Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . D EAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I enclose copy of a letter I have addressed to tho Royal Masonic Institntion for Boys , and if yoa can find a corner for it I shall feel much obliged . Yours faithfully , S . B . WILSON .
27 Walbrook , E . G ., 30 th March 1881 .
To G ENERAL COMMITTEE OP THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION POR BOYS . G ENTLEMEN AND BRETHREN , —In order thafc unnecessary expense mi"ht be avoided , ray solicitors submitted the following names to Mr . Stanley , the representative of the House Committee , for him to select one to aot as referee on my claim for professional services
to the Institution from the following list : —Sir H . A . Hunt , C . B ., George Pownall , Esq ., John Whichcord , Esq ., Arthur Gates , Esq ., W . J . Gardiner , Esq ., Joseph Lavender , Esq ., W . Hudson , Esq ., all of them being , as yon are aware , gentlemen of the highest character and standing in tbe profession . After a long time had elapsed for consideration , Mr . Stanley
suggested Mr . J . E . Saunders , of Finsbury Circus , a gentleman of equal character and standing with those I had named , and my solicitors immediately agreed to accept his decision in the matter . The House Committee have now refnsed to agree to the proposal of Mr . Stanley , their own representative , and consequently I have had
no alternative but to give instructions to proceed with the necessary steps for the enforcement of my claim ; but I think it only right to Jay the present position of the matter before you , as the conduct of the House Committee must have the effect of running up heavy and unnecessary law charges , which must eventually fall on the Institution . Tours faithfully and fraternally , S . B . WILSON .
27 Walbrook , E . G ., 30 th March 1881 .
The Provinces And The Charities.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I beg to congratulate "A PAST MASTER " on his excellent summary published in your columns of last week . He has invited corrections , so permit me to call attention to the omission—so far as Worcestershire is concerned—of no less
than fifty-two Boys' votes and four Girls' votes in the published Lists of Subscribers upon which the tables are founded . I append for your satisfaction proof thereof , which I shall be happy to supply to " A PAST MASTER " if he will favour me with his address .
This brings the Worcestershire average in tbe Boys' School to 28 J-, and fifth place . In the Girls it remains the same , and in the combined Lists it increases the average to 45 J , and the position of
this Province to sixth place . I have supplied the Secretaries with material for the necessary additions . Fraternally yours ,
GEORGE TAYLOR , P . G . J . W . Secretary Worcestershire Charity Summerdyne , Kidderminster , Association . 30 th March 1881 . We think it desirable fco publish the particulars referred to above . — ED . F . C .
BOYS' VOTES OMITTED . A . H . Royd P . Prov . Grand Master - - - 10 Vernon Miss Maria ... 2 Baldwin E . A ., Stonrport - - - -4 Baldwin G ., Stonrport - - - - . 4
Easton N ., Malvern Link ... 2 Godson A . F ., Tenbury - - - - 14 Naylor G . W ., Kidderminster 1 Taylor J . H ., Kidderminster ... 2 Taylor G ., Kidderminster , List 1880 - - - 1
Russell F . G ., Malvern ... 1 Lechmere Mark Lodge , Worcestershire - - 2 Prov . Grand Priory K . T ., Worcestershire - - 2 St . Danstan ' s Chanter R . C . Worcestershire - - 2
at . Amand Preceptory K . T ., Worcestershire - - 4 R . De Vernon do . Dudley - - - 1 Total Boys - - -52 GIRLS ' .
Godson A . F ., Tenbury - - - - 1 Walker R . G ., Tipton - - - - - 1 Wright H . R ., Oklswinford ... 2—4 Total - - - -56
An Early Yorkshire Freemason.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I havo pleasure in complying with tho request of Bro . J . W . 148 , aud in sending the following note , from tho Wills Court , at York , for publication : —
A . D . 1590-1 . March 19 . John Kidd , of Leeds , Freemason , gives bond to produce fcho original will of William Taylor , junr ., of Leeds . Yours fraternally , P . P . G . J . W .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
THE monthly meeting of the General Committee of the subscribers to this Institution was held on Thursday afternoon , afc Freemasons' Hall , when there were present Bros . Lient .-Col . Creaton Grand Treasnrer ( in tho chair ) , John A . Rucker , A . J . Dnff-Filer , George Bolton , E . H . Finney , James Peters , H . Massey , Thomas Massa , A . H . Tattershall , Joshua Nunn , James F . Corben , J . H .
Matthews , Arthur E . Glad well , C . G . Brown , Peter de Lande Long , R . B . Webster . After the minntes had been read and confirmed , the Chairman was authorised to sign cheques , and the meeting was brought to a conclusion , a vote of thanks being passed to the Chairman .
Charity Associations.
We are very pleased to hear that the members of the Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 , have decided on the formation of an association in connection with their Lodge for the purpose of conferring on members Life Governorships in the Masonic Charities , by the payment of small weekly subscriptions . The usual course adopted by similar associations , as to subscriptions and ballot , will
be observed in this case , and we can but express a hope that the result will prove most satisfactory . Bro . L . Norden , I . P . M . 205 , is the Hon . Sec . pro tem , and either he or Bro . T . J . Maidwell will be happy to take the names of brethren wishing to join . The meetings of the association will be held in connection with the Lodge of Instruction , whioh meets every Thursday evening , at the Hercules
Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . There is yefc another claimant for the honour of being looked upon as supporter of our Charities , The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 , having established a similar association in connection with their Lodge ; here also Tho subscriptions will be one shilling per week , and the usual forms will be observed . We cannot do more than express the hope that this also will prove a success .
Knights Templar.
THE Annual Convocation of the " Royal Veterans' Encampment of the United Religions , Military , and Masonic Order of Knights Templar , " was holden on Friday , 25 th ult ., at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth . E . Sir Knight Sydney L . R . Templer was installed as Eminent Commander . This very impressive ceremony was performed by E . Sir Knight L . D . Westcott , assisted by E . Sir
Knights I . Watts , J . Austin , J . B . Gover , Samuel Jew , Thos . Heath , Col . FitzGerald , J . Edward Curteis , R . Pengelly , and E . Aitkeu Davies . Sir Knight Templer was afterwards installed as Prior of the Priory of Malta . The Officers appointed for the ensuing year in the Encampment were : —Sir Knights Thomas Heath P . P . G . S . B . I . P . E . C , Francis B . Westlake 1 st Captain , John James 2 nd Captain ,
L . D . Westcott P . P . G . M . Prelate , Josiah Austin P . E . C . P . P . G . E . Treasnrer , Thomas Heath Registrar , E . Binding Expert , W . A . Fowler Captain of Lines , S . Jew 1 st Herald , I . Watts S . B ., J . B . Gover Almoner , and William H . Phillips Guard . The banquet was held at tbe Globe Hotel . Frater Templer presided until the inevitable train was due , after which Praters Heath and Jew acted for him , and a most enjoyable and instructive evening was spent .
Myddelton Hall.
.. A CONCERT was given by Mr . W . Wright , a relation of Bro . J . Osborne , W . M . elect of the Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge , on Thursday , 24 th March . The Hall was crowded in every part , and amongst the audience we noticed Bro . Churchwarden Friend , Churchwarden Warr ; Bro . Halford G . P . J . D . Herts , P . M . ' s Pearcy , Meekham , Meyer , Weston , Berry ; Bros . Parkinson , Bird , Dillon , Ball , Greenfield , Field , Hollidge , Harris , Seamer , Townley , & c . The
pro-. . gramme was exceedingly well carried out , Mdlle . Vagnolini , Miss Marian Lynton , R . A . M ., and Miss Coyte Turner giving great satisfaction , and necessitating encores : whilst the pianoforte playing of the Misses Amy and Nelly Clark , pupils of the beneficiare , was much admired , and exhibited evidence of careful training . " St . Ronan ' s Eve , " a new song , with Invisible Quartette , by F . W . Lacey , and
excellently rendered by Miss Coyte Turner , had a most enthusiastic encore . Mr . Wright , in his solo pianoforte , " Irish Diamonds , " surpassed himself , his execution being brilliant , and the expressive passages well sustained . Mr . Ryan received great applause for the song " Alice , where art thou ? " as did Miss Coyte Turner , for the " Lost Chord , " sung by desire . Messrs . Lovett King , James Bayne , and Charles Walters rendered efficient service in the trios and part
songs , ancl Mr . McLollen was extremely amusing in his effusions d la Grossmith- Mr . Pockliugton , -with H . Poulet's highly successful song , "Big Ben , " pleased greatly . We mast congratulate Mr . Wri ght on the success of his first concert , by which no doubt his reputation as a professor will be materially increased . The comfort of the audience was looked after by Bro . J . Osborne , who had for his aide-de-camp Bro . R . G . Thomas ( of this Journal ) Org . 1602 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . D EAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I enclose copy of a letter I have addressed to tho Royal Masonic Institntion for Boys , and if yoa can find a corner for it I shall feel much obliged . Yours faithfully , S . B . WILSON .
27 Walbrook , E . G ., 30 th March 1881 .
To G ENERAL COMMITTEE OP THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION POR BOYS . G ENTLEMEN AND BRETHREN , —In order thafc unnecessary expense mi"ht be avoided , ray solicitors submitted the following names to Mr . Stanley , the representative of the House Committee , for him to select one to aot as referee on my claim for professional services
to the Institution from the following list : —Sir H . A . Hunt , C . B ., George Pownall , Esq ., John Whichcord , Esq ., Arthur Gates , Esq ., W . J . Gardiner , Esq ., Joseph Lavender , Esq ., W . Hudson , Esq ., all of them being , as yon are aware , gentlemen of the highest character and standing in tbe profession . After a long time had elapsed for consideration , Mr . Stanley
suggested Mr . J . E . Saunders , of Finsbury Circus , a gentleman of equal character and standing with those I had named , and my solicitors immediately agreed to accept his decision in the matter . The House Committee have now refnsed to agree to the proposal of Mr . Stanley , their own representative , and consequently I have had
no alternative but to give instructions to proceed with the necessary steps for the enforcement of my claim ; but I think it only right to Jay the present position of the matter before you , as the conduct of the House Committee must have the effect of running up heavy and unnecessary law charges , which must eventually fall on the Institution . Tours faithfully and fraternally , S . B . WILSON .
27 Walbrook , E . G ., 30 th March 1881 .
The Provinces And The Charities.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I beg to congratulate "A PAST MASTER " on his excellent summary published in your columns of last week . He has invited corrections , so permit me to call attention to the omission—so far as Worcestershire is concerned—of no less
than fifty-two Boys' votes and four Girls' votes in the published Lists of Subscribers upon which the tables are founded . I append for your satisfaction proof thereof , which I shall be happy to supply to " A PAST MASTER " if he will favour me with his address .
This brings the Worcestershire average in tbe Boys' School to 28 J-, and fifth place . In the Girls it remains the same , and in the combined Lists it increases the average to 45 J , and the position of
this Province to sixth place . I have supplied the Secretaries with material for the necessary additions . Fraternally yours ,
GEORGE TAYLOR , P . G . J . W . Secretary Worcestershire Charity Summerdyne , Kidderminster , Association . 30 th March 1881 . We think it desirable fco publish the particulars referred to above . — ED . F . C .
BOYS' VOTES OMITTED . A . H . Royd P . Prov . Grand Master - - - 10 Vernon Miss Maria ... 2 Baldwin E . A ., Stonrport - - - -4 Baldwin G ., Stonrport - - - - . 4
Easton N ., Malvern Link ... 2 Godson A . F ., Tenbury - - - - 14 Naylor G . W ., Kidderminster 1 Taylor J . H ., Kidderminster ... 2 Taylor G ., Kidderminster , List 1880 - - - 1
Russell F . G ., Malvern ... 1 Lechmere Mark Lodge , Worcestershire - - 2 Prov . Grand Priory K . T ., Worcestershire - - 2 St . Danstan ' s Chanter R . C . Worcestershire - - 2
at . Amand Preceptory K . T ., Worcestershire - - 4 R . De Vernon do . Dudley - - - 1 Total Boys - - -52 GIRLS ' .
Godson A . F ., Tenbury - - - - 1 Walker R . G ., Tipton - - - - - 1 Wright H . R ., Oklswinford ... 2—4 Total - - - -56
An Early Yorkshire Freemason.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I havo pleasure in complying with tho request of Bro . J . W . 148 , aud in sending the following note , from tho Wills Court , at York , for publication : —
A . D . 1590-1 . March 19 . John Kidd , of Leeds , Freemason , gives bond to produce fcho original will of William Taylor , junr ., of Leeds . Yours fraternally , P . P . G . J . W .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
THE monthly meeting of the General Committee of the subscribers to this Institution was held on Thursday afternoon , afc Freemasons' Hall , when there were present Bros . Lient .-Col . Creaton Grand Treasnrer ( in tho chair ) , John A . Rucker , A . J . Dnff-Filer , George Bolton , E . H . Finney , James Peters , H . Massey , Thomas Massa , A . H . Tattershall , Joshua Nunn , James F . Corben , J . H .
Matthews , Arthur E . Glad well , C . G . Brown , Peter de Lande Long , R . B . Webster . After the minntes had been read and confirmed , the Chairman was authorised to sign cheques , and the meeting was brought to a conclusion , a vote of thanks being passed to the Chairman .
Charity Associations.
We are very pleased to hear that the members of the Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 , have decided on the formation of an association in connection with their Lodge for the purpose of conferring on members Life Governorships in the Masonic Charities , by the payment of small weekly subscriptions . The usual course adopted by similar associations , as to subscriptions and ballot , will
be observed in this case , and we can but express a hope that the result will prove most satisfactory . Bro . L . Norden , I . P . M . 205 , is the Hon . Sec . pro tem , and either he or Bro . T . J . Maidwell will be happy to take the names of brethren wishing to join . The meetings of the association will be held in connection with the Lodge of Instruction , whioh meets every Thursday evening , at the Hercules
Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . There is yefc another claimant for the honour of being looked upon as supporter of our Charities , The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 , having established a similar association in connection with their Lodge ; here also Tho subscriptions will be one shilling per week , and the usual forms will be observed . We cannot do more than express the hope that this also will prove a success .
Knights Templar.
THE Annual Convocation of the " Royal Veterans' Encampment of the United Religions , Military , and Masonic Order of Knights Templar , " was holden on Friday , 25 th ult ., at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth . E . Sir Knight Sydney L . R . Templer was installed as Eminent Commander . This very impressive ceremony was performed by E . Sir Knight L . D . Westcott , assisted by E . Sir
Knights I . Watts , J . Austin , J . B . Gover , Samuel Jew , Thos . Heath , Col . FitzGerald , J . Edward Curteis , R . Pengelly , and E . Aitkeu Davies . Sir Knight Templer was afterwards installed as Prior of the Priory of Malta . The Officers appointed for the ensuing year in the Encampment were : —Sir Knights Thomas Heath P . P . G . S . B . I . P . E . C , Francis B . Westlake 1 st Captain , John James 2 nd Captain ,
L . D . Westcott P . P . G . M . Prelate , Josiah Austin P . E . C . P . P . G . E . Treasnrer , Thomas Heath Registrar , E . Binding Expert , W . A . Fowler Captain of Lines , S . Jew 1 st Herald , I . Watts S . B ., J . B . Gover Almoner , and William H . Phillips Guard . The banquet was held at tbe Globe Hotel . Frater Templer presided until the inevitable train was due , after which Praters Heath and Jew acted for him , and a most enjoyable and instructive evening was spent .
Myddelton Hall.
.. A CONCERT was given by Mr . W . Wright , a relation of Bro . J . Osborne , W . M . elect of the Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge , on Thursday , 24 th March . The Hall was crowded in every part , and amongst the audience we noticed Bro . Churchwarden Friend , Churchwarden Warr ; Bro . Halford G . P . J . D . Herts , P . M . ' s Pearcy , Meekham , Meyer , Weston , Berry ; Bros . Parkinson , Bird , Dillon , Ball , Greenfield , Field , Hollidge , Harris , Seamer , Townley , & c . The
pro-. . gramme was exceedingly well carried out , Mdlle . Vagnolini , Miss Marian Lynton , R . A . M ., and Miss Coyte Turner giving great satisfaction , and necessitating encores : whilst the pianoforte playing of the Misses Amy and Nelly Clark , pupils of the beneficiare , was much admired , and exhibited evidence of careful training . " St . Ronan ' s Eve , " a new song , with Invisible Quartette , by F . W . Lacey , and
excellently rendered by Miss Coyte Turner , had a most enthusiastic encore . Mr . Wright , in his solo pianoforte , " Irish Diamonds , " surpassed himself , his execution being brilliant , and the expressive passages well sustained . Mr . Ryan received great applause for the song " Alice , where art thou ? " as did Miss Coyte Turner , for the " Lost Chord , " sung by desire . Messrs . Lovett King , James Bayne , and Charles Walters rendered efficient service in the trios and part
songs , ancl Mr . McLollen was extremely amusing in his effusions d la Grossmith- Mr . Pockliugton , -with H . Poulet's highly successful song , "Big Ben , " pleased greatly . We mast congratulate Mr . Wri ght on the success of his first concert , by which no doubt his reputation as a professor will be materially increased . The comfort of the audience was looked after by Bro . J . Osborne , who had for his aide-de-camp Bro . R . G . Thomas ( of this Journal ) Org . 1602 .