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Obituary For 1874.
Sir James Ranald Martin , Sir AVilliam Martins , Sir Alexander Nisbet , Sir Andrew Orr , Sir William Perry , Admiral Sir Henry Prescott , Sir John Rennie , Sir Thomas Ross , Sir Joshua Rowe , Sir Robert Smart , Sir John Mark Frederick Smith , Sir Francis Pettit Smith , Sir Henry Storks , Sir Roger Therry , Sir Henry Tombs , and Sir Edward Samuel AValker .
Four vacancies have occurred by death in the House of Commons since the general election , viz .: —Mr . Charles Gilpin ( Northampton ) , Mr . John Laird ( BirkenheacD , Lord George Manners ( Cambridgeshire ) , Mr . Edward G . Davenport ( St . Ives ) . Among the members of former Parliaments who have died during the year are tho Right Hon . F . P . Dunne , Mr . William Stuart , of
Aldenbam Abbey ; Lientenant-Colonel Packe ; Mr . Morritt , of Rokeby ; Mr . Alexander Dennistonn , Mr . Donald Maclean , Mr . William D . Christie , Mr . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , Mr . Henry Peters Burton , Mr . John Cotes , Sir George Cholmley , Baron Meyer de Rothschild , Mr . John Greenwood , Colonel Henry Salwey , Mr . John Candlish , the Hon . George Fitzwilliam , Mr . C . Wynne Finch ,
Sir William Bodkin , Mr . Adam Black , Sir James Lindsay , tho Earl of Egmont ( Captain G . Perceval ) , Mr . Francis Finch , Mr . John Lee Lee , Mr . Alderman Challis , the Earl of Romney ( Lord Marsham ) , Sir Henry Storks , Mr . Edward R . Langworthy , Colonel Ouseley Higgins , Sir Stephen Glynne , Sir Edmund Beckett , Mr . Sackville Lane-Fox , Colonel the Hon . John C . AA ostenra , Mr . AV .
Hughes-Hnghes , Sir Percy Nugent , and Sir H . M . Thompson . Among the most remarkable diplomatists and other foreign celebrities we have had to record the deaths of M . Silvain Van do Weyer , the Due de Montebello , M . Guizot , M . Michelet , Marshal Thiebault , Count Rudolph Wratislaw , M . Huet , Countess Brannew , Countess Danner ( morganatic widow of the King of
Sweden ) , Mr . Fillmore , ex-President of the United States ; Mr . Charles Sumner , David F . Strauss ( author of the celebrated "Leben Jesu" ) , Countess Apponyi , Councillors Von Krauss and Von Balan , of Berlin ; M . Beule , Count Simeon ( Senator and Translator of "Horace" ) , M . de Goulard , Count Lntlers , Prince Pignatelli , Baron Anselm de Rothschild , the Baron Valetin do Trevis , Nicolo
Tommasco , Marshal Concha , of Spain ; Count D Alton Shee , Princo Domenico Orsini , Countess Virginia M . Orsili ( niece of the Pope ) , Count de Lahedoyere ( ex-Senator ) , M . N . Mavrocordato , tho financier ; Princo Sayn Wittgenstein Hohenstein , of Prussia ; Count de Theux de Meylandt , formerly Prime Minister of Belgium . In the profession of tho law we have had to record the deaths of
Lord Colon say , Sir William Bodkin , Mr . Abraham Brewster ( formerly Lord Chancellor of Ireland ) , Lord Romilly , Mr . Charles Austin , Q . C ., Mr . P . F . O'Malley , Q . C ., Mr . Dempster Hemming , Mr . Herman Merivale , Mr . Horace Lloyd ( Police Magistrate at Greenwich ) , tho Hon . Edward Twisleton , Mr . Leahy , Q . C ., Sir Charles Jackson ( late
Judge at Calcutta ) , Mr . II . Robinson , Q . C ., Mr . Cosmo N . Innes , Mr . Christoper Hodgson , Mr . J . C . Templer , Sir . C . AVordsworth , Q . C ., end Lord Benholmo ( tho Scotch Judge ) . Among the clergy and ministers of various denominations we have to record the deaths of the Bishop of Kilmorc ( Dr . Carson ) , tho
Obituary For 1874.
ex-Bishop of Bombay ( Dr . Harding ) , Archdeacon Churton , Monsignor Merode , the Rev . AV . H . Brookfield , ( preacher of the Rolls Chapel ) , Cardinal Barnabo , the Rev . Hobart Seymour , the Archdeacon ( Clark ) of St . David ' s , the Rev . Dr . Biber , the Rev . Edmund Keel , of Southampton ; the Rev . AV . Hicks , the Rev . Dr . Binney , Cardinal Tarquini , the ex-Bishop of AVinchester ( Dr . Snmuer ) , tho Bishop of
Ossory and Ferns ( Dr . O'Brien ) , tho Rev . Professor Foley , of Dublin ; the Archbishop of Malta , tho Rev . Canon AVoodgate , the Rev . Thomas Vogan , tho Rev . Canon Richson , Father La Vigne , Vicar-General of Nice ; tho Rev . Dr . Sewell , and Archdeacon Ormerod , the Rev . Henry Highton , the Dean of Berry , the Dean of Armagh , tho ex-Bishop of Gibralter ( the Hon . and Right Rev . Dr . Harris ) , and tho Rev . E . Bouverie .
Literature and the drama have lost representatives , more or less important , in M . Guizot , Mr . Shirley Brooks , Mr . Bellew ( the popular lecturer ) , Mr . John Heneago Jesse , Miss Agnes Strickland , Mr . James Hannay , Mr . Tom Hood , M . Sylvain Van de Weyer , Mr . Albert Way , F . S . A ., Mr . John Gongh Nichols , F . S . A ., Mr . Howard Staunton , Mr . Adam Black ( publisher ) , Mr . Sydney Dobell , Mr .
Thomas Miller ( the basket-maker poet ) , Mr . John Blackio ( publisher ) , Mdlle . Aimee Desclee , Mr . AV . H . Betty ( tho " youthful Rosoius " ) , Dr . Charles T . Beke , Mr . Henry Godwin , F . S . A ., Mr . Charles Swain , John Moultrie ( tho poet ) , and Mrs . Marsh Caldwell . From the world of art we have lost Mr . John Pye ( the " father of
landscape engravers" ) , Mr . Field Talfourd , Mr . David Simson , of Edinburgh ; Wilhelm von Kanlbach , of Munich ; Mr . AV . Telbin , Mr . Kenny Meadows , Mr . J . II . Foley ( the sculptor ) , Mr . Robert Carrylo ( Miniature painter ) , tho Baron de Taiquiti , Mr . Joseph Paton , and Mr . Owen Jones .
Science has to lament the loss of Dr . Neill Arnotfc , Dr . Lankester , Sir John Rennie , Sir AVilliam Jandine , Dr . Forbes Winslow ; Maedler , the astronomer , of Hanover ; Andreas Hansen , the astronomer , of Gotha ; Mr . Edward Blyth , the zoologist ; Professor Phillips , of Oxford ; Mr . Richard Tamplin , the surgeon ; Paolo Rosa , the Roman astronomer ; and Professor Grant , of University College .
Our list of miscellaneous deaths includes Madame Parepa Rosa , Mr . John Grantham , civil engineer and architect ; the Countess of Clarendon , Lady Anno Stirling-Maxwell , Mr . AVilliam Torr , the agriculturist ; Mr . Charles Young , the comedian ; Mr . Addison , tho comedian ; Lady Phipps , tho Marchioness of Thomond , Ellen Lady Stirling , Lady Dunfermline , the Countess of Northesk , Mr .
Nightingale , the Duchess Dowager of Argyll , the Duchess Dowager of Leeds , Lady Coleride , sen ., tho Dowager Marchioness of Anglesey , Colonel Grey , Admirals Denman , Jervis , Currie , and Keats ; the Hon . G . Stafford-Jerningham , Ladies Edward and AVilliam Russell , General Eden , Ladies Houghton , Alison , Letitia Aldworth , Augnsta Milbank ,
Sarah Murray ; Madame Lidis ( the traveller ) , Lady Ratcliff , Lady Dilke , Dowager Lady Berners , Mr . Patrick Boyle , of Shewalton ; Mr . F . Scrymgeour AVedderburn , Lady Hogg , Lady Amberley , Lord James Murray , tho Countesses of Guildford and Stanhope , the Dowager Countess of Desart , Princess Palagonia-Grifeo , and the Siamese Twins .
iajiyijie fiarden , JFfawer & Agricultural Seeds . W"M . CUTBUSH JUN ., BARNET NURSERIES , BARNET , HERTS , begs to announce that his Catalogue of the above is now ready , and will be forwarded , post free , on application . W . C . Jun . bogs to say his stocks of tho above are of tho fiuest aud most genuine kinds , and he can with confidence recommend them . W . C . Jun . also bega to call the attention of planters to his fine stock of EVBRGEEEIfS , ROSES , FRUIT TREES , & c . Catalogues on application , post free .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKRO 'VIEK , & GGROYER LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , fbmagm ^ BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . p ^ Mil PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , j- p j , j FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . ~~ W ' r | Tlie Advantages of » Trial , with the Convenience of the ^ ni | »¦«»— " ¦ . J || Three Years' Syateui at Cash Price , by Paying about a Quarter ^ fcfc 3 e __^ < j "\ H of the Value down , the ISalmice by JEasy Payment * , from ii r » T > 15 * per (( iiarter . GEOVER & GROVEK , 157-9 Kingsland Boad . KSTAKLISIIED 1830 .
AUCTION , ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENCY OFFICES , 76 ALDEKSGATE STREET , E . C . AW . BRYANT , Auctioneer , Valuer , . Appraiser , & c . ( of Twenty Years' Practical Experience ) iu order to suit the convenience of numerous clients , has removed to the above address . Auctions and Valuations in Town and Country . A alnntions carefully made for Transfers of . Business , Administrations and Probate Dutv . Inventories Made and Examined , Rents Collected , Estates , Houses and all other Property Registered Free . N . B . —Solicitors and Liquidators will Benefit their Clients' interest by consulting A . W . BRYANT . Agent to tho Royal Insurance Company , Money Advanced on every description of Property ,
THE WESTMINSTER PAPERS , Vol . 7 , No . hi , for JANUARY , now ready . Sixpence . CHESS , WHIST , GAMES OS SKIIL AKD THB Da AM A . W . W . MOBOAN , 67 Barbican , London :
" TT'OE the BLOOD is the LIFE . " -See X . Deuteronomy , chap , xii ., verse 23 . CLAEKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE , Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Soros on tho Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face , Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s 3 d each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority ot long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout tho United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of 27 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses , ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary For 1874.
Sir James Ranald Martin , Sir AVilliam Martins , Sir Alexander Nisbet , Sir Andrew Orr , Sir William Perry , Admiral Sir Henry Prescott , Sir John Rennie , Sir Thomas Ross , Sir Joshua Rowe , Sir Robert Smart , Sir John Mark Frederick Smith , Sir Francis Pettit Smith , Sir Henry Storks , Sir Roger Therry , Sir Henry Tombs , and Sir Edward Samuel AValker .
Four vacancies have occurred by death in the House of Commons since the general election , viz .: —Mr . Charles Gilpin ( Northampton ) , Mr . John Laird ( BirkenheacD , Lord George Manners ( Cambridgeshire ) , Mr . Edward G . Davenport ( St . Ives ) . Among the members of former Parliaments who have died during the year are tho Right Hon . F . P . Dunne , Mr . William Stuart , of
Aldenbam Abbey ; Lientenant-Colonel Packe ; Mr . Morritt , of Rokeby ; Mr . Alexander Dennistonn , Mr . Donald Maclean , Mr . William D . Christie , Mr . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , Mr . Henry Peters Burton , Mr . John Cotes , Sir George Cholmley , Baron Meyer de Rothschild , Mr . John Greenwood , Colonel Henry Salwey , Mr . John Candlish , the Hon . George Fitzwilliam , Mr . C . Wynne Finch ,
Sir William Bodkin , Mr . Adam Black , Sir James Lindsay , tho Earl of Egmont ( Captain G . Perceval ) , Mr . Francis Finch , Mr . John Lee Lee , Mr . Alderman Challis , the Earl of Romney ( Lord Marsham ) , Sir Henry Storks , Mr . Edward R . Langworthy , Colonel Ouseley Higgins , Sir Stephen Glynne , Sir Edmund Beckett , Mr . Sackville Lane-Fox , Colonel the Hon . John C . AA ostenra , Mr . AV .
Hughes-Hnghes , Sir Percy Nugent , and Sir H . M . Thompson . Among the most remarkable diplomatists and other foreign celebrities we have had to record the deaths of M . Silvain Van do Weyer , the Due de Montebello , M . Guizot , M . Michelet , Marshal Thiebault , Count Rudolph Wratislaw , M . Huet , Countess Brannew , Countess Danner ( morganatic widow of the King of
Sweden ) , Mr . Fillmore , ex-President of the United States ; Mr . Charles Sumner , David F . Strauss ( author of the celebrated "Leben Jesu" ) , Countess Apponyi , Councillors Von Krauss and Von Balan , of Berlin ; M . Beule , Count Simeon ( Senator and Translator of "Horace" ) , M . de Goulard , Count Lntlers , Prince Pignatelli , Baron Anselm de Rothschild , the Baron Valetin do Trevis , Nicolo
Tommasco , Marshal Concha , of Spain ; Count D Alton Shee , Princo Domenico Orsini , Countess Virginia M . Orsili ( niece of the Pope ) , Count de Lahedoyere ( ex-Senator ) , M . N . Mavrocordato , tho financier ; Princo Sayn Wittgenstein Hohenstein , of Prussia ; Count de Theux de Meylandt , formerly Prime Minister of Belgium . In the profession of tho law we have had to record the deaths of
Lord Colon say , Sir William Bodkin , Mr . Abraham Brewster ( formerly Lord Chancellor of Ireland ) , Lord Romilly , Mr . Charles Austin , Q . C ., Mr . P . F . O'Malley , Q . C ., Mr . Dempster Hemming , Mr . Herman Merivale , Mr . Horace Lloyd ( Police Magistrate at Greenwich ) , tho Hon . Edward Twisleton , Mr . Leahy , Q . C ., Sir Charles Jackson ( late
Judge at Calcutta ) , Mr . II . Robinson , Q . C ., Mr . Cosmo N . Innes , Mr . Christoper Hodgson , Mr . J . C . Templer , Sir . C . AVordsworth , Q . C ., end Lord Benholmo ( tho Scotch Judge ) . Among the clergy and ministers of various denominations we have to record the deaths of the Bishop of Kilmorc ( Dr . Carson ) , tho
Obituary For 1874.
ex-Bishop of Bombay ( Dr . Harding ) , Archdeacon Churton , Monsignor Merode , the Rev . AV . H . Brookfield , ( preacher of the Rolls Chapel ) , Cardinal Barnabo , the Rev . Hobart Seymour , the Archdeacon ( Clark ) of St . David ' s , the Rev . Dr . Biber , the Rev . Edmund Keel , of Southampton ; the Rev . AV . Hicks , the Rev . Dr . Binney , Cardinal Tarquini , the ex-Bishop of AVinchester ( Dr . Snmuer ) , tho Bishop of
Ossory and Ferns ( Dr . O'Brien ) , tho Rev . Professor Foley , of Dublin ; the Archbishop of Malta , tho Rev . Canon AVoodgate , the Rev . Thomas Vogan , tho Rev . Canon Richson , Father La Vigne , Vicar-General of Nice ; tho Rev . Dr . Sewell , and Archdeacon Ormerod , the Rev . Henry Highton , the Dean of Berry , the Dean of Armagh , tho ex-Bishop of Gibralter ( the Hon . and Right Rev . Dr . Harris ) , and tho Rev . E . Bouverie .
Literature and the drama have lost representatives , more or less important , in M . Guizot , Mr . Shirley Brooks , Mr . Bellew ( the popular lecturer ) , Mr . John Heneago Jesse , Miss Agnes Strickland , Mr . James Hannay , Mr . Tom Hood , M . Sylvain Van de Weyer , Mr . Albert Way , F . S . A ., Mr . John Gongh Nichols , F . S . A ., Mr . Howard Staunton , Mr . Adam Black ( publisher ) , Mr . Sydney Dobell , Mr .
Thomas Miller ( the basket-maker poet ) , Mr . John Blackio ( publisher ) , Mdlle . Aimee Desclee , Mr . AV . H . Betty ( tho " youthful Rosoius " ) , Dr . Charles T . Beke , Mr . Henry Godwin , F . S . A ., Mr . Charles Swain , John Moultrie ( tho poet ) , and Mrs . Marsh Caldwell . From the world of art we have lost Mr . John Pye ( the " father of
landscape engravers" ) , Mr . Field Talfourd , Mr . David Simson , of Edinburgh ; Wilhelm von Kanlbach , of Munich ; Mr . AV . Telbin , Mr . Kenny Meadows , Mr . J . II . Foley ( the sculptor ) , Mr . Robert Carrylo ( Miniature painter ) , tho Baron de Taiquiti , Mr . Joseph Paton , and Mr . Owen Jones .
Science has to lament the loss of Dr . Neill Arnotfc , Dr . Lankester , Sir John Rennie , Sir AVilliam Jandine , Dr . Forbes Winslow ; Maedler , the astronomer , of Hanover ; Andreas Hansen , the astronomer , of Gotha ; Mr . Edward Blyth , the zoologist ; Professor Phillips , of Oxford ; Mr . Richard Tamplin , the surgeon ; Paolo Rosa , the Roman astronomer ; and Professor Grant , of University College .
Our list of miscellaneous deaths includes Madame Parepa Rosa , Mr . John Grantham , civil engineer and architect ; the Countess of Clarendon , Lady Anno Stirling-Maxwell , Mr . AVilliam Torr , the agriculturist ; Mr . Charles Young , the comedian ; Mr . Addison , tho comedian ; Lady Phipps , tho Marchioness of Thomond , Ellen Lady Stirling , Lady Dunfermline , the Countess of Northesk , Mr .
Nightingale , the Duchess Dowager of Argyll , the Duchess Dowager of Leeds , Lady Coleride , sen ., tho Dowager Marchioness of Anglesey , Colonel Grey , Admirals Denman , Jervis , Currie , and Keats ; the Hon . G . Stafford-Jerningham , Ladies Edward and AVilliam Russell , General Eden , Ladies Houghton , Alison , Letitia Aldworth , Augnsta Milbank ,
Sarah Murray ; Madame Lidis ( the traveller ) , Lady Ratcliff , Lady Dilke , Dowager Lady Berners , Mr . Patrick Boyle , of Shewalton ; Mr . F . Scrymgeour AVedderburn , Lady Hogg , Lady Amberley , Lord James Murray , tho Countesses of Guildford and Stanhope , the Dowager Countess of Desart , Princess Palagonia-Grifeo , and the Siamese Twins .
iajiyijie fiarden , JFfawer & Agricultural Seeds . W"M . CUTBUSH JUN ., BARNET NURSERIES , BARNET , HERTS , begs to announce that his Catalogue of the above is now ready , and will be forwarded , post free , on application . W . C . Jun . bogs to say his stocks of tho above are of tho fiuest aud most genuine kinds , and he can with confidence recommend them . W . C . Jun . also bega to call the attention of planters to his fine stock of EVBRGEEEIfS , ROSES , FRUIT TREES , & c . Catalogues on application , post free .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKRO 'VIEK , & GGROYER LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , fbmagm ^ BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . p ^ Mil PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , j- p j , j FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . ~~ W ' r | Tlie Advantages of » Trial , with the Convenience of the ^ ni | »¦«»— " ¦ . J || Three Years' Syateui at Cash Price , by Paying about a Quarter ^ fcfc 3 e __^ < j "\ H of the Value down , the ISalmice by JEasy Payment * , from ii r » T > 15 * per (( iiarter . GEOVER & GROVEK , 157-9 Kingsland Boad . KSTAKLISIIED 1830 .
AUCTION , ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENCY OFFICES , 76 ALDEKSGATE STREET , E . C . AW . BRYANT , Auctioneer , Valuer , . Appraiser , & c . ( of Twenty Years' Practical Experience ) iu order to suit the convenience of numerous clients , has removed to the above address . Auctions and Valuations in Town and Country . A alnntions carefully made for Transfers of . Business , Administrations and Probate Dutv . Inventories Made and Examined , Rents Collected , Estates , Houses and all other Property Registered Free . N . B . —Solicitors and Liquidators will Benefit their Clients' interest by consulting A . W . BRYANT . Agent to tho Royal Insurance Company , Money Advanced on every description of Property ,
THE WESTMINSTER PAPERS , Vol . 7 , No . hi , for JANUARY , now ready . Sixpence . CHESS , WHIST , GAMES OS SKIIL AKD THB Da AM A . W . W . MOBOAN , 67 Barbican , London :
" TT'OE the BLOOD is the LIFE . " -See X . Deuteronomy , chap , xii ., verse 23 . CLAEKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE , Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Soros on tho Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face , Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s 3 d each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority ot long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout tho United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of 27 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses , ;