Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
W . Farnfield Secretary ; 0 . Chard , who was busy with the Lodge of Instruction ; and Bro . Stevenson . He therefore asked them to do honour to the toast , and he coupled the names of Bros . Dennis and Chard . Bro . P . M . Dennis , in reply , said : Permit me to thank yon for the hearty manner in which you havo received this toast . I fee that I scarcely deserve the high tribute of respect paid mo bv Bro
"White , nnd am sure that while wo as P . M . ' s havo all dono onr best for tho Lodge , none have done more than Bro . W . M . White has done , nnd is now doing , for the Royal Albert Lodge . I feel a degree of pleasure in recalling the fact that it was not only my privilege to make him a Mason , as he has told yon , but also to instal him into the chair . Bro . P . M . Chard also briefly expressed the pleasure he
felt at the hearty way in which the assistance the P . M . 's had rendered for manv years was appreciated . It had always been a pleasure to do whatever lay in their power for the good of the brethren . The W . M . next gave the Visitors . He had seldom seen so fow at their meetings , and was glad to offer these who had honoured them with their presence a cordial welcome . Bro . Anderson briefly replied . The
W . M . rowt gave the toast of the Treasurer , Secretary and D . C . and W . S . He was sure thp Lodge was indebted to Bros . P . M . J . Farnfield , W . A . Farnfield , and H . J . Lewis D . C . and W . S . for the manner in whioh they performed their duties , and wonld mark it in tbeir reception of the toast . Bro . H . J . Lewis in a hnmorona speech expressed tho satisfaction ho had in pleasing the brethren . He felt he had done
so that evening , as every one seemed happy . It was tho highest gratification to him to know the Lodge had well sustained its high character for hospitality . Tho other Officers having responded in suitable terms , the Tyler ' s toast brought tho proceedings to an end . The Visitors were Bros . Ande > son S . W . 60 , Talbot 1716 , Stephens 1623 , and Fennell 1623 . During tho evening tho toasts wero interspersed with several capital songs .
Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction . —A meeting was held on Wednesday evening , the 30 th October , at the Spread Engle Hotel , Wandsworth . The following brethren wero present—Bros . H . R . Jones I . P . M ., J . G . Carter P . M ., W . J . Hnntly , John Frost , F . Reed , G . Howick , J . Feathersfone , P . V . Denham , John Saunders , Newens , J . J . Holland and A . A . Denham ; J . G . Jones
nnd H . S . Lee Visitors . Bro . Carter P . M ., as the W . M ., proved himself thoroughly efficient in the ritual . Bro . Featherstono went through tho ceremony of being initiated . Bro . Lee was passed , and Bro . Jones raised . Bro . Holland proposed , Bro . Feathorstone seconded , svtid it was unanimously carried , that Bvo . J . G . Jones and H . S . Lee . be elected members of this Lodge of Instruction .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge hold an emergoucy meeting on Wednesday , the 23 rd of October , at the Masonio Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . Arthur Welch Prov . G . R . Berks and Bucks W . M ., W . G . Flanagan W . M . elect S . W ., J . Early D nks J . W ., Thomas Newman D . C . acting Sec , J . T . Stransom Treasurer , E . J . Blackwell J . D ., Hawkes Steward , Hemmings Tyler . Past Masters
Bros . Marurett I . P . M ., R . C . Hurley ; Bros . Pulley , Bailey , Hunt , Prickett , Rolfe , White . This Lodge of Emergency was held for the purpose of " taking into consideration a letter received from tho ; W . M . of tho Lodge of Union 414 , rccompaniecl by a resolution aud notice with regard to the tenancy of the Lodge room and appurtenances , and to decide upon the same ; " also to " pass tho
Treasurer ' s accounts as audited . " Tho Lodgo being opened in the first degree , the letter from thd W . M . 414 , together with tho resolution and notice , were read by the acting Secretary , who called attention to the minutes of 9 th October and 13 th November 1867 , wherein an agreement had been made and signed by tho two Lodges as to the rental of the premises . A lengthened and interesting discussion took
place , which resulted in a resolution , proposed by Bro . Hurley P . M . and seconded by the W . M . elect , " that , an offer of an increase of rental be made to 414 , subject to arbitration if tho offer be refused . " An amendment was proposed by Bro . Margrett I . P . M ., seconded by Bro . Bailey , " that a communication bo made to tho members of 414 , requesting them to agree to refer the question of terms to the
arbitration of some Masonic authority . " The amendment was put , but not carried . Tho original r solution was put , and declared to be carried . The Treasurer's accounts , as audited , were passed , with a complimentary vote of hearty th » uks to the Treasurer for the " satisfactory state of the Lodge finances , " which was carried by acclamation . All business being ended , the Lodgo was closed .
St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction , 1306 . — At Bro . Mori lock ' s , Gun Hotel , Wapping , on Monday , 28 tb inst . Present Bros . C . Veal W . M . Horsley S . W ., T . Wooding J . W ., G . II . Stephens S . D ., T . Mortlock Preceptor , Bramo Secretary , also Bros . Greeley , Wood , Banks , & c . After preliminaries , the W . M . worked the ceremony of Initiation , Bro . Banks candidate . Bro . G . H . Stephens
then worked the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture , assisted b y the brethren . The report of tto Audit Committee was read and adopted . It showed a satisfactory financial position , after awarding £ 3 3 s to a distressed brother . Bro . Horsley was duly elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Mortlock Preceptor , roso to propose a vote of thanks to their Worshipfnl Master . It was tho first time
Bro . Veal had worked a ceremony in that Lodge . He was sure this mark of respect was seldom more deserved . Carried unanimously . Bro . Horsley S . W . expressed the pleasure it afforded him to see one of tho principal officers of the Mother Lod ge acquit himself in so proficient a manner . Bro . Veal briefly thanked the brethren , and Lodgo was solemnly closed , and adjourned till next Monday evening , at 8 o ' clock p . m .
Gladsmuir Lodge No . 1385 . —A meeting was held on the 25 th ult ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Barnet . Present—Bros . R , F . Young j
W . M ., F . Venables P . G . Pursuivant S . W ., C . Gray J . W ., P . M . Askow P . G . S . D . Sec . P . M . Lowthin P . P . G . S . W . Treas ., J . P . Enerby S . D ., C . W . Allen J . D ., J . G . Tolland P . P . G . S . Bearer D . C . as I . G ., J . Purrott P . P . G . S . Steward , R . W . Goddard Tyler . P . M . 's Bros . J . Livingston P . P . G . S . W ., Edwards P . P . G . Supt . Works , Cutbush P . P . G . Assist . D . C , Bros . W . K . Hopkins , A . Triggs , J . Brittain P . P . G . S ., W . Morgan jnn ., and J . M . Ashforth . Visitor—Bro . Morris , Minerva
Lodge , No . 300 . Lodge was opened , and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Ashforth , a candidate for passing , was asked tho usual questions . Lodgo was then opened in tho second degree , and tho ceremony was performed . The Lodge was closed down , and several propositions were made . Lodge was then closed in due form . The brethren afterwards adjonrned to refreshment . Bro . Cutbush notified the brethren that his list for the Girls' School amounted to sixty guineas ; he thanked them for ' ! . ¦' .: .-support .
The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 . — Held at Masons' Hall Tavern , E . G ., on Thursday , 31 st Oct ., at 6 p . m . Present—Bros . T . Pooro P . M . 720 W . M .. Jas . Stevens P . M . 1426 , & o . S . W ., P . Dickinson P . M . 1298 J . W ., T . Earner I . G ., G . W . Blackie Hon . Sec , G . W . Saul Preceptor , and about thirty other brethren . The Lodge was opened in the first degree , nnd the minutes of tho
previous meeting wero read and confirmed . Tho sections of the first lecture were then worked by tho following brethren—Bros . Harper , Hunt , Moss , C . Taylor , Saul , Pcore , and Waits . The Lodgo was opened in the second degree , and the second lecture worked by the following brethren—Bros . A . E . Taylor nnd Dickinson ;—at this period the Lodge was called oflffor refresbn ent . On resuming , tho remaining sections were worked by Bros . Blackie , Lea , and Tolmie . The
Lodge was opened in tho third degree , and the third lecture worked by tho following brethren : —Bros . Pepper , Ockenden , and Sadler . The Lodge was closed down to the first degree . Several new members joined the Lodge . Votes of thanks wero ordered to bo recorded on tho minntos to Bro . Pooro P . M . 720 , for occupying tho ehair , and also to tho working brethren for their kindness in assisting . All Masonic business being ended , Lodgo was closed in dne form .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — The usual weekly meeting was held on Thursday evening , tho 2 it . h ult , at the Feathers Hotel , Ealing . Present—Bros . Kingston W . M ., Fisher S . W ., Coop J . W ., Burr Sec , Tucker Treasurer , Porter S . D ., Seward J . D ., Le Grys I . G ., and Bros . Wells , Tink Brown , Clark , Wright , Etienno , Nye , Edmoston , Delevante , and several others . The Lodge having been opened in duo form and the
minutes read , the W . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of initiation , Bro . Wells candidate . Bro . Etienne , of tho Mother Lodge , was unani . mously elected a member . The question has again been raised of securing a more suitable " homo " than that now now used by the Mother Lodge , and some of the brethren have inspected premises which are considered to bo suitable . A Committee has been appointed to look into tho question in all its bearings , and to report at an early
meeting the result of their inquiries . On the whole , there is a prospect of the Lodge either securing some existing promises , or erecting a snitable Masonic Hall . There is no doubt that , in a growing and fashionable resort such as Ealing , as a speculation , either plan would bo remunerative ; further , it is believed that many Lodges and Chapters would be induced to migrate to Ealing , particularly during tho summer months .
Lodge of Progress , 1758 . —This Lodge , which was consecrated on the 17 th ult ., held its first regular meeting , at Freemasons ' Hall , on Wednesday last , nuder tho presidency of the Worshipful Master Bro . W . Alfred Dawson , supported by Bro . Richards P . M . & c , an honorary member of the Lodge , as I . P . M ., Bro . F . R . Spaull S . W ., A . C . Spaull J . W ., E . Legg Treasurer , E . Hornblower Secretary ,
Tuttershall S . D ., Durot J . D ., T . W . Ockenden I . G ., J . E . Hunt , Kentish , J . R . Jones 113 , W . G . Weber 873 , J . Marshall 538 , & c . A ballot was taken on behalf of the last thrco named brethren as joining members , and declared unanimous . Another ballot resulted in equal success for the admission of Mr . James William Gaze , a
candidate for initiation , who was duly and solemnly admitted to the benefit of Masonic light . Bro . Weber presided at the organ . Tho bye-laws were read and approved . Amongst the visitors present were Bro . William Hammond P . M . 201 , 1326 , 1512 , and W . M . 1656 , Bro . Dnnlop , & c . Tho next meeting will take place on Wednesday , 27 th November , at 7 o ' clock .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence , Sanctioned by the Grand Lodgd of England . rHB FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from tho Office , ou receipt , jt Post Office Order for 13 s 6 d , this will noluile postage for 12 mouths . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , it Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHKONICI , E an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Pago ... £ 8 0 0 Back Pago £ 10 0 0 Births . Marriages and Deaths , fid per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & o . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions OQ application .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
W . Farnfield Secretary ; 0 . Chard , who was busy with the Lodge of Instruction ; and Bro . Stevenson . He therefore asked them to do honour to the toast , and he coupled the names of Bros . Dennis and Chard . Bro . P . M . Dennis , in reply , said : Permit me to thank yon for the hearty manner in which you havo received this toast . I fee that I scarcely deserve the high tribute of respect paid mo bv Bro
"White , nnd am sure that while wo as P . M . ' s havo all dono onr best for tho Lodge , none have done more than Bro . W . M . White has done , nnd is now doing , for the Royal Albert Lodge . I feel a degree of pleasure in recalling the fact that it was not only my privilege to make him a Mason , as he has told yon , but also to instal him into the chair . Bro . P . M . Chard also briefly expressed the pleasure he
felt at the hearty way in which the assistance the P . M . 's had rendered for manv years was appreciated . It had always been a pleasure to do whatever lay in their power for the good of the brethren . The W . M . next gave the Visitors . He had seldom seen so fow at their meetings , and was glad to offer these who had honoured them with their presence a cordial welcome . Bro . Anderson briefly replied . The
W . M . rowt gave the toast of the Treasurer , Secretary and D . C . and W . S . He was sure thp Lodge was indebted to Bros . P . M . J . Farnfield , W . A . Farnfield , and H . J . Lewis D . C . and W . S . for the manner in whioh they performed their duties , and wonld mark it in tbeir reception of the toast . Bro . H . J . Lewis in a hnmorona speech expressed tho satisfaction ho had in pleasing the brethren . He felt he had done
so that evening , as every one seemed happy . It was tho highest gratification to him to know the Lodge had well sustained its high character for hospitality . Tho other Officers having responded in suitable terms , the Tyler ' s toast brought tho proceedings to an end . The Visitors were Bros . Ande > son S . W . 60 , Talbot 1716 , Stephens 1623 , and Fennell 1623 . During tho evening tho toasts wero interspersed with several capital songs .
Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction . —A meeting was held on Wednesday evening , the 30 th October , at the Spread Engle Hotel , Wandsworth . The following brethren wero present—Bros . H . R . Jones I . P . M ., J . G . Carter P . M ., W . J . Hnntly , John Frost , F . Reed , G . Howick , J . Feathersfone , P . V . Denham , John Saunders , Newens , J . J . Holland and A . A . Denham ; J . G . Jones
nnd H . S . Lee Visitors . Bro . Carter P . M ., as the W . M ., proved himself thoroughly efficient in the ritual . Bro . Featherstono went through tho ceremony of being initiated . Bro . Lee was passed , and Bro . Jones raised . Bro . Holland proposed , Bro . Feathorstone seconded , svtid it was unanimously carried , that Bvo . J . G . Jones and H . S . Lee . be elected members of this Lodge of Instruction .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge hold an emergoucy meeting on Wednesday , the 23 rd of October , at the Masonio Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . Arthur Welch Prov . G . R . Berks and Bucks W . M ., W . G . Flanagan W . M . elect S . W ., J . Early D nks J . W ., Thomas Newman D . C . acting Sec , J . T . Stransom Treasurer , E . J . Blackwell J . D ., Hawkes Steward , Hemmings Tyler . Past Masters
Bros . Marurett I . P . M ., R . C . Hurley ; Bros . Pulley , Bailey , Hunt , Prickett , Rolfe , White . This Lodge of Emergency was held for the purpose of " taking into consideration a letter received from tho ; W . M . of tho Lodge of Union 414 , rccompaniecl by a resolution aud notice with regard to the tenancy of the Lodge room and appurtenances , and to decide upon the same ; " also to " pass tho
Treasurer ' s accounts as audited . " Tho Lodgo being opened in the first degree , the letter from thd W . M . 414 , together with tho resolution and notice , were read by the acting Secretary , who called attention to the minutes of 9 th October and 13 th November 1867 , wherein an agreement had been made and signed by tho two Lodges as to the rental of the premises . A lengthened and interesting discussion took
place , which resulted in a resolution , proposed by Bro . Hurley P . M . and seconded by the W . M . elect , " that , an offer of an increase of rental be made to 414 , subject to arbitration if tho offer be refused . " An amendment was proposed by Bro . Margrett I . P . M ., seconded by Bro . Bailey , " that a communication bo made to tho members of 414 , requesting them to agree to refer the question of terms to the
arbitration of some Masonic authority . " The amendment was put , but not carried . Tho original r solution was put , and declared to be carried . The Treasurer's accounts , as audited , were passed , with a complimentary vote of hearty th » uks to the Treasurer for the " satisfactory state of the Lodge finances , " which was carried by acclamation . All business being ended , the Lodgo was closed .
St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction , 1306 . — At Bro . Mori lock ' s , Gun Hotel , Wapping , on Monday , 28 tb inst . Present Bros . C . Veal W . M . Horsley S . W ., T . Wooding J . W ., G . II . Stephens S . D ., T . Mortlock Preceptor , Bramo Secretary , also Bros . Greeley , Wood , Banks , & c . After preliminaries , the W . M . worked the ceremony of Initiation , Bro . Banks candidate . Bro . G . H . Stephens
then worked the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture , assisted b y the brethren . The report of tto Audit Committee was read and adopted . It showed a satisfactory financial position , after awarding £ 3 3 s to a distressed brother . Bro . Horsley was duly elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Mortlock Preceptor , roso to propose a vote of thanks to their Worshipfnl Master . It was tho first time
Bro . Veal had worked a ceremony in that Lodge . He was sure this mark of respect was seldom more deserved . Carried unanimously . Bro . Horsley S . W . expressed the pleasure it afforded him to see one of tho principal officers of the Mother Lod ge acquit himself in so proficient a manner . Bro . Veal briefly thanked the brethren , and Lodgo was solemnly closed , and adjourned till next Monday evening , at 8 o ' clock p . m .
Gladsmuir Lodge No . 1385 . —A meeting was held on the 25 th ult ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Barnet . Present—Bros . R , F . Young j
W . M ., F . Venables P . G . Pursuivant S . W ., C . Gray J . W ., P . M . Askow P . G . S . D . Sec . P . M . Lowthin P . P . G . S . W . Treas ., J . P . Enerby S . D ., C . W . Allen J . D ., J . G . Tolland P . P . G . S . Bearer D . C . as I . G ., J . Purrott P . P . G . S . Steward , R . W . Goddard Tyler . P . M . 's Bros . J . Livingston P . P . G . S . W ., Edwards P . P . G . Supt . Works , Cutbush P . P . G . Assist . D . C , Bros . W . K . Hopkins , A . Triggs , J . Brittain P . P . G . S ., W . Morgan jnn ., and J . M . Ashforth . Visitor—Bro . Morris , Minerva
Lodge , No . 300 . Lodge was opened , and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Ashforth , a candidate for passing , was asked tho usual questions . Lodgo was then opened in tho second degree , and tho ceremony was performed . The Lodge was closed down , and several propositions were made . Lodge was then closed in due form . The brethren afterwards adjonrned to refreshment . Bro . Cutbush notified the brethren that his list for the Girls' School amounted to sixty guineas ; he thanked them for ' ! . ¦' .: .-support .
The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 . — Held at Masons' Hall Tavern , E . G ., on Thursday , 31 st Oct ., at 6 p . m . Present—Bros . T . Pooro P . M . 720 W . M .. Jas . Stevens P . M . 1426 , & o . S . W ., P . Dickinson P . M . 1298 J . W ., T . Earner I . G ., G . W . Blackie Hon . Sec , G . W . Saul Preceptor , and about thirty other brethren . The Lodge was opened in the first degree , nnd the minutes of tho
previous meeting wero read and confirmed . Tho sections of the first lecture were then worked by tho following brethren—Bros . Harper , Hunt , Moss , C . Taylor , Saul , Pcore , and Waits . The Lodgo was opened in the second degree , and the second lecture worked by the following brethren—Bros . A . E . Taylor nnd Dickinson ;—at this period the Lodge was called oflffor refresbn ent . On resuming , tho remaining sections were worked by Bros . Blackie , Lea , and Tolmie . The
Lodge was opened in tho third degree , and the third lecture worked by tho following brethren : —Bros . Pepper , Ockenden , and Sadler . The Lodge was closed down to the first degree . Several new members joined the Lodge . Votes of thanks wero ordered to bo recorded on tho minntos to Bro . Pooro P . M . 720 , for occupying tho ehair , and also to tho working brethren for their kindness in assisting . All Masonic business being ended , Lodgo was closed in dne form .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — The usual weekly meeting was held on Thursday evening , tho 2 it . h ult , at the Feathers Hotel , Ealing . Present—Bros . Kingston W . M ., Fisher S . W ., Coop J . W ., Burr Sec , Tucker Treasurer , Porter S . D ., Seward J . D ., Le Grys I . G ., and Bros . Wells , Tink Brown , Clark , Wright , Etienno , Nye , Edmoston , Delevante , and several others . The Lodge having been opened in duo form and the
minutes read , the W . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of initiation , Bro . Wells candidate . Bro . Etienne , of tho Mother Lodge , was unani . mously elected a member . The question has again been raised of securing a more suitable " homo " than that now now used by the Mother Lodge , and some of the brethren have inspected premises which are considered to bo suitable . A Committee has been appointed to look into tho question in all its bearings , and to report at an early
meeting the result of their inquiries . On the whole , there is a prospect of the Lodge either securing some existing promises , or erecting a snitable Masonic Hall . There is no doubt that , in a growing and fashionable resort such as Ealing , as a speculation , either plan would bo remunerative ; further , it is believed that many Lodges and Chapters would be induced to migrate to Ealing , particularly during tho summer months .
Lodge of Progress , 1758 . —This Lodge , which was consecrated on the 17 th ult ., held its first regular meeting , at Freemasons ' Hall , on Wednesday last , nuder tho presidency of the Worshipful Master Bro . W . Alfred Dawson , supported by Bro . Richards P . M . & c , an honorary member of the Lodge , as I . P . M ., Bro . F . R . Spaull S . W ., A . C . Spaull J . W ., E . Legg Treasurer , E . Hornblower Secretary ,
Tuttershall S . D ., Durot J . D ., T . W . Ockenden I . G ., J . E . Hunt , Kentish , J . R . Jones 113 , W . G . Weber 873 , J . Marshall 538 , & c . A ballot was taken on behalf of the last thrco named brethren as joining members , and declared unanimous . Another ballot resulted in equal success for the admission of Mr . James William Gaze , a
candidate for initiation , who was duly and solemnly admitted to the benefit of Masonic light . Bro . Weber presided at the organ . Tho bye-laws were read and approved . Amongst the visitors present were Bro . William Hammond P . M . 201 , 1326 , 1512 , and W . M . 1656 , Bro . Dnnlop , & c . Tho next meeting will take place on Wednesday , 27 th November , at 7 o ' clock .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence , Sanctioned by the Grand Lodgd of England . rHB FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from tho Office , ou receipt , jt Post Office Order for 13 s 6 d , this will noluile postage for 12 mouths . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , it Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHKONICI , E an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Pago ... £ 8 0 0 Back Pago £ 10 0 0 Births . Marriages and Deaths , fid per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & o . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions OQ application .