Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
llajuil lltasonit Institution for ( Bids , ST \ JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Patrons : H . lt . U . nit ; PRINCE OK WALKS K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M .. PKKSIDKXT . IlKU IIOYAL HlliHXKSS THK PlilNUESS Of W . Vl'KS . A QUARTERLY General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be hold at Freemasons' Hall , tiro it Queen Street , Lincoln ' s In" . Fields , Loudon , on Saturday , the !) tu day of April 18 S 1 , at Twelve o ' clock precisely , ou tho Uuuei-al liusiuu > s of this lustit ition , to consider Notices of Motion as follow , and to elect Fifteen Girls into the Schools by linllot , from a list of Twenty-eight approved Candidates . The Election will commence at One o ' clock ( or after the usual business is over ) and close at Three o ' clock precisely . NOTICES OF MOTION BY BRO . THOMAS MASSA : — " That Competition designs be invited from Freemason Architects who nre Governors of tho Institution for a Preparatory School to l > o built on the newly purchased site , facing Wandsworth . Road , to accommodate the children now temporarily lodged in Lyncombo House aud 50 others iu addition . " 1 st . —That the act of tho House Committee in trying to get a scheme from a builder ! for an additional new staircase to the Infirmary , in lieu of a proper design from the Architect , was as irregular as it proved abortive . 2 nd . —That it wculd bo prejudicial to erect tho now staircase , without taking into consideration the other additional accommodation now required by the greatly enlarged establishment , as shown on the competition designs accepted by the Infirmary Committee in 1871 . 3 rd . —That it is unmasonic and derogatory to tho Craft to "solicit" a cowan , or employ a person who is not a Freemason , to act as Architect to complete a "Masonic" building , to tho detriment of a brother who was appointed Architect us the renumeration for supplying the design in competition ; who has carried out a portion satisfactorily , and against whom " no offence is alleged ; that it is a slur on all Freemason Architects , especially on the many who are Governors of die Institution ; and ttiat tho House Committee be y « nueateu to consider tho subject , aud report to tho General Committee thereon . " That the Resolution passed by the House Committee , 17 th February 1881 , with regard to tho Architect of the Infirmary and his letters to tho Committee , is inconsistent with the facts . " F . It . \ V . HEDGES , OMICE—5 FBEEMASONS' HALL , Secretary . GKEAT Qcuiijr STKJifST , W . C . 1 st April 1881 .
THE NLNETY-TEIIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will take place on "Wednesday , 18 th Jlay next , The Bt . Hon . Sir MICHAELE . HICKS BEACH , Bart ., M . P . R . W . Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , in the Chair . Stewards are urgently needed .
THE FRENCH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE . —BRO . LEON A . MESROUZE P . M . 1238 , B-es L'University of France , wishes to obtain soma additional Pupils . Special and superior Instruction for advanced Pupils and Candidates for Examinations . Highest references . —Address 80 Lansdowne Road , Netting Hill , London , W .
NOTICE—PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL . Messrs . LEWIS , of 123 Chancery-lane , give advico and legal assistance , and also undertake the settlement of the affairs of all those who are in debt or difficulties , without publicity or stoppage of business . Probate and Divorce cases attended to . Hours-Eleven to Four , Saturdays Eleven to One .
Tenth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing this Disease . By EOBBRT G . WAITS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., ! kc ., 5 Bulstrode-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . IIITCHBLI , Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
" 3 fe IVOBT : K . A . I : EI EBTJSSES y § © Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , CD I Sliirti ^^ iBBOug is < r > 5 ™ 9 'JO llPlSS )( iS ^ P i ° P % ftn iPi ft r % r ^ s ^^ a r ^ Sr & Z A & & XS 7-OttS- G-OOD 8 I 3 ST C 3-E 3 STEUJ & . XI , " a ' § o Wholesale & for Exportation & the Trade only , g g > fn ' 1 f \ ^ _ ^ a ^^ -Mjl _ J _ —; = > rJ 1 p . ^ ras _ _ n > £ I flfil 1 g G = ^ M > Q fifn # fSRfw go j ^_ A = z-r ^ —iigj \^ Ii U ir ^^ ^?^!^ £ © -A - x' jECEnsntsnGr IBIROS . Ivory Works , 2 PH it . HIGH STREET , LONDON . W . O- Q ,
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekl y Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned hy the Grand Lodge of England . Price -13 s 6 d per annum , post free . r pHE FREEMASONS CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct - * - from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Inending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . , ^? Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at High Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally gooa medium for Advertisements of every class .
^^ V ^ V ^^ J ^ J ^^ j f ^ M ^ JtJ' ^^ JV ^ mK ^ H ^^^ M ^^^ a B ^ w . wrcgTO [ S g jpgpg ^ wCTOTqwfi ' 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . O .
Provincial G.L. Of Staffordshire , Installation Of A Grand Master.
rpHE installation of Bro . Major George Singleton Tudor as Pro--L vincial Grand Master of Staffordshire , took place at the Borough ^ ll , Stafford , on 21 st ult ., in presence of upwards of two hundred and fift y brethren , including several visitors from Grand Lodge and from ot her provinces . Since the lamented death , in May 1877 , of tho ^ arl of Shrewsbury , who had been tho ruler of the Craft in Staffordshire from 1871 to that date , tho province had been under tho
direction of Bro . Macintyre , Grand Registrar . At the first annual meeting of the P . G . Lodgo after the death of the Earl of Shrewsbury Bro . Tudor succeeded Bro . Frank James in the ollico of D . P . G . M ., a position which he ( Bro . Tudor ) had formerly occupied . Bro . Tudor is highly esteemed as a Mason , and tho announcement that hia Royal Highness the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M . had appointed him
R . W . G . M . of Staffordshire gave universal satisfaction . To this feeling no doubt may be attributed the large attendance of brethreu ou Monday . The Earl of Lathom D . G . M . attended to perform the installation ceremony , aud amongst those who were present were Bros . Col . Shadwell H . Gierke Grand Secretary , P . Richardson S . G . D ., H . T . S . Baring J . G . D ., W . B . Hughes , M . P ., D . G . M . of North Wales
and Shropshire , Capt . Hunter P . P . G . M . Aberdeenshire , Foster Gough P . D . P . G . M ., Frank James P . D . P . G . M ., P . B . Spencer 1149 P . P . G . W . Surrey . The Provincial Grand Officers present were Bros . W . Bayliss S . W ., R . Tooth Registrar , J . Bodenham Treasurer , W . Cartwright Secretary , the Revs . E . C . Perry and J . Birch Chaplains , W . E . Parkea S . D ., G . Pitchford J . D ., K . Macrae Superintendent of Works ,
T . E . Powke A . D . C , R . Tolson P . G . P ., T . Bedsmore P . G . O ., J . Woolridge , J . B . M'Callum , J . Hayes , J . Mottram , T . Rigby , T . Wood Stewards , H . Baggnley Tyler . The Staffordshire Knott Lodge ( 26 ) was opened by Bro . Wood W . M ., at one o ' clock . Shortly after , the Earl of Lathom entered the room , received the salute , opened the P . G . Lodge , and called upon
the P . G . Secretary ( Bro . Cartwright ) to read the minntes of tho last meeting . A communication was received from Col . Vernon , formerly P . G . M ., stating that the condition of his health prevented him from attending , and Col . Gierke conveyed a message from Brother Macintyre Grand Registrar , regretting his inability to be present . The Earl of Lathom said they had met to instal a Grand Master of
the Province . They were aware that the province had been under the charge of Bro . Macintyre for some time , and knowing as he did what a good Mason Bro . Macintyre was , they must have been satisfied with the way in which he had discharged his duties . Ha had often been invited to come into Staffordshire by their late worthy P . G . M . the Earl of Shrewsbury , whose death , ho was sure , must have
been folfc as a great loss to every one of them , and although he had not visited the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire before , he had the greatest possible pleasure in attending to instal Bro . Tndor . The arrival of tho P . G . M . designate having been announced , and he having sent in his patent , he was admitted by a deputation of Masters and Piist Masters and conducted to the pedestal . The P . G . Secretary
then read the patent , and after a prayer by Bro . the Rev . E . C . Perry P . G . Chaplain , Bro . Tudor was duly installed , and invested with the apron , chain , and jewel of office , after which he was proclaimed and saluted . Bro . Tudor ou taking the chair said , the honour which tho Prince of Wales as Grand Master had conferred upon him had taken him bv surprise , but he esteemed the appointment a very high
hononr , and ho also felt it a great compliment for the Earl of Lathom to have attended and installed him . He hoped that the Earl would never have cause to regret the part which he had taken in the proceedings of that day , and that he ( Bro . Tudor ) would be able to satisfy the Masons of Staffordshire , whose renewed proof of kindness that day would be an incentive to him to continue to try to do his
duty . Bro . Foster Gough , who formerly held the office of D . P . G . Master , was again appointed to that office , and as such was saluted by the brethren . The following brethren were appointed to Provincial Grand offices : —Bros . W . J . Gothard 624 Burton S . W ., T . Bickley H 8 Hanley J . W ., the Ven . Archdeacon lies Wolverhampton , Chaplain , the Rev . J . Burch , Wednesfield , Chaplain , T . Wood 726
Stafford , Registrar , W . Cartwright 4 ( 30 Newcastle , Secretary , J . G . Ainsworth 460 Newcastle , S . D ., F . VV . Grove , Stoke , J . D ., C . Round 347 Tipton , Superintendent of Works , T . E . Fowke 726 Stafford , D . C , J . F . Pepper 482 Handsworth , A . D . C , J . Thorburn 98 Burslem , Swordbearer , T . Bedsmore 1039 Lichfield , Organist , J . Bryan 526 Wolverhampton , Pursuivant , Captain Thorn 526 Wolverhampton
Standard Bearer . Bro . J . Bodenham 726 Stafford , was re-appointed , by the unanimous votes of the brethren , to the office of Treasurer , and H . Baggnley was , with equal unanimity , re-appointed Tyler . A Committee was appointed to go through the bye-laws of the P . G . Lodge . Bro . F . James P . D . P . G . M ., said they had met to witness the
performance of a duty to which they had long looked forward , and he had great pleasure in proposing a vote of thanks to the D . G . M . of England for having come amongst them to instal the Prov . Grand Master of Staffordshire . Everyone acquainted with Masonic literature was well aware how well the Earl of Lathom performed the duties entrusted to him . His zeal never flagged , and while proposing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
llajuil lltasonit Institution for ( Bids , ST \ JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Patrons : H . lt . U . nit ; PRINCE OK WALKS K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M .. PKKSIDKXT . IlKU IIOYAL HlliHXKSS THK PlilNUESS Of W . Vl'KS . A QUARTERLY General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be hold at Freemasons' Hall , tiro it Queen Street , Lincoln ' s In" . Fields , Loudon , on Saturday , the !) tu day of April 18 S 1 , at Twelve o ' clock precisely , ou tho Uuuei-al liusiuu > s of this lustit ition , to consider Notices of Motion as follow , and to elect Fifteen Girls into the Schools by linllot , from a list of Twenty-eight approved Candidates . The Election will commence at One o ' clock ( or after the usual business is over ) and close at Three o ' clock precisely . NOTICES OF MOTION BY BRO . THOMAS MASSA : — " That Competition designs be invited from Freemason Architects who nre Governors of tho Institution for a Preparatory School to l > o built on the newly purchased site , facing Wandsworth . Road , to accommodate the children now temporarily lodged in Lyncombo House aud 50 others iu addition . " 1 st . —That the act of tho House Committee in trying to get a scheme from a builder ! for an additional new staircase to the Infirmary , in lieu of a proper design from the Architect , was as irregular as it proved abortive . 2 nd . —That it wculd bo prejudicial to erect tho now staircase , without taking into consideration the other additional accommodation now required by the greatly enlarged establishment , as shown on the competition designs accepted by the Infirmary Committee in 1871 . 3 rd . —That it is unmasonic and derogatory to tho Craft to "solicit" a cowan , or employ a person who is not a Freemason , to act as Architect to complete a "Masonic" building , to tho detriment of a brother who was appointed Architect us the renumeration for supplying the design in competition ; who has carried out a portion satisfactorily , and against whom " no offence is alleged ; that it is a slur on all Freemason Architects , especially on the many who are Governors of die Institution ; and ttiat tho House Committee be y « nueateu to consider tho subject , aud report to tho General Committee thereon . " That the Resolution passed by the House Committee , 17 th February 1881 , with regard to tho Architect of the Infirmary and his letters to tho Committee , is inconsistent with the facts . " F . It . \ V . HEDGES , OMICE—5 FBEEMASONS' HALL , Secretary . GKEAT Qcuiijr STKJifST , W . C . 1 st April 1881 .
THE NLNETY-TEIIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will take place on "Wednesday , 18 th Jlay next , The Bt . Hon . Sir MICHAELE . HICKS BEACH , Bart ., M . P . R . W . Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , in the Chair . Stewards are urgently needed .
THE FRENCH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE . —BRO . LEON A . MESROUZE P . M . 1238 , B-es L'University of France , wishes to obtain soma additional Pupils . Special and superior Instruction for advanced Pupils and Candidates for Examinations . Highest references . —Address 80 Lansdowne Road , Netting Hill , London , W .
NOTICE—PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL . Messrs . LEWIS , of 123 Chancery-lane , give advico and legal assistance , and also undertake the settlement of the affairs of all those who are in debt or difficulties , without publicity or stoppage of business . Probate and Divorce cases attended to . Hours-Eleven to Four , Saturdays Eleven to One .
Tenth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing this Disease . By EOBBRT G . WAITS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., ! kc ., 5 Bulstrode-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . IIITCHBLI , Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
" 3 fe IVOBT : K . A . I : EI EBTJSSES y § © Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , CD I Sliirti ^^ iBBOug is < r > 5 ™ 9 'JO llPlSS )( iS ^ P i ° P % ftn iPi ft r % r ^ s ^^ a r ^ Sr & Z A & & XS 7-OttS- G-OOD 8 I 3 ST C 3-E 3 STEUJ & . XI , " a ' § o Wholesale & for Exportation & the Trade only , g g > fn ' 1 f \ ^ _ ^ a ^^ -Mjl _ J _ —; = > rJ 1 p . ^ ras _ _ n > £ I flfil 1 g G = ^ M > Q fifn # fSRfw go j ^_ A = z-r ^ —iigj \^ Ii U ir ^^ ^?^!^ £ © -A - x' jECEnsntsnGr IBIROS . Ivory Works , 2 PH it . HIGH STREET , LONDON . W . O- Q ,
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekl y Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned hy the Grand Lodge of England . Price -13 s 6 d per annum , post free . r pHE FREEMASONS CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct - * - from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Inending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . , ^? Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at High Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally gooa medium for Advertisements of every class .
^^ V ^ V ^^ J ^ J ^^ j f ^ M ^ JtJ' ^^ JV ^ mK ^ H ^^^ M ^^^ a B ^ w . wrcgTO [ S g jpgpg ^ wCTOTqwfi ' 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . O .
Provincial G.L. Of Staffordshire , Installation Of A Grand Master.
rpHE installation of Bro . Major George Singleton Tudor as Pro--L vincial Grand Master of Staffordshire , took place at the Borough ^ ll , Stafford , on 21 st ult ., in presence of upwards of two hundred and fift y brethren , including several visitors from Grand Lodge and from ot her provinces . Since the lamented death , in May 1877 , of tho ^ arl of Shrewsbury , who had been tho ruler of the Craft in Staffordshire from 1871 to that date , tho province had been under tho
direction of Bro . Macintyre , Grand Registrar . At the first annual meeting of the P . G . Lodgo after the death of the Earl of Shrewsbury Bro . Tudor succeeded Bro . Frank James in the ollico of D . P . G . M ., a position which he ( Bro . Tudor ) had formerly occupied . Bro . Tudor is highly esteemed as a Mason , and tho announcement that hia Royal Highness the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M . had appointed him
R . W . G . M . of Staffordshire gave universal satisfaction . To this feeling no doubt may be attributed the large attendance of brethreu ou Monday . The Earl of Lathom D . G . M . attended to perform the installation ceremony , aud amongst those who were present were Bros . Col . Shadwell H . Gierke Grand Secretary , P . Richardson S . G . D ., H . T . S . Baring J . G . D ., W . B . Hughes , M . P ., D . G . M . of North Wales
and Shropshire , Capt . Hunter P . P . G . M . Aberdeenshire , Foster Gough P . D . P . G . M ., Frank James P . D . P . G . M ., P . B . Spencer 1149 P . P . G . W . Surrey . The Provincial Grand Officers present were Bros . W . Bayliss S . W ., R . Tooth Registrar , J . Bodenham Treasurer , W . Cartwright Secretary , the Revs . E . C . Perry and J . Birch Chaplains , W . E . Parkea S . D ., G . Pitchford J . D ., K . Macrae Superintendent of Works ,
T . E . Powke A . D . C , R . Tolson P . G . P ., T . Bedsmore P . G . O ., J . Woolridge , J . B . M'Callum , J . Hayes , J . Mottram , T . Rigby , T . Wood Stewards , H . Baggnley Tyler . The Staffordshire Knott Lodge ( 26 ) was opened by Bro . Wood W . M ., at one o ' clock . Shortly after , the Earl of Lathom entered the room , received the salute , opened the P . G . Lodge , and called upon
the P . G . Secretary ( Bro . Cartwright ) to read the minntes of tho last meeting . A communication was received from Col . Vernon , formerly P . G . M ., stating that the condition of his health prevented him from attending , and Col . Gierke conveyed a message from Brother Macintyre Grand Registrar , regretting his inability to be present . The Earl of Lathom said they had met to instal a Grand Master of
the Province . They were aware that the province had been under the charge of Bro . Macintyre for some time , and knowing as he did what a good Mason Bro . Macintyre was , they must have been satisfied with the way in which he had discharged his duties . Ha had often been invited to come into Staffordshire by their late worthy P . G . M . the Earl of Shrewsbury , whose death , ho was sure , must have
been folfc as a great loss to every one of them , and although he had not visited the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire before , he had the greatest possible pleasure in attending to instal Bro . Tndor . The arrival of tho P . G . M . designate having been announced , and he having sent in his patent , he was admitted by a deputation of Masters and Piist Masters and conducted to the pedestal . The P . G . Secretary
then read the patent , and after a prayer by Bro . the Rev . E . C . Perry P . G . Chaplain , Bro . Tudor was duly installed , and invested with the apron , chain , and jewel of office , after which he was proclaimed and saluted . Bro . Tudor ou taking the chair said , the honour which tho Prince of Wales as Grand Master had conferred upon him had taken him bv surprise , but he esteemed the appointment a very high
hononr , and ho also felt it a great compliment for the Earl of Lathom to have attended and installed him . He hoped that the Earl would never have cause to regret the part which he had taken in the proceedings of that day , and that he ( Bro . Tudor ) would be able to satisfy the Masons of Staffordshire , whose renewed proof of kindness that day would be an incentive to him to continue to try to do his
duty . Bro . Foster Gough , who formerly held the office of D . P . G . Master , was again appointed to that office , and as such was saluted by the brethren . The following brethren were appointed to Provincial Grand offices : —Bros . W . J . Gothard 624 Burton S . W ., T . Bickley H 8 Hanley J . W ., the Ven . Archdeacon lies Wolverhampton , Chaplain , the Rev . J . Burch , Wednesfield , Chaplain , T . Wood 726
Stafford , Registrar , W . Cartwright 4 ( 30 Newcastle , Secretary , J . G . Ainsworth 460 Newcastle , S . D ., F . VV . Grove , Stoke , J . D ., C . Round 347 Tipton , Superintendent of Works , T . E . Fowke 726 Stafford , D . C , J . F . Pepper 482 Handsworth , A . D . C , J . Thorburn 98 Burslem , Swordbearer , T . Bedsmore 1039 Lichfield , Organist , J . Bryan 526 Wolverhampton , Pursuivant , Captain Thorn 526 Wolverhampton
Standard Bearer . Bro . J . Bodenham 726 Stafford , was re-appointed , by the unanimous votes of the brethren , to the office of Treasurer , and H . Baggnley was , with equal unanimity , re-appointed Tyler . A Committee was appointed to go through the bye-laws of the P . G . Lodge . Bro . F . James P . D . P . G . M ., said they had met to witness the
performance of a duty to which they had long looked forward , and he had great pleasure in proposing a vote of thanks to the D . G . M . of England for having come amongst them to instal the Prov . Grand Master of Staffordshire . Everyone acquainted with Masonic literature was well aware how well the Earl of Lathom performed the duties entrusted to him . His zeal never flagged , and while proposing