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Royal Arch Freemasonry In Yorkshire.
ment which the head of tho Grand Chapter of England has thought fit to make in the person of yonr Provincial Grand Master . ( Hear , hear . ) To fill both these high offices does indeed create no little sentiment of emotion—feeling the donble responsibility of high duties to perform , viz ., to sustain the dignity of this Grand Chapter , as well as Provincial Grand Lodge ;
to maintain tho how ur of Freemasonry , to preserve the ancient landmarks of our Order , and to enforce mildly , yet courageously , the discipline of the Books of Constitution . To me it is a real pleasure to lenve ontside the doors of this Chapter for the moment all thoso differences and disputes which create dissensions more or less with persons engaged with politics or with religious opinion .
or the business occupations of the world , and to ho engaged with 11 number of Royal Arch Masons , all of one mind , all of one voice , and all of one heart , in the performance of a solemn ceremony as that which the Prov . Grand Superintendent of East Lancashire has now so perfectly and eloquently performed . ( Applause . ) This visit , which we have received from him tn-day is one of pr- 'mpt promise . No
sooner had I felt the necessity of complying with tho commands of His Royal Highness tho Prince of Wales than T applied to my gallant Brother and Companion to undertake this ceremony of installation . You have greeted him most warmly , with the honour duo to his rank , and on behalf of myself and this Grand Chapter , we thank him heartily and sincerely for the journey he has
taken to Sheffield , tho admirable manner he has performed tho ceremony , and the exhortation he has given ns . His name will never be forgotten by tho Freemasons of East Lancashire , and I am quite snro the Masonic work which he undertakes in that large Province will bear good fruit to remotest time ; and amongst the fruits of that work is a course of public use ulness outside the Lodge as well as iu
it , and which East Lancashire warmly appreciates . ( Hear hear . ) The ostensible objects of Royal Arch Masonry , the end and aim of this branch of our symbolic system , tho study of its history- revealed and traditional , is to bring us into more intimate connection with certain canonical books of tho Holy Scriptures . Numberless authorities well known , have amply explained tho ritual of this order in Freemasonry . It inspires its members with most exalted ideas , ancl leads
to the exercise of tho pnrest reverence for the eternal Ruler of the Universe , the elemental spring and primordial source of religions principles , the very fountain of tho virtues Faith , Hope and Charity ; resolving conjectures into certainties , and bringing traditional history into historical harmony with Biblical facts . ( Hear hear and applause . ) These have confirmed , in a remarkable manner , the groundworks of our noble Order . It is an Order of which every Master Mason or
student of religion founded on tho Bible ought to become a supporter , to the best of his time and means . This was an earnest desire of my lamented predecessor in this chair , expressed at Huddersfield the last time he officially appeared amongst us , and he added : — " We meet for no unholy purpose , but for wise and judicious action in a good cause . " The number of Chapters scattered about this Province afford ample
opportunities for effecting the consummation of Companion Shavy ' s last wishes , ancl now my own . I hope the Chapters in this Province will bo carefully worked , and that they will co-operate as well with me , their new chief , as they did with the old , for peace , nnity and love . And now , brethren , I thank yon once again for your cordial reception of me to-dny , I thank von for hnving come long distances
to bo present at my installation as Prov . G . Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons of West Yorkshire . I assure you I shall never forget today , any more than T shall over forget my installation as Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire ; and , lastly , my acknowledgments are due to the two Chapters in Sheffield under whose banners this cere
mony has t e -n conducted , for the exce'lency of their arrangements , and for their hospitality to tho Chapters of this Province . I wish the whole of the Chapters in this Province every prosperity . ( Loud applause ) . During the after business , 100 guineas was voted to the Beutley Shaw Presentation Fund .
Annual Assembly Of Great Priory Of Canada.
The third annual assembly of tho Great Priory of Canada was held at the British Masonic Chambers on 11 th October . The Great Prior , Col . J . B . McL . Moore , delivered an address , in which he referred to the following subjects : — Qualifications fur admission to tho Order ; the lato action of the Uuited States Grand Encampment ; the jurisdiction of the Great
Priory , and interesting historical references regarding the origin and progress of the Order . He drew special attention to tho late acquibition of Cyprus to the British Crown—the island so memorable in the history of the Order , and connected with some of tho mosfc inteiesting reminiscences . Tho following officers for the ensuing year were elected : —
V . H . and E ., the Great Prior , Col . W . J . B . McLtod Moore , Lapruirie . V . E . the Great Sab-Prior , W . B . Simpson , Montreal . Provincial Grand Priors--For district of ( ntnrio East—V . E . J . N . Henderson , Kingston ; for District of Out ; rio Cenire—V . E . G . Ii . Dartnell , Whitby ; For Distr . ct of Ontario West-V . E . D . B . Bu . ch ,
London ; for District of Quebec—V . W . I . H . Stearns , Montreal ; foi District of New Brunswick—V . E . Robert M irshall , of St . John ; loi District ot Nova Scotia—V . E . B . Curron , Halifax . The Grand Officers—V . E . Vincent Cletneiiti , Peterborough , Gran Pi elate ; V . E . Daniel Spry , Toronto , ( iraad Chancellor ; V . rJ . J . 1 McMinn , Montreal , Grand Constable ; V . E . W . C . Morrison , Torom <
Grand Marshal ; V . E . David McLellan , Hamilton , Grand Treasurer . V . E . Jno . Moore , Ottawa , Grand Registrar . The Great Priory was honoured by the presence , as Visitors , of : — V . E . George 0 . Tyler , Graud Encampment , Vermont ; V . E . I Lebter Peters , St . John ' s ( fceo'ch ) Encampment , St . John , Ne » Brunswick ) Sir & nigbt iJloss , CantonUowwandery , New York .
THE Chapel of the " Free Church " in Dnke . street , has been purchased by Bro . S . L . Barned of tho " Royal" and " Phoenix " f . odues , and a building Committee of the Royal and Glenlyon Lodges has been appointed to raise funds to purchase the said premises from Bro . Barned , and to fit them up as a suitable Masonio Temple . It is proposed to get up snitable entertainments , and His
Excellency Sir Anthony Musgrave , Governor-in-Chief of this Island , the Right Worshipful Hon . Dr . R . Hamilton , District Grand Master of East Jamaica , and the Right Worshipful S . Constantino Bnrko , Assistant Attorney General , ai-rl Distr ct Grand Master of Scotland , have kindly consented to have the same under thoir imraepatronage . The W . G . J . Sarireant , Master of the Roval . Bro . E . X .
Leon of the Royal , with Governor Dias and Bro . Fry of the Glenlyon , members of the building Committee , aro using all their endeavours to raise tho amount required ; though at this present moment things in this Island have a very dull and barren appearance , aud as tho commercial men have stated that they expect business will be in a still more unsettled state , several houses must close .
Glenlyon Lodge , S . C—At an ordinary meeting on 9 th Oct ., afc Friendly Hall , presided over by the R W . S . H . Watson W . M ., J . Mitchell S . W ., Bro . A . H . Jones J . W ., with the following Past Masters : —Worshipful A . E . Burke Glenlyon , Dias of St . John ' s , Langley of Royal , Ferron of Phoenix , and a goodly number of v i sitors , two candidates were initiated into tho Mysteries of Freemasonry by Wor . A . E . Burke , in a most impressive and talented
manner . It being the night of the election of Master , Treasurer and Tyler , Bro . J . K . Spicer . and the Rt . Wor . A . E . Burko ( District Grand Sec . for Scotland in this Island ) were nominated . The result was a majority in favour of the Rt . Wor . A . E . Burke . This worthy brother having some time ago occupied the chair of this Lodge , and won the esteem * of his brethren , they wero det' -rtnined he should again fill the Oriental chair . Kt . Wor . B . M . Dias was elected Treasurer , Bro . J . Hayes Tyler .
Royal Lodge , No . 207 , Kingston . —The monthly meeting was hold on i 7 th October ; W . G . J . Sargeant Master presided , assisted by Bros . Therwell S . W . and G . Campbell J . W . ; also there were present : —Ferron of the Phmnix , Langley and Burke of the Royal , Dias of Glenlyon , Tait Sussex ; also a number of visitors , who were all very much pleased to see the admirable working
of this Lodge , and to listen to the impressive manner tho third degree was conferred ou six candidates by tho W . M . Several communications from the lato P . M . Andrews , who is now on a visit to England , were read ; he was requested , on leaving this Island , to put himself in communication with tho Grand Secretary , to kuow whether the time had arrived for tl . e members of this old and anoient
Lodge to wear its 100 th year jewel ; but , to the great disappointment of the members , they will have to wait sixteen years longer , when naturally many will have passed away to the Grand Lodgo above . Worshipful Bro . Sargeant having won the lam els of the day , and being styled one of tho best Masters that ever occupied the
chair of the Royal , success seems to follow him , and every member of tho Lodge wishes that he will consent to occupy the chair for another year . . He has all the qualities of a good Mason and a gentleman . He is the only son of the venerable Rev . George , Sargeant , Superintendent of the Wesleyan Society in this Island , one j also who is greatly respected and beloved .
Phoenix Lodge , No . 914 , Port Royal . —A monthly meet . ing was held on 3 rd October , presided over by G . P . Myers , Master . For the future the ordinary meeting will bo held on the first Tuesday in the month , instead of the first Thursday , so as to meet the wishea of the members of the Hamilton Lodge , Spanish Town , which meets on the first Thursday . Also the election of Master will take place in June , instead of April and the Installation afc tho first Ordinary
Meeting after the election . This Lodge has suffered a great deal , and several candidates of the Navy and Army , who would have come forward , have been debarred , on acconntof Quarantine being enforced for several months , as " Yellow Jack " has made his appearance ; but we are glad to state that no new cases hare occurred , aud that Quarantine restrictions havo been withdrawn ; the men of H . M . ships , however , have all been compelled to be ou board by six p . m .
Afc a Quarterly Convocation of the Glenlyon Holy Itoyal Arch , Chapter , S . C , held at Sussex Hall , ou 30 ih Septftuuor , the loi . owii . g Ollici rs were metalled for tha ensuing year , by tho Most excellent Companions E . Burke i . P . Z . of this Chapter , R .
Langley P . Z , and 0 . H . Davis P . Z . of the "Roy . il , " L . Cola ( Julian , Joshua oi the ' Put 0 ; . ix . " M . E . Compauiou B . M . Jias Z „ S . H . Watsou II ., J . K . Spice J ., t'onack S . E ., A . H . Junes S . N ., F . Fner Treasurer , W . T . Smeduiore P . S ., W . Maguua ind E . Frencti Assistants , J . Huyes Janitor .
HOLI . OWAY ' S OISTMKXT AND PILLS . —Rheumatism and Gout ,. —These purifying aid combing remedies demand the earnest attention oi ail persons liable to gout , chitic . i , or other paiufut .. mictions oi tho muscles , nerves , or joints . Tho Oint-. cm should bu applied niter t . c affected parts havo been patiently torn nted . itli warm water , when the ungueut sh . ou . id be diiigoutly rubbed npon tha skinunless tho friction should Holt
ujaccnt , cause paiu . . ways JKl . a should ij si c ultaut ; ou .-. ly taken to reduce inflammation and to purify he blood . Tula . ¦ eatmeut abatts the vio-euce , and lesst-n * the frequency of gout , rheumatism , . id ah spasmodic diseases whieh cpriiigfrom Hereditary predisposition , or from uy accidental weakness of c natitution . Tula Ointment uhacks the local . Btnedy . Tho fills restore the vital power *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch Freemasonry In Yorkshire.
ment which the head of tho Grand Chapter of England has thought fit to make in the person of yonr Provincial Grand Master . ( Hear , hear . ) To fill both these high offices does indeed create no little sentiment of emotion—feeling the donble responsibility of high duties to perform , viz ., to sustain the dignity of this Grand Chapter , as well as Provincial Grand Lodge ;
to maintain tho how ur of Freemasonry , to preserve the ancient landmarks of our Order , and to enforce mildly , yet courageously , the discipline of the Books of Constitution . To me it is a real pleasure to lenve ontside the doors of this Chapter for the moment all thoso differences and disputes which create dissensions more or less with persons engaged with politics or with religious opinion .
or the business occupations of the world , and to ho engaged with 11 number of Royal Arch Masons , all of one mind , all of one voice , and all of one heart , in the performance of a solemn ceremony as that which the Prov . Grand Superintendent of East Lancashire has now so perfectly and eloquently performed . ( Applause . ) This visit , which we have received from him tn-day is one of pr- 'mpt promise . No
sooner had I felt the necessity of complying with tho commands of His Royal Highness tho Prince of Wales than T applied to my gallant Brother and Companion to undertake this ceremony of installation . You have greeted him most warmly , with the honour duo to his rank , and on behalf of myself and this Grand Chapter , we thank him heartily and sincerely for the journey he has
taken to Sheffield , tho admirable manner he has performed tho ceremony , and the exhortation he has given ns . His name will never be forgotten by tho Freemasons of East Lancashire , and I am quite snro the Masonic work which he undertakes in that large Province will bear good fruit to remotest time ; and amongst the fruits of that work is a course of public use ulness outside the Lodge as well as iu
it , and which East Lancashire warmly appreciates . ( Hear hear . ) The ostensible objects of Royal Arch Masonry , the end and aim of this branch of our symbolic system , tho study of its history- revealed and traditional , is to bring us into more intimate connection with certain canonical books of tho Holy Scriptures . Numberless authorities well known , have amply explained tho ritual of this order in Freemasonry . It inspires its members with most exalted ideas , ancl leads
to the exercise of tho pnrest reverence for the eternal Ruler of the Universe , the elemental spring and primordial source of religions principles , the very fountain of tho virtues Faith , Hope and Charity ; resolving conjectures into certainties , and bringing traditional history into historical harmony with Biblical facts . ( Hear hear and applause . ) These have confirmed , in a remarkable manner , the groundworks of our noble Order . It is an Order of which every Master Mason or
student of religion founded on tho Bible ought to become a supporter , to the best of his time and means . This was an earnest desire of my lamented predecessor in this chair , expressed at Huddersfield the last time he officially appeared amongst us , and he added : — " We meet for no unholy purpose , but for wise and judicious action in a good cause . " The number of Chapters scattered about this Province afford ample
opportunities for effecting the consummation of Companion Shavy ' s last wishes , ancl now my own . I hope the Chapters in this Province will bo carefully worked , and that they will co-operate as well with me , their new chief , as they did with the old , for peace , nnity and love . And now , brethren , I thank yon once again for your cordial reception of me to-dny , I thank von for hnving come long distances
to bo present at my installation as Prov . G . Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons of West Yorkshire . I assure you I shall never forget today , any more than T shall over forget my installation as Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire ; and , lastly , my acknowledgments are due to the two Chapters in Sheffield under whose banners this cere
mony has t e -n conducted , for the exce'lency of their arrangements , and for their hospitality to tho Chapters of this Province . I wish the whole of the Chapters in this Province every prosperity . ( Loud applause ) . During the after business , 100 guineas was voted to the Beutley Shaw Presentation Fund .
Annual Assembly Of Great Priory Of Canada.
The third annual assembly of tho Great Priory of Canada was held at the British Masonic Chambers on 11 th October . The Great Prior , Col . J . B . McL . Moore , delivered an address , in which he referred to the following subjects : — Qualifications fur admission to tho Order ; the lato action of the Uuited States Grand Encampment ; the jurisdiction of the Great
Priory , and interesting historical references regarding the origin and progress of the Order . He drew special attention to tho late acquibition of Cyprus to the British Crown—the island so memorable in the history of the Order , and connected with some of tho mosfc inteiesting reminiscences . Tho following officers for the ensuing year were elected : —
V . H . and E ., the Great Prior , Col . W . J . B . McLtod Moore , Lapruirie . V . E . the Great Sab-Prior , W . B . Simpson , Montreal . Provincial Grand Priors--For district of ( ntnrio East—V . E . J . N . Henderson , Kingston ; for District of Out ; rio Cenire—V . E . G . Ii . Dartnell , Whitby ; For Distr . ct of Ontario West-V . E . D . B . Bu . ch ,
London ; for District of Quebec—V . W . I . H . Stearns , Montreal ; foi District of New Brunswick—V . E . Robert M irshall , of St . John ; loi District ot Nova Scotia—V . E . B . Curron , Halifax . The Grand Officers—V . E . Vincent Cletneiiti , Peterborough , Gran Pi elate ; V . E . Daniel Spry , Toronto , ( iraad Chancellor ; V . rJ . J . 1 McMinn , Montreal , Grand Constable ; V . E . W . C . Morrison , Torom <
Grand Marshal ; V . E . David McLellan , Hamilton , Grand Treasurer . V . E . Jno . Moore , Ottawa , Grand Registrar . The Great Priory was honoured by the presence , as Visitors , of : — V . E . George 0 . Tyler , Graud Encampment , Vermont ; V . E . I Lebter Peters , St . John ' s ( fceo'ch ) Encampment , St . John , Ne » Brunswick ) Sir & nigbt iJloss , CantonUowwandery , New York .
THE Chapel of the " Free Church " in Dnke . street , has been purchased by Bro . S . L . Barned of tho " Royal" and " Phoenix " f . odues , and a building Committee of the Royal and Glenlyon Lodges has been appointed to raise funds to purchase the said premises from Bro . Barned , and to fit them up as a suitable Masonio Temple . It is proposed to get up snitable entertainments , and His
Excellency Sir Anthony Musgrave , Governor-in-Chief of this Island , the Right Worshipful Hon . Dr . R . Hamilton , District Grand Master of East Jamaica , and the Right Worshipful S . Constantino Bnrko , Assistant Attorney General , ai-rl Distr ct Grand Master of Scotland , have kindly consented to have the same under thoir imraepatronage . The W . G . J . Sarireant , Master of the Roval . Bro . E . X .
Leon of the Royal , with Governor Dias and Bro . Fry of the Glenlyon , members of the building Committee , aro using all their endeavours to raise tho amount required ; though at this present moment things in this Island have a very dull and barren appearance , aud as tho commercial men have stated that they expect business will be in a still more unsettled state , several houses must close .
Glenlyon Lodge , S . C—At an ordinary meeting on 9 th Oct ., afc Friendly Hall , presided over by the R W . S . H . Watson W . M ., J . Mitchell S . W ., Bro . A . H . Jones J . W ., with the following Past Masters : —Worshipful A . E . Burke Glenlyon , Dias of St . John ' s , Langley of Royal , Ferron of Phoenix , and a goodly number of v i sitors , two candidates were initiated into tho Mysteries of Freemasonry by Wor . A . E . Burke , in a most impressive and talented
manner . It being the night of the election of Master , Treasurer and Tyler , Bro . J . K . Spicer . and the Rt . Wor . A . E . Burko ( District Grand Sec . for Scotland in this Island ) were nominated . The result was a majority in favour of the Rt . Wor . A . E . Burke . This worthy brother having some time ago occupied the chair of this Lodge , and won the esteem * of his brethren , they wero det' -rtnined he should again fill the Oriental chair . Kt . Wor . B . M . Dias was elected Treasurer , Bro . J . Hayes Tyler .
Royal Lodge , No . 207 , Kingston . —The monthly meeting was hold on i 7 th October ; W . G . J . Sargeant Master presided , assisted by Bros . Therwell S . W . and G . Campbell J . W . ; also there were present : —Ferron of the Phmnix , Langley and Burke of the Royal , Dias of Glenlyon , Tait Sussex ; also a number of visitors , who were all very much pleased to see the admirable working
of this Lodge , and to listen to the impressive manner tho third degree was conferred ou six candidates by tho W . M . Several communications from the lato P . M . Andrews , who is now on a visit to England , were read ; he was requested , on leaving this Island , to put himself in communication with tho Grand Secretary , to kuow whether the time had arrived for tl . e members of this old and anoient
Lodge to wear its 100 th year jewel ; but , to the great disappointment of the members , they will have to wait sixteen years longer , when naturally many will have passed away to the Grand Lodgo above . Worshipful Bro . Sargeant having won the lam els of the day , and being styled one of tho best Masters that ever occupied the
chair of the Royal , success seems to follow him , and every member of tho Lodge wishes that he will consent to occupy the chair for another year . . He has all the qualities of a good Mason and a gentleman . He is the only son of the venerable Rev . George , Sargeant , Superintendent of the Wesleyan Society in this Island , one j also who is greatly respected and beloved .
Phoenix Lodge , No . 914 , Port Royal . —A monthly meet . ing was held on 3 rd October , presided over by G . P . Myers , Master . For the future the ordinary meeting will bo held on the first Tuesday in the month , instead of the first Thursday , so as to meet the wishea of the members of the Hamilton Lodge , Spanish Town , which meets on the first Thursday . Also the election of Master will take place in June , instead of April and the Installation afc tho first Ordinary
Meeting after the election . This Lodge has suffered a great deal , and several candidates of the Navy and Army , who would have come forward , have been debarred , on acconntof Quarantine being enforced for several months , as " Yellow Jack " has made his appearance ; but we are glad to state that no new cases hare occurred , aud that Quarantine restrictions havo been withdrawn ; the men of H . M . ships , however , have all been compelled to be ou board by six p . m .
Afc a Quarterly Convocation of the Glenlyon Holy Itoyal Arch , Chapter , S . C , held at Sussex Hall , ou 30 ih Septftuuor , the loi . owii . g Ollici rs were metalled for tha ensuing year , by tho Most excellent Companions E . Burke i . P . Z . of this Chapter , R .
Langley P . Z , and 0 . H . Davis P . Z . of the "Roy . il , " L . Cola ( Julian , Joshua oi the ' Put 0 ; . ix . " M . E . Compauiou B . M . Jias Z „ S . H . Watsou II ., J . K . Spice J ., t'onack S . E ., A . H . Junes S . N ., F . Fner Treasurer , W . T . Smeduiore P . S ., W . Maguua ind E . Frencti Assistants , J . Huyes Janitor .
HOLI . OWAY ' S OISTMKXT AND PILLS . —Rheumatism and Gout ,. —These purifying aid combing remedies demand the earnest attention oi ail persons liable to gout , chitic . i , or other paiufut .. mictions oi tho muscles , nerves , or joints . Tho Oint-. cm should bu applied niter t . c affected parts havo been patiently torn nted . itli warm water , when the ungueut sh . ou . id be diiigoutly rubbed npon tha skinunless tho friction should Holt
ujaccnt , cause paiu . . ways JKl . a should ij si c ultaut ; ou .-. ly taken to reduce inflammation and to purify he blood . Tula . ¦ eatmeut abatts the vio-euce , and lesst-n * the frequency of gout , rheumatism , . id ah spasmodic diseases whieh cpriiigfrom Hereditary predisposition , or from uy accidental weakness of c natitution . Tula Ointment uhacks the local . Btnedy . Tho fills restore the vital power *