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Random Notes And Reflections.
and wide experience are valuable , and we should bail his return to strength and renewed interest in the Craft with pleasure . Few men , if any , have a better right to be heard
than Bro . Havers , and if his health will permit , and his disposition to work for the Craft is equal to his capacity , the brethren generally will have good reason to welcome his return among them .
A circular , signed by Bro . Frank Richardson P . G . D . and others , has been issued , sotting forth sundry reasons why Bro . J . D . Allcroft shonld be re-elected Grand Treasurer in March next . We have no word of disparagement of Bro . Allcroft to offer , nor do we desire to " split up the
Craft , " a consequence pointed out by the circular if the practice is followed out of electing a new Grand Treasurer every year . We question the prudence of the action taken by Bro . Richardson and his friends of Golden Square , and it appears to us that they are actually resorting to the very
means of agitation they profess to view with disgust . The post of Grand Treasurer is one of honour chiefly , and is just one of those offices that can be utilised for the purpose of recognising merit , aud of conferring distinction upon any brother who has made himself conspicuous by his work .
There are certain conditions , of course , that are indispensable , snch as character and financial solvency . When these requirements have been complied with , it is open to Grand Lodge to appoint whom they please to be their Treasurer . We go further , and say that the right to select a
new Treasurer each year has been asserted in the election of Bro . Allcroft , who succeeded one wbo bad held the office for some years . It was not because Bro . Col . Creaton was inelig ible that he was superseded by Bro . Allcroft , but
that it was necessary _ to assert the princip le that the office should be annually at the disposal of Grand Lodge , in order that they might diffuse the honour and not confine it to a comparative few . We trust the brethren will pause before they respond to Bro . Richardson ' s circular .
We regret that owing to indisposition we were unable to be present at the annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement that took place on Friday evening , the 23 rd ult ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . From information received we are glad to say that the whole proceedings
passed off in a very pleasant and satisfactory manner . As is usual on these occasions , some work was done , wc presume upon the principle that labour should precede refreshment , and that opportunity should be taken of the presence of non-members of the Lodge to exhibit the
working for which the Lodge is famous . After opening in the three degrees , the second lecture was admirably worked , and in justice to the brethren who took part we
give their names in the order in which they performed their renective duties . First section—Bro . F . T . Bennett 211 . Second—Bro . J . T . Tanqueray S . W . 1965 . Third—Bro . A . Marvin W . M . 1768 . Fourth—Bro . J . J . Black 1564 .
Fifth—Bro . F . F . Marshall S . D . 69 . Bro . T . Fenn P . G . D . acted as W . M ., and acknowledged the vote of thanks passed to the workers of the lecture . After the Lodge had been duly closed , the brethren adjourned to a capital supper , provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond , and served
under the superintendence of Bro . Dawkins . Bro . tbe Hon . Justice Prinsep presided at the banquet , and as he was supported by several other members distinguished in
the Craft , the speeches were more than usually interesting . The attendance was large , and many brethren took the opportunity to join the Lodge . Altogether , the Festival was very successful .
His Royal Highness the Most Worshipful Grand Master has granted a warrant for a new Lodge , to be called the Queen ' s Westminster , No . 2021 . This Lodge will derive its name from the celebrated corps the 23 rd Middlesex .
Bro . George Lambert Past Grand Sword Bearer is the W . M . designate ; Bro . Captain Probyn S . W . designate , and Bro . Payne P . M . J . W . designate . The Consecration will take place this month .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —The infirmities of our nature almost neces itate disease . Impurity of the blood , functional disturbances and loose living constantly give rise to despondency , debility , or distempers . In the above named remedies , tbe community can , and do have , at a little cost , tho safe and certain means of preventing or checking , and curing both outward
ailments , and inward maladies . Ample , plainly printed and very intolligiblo directions accompany every package of both Ointment and Pills , which only require attentive study to enable every invalid to be his or her own medical adviser . The earlier these powerful remedies are employed after discovery of tho disease , the more rapid will be their action in expelling from the system all noxious matter and restoring health .
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
THE following is the business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 5 th December 1883 : — 1 . The Minutes of tho Quarterly Communication of the 5 th September 1883 for confirmation .
2 . The Minutes of the two Special Grand Lodges of 29 th June and 8 th August , deferred from the last Grand Lodge , for confirmation . 3 . Nomination of a Grand Master for tho ensuing year . 4 . Appointment of a President of the Lodge of Benevolence .
5 . Election of a Senior and a Junior Vice-President of the Lodge of Benevolence .
8 . Election of twelve Past Masters to serve on the Lodge of Benevolence for the year ensuing . 7 . Beport of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quarter , in which are recommendations for the following grants , viz .:
—A Brother of the Derwent Lodge , No . 40 , Hastings - - £ 50 0 0 A Brother of the Gaatle Lodge of Harmony , N . 26 , London , £ 150 20 0 0
Note . —This Brother died on the 10 th October , consequently this recommendation has lapsed , with the exception of £ 20 paid to him on account of suoh recommended grant .
A Brother of the Acacia Lodge , No . 1314 , Bromley , Kent 50 0 0 A Brother of the Belgrave Lodge , No . 749 , London - 50 0 0 A Brother or the Lodge of Harmony , No . 309 , Fareham - 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Temple Lodge , No . 101 ,
London - - - - - - 100 0 O
The Widow of a Brother of the Mizpah Lodge , No . 1671 , London - - - - - . 50 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of Confidence , No . 193 , London - 50 0 0 A Brother of the Doric Lodge , No . 933 , London - - 150 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge Star in the East , No . 650 , Harwich 75 0 0
8 . EEPOET OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of ' England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report as follows : — The Isca Lodge , No . 683 , Newport , Monmouthshire , having
ballotted for and admitted a Joining Member at a Lodge of Emergency , contrary to Art . I ., page 83 , of the Book of Constitutions , the Board have censured the Lodge for the irregularity , and have fined it the sum of One Guinea .
The Members of a London Lodge having reported that their Worshipful Master , had on the 17 th October last , wilfully burned the Warrant of the Lodge , the Board investigated tho matter , and tho said Brother having admitted the offence , but having pleaded
extonnating circumstances , tho Board severely reprimanded him , and ordered that he pay the cost of a Warrant of Confirmation—viz ., Two Guineas—aud further that he be suspended from all his Masonic functions for a period of six months . ' ( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON ,
President FREEMASONS' HAIX , LONDON , W . C . 20 th November 1883 . To the Report is subjoined a statement of tho Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meotvug of tho Finance Committee , held on
Friday , the 16 th day of November inst ., shewing a Balance in the Bank of England of £ 3 , 643 2 s lid ; and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 75 , and for Servants' Wages £ 100 ; and
Balance of Annual Allowance for Library £ 18 12 s . 9 . Report of the Special Building Committee , the consideration of which was deferred from the last Quarterly Commuuicatioa of Grand Lodge .
10 . Applications from a body styling itself "The Grand Lodge of Victoria , " Australia , requesting their recognition by the United Grand Lodge of England as a regular Grand Lodge .
11 . Appeal from the Reunion Lodge , No . 1956 , Blenheim , New Zealand , against Certain comments made by the Colonial Board when cancelling the exclusion of a Brother from that Lodge , relative to the conduct of another Brother , of the same Lodge , in the matter .
N . B . —The papers relating to this appeal will bo in the Grand Secretary ' s office till tho meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for tho inspection of the Brethren during office hours .
12 . NOTICES OF MOTION : — ( 1 ) . By Brother JAMES STEVENS P . M . No . 1216 . — ( ci ) " That when the general Bcheroe for the rc-conatvuetiuu of the present damaged Temple , or for the erection of a new Temple , shall have been decided upon by tho Grand Lodge , Architects who aro Freemasons shall be
invited , under the direction and authority of the Granc . Superintendent of Works , to submit plaus and designs for the re-constrnetion or new erection , as the case may be , to the Committeo already constituted , or to be constituted , for tho purpose of carrying out the intended work . j ( b ) "That tho foregoing being agreed , prizes of money
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Random Notes And Reflections.
and wide experience are valuable , and we should bail his return to strength and renewed interest in the Craft with pleasure . Few men , if any , have a better right to be heard
than Bro . Havers , and if his health will permit , and his disposition to work for the Craft is equal to his capacity , the brethren generally will have good reason to welcome his return among them .
A circular , signed by Bro . Frank Richardson P . G . D . and others , has been issued , sotting forth sundry reasons why Bro . J . D . Allcroft shonld be re-elected Grand Treasurer in March next . We have no word of disparagement of Bro . Allcroft to offer , nor do we desire to " split up the
Craft , " a consequence pointed out by the circular if the practice is followed out of electing a new Grand Treasurer every year . We question the prudence of the action taken by Bro . Richardson and his friends of Golden Square , and it appears to us that they are actually resorting to the very
means of agitation they profess to view with disgust . The post of Grand Treasurer is one of honour chiefly , and is just one of those offices that can be utilised for the purpose of recognising merit , aud of conferring distinction upon any brother who has made himself conspicuous by his work .
There are certain conditions , of course , that are indispensable , snch as character and financial solvency . When these requirements have been complied with , it is open to Grand Lodge to appoint whom they please to be their Treasurer . We go further , and say that the right to select a
new Treasurer each year has been asserted in the election of Bro . Allcroft , who succeeded one wbo bad held the office for some years . It was not because Bro . Col . Creaton was inelig ible that he was superseded by Bro . Allcroft , but
that it was necessary _ to assert the princip le that the office should be annually at the disposal of Grand Lodge , in order that they might diffuse the honour and not confine it to a comparative few . We trust the brethren will pause before they respond to Bro . Richardson ' s circular .
We regret that owing to indisposition we were unable to be present at the annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement that took place on Friday evening , the 23 rd ult ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . From information received we are glad to say that the whole proceedings
passed off in a very pleasant and satisfactory manner . As is usual on these occasions , some work was done , wc presume upon the principle that labour should precede refreshment , and that opportunity should be taken of the presence of non-members of the Lodge to exhibit the
working for which the Lodge is famous . After opening in the three degrees , the second lecture was admirably worked , and in justice to the brethren who took part we
give their names in the order in which they performed their renective duties . First section—Bro . F . T . Bennett 211 . Second—Bro . J . T . Tanqueray S . W . 1965 . Third—Bro . A . Marvin W . M . 1768 . Fourth—Bro . J . J . Black 1564 .
Fifth—Bro . F . F . Marshall S . D . 69 . Bro . T . Fenn P . G . D . acted as W . M ., and acknowledged the vote of thanks passed to the workers of the lecture . After the Lodge had been duly closed , the brethren adjourned to a capital supper , provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond , and served
under the superintendence of Bro . Dawkins . Bro . tbe Hon . Justice Prinsep presided at the banquet , and as he was supported by several other members distinguished in
the Craft , the speeches were more than usually interesting . The attendance was large , and many brethren took the opportunity to join the Lodge . Altogether , the Festival was very successful .
His Royal Highness the Most Worshipful Grand Master has granted a warrant for a new Lodge , to be called the Queen ' s Westminster , No . 2021 . This Lodge will derive its name from the celebrated corps the 23 rd Middlesex .
Bro . George Lambert Past Grand Sword Bearer is the W . M . designate ; Bro . Captain Probyn S . W . designate , and Bro . Payne P . M . J . W . designate . The Consecration will take place this month .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —The infirmities of our nature almost neces itate disease . Impurity of the blood , functional disturbances and loose living constantly give rise to despondency , debility , or distempers . In the above named remedies , tbe community can , and do have , at a little cost , tho safe and certain means of preventing or checking , and curing both outward
ailments , and inward maladies . Ample , plainly printed and very intolligiblo directions accompany every package of both Ointment and Pills , which only require attentive study to enable every invalid to be his or her own medical adviser . The earlier these powerful remedies are employed after discovery of tho disease , the more rapid will be their action in expelling from the system all noxious matter and restoring health .
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
THE following is the business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 5 th December 1883 : — 1 . The Minutes of tho Quarterly Communication of the 5 th September 1883 for confirmation .
2 . The Minutes of the two Special Grand Lodges of 29 th June and 8 th August , deferred from the last Grand Lodge , for confirmation . 3 . Nomination of a Grand Master for tho ensuing year . 4 . Appointment of a President of the Lodge of Benevolence .
5 . Election of a Senior and a Junior Vice-President of the Lodge of Benevolence .
8 . Election of twelve Past Masters to serve on the Lodge of Benevolence for the year ensuing . 7 . Beport of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quarter , in which are recommendations for the following grants , viz .:
—A Brother of the Derwent Lodge , No . 40 , Hastings - - £ 50 0 0 A Brother of the Gaatle Lodge of Harmony , N . 26 , London , £ 150 20 0 0
Note . —This Brother died on the 10 th October , consequently this recommendation has lapsed , with the exception of £ 20 paid to him on account of suoh recommended grant .
A Brother of the Acacia Lodge , No . 1314 , Bromley , Kent 50 0 0 A Brother of the Belgrave Lodge , No . 749 , London - 50 0 0 A Brother or the Lodge of Harmony , No . 309 , Fareham - 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Temple Lodge , No . 101 ,
London - - - - - - 100 0 O
The Widow of a Brother of the Mizpah Lodge , No . 1671 , London - - - - - . 50 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of Confidence , No . 193 , London - 50 0 0 A Brother of the Doric Lodge , No . 933 , London - - 150 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge Star in the East , No . 650 , Harwich 75 0 0
8 . EEPOET OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of ' England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report as follows : — The Isca Lodge , No . 683 , Newport , Monmouthshire , having
ballotted for and admitted a Joining Member at a Lodge of Emergency , contrary to Art . I ., page 83 , of the Book of Constitutions , the Board have censured the Lodge for the irregularity , and have fined it the sum of One Guinea .
The Members of a London Lodge having reported that their Worshipful Master , had on the 17 th October last , wilfully burned the Warrant of the Lodge , the Board investigated tho matter , and tho said Brother having admitted the offence , but having pleaded
extonnating circumstances , tho Board severely reprimanded him , and ordered that he pay the cost of a Warrant of Confirmation—viz ., Two Guineas—aud further that he be suspended from all his Masonic functions for a period of six months . ' ( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON ,
President FREEMASONS' HAIX , LONDON , W . C . 20 th November 1883 . To the Report is subjoined a statement of tho Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meotvug of tho Finance Committee , held on
Friday , the 16 th day of November inst ., shewing a Balance in the Bank of England of £ 3 , 643 2 s lid ; and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 75 , and for Servants' Wages £ 100 ; and
Balance of Annual Allowance for Library £ 18 12 s . 9 . Report of the Special Building Committee , the consideration of which was deferred from the last Quarterly Commuuicatioa of Grand Lodge .
10 . Applications from a body styling itself "The Grand Lodge of Victoria , " Australia , requesting their recognition by the United Grand Lodge of England as a regular Grand Lodge .
11 . Appeal from the Reunion Lodge , No . 1956 , Blenheim , New Zealand , against Certain comments made by the Colonial Board when cancelling the exclusion of a Brother from that Lodge , relative to the conduct of another Brother , of the same Lodge , in the matter .
N . B . —The papers relating to this appeal will bo in the Grand Secretary ' s office till tho meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for tho inspection of the Brethren during office hours .
12 . NOTICES OF MOTION : — ( 1 ) . By Brother JAMES STEVENS P . M . No . 1216 . — ( ci ) " That when the general Bcheroe for the rc-conatvuetiuu of the present damaged Temple , or for the erection of a new Temple , shall have been decided upon by tho Grand Lodge , Architects who aro Freemasons shall be
invited , under the direction and authority of the Granc . Superintendent of Works , to submit plaus and designs for the re-constrnetion or new erection , as the case may be , to the Committeo already constituted , or to be constituted , for tho purpose of carrying out the intended work . j ( b ) "That tho foregoing being agreed , prizes of money