Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cryptic Masonry.
fco take an advanced step , looking toward the maintenance of tho degrees in a distinctive organisation , and the imparting of more interest and importance to the Rito . A Convention , called at the instance of Providence Council , met
in Masons' Hall , Providence , 9 th March I 860 , —three Councils , viz ., Providence , Pawtncket ancl Webb ( Warren ) being represented . At this meeting an invitation was sent to De Blois Council , of Newport , to participate , but the
invitation was courteously declined . Several adjourned sessions of the Convention were held , ancl after much careful consideration , a decision was reached to form a Grand Council . Tuesday , 30 th October 1860 , was the
date fixed upon for public recognition of the new Body and the installation of its Officers , ancl prominent Craftsmen from Massachusetts and Connecticut were asked to attend and conduct the services . In accordance with such
arrangement , on the date named , 80 th October 1860 , the Grand Council of Rhode Island was instituted , Bros . E . P . Moore , Grand Master of the Grand Council of
Massachusetts , and H . B . Ensign , Grand Mastor of the Grand Council of Connecticut , taking the leading parts in tho constituting and installing ceremonies . Rev . Bro . Sydney Dean officiated as Grand Chaplain .
James Salisbury was installed as first Grand Master . This brother was , in some respects , a remarkable man . He had peculiarities of speech ancl action , so that lie was
noticeable in any gathering . He was a man of opinions ; of strong prejudices ; of great conservatism ; but he was a true and faithful Craftsman , ancl especially devoted to the interests of the Cryptic Rite . He well deserved to be
placed at the head of the new Grand Council , a position which he held for five years . Bro . James H . Armington , a royal soul , greatly esteemed ancl beloved by fche Craft , was the second Grand Master . He held office for four years . The succession to the first office in the Grand Council has
been as follows : Charles R . Cutler , Stillman White , Albert ; H . Cushman , John F . Adams , Amos A . Peavey , Edwin Baker , Rev . Wm . N . Ackley , ancl Osmond H . Briggs , . who is now at the head of the Body . Evidently the
administration of the affairs of the Cryptic Rite in Rhode Island has been in good hands during the last quarter of a century . Woonsocket Council , of Woonsockefc , was organised
8 th April 1868 , and received its charter the year following , taking rank as No . 4 < in the jurisdiction . De Blois Council , of Newport , was admitted to fellowship , becoming allegiant to the Grand Council in 1870 . ancl was designated as No . 5 .
The several subordinate Councils have been favoured with a fair measure of prosperity since the establishment of this Grand Council ; and now there aro about 800 members of the Cryptic Rite in this State , more than three
times the number reported in 1860 . It is no part ; of my present purpose to discuss the character and worth of the degrees that belong to the Cryptic system . That they inculcate valuable lessons may not be
questioned , and that the truth they seek to convey is set in the form of a beautiful and attractive ceremony is generally conceded . The enthusiastic supporters of Cryptic Masonry maintain that it deserves to be regarded as the " summit
and perfection of the York Rite , "—essential to tho full understanding of what is represented in the degree of Master Mason and that of the Royal Arch . Whatever our differing estimate may be , I am sure we shall all agree that the
Cryptic degrees have a Masonic ancl a moral value , ancl that ifc becomes all Royal ancl Select Masters to be familiar with their teachings ancl pronounced in their support , ever striving to maintain the Rite in a position of influence and
efficiency , ancl to increase its ministry of practical usefulness . In this branch of Masonry , as in other departments , ifc depends upon the character ancl efforts of those included
as members what the progress shall bo and what the accomplishments . Brotherly love counts for as much here as elsewhere . Faith in God is as essential a feature .
Fidelity to duty is as imperatively demanded , while zealous endeavour will just as surely contribute to desired success . If the next quarter of a century in the history of the Grand
Council of Rhode Island is to bear a richer fruitage of honour and blessing than the epoch just ending , there must be a corresponding increase of devotion and service on the part of those identified with its interests ancl work .
—Freemasons Bej ) ository . # # % % 'i ' f
Masonic Libraries.
nnHE question of accumulating relics is being earnestly JL considered by our brethren in tha United States . Wo havo pleasure in reproducing the following , which has recently been issued : — Masonic Library Building , Cedar Rapids ,
1 st December lS 8 o . To tho Brethren of fowa , and Friends of the Library Enterprise —Many of you aro doubtless awaro that prior fco tho last meeting of tho Grand Lodgo tho Grand Secretary inaugurated , in connection with tho Library HaU , an Arclnoological Department , which haa boon
steadily growing by donations from month to month , till it has become ono of tho most interesting in connection with the Library , and to mal < o it moro worthy the Fraternity and tho State , your Graud Secretary desires thafc fche brethren will take an interest and pride in tho same , and donate anything they may havo to spare in the Una
of eld diplomas , coins , medals , certificates , old rare books , pamphlets , engravings , photos , & o ., anything having tho mark of tha Craffc upon it , also Indian relics , and hue specimens of minerals or anything that may prove of interest or value fco the large number of visitors that now weekly visit the Library Building .
The Library Hall is builfc fire-proof , and commodious enough to display all such articles as may be sent in , and ifc well known that many such articles aro now in the hands of the brethren , where they are seldom seen and attract little or no attention , while if collected together would make a very interesting collection . Duo credit will bo given each donor , and their name attached fco their donations .
Any ono knowing of a copy of tho original edition of tho Mormon Bible is requested to correspond with the Grand Secretary , who also desires an autograph of Abraham Lincoln , for the autograph collection now being prepared for our Library . Photos or drawings of buildings erected for Lodge purposes ,
photos of presentation jewels , aa also drawings of the arrangement of Lodgo , Chapter , and Commandery rooms are desired . Notices of dedication of Masonic Halls aud tho like aro especially requested . In behalf of tho Masons of Iowa I beg to sincerely thank fchs
brethren who havo already contributed fco this department , and trust they will continue their interest in the same until tho Grand Lodge of Iowa shall havo such a collection that every Iowa Mason
will take an interest in and feci proud of it . Contributions can bo sent direct to Masonio Library Building , Cedar Rapids . T . S . PARVIX , Grand Secretary .
Noio Ready , Grown Svo , 96 pp , PriceOneShilling, Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONALPAPERS ON THEHISTORY0EFREEMASONRY. Written expressly for delivery iu Lodges of Instruction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLB , N . AND BY ORDER OP ALL BOOKSELLERS . Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can be supplied , carriage free , at 10 / - per dozen .
MASONIC LECTURE . KNOBS AND EXCKESCENCES . TO RO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z . is open to accept invitations 1 . 5 l ' or tho delivery of UU LECTURE in METEOPOMTAIT or PROVINCIAL LOUGHS , or LolHiM OP ItfSTKUCTIOX . No lAxluva fee ; U'avolliu" ; c : q ) CtthC ' i only accoi . 'Ud . Addict- ¦ Clap Law S . W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cryptic Masonry.
fco take an advanced step , looking toward the maintenance of tho degrees in a distinctive organisation , and the imparting of more interest and importance to the Rito . A Convention , called at the instance of Providence Council , met
in Masons' Hall , Providence , 9 th March I 860 , —three Councils , viz ., Providence , Pawtncket ancl Webb ( Warren ) being represented . At this meeting an invitation was sent to De Blois Council , of Newport , to participate , but the
invitation was courteously declined . Several adjourned sessions of the Convention were held , ancl after much careful consideration , a decision was reached to form a Grand Council . Tuesday , 30 th October 1860 , was the
date fixed upon for public recognition of the new Body and the installation of its Officers , ancl prominent Craftsmen from Massachusetts and Connecticut were asked to attend and conduct the services . In accordance with such
arrangement , on the date named , 80 th October 1860 , the Grand Council of Rhode Island was instituted , Bros . E . P . Moore , Grand Master of the Grand Council of
Massachusetts , and H . B . Ensign , Grand Mastor of the Grand Council of Connecticut , taking the leading parts in tho constituting and installing ceremonies . Rev . Bro . Sydney Dean officiated as Grand Chaplain .
James Salisbury was installed as first Grand Master . This brother was , in some respects , a remarkable man . He had peculiarities of speech ancl action , so that lie was
noticeable in any gathering . He was a man of opinions ; of strong prejudices ; of great conservatism ; but he was a true and faithful Craftsman , ancl especially devoted to the interests of the Cryptic Rite . He well deserved to be
placed at the head of the new Grand Council , a position which he held for five years . Bro . James H . Armington , a royal soul , greatly esteemed ancl beloved by fche Craft , was the second Grand Master . He held office for four years . The succession to the first office in the Grand Council has
been as follows : Charles R . Cutler , Stillman White , Albert ; H . Cushman , John F . Adams , Amos A . Peavey , Edwin Baker , Rev . Wm . N . Ackley , ancl Osmond H . Briggs , . who is now at the head of the Body . Evidently the
administration of the affairs of the Cryptic Rite in Rhode Island has been in good hands during the last quarter of a century . Woonsocket Council , of Woonsockefc , was organised
8 th April 1868 , and received its charter the year following , taking rank as No . 4 < in the jurisdiction . De Blois Council , of Newport , was admitted to fellowship , becoming allegiant to the Grand Council in 1870 . ancl was designated as No . 5 .
The several subordinate Councils have been favoured with a fair measure of prosperity since the establishment of this Grand Council ; and now there aro about 800 members of the Cryptic Rite in this State , more than three
times the number reported in 1860 . It is no part ; of my present purpose to discuss the character and worth of the degrees that belong to the Cryptic system . That they inculcate valuable lessons may not be
questioned , and that the truth they seek to convey is set in the form of a beautiful and attractive ceremony is generally conceded . The enthusiastic supporters of Cryptic Masonry maintain that it deserves to be regarded as the " summit
and perfection of the York Rite , "—essential to tho full understanding of what is represented in the degree of Master Mason and that of the Royal Arch . Whatever our differing estimate may be , I am sure we shall all agree that the
Cryptic degrees have a Masonic ancl a moral value , ancl that ifc becomes all Royal ancl Select Masters to be familiar with their teachings ancl pronounced in their support , ever striving to maintain the Rite in a position of influence and
efficiency , ancl to increase its ministry of practical usefulness . In this branch of Masonry , as in other departments , ifc depends upon the character ancl efforts of those included
as members what the progress shall bo and what the accomplishments . Brotherly love counts for as much here as elsewhere . Faith in God is as essential a feature .
Fidelity to duty is as imperatively demanded , while zealous endeavour will just as surely contribute to desired success . If the next quarter of a century in the history of the Grand
Council of Rhode Island is to bear a richer fruitage of honour and blessing than the epoch just ending , there must be a corresponding increase of devotion and service on the part of those identified with its interests ancl work .
—Freemasons Bej ) ository . # # % % 'i ' f
Masonic Libraries.
nnHE question of accumulating relics is being earnestly JL considered by our brethren in tha United States . Wo havo pleasure in reproducing the following , which has recently been issued : — Masonic Library Building , Cedar Rapids ,
1 st December lS 8 o . To tho Brethren of fowa , and Friends of the Library Enterprise —Many of you aro doubtless awaro that prior fco tho last meeting of tho Grand Lodgo tho Grand Secretary inaugurated , in connection with tho Library HaU , an Arclnoological Department , which haa boon
steadily growing by donations from month to month , till it has become ono of tho most interesting in connection with the Library , and to mal < o it moro worthy the Fraternity and tho State , your Graud Secretary desires thafc fche brethren will take an interest and pride in tho same , and donate anything they may havo to spare in the Una
of eld diplomas , coins , medals , certificates , old rare books , pamphlets , engravings , photos , & o ., anything having tho mark of tha Craffc upon it , also Indian relics , and hue specimens of minerals or anything that may prove of interest or value fco the large number of visitors that now weekly visit the Library Building .
The Library Hall is builfc fire-proof , and commodious enough to display all such articles as may be sent in , and ifc well known that many such articles aro now in the hands of the brethren , where they are seldom seen and attract little or no attention , while if collected together would make a very interesting collection . Duo credit will bo given each donor , and their name attached fco their donations .
Any ono knowing of a copy of tho original edition of tho Mormon Bible is requested to correspond with the Grand Secretary , who also desires an autograph of Abraham Lincoln , for the autograph collection now being prepared for our Library . Photos or drawings of buildings erected for Lodge purposes ,
photos of presentation jewels , aa also drawings of the arrangement of Lodgo , Chapter , and Commandery rooms are desired . Notices of dedication of Masonic Halls aud tho like aro especially requested . In behalf of tho Masons of Iowa I beg to sincerely thank fchs
brethren who havo already contributed fco this department , and trust they will continue their interest in the same until tho Grand Lodge of Iowa shall havo such a collection that every Iowa Mason
will take an interest in and feci proud of it . Contributions can bo sent direct to Masonio Library Building , Cedar Rapids . T . S . PARVIX , Grand Secretary .
Noio Ready , Grown Svo , 96 pp , PriceOneShilling, Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONALPAPERS ON THEHISTORY0EFREEMASONRY. Written expressly for delivery iu Lodges of Instruction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLB , N . AND BY ORDER OP ALL BOOKSELLERS . Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can be supplied , carriage free , at 10 / - per dozen .
MASONIC LECTURE . KNOBS AND EXCKESCENCES . TO RO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z . is open to accept invitations 1 . 5 l ' or tho delivery of UU LECTURE in METEOPOMTAIT or PROVINCIAL LOUGHS , or LolHiM OP ItfSTKUCTIOX . No lAxluva fee ; U'avolliu" ; c : q ) CtthC ' i only accoi . 'Ud . Addict- ¦ Clap Law S . W .