Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . All Letters must bear the name anl address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
REBUILDING OF THE TEMPLE . To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . —Allow me to say a few words on the above-named subject . 1 see by the agenda paper for the business of Grand Lodge to be holden on the 6 th June , a scheme will be presented for the
rebuilding and enlargement of the Temple . Without going fully into the question afc this early stage , I can venture an opinion that no scheme will be satisfactory to members of the Craffc in London , as well as in the Provinces , whioh does not erabrace ample accommodation for those who have fco transact Masonio
business with the Executive of Grand Lodge , or with fche Secretaries of our valued and increasing Charitable Institutions , whose offices are under the same roof , more particularly abont the election times . At present , there is not a room , nofc even a desk , where a Mason can write a letter , or a room in which to wait the arrival of any person you may have appointed to meet .
I will add an opinion thafc the so-called " strong room , " in which onr valuable books and documents are kept , is little better than a sham—and that everything in ifc would be destroyed if a serious tire occurred . Trusting that ample opportunity will be given for the consideration of these very important matters , and necessarily large expenditure ,
I am , Sir , Yours fraternally , HENRY SMITH P . M . St . John ' s , Wakefield , 29 th May 1883 .
REVISION OF THE BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS . To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —There appears to be a disposition in some places to rnn counter to the old proverb , " Leave well alone , " and to revolutionise old customs . Not long since we had a new Grand
Treasurer elected , as was said at the time that Grand Lodge might bestow the Purple on a worthy brother of forty year's Masonic service , and I am told that ifc is intended to fill this office annually in future .
Now , may I ask , is there any reason why other offices hitherto looked upon as permanent should nofc share the same fate if these changes be for the good of Freemasonry in general and Grand Lodge in particular ? The following offices have been held by the same worthy brethren from the dates I annex to the present time-Grand Director of Ceremonies .. . . I 860
Grand Registrar 1862 President Board of General Purposes - - 1874 and the two former have received tbe additional hononr of the rank of Past Grand Warden . Now that it is in contemplation to revise the Book of Constitutions , a fitting opportunity is afforded to lay down fche law that theso offices be held for a period of , say , three or five years at mosfc . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally . HIRAM .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I see , by the agenda paper for the next Quarterl y Communication , thafc an election will take place for a portion of the R . M . B . I . Committee of Management , by the nomination of a brother who , whilst a member of it , some time since , rarely attended any of its meetingsand whobeing a member of the Finance
, , Committee also , did nofc attend once during the year .- Strange to say , the brother nominating this apathatic brother is nofc even a subscriber of 5 s a year to the Institution . Again , the nominee is about to change his residence from London to Bournemouth ; this would still further militate against his chance of attendance . Now , the brethren
who have been in during the year have attended very punctually , and are nominated for re-election . May I therefore ask the Craft to vote for those nominated by Bro . Perceval , and to leave the aforesaid brother where he left the business of the R . M . B . I ., when he had fche hononr of election , —alone . Yours fraternally , P . M . 30 fch May 1883 .
HOLMWAY ' S OINTMENT AND Pn . i , s . —Those who have given these remedies a " air trial freely admit that thoy inherently possess every property suitable tor healing and removing eruptions , ulcerations , fistulas , abscesses , tores , bad jess , gathered breasts , and all disorders of the glandular svstem . When carelull v rubbed in the Ointment relaxes the swollen mnscles " , diminishes inflammation , assuages pain , and even alleviates dangerous maladies which may have mated for months , or even years . Holloway ' s excellent preparations are effective singly , resistless in combination , and have been recommended by grateful patients to be resorted to as alteratives when all other means of regaining health has failed , Their action is temperate , not violent or reducing .
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MALTA . THE annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Tunis , on the 26 th ult . The Kingston Lodge , No . 222 , was opened by its W . M . R . W . Bro . A . Broadley P . D . G . M . M . of the Mediterranean , with a satisfactory attendance of Officers and brethren , and two candidates were duly advanced to the M . M . M . Degree . Prov . Grand Lodge was then opened by R . W . Bro . T . F . Reade , Her Britannic Majesty ' s Consul General at Tunis ,
P . G . M . of North Africa , assisted by several of his Grand Officers and his D . P . G . M . Dr . A . Perini . The P . G . M ., in a short address , congratulated the brethren on the continued and increased prosperity of the Mark Dearree in North Africa . He attributed this mainly to fche untiring zeal of his friend and predecessor , Bro . Broadley , who always found time amidst his private pursuits , however pressing
( and fchey knew how hard worked he was ) , to fulfil his dutiea to the Craft . Sirce Provincial Grand Lodge last met Brother Broadley had twice visited Egypt , and the flourishing Lodge of Egypt , No . 311 , at Cairo , was a memorial of his handiwork . The zeal of the Egyptian brethren was beyond all praise , and he was pleased that the M . W . G . M . had conferred distinguished honours on his old friend , Bro . Borg , M . W . G . M . of Egypt , and on
Captain Williams-Freeman , who had worked the Lodge since its opening . He hoped soon to see a prosperous Lodge in Alexandria . He felt bound before sitting down to publicly thank Bro . Broadley for his invaluable assistance , and he trusted that when his term of office ended , that brother mig ht be induced to succeed him and carry out in the new Province of North Africa the same work as would ever render memorable his administration as head of the old Province of
Tunis and Malta . The following Provincial Grand Officers were then appointed : — Bro . Captain Williams . Freeman 311 . Deputy G . M . Col . Sir W . N . D . Pringle , Bart ., 311 . G . Senior Warden Jules Emile Geissel 222 ... ... G . Junior Warden E . T . Rogers Bey 311 ... ... G . Master Overseer E . A . Perkins 254 .. ... ... G . Senior Overseer
J . Wilson Bey 311 ... ... ... G . Junior Overseer The Hon . M . Napier 311 ... ... G . Registrar A . Andrey 222 ... ... ... G . Secretary Captain Pemmington 311 ... ... G . Asst . Secretary Commandant Coyne 222 ... .. G . D . of C . R . C . Waller Bey 311 ... ... G . Sup . of Works N . D'Amico 254 .. ... •• G . Senior Deacon
Quartermaster H . MoKinnon 311 ... G . Junior Deacon Michel 222 ... ... G . Standard Bearer Prince 311 ... ... ... G . Sword Bearer Commander W . M . Bridger , R . N ., 222 G . Organist Flak 222 ... ... ... ... G . Inner Guard Audemar ... ... ... ¦•¦} Goodall ... ... ... ... ^ G . Stewards Angelica ... ... ... ... ) A . Villareale 222 ... ... ... G . Tyler .
Bro . Broadley briefly acknowledged the complimentary remarks of Bro . Reade , who then closed the Provincial Grand Lodge , and retired . The Kingston Lodge was then closed in ancient form .
The Summer Half-Yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown will be held at Freemasons' Tavern , Greafc Qneen Street , on Tuesday next , the 5 th insfc ., under the presidency of the Right Hon . Lord Henniker , Mosfc Worshipful Grand Mark Master .
A very satisfactory meeting of the Walpole M . M . M . Lodge , No . 92 , was held afc Norwich , on Monday lasfc ; twelve candidates were advanced to the degree on this occasion .
Among the brethren nominated for election to the Board of General Purposes , on Wednesday next , is Bro . G . P . Festa , W . M . No . 1900 , who we trust will receive such support as will secure for him a place on the Board . During the short time the Montagu Guest Lodge ( the one of which
Bro . Festa is now W . Master ) has been in existence , he haa made for it a reputation for charitable proclivities which doubtless will continue as long as ifc exists . One of the youngest on the list of London Lodges , it has achieved such distinction as will justify the members of Grand
Lodge in conferring the honour of membership of the Board of General Purposes on one of its number , and should Bro . Festa ' s candidature prove successful , ifc will hold out an inducement to other young Masons to endeavour to obtain similar distinction . We are among those
who consider the few offices in the gift of the brethren of Grand Lodge should be conferred on those who distinguish themselves in the advancement of the Order , and under such circumstances Bro . Festa is justly entitled to some recognition at the hands of his fellows .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . All Letters must bear the name anl address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
REBUILDING OF THE TEMPLE . To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . —Allow me to say a few words on the above-named subject . 1 see by the agenda paper for the business of Grand Lodge to be holden on the 6 th June , a scheme will be presented for the
rebuilding and enlargement of the Temple . Without going fully into the question afc this early stage , I can venture an opinion that no scheme will be satisfactory to members of the Craffc in London , as well as in the Provinces , whioh does not erabrace ample accommodation for those who have fco transact Masonio
business with the Executive of Grand Lodge , or with fche Secretaries of our valued and increasing Charitable Institutions , whose offices are under the same roof , more particularly abont the election times . At present , there is not a room , nofc even a desk , where a Mason can write a letter , or a room in which to wait the arrival of any person you may have appointed to meet .
I will add an opinion thafc the so-called " strong room , " in which onr valuable books and documents are kept , is little better than a sham—and that everything in ifc would be destroyed if a serious tire occurred . Trusting that ample opportunity will be given for the consideration of these very important matters , and necessarily large expenditure ,
I am , Sir , Yours fraternally , HENRY SMITH P . M . St . John ' s , Wakefield , 29 th May 1883 .
REVISION OF THE BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS . To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —There appears to be a disposition in some places to rnn counter to the old proverb , " Leave well alone , " and to revolutionise old customs . Not long since we had a new Grand
Treasurer elected , as was said at the time that Grand Lodge might bestow the Purple on a worthy brother of forty year's Masonic service , and I am told that ifc is intended to fill this office annually in future .
Now , may I ask , is there any reason why other offices hitherto looked upon as permanent should nofc share the same fate if these changes be for the good of Freemasonry in general and Grand Lodge in particular ? The following offices have been held by the same worthy brethren from the dates I annex to the present time-Grand Director of Ceremonies .. . . I 860
Grand Registrar 1862 President Board of General Purposes - - 1874 and the two former have received tbe additional hononr of the rank of Past Grand Warden . Now that it is in contemplation to revise the Book of Constitutions , a fitting opportunity is afforded to lay down fche law that theso offices be held for a period of , say , three or five years at mosfc . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally . HIRAM .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I see , by the agenda paper for the next Quarterl y Communication , thafc an election will take place for a portion of the R . M . B . I . Committee of Management , by the nomination of a brother who , whilst a member of it , some time since , rarely attended any of its meetingsand whobeing a member of the Finance
, , Committee also , did nofc attend once during the year .- Strange to say , the brother nominating this apathatic brother is nofc even a subscriber of 5 s a year to the Institution . Again , the nominee is about to change his residence from London to Bournemouth ; this would still further militate against his chance of attendance . Now , the brethren
who have been in during the year have attended very punctually , and are nominated for re-election . May I therefore ask the Craft to vote for those nominated by Bro . Perceval , and to leave the aforesaid brother where he left the business of the R . M . B . I ., when he had fche hononr of election , —alone . Yours fraternally , P . M . 30 fch May 1883 .
HOLMWAY ' S OINTMENT AND Pn . i , s . —Those who have given these remedies a " air trial freely admit that thoy inherently possess every property suitable tor healing and removing eruptions , ulcerations , fistulas , abscesses , tores , bad jess , gathered breasts , and all disorders of the glandular svstem . When carelull v rubbed in the Ointment relaxes the swollen mnscles " , diminishes inflammation , assuages pain , and even alleviates dangerous maladies which may have mated for months , or even years . Holloway ' s excellent preparations are effective singly , resistless in combination , and have been recommended by grateful patients to be resorted to as alteratives when all other means of regaining health has failed , Their action is temperate , not violent or reducing .
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MALTA . THE annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Tunis , on the 26 th ult . The Kingston Lodge , No . 222 , was opened by its W . M . R . W . Bro . A . Broadley P . D . G . M . M . of the Mediterranean , with a satisfactory attendance of Officers and brethren , and two candidates were duly advanced to the M . M . M . Degree . Prov . Grand Lodge was then opened by R . W . Bro . T . F . Reade , Her Britannic Majesty ' s Consul General at Tunis ,
P . G . M . of North Africa , assisted by several of his Grand Officers and his D . P . G . M . Dr . A . Perini . The P . G . M ., in a short address , congratulated the brethren on the continued and increased prosperity of the Mark Dearree in North Africa . He attributed this mainly to fche untiring zeal of his friend and predecessor , Bro . Broadley , who always found time amidst his private pursuits , however pressing
( and fchey knew how hard worked he was ) , to fulfil his dutiea to the Craft . Sirce Provincial Grand Lodge last met Brother Broadley had twice visited Egypt , and the flourishing Lodge of Egypt , No . 311 , at Cairo , was a memorial of his handiwork . The zeal of the Egyptian brethren was beyond all praise , and he was pleased that the M . W . G . M . had conferred distinguished honours on his old friend , Bro . Borg , M . W . G . M . of Egypt , and on
Captain Williams-Freeman , who had worked the Lodge since its opening . He hoped soon to see a prosperous Lodge in Alexandria . He felt bound before sitting down to publicly thank Bro . Broadley for his invaluable assistance , and he trusted that when his term of office ended , that brother mig ht be induced to succeed him and carry out in the new Province of North Africa the same work as would ever render memorable his administration as head of the old Province of
Tunis and Malta . The following Provincial Grand Officers were then appointed : — Bro . Captain Williams . Freeman 311 . Deputy G . M . Col . Sir W . N . D . Pringle , Bart ., 311 . G . Senior Warden Jules Emile Geissel 222 ... ... G . Junior Warden E . T . Rogers Bey 311 ... ... G . Master Overseer E . A . Perkins 254 .. ... ... G . Senior Overseer
J . Wilson Bey 311 ... ... ... G . Junior Overseer The Hon . M . Napier 311 ... ... G . Registrar A . Andrey 222 ... ... ... G . Secretary Captain Pemmington 311 ... ... G . Asst . Secretary Commandant Coyne 222 ... .. G . D . of C . R . C . Waller Bey 311 ... ... G . Sup . of Works N . D'Amico 254 .. ... •• G . Senior Deacon
Quartermaster H . MoKinnon 311 ... G . Junior Deacon Michel 222 ... ... G . Standard Bearer Prince 311 ... ... ... G . Sword Bearer Commander W . M . Bridger , R . N ., 222 G . Organist Flak 222 ... ... ... ... G . Inner Guard Audemar ... ... ... ¦•¦} Goodall ... ... ... ... ^ G . Stewards Angelica ... ... ... ... ) A . Villareale 222 ... ... ... G . Tyler .
Bro . Broadley briefly acknowledged the complimentary remarks of Bro . Reade , who then closed the Provincial Grand Lodge , and retired . The Kingston Lodge was then closed in ancient form .
The Summer Half-Yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown will be held at Freemasons' Tavern , Greafc Qneen Street , on Tuesday next , the 5 th insfc ., under the presidency of the Right Hon . Lord Henniker , Mosfc Worshipful Grand Mark Master .
A very satisfactory meeting of the Walpole M . M . M . Lodge , No . 92 , was held afc Norwich , on Monday lasfc ; twelve candidates were advanced to the degree on this occasion .
Among the brethren nominated for election to the Board of General Purposes , on Wednesday next , is Bro . G . P . Festa , W . M . No . 1900 , who we trust will receive such support as will secure for him a place on the Board . During the short time the Montagu Guest Lodge ( the one of which
Bro . Festa is now W . Master ) has been in existence , he haa made for it a reputation for charitable proclivities which doubtless will continue as long as ifc exists . One of the youngest on the list of London Lodges , it has achieved such distinction as will justify the members of Grand
Lodge in conferring the honour of membership of the Board of General Purposes on one of its number , and should Bro . Festa ' s candidature prove successful , ifc will hold out an inducement to other young Masons to endeavour to obtain similar distinction . We are among those
who consider the few offices in the gift of the brethren of Grand Lodge should be conferred on those who distinguish themselves in the advancement of the Order , and under such circumstances Bro . Festa is justly entitled to some recognition at the hands of his fellows .