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PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURER . ^ ^ ^ ^ x ^^ rjEn ^ ^ r ^^ k ^ ^ ^ 237 & 239 EUSTON ROAD , LONDON . i ¦ ¦¦
«^ - tB = aa = i = ^^^ , ——^ iaa-CANNON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; the Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , ACDRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LA . KGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING TJPWABBS 0 * P TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for LONG or SHORT PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E . H . RAND , MANAGER .
¦ ^ . . ^ "RILLIARD BALLS , Chalks , Cues ^^ . jflV X « "S Tips , at HENNIG BROS ., ^ ^| ffi |^^ Ivory Works , 11 High Street , Lonr f "" k ^ C 3 ^ 5 jk don , W . C . Cheapest house in the *** y X < BH trade for billiard-table requisites and ^^ ^^ 7 ivory goods in general . Old balls . ^^ f ^^ ^ % w adjusted or exchanged , and tables ^ r & tmM O ^ Wk . recovered . Price Lists on application W may ^ Kstablislied 1862 .
It . BEDSTEAD , 9 St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANGER , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application . CHARGES MODERATE .
MEMORY EXTRAORDINARY BY COR - RESPONDENCE . —Particulars post free of Bro . William Stokes , Teacher of Memory , Royal Polytechnic , 309 Regent-street , London , W . Private lessons by appointment . Class on Tuesdays , 3 and 8 . 30 . The System complete in Three Lessons . " Stokes on Memory , " by post 14 stamps . Memory Globe , 14 stamps .
• jyrASONIC & nO-OPERATIVE DANK , tlMITEI ) . 37 CHANCERY "L A . "N * H . ( Incorporated under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act , 39 and 40 Vic . Cap . 45 . ) FIRST Issue of 20 , 000 Shares of £ 10 each ; 5 s payable on application and 10 s on allotment . Interest and Dividend on the last six months equal to 10 per cent , per annum declared and now payable . INVESTORS are invited to mako applications for remaining Shares—20 of which can only be allotted to any one person under this Act of Parliament . CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and kept free of charge . Interest allowed upon minimum monthly balances . DEPOSITS received at 5 per cent , per annum . HOUSES can be purchased by Members at considerably less cost than building societies . 1 Advances ' to Members at the lowestequitablerates . See opinion of Press , Standard , 14 th February 1381 . " We have companies for all si rts of thinps : why do not some philanthropic gentlemen start an association for lending money to embarrassed traders and housekeepers afc ten per cent , interest ? There avo a number of people now getting three per cent , for their money in Consols who would be glad to invest it ia an enterprise in whioh , if properly managed , there would ho no risk whatever , and a ce . 'tuinty of earning eight or nine per cent , profit . I ' rnperly mp . naged , such an association , worked on a large-c . de , would be ; m immense boon to people struggling with temporary difficulties , and would pay a handsome return to those who invested their money in Shares /' For Prospectuses ancl all Information apply to A . A . WING , Manager , 17 Chancery Lane .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . OE / O VEB < 5 c GROYEB LET ON HIRE , "WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , fligBfr BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . pSMBfl rl PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ¦ 3 ' ^\ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . 1 a * W The Advantages of » Trial , wltU tlie Convenience of the ft Tl I . OOT <«"" I | 1 Three Tears' System at Cash Price , by Paying abont a Quarter mfej— ** »? ' J « L ~*~ H K of t , lc vul"o down , the Balance by Easy Payments , trout mnnEP ^ ^ ZH- *« jb l '" 58 l » e" * quarter . GEOVEE & OEOVEE ( late AVILL & SMART ) , TABEKNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . G . ESTABLISIIED 18 . 50 . —— . ^^—i »¦»— . . ¦ II III . «« H ^ ^ " »*«— ^—¦¦— " ¦ I il i , . I u ,. ii . in . . . i i . '
—— . ^^—i »¦»— . . II III . MR . T . S . WOODCOCK , AUCTIONEER , FARM VALUER , COWKEEPER'S , DAIRYMAN'S , AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT , 35 Oastle Street , Leicester Square , W . ESTABLISHED 1814 . TERMS : On Sale of Business for £ 60 or under , £ 3 3 s . Above £ 60 , 5 per cent , on the amount realised-No Charge unless a Sale is Effected . BUSINESS HOURS , 10 to 6 . Farms Valued and Inventories taken of Furniture , Fixtures , & c . Persons selling their Businesses privately can have them transferred on the most honourable terms .
COlSrCJEl ^ lTXlSTJ ^ S , ENGLISH AND AHGLO-GEKMAff . G JONES , 350 Commez'cial-roacl , Lon-. don , E ., inventor of the Anglo-German with chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes never get out of tune . Used by tho leading performers . Price List of Musical Instruments of every description free . Established 1850 .
nPAMAR INDIEN—GRILLON ' S . rnAMAR INDIEN " , for RELIEF and CURE X of CONSTIPATION . rHAMAR INDIEN , for Biliousness , Head-JL ache , and all Stomachic Complaints . BEWARE OF IMITATIONS . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Druggists . E . GKILLON , Sole Proprietor . Wholesale—C 9 QUEEN STREET , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON j
THE CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE ; AND Journal of Indoor and Outdoor Amusements . rriHE Proprietors of the CHESS PLAYER ' X CHRONICLE have great pleasure in announcing that on and after Tuesday , 4 th January , the C HMS PIAYEK ' S CHRONICIE will be issued as a Weekly Magazine , and will be devoted to the interests of Chess and other games ; some of the host writers of the day on the respective subjects being engaged . Price 2 d per Copy . 8 s 6 d per annum ; or 2 s 6 d per quarter , post free W . W , MORGAN , 23 GREAT QUEEN ST ., LONDON , W . C .
BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS . The Great Remedy FOB , GOUT AND RHEUMATISM . rriHE excruciating pain is quickly relieved JL and cured in a feu- days by tlti .-i celclir "' " Medcine . Those i ills require m > restraint of die ' during their use , arid are certain to prevent tuo disease attacking any vital part . Sold by all Chemists at Is l " td ; and 2 s 9 d per box
1 A AAA PICTURES . - GREAT iUjUvU BARGAINS . 1 A AAA PICTURES . - M > h J \ J , \ J \ J \) QUITE NKW . I A AAA PICTURES . - THE 1 U , U U U No . i GUINEA PARCEL of ENGRAVINGS ; Pair by Turner , Pair by Landscor , Pair by Frith , pair by Wilkie , pair by Hunt ; situ cient to furnish two large rooms . G . R . having purchased a vory large stock at great sacrifice will give tho public the benefit . GEO . REES , 41 , 42 ,-13 , Russell-St ., Covent Garden ( Opposite Drury Lane Theatre . " -
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURER . ^ ^ ^ ^ x ^^ rjEn ^ ^ r ^^ k ^ ^ ^ 237 & 239 EUSTON ROAD , LONDON . i ¦ ¦¦
«^ - tB = aa = i = ^^^ , ——^ iaa-CANNON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; the Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , ACDRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LA . KGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING TJPWABBS 0 * P TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for LONG or SHORT PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E . H . RAND , MANAGER .
¦ ^ . . ^ "RILLIARD BALLS , Chalks , Cues ^^ . jflV X « "S Tips , at HENNIG BROS ., ^ ^| ffi |^^ Ivory Works , 11 High Street , Lonr f "" k ^ C 3 ^ 5 jk don , W . C . Cheapest house in the *** y X < BH trade for billiard-table requisites and ^^ ^^ 7 ivory goods in general . Old balls . ^^ f ^^ ^ % w adjusted or exchanged , and tables ^ r & tmM O ^ Wk . recovered . Price Lists on application W may ^ Kstablislied 1862 .
It . BEDSTEAD , 9 St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANGER , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application . CHARGES MODERATE .
MEMORY EXTRAORDINARY BY COR - RESPONDENCE . —Particulars post free of Bro . William Stokes , Teacher of Memory , Royal Polytechnic , 309 Regent-street , London , W . Private lessons by appointment . Class on Tuesdays , 3 and 8 . 30 . The System complete in Three Lessons . " Stokes on Memory , " by post 14 stamps . Memory Globe , 14 stamps .
• jyrASONIC & nO-OPERATIVE DANK , tlMITEI ) . 37 CHANCERY "L A . "N * H . ( Incorporated under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act , 39 and 40 Vic . Cap . 45 . ) FIRST Issue of 20 , 000 Shares of £ 10 each ; 5 s payable on application and 10 s on allotment . Interest and Dividend on the last six months equal to 10 per cent , per annum declared and now payable . INVESTORS are invited to mako applications for remaining Shares—20 of which can only be allotted to any one person under this Act of Parliament . CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and kept free of charge . Interest allowed upon minimum monthly balances . DEPOSITS received at 5 per cent , per annum . HOUSES can be purchased by Members at considerably less cost than building societies . 1 Advances ' to Members at the lowestequitablerates . See opinion of Press , Standard , 14 th February 1381 . " We have companies for all si rts of thinps : why do not some philanthropic gentlemen start an association for lending money to embarrassed traders and housekeepers afc ten per cent , interest ? There avo a number of people now getting three per cent , for their money in Consols who would be glad to invest it ia an enterprise in whioh , if properly managed , there would ho no risk whatever , and a ce . 'tuinty of earning eight or nine per cent , profit . I ' rnperly mp . naged , such an association , worked on a large-c . de , would be ; m immense boon to people struggling with temporary difficulties , and would pay a handsome return to those who invested their money in Shares /' For Prospectuses ancl all Information apply to A . A . WING , Manager , 17 Chancery Lane .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . OE / O VEB < 5 c GROYEB LET ON HIRE , "WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , fligBfr BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . pSMBfl rl PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ¦ 3 ' ^\ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . 1 a * W The Advantages of » Trial , wltU tlie Convenience of the ft Tl I . OOT <«"" I | 1 Three Tears' System at Cash Price , by Paying abont a Quarter mfej— ** »? ' J « L ~*~ H K of t , lc vul"o down , the Balance by Easy Payments , trout mnnEP ^ ^ ZH- *« jb l '" 58 l » e" * quarter . GEOVEE & OEOVEE ( late AVILL & SMART ) , TABEKNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . G . ESTABLISIIED 18 . 50 . —— . ^^—i »¦»— . . ¦ II III . «« H ^ ^ " »*«— ^—¦¦— " ¦ I il i , . I u ,. ii . in . . . i i . '
—— . ^^—i »¦»— . . II III . MR . T . S . WOODCOCK , AUCTIONEER , FARM VALUER , COWKEEPER'S , DAIRYMAN'S , AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT , 35 Oastle Street , Leicester Square , W . ESTABLISHED 1814 . TERMS : On Sale of Business for £ 60 or under , £ 3 3 s . Above £ 60 , 5 per cent , on the amount realised-No Charge unless a Sale is Effected . BUSINESS HOURS , 10 to 6 . Farms Valued and Inventories taken of Furniture , Fixtures , & c . Persons selling their Businesses privately can have them transferred on the most honourable terms .
COlSrCJEl ^ lTXlSTJ ^ S , ENGLISH AND AHGLO-GEKMAff . G JONES , 350 Commez'cial-roacl , Lon-. don , E ., inventor of the Anglo-German with chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes never get out of tune . Used by tho leading performers . Price List of Musical Instruments of every description free . Established 1850 .
nPAMAR INDIEN—GRILLON ' S . rnAMAR INDIEN " , for RELIEF and CURE X of CONSTIPATION . rHAMAR INDIEN , for Biliousness , Head-JL ache , and all Stomachic Complaints . BEWARE OF IMITATIONS . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Druggists . E . GKILLON , Sole Proprietor . Wholesale—C 9 QUEEN STREET , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON j
THE CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE ; AND Journal of Indoor and Outdoor Amusements . rriHE Proprietors of the CHESS PLAYER ' X CHRONICLE have great pleasure in announcing that on and after Tuesday , 4 th January , the C HMS PIAYEK ' S CHRONICIE will be issued as a Weekly Magazine , and will be devoted to the interests of Chess and other games ; some of the host writers of the day on the respective subjects being engaged . Price 2 d per Copy . 8 s 6 d per annum ; or 2 s 6 d per quarter , post free W . W , MORGAN , 23 GREAT QUEEN ST ., LONDON , W . C .
BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS . The Great Remedy FOB , GOUT AND RHEUMATISM . rriHE excruciating pain is quickly relieved JL and cured in a feu- days by tlti .-i celclir "' " Medcine . Those i ills require m > restraint of die ' during their use , arid are certain to prevent tuo disease attacking any vital part . Sold by all Chemists at Is l " td ; and 2 s 9 d per box
1 A AAA PICTURES . - GREAT iUjUvU BARGAINS . 1 A AAA PICTURES . - M > h J \ J , \ J \ J \) QUITE NKW . I A AAA PICTURES . - THE 1 U , U U U No . i GUINEA PARCEL of ENGRAVINGS ; Pair by Turner , Pair by Landscor , Pair by Frith , pair by Wilkie , pair by Hunt ; situ cient to furnish two large rooms . G . R . having purchased a vory large stock at great sacrifice will give tho public the benefit . GEO . REES , 41 , 42 ,-13 , Russell-St ., Covent Garden ( Opposite Drury Lane Theatre . " -