Article NEW ZEALAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SOUTH AFRICA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Zealand.
Friday evening , arriving at Whangarei wharf about eight o clock on Saturday morning , whore they wero received by Bro . Hanson W . M . f the local Lodge , and several of the brethreu . Tho Star of tho North Lodgo having been opened iu the three degrees in its old Lod"e room , the brethren marched to tho now hall , where thoy were ininpd bv the visiting brethren , amongst whom we noticed Bros . 1
J " . . ; , ., _ i . T ' i ff . n -c < n T » C : I . _ I . _ I ur ir CI- na .,.... c , ' j Wright Waitemata Lodge 619 E . C , Mitchelson W . M . St . George's r od ' ^ e 1 S 01 E . G ., Jones W . M . Northern Light Lodgo 1878 E . G ., F . Roycroft P . M . 421 I . C ., H . Chapman P . M . 1580 E . G ., Errington P . G . A . S . C . and many others , tho total number present being upwards of sixty . The Grand Lodge Officers present were : —Bros . W Lodder D . D . G . M ., W . P . Moat D . G . R ., E . S . Wilcocks D . G . D ., T .
Cole D . G-D . C , W . Rattray A . G . D . C , and J . M . Oargayille D . G . S . At hi"h noon the Grand Lodge was announced , and , having been received with the usual honours , the ceremony of consecration commenced . Brother Lodder acting as D . G . M ., assisted by Bros . Moat as D . D . G . M . and Rattray as D . G . D . C Tho music being ably rendered by Bro . Chapman , who acted as District Grand Organist . The
hall having been declared duly consecrated aud dedicated to all tho purposes of Masonry , Bro . Moat took the chair as Installing Master , ancl with the observances necessary on such occasions , installed Bro . A . Hanson as the W . M . for the ensuing year , who then appointed and invested his Officers—Brcs . Pearson and Hanna having been
chosen as Wardens , and Bro . Spence as Secretary , after which the Lodge was closed in due form . After the consecration and dedication , the brethren and visitors adjourned to an elegantly-laid banquet , where the liberal display and excellency of viands did great credit to the caterer . The usual toasts on such occasions were proposed and responded to in a satisfactory manner .
South Africa.
Peace and Harmony Lodge . —A meeting of the above Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 16 th February , at Da Toits Pan * Diamond Fields . Present : —Bros . Charles Roberts W . M ., B . Kusser S . W ., J . B . King J . W ., E . Isaacs Hon . Sec , A . Yockmuiitz Treas ., D . Avis Amb ., W . Knipers Arch , and Steward , S . W . Green Tyler ; A . Cohen , A . Farr , W . Lomas , M . A . Aria , W . N . Vilgeon ,
D . J . de Villiars de Voss , 0 . J . Barnes , R . 0 . Partridge . Vmtors—P . Tallerman Richard Giddy Lodge , M . Rossettenstoin Peace and Harmony Lodge , Elias Harris Sir Hugh Myddelton , and several others . After Lodge had been formally opened , the W . M . informed the brethren that the business of the evening was to confer the sublime degree of Master Mason on Bros . Alfred Cohen and William Herbert
Lomas ; at the same time he had much pleasure in deputing Bro . Knsser to confer the degree . Lodge was then passed and raised , when the candidates were admitted , and duly raised to the degree of Master Mason , in a very creditable manner by the S . W . The labours in the above degree boing ended , the Lodge was reduced ,
when the W . M . congratulated Bro . Kusser on the able and impressive manner in which he had worked the ceremony . Iu replying , Bro . Kusser thanked the W . M . for allowing him such a privilege . After the W . M . had thanked the Visitors for their attendance , Lodgo was closed in ancient form .
Royal Arch.
Robert Burns Chapter , No . 25 . —The installation meeting took place on Thursday 24 th ultimo , at Freemasons' Hall . Comps . W . Kerby as P . Z . in the absence of Comp . Martin M . E . Z ., W . Land H ., W . Piatt S . E ., J . Baxter J ., F . Hatton S . N ., W . Elsley P . S ., H . H . Smith W . S ., J . E . Shand 1 st Assist ., W . Deaton 2 nd Assist . P . Z . ' s Comps . Sherville , Allsopps , Deaton , Boyd , Robins , Lidner , and others . Viators—Comps . Seymour Smith and Taylor . Bnsiness—Minntes of
last meeting were read and confirmed ; the Auditor ' s report was adopted . The installation of Principals and appointment of Officers resulted as follows : —Comps . W . Land M . E . Z ., W . Kerby Treasnrer , J . Baxter H ., W . Elsey J ., J . E . Shand N ., W . Piatt S . E ., G . Deaton P . S ., J . Boyd 1 st Assist ., H . Stead Janitor , H . H . Smith W . S . Chapter was closed , and the Companions dined together . The usual Loyal and R . A . toasts were given by the M . E . Z ., and a very enjoyable evening was spent .
Joppa Chapter , No . 188 . —A convocation was held on the 28 th ult ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Comps . L . Lazarus M . E . Z ., W . H . Gulliford H „ H . P . Isaac J ., J . Lazarus P . Z . Treas ., N . Baum S . E . ; P . Z . ' s S . M . Lazarus , M . J . Emanuel , H . M . Levy , W . Littaur . Visitors—Comps . Corrie Jackson late 188 , J . C .
Corpe 507 . Chapter was opened and the minutes confirmed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Bros . J . I . Cohen 1340 Smyrna , and J . W . Brooke P . M . 1839 . Bro . J . E . Megair , who had previousl y heen accepted , was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry in a p erfect and impressive manner . Comp . W . Littaur P . Z ., proposed that Comp . E . P . Albert P . Z . be elected an honorary member . This was
seconded by Comp . Gulliford J ., and carried unani mously . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Comp . W . G . Jennings , superintended b y ^ omp . M . Silver . The M . E . Z . proposed the usual Loyal and R . A . toasts in a very eloquent and genial manner . In giving the health of the Exalteetbe M . E . Z . said Companion Brooke was one
, they were all pleased to see . He was the Master of the Duke of ^ ornwall Lodge , and had made his mark in Freemasonry . Comp . Brooke thanked the M . E . Z . for the kind manner he had spoken of wm ; he was pleased to see how beautifully and impressively the ceremony had been worked ; the name of Joppa was , and ever would
° e , impressed on his memory . Comp . Littaur P . Z . proposed the toast of the M . E . Z . ; he had passed through every office in the uapter , and had given unqualified satisfaction . His working was simply perfection . The M . E . Z . replied to the toast , and then proposed the health of the Visitors , which was responded"to by
Royal Arch.
Comps . Corpe and Corrie Jackson . The Officers in due course were complimented , and the Janitor ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening .
Obituary .
WE regret to state that Bro . Manoah Rhodes , the head of tho firm of Messrs . Manoah Rhodes and Sons , goldsmiths , of Kirkgate , Bradford , expired on Sunday morning , 20 th March . Recent references to the prostrate condition to which Bro . Rhodes was reduced by tho paralytic attack with whioh ho was seized on Friday , tho 11 th nit ., in the local press had somewhat prepared his friends , as from tho
first the case was regarded with grave concern . Bro . Rhodes was born on the 7 th of March 1810 , so that he had entered npon the 72 nd year of his age . Tip to Thursday evening , the 10 th inst ., ho had attended to business with his usual activity . The business concern , which under his management had risen to one of leading importance in Yorkshire , was of his own creation . His father
a slay and hoald manufacturer , lived at Morley , where Bro . Manoah Rhodes was born , and where he resided until he had completed his twelfth year . On the 9 th of November 1822 , he left his father ' s house and walked over to Bradford to enter upon an apprenticeshi p with Mr . John Allott , then a silversmith in Kirkgate , upon the site of whose shop Bro . Rhodes subsequently erected the fine building now
standing there . After completing his engagement with Mr . Allott , Bro . Rhodes began bnsiness upon his own account in premises at the bottom of Westgate . In 1877 thoso premises , which had been much enlarged during Bro . Rhodes ' s occupation of them , wero vacated for those at present occupied by the firm in Kirkgate , and which , it may be remarked , constitute one of the first establishments of the kind in
tho provinces . For many years Bro . Rhodes occupied a prominent position in the Masonic body in Bradford , having been initiated into the Craft in November 1851 . Ho was a member of the Hope Lodge 302 , of whioh he was Worshipful Master in the year 1803 . He was also connected with tho Pentalpha Lodge 974 , from its foundation , and was its
Worshipful Master in 1871 . He was a P . Z . of the Chapter of Charity , No . 302 ; in 1876 , P . E . O . of Faith Preceptory of Knights Templar . In 1871 he was elected to the office of President of the Charity Committee of West Yorkshire , and had been one of its most earnest promoters since its formation on 13 fch April 1859 . He had held the honourable office of P . Prov . G . J . W . of West Yorkshire , and was a
Vice-patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , a Vice-president of Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and was a large contributor to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for A ged Freemasons and the widows of Freemasons . Mr . Rhodes has left a widow and a family of six sons and two daughters .
It is but the other we chronicled the celebration , at Freemasons ' Hall , of the thirty-second anniversary of Bro . Hughes ' s wedding day . The auspicious event took place on the 25 th February , when Bro . Hughes , surrounded by his wife and family , entertained a numerous gathering of his relatives and friends . Everything passed off well , and tho heartiest good wishes were expressed that Bro . Hughes
might be spared many years , even long enough to be able to celebrate his golden wedding . But four weeks have elapsed since we recounted the particulars of this auspicious event , and now , alas ! the happy recipient of all those good wishes has passed away , to the inexpressible grief of his family and a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances . The sad occurrence was brought about by an accident when
Bro . Hughes was staying at Ryde , which he had been in the habit of visiting regularly for the last seventeen years , and where he was very highly i espected . Bro . Hughes had been slightly unwell on Friday the 18 th ult ., but became so much better that he was able to go out on Sunday . When he was again taking outdoor exercise the following morning , he unfortunately slipped on some stones when walking near
the sluice , and being unable to recover himself , fell into tho sea , his head striking against some hard substance in the descent , and result , ing in concussion of the brain . The funeral took place at Brompton Cemetery on Saturday , when , in addition to the family of the deceased , most of the brethren of the Manchester Lodge , No . 179 , of which oni" late brother was a Past Master , attended iu order to pay
their last tribute of respect to one who had so worthily fulfilled his dnties dnring life in every capacity as a man and brother . The Past Masters of the Lodge acted as pall bearers . We bog to offer to the widow and her children the expression of our deepest sympathy with her and them in the midst of their great affliction . The G . A . O . T .
has thought fit for His own wise purposes to remove from this mundane sphere the main support of this house . May they find in their firm faith in His wisdom and goodness the strength to bear this sorrow Bro . Hughes was in the very prime of life , being only in the fiftysecond year of his age .
We have received with deep regret the news of the death of Bro . G . Levick , Past Master Upton Lodge 1227 , and one of the Founders of the Langthorne Lodge 1421 , of which he was Treasurer since its consecration . Onr late Brother also took great interest in the Langthorne Lodge of Instruction , of which he was also Treasnrer . The funeral took place on the 29 th nit ., at the West Ham Cemetery
the service having previously been read at the West Ham Church . The body was followed , after the immediate relatives of the deceased , bv the following brethren : —Bros . G . Dix W . M . 1421 11 . N . Taylor I . P . M . 1421 , C . Lacey P . M . 1421 , and many others ! A . detachment of police also followed , the deceased having been for many years divisional surgeon to the K Division of Police at Stratford ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Zealand.
Friday evening , arriving at Whangarei wharf about eight o clock on Saturday morning , whore they wero received by Bro . Hanson W . M . f the local Lodge , and several of the brethreu . Tho Star of tho North Lodgo having been opened iu the three degrees in its old Lod"e room , the brethren marched to tho now hall , where thoy were ininpd bv the visiting brethren , amongst whom we noticed Bros . 1
J " . . ; , ., _ i . T ' i ff . n -c < n T » C : I . _ I . _ I ur ir CI- na .,.... c , ' j Wright Waitemata Lodge 619 E . C , Mitchelson W . M . St . George's r od ' ^ e 1 S 01 E . G ., Jones W . M . Northern Light Lodgo 1878 E . G ., F . Roycroft P . M . 421 I . C ., H . Chapman P . M . 1580 E . G ., Errington P . G . A . S . C . and many others , tho total number present being upwards of sixty . The Grand Lodge Officers present were : —Bros . W Lodder D . D . G . M ., W . P . Moat D . G . R ., E . S . Wilcocks D . G . D ., T .
Cole D . G-D . C , W . Rattray A . G . D . C , and J . M . Oargayille D . G . S . At hi"h noon the Grand Lodge was announced , and , having been received with the usual honours , the ceremony of consecration commenced . Brother Lodder acting as D . G . M ., assisted by Bros . Moat as D . D . G . M . and Rattray as D . G . D . C Tho music being ably rendered by Bro . Chapman , who acted as District Grand Organist . The
hall having been declared duly consecrated aud dedicated to all tho purposes of Masonry , Bro . Moat took the chair as Installing Master , ancl with the observances necessary on such occasions , installed Bro . A . Hanson as the W . M . for the ensuing year , who then appointed and invested his Officers—Brcs . Pearson and Hanna having been
chosen as Wardens , and Bro . Spence as Secretary , after which the Lodge was closed in due form . After the consecration and dedication , the brethren and visitors adjourned to an elegantly-laid banquet , where the liberal display and excellency of viands did great credit to the caterer . The usual toasts on such occasions were proposed and responded to in a satisfactory manner .
South Africa.
Peace and Harmony Lodge . —A meeting of the above Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 16 th February , at Da Toits Pan * Diamond Fields . Present : —Bros . Charles Roberts W . M ., B . Kusser S . W ., J . B . King J . W ., E . Isaacs Hon . Sec , A . Yockmuiitz Treas ., D . Avis Amb ., W . Knipers Arch , and Steward , S . W . Green Tyler ; A . Cohen , A . Farr , W . Lomas , M . A . Aria , W . N . Vilgeon ,
D . J . de Villiars de Voss , 0 . J . Barnes , R . 0 . Partridge . Vmtors—P . Tallerman Richard Giddy Lodge , M . Rossettenstoin Peace and Harmony Lodge , Elias Harris Sir Hugh Myddelton , and several others . After Lodge had been formally opened , the W . M . informed the brethren that the business of the evening was to confer the sublime degree of Master Mason on Bros . Alfred Cohen and William Herbert
Lomas ; at the same time he had much pleasure in deputing Bro . Knsser to confer the degree . Lodge was then passed and raised , when the candidates were admitted , and duly raised to the degree of Master Mason , in a very creditable manner by the S . W . The labours in the above degree boing ended , the Lodge was reduced ,
when the W . M . congratulated Bro . Kusser on the able and impressive manner in which he had worked the ceremony . Iu replying , Bro . Kusser thanked the W . M . for allowing him such a privilege . After the W . M . had thanked the Visitors for their attendance , Lodgo was closed in ancient form .
Royal Arch.
Robert Burns Chapter , No . 25 . —The installation meeting took place on Thursday 24 th ultimo , at Freemasons' Hall . Comps . W . Kerby as P . Z . in the absence of Comp . Martin M . E . Z ., W . Land H ., W . Piatt S . E ., J . Baxter J ., F . Hatton S . N ., W . Elsley P . S ., H . H . Smith W . S ., J . E . Shand 1 st Assist ., W . Deaton 2 nd Assist . P . Z . ' s Comps . Sherville , Allsopps , Deaton , Boyd , Robins , Lidner , and others . Viators—Comps . Seymour Smith and Taylor . Bnsiness—Minntes of
last meeting were read and confirmed ; the Auditor ' s report was adopted . The installation of Principals and appointment of Officers resulted as follows : —Comps . W . Land M . E . Z ., W . Kerby Treasnrer , J . Baxter H ., W . Elsey J ., J . E . Shand N ., W . Piatt S . E ., G . Deaton P . S ., J . Boyd 1 st Assist ., H . Stead Janitor , H . H . Smith W . S . Chapter was closed , and the Companions dined together . The usual Loyal and R . A . toasts were given by the M . E . Z ., and a very enjoyable evening was spent .
Joppa Chapter , No . 188 . —A convocation was held on the 28 th ult ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Comps . L . Lazarus M . E . Z ., W . H . Gulliford H „ H . P . Isaac J ., J . Lazarus P . Z . Treas ., N . Baum S . E . ; P . Z . ' s S . M . Lazarus , M . J . Emanuel , H . M . Levy , W . Littaur . Visitors—Comps . Corrie Jackson late 188 , J . C .
Corpe 507 . Chapter was opened and the minutes confirmed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Bros . J . I . Cohen 1340 Smyrna , and J . W . Brooke P . M . 1839 . Bro . J . E . Megair , who had previousl y heen accepted , was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry in a p erfect and impressive manner . Comp . W . Littaur P . Z ., proposed that Comp . E . P . Albert P . Z . be elected an honorary member . This was
seconded by Comp . Gulliford J ., and carried unani mously . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Comp . W . G . Jennings , superintended b y ^ omp . M . Silver . The M . E . Z . proposed the usual Loyal and R . A . toasts in a very eloquent and genial manner . In giving the health of the Exalteetbe M . E . Z . said Companion Brooke was one
, they were all pleased to see . He was the Master of the Duke of ^ ornwall Lodge , and had made his mark in Freemasonry . Comp . Brooke thanked the M . E . Z . for the kind manner he had spoken of wm ; he was pleased to see how beautifully and impressively the ceremony had been worked ; the name of Joppa was , and ever would
° e , impressed on his memory . Comp . Littaur P . Z . proposed the toast of the M . E . Z . ; he had passed through every office in the uapter , and had given unqualified satisfaction . His working was simply perfection . The M . E . Z . replied to the toast , and then proposed the health of the Visitors , which was responded"to by
Royal Arch.
Comps . Corpe and Corrie Jackson . The Officers in due course were complimented , and the Janitor ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening .
Obituary .
WE regret to state that Bro . Manoah Rhodes , the head of tho firm of Messrs . Manoah Rhodes and Sons , goldsmiths , of Kirkgate , Bradford , expired on Sunday morning , 20 th March . Recent references to the prostrate condition to which Bro . Rhodes was reduced by tho paralytic attack with whioh ho was seized on Friday , tho 11 th nit ., in the local press had somewhat prepared his friends , as from tho
first the case was regarded with grave concern . Bro . Rhodes was born on the 7 th of March 1810 , so that he had entered npon the 72 nd year of his age . Tip to Thursday evening , the 10 th inst ., ho had attended to business with his usual activity . The business concern , which under his management had risen to one of leading importance in Yorkshire , was of his own creation . His father
a slay and hoald manufacturer , lived at Morley , where Bro . Manoah Rhodes was born , and where he resided until he had completed his twelfth year . On the 9 th of November 1822 , he left his father ' s house and walked over to Bradford to enter upon an apprenticeshi p with Mr . John Allott , then a silversmith in Kirkgate , upon the site of whose shop Bro . Rhodes subsequently erected the fine building now
standing there . After completing his engagement with Mr . Allott , Bro . Rhodes began bnsiness upon his own account in premises at the bottom of Westgate . In 1877 thoso premises , which had been much enlarged during Bro . Rhodes ' s occupation of them , wero vacated for those at present occupied by the firm in Kirkgate , and which , it may be remarked , constitute one of the first establishments of the kind in
tho provinces . For many years Bro . Rhodes occupied a prominent position in the Masonic body in Bradford , having been initiated into the Craft in November 1851 . Ho was a member of the Hope Lodge 302 , of whioh he was Worshipful Master in the year 1803 . He was also connected with tho Pentalpha Lodge 974 , from its foundation , and was its
Worshipful Master in 1871 . He was a P . Z . of the Chapter of Charity , No . 302 ; in 1876 , P . E . O . of Faith Preceptory of Knights Templar . In 1871 he was elected to the office of President of the Charity Committee of West Yorkshire , and had been one of its most earnest promoters since its formation on 13 fch April 1859 . He had held the honourable office of P . Prov . G . J . W . of West Yorkshire , and was a
Vice-patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , a Vice-president of Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and was a large contributor to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for A ged Freemasons and the widows of Freemasons . Mr . Rhodes has left a widow and a family of six sons and two daughters .
It is but the other we chronicled the celebration , at Freemasons ' Hall , of the thirty-second anniversary of Bro . Hughes ' s wedding day . The auspicious event took place on the 25 th February , when Bro . Hughes , surrounded by his wife and family , entertained a numerous gathering of his relatives and friends . Everything passed off well , and tho heartiest good wishes were expressed that Bro . Hughes
might be spared many years , even long enough to be able to celebrate his golden wedding . But four weeks have elapsed since we recounted the particulars of this auspicious event , and now , alas ! the happy recipient of all those good wishes has passed away , to the inexpressible grief of his family and a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances . The sad occurrence was brought about by an accident when
Bro . Hughes was staying at Ryde , which he had been in the habit of visiting regularly for the last seventeen years , and where he was very highly i espected . Bro . Hughes had been slightly unwell on Friday the 18 th ult ., but became so much better that he was able to go out on Sunday . When he was again taking outdoor exercise the following morning , he unfortunately slipped on some stones when walking near
the sluice , and being unable to recover himself , fell into tho sea , his head striking against some hard substance in the descent , and result , ing in concussion of the brain . The funeral took place at Brompton Cemetery on Saturday , when , in addition to the family of the deceased , most of the brethren of the Manchester Lodge , No . 179 , of which oni" late brother was a Past Master , attended iu order to pay
their last tribute of respect to one who had so worthily fulfilled his dnties dnring life in every capacity as a man and brother . The Past Masters of the Lodge acted as pall bearers . We bog to offer to the widow and her children the expression of our deepest sympathy with her and them in the midst of their great affliction . The G . A . O . T .
has thought fit for His own wise purposes to remove from this mundane sphere the main support of this house . May they find in their firm faith in His wisdom and goodness the strength to bear this sorrow Bro . Hughes was in the very prime of life , being only in the fiftysecond year of his age .
We have received with deep regret the news of the death of Bro . G . Levick , Past Master Upton Lodge 1227 , and one of the Founders of the Langthorne Lodge 1421 , of which he was Treasurer since its consecration . Onr late Brother also took great interest in the Langthorne Lodge of Instruction , of which he was also Treasnrer . The funeral took place on the 29 th nit ., at the West Ham Cemetery
the service having previously been read at the West Ham Church . The body was followed , after the immediate relatives of the deceased , bv the following brethren : —Bros . G . Dix W . M . 1421 11 . N . Taylor I . P . M . 1421 , C . Lacey P . M . 1421 , and many others ! A . detachment of police also followed , the deceased having been for many years divisional surgeon to the K Division of Police at Stratford ,