Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 2 of 2
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Installation Meetings, &C.
was possible for him to do so , his deep sense of this fnrth-M- proof of the kindly feeling entertained towards him by the brethren of the Paxton Lodge . He should strive to do bis duty in the future as conscientiously as he had striven to do it in the pist He was delighted with the harmony that prevailed in the Lodge , and trusted ifc wonld always continue . Then followed other toasts , in . eluding those of the Visitors , the Press ( acknowledged by Bros
Morgan and Thompson ) and tho Officers . In tho intervals hetwpen the speeches several songs were very effectively sung by Bro . Sawyer and others , and when the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close , those present rose and departed , well pleased with their entertainment . The following Visitors were present , namely : -H . C . Levander Prov . G . Seo . Middlesex . H . Thompson P . M . 177 , Chas . F . Johns 12 « 7 , Thoa . J . Robertson 1538 , Moritz Rosenblnm 1339 , Wm . McKay 1339 , Jubal Webb , W . W . Morgan 211 , & c .
Hemming Lodge , No . 1512 . —This Lodge held its instal . lat . ion meeting on Thursday , the 17 th October , afc its Lodge Room , Lion Hotel , Hampton . Bros John Hammond P . M . 201 P . G . Steward Middlesex W . M , C . W . Pox P . M . 132 G W . M . elect S . W ., John Cameron Jessetfc J . W ., W . Hammond P . M . P . P . G . D . Middlesex Secretary , E . Hopwood P . M . 141 P . G . S . B . Middlesex Treas ., T . Moody Acting
S . D ., T . C . Walls P . P . G . Org . Middlesex J . D ., F . W . Kent D . C , J . W . Hiscox Steward , John Gilbert P . G . T . Middlesex Tyler . Past Masters Bros . John Hurst , Samuel Hill , D . B . Raw and other members . Bros . Davey , Cox , Papworth , Day , Patey , Hanlnn , Beancharrp , Andrews , Messenger , Jones , Tasrg , Whoe'er , Murphy . & c . Visitors—Bros . J . W . Baldwin P . M . 1423 P . P . G . P . Middlesex . W . Fisher
P . M . 834 , Handel , Turner , Borrell , and White ( all of lfiofi ) , T . G . Hmmlton S . W . 1306 . W . Bartlett , E Russell and R . M . Axford were separately initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . During a break in the ceremony , tho Right Worshipful Prov . G . M . Colonel Burdett entered , and was duly sainted in accordance with the honours of his exalted position . The gavel having been presented , was at once
returned to the W . M . Bro . T . Hanlon was now passed to the degree of F . C ., and subsequently Bros . Bray , Cox , and Carpenter were ably raised to the snblime degree , the obligations being administered separarely . The W . M . next installed his successor , Bro . Copeman William Fox P . M . 132 B , who afc once invested his Officers , viz .: —Bro . J . C . Jessefct S . W ., T . W . Ockenden , by depnty , he being unavoidably
absent , as an Officer of the new Lodge of Progress 17 f 8 , then in the act of Consecration . The Treasurer and Secretary were reinvested , with kind , complimentary remarks from the W . M . T . C . Walls S . D ., F . W . Kent J . D ., J . W . Hiscox I . G ., T . Moody M . C ., Harry Tagg Steward , W . J . Day Junior Steward . The Installing Master then gave the addresses with excellent precision and effect . Other business
incident npon the duties of the occasion were then proceeded with . Allusion must nofc be omitted to the report of the Audit Committee , consisting , by virtue of the bye-laws of the Lodge , of the P . M . ' s and Officers , nearly all of whom were present afc the audit . After a payment of ten guineas to tho Charities , three guineas to the Burdett Testimonial Fund , ancl over fifty gnineas to the funds
of Grand Lodge and Prov . Grand Lodge , a cash balance remains in the hands of the Treasurer of over thirty-five pounds , in addition to arrears'dne . We append the auditors' remarks upon this result : — " With every liability met , tho W . M . thus enters upon the duties of his important post with the pleasing anticipation of continued marked success , and the Committee feel confident thafc with this excellent
balance in hand , his known philanthropy will secure a further respectable increase to the objects of benevolence . One of the foremost to be considered is that of the testimonial to the memory of our lamented Bro . Little , late D . P . G . M ., a generally beloved brother of the Province . This testimonial , so thoroughly deserved , whatever form it might have taken , commands the sympathy of the entire Graft , from the benevolently practical nature ifc assumes for the future . "
Castle Lodge , No . 1821 . —The Installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Crown Hotel , Bridgnorth , on Friday , October 25 th . A Lodge of Emergency was opened afc two o ' clock , when the ballofc proving unanimous Mr . Thomas Dowell was initiated by the W . M . Bro . E . Jones Chittey in his usual impressive manner . The Auditor ' s Report and other business having been disposed of , the
Lodge was closed in due form . At three o ' clock the brethren reassembled for the event of the day , when there were present Bros . E . J . Chittey W . M ., H . B . Southwell S . W ., A . Colles , M . B ., J . W . Hubert Smith Treasurer , Thomas Whitefoofc Secretary , Jos . Stokes I . P . M ., P . M . 252 , P . Prov . G . S . W . Worcestershire , F . Foxall S . D . C . Deighton J . D ., J . Sewell Organist ; Elihn Price , W . Sirams , E . M .
Southwell , W . L . Southwell , A . S . Trevor , T . Whitefoofc jun . ; and T . Tyler Tyler . Among the visitors were Bros . Sir Offley Wakeman , Bart ., W . M . 478 P . G . S . W . Oxon , E . M . Wakeman , W . M . 262 P . G . S . W . Shropshire and North Wales , Georgo Taylor P . M . 377 P . G . P . Wor . cester .-bire , Horton Adkins J . D . 1261 , F . Chittey 1551 , J . W . Chadwick 377 . Tho Lodge having been opened , and the minutes
confirmed , Bro . H . B . Southwell , the W . M . elect , was duly presented and obligated . Lodge was then advanced , and the ceretmny of in stallation proceeded with , Bro . Joseph Stokes P . M ., P . M . 252 P . P . G . S . W . Worcestershire , acting as Installing Master ; the chair .-of Senior and Junior Warden being fillid by Bros . E . M . Wakeman W . M . 262 , P . G . S . W . Shropshire aud North Wales , and George Tayh .,
P . M . 377 , P . G . P . Worcestershire , respectively . Bro . II . B . Southwell having been formally inducted into the chair , the brethren were re admitted and saluted their new Master , who then invested his Officer asfollow : Bros . A . Coiles . M . B ., S . W ., F . Foxall J . W ., Hubert Smitl Treasurer , Thomas Whitefoofc Secretary , T . Pratt S . D ., W .
Simm-J . D ., E . J . Chittey D . C , John Sewell Organist , A . S . Trevor I . G . E . M . Southwell , Thomas Whitefoot jnn . and E . Cooper Steward-T . Tyler Tyler . The ceremony was throughout rendered in a high ! efficient and impressive manner by the Installing Master . On iti completion the W . M . ro- ^ e to present Bro . E . J . Chittey , the outgoinfaster , with ft very handsome Past Master ' s Jewel , and , expressed ; en
Installation Meetings, &C.
behalf of the Members , their appreciation of the great services ren . dered by him , nofc only during his year of office , but as a founder of the Lodge and an incessant worker for its interests . Bro . Chittey expressed the pleasure he felt in receiving that mark of esteem from the brethren of the Lodge with which he was so intimately connected , and whose interests he had so deeply nt heart . Hearty good wishes
having been tendered by the Visitors from their respective Lodges , Lodge was closed in dne form and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , whioh was served in excellent style by the host Bro . J . S . Vince . After grace the loyal nnd other toasts usual on these occasions were duly honoured , and the W . M . in responding to the toast of his health expressed a confident hope in being able to keep np the effi >
eient working of the Lodge , assured as ho was of the ready assistance of the two experienced brethren who had preceded him in the chair , ancl relying upon the earnest co-operation of his brother Officers . Bros . Sfcokea and Chittey responded to tho toast of the Past Masters , and Bros . Taylor , Chadwick , Adkins and Chittey on
behalf of the Visitors . During the . evening some capital songs were given , and Bro . Sewell , Organist , grea'ly contrib ited to t ^ e evening ' s amusement by playing several selections . For the convenience of those brethren who had come from a distance , tho Tyler was summoned shortly before eight , and an extremely pleasant evening was then brought to a close .
Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1705 , Gosport . —The installation of Bro . 0 . B . Whitcomb , on his entering upou a second term of office , took place on Thursday , 24 th nit ., at the Star Assembly Rooms , which had been tastefully decorated for the occasion . The brethren who assisted at the ceremony were Bros . George Grant J . W ., G . F . Lancaster P . M . Treasurer , J . W . Stroud Secretary , J .
Warden S . D ., A . J . Eades J . D ., G . Des Geneys Dir . Cer ., Thomas Batchelor Prov . Grand Org . Organist , and Bros . A . Bailiston , W . Smith , G . A . Wright , A . Allen , R . W . Mitchell , G . Darby , W . Brunwin , 0 . Johnson , A . T . Cave , E . J . Smith , and C . J . E . Muaiby . The following visit ing brethren also took part in tha day ' s proceedings : — Bros . W . Payne W . M ., and H . J . Guy I . P . M ., Royal Sussex , 3 l 2 ;
W . Hillier W . M ., G . B . Irons , J . E . Thornton , J . Gentle , W . H . Page , W . Misslebrook , and R . H . Gainsbnry , Gosport , 903 ; George Pearman Org ., George Dean , J . Hamilton Bridle , Portsmouth , 487 ; Cbarles W . Bemister , Royal Gloucester , Southampton , 130 ; T . P . Hall W . M . Carnarvon , Havant , 894 ; J . 0 . Strond , Peace aud Harmony , Southampton , 359 ; VV . R . Theobald , Alderobofc Camp , 1331 ;
VV . Townsend I . P . M . United Service , 1428 ; D . G . Gilmour , Harmony , 309 ; J . S . Senior , A . Peterken , 1349 , and J . Hicklen , United Service , 1128 . The Installing Master was Bro . G . F . Lancaster P . M ., by tvhora the ceremony was ably performed , and at its conclusion the W . M . appointed and invested his Officers as follo-v : —Bros . G . Grant S . W ., J . W . Stroud J . W ., G . F . Lancaster Prov .
G . J . D . Treas ., T . Batchelor Prov . G . Org . S . D ., 0 . Johnson J . D . ; G . Des Geneys Sec , E . J . Smith I . G ., A . Knighfc Org ., C . J . E . Mutnby D . C , G . Darby and A . Cave Stewards , L . Canvin Tyler , William Thornlinaon Assistant Tyler . In the course of the proceedings , Bro . G . F . Lancaster , on behalf of the brethren , presented the W . M . with the following vote of thanks , beautifully illuminated on vellum and
richly framed : — " Ancient , Free , aud Accepted Masons of England —Prince of Wales Lodge , 1705—Extract from Minutes of Lodge held on the 2 fith of September 1878 : — " Resolved unanimously , that , the best thanks cf this Lodge be , and are hereby heartily accorded to Brother Charles Benjamin Whitcomb W . M ., for the very able , painstaking , and courteous manner iu which he has , as first Master of the
Lodge , peiformed the duties of his office . —James VV . Stroud , Secre * tary . " At the conclusion of the business of the Lodge the brethren adjourned to the India Arms Hotel , where an excellent ; banquet was served . On the removal of the cloth the customary Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the W . M . was warmly eulogised for the able
and zealous manner in which be had discharged the duties of his office during the past year . In the course of the proceedings the W . M . presented Bro . G . F . Lancaster with a handsome meerschaum pipe and carved smoking set complete , iu recognition of his untiring efforts on behalf of the Lodge .
WILLS AND BECJUESTS . —The will of Mr . George Bryan Jeumngs , lato of 23 Pbilpot . lane , aud of Shelley House , Chipping Ongar , merchant , who died on the 16 th Sept ., has just been proved by Mrs . Cecil Frances Jennings , the widow . The testator , after leaving his furniture and household effects to his wife absolutely , leaves the rest of his property to her for life , and then to his children . The will of
Mr . Louis Alexander Monflefc , late of A 1 Tower , Smithfield Market , licensed victualler , who lost his life on the 3 rd Sept ., by the sinking of the Princess Alice , was proved on the 17 th Oct . b y Mr . F . 0 . Monflefc , he brottier , the surviving executor . The testator ' s property is divisible among his children iu equal shares , tho provisions in favour of his wife becoming inoperative iu consequence of Mrs . MuutleO
• laving been drowned at the same time with hor husband . The A-ill of Mr . John Cole Cole , late of Riches-court , Lime-street , and of fe'lwtfield , Caterham , Surrey , who died on the 11 th Sept ., was proved MI tho 5 th Oct . by Mrs . Catherine Cole , the widow , and Mr . John Cole , the son , the executors . The testator leaves ail his real and oersonal estate to his wife absolutely . The will and codicil ot Mr . Thomas Edwards , form-rly of Old LJroad-street , but late of Harrow ,
vho died on 13 th August last , were proved on the 16 th Oct . by Mr . ( •' . J . Edwards aud Mr . C C . Edwards , the sous , the acting executors , he personal estate being sworn under £ 15 , 000 . The testator > eqneatha to James Cutler Vyse , if in bis service at his death , £ 2 lK ) j ¦ i bis executors , £ 100 each for their trouble ; to his sister Susannah , jlOO ; to bis friend Mr . Steer , 19 guineas ; to his daughter Beatrice , = 11 , 000 ; and the residue of his property to all his children , —City Press ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
was possible for him to do so , his deep sense of this fnrth-M- proof of the kindly feeling entertained towards him by the brethren of the Paxton Lodge . He should strive to do bis duty in the future as conscientiously as he had striven to do it in the pist He was delighted with the harmony that prevailed in the Lodge , and trusted ifc wonld always continue . Then followed other toasts , in . eluding those of the Visitors , the Press ( acknowledged by Bros
Morgan and Thompson ) and tho Officers . In tho intervals hetwpen the speeches several songs were very effectively sung by Bro . Sawyer and others , and when the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close , those present rose and departed , well pleased with their entertainment . The following Visitors were present , namely : -H . C . Levander Prov . G . Seo . Middlesex . H . Thompson P . M . 177 , Chas . F . Johns 12 « 7 , Thoa . J . Robertson 1538 , Moritz Rosenblnm 1339 , Wm . McKay 1339 , Jubal Webb , W . W . Morgan 211 , & c .
Hemming Lodge , No . 1512 . —This Lodge held its instal . lat . ion meeting on Thursday , the 17 th October , afc its Lodge Room , Lion Hotel , Hampton . Bros John Hammond P . M . 201 P . G . Steward Middlesex W . M , C . W . Pox P . M . 132 G W . M . elect S . W ., John Cameron Jessetfc J . W ., W . Hammond P . M . P . P . G . D . Middlesex Secretary , E . Hopwood P . M . 141 P . G . S . B . Middlesex Treas ., T . Moody Acting
S . D ., T . C . Walls P . P . G . Org . Middlesex J . D ., F . W . Kent D . C , J . W . Hiscox Steward , John Gilbert P . G . T . Middlesex Tyler . Past Masters Bros . John Hurst , Samuel Hill , D . B . Raw and other members . Bros . Davey , Cox , Papworth , Day , Patey , Hanlnn , Beancharrp , Andrews , Messenger , Jones , Tasrg , Whoe'er , Murphy . & c . Visitors—Bros . J . W . Baldwin P . M . 1423 P . P . G . P . Middlesex . W . Fisher
P . M . 834 , Handel , Turner , Borrell , and White ( all of lfiofi ) , T . G . Hmmlton S . W . 1306 . W . Bartlett , E Russell and R . M . Axford were separately initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . During a break in the ceremony , tho Right Worshipful Prov . G . M . Colonel Burdett entered , and was duly sainted in accordance with the honours of his exalted position . The gavel having been presented , was at once
returned to the W . M . Bro . T . Hanlon was now passed to the degree of F . C ., and subsequently Bros . Bray , Cox , and Carpenter were ably raised to the snblime degree , the obligations being administered separarely . The W . M . next installed his successor , Bro . Copeman William Fox P . M . 132 B , who afc once invested his Officers , viz .: —Bro . J . C . Jessefct S . W ., T . W . Ockenden , by depnty , he being unavoidably
absent , as an Officer of the new Lodge of Progress 17 f 8 , then in the act of Consecration . The Treasurer and Secretary were reinvested , with kind , complimentary remarks from the W . M . T . C . Walls S . D ., F . W . Kent J . D ., J . W . Hiscox I . G ., T . Moody M . C ., Harry Tagg Steward , W . J . Day Junior Steward . The Installing Master then gave the addresses with excellent precision and effect . Other business
incident npon the duties of the occasion were then proceeded with . Allusion must nofc be omitted to the report of the Audit Committee , consisting , by virtue of the bye-laws of the Lodge , of the P . M . ' s and Officers , nearly all of whom were present afc the audit . After a payment of ten guineas to tho Charities , three guineas to the Burdett Testimonial Fund , ancl over fifty gnineas to the funds
of Grand Lodge and Prov . Grand Lodge , a cash balance remains in the hands of the Treasurer of over thirty-five pounds , in addition to arrears'dne . We append the auditors' remarks upon this result : — " With every liability met , tho W . M . thus enters upon the duties of his important post with the pleasing anticipation of continued marked success , and the Committee feel confident thafc with this excellent
balance in hand , his known philanthropy will secure a further respectable increase to the objects of benevolence . One of the foremost to be considered is that of the testimonial to the memory of our lamented Bro . Little , late D . P . G . M ., a generally beloved brother of the Province . This testimonial , so thoroughly deserved , whatever form it might have taken , commands the sympathy of the entire Graft , from the benevolently practical nature ifc assumes for the future . "
Castle Lodge , No . 1821 . —The Installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Crown Hotel , Bridgnorth , on Friday , October 25 th . A Lodge of Emergency was opened afc two o ' clock , when the ballofc proving unanimous Mr . Thomas Dowell was initiated by the W . M . Bro . E . Jones Chittey in his usual impressive manner . The Auditor ' s Report and other business having been disposed of , the
Lodge was closed in due form . At three o ' clock the brethren reassembled for the event of the day , when there were present Bros . E . J . Chittey W . M ., H . B . Southwell S . W ., A . Colles , M . B ., J . W . Hubert Smith Treasurer , Thomas Whitefoofc Secretary , Jos . Stokes I . P . M ., P . M . 252 , P . Prov . G . S . W . Worcestershire , F . Foxall S . D . C . Deighton J . D ., J . Sewell Organist ; Elihn Price , W . Sirams , E . M .
Southwell , W . L . Southwell , A . S . Trevor , T . Whitefoofc jun . ; and T . Tyler Tyler . Among the visitors were Bros . Sir Offley Wakeman , Bart ., W . M . 478 P . G . S . W . Oxon , E . M . Wakeman , W . M . 262 P . G . S . W . Shropshire and North Wales , Georgo Taylor P . M . 377 P . G . P . Wor . cester .-bire , Horton Adkins J . D . 1261 , F . Chittey 1551 , J . W . Chadwick 377 . Tho Lodge having been opened , and the minutes
confirmed , Bro . H . B . Southwell , the W . M . elect , was duly presented and obligated . Lodge was then advanced , and the ceretmny of in stallation proceeded with , Bro . Joseph Stokes P . M ., P . M . 252 P . P . G . S . W . Worcestershire , acting as Installing Master ; the chair .-of Senior and Junior Warden being fillid by Bros . E . M . Wakeman W . M . 262 , P . G . S . W . Shropshire aud North Wales , and George Tayh .,
P . M . 377 , P . G . P . Worcestershire , respectively . Bro . II . B . Southwell having been formally inducted into the chair , the brethren were re admitted and saluted their new Master , who then invested his Officer asfollow : Bros . A . Coiles . M . B ., S . W ., F . Foxall J . W ., Hubert Smitl Treasurer , Thomas Whitefoofc Secretary , T . Pratt S . D ., W .
Simm-J . D ., E . J . Chittey D . C , John Sewell Organist , A . S . Trevor I . G . E . M . Southwell , Thomas Whitefoot jnn . and E . Cooper Steward-T . Tyler Tyler . The ceremony was throughout rendered in a high ! efficient and impressive manner by the Installing Master . On iti completion the W . M . ro- ^ e to present Bro . E . J . Chittey , the outgoinfaster , with ft very handsome Past Master ' s Jewel , and , expressed ; en
Installation Meetings, &C.
behalf of the Members , their appreciation of the great services ren . dered by him , nofc only during his year of office , but as a founder of the Lodge and an incessant worker for its interests . Bro . Chittey expressed the pleasure he felt in receiving that mark of esteem from the brethren of the Lodge with which he was so intimately connected , and whose interests he had so deeply nt heart . Hearty good wishes
having been tendered by the Visitors from their respective Lodges , Lodge was closed in dne form and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , whioh was served in excellent style by the host Bro . J . S . Vince . After grace the loyal nnd other toasts usual on these occasions were duly honoured , and the W . M . in responding to the toast of his health expressed a confident hope in being able to keep np the effi >
eient working of the Lodge , assured as ho was of the ready assistance of the two experienced brethren who had preceded him in the chair , ancl relying upon the earnest co-operation of his brother Officers . Bros . Sfcokea and Chittey responded to tho toast of the Past Masters , and Bros . Taylor , Chadwick , Adkins and Chittey on
behalf of the Visitors . During the . evening some capital songs were given , and Bro . Sewell , Organist , grea'ly contrib ited to t ^ e evening ' s amusement by playing several selections . For the convenience of those brethren who had come from a distance , tho Tyler was summoned shortly before eight , and an extremely pleasant evening was then brought to a close .
Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1705 , Gosport . —The installation of Bro . 0 . B . Whitcomb , on his entering upou a second term of office , took place on Thursday , 24 th nit ., at the Star Assembly Rooms , which had been tastefully decorated for the occasion . The brethren who assisted at the ceremony were Bros . George Grant J . W ., G . F . Lancaster P . M . Treasurer , J . W . Stroud Secretary , J .
Warden S . D ., A . J . Eades J . D ., G . Des Geneys Dir . Cer ., Thomas Batchelor Prov . Grand Org . Organist , and Bros . A . Bailiston , W . Smith , G . A . Wright , A . Allen , R . W . Mitchell , G . Darby , W . Brunwin , 0 . Johnson , A . T . Cave , E . J . Smith , and C . J . E . Muaiby . The following visit ing brethren also took part in tha day ' s proceedings : — Bros . W . Payne W . M ., and H . J . Guy I . P . M ., Royal Sussex , 3 l 2 ;
W . Hillier W . M ., G . B . Irons , J . E . Thornton , J . Gentle , W . H . Page , W . Misslebrook , and R . H . Gainsbnry , Gosport , 903 ; George Pearman Org ., George Dean , J . Hamilton Bridle , Portsmouth , 487 ; Cbarles W . Bemister , Royal Gloucester , Southampton , 130 ; T . P . Hall W . M . Carnarvon , Havant , 894 ; J . 0 . Strond , Peace aud Harmony , Southampton , 359 ; VV . R . Theobald , Alderobofc Camp , 1331 ;
VV . Townsend I . P . M . United Service , 1428 ; D . G . Gilmour , Harmony , 309 ; J . S . Senior , A . Peterken , 1349 , and J . Hicklen , United Service , 1128 . The Installing Master was Bro . G . F . Lancaster P . M ., by tvhora the ceremony was ably performed , and at its conclusion the W . M . appointed and invested his Officers as follo-v : —Bros . G . Grant S . W ., J . W . Stroud J . W ., G . F . Lancaster Prov .
G . J . D . Treas ., T . Batchelor Prov . G . Org . S . D ., 0 . Johnson J . D . ; G . Des Geneys Sec , E . J . Smith I . G ., A . Knighfc Org ., C . J . E . Mutnby D . C , G . Darby and A . Cave Stewards , L . Canvin Tyler , William Thornlinaon Assistant Tyler . In the course of the proceedings , Bro . G . F . Lancaster , on behalf of the brethren , presented the W . M . with the following vote of thanks , beautifully illuminated on vellum and
richly framed : — " Ancient , Free , aud Accepted Masons of England —Prince of Wales Lodge , 1705—Extract from Minutes of Lodge held on the 2 fith of September 1878 : — " Resolved unanimously , that , the best thanks cf this Lodge be , and are hereby heartily accorded to Brother Charles Benjamin Whitcomb W . M ., for the very able , painstaking , and courteous manner iu which he has , as first Master of the
Lodge , peiformed the duties of his office . —James VV . Stroud , Secre * tary . " At the conclusion of the business of the Lodge the brethren adjourned to the India Arms Hotel , where an excellent ; banquet was served . On the removal of the cloth the customary Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the W . M . was warmly eulogised for the able
and zealous manner in which be had discharged the duties of his office during the past year . In the course of the proceedings the W . M . presented Bro . G . F . Lancaster with a handsome meerschaum pipe and carved smoking set complete , iu recognition of his untiring efforts on behalf of the Lodge .
WILLS AND BECJUESTS . —The will of Mr . George Bryan Jeumngs , lato of 23 Pbilpot . lane , aud of Shelley House , Chipping Ongar , merchant , who died on the 16 th Sept ., has just been proved by Mrs . Cecil Frances Jennings , the widow . The testator , after leaving his furniture and household effects to his wife absolutely , leaves the rest of his property to her for life , and then to his children . The will of
Mr . Louis Alexander Monflefc , late of A 1 Tower , Smithfield Market , licensed victualler , who lost his life on the 3 rd Sept ., by the sinking of the Princess Alice , was proved on the 17 th Oct . b y Mr . F . 0 . Monflefc , he brottier , the surviving executor . The testator ' s property is divisible among his children iu equal shares , tho provisions in favour of his wife becoming inoperative iu consequence of Mrs . MuutleO
• laving been drowned at the same time with hor husband . The A-ill of Mr . John Cole Cole , late of Riches-court , Lime-street , and of fe'lwtfield , Caterham , Surrey , who died on the 11 th Sept ., was proved MI tho 5 th Oct . by Mrs . Catherine Cole , the widow , and Mr . John Cole , the son , the executors . The testator leaves ail his real and oersonal estate to his wife absolutely . The will and codicil ot Mr . Thomas Edwards , form-rly of Old LJroad-street , but late of Harrow ,
vho died on 13 th August last , were proved on the 16 th Oct . by Mr . ( •' . J . Edwards aud Mr . C C . Edwards , the sous , the acting executors , he personal estate being sworn under £ 15 , 000 . The testator > eqneatha to James Cutler Vyse , if in bis service at his death , £ 2 lK ) j ¦ i bis executors , £ 100 each for their trouble ; to his sister Susannah , jlOO ; to bis friend Mr . Steer , 19 guineas ; to his daughter Beatrice , = 11 , 000 ; and the residue of his property to all his children , —City Press ,