Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Tyler . The Audit Committee was elected , also Trustees lor the Benevolent Fund . A sum of £ 5 5 s was proposed for tho purpose of presenting the retiring W . M . with a testimonial , for his able working and thoroughly efficient qualities during his occupation of the chair , which was liberally augmented by tho brethren , and a committee was formed lor that purpose . The Lodge was closed , and the
brethren partook of a slight repast . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given . Bro . L . Alexander P . M . responded for tho " Benevolent Fund , " and ho stated that the newly initiated brethren had liberally subscribed . The toast of tho W . M . was received with enthusiasm . The toasts of the newly initiated , W . M . elect , and officers followed , also that of the visitors , responded to by Bros .
Swallow W . M . 382 and Scott P . M . 7-19 . The AV . M . said he had a pleasing duty to perform , and although ont of the ordinary routine , he was sure it would be cordially received , and that was the health of the worth y manager , Bro . W . Jennings , whom ho stated was a good mason , and one who looked after their comfort , to the satisfaction of every brother and visitor . The same remarks apply to Bro .
Keeping , who was following in his footsteps . Bro . Jennings having replied , the- brethren separated , after passing a very agreeable evening . The visitors were Bros . C . Gammon P . M . and Treasurer 795 , J . E . Crump 122 , E . J . Scott P . M . 749 , Swallow W . M . 382 , Moore 1 , 017 , Van Noorden , Organist 188 , Van Minden 205 , Cohen 205 , and Prager 15 .
Confidence Lodge , No . 193 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge—celebrated for its perfect working—was held on Monday , the 14 th December , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . Bros . H . Webb W . M ., J . B . King S . W ., — Bonny J . W ., and P . M . ' s W . F . Rogers , S . Webb , Kershaw and Shackell . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes were confirmed . Bro . H . Goddard ( late 193 ) was elected a
joining member . Messrs . Rutherford and Wood were initiated , and Bros . Craske and Dewar wore raised to the sublime degree of master masons . A board of installed masters was formed , and Bro . King S . W . and W . M . elect was duly installed into the chair by Bro . W . F . Eogers , who elicited the wannest marks of encomium from every brother and visitor . The W . M . having been saluted according to
ancient custom , invested his Officers , viz ., Bros . H . Webb I . P . M ., — Bonny S . W ., — Reed J . W ., — Warne ( P . M . ) Treasurer , J . Rogers ( P . M . ) Secretary ( who had occupied that position for 30 years ) , — Tithian S . D ., — Pringle J . D ., — Lngg I . G ., S . Webb P . M . D . C ., and — Ryley ( Tyler ) . Bro . D . B . Kershaw P . M . having announced his intention to become a steward at tho forthcoming festival for Aged
Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , a sum of £ 5 was voted from the Lodge to be placed on his list , which was liberally augmented by the brethren . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a veiy capital banquet , provided by Bro . Clemow , and superintended by Bro . W . Smith , that gave great satisfaction . The regular toasts wero given , both loyal and Masonic .
Bro . Webb , in proposing the toast of the W . S ., stated tho Lodge never placed any brother in tho chair , and he was proud to say tho W . M . was well qualified to carry out thoso duties . The W . M . having replied , proposed the toast of the " Past Masters , " and coupled with it the name of Bro . H . Webb I . P . M ., on whose breast ho was pleased to place a very elegant gold Past Master ' s Jewel , the gift of the Lodge for their regard and esteem , for his perfect working during his
year of office . The toast of tho visitors was severally responded to , these , were Bros . Fox P . M . 19 , J . C . Eoo J . W . 730 , J . U . Sutton 1287 , Perrin 105 G , J . W . Avery P . M ., King 43 G ( Australia ) , Curtis ISO , Myers 438 , J . H . Staton 12 S 7 , Cook 4 G 3 , and II . M . Levy P . M . Tho Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening , which was enlivened by the splendid singing of Bros . S . Webb , 11 . Webb , . F . Rogers , and Perrin .
Mundy Grove Loage , No . 506 . —The 30 th anniversary of this Lodge was celebrated at the Boat Inn , Shipley , on Tuesday , the 29 th ult ., when Bro . G . E . Turner was duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . The impressive ceremony of installation was ably performed by Bro . J . Farnsworth P . M . and P . P . G . J . D . of the
province . The W . M . ajspointed as his officers the following brethren , Bros . E . Pender S . W . ; G . Bingham J . W . ; James Noon Treasurer ; C . Askew Secretary ; S . Durose S . D . ; J . Archbold J . D ; W . Dixon I . G . ; W . Braithwate Steward . After tho conclusion of tho usual business , the brethren sat down to a substantial dinner , provided by Bro . Noon , and an agreeable evening was spent .
Whlttmgton Lodge , No . 862 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held , on the 21 st ult ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street . Bros . A . E . Haley W . M ., Kingston S . W ., AValker J . W ., Robt . Wentworth Little P . M . Treasurer , Pritcbard S . D ., AValmsloy J . D ., Moore I . G ., J . Brett P . G ., P . W . S ., and P . M . ' s James Weaver , Smith , Jones , and ^ ont twenty brethren present . The Lodge having been opened , and the minutes confirmed , Mr . G . Obcrli was initiated into
the Order . Bro . James Weaver P . M . then passed Bros . Belclan , IVebb , May , J . S . Brown , "Williams and Hum in a poifcct manner . A distressed brother was relieved from the funds of the Lodge , with the sum of two guineas . A gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting . Tho Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet , and tho toasts were given as usual —both Loyal and Masonic . Tho visitors were Bros . Everitt 177 , Stephens P . M . 1 , 489 , High 1 , 4-89 aud Peters W . M . 2 G 2 .
VV mttmgtcn Chapter , rTo . 862 . —An emergency meeting of this new Chapter was held lit Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fieet Street . Comp . W . Hnristonc Z ., W . J . Harlstcne , W . Stephens J ., J . Weaver , l' . Z . S . E . The Chapter was opened and tho i ' ollowina
brethren being present were duly csalttd into Royal Arch "Masonry , viz ., Bro 3 . J . ilnrles 13 G 5 aud J . W . 1-189 : T . Jessett 1365 and S . D . 1-iyy ; and W . H . Norman , No . 30 . The Chapter was then closed . The companions present were J . Weaver , P . Z ., J . Brett , P . Z ., E . W . Little , P . Z ., Stephens , Kingston and Tin - icy . Strawberry Hill Lodge , No . 946 . —On Wednesday , 9 th December , a meeting was held at the Grotto Hotel , Twicken-
Notices Of Meetings.
ham . W . Waghorn W . M ., J . Hayward S . W ., — Johnson J . W ., J . R . Stedwell ( P . M . ) Treasurer ; W . Piatt ( P . M . ) Treasurer ; — Wolgemnth J . D ., — Javier I . G ., P . M . ' s Kipling , W . Smeed , Whitley and W . Watson . The business consisted of raising Bros . Ashton , Webb and Salmon to the third degree , and initiating Mr . Rawes into the Order . The working of the AV . M . deserved great praise , and is worthy of imitation , for so young a
member of the Order . The Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The usual routine toasts were given . Bro . AV . Smeed ( P . M . ) , in returning thanks for the Past Masters , iu tho course of a very eloquent speech , paid the AV . M ., Bro . AVaghorn , a just compliment for his perfect rendering of tho ceremonies . The Tyler's toast concluded a very agreeable evening . The visitors were Bros . Ireton ( Ebnry Lodge ) , Edwards and Powell .
Lodge of Montefiore , No . 1017 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , on AVednesday , 9 th December . Bro . J . De Solla in the chair . — Gruinbaum S . AV ., — Blum J . AV ., supported by the officers and P . M . ' s , Bro . Blumenthal , — Pollitzer , J . Lazarus , and S . V . Abrahams . Tho Lodge was opened ,
and tho minutes wore confirmed . Bro . Ososki , No . 2 o , was elected a joining member , and Bros . Cave aud AVilson were passed to the second degree . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . Gruinbaam S . W . and AV . M . elect was presented to the Lodge , and the ceremony of installation was beautifully and perfectly rendered by Bro . S . P . Abrahams ( P . M . ) The W . M . then
invested his officers , viz ., Bro . J . De Solla I . P . M ., — Blum S . W ., V . Myers J . AV ., L . Jacobs Treasurer , E . P . Albert ( P . M . ) Treasurer , — Gnlliford S . D ., — Albu J . D ., — Ring I . G ., — Salomons D . C ., — Ellis AV . c < . — Hirshfield Organist , and — Smith Tyler . The Lodge was then called off , and tho brethren sat down to a Banquet d la llusse , provided by Bro . Francatelli , and superintended
by Bro . Knill , the courteous manager , that gave great satisfaction . The loyal aud masonic toasts were given , including the usual routine toasts . Bro . J . De Solla , the I . P . M ., was presented with a jewel by Bro . O . Roberts AV . M . 188 . Arthur Levy returned thanks for the visitors , who were Bros . Seymour 736 , J . H . Ryley 188 , O . Roberts
AV . M . 188 , J . E . AVoolf No . 1 , J . Emanuel W . M . 205 , C . Hogard P . M . 205 , H . G . Buss Grand Treasurer ( Middlesex ) , P . E . Van Noorden 188 , — Robson 90 , A . Hirsch 188 , — Such 890 , Dispeker 73 , & c . A very excellent concert was provided by Bro . P . E . Van Noorden , Miss Leonora Braham , Mr . Fronton , A . Mori , and a violin solo was capitally played by a pupil of Bro . Van Noorden .
St . Peter ' s Lodge , Tiverton , No . 1125 . —The annual meeting of this Lodge , for the installation of the AV . M . elect , and the appointment and investment of officers , was held at the Masonic Hall , on AVednesday , 30 th December , Bro . J . B . Patterson AV . M ., presiding . Bro . Thomas Parkhouso ( tho AV . M . elect ) , was duly presented and installed ; tho service throughout being performed in a faultless
manner by tho retiring W . M . The following officers were appointed and invested : —Bros . C . A . W . Troyte S . AV . ; AValter H . Reed juu . J . W ; Rev . J . Dickinson Chaplain ; II . S . Gill Treasurer ; James Mills P . M ., P . G . O ., Secretary : G . AV . Cockram S . D . ; William Bartlett J . D . ; T . F . Mead I . G . ; J . B . Crabb D . C . ; A . Andrews
Org . ; Joseph Searlo and John Melhnish Stewards ; John Patey Tyler ; Bro . Thomas Parkhouso AV . M . Representative ou Board of Petitions . After tho closing of the Lodge , tho brethren adjourned to banquet at Bro . AVoods , AVhito Ball Hotel , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Golden Rule Lodge , No . 1261— This Lodge held its meeting at the Regent Masonic Hall , Air Street , Regent Street , on Tuesday , 1 st ult . Present—Bros . J . Harris AV . M ., AV . AV . Smith S . AV ., J . Williams J . AV ., Bro . Bigg I . P . M . and Treasurer , A . Torkington , Secretary ; Bros . J . P . Godfrey S . D ., Snnley P . M ., Cross P . M ., James Fabian P . P . G ., AV . Hants , Hibbort , A . G . Sharpe
and several other brethren . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes road and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Messrs . Francis Deane , G . J . Simpson , J . Levy and A . Curtis , for initiation , which was unanimous in their favour . A ballot was taken for Bro . J . Davis , of No . 487 , and A . G . Sharpe , as joining members . Messrs . Deane and Levy , being iu attendance , wero initiated into Freemasony as E . A .
The election ot AA . M . then took place , when the choice of the brethren was unanimous in favour of Bro . AV . AV . Smith , the S . W . Bro . Bigg I . P . M . was elected Treasurer . The Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet , when the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Cross returned thanks for the P . M . ' s , and Bro . Smith , the AV . M . elect , for the officers .
Brownrigg Lodge , No . 1424 . —Tho installation meeting of this Lodge , named after Major Gen . Brownrigg , tho Provincial Grand Master of Surrov , who consecrated it two years ago , was held at the Soldiers' Institute , Chatham . Master n ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -r : 7 . ' - Bates , E . A ., the Master of the Lodge , installed his successor , Stuff Serjeant John Jervis , in the Master ' s chair ; and after the new officers of the Lodge had beeu invested , Past Masters' jewels were presented to Quarter .
master b . Cole , Royal Engineers , the first Master of the Lodge , and Master Gunner Bates , A largo company of military and other brethren were present on tho occasion , who were entertained at a banquet subsequently ; ami when the toasts were given , Mr . F . Binckes , a past Grand Steward and Secretary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , made a strong appeal on behalf of the three Masonic Charitable Institutions , which , ho said , provided for the aged , and boarded , clothad , and educated tho young .
Metropolitan ijOdge , No . 1507 . —The third meeting of this nourishing Lodge took place on Thursday evening , the 18 th December , at tho Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonvillc Road , Kings Cross , when , in spite of tho inclemency of the weather , a large master of the brethren took place . Tlie working aud the whole of tho ceremonies wero conducted in a most impressive manner . Bros . J . Willing W . M . ( iu the chair ) , J , J , Michael B . W ., T . Williams J . W .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Tyler . The Audit Committee was elected , also Trustees lor the Benevolent Fund . A sum of £ 5 5 s was proposed for tho purpose of presenting the retiring W . M . with a testimonial , for his able working and thoroughly efficient qualities during his occupation of the chair , which was liberally augmented by tho brethren , and a committee was formed lor that purpose . The Lodge was closed , and the
brethren partook of a slight repast . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given . Bro . L . Alexander P . M . responded for tho " Benevolent Fund , " and ho stated that the newly initiated brethren had liberally subscribed . The toast of tho W . M . was received with enthusiasm . The toasts of the newly initiated , W . M . elect , and officers followed , also that of the visitors , responded to by Bros .
Swallow W . M . 382 and Scott P . M . 7-19 . The AV . M . said he had a pleasing duty to perform , and although ont of the ordinary routine , he was sure it would be cordially received , and that was the health of the worth y manager , Bro . W . Jennings , whom ho stated was a good mason , and one who looked after their comfort , to the satisfaction of every brother and visitor . The same remarks apply to Bro .
Keeping , who was following in his footsteps . Bro . Jennings having replied , the- brethren separated , after passing a very agreeable evening . The visitors were Bros . C . Gammon P . M . and Treasurer 795 , J . E . Crump 122 , E . J . Scott P . M . 749 , Swallow W . M . 382 , Moore 1 , 017 , Van Noorden , Organist 188 , Van Minden 205 , Cohen 205 , and Prager 15 .
Confidence Lodge , No . 193 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge—celebrated for its perfect working—was held on Monday , the 14 th December , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . Bros . H . Webb W . M ., J . B . King S . W ., — Bonny J . W ., and P . M . ' s W . F . Rogers , S . Webb , Kershaw and Shackell . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes were confirmed . Bro . H . Goddard ( late 193 ) was elected a
joining member . Messrs . Rutherford and Wood were initiated , and Bros . Craske and Dewar wore raised to the sublime degree of master masons . A board of installed masters was formed , and Bro . King S . W . and W . M . elect was duly installed into the chair by Bro . W . F . Eogers , who elicited the wannest marks of encomium from every brother and visitor . The W . M . having been saluted according to
ancient custom , invested his Officers , viz ., Bros . H . Webb I . P . M ., — Bonny S . W ., — Reed J . W ., — Warne ( P . M . ) Treasurer , J . Rogers ( P . M . ) Secretary ( who had occupied that position for 30 years ) , — Tithian S . D ., — Pringle J . D ., — Lngg I . G ., S . Webb P . M . D . C ., and — Ryley ( Tyler ) . Bro . D . B . Kershaw P . M . having announced his intention to become a steward at tho forthcoming festival for Aged
Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , a sum of £ 5 was voted from the Lodge to be placed on his list , which was liberally augmented by the brethren . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a veiy capital banquet , provided by Bro . Clemow , and superintended by Bro . W . Smith , that gave great satisfaction . The regular toasts wero given , both loyal and Masonic .
Bro . Webb , in proposing the toast of the W . S ., stated tho Lodge never placed any brother in tho chair , and he was proud to say tho W . M . was well qualified to carry out thoso duties . The W . M . having replied , proposed the toast of the " Past Masters , " and coupled with it the name of Bro . H . Webb I . P . M ., on whose breast ho was pleased to place a very elegant gold Past Master ' s Jewel , the gift of the Lodge for their regard and esteem , for his perfect working during his
year of office . The toast of tho visitors was severally responded to , these , were Bros . Fox P . M . 19 , J . C . Eoo J . W . 730 , J . U . Sutton 1287 , Perrin 105 G , J . W . Avery P . M ., King 43 G ( Australia ) , Curtis ISO , Myers 438 , J . H . Staton 12 S 7 , Cook 4 G 3 , and II . M . Levy P . M . Tho Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening , which was enlivened by the splendid singing of Bros . S . Webb , 11 . Webb , . F . Rogers , and Perrin .
Mundy Grove Loage , No . 506 . —The 30 th anniversary of this Lodge was celebrated at the Boat Inn , Shipley , on Tuesday , the 29 th ult ., when Bro . G . E . Turner was duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . The impressive ceremony of installation was ably performed by Bro . J . Farnsworth P . M . and P . P . G . J . D . of the
province . The W . M . ajspointed as his officers the following brethren , Bros . E . Pender S . W . ; G . Bingham J . W . ; James Noon Treasurer ; C . Askew Secretary ; S . Durose S . D . ; J . Archbold J . D ; W . Dixon I . G . ; W . Braithwate Steward . After tho conclusion of tho usual business , the brethren sat down to a substantial dinner , provided by Bro . Noon , and an agreeable evening was spent .
Whlttmgton Lodge , No . 862 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held , on the 21 st ult ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street . Bros . A . E . Haley W . M ., Kingston S . W ., AValker J . W ., Robt . Wentworth Little P . M . Treasurer , Pritcbard S . D ., AValmsloy J . D ., Moore I . G ., J . Brett P . G ., P . W . S ., and P . M . ' s James Weaver , Smith , Jones , and ^ ont twenty brethren present . The Lodge having been opened , and the minutes confirmed , Mr . G . Obcrli was initiated into
the Order . Bro . James Weaver P . M . then passed Bros . Belclan , IVebb , May , J . S . Brown , "Williams and Hum in a poifcct manner . A distressed brother was relieved from the funds of the Lodge , with the sum of two guineas . A gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting . Tho Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet , and tho toasts were given as usual —both Loyal and Masonic . Tho visitors were Bros . Everitt 177 , Stephens P . M . 1 , 489 , High 1 , 4-89 aud Peters W . M . 2 G 2 .
VV mttmgtcn Chapter , rTo . 862 . —An emergency meeting of this new Chapter was held lit Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fieet Street . Comp . W . Hnristonc Z ., W . J . Harlstcne , W . Stephens J ., J . Weaver , l' . Z . S . E . The Chapter was opened and tho i ' ollowina
brethren being present were duly csalttd into Royal Arch "Masonry , viz ., Bro 3 . J . ilnrles 13 G 5 aud J . W . 1-189 : T . Jessett 1365 and S . D . 1-iyy ; and W . H . Norman , No . 30 . The Chapter was then closed . The companions present were J . Weaver , P . Z ., J . Brett , P . Z ., E . W . Little , P . Z ., Stephens , Kingston and Tin - icy . Strawberry Hill Lodge , No . 946 . —On Wednesday , 9 th December , a meeting was held at the Grotto Hotel , Twicken-
Notices Of Meetings.
ham . W . Waghorn W . M ., J . Hayward S . W ., — Johnson J . W ., J . R . Stedwell ( P . M . ) Treasurer ; W . Piatt ( P . M . ) Treasurer ; — Wolgemnth J . D ., — Javier I . G ., P . M . ' s Kipling , W . Smeed , Whitley and W . Watson . The business consisted of raising Bros . Ashton , Webb and Salmon to the third degree , and initiating Mr . Rawes into the Order . The working of the AV . M . deserved great praise , and is worthy of imitation , for so young a
member of the Order . The Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The usual routine toasts were given . Bro . AV . Smeed ( P . M . ) , in returning thanks for the Past Masters , iu tho course of a very eloquent speech , paid the AV . M ., Bro . AVaghorn , a just compliment for his perfect rendering of tho ceremonies . The Tyler's toast concluded a very agreeable evening . The visitors were Bros . Ireton ( Ebnry Lodge ) , Edwards and Powell .
Lodge of Montefiore , No . 1017 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , on AVednesday , 9 th December . Bro . J . De Solla in the chair . — Gruinbaum S . AV ., — Blum J . AV ., supported by the officers and P . M . ' s , Bro . Blumenthal , — Pollitzer , J . Lazarus , and S . V . Abrahams . Tho Lodge was opened ,
and tho minutes wore confirmed . Bro . Ososki , No . 2 o , was elected a joining member , and Bros . Cave aud AVilson were passed to the second degree . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . Gruinbaam S . W . and AV . M . elect was presented to the Lodge , and the ceremony of installation was beautifully and perfectly rendered by Bro . S . P . Abrahams ( P . M . ) The W . M . then
invested his officers , viz ., Bro . J . De Solla I . P . M ., — Blum S . W ., V . Myers J . AV ., L . Jacobs Treasurer , E . P . Albert ( P . M . ) Treasurer , — Gnlliford S . D ., — Albu J . D ., — Ring I . G ., — Salomons D . C ., — Ellis AV . c < . — Hirshfield Organist , and — Smith Tyler . The Lodge was then called off , and tho brethren sat down to a Banquet d la llusse , provided by Bro . Francatelli , and superintended
by Bro . Knill , the courteous manager , that gave great satisfaction . The loyal aud masonic toasts were given , including the usual routine toasts . Bro . J . De Solla , the I . P . M ., was presented with a jewel by Bro . O . Roberts AV . M . 188 . Arthur Levy returned thanks for the visitors , who were Bros . Seymour 736 , J . H . Ryley 188 , O . Roberts
AV . M . 188 , J . E . AVoolf No . 1 , J . Emanuel W . M . 205 , C . Hogard P . M . 205 , H . G . Buss Grand Treasurer ( Middlesex ) , P . E . Van Noorden 188 , — Robson 90 , A . Hirsch 188 , — Such 890 , Dispeker 73 , & c . A very excellent concert was provided by Bro . P . E . Van Noorden , Miss Leonora Braham , Mr . Fronton , A . Mori , and a violin solo was capitally played by a pupil of Bro . Van Noorden .
St . Peter ' s Lodge , Tiverton , No . 1125 . —The annual meeting of this Lodge , for the installation of the AV . M . elect , and the appointment and investment of officers , was held at the Masonic Hall , on AVednesday , 30 th December , Bro . J . B . Patterson AV . M ., presiding . Bro . Thomas Parkhouso ( tho AV . M . elect ) , was duly presented and installed ; tho service throughout being performed in a faultless
manner by tho retiring W . M . The following officers were appointed and invested : —Bros . C . A . W . Troyte S . AV . ; AValter H . Reed juu . J . W ; Rev . J . Dickinson Chaplain ; II . S . Gill Treasurer ; James Mills P . M ., P . G . O ., Secretary : G . AV . Cockram S . D . ; William Bartlett J . D . ; T . F . Mead I . G . ; J . B . Crabb D . C . ; A . Andrews
Org . ; Joseph Searlo and John Melhnish Stewards ; John Patey Tyler ; Bro . Thomas Parkhouso AV . M . Representative ou Board of Petitions . After tho closing of the Lodge , tho brethren adjourned to banquet at Bro . AVoods , AVhito Ball Hotel , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Golden Rule Lodge , No . 1261— This Lodge held its meeting at the Regent Masonic Hall , Air Street , Regent Street , on Tuesday , 1 st ult . Present—Bros . J . Harris AV . M ., AV . AV . Smith S . AV ., J . Williams J . AV ., Bro . Bigg I . P . M . and Treasurer , A . Torkington , Secretary ; Bros . J . P . Godfrey S . D ., Snnley P . M ., Cross P . M ., James Fabian P . P . G ., AV . Hants , Hibbort , A . G . Sharpe
and several other brethren . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes road and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Messrs . Francis Deane , G . J . Simpson , J . Levy and A . Curtis , for initiation , which was unanimous in their favour . A ballot was taken for Bro . J . Davis , of No . 487 , and A . G . Sharpe , as joining members . Messrs . Deane and Levy , being iu attendance , wero initiated into Freemasony as E . A .
The election ot AA . M . then took place , when the choice of the brethren was unanimous in favour of Bro . AV . AV . Smith , the S . W . Bro . Bigg I . P . M . was elected Treasurer . The Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet , when the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Cross returned thanks for the P . M . ' s , and Bro . Smith , the AV . M . elect , for the officers .
Brownrigg Lodge , No . 1424 . —Tho installation meeting of this Lodge , named after Major Gen . Brownrigg , tho Provincial Grand Master of Surrov , who consecrated it two years ago , was held at the Soldiers' Institute , Chatham . Master n ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -r : 7 . ' - Bates , E . A ., the Master of the Lodge , installed his successor , Stuff Serjeant John Jervis , in the Master ' s chair ; and after the new officers of the Lodge had beeu invested , Past Masters' jewels were presented to Quarter .
master b . Cole , Royal Engineers , the first Master of the Lodge , and Master Gunner Bates , A largo company of military and other brethren were present on tho occasion , who were entertained at a banquet subsequently ; ami when the toasts were given , Mr . F . Binckes , a past Grand Steward and Secretary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , made a strong appeal on behalf of the three Masonic Charitable Institutions , which , ho said , provided for the aged , and boarded , clothad , and educated tho young .
Metropolitan ijOdge , No . 1507 . —The third meeting of this nourishing Lodge took place on Thursday evening , the 18 th December , at tho Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonvillc Road , Kings Cross , when , in spite of tho inclemency of the weather , a large master of the brethren took place . Tlie working aud the whole of tho ceremonies wero conducted in a most impressive manner . Bros . J . Willing W . M . ( iu the chair ) , J , J , Michael B . W ., T . Williams J . W .,