Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET . LONDON , W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establisment for nUCA-SOlfTia ZBA-ISTQITIEITS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , Ac . In too well known to needcomment . Tlie entire management has been changed , and tho Establishment in all Its branches thoroughly re-organised . Tho attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISINE OF THE HIGHEST CHAEACTER , WINKS 1 » ERFKCT IN CONDITION AXJ » QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 , ' - . RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence anil support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , ancl Salad , Served from 12 to 1 daily . —GKORGE TAVERN , liitlingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE MASONIC SEASON . TO WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SECRETARIES of LODGES . Ero . George Smith ( from Anderton ' s ) will he pleased to supply TARIFF OI ? CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & c , & c . fur large or small parties . Address—GEORGE SMITH , Georgo Tavern , Billingsgate Market .
MADAMK ANTOINETTK STERLING , MISS MARY DAVIES , MISS KATE HARDY , and MR . FIELD WILL SIKO , MISS FLORENCE SMART ( FIANOFOKTE , ) M . CLAUDE JACQTJIJSTOT ( VXOUK , ) and . ; MR . "WALTER PETTIT ( VIOLONCELLO , ) WILL PEKFORJI AT MISS FLORENCE SMART'S SECOND EVENING CONCERT , at the Athenamm , Camden Road , On Tuesday Next , 5 th of November 1878 . Doors Open at 7 . 30 , Commence at 8 o'clock . Stalls 5 s ; Reserved Seats 2 s 6 d , Unreserved Seats Is ; to be obtained at the Holloway Press Office , Seven Sisters Road , N ., at tho Athenanim , or of Miss F . Smart , -17 Grafton Road , Holloway , N .
Notv Ready , Price 2 s 6 d , by Inland post 2 s 8 ld . DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , GRAND MASTER . A CONCISE HISTORY" OF THE ORDER OF THE TEMPLE , with some mention of thoso Bodies which claim to be derived from it . liy Sir P . CoLQi'itou . v , LL . D ., Q . O ., lute Chancellor of the Order in England .
" A suitable gift from a Master to Ids Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s 6 d EACH , THE FREEMASON'S GHRONLLE , VOLUMES 1 to 7 . London : —W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . G . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O .
S ^^^^^^^ ^ MaY ^ vrt-i -a ' ^^ mwwvr ^ jwM
67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
The Qucou remains at Balmoral Castle . Cabinet Councils were held on Friday , and on Wednesday , from winch Colonel Stanley , Mr . W . II . Smitb , Sir JVl . Hicks-Beach and Lord John Maimers were the only members absent .
Among the political speeches of the week have been those of Sir W . Harcourt at Scarborough , Lord Carlino-fbrd at Bath , Mr . Leatham at Hnddershekl , and Mr . Chamberlain at Birmingham , all condemning the foreign policy of tin
Government . Colonel Mure , Mr . Ritchie , Lord Hardwicke , and Mr . Gore Langton , at other meetings , have spoken in approval of the Government . The polling at Peterborough ou Tuesday resulted ia a
Our Weekly Budget.
large majority for the Hon . J . W . Eitzwilliatn . Mr . G . Potter had previously withdrawn from the contest . Lord Dulferin , the ex-Governor-General of Canada , arrived at Derry on Monday , and proceeded next day to Belfast . In both cities ho was presented with addresses of congratulation .
The Report upon the alleged atrocities perpetrated upon the Mussulman population of the Rhodopo district has been published as a Parliamentary Paper . The Report is signed by the British , French , Italian , and Turkish Commissioners .
Among tho most important papers that have been read at the Social Science Congress at Cheltenham havo been those by the Hon . G . Brodrick upon Education , Mr . D .
Chadwick upon the Causes of Depression in Trade , Mr . Hullah upon Musical Education , and Mr . Michael , Q . C ., upon Sanitation . The meetings were brought to a close on Wednesday .
Tho funeral rites for the late Cardinal Cullen wore celebrated at the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Dublin , but it is expected that the body of the deceased prelate will bo interred at Clonliffe .
Mr . C . H . Robarts was on Thursday elected by the Court of Common Council to the office of Remembrancer of the City of London .
The Coastguard cruiser Fanny was run down and stink on Thursday morning off the Tuskar Light by the Helvetia steamer , bound for New York . Seven of the crew were saved , and 17 are missing .
A contract has been signed between a London firm and the German Government for raising the sunken ironclad Grosser Kurfiirst .
The magistrate and assessors conducting the Board of Trade Inquiry into the loss of the Princess Alice on Monday decided that no blame was shoAvn to rest upon the master of the Bywell Castle ; that the two engineers of that vessel were blamable for leaving the engine-room on the
occurrence of the collision , but no negligence had been proved against them . The first mate of the Princess Alice was liable to the charge of carelessness in not setting a proper look-out , but as it was not proved that his negligence had contributed to the collision his certificate was returned to him .
The Coroner ' s inquest upon the twelve persons killed by the collision at Pontypridd Junction found that the accident was attributable to the negligence of the signalman , who was thereupon committed for trial upon a charge of manslaughter .
The Coroner s inquest in the case of the Liverpool Music Hall accident resulted in a verdict of accidental death , but the jury condemned the means of exit from the building as inadequate
The wife of a manager of a strolling dramatic company , with her three children , sleeping in a caravan at Newtown , Montgomery , were rendered insensible by the fumes from a coke fire . The children died , and the woman is not expected to recover .
Joseph Garcia , a Spanish sailor , was convicted of the murder of a labourer , his wife , and three children , whose house , at Llangibb y , he broke into and robbed . The prisoner was senteticf-d to death . Patrick John Byrne was found guilty of the murder of two brother soldiers at Northampton , and was condemned t' > death .
Ihe liquidators of the City of Glasgow Bank have re * solved to make a call upon the shareholders of £ 500 per share . The charges against the ex-directors and secretary
have been extended by one for embezzlement in misappropriating bills deposited by customers , ancl the accused have been formally committed for trial . Mr . Nichol Fleming ancl another ex-director have left the country .
The Afghan difficulty remains in an uncertain position , By the desire of the Imperial Government a second letter has been sent by the Viceroy to the Ameer , Shere Ali , warning him of the consequences that must follow from his persistence in a refusal to receive a British Mission ,
ind , therefore , no decisive action can be expected for some time . The Native Princes have for the most part offered substantial aid to the Indian Government in any eff ' . rt that maybe made , and the military preparation .- ? on the frontier
re being carried on with undiminished activity . The Russian Press adopt a very bellicose tone with respect to the dispute between the Indian Government and the Ameer of Afghanistan , some of the papers , and those the most ¦ mportant , urging their Government to render efficient support of , Shere Ali for the frrthwaace of Russian
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET . LONDON , W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establisment for nUCA-SOlfTia ZBA-ISTQITIEITS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , Ac . In too well known to needcomment . Tlie entire management has been changed , and tho Establishment in all Its branches thoroughly re-organised . Tho attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISINE OF THE HIGHEST CHAEACTER , WINKS 1 » ERFKCT IN CONDITION AXJ » QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 , ' - . RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence anil support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , ancl Salad , Served from 12 to 1 daily . —GKORGE TAVERN , liitlingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE MASONIC SEASON . TO WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SECRETARIES of LODGES . Ero . George Smith ( from Anderton ' s ) will he pleased to supply TARIFF OI ? CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & c , & c . fur large or small parties . Address—GEORGE SMITH , Georgo Tavern , Billingsgate Market .
MADAMK ANTOINETTK STERLING , MISS MARY DAVIES , MISS KATE HARDY , and MR . FIELD WILL SIKO , MISS FLORENCE SMART ( FIANOFOKTE , ) M . CLAUDE JACQTJIJSTOT ( VXOUK , ) and . ; MR . "WALTER PETTIT ( VIOLONCELLO , ) WILL PEKFORJI AT MISS FLORENCE SMART'S SECOND EVENING CONCERT , at the Athenamm , Camden Road , On Tuesday Next , 5 th of November 1878 . Doors Open at 7 . 30 , Commence at 8 o'clock . Stalls 5 s ; Reserved Seats 2 s 6 d , Unreserved Seats Is ; to be obtained at the Holloway Press Office , Seven Sisters Road , N ., at tho Athenanim , or of Miss F . Smart , -17 Grafton Road , Holloway , N .
Notv Ready , Price 2 s 6 d , by Inland post 2 s 8 ld . DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , GRAND MASTER . A CONCISE HISTORY" OF THE ORDER OF THE TEMPLE , with some mention of thoso Bodies which claim to be derived from it . liy Sir P . CoLQi'itou . v , LL . D ., Q . O ., lute Chancellor of the Order in England .
" A suitable gift from a Master to Ids Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s 6 d EACH , THE FREEMASON'S GHRONLLE , VOLUMES 1 to 7 . London : —W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . G . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O .
S ^^^^^^^ ^ MaY ^ vrt-i -a ' ^^ mwwvr ^ jwM
67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
The Qucou remains at Balmoral Castle . Cabinet Councils were held on Friday , and on Wednesday , from winch Colonel Stanley , Mr . W . II . Smitb , Sir JVl . Hicks-Beach and Lord John Maimers were the only members absent .
Among the political speeches of the week have been those of Sir W . Harcourt at Scarborough , Lord Carlino-fbrd at Bath , Mr . Leatham at Hnddershekl , and Mr . Chamberlain at Birmingham , all condemning the foreign policy of tin
Government . Colonel Mure , Mr . Ritchie , Lord Hardwicke , and Mr . Gore Langton , at other meetings , have spoken in approval of the Government . The polling at Peterborough ou Tuesday resulted ia a
Our Weekly Budget.
large majority for the Hon . J . W . Eitzwilliatn . Mr . G . Potter had previously withdrawn from the contest . Lord Dulferin , the ex-Governor-General of Canada , arrived at Derry on Monday , and proceeded next day to Belfast . In both cities ho was presented with addresses of congratulation .
The Report upon the alleged atrocities perpetrated upon the Mussulman population of the Rhodopo district has been published as a Parliamentary Paper . The Report is signed by the British , French , Italian , and Turkish Commissioners .
Among tho most important papers that have been read at the Social Science Congress at Cheltenham havo been those by the Hon . G . Brodrick upon Education , Mr . D .
Chadwick upon the Causes of Depression in Trade , Mr . Hullah upon Musical Education , and Mr . Michael , Q . C ., upon Sanitation . The meetings were brought to a close on Wednesday .
Tho funeral rites for the late Cardinal Cullen wore celebrated at the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Dublin , but it is expected that the body of the deceased prelate will bo interred at Clonliffe .
Mr . C . H . Robarts was on Thursday elected by the Court of Common Council to the office of Remembrancer of the City of London .
The Coastguard cruiser Fanny was run down and stink on Thursday morning off the Tuskar Light by the Helvetia steamer , bound for New York . Seven of the crew were saved , and 17 are missing .
A contract has been signed between a London firm and the German Government for raising the sunken ironclad Grosser Kurfiirst .
The magistrate and assessors conducting the Board of Trade Inquiry into the loss of the Princess Alice on Monday decided that no blame was shoAvn to rest upon the master of the Bywell Castle ; that the two engineers of that vessel were blamable for leaving the engine-room on the
occurrence of the collision , but no negligence had been proved against them . The first mate of the Princess Alice was liable to the charge of carelessness in not setting a proper look-out , but as it was not proved that his negligence had contributed to the collision his certificate was returned to him .
The Coroner ' s inquest upon the twelve persons killed by the collision at Pontypridd Junction found that the accident was attributable to the negligence of the signalman , who was thereupon committed for trial upon a charge of manslaughter .
The Coroner s inquest in the case of the Liverpool Music Hall accident resulted in a verdict of accidental death , but the jury condemned the means of exit from the building as inadequate
The wife of a manager of a strolling dramatic company , with her three children , sleeping in a caravan at Newtown , Montgomery , were rendered insensible by the fumes from a coke fire . The children died , and the woman is not expected to recover .
Joseph Garcia , a Spanish sailor , was convicted of the murder of a labourer , his wife , and three children , whose house , at Llangibb y , he broke into and robbed . The prisoner was senteticf-d to death . Patrick John Byrne was found guilty of the murder of two brother soldiers at Northampton , and was condemned t' > death .
Ihe liquidators of the City of Glasgow Bank have re * solved to make a call upon the shareholders of £ 500 per share . The charges against the ex-directors and secretary
have been extended by one for embezzlement in misappropriating bills deposited by customers , ancl the accused have been formally committed for trial . Mr . Nichol Fleming ancl another ex-director have left the country .
The Afghan difficulty remains in an uncertain position , By the desire of the Imperial Government a second letter has been sent by the Viceroy to the Ameer , Shere Ali , warning him of the consequences that must follow from his persistence in a refusal to receive a British Mission ,
ind , therefore , no decisive action can be expected for some time . The Native Princes have for the most part offered substantial aid to the Indian Government in any eff ' . rt that maybe made , and the military preparation .- ? on the frontier
re being carried on with undiminished activity . The Russian Press adopt a very bellicose tone with respect to the dispute between the Indian Government and the Ameer of Afghanistan , some of the papers , and those the most ¦ mportant , urging their Government to render efficient support of , Shere Ali for the frrthwaace of Russian