Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL UNION LODGE, No. 382. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ALFRED LODGE, No. 780. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 .
fTlHE installation meeting was held on 24 th ult ., at the Guildhall -I- Tavern , Gresham-street . Tho W . M ., Bro . E . C . Ferry , occupied the chair , W . Chicken S . W ., Roberts J . W ., J . H . Goodwin Treas ., G . T . Brown Secretary , G . Shadier S . D ., C . J . Rich J . D ., Stafford as I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Cornwall , E . Arnold , C . Daniel , Cook , ancl Chivers . After all formalities had been duly observed , Bros . Fencott , Patience , Mattiu , and Pocock were raised to the sublime degree , and Mr . R . J .
Clark was initiated into tho Order ; the ceremonies being ably rendered by tho W . M . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . W . Chicken S . W . and W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge , aud duly installed iuto tho chair by Bro . C . Daniel P . M . Bro . Brown gavo tho concluding addresses . Afc the conclusion of the ceremony both brethren wero congratulated by tho members and visitors ; thore
wore twouty-six W . M . s and P . M . s present at this interesting ceremony . On the ro-adniission of tho brethren , tho new W . M . received tho customary salutations ; he then , in appropriate terms , appointed and invested his Officers as follow : —Bros . C . E . Ferry I . P . M ., J . Roberts S . W ., G . Schadler J . W ., J . Tt . Goodwin P . M . Treasnrer , G . T . Brown P . M . Secretary , C . J . Rich S . D ., F . Kearney J . D ., J . Hawkins
I . G ., C . Daniel D . C , J . Boston A . D . C , E . Marshall W . S ., C . Speight P . M . Prov . G . Tylor Surrey Tyler , Bro . James Terry P . P . G . W . Herts efficiently acted as D . C . The Report of the Audit Committee showed a Balance in hand—to Lodge Fund £ 68 18 s , and Benevolent Fund £ 24 16 s . A Committee for making arrangements for a Summer Banquet was appointed . A sum of two guineas was voted to Bro . Mills '
Testimonial . Lodgo was then closed until June , and the brethren , one hundred in nnmber , sat down to a capital banquet and dessert . Grace having been said , the W . M . proposed the usual toasts . Bro . Ferry I . P . M . rose ; ho could see with what pleasure the brethren had noticed that he had taken the gavel . It was to propose the toast of the W . M . Tho brethren would all agree with him when he told
them that Bro . Chicken was an energetic Mason . Most of them had seen his working as S . W ., and by that could judge his qualifications for Master . He was convinced he need not say another word to ensure the toast a hearty reception . The Worshipful Master thanked Brother Ferry for the manner in which he had spoken of him , he was also gratified at the way in which the toast had been
received . It was many years since he was initiated in the Lodge , but to-night was the proudest moment of bis life , when he realised that he was the W . M . of the Lodge ; his best efforts shonld be exerted for the service of the brethren ; his heart and soul was with them . He had to thank them heartily for their kind expressions . The W . M . next gave what he considered the toast of the
evening—the newly-imtiated brother . Without new blood no Lodge could go on . The attention he had paid to the ceremony warranted the hope he would be a credit to the Order . The E . A . song having been sung , Bro . Clark returned thanks in an appropriate speech . The toast of the Visitors came next ; it was a very pleasing duty ; to-night there was a large nnmber of visitors , namely , thirty .
five ; the W . M . wonld select four brethren—Bros . James Terry , E . Bowyer , Martin , and T . J . Maidwell to respond . Bro . James Terry , as one of the thirty-five representing the Visiting Brethren , felt proud to return thanks , and to see the Lodge so prosperous . All knew what it had done for the Masonic Institutions , and all knew what it would do . The I . P . M . had taken up one hundred and five guineas
for the Aged , while Bro . Brown had already doubled that amount for the Girls' School . He was gratified also in being able to say that the newly-appointed D . C ., Bro . Daniels P . M , had the sum of one hundred and thirty guineas on his list for the Boys ' . Bro . Binckes he ( Bro . Terry ) felt assured would not be content with a less sum this year than £ 17 , 000 . This Lodge was one of which the Craft
was proud . Bro . Terry then paid just compliments to the two brethren who had performed the ceremony of installation , while the W . M . 's presidency left nothing to be desired . Bros . Martin , T . Maidwell , and Bowyer followed , and then the W . M . proposed the next toastthe health of the I . P . M . Bro . Ferry , whom he assured of the appreciation the brethreu entertained for the way in which he had carried
ont the duties during his year of office . It was a pleasant task he had undertaken , that of placing on Bro . Ferry ' s breast a token of the regard in which he was held . In addition he had to present a clock , which he , his wife , and his family would with pleasure look on in recognition of the many hours he had passed with the members . The jewel was a gift from the Lodge , and the clock tho gift of the brethren . Bro .
Ferry , in response , said , after all the kindnesses he had received , he could hardly find words to express his satisfaction at this further token of their regard . He hoped to be among them as a P . M . for many years ; he thanked them for their valuable presents , which his good wife would fully appreciate ; her feelings iu regard to Freemasonry and charity were in unison with his own . He shonld always
look on the jewel with pride . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the P . M . ' s . That night they were not honoured with the attendance of so many as they could wish to see . However , there were several more who would have liked to bo present . He would name Bros . Cornwall , Arnold , Brown , Daniel , Cook , Goodwin , Bellerby , and Chivers ; all respected them ancl knew their value and good
qualities . To Bro . Daniel especial thanks were due , nofc only for services in the Lodge , bnfc much energy displayed out of it . He is a Vice-President of one of the Institutions , and is now going up again as Steward . The same remark holds good with Bro . Brown ; the one brother as Installing Master , and the other for assistance rendered , deserved their heartiest thanks . Bro . Arnold P . M . first replied ; he
was followed by Bros . Cook . and Chivers , who both felfc proud in seeing how the Lodge had progressed . Bros . Brown and Daniel each responded , and then the W . M . gave tho health of the Treasurer and Secretary with the other . Officers ' . ' After suitable acknowledgments for the compliment , the Tyler ' s toast was given . Several brethren contributed to tho harmony of the ' eveuing . Bros . C . Daniel P . M .,
Installation Meetings, &C.
Mills and Sherwell looked after the comfort of the members and visitors . Among the latter were Bros . S . Clarke , Catterson , G . Brooks , F . Stafford , Aynsley , C . Beanmont , 0 . W . Kent , James Terry ] E . Bowyer , Bush , Lazarns , Maidwell , Barker , Nash , Griffiths , Cook ] Potts , Martin , Batchelor , Butler , Williams , Fowler , Brass , Martin ' Briggs , Haynes , Carman , Fryer , Soucks , Brewer , and H . M . Levy .
Royal Union Lodge, No. 382.
THE Installation Meeting was held on Monday , the 2 lst nit ., at the Chequers Hotel , TJxbridge . The brethreu were called foj 2 . 30 , but notwithstanding business commenced at this early hour , tho sitting was protracted jnuch beyond the timo fixed , and , as we have before remarked with . respect to tho after proceedings at this Lodgo , the scramble to , make np for lost time sadly marred the enjoyment of the brethren' and their guests . Tho Lodge was for .
mally opened by tho W . M ; Bro . G . E . Cook , who was supported by his Officers , and the following Past Masters : —W . Coombes , J . L , Coulton , G . Fehrenbach , John Weedon , B . H . Swallow , and E . C . Woodward . The Visiting Brethren who signed the attendance book wero : —Bros . H . 0 . Smith 1563 , W . O . Beasley J . W . 172 , A . H . Baker 720 , T . Morris 1306 , C J . L . Sandilands 1510 , J . F . Kni
ght-Smith P . M . 1411 , E . Berger P . M . 435 , T . Chever 145 , and H . Perdue 834 . After the minntes had been read and duly confirmed , the ceremonial work was proceeded with ; this comprised the raising of Bros . Jetsum and Barnicoat ; the passing of Bro . Skeate ; and the initiation of Mr . F . Miller ( who had been previously approved by ballot ) , Mr . Thomas Brooks , proposed by Bro . Weedon P . M .,
seconded by Bro . Rowles S . D ., and Mr . Charles Albert Poole , proposed by Bro . Weedon P . M ., seconded by Bro . Nicholson . After the ballot , however , had been taken for the two last-named gentlemen , and before they were introduced , Bro . Coulton took fche chair as Installing Master , and tho W . M . elect , Bro . 0 . Rnss , was introduced to receive at his hands tho benefits of installation . Bro . Coulton is
an old P . M . of this Lodge , and we have ere this had occasion to speak of his skill . Suffice it , therefore , that on this occasion ho well sustained the reputation for care and ability he so well merits . Officers invested were : —Bros . Lonsdale S . W ., Rowles J . W ., Coulton P . M . Treasnrer , Coombes P . M . Secretary , Cooper S . D ., Nicholson Junior Deacon , Hall Inner Guard , Wilson Organist , Woodward Past
Master Director of Ceremonies , Duffin Tyler . The new W . M . then gave the benefit of the firsfc degree to the gentlemen named above , and by the able way in which he conducted the ceremony evidenced the choice the brethren had made was one that must ensure the duties of the chair being carried ont in an eminently satisfactory manner dnring the current year . In the course of the evening
reference was made by Bro . P . M . Swallow to the hapless condition of an old P . M . of the Lodge , and a petition for aid from the Board of Benevolence was signed by the Officers and members . After the hearty greetings . of the visiting brethren had been tendered , Lodge was closed . The banquet was served in a very creditable manner by host Bro . Philips . The W . M . efficiently presided , and in the briefest
terms proposed the regular toasts . A capital musical programme was gone through , but to our mind , it would have been better , in view of the exigencies of the hour if it had been curtailed . We may add that a P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Cook the outgoing Master . The brethren to whom the musical arrangements were entrusted were J . I . Cantle P . M ., Knight-Smith P . M ., and J . Arthur Thomas . We append a list of the songs , & o .: — "God save the
Queen ; ' Chorus and Duet , " God Bless the Prince of Wales ; Song , " My Pretty Jane , " Bro . Arthur Thomas ; Duet , "Excelsior , " Bros . Knight-Smith , and J . Ion Cantle ; Song , " The Blue Alsatian Mountains , " Bro . Knight-Smith ; Song , "Hurrah for Rosy Wine , " Bro . J . Ion Cantle ; Song , "The Gay Postillion" ( with Whip Obligato ) , Bro . Arthur Thomas ; New Song , " Who Cares , " Bro . J . Iou Cantle ; Duet , " All's Well , " Bros . Arthur Thomas and J . Ion Cantle ; Song , " Good Night , Beloved , " Bro . Knight-Smith .
Royal Alfred Lodge, No. 780.
TEMPTED by the geniality displayed by the clerk of the weather during the past week or ten days , the brethren assembled in considerable strength afc the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Friday , 25 th nit . The chair was taken by the W . M . Bro . B . E . Blasby , who was supported by his Officers ancl the following Past Masters : — Bros . W . Gomm , J . Chambers Rowe , Walter Goss ( Treasurer ) , Chas . May , Littlewood , W . Hilton ( Secretary ) , A . Beasley , H . Potter , & c ,
with the following Visitors : —Bros . J . E . Carpenter P . M . 1196 , R . J . Manning Treasnrer 446 , T . W . Knight P . P . G . D . C . Kent , W . Harding 193 , John Plowman 975 , Jas . Terry Secretary R . M . B . I ., N . Walton 865 , James Squire P . M . 3 , Charles Bean 889 , R . H . Pearson P . M . 1196 , W . Radcliffe I . P . M . 211 , J . J . Michael P . G . P . Kent , W . H . Air 554 , G . R . Cundell , and E . Morison jun . 1194 . Lodge was
opened at the hour appointed , and minutes of last regular and emergency meetings were read and confirmed . There were in attendance two candidates for raising—Bros . John Lees and Walter John Sperring . Both passed a satisfactory examination , and the ceremony of the degree was ably worked by the W . M . The aspirants for the second step were Bros . Samuel Blasby , Charles Thomas
James Hildersley , and J . Moore Lucas , who sustained their claim for preferment , and were duly passed . The ballot was then broug ht into requisition for Mr . George Jefferies , proposed by Bro . Blasby W . M ., and seconded by Bro . Roe P . M . ; for Mr . J . P . Flew , proposed by Bro . Squires , and seconded by Bro . Blasby W . M . ; and for
Mr . Henry Bailey , proposed by Bro . Blasby W . M ., and seconded by Bro . Maton . In each case the result was satisfactory , and these gentlemen were introduced and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . A sum of £ 2 2 s was voted from the funds in aid of the Hervey Memorial Fund , and £ 10 10 s towards tho List of Bro . P . M . Gomm , who has kindly undertaken
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 .
fTlHE installation meeting was held on 24 th ult ., at the Guildhall -I- Tavern , Gresham-street . Tho W . M ., Bro . E . C . Ferry , occupied the chair , W . Chicken S . W ., Roberts J . W ., J . H . Goodwin Treas ., G . T . Brown Secretary , G . Shadier S . D ., C . J . Rich J . D ., Stafford as I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Cornwall , E . Arnold , C . Daniel , Cook , ancl Chivers . After all formalities had been duly observed , Bros . Fencott , Patience , Mattiu , and Pocock were raised to the sublime degree , and Mr . R . J .
Clark was initiated into tho Order ; the ceremonies being ably rendered by tho W . M . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . W . Chicken S . W . and W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge , aud duly installed iuto tho chair by Bro . C . Daniel P . M . Bro . Brown gavo tho concluding addresses . Afc the conclusion of the ceremony both brethren wero congratulated by tho members and visitors ; thore
wore twouty-six W . M . s and P . M . s present at this interesting ceremony . On the ro-adniission of tho brethren , tho new W . M . received tho customary salutations ; he then , in appropriate terms , appointed and invested his Officers as follow : —Bros . C . E . Ferry I . P . M ., J . Roberts S . W ., G . Schadler J . W ., J . Tt . Goodwin P . M . Treasnrer , G . T . Brown P . M . Secretary , C . J . Rich S . D ., F . Kearney J . D ., J . Hawkins
I . G ., C . Daniel D . C , J . Boston A . D . C , E . Marshall W . S ., C . Speight P . M . Prov . G . Tylor Surrey Tyler , Bro . James Terry P . P . G . W . Herts efficiently acted as D . C . The Report of the Audit Committee showed a Balance in hand—to Lodge Fund £ 68 18 s , and Benevolent Fund £ 24 16 s . A Committee for making arrangements for a Summer Banquet was appointed . A sum of two guineas was voted to Bro . Mills '
Testimonial . Lodgo was then closed until June , and the brethren , one hundred in nnmber , sat down to a capital banquet and dessert . Grace having been said , the W . M . proposed the usual toasts . Bro . Ferry I . P . M . rose ; ho could see with what pleasure the brethren had noticed that he had taken the gavel . It was to propose the toast of the W . M . Tho brethren would all agree with him when he told
them that Bro . Chicken was an energetic Mason . Most of them had seen his working as S . W ., and by that could judge his qualifications for Master . He was convinced he need not say another word to ensure the toast a hearty reception . The Worshipful Master thanked Brother Ferry for the manner in which he had spoken of him , he was also gratified at the way in which the toast had been
received . It was many years since he was initiated in the Lodge , but to-night was the proudest moment of bis life , when he realised that he was the W . M . of the Lodge ; his best efforts shonld be exerted for the service of the brethren ; his heart and soul was with them . He had to thank them heartily for their kind expressions . The W . M . next gave what he considered the toast of the
evening—the newly-imtiated brother . Without new blood no Lodge could go on . The attention he had paid to the ceremony warranted the hope he would be a credit to the Order . The E . A . song having been sung , Bro . Clark returned thanks in an appropriate speech . The toast of the Visitors came next ; it was a very pleasing duty ; to-night there was a large nnmber of visitors , namely , thirty .
five ; the W . M . wonld select four brethren—Bros . James Terry , E . Bowyer , Martin , and T . J . Maidwell to respond . Bro . James Terry , as one of the thirty-five representing the Visiting Brethren , felt proud to return thanks , and to see the Lodge so prosperous . All knew what it had done for the Masonic Institutions , and all knew what it would do . The I . P . M . had taken up one hundred and five guineas
for the Aged , while Bro . Brown had already doubled that amount for the Girls' School . He was gratified also in being able to say that the newly-appointed D . C ., Bro . Daniels P . M , had the sum of one hundred and thirty guineas on his list for the Boys ' . Bro . Binckes he ( Bro . Terry ) felt assured would not be content with a less sum this year than £ 17 , 000 . This Lodge was one of which the Craft
was proud . Bro . Terry then paid just compliments to the two brethren who had performed the ceremony of installation , while the W . M . 's presidency left nothing to be desired . Bros . Martin , T . Maidwell , and Bowyer followed , and then the W . M . proposed the next toastthe health of the I . P . M . Bro . Ferry , whom he assured of the appreciation the brethreu entertained for the way in which he had carried
ont the duties during his year of office . It was a pleasant task he had undertaken , that of placing on Bro . Ferry ' s breast a token of the regard in which he was held . In addition he had to present a clock , which he , his wife , and his family would with pleasure look on in recognition of the many hours he had passed with the members . The jewel was a gift from the Lodge , and the clock tho gift of the brethren . Bro .
Ferry , in response , said , after all the kindnesses he had received , he could hardly find words to express his satisfaction at this further token of their regard . He hoped to be among them as a P . M . for many years ; he thanked them for their valuable presents , which his good wife would fully appreciate ; her feelings iu regard to Freemasonry and charity were in unison with his own . He shonld always
look on the jewel with pride . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the P . M . ' s . That night they were not honoured with the attendance of so many as they could wish to see . However , there were several more who would have liked to bo present . He would name Bros . Cornwall , Arnold , Brown , Daniel , Cook , Goodwin , Bellerby , and Chivers ; all respected them ancl knew their value and good
qualities . To Bro . Daniel especial thanks were due , nofc only for services in the Lodge , bnfc much energy displayed out of it . He is a Vice-President of one of the Institutions , and is now going up again as Steward . The same remark holds good with Bro . Brown ; the one brother as Installing Master , and the other for assistance rendered , deserved their heartiest thanks . Bro . Arnold P . M . first replied ; he
was followed by Bros . Cook . and Chivers , who both felfc proud in seeing how the Lodge had progressed . Bros . Brown and Daniel each responded , and then the W . M . gave tho health of the Treasurer and Secretary with the other . Officers ' . ' After suitable acknowledgments for the compliment , the Tyler ' s toast was given . Several brethren contributed to tho harmony of the ' eveuing . Bros . C . Daniel P . M .,
Installation Meetings, &C.
Mills and Sherwell looked after the comfort of the members and visitors . Among the latter were Bros . S . Clarke , Catterson , G . Brooks , F . Stafford , Aynsley , C . Beanmont , 0 . W . Kent , James Terry ] E . Bowyer , Bush , Lazarns , Maidwell , Barker , Nash , Griffiths , Cook ] Potts , Martin , Batchelor , Butler , Williams , Fowler , Brass , Martin ' Briggs , Haynes , Carman , Fryer , Soucks , Brewer , and H . M . Levy .
Royal Union Lodge, No. 382.
THE Installation Meeting was held on Monday , the 2 lst nit ., at the Chequers Hotel , TJxbridge . The brethreu were called foj 2 . 30 , but notwithstanding business commenced at this early hour , tho sitting was protracted jnuch beyond the timo fixed , and , as we have before remarked with . respect to tho after proceedings at this Lodgo , the scramble to , make np for lost time sadly marred the enjoyment of the brethren' and their guests . Tho Lodge was for .
mally opened by tho W . M ; Bro . G . E . Cook , who was supported by his Officers , and the following Past Masters : —W . Coombes , J . L , Coulton , G . Fehrenbach , John Weedon , B . H . Swallow , and E . C . Woodward . The Visiting Brethren who signed the attendance book wero : —Bros . H . 0 . Smith 1563 , W . O . Beasley J . W . 172 , A . H . Baker 720 , T . Morris 1306 , C J . L . Sandilands 1510 , J . F . Kni
ght-Smith P . M . 1411 , E . Berger P . M . 435 , T . Chever 145 , and H . Perdue 834 . After the minntes had been read and duly confirmed , the ceremonial work was proceeded with ; this comprised the raising of Bros . Jetsum and Barnicoat ; the passing of Bro . Skeate ; and the initiation of Mr . F . Miller ( who had been previously approved by ballot ) , Mr . Thomas Brooks , proposed by Bro . Weedon P . M .,
seconded by Bro . Rowles S . D ., and Mr . Charles Albert Poole , proposed by Bro . Weedon P . M ., seconded by Bro . Nicholson . After the ballot , however , had been taken for the two last-named gentlemen , and before they were introduced , Bro . Coulton took fche chair as Installing Master , and tho W . M . elect , Bro . 0 . Rnss , was introduced to receive at his hands tho benefits of installation . Bro . Coulton is
an old P . M . of this Lodge , and we have ere this had occasion to speak of his skill . Suffice it , therefore , that on this occasion ho well sustained the reputation for care and ability he so well merits . Officers invested were : —Bros . Lonsdale S . W ., Rowles J . W ., Coulton P . M . Treasnrer , Coombes P . M . Secretary , Cooper S . D ., Nicholson Junior Deacon , Hall Inner Guard , Wilson Organist , Woodward Past
Master Director of Ceremonies , Duffin Tyler . The new W . M . then gave the benefit of the firsfc degree to the gentlemen named above , and by the able way in which he conducted the ceremony evidenced the choice the brethren had made was one that must ensure the duties of the chair being carried ont in an eminently satisfactory manner dnring the current year . In the course of the evening
reference was made by Bro . P . M . Swallow to the hapless condition of an old P . M . of the Lodge , and a petition for aid from the Board of Benevolence was signed by the Officers and members . After the hearty greetings . of the visiting brethren had been tendered , Lodge was closed . The banquet was served in a very creditable manner by host Bro . Philips . The W . M . efficiently presided , and in the briefest
terms proposed the regular toasts . A capital musical programme was gone through , but to our mind , it would have been better , in view of the exigencies of the hour if it had been curtailed . We may add that a P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Cook the outgoing Master . The brethren to whom the musical arrangements were entrusted were J . I . Cantle P . M ., Knight-Smith P . M ., and J . Arthur Thomas . We append a list of the songs , & o .: — "God save the
Queen ; ' Chorus and Duet , " God Bless the Prince of Wales ; Song , " My Pretty Jane , " Bro . Arthur Thomas ; Duet , "Excelsior , " Bros . Knight-Smith , and J . Ion Cantle ; Song , " The Blue Alsatian Mountains , " Bro . Knight-Smith ; Song , "Hurrah for Rosy Wine , " Bro . J . Ion Cantle ; Song , "The Gay Postillion" ( with Whip Obligato ) , Bro . Arthur Thomas ; New Song , " Who Cares , " Bro . J . Iou Cantle ; Duet , " All's Well , " Bros . Arthur Thomas and J . Ion Cantle ; Song , " Good Night , Beloved , " Bro . Knight-Smith .
Royal Alfred Lodge, No. 780.
TEMPTED by the geniality displayed by the clerk of the weather during the past week or ten days , the brethren assembled in considerable strength afc the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Friday , 25 th nit . The chair was taken by the W . M . Bro . B . E . Blasby , who was supported by his Officers ancl the following Past Masters : — Bros . W . Gomm , J . Chambers Rowe , Walter Goss ( Treasurer ) , Chas . May , Littlewood , W . Hilton ( Secretary ) , A . Beasley , H . Potter , & c ,
with the following Visitors : —Bros . J . E . Carpenter P . M . 1196 , R . J . Manning Treasnrer 446 , T . W . Knight P . P . G . D . C . Kent , W . Harding 193 , John Plowman 975 , Jas . Terry Secretary R . M . B . I ., N . Walton 865 , James Squire P . M . 3 , Charles Bean 889 , R . H . Pearson P . M . 1196 , W . Radcliffe I . P . M . 211 , J . J . Michael P . G . P . Kent , W . H . Air 554 , G . R . Cundell , and E . Morison jun . 1194 . Lodge was
opened at the hour appointed , and minutes of last regular and emergency meetings were read and confirmed . There were in attendance two candidates for raising—Bros . John Lees and Walter John Sperring . Both passed a satisfactory examination , and the ceremony of the degree was ably worked by the W . M . The aspirants for the second step were Bros . Samuel Blasby , Charles Thomas
James Hildersley , and J . Moore Lucas , who sustained their claim for preferment , and were duly passed . The ballot was then broug ht into requisition for Mr . George Jefferies , proposed by Bro . Blasby W . M ., and seconded by Bro . Roe P . M . ; for Mr . J . P . Flew , proposed by Bro . Squires , and seconded by Bro . Blasby W . M . ; and for
Mr . Henry Bailey , proposed by Bro . Blasby W . M ., and seconded by Bro . Maton . In each case the result was satisfactory , and these gentlemen were introduced and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . A sum of £ 2 2 s was voted from the funds in aid of the Hervey Memorial Fund , and £ 10 10 s towards tho List of Bro . P . M . Gomm , who has kindly undertaken