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Zetland Chap t er , No . ' 36 . —The regular Convocation of this Chapter was held at York , on Wednesday Inst . Present—E . Cnmps . the Earl of Zetland Z ., Sir . Tames Meek Kt . as TL , Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett J ., R . W . Hollon P Z ., J . Todd P . Z . ; Comps . T . G . Turner S . E ., Meek S . N ., A . Buckle P . S ., T . S . Camidge . Org ., J . Ward , C . Pallisor , G . C . Lee , T . B . Whitehead . C . D . Barstow , Gairforth .
Seller , Rvmer , Rooke . T . W . Wilson , & o . Visitors—Major Shaw . Hellier nnd Capt . Hanlv , 4 fh Dragoon Guards . Tho business eon . sisted of the election of a Treasurer in the place of the lnte E . Comr > W . Cowling P . Z ., who had served the Chapter in thnt capaeirv for many years , and the unanimous vote of the Companion " fell upon ' Excellent Companion J . Todd P . Z . The M . E . Z .
moved a vote of sympathy , on behalf of the Chapter , with the fnmilv of their late lamented Companion , who hid been so faithful and valnable an Officer ; this-was seconded hy Comp . Sir Jamea Meek , and carried . Tho Companions afterwards met at snpnor , under the presidency of E . Comp . R . W . Hollon P . Z ., and a pleasant evening was spent , tho usual toasts being duly given .
Pltzroy Lodfifo , No . 589 .-The first meeting of the season ¦ was hold at tho Armonrv House , Finsbnrv , on Fridav , tho 25 th nit .. when the following brethren attended . Bros . R . G . Webster W . M ., A . D . Everingham " 3 . W ., John C . Sanderson J . W ., Lieut . F . T . Stiihwasser S . D ., W . Birdseve , I . G ., Capt . R . Helsham Treasurer . Cant . J . E . / lese Hon . Seo , Lient . W . T . Spicer I . P . M ., W . . To'liffo D . C . A . J . Adams P . M ., nnd W . H . Honev P . M . The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and eonfirmod , after which the L 'df » e wis opened in the second degree , nnd Bros . C » nt-. Jacobs and James Qnarm wero passed to tho degree of Fellow Craft ; two gentlemen were , proposed for initiation at the next meting , and the Lodgo adjourned . The nmal banquet followed , anil the Mnsonic an 1 Lovnl toasts were dnlv honoured . The Visitors were Bros . Willis No . 3 , Gnllv 8 , Bella-nv 91 , Dobson 72 , Cutler S . W . 231 . W . R . C--nzier W . M . 370 , Jones 795 , Field 1185 , Frost 130 fi , Gunnell 1441 , and MoCabe 1260 .
Seejontium Lodge , No . 606 . — The install'tion meeting of this Lodge , which meets at their magnificent Lodge-room within tho walls of the ancient castlo of Carnarvon , took p ' ace on Wednesday , the 9 th ult . Bro . C . A . Jones W . M ., assisted by Bro . the Rev . J . S . Boucher I . P . M . P . G . C ., installed , in tho most impressive mnnno" , Bro . Owen Thomas as W . M . for tho ensuing year ; who subsequently
invested the following Officers : ~ Bros . 0 . A . Jones I . P . M ., Canon Evans , D . D ., Chaplain , L . Prothero S . W ., G . Thomas J . W ., R . Thomas Treasurer , D . W . Davies Secretary , S . Nightingale S . D ., 0 . P . Boucher J . D ., C . Foulkes I . G ., W . Havden Organist , W . Hamer S ., J . W . Poole P . M . D . C , W . Watkins Tvler . In tho course of the business proceedings the W . M . pre ented valuable jewels , on behalf of
tho Lodge , to 0 . A . Jones I . P . M . and D . W . Davies Secretary , as a recognition of the faithful manner they hid discharged their duties . The gifts wero suitably acknowledged . Notice was given thab tho Lodge vote £ 5 , or more , towards the distress fund of Abercarno , South Wales , Notice was ulso given that the Lodge vote £ 20 in order to secure an additional life interest in
both the Boys and Girls Mnsonic Orphan Institution . Bro . 0 . H . Rees was appointed to represent the Lodge at the North Wales and Shropshire Masonic Educational Association . After the conclusion of the business , the brethren proceeded to the Eoyal Hotel ( Bro . Humphreys ) , there to partake of an excellent banquet . In the course of the evening , the usual Mnsonic and Loyal toasts were drunk with enthusiasm . Besides those already named , tho following attended
tho Lodge and banquet : —Bros , the Rev . R . J . Edwards Con-is , C . Davies , and G . P . Spooner Portmadoc , W . FI . Foulkes and H . A . Steen Rhyl , W . H . Holmes Cuwes , F . Jarmyu Abergele , D . Thomas Che-ter , and the following from Carnarvon : —R . J . Davids , C . H . Rees , W . Hugh Owen , J . Lloyd , R . W . Griffith , C . P . Coophind , G . A . Davids , O . Evans , H . Evans , T . Williams , It . S . Williams , & c . & c .
Grosvenor Chapter , No . 721 . —The monthly convocation of this Chapter was held at the Masonic Chambers , E istgate-row-north , Chester , on Tuesday , the 29 th ult . The Chapter was opened at 6 . 30 p . m ., by Ex-Comps . W . Johnson M . E . Z ., J . Dennis H ., D . Thomas P . Z . as J ., T . E . Nabb S . E ., R . C . Edwards P . S ., John Humphreys Org ., D . Baynes Janitor . The minutes of the last Convocation were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for a brother for
exaltation , and proved favourable . From unforeseen circumstances the candidate was unable to attend . The M . E . Z . then gave a shoit account of his visit to Prov . Grand Chapter , at Birkenhead , which was listened to with great pleasure by the Companions . It is to be regretted that the number of Members present was so small to participate in the duties and pleasures of the Chapter . The business of the evening being ended , the Chapter was closed in ancient form , and the Comps . dispersed .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 — On 25 th October , at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , at half past 7 o ' clock . Present —Bros . Gomm W . M ., Le Grys S . W ., Talbot J . W ., Kyezor S . D ., Gunner Hon . Sec . and J . D ., Botley I . G ., Goss I . P . M . 780 , Clarke , Blasbv , Skinner 813 , & c . After preliminaries , Bro . Clarke offered himself as candidate , and the ceremony of
Initiation was rehearsed . The call to refreshment was given , aud upon the resumption of labour , Lodge was advanced to second and third degrees , and regularly closed down . Bro . Skinner was elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Lo Grys was elected W . M . for n-xt meet-ng . The Lodge of Instruction banquet is fixed fur
the Last Friday in November , when the brethren desire to meet as many of their cow / re es as can make it convenient to attend ; n post card or note addressed to Bro . Gunner , at the Star and Garter , announcing intenti- n to be present is requested , so that proper provision may be made , I
Merchant Naw Lodere of Instruction , No . 781 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 30 th October , at the Silver Tavern Rurdett-rond , Limehnnse , E . Present—Br ^ s . Andrews J . W . 12 2 , W . M ., Webb S . D 171- S . W .. Breden W . M . 781 Seo . and J . W ., Oidd S . D ., Hogg P . M . 1319 J . D , Evovett . T . G . ; Bros . Turquand P 90 . P . M . 155 R , Barnes P . M . 953 . 55 t , Berrv 554-, Reeves 781 , Musto , Wale
972 , and a numerous assemblage of members and visitors . Lodge vas opened in due form with pravor ; minutes read and confirmed . Lodgo opened in second and third degrees . Lodge resumed to tbe first , and the following brethren worked the Fifteen Sections : — First Lecture—B-OS . Anderson , Tavlnr , Smith . Mnsf . o , Hog ? , Webb , Mnsto . Second Lecture—Bros , Berry , Worsley , Onld . Turquand ,
Pring'e . Third Lecture—Bros . Taylor , J . IT . Pringle , Barnes Bro . Breden W . M . No . 7 H 1 Hon S > -c . After n , very pleasant evening Bro . Andrews , vnso . It was pvwwsed bv Bro . Rrwlftn , seconded bv Evo . Hogg , that Bros . Anderson , White , Brooke . Molo . Ehdon . LoMesnrior , A'Kson , Wilson . Wehh . and Horner become members of this Lodco ef
Instruction . Carried unanimously , and suitabl y acknowledged bv tl-e S . W . Proposed by Rro . Breden , seconded by Bro . Barnes , that Bre . Andrews ho made an honorary member , for the efficient manner in whioh he had worked the Fifteen Sections . This was also oar-rind unanimously . Lodge closed in due form with prayer , and adjourned nntil Wednesday , 6 th November .
Dalhousie Lod <* e of Instruction , No . 880 . —This Lodge held its weekly meetinrv nn Toosdiv , the 29 th of Or-tobe " . at the Sisters ' Tavern , Pownill-roid , Dals t on . T ' resent--Bros . R . D dias W . M ., J . Lorkin S . W , Wa-d"ll T . W ., W . W . M «> -gan as See .. S-nvth Treas .. Gilhim S . D ., Polak T D .. Cirr T . G . P . M . 's Bros . W . H . Wellington Preeep'or , 0 K . Ki'U"k F' 9 .. W-ight ; C . TT . Webb WM . 1007 :
also Bros . Brasted C . Lork'n , Forss , Wvmtn , Collins . & o . After tire , liminaries had h ° en eonin'iel with , the W . M . worked the oorermnv of initiation , Bro . C . Lork'n candidate . Tho Pro' -ootor , Bro . Wa'lington , then r"hearsed the installation eeremonv , performing his task mo-ifc carefully , and gi-eativ to the satisfaction of the brethren . Bro C . II . Webb acted as W . M . e ' ect , nnd on taking th" chair went through with t ' e formal investiture of Offic rs . Bro . Wallmgton then most
impressively deliver J d the addresses , and on resuming his seat reeeivrcl the congratulations of the brethren on the abUitv ho had d ' splavel . Later in the evening a cordial vote of thanks was passed to hi-n , and this mark of respect was ordered to be placed on the . minuses . Bro . Da'las workel the seeond section of the first lecture . Bro . Killick was elected a member , and then Lodgo was closed . As is the custom at this Lodgo of Instruction , some of tho members after , wards spent an hour together in conviviality .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —Tho members held their anniversary banquet on Wednesday . 30 th Oct ., at Bro . Hvdo ' s , Red Lion , Poppins-conrt , Fleet-street . Bro . Long , the Preceptor , was in the chair ; ho was assisted bv Bros . Tato and Thomp .
son of the Mother Lodgo , and a cPstingnisned but not numerous assemblage of brethren . The banquet met with great satisfaction ; it was Bro . Hyde ' s first eff > rt in that direction . After removal of the cloth the various Masonic toasts were dnly honoured , and the evening passed very pleasantly , with vocal and instrumental music .
Eoyal Albert Lodge , No . 907 . —A regular meeting of this Lodgo was held at Freemasons' Hall on Monday evening , 21 st ult . Lodge was opened at 5 . 30 p . m . bv Bros . F . A . White I . P . M . as W . M ., T . Griffiths P . M . as T . P . M ., R . Jennings S . W ., G . T . B irr J . W ., J . A . Farntiold P . M . Treasurer , W . H . Farnfield P . M . Seoretarv , T . Butt S . D ., \ V . Wardley J . D ., H . J . Lewis P . M . D . C . and W . S . f also Past
Masters R . E . Stevenson , C . Chard , T . Griffiths , and J . Dennis , and a largo number of brethren . The minutes of the previous Lod go mooting having been read and confirmed , ballot was taken for two gentlemen , candidates for initiation , which proved favourable . The W . M . accordingly admitted Messrs . Charles Robinson and William Searlo into Freemasonry , in a very able and impressive manner . Bro . Wallis
was next invsted with the T . G . collar . No further business beinnon the agenda , Lodge was solemnly closed and adjourned until the 18 th November next . The brethren then sat down to the banquet , which was served hy Bro . A . Best in his usual excellent style . Tho cloth being removed , the W M . gave the Loyal and Craft toasts in brief but appropriate terms , and each was duly honoured by tho
brethren . Bro . J . A . Farnfield P . M . rose to propose the health of the W . M ., remarking that it would require but little recommendation from him to ensure a hearty response to the toast . Tho brethren had had an opportunity of s » eing how ably Bro . White had discharged the duties of the chair during his recont term of office , and were well assured that in his hands the honour of the Lodge wonld be well
snstuined throughout tho present year . Bro . White P . M ., in replv , thanked Bro . Farnfield for the kind manner in which tho toast had been prop > sed , and also tho brethren for the he irty reception th-it had been given to it . He hoped that as he had been successful in tho past , so in the future he might secure their good opinion . Having been called upon , through unforeseen circumstances , to occupy tho
chair this year , although bnt recently having vacated it , he should strive , with the co-operation of the P . M . ' s , to render that service to the Royal Albert Lodge which he felt , it deserved . Tho W . M . next rose to propose the toast of the Initiates , one which he felt to be tho toast of the evening . They had just admitted two gentlemen into their ancient Order ; and , from the fact of their being recommended by P . M . ' s of the Lodge , he felt , glad to offer them a sincere welcome .
He was sure the brethren wonld heartily respond . Bros . C . Robinson and William Hearle both returned thanks for tho honour the Lod ge had done them , and frosted they would prove themselves worthy of the Order . The W . M . then t-ave the Past Misters . He wns irlarl to sf-e so many present at the LorlL'e . Of working P . M . ' s they for . innately had many . The-o were Bros . J . A . Farnfield , Treasurer ; Dennis , from whom he had taken his first , second and third degrees
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Zetland Chap t er , No . ' 36 . —The regular Convocation of this Chapter was held at York , on Wednesday Inst . Present—E . Cnmps . the Earl of Zetland Z ., Sir . Tames Meek Kt . as TL , Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett J ., R . W . Hollon P Z ., J . Todd P . Z . ; Comps . T . G . Turner S . E ., Meek S . N ., A . Buckle P . S ., T . S . Camidge . Org ., J . Ward , C . Pallisor , G . C . Lee , T . B . Whitehead . C . D . Barstow , Gairforth .
Seller , Rvmer , Rooke . T . W . Wilson , & o . Visitors—Major Shaw . Hellier nnd Capt . Hanlv , 4 fh Dragoon Guards . Tho business eon . sisted of the election of a Treasurer in the place of the lnte E . Comr > W . Cowling P . Z ., who had served the Chapter in thnt capaeirv for many years , and the unanimous vote of the Companion " fell upon ' Excellent Companion J . Todd P . Z . The M . E . Z .
moved a vote of sympathy , on behalf of the Chapter , with the fnmilv of their late lamented Companion , who hid been so faithful and valnable an Officer ; this-was seconded hy Comp . Sir Jamea Meek , and carried . Tho Companions afterwards met at snpnor , under the presidency of E . Comp . R . W . Hollon P . Z ., and a pleasant evening was spent , tho usual toasts being duly given .
Pltzroy Lodfifo , No . 589 .-The first meeting of the season ¦ was hold at tho Armonrv House , Finsbnrv , on Fridav , tho 25 th nit .. when the following brethren attended . Bros . R . G . Webster W . M ., A . D . Everingham " 3 . W ., John C . Sanderson J . W ., Lieut . F . T . Stiihwasser S . D ., W . Birdseve , I . G ., Capt . R . Helsham Treasurer . Cant . J . E . / lese Hon . Seo , Lient . W . T . Spicer I . P . M ., W . . To'liffo D . C . A . J . Adams P . M ., nnd W . H . Honev P . M . The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and eonfirmod , after which the L 'df » e wis opened in the second degree , nnd Bros . C » nt-. Jacobs and James Qnarm wero passed to tho degree of Fellow Craft ; two gentlemen were , proposed for initiation at the next meting , and the Lodgo adjourned . The nmal banquet followed , anil the Mnsonic an 1 Lovnl toasts were dnlv honoured . The Visitors were Bros . Willis No . 3 , Gnllv 8 , Bella-nv 91 , Dobson 72 , Cutler S . W . 231 . W . R . C--nzier W . M . 370 , Jones 795 , Field 1185 , Frost 130 fi , Gunnell 1441 , and MoCabe 1260 .
Seejontium Lodge , No . 606 . — The install'tion meeting of this Lodge , which meets at their magnificent Lodge-room within tho walls of the ancient castlo of Carnarvon , took p ' ace on Wednesday , the 9 th ult . Bro . C . A . Jones W . M ., assisted by Bro . the Rev . J . S . Boucher I . P . M . P . G . C ., installed , in tho most impressive mnnno" , Bro . Owen Thomas as W . M . for tho ensuing year ; who subsequently
invested the following Officers : ~ Bros . 0 . A . Jones I . P . M ., Canon Evans , D . D ., Chaplain , L . Prothero S . W ., G . Thomas J . W ., R . Thomas Treasurer , D . W . Davies Secretary , S . Nightingale S . D ., 0 . P . Boucher J . D ., C . Foulkes I . G ., W . Havden Organist , W . Hamer S ., J . W . Poole P . M . D . C , W . Watkins Tvler . In tho course of the business proceedings the W . M . pre ented valuable jewels , on behalf of
tho Lodge , to 0 . A . Jones I . P . M . and D . W . Davies Secretary , as a recognition of the faithful manner they hid discharged their duties . The gifts wero suitably acknowledged . Notice was given thab tho Lodge vote £ 5 , or more , towards the distress fund of Abercarno , South Wales , Notice was ulso given that the Lodge vote £ 20 in order to secure an additional life interest in
both the Boys and Girls Mnsonic Orphan Institution . Bro . 0 . H . Rees was appointed to represent the Lodge at the North Wales and Shropshire Masonic Educational Association . After the conclusion of the business , the brethren proceeded to the Eoyal Hotel ( Bro . Humphreys ) , there to partake of an excellent banquet . In the course of the evening , the usual Mnsonic and Loyal toasts were drunk with enthusiasm . Besides those already named , tho following attended
tho Lodge and banquet : —Bros , the Rev . R . J . Edwards Con-is , C . Davies , and G . P . Spooner Portmadoc , W . FI . Foulkes and H . A . Steen Rhyl , W . H . Holmes Cuwes , F . Jarmyu Abergele , D . Thomas Che-ter , and the following from Carnarvon : —R . J . Davids , C . H . Rees , W . Hugh Owen , J . Lloyd , R . W . Griffith , C . P . Coophind , G . A . Davids , O . Evans , H . Evans , T . Williams , It . S . Williams , & c . & c .
Grosvenor Chapter , No . 721 . —The monthly convocation of this Chapter was held at the Masonic Chambers , E istgate-row-north , Chester , on Tuesday , the 29 th ult . The Chapter was opened at 6 . 30 p . m ., by Ex-Comps . W . Johnson M . E . Z ., J . Dennis H ., D . Thomas P . Z . as J ., T . E . Nabb S . E ., R . C . Edwards P . S ., John Humphreys Org ., D . Baynes Janitor . The minutes of the last Convocation were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for a brother for
exaltation , and proved favourable . From unforeseen circumstances the candidate was unable to attend . The M . E . Z . then gave a shoit account of his visit to Prov . Grand Chapter , at Birkenhead , which was listened to with great pleasure by the Companions . It is to be regretted that the number of Members present was so small to participate in the duties and pleasures of the Chapter . The business of the evening being ended , the Chapter was closed in ancient form , and the Comps . dispersed .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 — On 25 th October , at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , at half past 7 o ' clock . Present —Bros . Gomm W . M ., Le Grys S . W ., Talbot J . W ., Kyezor S . D ., Gunner Hon . Sec . and J . D ., Botley I . G ., Goss I . P . M . 780 , Clarke , Blasbv , Skinner 813 , & c . After preliminaries , Bro . Clarke offered himself as candidate , and the ceremony of
Initiation was rehearsed . The call to refreshment was given , aud upon the resumption of labour , Lodge was advanced to second and third degrees , and regularly closed down . Bro . Skinner was elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Lo Grys was elected W . M . for n-xt meet-ng . The Lodge of Instruction banquet is fixed fur
the Last Friday in November , when the brethren desire to meet as many of their cow / re es as can make it convenient to attend ; n post card or note addressed to Bro . Gunner , at the Star and Garter , announcing intenti- n to be present is requested , so that proper provision may be made , I
Merchant Naw Lodere of Instruction , No . 781 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 30 th October , at the Silver Tavern Rurdett-rond , Limehnnse , E . Present—Br ^ s . Andrews J . W . 12 2 , W . M ., Webb S . D 171- S . W .. Breden W . M . 781 Seo . and J . W ., Oidd S . D ., Hogg P . M . 1319 J . D , Evovett . T . G . ; Bros . Turquand P 90 . P . M . 155 R , Barnes P . M . 953 . 55 t , Berrv 554-, Reeves 781 , Musto , Wale
972 , and a numerous assemblage of members and visitors . Lodge vas opened in due form with pravor ; minutes read and confirmed . Lodgo opened in second and third degrees . Lodge resumed to tbe first , and the following brethren worked the Fifteen Sections : — First Lecture—B-OS . Anderson , Tavlnr , Smith . Mnsf . o , Hog ? , Webb , Mnsto . Second Lecture—Bros , Berry , Worsley , Onld . Turquand ,
Pring'e . Third Lecture—Bros . Taylor , J . IT . Pringle , Barnes Bro . Breden W . M . No . 7 H 1 Hon S > -c . After n , very pleasant evening Bro . Andrews , vnso . It was pvwwsed bv Bro . Rrwlftn , seconded bv Evo . Hogg , that Bros . Anderson , White , Brooke . Molo . Ehdon . LoMesnrior , A'Kson , Wilson . Wehh . and Horner become members of this Lodco ef
Instruction . Carried unanimously , and suitabl y acknowledged bv tl-e S . W . Proposed by Rro . Breden , seconded by Bro . Barnes , that Bre . Andrews ho made an honorary member , for the efficient manner in whioh he had worked the Fifteen Sections . This was also oar-rind unanimously . Lodge closed in due form with prayer , and adjourned nntil Wednesday , 6 th November .
Dalhousie Lod <* e of Instruction , No . 880 . —This Lodge held its weekly meetinrv nn Toosdiv , the 29 th of Or-tobe " . at the Sisters ' Tavern , Pownill-roid , Dals t on . T ' resent--Bros . R . D dias W . M ., J . Lorkin S . W , Wa-d"ll T . W ., W . W . M «> -gan as See .. S-nvth Treas .. Gilhim S . D ., Polak T D .. Cirr T . G . P . M . 's Bros . W . H . Wellington Preeep'or , 0 K . Ki'U"k F' 9 .. W-ight ; C . TT . Webb WM . 1007 :
also Bros . Brasted C . Lork'n , Forss , Wvmtn , Collins . & o . After tire , liminaries had h ° en eonin'iel with , the W . M . worked the oorermnv of initiation , Bro . C . Lork'n candidate . Tho Pro' -ootor , Bro . Wa'lington , then r"hearsed the installation eeremonv , performing his task mo-ifc carefully , and gi-eativ to the satisfaction of the brethren . Bro C . II . Webb acted as W . M . e ' ect , nnd on taking th" chair went through with t ' e formal investiture of Offic rs . Bro . Wallmgton then most
impressively deliver J d the addresses , and on resuming his seat reeeivrcl the congratulations of the brethren on the abUitv ho had d ' splavel . Later in the evening a cordial vote of thanks was passed to hi-n , and this mark of respect was ordered to be placed on the . minuses . Bro . Da'las workel the seeond section of the first lecture . Bro . Killick was elected a member , and then Lodgo was closed . As is the custom at this Lodgo of Instruction , some of tho members after , wards spent an hour together in conviviality .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —Tho members held their anniversary banquet on Wednesday . 30 th Oct ., at Bro . Hvdo ' s , Red Lion , Poppins-conrt , Fleet-street . Bro . Long , the Preceptor , was in the chair ; ho was assisted bv Bros . Tato and Thomp .
son of the Mother Lodgo , and a cPstingnisned but not numerous assemblage of brethren . The banquet met with great satisfaction ; it was Bro . Hyde ' s first eff > rt in that direction . After removal of the cloth the various Masonic toasts were dnly honoured , and the evening passed very pleasantly , with vocal and instrumental music .
Eoyal Albert Lodge , No . 907 . —A regular meeting of this Lodgo was held at Freemasons' Hall on Monday evening , 21 st ult . Lodge was opened at 5 . 30 p . m . bv Bros . F . A . White I . P . M . as W . M ., T . Griffiths P . M . as T . P . M ., R . Jennings S . W ., G . T . B irr J . W ., J . A . Farntiold P . M . Treasurer , W . H . Farnfield P . M . Seoretarv , T . Butt S . D ., \ V . Wardley J . D ., H . J . Lewis P . M . D . C . and W . S . f also Past
Masters R . E . Stevenson , C . Chard , T . Griffiths , and J . Dennis , and a largo number of brethren . The minutes of the previous Lod go mooting having been read and confirmed , ballot was taken for two gentlemen , candidates for initiation , which proved favourable . The W . M . accordingly admitted Messrs . Charles Robinson and William Searlo into Freemasonry , in a very able and impressive manner . Bro . Wallis
was next invsted with the T . G . collar . No further business beinnon the agenda , Lodge was solemnly closed and adjourned until the 18 th November next . The brethren then sat down to the banquet , which was served hy Bro . A . Best in his usual excellent style . Tho cloth being removed , the W M . gave the Loyal and Craft toasts in brief but appropriate terms , and each was duly honoured by tho
brethren . Bro . J . A . Farnfield P . M . rose to propose the health of the W . M ., remarking that it would require but little recommendation from him to ensure a hearty response to the toast . Tho brethren had had an opportunity of s » eing how ably Bro . White had discharged the duties of the chair during his recont term of office , and were well assured that in his hands the honour of the Lodge wonld be well
snstuined throughout tho present year . Bro . White P . M ., in replv , thanked Bro . Farnfield for the kind manner in which tho toast had been prop > sed , and also tho brethren for the he irty reception th-it had been given to it . He hoped that as he had been successful in tho past , so in the future he might secure their good opinion . Having been called upon , through unforeseen circumstances , to occupy tho
chair this year , although bnt recently having vacated it , he should strive , with the co-operation of the P . M . ' s , to render that service to the Royal Albert Lodge which he felt , it deserved . Tho W . M . next rose to propose the toast of the Initiates , one which he felt to be tho toast of the evening . They had just admitted two gentlemen into their ancient Order ; and , from the fact of their being recommended by P . M . ' s of the Lodge , he felt , glad to offer them a sincere welcome .
He was sure the brethren wonld heartily respond . Bros . C . Robinson and William Hearle both returned thanks for tho honour the Lod ge had done them , and frosted they would prove themselves worthy of the Order . The W . M . then t-ave the Past Misters . He wns irlarl to sf-e so many present at the LorlL'e . Of working P . M . ' s they for . innately had many . The-o were Bros . J . A . Farnfield , Treasurer ; Dennis , from whom he had taken his first , second and third degrees