MOTTO ? By sending Name and County /^ Sk -with 39 Gd , a plain drawing will be sent ; il fi'ki'i painted in Heraldic Colours , 7 s . Pedigrees ( JELI . traced . The Arms of Man and Wifo blended . K 522 J » r \ Tho proper colour for Servants' Livery , what \ 4 , "ja r 1 buttons to bo used , and bow the Carriage should VS ^ fe ^ I Painted , according to Heraldic Rules . Cul-\^^ 9 M leton ' s " Book of Family Crests and Mottoes , " w ' e * ^ T 4 , 000 Engravings , printed in colours , £ 10 103 ; f \ «& I " The Manual oi Heraldry , " 400 engravings , y / Av / 33 Gd ; post free by T . CULLETON , Geneato-- jfflL-Jk AXm . Mat ,. qr . nrnnhnitrnn-Bfcreet ( comer of St . Martin ' s-lane W . c- ) Th" Heraldio Library open from 10 tilH .
SEAL-EN GEAVINGS , by CULLETON . — Crest engraved on Seals , Rings , Book-plates , nnd Steel Dies , for stamping paper , price 7 s Cd . Livery Button Dies , £ 2 2 s . Crests engraved on silver spoons and family plate , 5 J per dozen articles . A neat Desk Seal , with engraved Crest , 12 s Cd . Registered letter , Cd extra . —T . CTJLLETON , Engraver to the Queen and Eoyal Family , 23 Cranbourne-strcel ( corner of St . Martin ' s-lano ) .
pULLETON'S GUINEA BOX of STA-> - ^ TIONERY contains a ream of the very best paper and COO envelopes , oil beautifully stomped with Crest and Motto . Monogram , or Address , and the Steel Die engraved free of charge . —T . CULLETON , Die Sinker to tho Board of Trade , 25 Cranbourne-stroet ( corner of St . Martln ' s-lano ) .
SIGNET EINGS , by CULLETON , all 18-carat , Hall-marked . The most elegant patterns in London . 2 , 000 to select from : — £ 2 2 s , £ 3 3 s , £ 4 4 s , JM 6 s , £ 6 1 ( B ; very massive , £ 1010 s ; heavy knuckle dusters , £ 16163 . Send sizo of finger by fitting a piece of thread , and mention the price i ing required . Arms , Crest or Monogram engraved on the Rings . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , 25 Cranbourne . street ( cornerof St . Martin ' s-lane ) , W . C .
pULLETON'S PLATES for MASKING \ -J LINEN require no preparation , and aro easily used . Initial Plates , Is ; Name Plate , 2 s Cd ; Set of Moveable Numbers , 2 s fid ; Crest or Monogram Plato , 5 s , with directions , post free for cash or stamps , by T . CULLT 5 TON , 25 Cranbourne-stveet ( corner of St . Martins ' s-lane ) , W . C .
VISITING CAEDS , by CULLETON . — V Fifty , best quality , 2 s 8 d , post free , including the ongraving of copper plate . Wedding cards , fifty each , fifty ombossed envelopes with maiden name , 23 s Gd . Memorial cards printed , and hatchments painted on the shortest notice . —T . CTJLLETON , Seal Engraver , 23 Cranbourne street ( comer ol St . Martin ' s-lane ) , W . C .
BALL PROGRAMMES , by CULLETON . —All the newest designs in BALL PROGRAMMES and MENU CARTES for tho season . Ball , dinner , breakfast , and wedding ; Invitation cards and notes of every description , printed in gold , silver , and colour , and beautifully stomped with arms , crest , or monogram . Silk banners painted , illuminated vellums for presentations , vote 3 of thanks , & o . Paintings on Berlin paper for needlework . —T . CTJLLETON , Engraver to tho Queen and all the Royal Family , 23 Cranbourne-street ( corner of St . Martin ' s-lane ) , W . C .
SOLID GOLD SEALS , engraved with crest , £ 1 Is Od . £ 3 2 s 0 : 1 , £ 3 3 s Od , M 4 s Od , £ 5 5 s Od , £ B 6 s Od , and £ 7 7 s Od . —T . CULLETON , 25 Cranbourn-Btaeet , London w . c . Post Offlca ordsrs payable at Crwjbourne- « tre « W London .
THE NEW REGISTERED CLOCK BAROMETER . Height , 27 inches ; "Width , 10 inches . INDISPENSABLE in every House , and undamageable by heat or damp . Price ( securely packed ) £ 3 3 s . THE case is metal bi-oezed ( the design being beautifully brought out ) , and forms a striking ornament for tho dining room , hall , library , counting-house , & e . 'pHE CLOCK goes 12 days , striking hours 1 in full , and ono at each half hour , and is a sound movement , keeping accurate timo . White enamel dial and crystal glass . rpHE BAROMETER is Aneroid , the kind JL which from its convenient sizo , precision , and non-liability to injury , has como into such universal requirement . THE THERMOMETER is graduated to both the Fahrenheit and Reaumur scales . THE NEW REGISTERED CLOCK BAROMETER is also made same in all respects as abovo , but with a cylinder movement , of superior quality , jewelled in six actions , going and striking equally well in any position , so as to bo suitablo for Travelling and Ship ' s Use , as well a for all the above purposes . Price ( securely packed ) £ 4 4 s . AOEM : "W . W . MORGAN JUN- ., G 7 B . iimiCAir , LONDON , E . C .
YOUNG'S Arnicated Corn and Bunion Plaisters are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d and Is per bos . Any Chemist not having them in stoek can procure them . Observe the Trade Mark—H . Y . —without whicfc none aro genuine . Bo sure and ask for Young ' s .
D 1 GK RADGLYFFE & CO ., F . R . H . S . *| S Horticultural Decorations , Feme | Efc . lS § s 9 r ' i Window Gardening , ^ Jll ^^ i SEEDS , BULBS , PLANTS , FERNS , N ^^ W W ^^ K Plants for Decorations , ~^§| wfl | P $ Pil gpsonic Hait qiicts , ' § ui ( s , tfc , J $ E | j |§ l & 3 TABLE DECORATIONS , WsWw & f' BALL ROOM DECORATIONS . BBi * I | $ | igft \ SEEDS FOR EXrORT . Jr-t ^ BmL' ^ X Illustrated Catalogues gratis & pos t free , VJEjsSsSlM jf Seeds , Bulbs , & c , carefully packed for DICK RADGLYFFE & CO ,, F . R . H . S ., 129 HIGH HOLBOEM " , W . C .
BRO . J . GREENWALL & GO . ENGLISH AND AMEBICAIT ECONOMICAL TAI 10 R 8 , 128 STIR ^ JSTID , Three doors West of Waterloo BrlJi / e . Naval and Military Uniforms , Riding Habits and liveries . SPECIALITIES IN 13 / TROUSERS , ALL WOOL AND SHRUNK .
Second Edition . Demy 8 vo , Price 2 s Gd . SYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENINGS ; a tabulated analysis , by WIIXUM COOK , a member of the Bristol and Clifton Chess Association . Second Edition , with additions and emendations .