Article ROYAL ALFRED LODGE, No. 780. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SOIREE OF THE GREAT CITY LODGE, No. 1426. Page 1 of 1 Article EVENING STAR LODGE, No. 1719. Page 1 of 1 Article INDUSTRY LODGE, No. 186. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Alfred Lodge, No. 780.
Stewardship for the next Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution f r Boys- The resignation of two members was accepted , with regret , and after some propositions had been handed in , and rontiue work , Lodi'e was closed . After a brief interval the cnstomary banquet was served , Bro . Brill ably ministering to the requirements of the large withering . Ou the removal of the cloth the Loyal toasts were done
full justice to . Bro . Past Master Gomm eloquently sang the praises of Bro . Blasby ; all the members recognised the zeal displayed by their W . M ., and one and all wished him continued prosperity during his year of office . After a capital song by Bro . Jofferies , Bro . Blasby rose to reply . He felt their worthy I . P . M . had been too liberal in the uraise he had bestowed upon him . However , he could assure the
brethren he shonld ever strive to promote the welfare of the Looge , and the comfort of its members . The Past Masters were next complimented . Each of those present addressed a few observations , and many happy allusions were , in the conrse of their remarks , made to the p leasant byegones of the Lodge . The initiates were next toasted , and rep lies were forcibly made by the newly-made brethren . The toast of the Charities brought forth an elaborate statement of their
needs , and a pleasant resume of what each Institution was doing for the distressed brethren and their offspring . The toast of the Visitors brou"ht forth the eloquence of Bro . Carpenter , who could boast of forty-two years experience of what the Craft had done . The remaining toasts were not overlooked , and to each suitable responses were made . Altogether the evening passed most pleasantly , Bros . Flaw , Jefferies . Beasley , Gunner , Lucas , Hildersley ancl others contributing some excellent harmony . The Organist of the Lodge , Bro , Kent , ably assisted at the pianoforte .
Soiree Of The Great City Lodge, No. 1426.
rPHE members and friends of The Great City Lodge took part in a _ L most enjoyable entertainment on Saturday , 26 th March , at the Cannon Street Hotel . The Lodge is so noted for the thoroughness with which everything in connection therewith is undertaken , that we think very little need be said on that score ; suffice it , that this evening ' s meeting proved one of the most successful—if not the most
successful—that has ever been held . The opinion we entertain as to the desirability of having at least one ladies' night in connection with our Masonic year is well known . We are assured that the entertainment provided for the fair sex at such meetings as that given by The Great City Lodge can bnt be beneficial to the Craft , as through its influence the ladies come to look upon the Order with more favour
than is the case when they are rigorously excluded from any participation in the enjoyment of its periodical assemblies . We are very pleased to find this opinion growing in favour , and have no doubt that the example of The Great City and other influential Lodges will in the future be frequently followed , aud that ere long ifc will be fche cnstom rather than the exception , as at present , for the ladies to
participate in at least one of the Lodge meetings of the year . The programme for the evening , as provided at The Great City , was varied ; the entertainment commenced at half-past five for six , with a concert in the Great Hall , which was followed by Mr . Benn ' s exhibition , which , as many of onr readers are doubtless aware , is a display of that gentleman ' s wonderful ability in the art of portrait drawing , whioh
is , if not exactly instantaneous , at least very nearly so . His power in this direction was amply illustrated when he placed on the board the profile of one of the most prominent members of the Lodge , and the hearty applause which greeted the well known features showed the satisfaction of the spectators , not only of tbe artist ' s power , bufc also of the way in which the duties appertaining to his office are
fulfilled by the brother in question . This concluding the firsfc pari ; of the programme , an adjournment took place to the Pillar Hall , where supper was laid out in splendid style , the managers of the hotel apparentl y doing everything in their power to secure the comfort of those assembled . Afc the conclusion of the supper , the toasts were very few , the chairman proposing The Queen and the Craft , and later
on The Ladies . Success to The Great City Lodge was heartily proposed , and as heartily received . The W . M . Bro . Hamer , in replying , referred to the pleasure he and his brother Officers felt in witnessin g the success of the entertainment . He thanked the company for the way in which they had drunk to the success of the Lodge . He was extremel y proud to occupy the position of Worshipful Master , bnt
never had he felt more so than on the present occasion , when he saw around him so many friends other than members of the Lodge , but more particularly the Ladies . He then proposed the health of The ladies , calling upon Bro . Benn to respond . That gentleman , in answer to the call , said he felt it a great privilege to be associated with the ladies , either in a toast or in any other way . He would conclude his remarks with the oft repeated line
"The ladies , God bless them . " The W . M . desired to tender the thanks of the members to those who at 5 so kindl y contributed to the harmony of the evening . He then a j " ° nnced that a dance was arranged for in the great hall , and that e band was waiting . Accordingly , a removal was made and a ively dance was kept up until close upon midnight . We have 1 — J- " *» — «<«» w wuw ui / Uil i »» ii » i 44 j ; ij i /< ri U tlUITC
r n 7 ' d fcae evening was a most enjoyable one , a result which wh J , 6 bee ° achieved onlv at & reat trouble on tho part of those th f n ^ arraD g etneut of the preliminary details , and we think at all will agree with us in awarding the palm in that respect to f "wckie , the Secretary . When all passes off well there are few br . ° cor | 9 'der the amount of trouble that must have been entailed to lng about SO snccessfnl an issno . hnh wo imna-ino t-. hn . l-. lirr ,
how Con ' " ° f many an hour spent in arranging details ; in b ^ ' WaS ara P ^ y rewarded , as were all who had assisted him , { e , n 8 ab ' to point to so grand a result . We understand that at were ^ , ? ndred and fi % more tickets could have been allotted than min v " ' tlle comn ) ittee having deemed it better to disappoint a nn » oi t - to inconvenience all . The actual nnmber present was Pwards of two hundred and thirty .
Evening Star Lodge, No. 1719.
WE invariably look forward to fche meetings of this compact and ably conducted Lodge with much pleasure , and the gratification we experienced as tho result of our attendance on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., was all we could have hoped for . Lodgo was presided over by the W . M . Bro . William Sugg , who was right loyally supported by his Officers . The bnsiness comprised tho reading of the minutes of
last regular , and of an emergency meeting , which wero duly confirmed . Bro . John Copprn , who by the courtesy of the W . M . of the Windsor Lodge had received his second degree , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . Sugg ably conducting the ceremony , which was rendered the more impressive by the organ performance of Bro . Henry Sugg W . M . of the Frederick Lodge of Unity , No . 482 .
A candidate for initiation , who had for his sponsors Bros . Mildred and Mainwaring , was successfully ballotted for , and notice of motion was given that £ 5 5 s be voted from the Lodgo funds towards the Hervey Memorial Fund . The Treasurer reported that the balance in hand at the end of February amounted to £ 105 . An appeal was then made for brethren to offer themselves to serve as
Stewards , and Bro . A . Williams expressed his readiness to act for fche Girls' Institution ; £ 10 10 s was promised in support of his List . We regrefc no brother offered his services on behalf of " Our Boys , " as the Lodge , with considerate liberality , was quite prepared to advocate the granting of a like sum to that Institution . However , we are assured that at the next meeting of the Lodge one of its youngest
members , failing acceptance by a senior , will tender his services . We may add thafc Bro . J , W . Sugg intimated thafc afc the Festival in 1882 , for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , he would be happy to act as Steward for the Lodge . Some propositions for joining and initiation were then handed in . Bro . Magnus Ohren Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies then rose ; he stated
thafc ifc was with great pleasure ho had to inform the brethren that he had been entrusted with a commission from their I . P . M ., Bro . John Aird—a commission of which he felt prond ; it was to present the Lodge , in Bro . Aird's name , with a souvenir of his year of office as W . M ., and to mark the many happy hours he had spent with the brethren since the formation of the Lodge . He ( Bro . Ohren )
must remind the W . M . and brethren that they were already indebted to Bro . Aird for a very valuable gift to the Lodge . It would be in the recollection of all that the Founders eaoh did their best to furnish their Lodge in a manner worthy of the position it was destined to take in the Craft , and all had given to the best of their ability . On that occasion Bro . Aird took upon himself to supply the whole of the
collars and jewels required for tho Officers . The jewels were of massive silver , and the gift was , he need scarcely say , a most valuable one to the Lodge . Bro . Aird did not , however , rest satisfied with making thafc mark in the Lodgo , but desired to perpetuate his year of office still further , by the gift he now tendereda magnificent snuffbox . He felfc assured thafc the present and all
future Worshipful Masters would see that the box was placed on the banquet table at every meeting , so that future members might know tho kindness of feeling that existed amongst the brethren . Bro . Ohren then , on behalf of Bro . Past Master Aird , handed over tho handsome present , and moved that the best thanks of the Lodge be presented to Bro . Aird for this mark of his kindness , and that the
same bo recorded on the minutes , together with a copy of the inscription ; be felt confident that not only the Officers , but every member of this Lodge , would reciprocate all Bro . Aird ' s good wishes and good feeling , and thafc the motion would be carried with acclamation . It need scarcely be added the proposition was heartily carried . Bro . Aird , in reply , said thafc , agreeable as it was to hear such kind
remarks expressed , he felfc he ought not to have been present . However , his acknowledgments wero due to one , and all , especially to the Worshipful Master and the Secretary , Bro . Ohren . Bro . Mitchell appealed to the brethren for their suffrages and assistance on behalf of the widow of the late Bro . Diver , and recounted the particulars of the case , which was one of great distress . After one
or two other matters had been disposed of , Lodge was closed . A banquet was then partaken of , and the brethren spent the evening together most pleasantly . The Worshipful Master provided a capital musical entertainment , in which tha following artistes took part : — Misses Helen Grieffenhageu and Millie Turner ; Mr . Coward ; Bros .
Stedman , Charles Tinney , and J . Jeffreys . The following were present as Visitors : —Bros . Mitchell P . M . 944 P . G . J . W . Bombay , C . Hnme P . M . 209 , Roberts 209 , Allport 100 , Thomas Crapper 211 , Henry Sugg W . M . 482 , Cruckenden , W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , Vincent P . M ., Browning S . W . 33 , Tinney I . G . 1319 .
Industry Lodge, No. 186.
THE second Annual Ball was held on the 15 th nit ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , under the presidency of Bro . W . Philp W . M . and the following Stewards : —Bros . W . Mann P . M . and Treasurer , J . Seex P . M . Treasnrer , T . Tallent P . M ., G . Dyer P . M ., W . H . Hook P . M ., H . J . Johnson S . W ., J . F . Taffs J . W ., G . J . Dyer I . G ., W . S . Page W . S ., Noehmer P . M ., S . Earl , A . Leon , H . 0 . Day , T . Hollands
G . F . Stuchbury , H . Stubbins , F . W . Clayton , H . H . Leonard , F . J . Dnnsford ; and Bro . Douglass Robinson P . M ., who efficiently acted as M . O . The company , numbering over 100 , assembled in the Crown Room , where a very excellent band , under the direction of Bro . H . Baker , discoursed sweet music . A capital supper was provided by
Bro . A . Best , and after the ladies and brethren had partaken of the good things provided , the W . M ., Bro . Philp , said , although theirs was a social gathering , they could not go forth without drinking the health of the Queen , whom all revered ; he hoped she might
long enjoy health to reign over ns . Bro . W . Mann P . M . then rose . He would not take up their time in proposing his toasfc ; he must say that great credit is due to the W . M . for his exertions on behalf of the Lodge . Bro . Philp is a young Mason , but he is universall y respected . The W . M . thanked Bro . Mann for his kind remarks ; he
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Alfred Lodge, No. 780.
Stewardship for the next Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution f r Boys- The resignation of two members was accepted , with regret , and after some propositions had been handed in , and rontiue work , Lodi'e was closed . After a brief interval the cnstomary banquet was served , Bro . Brill ably ministering to the requirements of the large withering . Ou the removal of the cloth the Loyal toasts were done
full justice to . Bro . Past Master Gomm eloquently sang the praises of Bro . Blasby ; all the members recognised the zeal displayed by their W . M ., and one and all wished him continued prosperity during his year of office . After a capital song by Bro . Jofferies , Bro . Blasby rose to reply . He felt their worthy I . P . M . had been too liberal in the uraise he had bestowed upon him . However , he could assure the
brethren he shonld ever strive to promote the welfare of the Looge , and the comfort of its members . The Past Masters were next complimented . Each of those present addressed a few observations , and many happy allusions were , in the conrse of their remarks , made to the p leasant byegones of the Lodge . The initiates were next toasted , and rep lies were forcibly made by the newly-made brethren . The toast of the Charities brought forth an elaborate statement of their
needs , and a pleasant resume of what each Institution was doing for the distressed brethren and their offspring . The toast of the Visitors brou"ht forth the eloquence of Bro . Carpenter , who could boast of forty-two years experience of what the Craft had done . The remaining toasts were not overlooked , and to each suitable responses were made . Altogether the evening passed most pleasantly , Bros . Flaw , Jefferies . Beasley , Gunner , Lucas , Hildersley ancl others contributing some excellent harmony . The Organist of the Lodge , Bro , Kent , ably assisted at the pianoforte .
Soiree Of The Great City Lodge, No. 1426.
rPHE members and friends of The Great City Lodge took part in a _ L most enjoyable entertainment on Saturday , 26 th March , at the Cannon Street Hotel . The Lodge is so noted for the thoroughness with which everything in connection therewith is undertaken , that we think very little need be said on that score ; suffice it , that this evening ' s meeting proved one of the most successful—if not the most
successful—that has ever been held . The opinion we entertain as to the desirability of having at least one ladies' night in connection with our Masonic year is well known . We are assured that the entertainment provided for the fair sex at such meetings as that given by The Great City Lodge can bnt be beneficial to the Craft , as through its influence the ladies come to look upon the Order with more favour
than is the case when they are rigorously excluded from any participation in the enjoyment of its periodical assemblies . We are very pleased to find this opinion growing in favour , and have no doubt that the example of The Great City and other influential Lodges will in the future be frequently followed , aud that ere long ifc will be fche cnstom rather than the exception , as at present , for the ladies to
participate in at least one of the Lodge meetings of the year . The programme for the evening , as provided at The Great City , was varied ; the entertainment commenced at half-past five for six , with a concert in the Great Hall , which was followed by Mr . Benn ' s exhibition , which , as many of onr readers are doubtless aware , is a display of that gentleman ' s wonderful ability in the art of portrait drawing , whioh
is , if not exactly instantaneous , at least very nearly so . His power in this direction was amply illustrated when he placed on the board the profile of one of the most prominent members of the Lodge , and the hearty applause which greeted the well known features showed the satisfaction of the spectators , not only of tbe artist ' s power , bufc also of the way in which the duties appertaining to his office are
fulfilled by the brother in question . This concluding the firsfc pari ; of the programme , an adjournment took place to the Pillar Hall , where supper was laid out in splendid style , the managers of the hotel apparentl y doing everything in their power to secure the comfort of those assembled . Afc the conclusion of the supper , the toasts were very few , the chairman proposing The Queen and the Craft , and later
on The Ladies . Success to The Great City Lodge was heartily proposed , and as heartily received . The W . M . Bro . Hamer , in replying , referred to the pleasure he and his brother Officers felt in witnessin g the success of the entertainment . He thanked the company for the way in which they had drunk to the success of the Lodge . He was extremel y proud to occupy the position of Worshipful Master , bnt
never had he felt more so than on the present occasion , when he saw around him so many friends other than members of the Lodge , but more particularly the Ladies . He then proposed the health of The ladies , calling upon Bro . Benn to respond . That gentleman , in answer to the call , said he felt it a great privilege to be associated with the ladies , either in a toast or in any other way . He would conclude his remarks with the oft repeated line
"The ladies , God bless them . " The W . M . desired to tender the thanks of the members to those who at 5 so kindl y contributed to the harmony of the evening . He then a j " ° nnced that a dance was arranged for in the great hall , and that e band was waiting . Accordingly , a removal was made and a ively dance was kept up until close upon midnight . We have 1 — J- " *» — «<«» w wuw ui / Uil i »» ii » i 44 j ; ij i /< ri U tlUITC
r n 7 ' d fcae evening was a most enjoyable one , a result which wh J , 6 bee ° achieved onlv at & reat trouble on tho part of those th f n ^ arraD g etneut of the preliminary details , and we think at all will agree with us in awarding the palm in that respect to f "wckie , the Secretary . When all passes off well there are few br . ° cor | 9 'der the amount of trouble that must have been entailed to lng about SO snccessfnl an issno . hnh wo imna-ino t-. hn . l-. lirr ,
how Con ' " ° f many an hour spent in arranging details ; in b ^ ' WaS ara P ^ y rewarded , as were all who had assisted him , { e , n 8 ab ' to point to so grand a result . We understand that at were ^ , ? ndred and fi % more tickets could have been allotted than min v " ' tlle comn ) ittee having deemed it better to disappoint a nn » oi t - to inconvenience all . The actual nnmber present was Pwards of two hundred and thirty .
Evening Star Lodge, No. 1719.
WE invariably look forward to fche meetings of this compact and ably conducted Lodge with much pleasure , and the gratification we experienced as tho result of our attendance on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., was all we could have hoped for . Lodgo was presided over by the W . M . Bro . William Sugg , who was right loyally supported by his Officers . The bnsiness comprised tho reading of the minutes of
last regular , and of an emergency meeting , which wero duly confirmed . Bro . John Copprn , who by the courtesy of the W . M . of the Windsor Lodge had received his second degree , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . Sugg ably conducting the ceremony , which was rendered the more impressive by the organ performance of Bro . Henry Sugg W . M . of the Frederick Lodge of Unity , No . 482 .
A candidate for initiation , who had for his sponsors Bros . Mildred and Mainwaring , was successfully ballotted for , and notice of motion was given that £ 5 5 s be voted from the Lodgo funds towards the Hervey Memorial Fund . The Treasurer reported that the balance in hand at the end of February amounted to £ 105 . An appeal was then made for brethren to offer themselves to serve as
Stewards , and Bro . A . Williams expressed his readiness to act for fche Girls' Institution ; £ 10 10 s was promised in support of his List . We regrefc no brother offered his services on behalf of " Our Boys , " as the Lodge , with considerate liberality , was quite prepared to advocate the granting of a like sum to that Institution . However , we are assured that at the next meeting of the Lodge one of its youngest
members , failing acceptance by a senior , will tender his services . We may add thafc Bro . J , W . Sugg intimated thafc afc the Festival in 1882 , for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , he would be happy to act as Steward for the Lodge . Some propositions for joining and initiation were then handed in . Bro . Magnus Ohren Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies then rose ; he stated
thafc ifc was with great pleasure ho had to inform the brethren that he had been entrusted with a commission from their I . P . M ., Bro . John Aird—a commission of which he felt prond ; it was to present the Lodge , in Bro . Aird's name , with a souvenir of his year of office as W . M ., and to mark the many happy hours he had spent with the brethren since the formation of the Lodge . He ( Bro . Ohren )
must remind the W . M . and brethren that they were already indebted to Bro . Aird for a very valuable gift to the Lodge . It would be in the recollection of all that the Founders eaoh did their best to furnish their Lodge in a manner worthy of the position it was destined to take in the Craft , and all had given to the best of their ability . On that occasion Bro . Aird took upon himself to supply the whole of the
collars and jewels required for tho Officers . The jewels were of massive silver , and the gift was , he need scarcely say , a most valuable one to the Lodge . Bro . Aird did not , however , rest satisfied with making thafc mark in the Lodgo , but desired to perpetuate his year of office still further , by the gift he now tendereda magnificent snuffbox . He felfc assured thafc the present and all
future Worshipful Masters would see that the box was placed on the banquet table at every meeting , so that future members might know tho kindness of feeling that existed amongst the brethren . Bro . Ohren then , on behalf of Bro . Past Master Aird , handed over tho handsome present , and moved that the best thanks of the Lodge be presented to Bro . Aird for this mark of his kindness , and that the
same bo recorded on the minutes , together with a copy of the inscription ; be felt confident that not only the Officers , but every member of this Lodge , would reciprocate all Bro . Aird ' s good wishes and good feeling , and thafc the motion would be carried with acclamation . It need scarcely be added the proposition was heartily carried . Bro . Aird , in reply , said thafc , agreeable as it was to hear such kind
remarks expressed , he felfc he ought not to have been present . However , his acknowledgments wero due to one , and all , especially to the Worshipful Master and the Secretary , Bro . Ohren . Bro . Mitchell appealed to the brethren for their suffrages and assistance on behalf of the widow of the late Bro . Diver , and recounted the particulars of the case , which was one of great distress . After one
or two other matters had been disposed of , Lodge was closed . A banquet was then partaken of , and the brethren spent the evening together most pleasantly . The Worshipful Master provided a capital musical entertainment , in which tha following artistes took part : — Misses Helen Grieffenhageu and Millie Turner ; Mr . Coward ; Bros .
Stedman , Charles Tinney , and J . Jeffreys . The following were present as Visitors : —Bros . Mitchell P . M . 944 P . G . J . W . Bombay , C . Hnme P . M . 209 , Roberts 209 , Allport 100 , Thomas Crapper 211 , Henry Sugg W . M . 482 , Cruckenden , W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , Vincent P . M ., Browning S . W . 33 , Tinney I . G . 1319 .
Industry Lodge, No. 186.
THE second Annual Ball was held on the 15 th nit ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , under the presidency of Bro . W . Philp W . M . and the following Stewards : —Bros . W . Mann P . M . and Treasurer , J . Seex P . M . Treasnrer , T . Tallent P . M ., G . Dyer P . M ., W . H . Hook P . M ., H . J . Johnson S . W ., J . F . Taffs J . W ., G . J . Dyer I . G ., W . S . Page W . S ., Noehmer P . M ., S . Earl , A . Leon , H . 0 . Day , T . Hollands
G . F . Stuchbury , H . Stubbins , F . W . Clayton , H . H . Leonard , F . J . Dnnsford ; and Bro . Douglass Robinson P . M ., who efficiently acted as M . O . The company , numbering over 100 , assembled in the Crown Room , where a very excellent band , under the direction of Bro . H . Baker , discoursed sweet music . A capital supper was provided by
Bro . A . Best , and after the ladies and brethren had partaken of the good things provided , the W . M ., Bro . Philp , said , although theirs was a social gathering , they could not go forth without drinking the health of the Queen , whom all revered ; he hoped she might
long enjoy health to reign over ns . Bro . W . Mann P . M . then rose . He would not take up their time in proposing his toasfc ; he must say that great credit is due to the W . M . for his exertions on behalf of the Lodge . Bro . Philp is a young Mason , but he is universall y respected . The W . M . thanked Bro . Mann for his kind remarks ; he