Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be greatly obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the kingdom would favour us with a copy of their summonses each time of issue .
SATURDAY , 2 nd JANUARY . Meeting of General Committee of Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at -1 p . m . MONDAY , 4 th JANUARY .
12 . Fortitude and Old Cumberland , Ship and Turtle , Leaclenliall-strcot . 25 . Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall . 72 . Royal Jubilee , Andcrton's Hotel , Fleet-street . 83 . United Lodge of Prudence , Albion , Alclersgate-strcct . 144 . St . Luke ' s , Masonic Hall , Mason ' s Avenue . 188 . Joppa , Albion , AMeivgate-street . 1319 . Asaph , Fi- « emasous" Hall . R . A . 23 . Old King's Arms , Freemasons' Hall . Mark , 139 . Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham .
TUESDAY , 5 th JANUARY . Colonial Board at 3 . 7 . Royal York Lodge , of Perseverance , Freemasons' Hall . 9 . Albion , Freemason's Hall . 101 . Temple , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . 172 . Old Concord , Freemasons' Hall . 765 . St . James ' s , Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge . 1293 . Royal Standard , Marquess Tavern , Canonbiuy . 1381 . Kenningcon , Surrey Tavern , Konningtoii Oval . Mark , 1 . St . Mark ' s Masonic Hall , Mason ' s Avenue , Ba-singhall-streot .
WEDNESDAY , 6 th JANUARY . oil . Zetland , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . 1112 . Logia de la Iberia , Hill Bold , St . John ' s Wood . 1191 . Athonasum , Camden-road , Holloway . THURSDAY , 7 th JANUARY .
192 . Lion and Lamb , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . 277 . Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leadonhall-strect . 231 . St . Andrew ' s , Freemasons' Hall . 638 . La Tolerance , Freemasons' Hall . 551 . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . 1115 . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tavern , SaudringUam-road . Rose Croix . St . George ' s , 33 Golden-square , London .
FRIDAY , 8 th JANUARY . 134 . Caledonian , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street ; 157 . Bedford , Freemasons' Hall . 177 . Domatic , Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . 1-120 . Earl Spencer , Northcote Hotel , New Wandsworth . R . A . 33 . Britannic , Freemasons' Tavern . Knight Templars 1 'rccep . D ., Mount Calvorley , or Karly Grand Encampment of England , London Tavern , Bishopsmite-strce ' t .
SATURDAY , 9 th JANUARY . Quarterly General Court Girls' Schools , Freemasons' Hall , at 12 . 0 . 103 . London , Ship and Turtle , Lea lenhall-street . 176 . Caveac , AVestminster Palace Hotel , Westminster . 1328 . huiit ) , Ki-oiiiii nuns' Hall . 1361 . United Service , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond . 1126 . Tho Great City , City Terminus Hotel Cannon-street . 1-157 . Bagshaw , Bald Face I Stag , Buckhurst Hill . R . A . 1293 . Biu-dett , Mitro Hotel , Hampton Court .
Notices Of Meetings.
Grand Master ' s Lodge , No . 1 . —A meeting of tins Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday 21 st nit . Present—Bro . Colls P . G . S ., W . M ., Bro . G . Payne G . S . S . W ., Bro . Girand P . G . W . Treasurer , Bro . J . M . Case P . G . S . Secretary , Bigg P . M ., Bro . Alderman Sir F . Wyatt Truscotb P . M ., Bro . Sanderson P . G . M , ( Bengal ) , Lnmlej ' , Mnpleson , S . Eawson P . D . G . M . ( China ) , Gooding ,
Paterson , Rev . E . Thompson CD ., L . C . Luinley , and several other brethren . The Lodge was opened , and tho minntes of last regnlar Lodge Meeting , and tho Lodge of Emergency held on u ' th June , were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Sir John Hawley Glover E . N ., G . C . M . G ., and Mr . H . S . Freeman , for initiation . Bro . the Eight Honourable David Henry Stone ( P . M . ) the Lord Mayor of
Loudon , Bro . Signor Campobcllo and Bro . Giulio Perkens were elected Honorary Members . Tho Lodge was opened in 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and Bro . Fenner was raised to sublime degree . The Lodge was resumed to 1 st degree . Sir John H . Glover , being iu attendance , ivas initiated into Freemasonry as an E . A ., this Bro . is the Captain Glover who commanded the Naval Brigade , and whose oblique march from the Volta to Coomassic , which he reached a few hours after Sir
Garnet Wolseley had left it , is ouo oi tho most dashing exploits in military history . He received for his services the Cross of iho Bath . Mr . H . S . Freeman was next initiated as an E . A . Bro . G . Payne G . S . and S . W . was elected W . M ., and Bro . Girand was re-elected Treasurer , for the forty-sixth time . Tho Tylers were re-elected . The Audit Committee were appointed . The Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 90 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Albion Tavern , Aldorsgatc-stroet , on Monday , 1-itli ult . Present—Bros . J . K . Eumford W . M . ; Wetherall S . W . ; Snelling J . W . ; 1 ' enu S . D . ; Stormcr J . D . ; Itubson I . G . pro tern . ; Bros . J . Eglcse P . M . Treasurer ; T . P . Grillin P . M . Secretary ; P . M . ' s Griffin , McDorgal , Stevens , W . S . Adam : Bros . Hoard , Cross , Allison , Margetson , Pearce , Colpoys , Meyrick , and several other
brethren . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting Avero read and confirmed . Tho Lodge was opened in second degree , and Bro . Cross having proved his proficiency in that degree , the Lod ge was opened in thii-J . degree , aud Bro . Cross was raised to the sublime degree . The Lodge resumed in first degree . Bro . Wethorali S . W . was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Eglese P . M . reelected Treasurer . A P . M . ' s jewel was voted to the outgoing W . M . for his services , Tho Lodge being , closed , the . brethren adjourned to
Notices Of Meetings.
banquet , and tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ; tho Tyler ' s toast having been given , the coffee was brought in , and the brethren departed , much pleased with their evening ' s enjoyment . Lodge of Justice , No . 147 . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the White Swan Tavern , High Street , Doptford ,
on Wednesday , 9 th ult . There was a goodly muster of tho brethren . Bros . C . G . Dilley ( P . M . ) W . M ., J . Roper S . W ., Golding J . W ., Speight S . D ., Church J . D ., Bro . Chapman ( P . M . ) Secretary ; Bros . G . Bolton P . M ., Batt P . M ., Patto P . M ., Andrews P . M ., Cavell P . M ., Bartlett , P . M . ; Bros . Wyatt , Bray , Thomas , Beckett , Mills , Endicott , Clarke , Munro , Hutchins , Hurdle , Kuowles ,
Kennett , and several others . The Lodge Avas opened , and the minutes of last Lodge road and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in second degree ; Bro . S . Wyatt was passed to the degree of P . O . The Lodge was opened in third degree , and Bro . J . Bates , of Excelsior Lodge , No . 1155 , was raised to the sublime degree . The Lodge was resumed in first degree , and the election of W . M .
took place ; the voting was unanimous in favour of Bro . Roper S . W . Bro . Bartlett , I . P . M ., was elected Treasurer . A sum of money was voted to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , and the Audit Committee having been appointed , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
Temperance Lodge , No . 169 . —A meeting of this Lodge took p lace at the White Swan Tavern , High street , Deptford , on Thursday , 17 th ult . Present—Bro . Littlecott ( P . M . ) W . M ., Dingle S . W ., Rosenstock ( P . M . ) J . W . pro tern . Bro . Neale S . D ., Bro . ( P . M . ' s ) , G . Brown , Treasurer ; Tibbies , Secretary ; G . Bolton , N . Wingfiekl ; Bros . Cooper , Predham , Morgan , Bryan , Beddoe ,
Umfreville , Harris , Hitley , Wingfiekl jnn ., Tibbies ] un ., Murray , Sanderson , Stevens and several other brethren . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in second degree , and Bros . Sanderson , Stevens and Murray were passed . The Lodge was opened in third degree , and Bros . Umfreville , Beddoe and Brian were raised to the
sublime degree . The Lodge was closed to first degree . Bro . Dingle was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . G . Brown ( P . M . ) Treasurer . Ten pounds was voted to the Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , and , the Lodge being closed , an adjourment took place to an excellent banquet , provided by Mrs . Porter , to which forty brethren did ample justice .
Domatic Lodge . —A meeting was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , on Friday , the 11 th December , Bro . Freclk . Kent W . M ., Bro . G . Everett S . W ., Bro . A . Treadwell J . W ., Bro . J . Smith ( P . M . ) , P . G . P ., & c . Treasurer , Bro . Willing W . M . ( Metropoli . tan Lodge ) Secretary , Bro . Palmer J . D ., & c , Bro . J . Brett ( P . M . ) , P . G . P ., Bro . Times ( P . M . ) , Bro . Ferguson ( P . M . ) , Bro . Vivian
Douglass , & c , & o . Bros . Potter and Vivian were duly raised to the third degree ; and Bros . E . W . Kent , Tribe and Richards wero passed to the second degree . Messrs . Isenstein , Harris and Holder were initiated into ancient Freemasonry . After the ceremonies had been performed in the efficient manner , customary to this Lod ^ e , tho brethren proceeded to elect tho W . M . for the ensning year , and the
S . W . ( Bro . G . Everett ) was declared duly elected to fill tint office . Bro . J . Smith ( P . M . ) was then re-elected Treasurer , and tho brethren signifying their hig h appreciation of his long and mcritorous services , Bro . Daley was re-elected Tyler . The annual audit committee was then appointed , aud the brethren afterwards adjourned to a banquet
at which , during the evening , a new Masonic Song— " Happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again , " of tho W . M . ' s , was ably sung , and gave great satisfaction . A large number of visitors enjoyed the hospitality of tho Lodge . The installation will take place on Friday , the 8 th January 1875 .
Industry Lodge , 1 X 0 . 186 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge , lately held at Mason ' s Hall , but now removed to the Cave Restaurant , 2 Victoria Chambers , met as above , Bro . D . D . Beck W . M . being absent , Bro . Say I . P . M . fulfilled the duties of the chair perfectly , the various degrees being delivered by him in such an able manner as to be a credit to tho Lodge , and at a later period
of the evening , to judge by the manner in which the newly initiated Brother , iu the course of his speech , paid him a very excellent compliment , in which the brethren heartily concurred , was a sufficient guarantee how the duties of the Lodge were carried out , in which he was ably supported by Bro . Wylie S . W ., and W . M . elect , G . Dyer J . W ., and that well known aud respected Brother , W . Mann P . M ., secretary ; Dyer J . W ., Black J . D ., T . S . Mortlock and Nokemer .
The Lodge was opened , and Bros . Fox , Downie , Phulp and Robinson were raised to the 3 rd degree , and Messrs . R . Allison and Black ware initiated . The brethren then adjourned to slight refreshments , and the W . M . prop sed tho usual toasts . Bro . llooke , the Organist , not only sang some very excellent songs , but rendered his valuable services in such a manner as to give a degrjo oi solemnity to tho proceedings . Bro . H . M . Levy P . M . 188 was present as a visitor .
Lodge CI Joppa , No . 188 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge was ' up'd nu Monday , Dec . 7 , at , the Albion , Aldersgate Street , City . The W . M ., Bro . Obed Roberts , in the chair , — Hickman S . W ., A . ' Dodson J . W ., L . Anerhaan Treasurer , E . P . Albert ( P . M . ) Secretary , L . Lazarn .- * S . D ., — Miller J . D ., and P . M . ' s H . Bcrkowitz , L . Alexander , M . Alexander , J . Abrahams and II . M . Levy . The Lodge was opened , ami the minutes were confirmed . Bro . P .
Ueuuingsoii ( Grand Orient ) was elected a joining member . Bro . Isaac was passed to the second degree , aud Bros . J . Levi , Botiboi and A . Moore were raised to tho third degree , the ceremonies being perfectly worked by the W . M . Messrs . S . Botiboi , J . Botiboi and K . J . Samuels were initiated into the Order , the two latter gentlemen ( by the courtesy of the W . M . ) Ly B-o . H . M . Levy , P . M . The election for W . M . then took place , and Bro . S . Hickman S . W . was unanimously elected , Br < j , Auerhuau , Treasurer , aud Woodstock
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be greatly obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the kingdom would favour us with a copy of their summonses each time of issue .
SATURDAY , 2 nd JANUARY . Meeting of General Committee of Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at -1 p . m . MONDAY , 4 th JANUARY .
12 . Fortitude and Old Cumberland , Ship and Turtle , Leaclenliall-strcot . 25 . Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall . 72 . Royal Jubilee , Andcrton's Hotel , Fleet-street . 83 . United Lodge of Prudence , Albion , Alclersgate-strcct . 144 . St . Luke ' s , Masonic Hall , Mason ' s Avenue . 188 . Joppa , Albion , AMeivgate-street . 1319 . Asaph , Fi- « emasous" Hall . R . A . 23 . Old King's Arms , Freemasons' Hall . Mark , 139 . Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham .
TUESDAY , 5 th JANUARY . Colonial Board at 3 . 7 . Royal York Lodge , of Perseverance , Freemasons' Hall . 9 . Albion , Freemason's Hall . 101 . Temple , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . 172 . Old Concord , Freemasons' Hall . 765 . St . James ' s , Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge . 1293 . Royal Standard , Marquess Tavern , Canonbiuy . 1381 . Kenningcon , Surrey Tavern , Konningtoii Oval . Mark , 1 . St . Mark ' s Masonic Hall , Mason ' s Avenue , Ba-singhall-streot .
WEDNESDAY , 6 th JANUARY . oil . Zetland , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . 1112 . Logia de la Iberia , Hill Bold , St . John ' s Wood . 1191 . Athonasum , Camden-road , Holloway . THURSDAY , 7 th JANUARY .
192 . Lion and Lamb , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . 277 . Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leadonhall-strect . 231 . St . Andrew ' s , Freemasons' Hall . 638 . La Tolerance , Freemasons' Hall . 551 . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . 1115 . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tavern , SaudringUam-road . Rose Croix . St . George ' s , 33 Golden-square , London .
FRIDAY , 8 th JANUARY . 134 . Caledonian , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street ; 157 . Bedford , Freemasons' Hall . 177 . Domatic , Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . 1-120 . Earl Spencer , Northcote Hotel , New Wandsworth . R . A . 33 . Britannic , Freemasons' Tavern . Knight Templars 1 'rccep . D ., Mount Calvorley , or Karly Grand Encampment of England , London Tavern , Bishopsmite-strce ' t .
SATURDAY , 9 th JANUARY . Quarterly General Court Girls' Schools , Freemasons' Hall , at 12 . 0 . 103 . London , Ship and Turtle , Lea lenhall-street . 176 . Caveac , AVestminster Palace Hotel , Westminster . 1328 . huiit ) , Ki-oiiiii nuns' Hall . 1361 . United Service , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond . 1126 . Tho Great City , City Terminus Hotel Cannon-street . 1-157 . Bagshaw , Bald Face I Stag , Buckhurst Hill . R . A . 1293 . Biu-dett , Mitro Hotel , Hampton Court .
Notices Of Meetings.
Grand Master ' s Lodge , No . 1 . —A meeting of tins Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday 21 st nit . Present—Bro . Colls P . G . S ., W . M ., Bro . G . Payne G . S . S . W ., Bro . Girand P . G . W . Treasurer , Bro . J . M . Case P . G . S . Secretary , Bigg P . M ., Bro . Alderman Sir F . Wyatt Truscotb P . M ., Bro . Sanderson P . G . M , ( Bengal ) , Lnmlej ' , Mnpleson , S . Eawson P . D . G . M . ( China ) , Gooding ,
Paterson , Rev . E . Thompson CD ., L . C . Luinley , and several other brethren . The Lodge was opened , and tho minntes of last regnlar Lodge Meeting , and tho Lodge of Emergency held on u ' th June , were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Sir John Hawley Glover E . N ., G . C . M . G ., and Mr . H . S . Freeman , for initiation . Bro . the Eight Honourable David Henry Stone ( P . M . ) the Lord Mayor of
Loudon , Bro . Signor Campobcllo and Bro . Giulio Perkens were elected Honorary Members . Tho Lodge was opened in 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and Bro . Fenner was raised to sublime degree . The Lodge was resumed to 1 st degree . Sir John H . Glover , being iu attendance , ivas initiated into Freemasonry as an E . A ., this Bro . is the Captain Glover who commanded the Naval Brigade , and whose oblique march from the Volta to Coomassic , which he reached a few hours after Sir
Garnet Wolseley had left it , is ouo oi tho most dashing exploits in military history . He received for his services the Cross of iho Bath . Mr . H . S . Freeman was next initiated as an E . A . Bro . G . Payne G . S . and S . W . was elected W . M ., and Bro . Girand was re-elected Treasurer , for the forty-sixth time . Tho Tylers were re-elected . The Audit Committee were appointed . The Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 90 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Albion Tavern , Aldorsgatc-stroet , on Monday , 1-itli ult . Present—Bros . J . K . Eumford W . M . ; Wetherall S . W . ; Snelling J . W . ; 1 ' enu S . D . ; Stormcr J . D . ; Itubson I . G . pro tern . ; Bros . J . Eglcse P . M . Treasurer ; T . P . Grillin P . M . Secretary ; P . M . ' s Griffin , McDorgal , Stevens , W . S . Adam : Bros . Hoard , Cross , Allison , Margetson , Pearce , Colpoys , Meyrick , and several other
brethren . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting Avero read and confirmed . Tho Lodge was opened in second degree , and Bro . Cross having proved his proficiency in that degree , the Lod ge was opened in thii-J . degree , aud Bro . Cross was raised to the sublime degree . The Lodge resumed in first degree . Bro . Wethorali S . W . was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Eglese P . M . reelected Treasurer . A P . M . ' s jewel was voted to the outgoing W . M . for his services , Tho Lodge being , closed , the . brethren adjourned to
Notices Of Meetings.
banquet , and tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ; tho Tyler ' s toast having been given , the coffee was brought in , and the brethren departed , much pleased with their evening ' s enjoyment . Lodge of Justice , No . 147 . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the White Swan Tavern , High Street , Doptford ,
on Wednesday , 9 th ult . There was a goodly muster of tho brethren . Bros . C . G . Dilley ( P . M . ) W . M ., J . Roper S . W ., Golding J . W ., Speight S . D ., Church J . D ., Bro . Chapman ( P . M . ) Secretary ; Bros . G . Bolton P . M ., Batt P . M ., Patto P . M ., Andrews P . M ., Cavell P . M ., Bartlett , P . M . ; Bros . Wyatt , Bray , Thomas , Beckett , Mills , Endicott , Clarke , Munro , Hutchins , Hurdle , Kuowles ,
Kennett , and several others . The Lodge Avas opened , and the minutes of last Lodge road and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in second degree ; Bro . S . Wyatt was passed to the degree of P . O . The Lodge was opened in third degree , and Bro . J . Bates , of Excelsior Lodge , No . 1155 , was raised to the sublime degree . The Lodge was resumed in first degree , and the election of W . M .
took place ; the voting was unanimous in favour of Bro . Roper S . W . Bro . Bartlett , I . P . M ., was elected Treasurer . A sum of money was voted to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , and the Audit Committee having been appointed , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
Temperance Lodge , No . 169 . —A meeting of this Lodge took p lace at the White Swan Tavern , High street , Deptford , on Thursday , 17 th ult . Present—Bro . Littlecott ( P . M . ) W . M ., Dingle S . W ., Rosenstock ( P . M . ) J . W . pro tern . Bro . Neale S . D ., Bro . ( P . M . ' s ) , G . Brown , Treasurer ; Tibbies , Secretary ; G . Bolton , N . Wingfiekl ; Bros . Cooper , Predham , Morgan , Bryan , Beddoe ,
Umfreville , Harris , Hitley , Wingfiekl jnn ., Tibbies ] un ., Murray , Sanderson , Stevens and several other brethren . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in second degree , and Bros . Sanderson , Stevens and Murray were passed . The Lodge was opened in third degree , and Bros . Umfreville , Beddoe and Brian were raised to the
sublime degree . The Lodge was closed to first degree . Bro . Dingle was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . G . Brown ( P . M . ) Treasurer . Ten pounds was voted to the Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , and , the Lodge being closed , an adjourment took place to an excellent banquet , provided by Mrs . Porter , to which forty brethren did ample justice .
Domatic Lodge . —A meeting was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , on Friday , the 11 th December , Bro . Freclk . Kent W . M ., Bro . G . Everett S . W ., Bro . A . Treadwell J . W ., Bro . J . Smith ( P . M . ) , P . G . P ., & c . Treasurer , Bro . Willing W . M . ( Metropoli . tan Lodge ) Secretary , Bro . Palmer J . D ., & c , Bro . J . Brett ( P . M . ) , P . G . P ., Bro . Times ( P . M . ) , Bro . Ferguson ( P . M . ) , Bro . Vivian
Douglass , & c , & o . Bros . Potter and Vivian were duly raised to the third degree ; and Bros . E . W . Kent , Tribe and Richards wero passed to the second degree . Messrs . Isenstein , Harris and Holder were initiated into ancient Freemasonry . After the ceremonies had been performed in the efficient manner , customary to this Lod ^ e , tho brethren proceeded to elect tho W . M . for the ensning year , and the
S . W . ( Bro . G . Everett ) was declared duly elected to fill tint office . Bro . J . Smith ( P . M . ) was then re-elected Treasurer , and tho brethren signifying their hig h appreciation of his long and mcritorous services , Bro . Daley was re-elected Tyler . The annual audit committee was then appointed , aud the brethren afterwards adjourned to a banquet
at which , during the evening , a new Masonic Song— " Happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again , " of tho W . M . ' s , was ably sung , and gave great satisfaction . A large number of visitors enjoyed the hospitality of tho Lodge . The installation will take place on Friday , the 8 th January 1875 .
Industry Lodge , 1 X 0 . 186 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge , lately held at Mason ' s Hall , but now removed to the Cave Restaurant , 2 Victoria Chambers , met as above , Bro . D . D . Beck W . M . being absent , Bro . Say I . P . M . fulfilled the duties of the chair perfectly , the various degrees being delivered by him in such an able manner as to be a credit to tho Lodge , and at a later period
of the evening , to judge by the manner in which the newly initiated Brother , iu the course of his speech , paid him a very excellent compliment , in which the brethren heartily concurred , was a sufficient guarantee how the duties of the Lodge were carried out , in which he was ably supported by Bro . Wylie S . W ., and W . M . elect , G . Dyer J . W ., and that well known aud respected Brother , W . Mann P . M ., secretary ; Dyer J . W ., Black J . D ., T . S . Mortlock and Nokemer .
The Lodge was opened , and Bros . Fox , Downie , Phulp and Robinson were raised to the 3 rd degree , and Messrs . R . Allison and Black ware initiated . The brethren then adjourned to slight refreshments , and the W . M . prop sed tho usual toasts . Bro . llooke , the Organist , not only sang some very excellent songs , but rendered his valuable services in such a manner as to give a degrjo oi solemnity to tho proceedings . Bro . H . M . Levy P . M . 188 was present as a visitor .
Lodge CI Joppa , No . 188 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge was ' up'd nu Monday , Dec . 7 , at , the Albion , Aldersgate Street , City . The W . M ., Bro . Obed Roberts , in the chair , — Hickman S . W ., A . ' Dodson J . W ., L . Anerhaan Treasurer , E . P . Albert ( P . M . ) Secretary , L . Lazarn .- * S . D ., — Miller J . D ., and P . M . ' s H . Bcrkowitz , L . Alexander , M . Alexander , J . Abrahams and II . M . Levy . The Lodge was opened , ami the minutes were confirmed . Bro . P .
Ueuuingsoii ( Grand Orient ) was elected a joining member . Bro . Isaac was passed to the second degree , aud Bros . J . Levi , Botiboi and A . Moore were raised to tho third degree , the ceremonies being perfectly worked by the W . M . Messrs . S . Botiboi , J . Botiboi and K . J . Samuels were initiated into the Order , the two latter gentlemen ( by the courtesy of the W . M . ) Ly B-o . H . M . Levy , P . M . The election for W . M . then took place , and Bro . S . Hickman S . W . was unanimously elected , Br < j , Auerhuau , Treasurer , aud Woodstock