Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
past twenty-five years of Lodges within the London District , the present radius of ten miles from Freemasons ' Hall be now reduced to a radius of fonr miles from Freemasons' Hall . "
( II ) . " That the Lodges between tbe four mile radius from Freemasons' Hall and the radius of ten miles from Freemasons' Hall bo included in the respective Provincial Grand Lodges of Middlesex , Herts , Essex , Kent , and Surrey . "
Name of Brother nominated for Election to the Office of Senior Vice-President of the Lodge of Benevolence . Brother JAMES BRETT P . G . P . Names of the Brethren nominated for Election to the Office of Junior Vice-President of the Lodge of Benevolence .
Brother CHARLES ATKINS P . M . No . 27 and 1260 . HENRY GARROD P . M . No . 742 . GEORGE POLE BRITTEN P . M . No . 183 . CHARLES ALEXANDER COTTEBRUNE P . G . P . Names of Past Masters nominated to serve on the Lodge of Benevolence . Brother CHARLES ATKINS 27 GEORGE POLE BRITTEN 183 JOSEPH D . COLLIER 1366 THOMAS CULL 1446
List of Lodges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — No . 1976 . —The Umlazi Lodge , Pine Town , Natal . 1977 . —The Blackwater Lodge , Maldon , Essex .
1978 . —The St . George Lodge , Herberton , Queensland . 1979 . —The Lodge of Fidelity , Sydney , New South' Wales . 1980 . —The Prince of Wales' Lodge , Muswell Brook , New South Wales .
1981 . —The Arnold Lodge , East Moulsey , Surrey . 1982 . —The Gieenwood Lodge , Epsom , Surrey . 1983 . —The Martyn Lodge , Southwold , Suffolk . 1984 . —The Earl of Clarendon Lodge , Watford , Herts . 1985 . —The Light in Assam Lodge , Sibsagur , Assam , Bengal
The "Freemasons' Calendar and Pocket Book "for 1883 is now ready , and can be had at tbe Grand Secretary ' s Office , Freemasons' Hall , London , price 2 s , bound in roan .
The Grand Masters' Lodge of Mark Master Masons -will be consecrated by the Most Worshipful Bro . H . E . H . the Duke of Albany , Past Grand Master , on Tuesday next , the Sth inst ., immediately after the business of Grand Mark Lodge , which will be held on the same day . M . W . the
Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom is the W . M . designate , M . W . Bro . the Eight Hon . Lord Henniker , and R . W . Bro . the Right Hon . Earl of Kintore are respectively the Senior and Junior Wardens designate . The membership of this new Lodge will be restricted to present and past Grand Officers .
At the last regular meeting of the Phcenix Lodge , No . 257 , of Portsmouth , Bro . Ernest Hall was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , in succession to Captain W . H . C . St . Clair , R . N .
The Old Kent Mark Lodge of Instruction , which meets afc Bro . Medworth ' s , the Crown and Cushion , London-wall , E . G ., held its first meeting of the season on Monday evening , 20 th ult . The chair was taken at half-past six o ' clock by Bro . Donald M . Dewar Assistant G . Mark Secretary ,
who , with the co-operation of several brethren , rehearsed the ceremony of advancement . These meetings will in future be held on the 1 st and 3 rd Mondays in each month . Bro . S . J . Turquand still gives his services as Preceptor , and we hope he will be supported by a goodly muster of brethren interested in this degree on Monday next , 4 th December .
Diary For The Week.
"We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour _ s with a list of their Days of Meetings , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges . — : o : — SATTTHDAY , 2 nd DECEMBER .
General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons'Hall , at 4 142—St . Thomas , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street I !) - —Percy . Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate Road , N ., 8 . ( Instruction ) 1275—Star . ' Five Bells , 155 Now Cross-road , S . E ., at 7 . ( Instruction ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Lamb Tavern , op . osite Bcthnal G . Junct ., at 8 . ( Inat . ) 1361—Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ( Instruction )
1559—New Cn * ss , New Cross Hall , Now Cross 1572—Carnarvon , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 1622—Rose , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell 1621—Eccleston . King ' s Head , Ebnry Bridge , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chapter of Improvement , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , XV . at 8 . R . A . 975—Rose of Denmark , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge 1158—Truth . Private Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath , Manchester
MONDAY , 4 th DECEMBER . 12—Fortitude and Old Cumberland , 129 Leadenhall-street 22—Loughborough , Cambria Tavern , Cambria Road , near Loughborough Junction , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 25—Robert Bums , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 45—Strong Man , George Hotel , Australian Avenue , Barbican , at 7 ( Instrnc . ) 69—Unity , Inns of Court Hotel , Lincolns Inn Fields 72—Royal Jubilee , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 83—United Lo . ere of Prudence , Albion , Aldersgafco-streefc
lit—St . Luke , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . 171—Sincerity , Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , at 7 . ( Instruction ) 180—St . James ' s Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 186—Industry , Bell , Carter-lane , Doctors-commons , E . G ., at 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) 188—Joppa , Albion , Aldersgate-street , E . C . 256—Unions , Freemasons' Hall . W . C . 518—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Deptford , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1319—Asaph , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 1
1425—Hyde Park , Norfolk Square Hotel , Praed Street , Paddington , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1489—Marquess of Ripon , Pembnry Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hackney , at 7 . 30 ( In ) 1507—Metropolitan . The Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement , E . C , at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1608—Kilbnrr ., 46 South Molton Street , Oxford Street , W ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1623—West Smithtteld . Farringdon Hotel , Farringdon-street , E . O . at 8 ( Inst . ) 1625—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road 1669—Royal Leopold . Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E . 1670—Adelphi , 4 Adelphi Terrace , Strand
1693—Kingsland , Canonbury Tavern , Canonbury , N ., at 8 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1789—Ubiqne , Guardsman Army Coffee Tavern , Buckingham Palace-road , S . W ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1891—St . Ambrose . Baron ' s Court Hotel , West Kensington . ( Instruction ) R . A . 91—Regularity , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . R . A . 933—Doric , 79 Whitechapel-road , at 7 . ( Instruction ) R . A . 1056—Victoria , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue M . M . —Old Kent , Crown and Cushion , London . Wall , E . C . ( Instruction ) M . M , 224—Menatschin , Crit 3 rion , Piccadilly
37—Anchor and Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton-le-Moors 53—Royal Sussex , Masonic Hall , Old Orchard-street , Bath 119—Sn ' n , Square , and Compasses , Freemasons' Hall , College-st ., Whitehaven . 133—Harmonv , Ship Hotel . Faversham 154—Unanimity , Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield 156—Harmony , Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth 199—Peace and Harmony , Royal Oak Hotel , Dover 236—York , Masonic Hall , York
338—Vitnivian , Royal Hotel , Ro .= s , Herefordshire 381—Harmonv and Industry , Smalley ' s Hotel , Market street , Over Danven 382—Royal Union , Chequers Hotel , Uxbridgo . ( Instruction ) 395—Guy , Crown Hotel , Leamington Priors 431—St . George , Masonic Hall , Norfolk-street , N . Shields HI—Three Grand Principles , Re-. Lion Hotel , Petty C \ _ . y , Cambridge 478—Churchhill , Masonic Hall , Oxford 482—St . James ' s , Masonic Sioms , Wretham Road , Handsworth , Staffordshire
597—St . Cybi , Town Hall , Holyhead 822—St . Cuthberga , Masonic Hall , Wimborne 820—Lily of Richmond . Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ] 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 850—St . Oswald , Town Hall , Ashbourne , Derbyshire 1009—Shakspearc . Freemasons' Hall . Cooner-street , Manchester 1015—Stamford , Town Hall , Altrinchatn , Cheshire I 050—Gundiilpb , King ' s Head Hotel , Rochester
fflSI—Rowley , Athenamm , Lancaster 1077—Wilton . Red Lion Inn , Blackloy , Lancashire 1108—R-yal Wharfcdale , Private Room , Boroughgato , Otley , Yorks 1124—St . Oswald . Wynnstay Arms Hotel , Oswestry 1180—Forward , Masonic Rooms , New Hall-street , Birmingham 1211—Goderich , Masonic Hall , Gt . George-street , Leeds 1239—Wentworth , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . 1264—Neptune , Masonic Hall , Liverpool .
1302—De Warren , Masonic Hall , White Swan Hotel , Halifax . 1380—Skelmersdale , Queen ' s Hotel , Waterloo , Liverpool 1449—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1519—Albert Edward , Albion Hotel , Clayton-le-Moors , near Accringtou 1573—Caradoc , Masonic Hall . Caer-street , Swansea . 1578—Merlin , New Inn Hotel , Pontypridd , South Wales
1676—St . Nicholas , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 1798—Zion , Hulme Town Hall . Manchester . R . A . 302—Charity , New Masonic Hal ] , Darley-street , Bradford R . A . 380—Integrity , Masonic Temple , Morley R . A . 874—Holmesdale . Royal Sussex Hotel , Tunbridge Wells R . C—Skelmersdale , Masonic Hall , Liverpool
TUESDAY , Sth DECEMBER . Colonial Board , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 7—Royal York of Perseverance , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 9—Albion , Freema-ons' Hall , W . C . 18—Old Dundee , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street 55—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Sonthanvpton-bldgs ., Holborn , at 7 ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction ) 101—Temple , Ship ancl Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C .
141—Faith , 2 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 166—Union . Criterion , W . 172—Old Concord , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 177—Domatic . Surrey . [ .. sonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 183— Joppa , Champion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 217—Stability , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . 554—Yarborongh , Green Dragon , Stepney ( Instruction ) 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 ( Inst . )
765—St . James , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark 8
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
past twenty-five years of Lodges within the London District , the present radius of ten miles from Freemasons ' Hall be now reduced to a radius of fonr miles from Freemasons' Hall . "
( II ) . " That the Lodges between tbe four mile radius from Freemasons' Hall and the radius of ten miles from Freemasons' Hall bo included in the respective Provincial Grand Lodges of Middlesex , Herts , Essex , Kent , and Surrey . "
Name of Brother nominated for Election to the Office of Senior Vice-President of the Lodge of Benevolence . Brother JAMES BRETT P . G . P . Names of the Brethren nominated for Election to the Office of Junior Vice-President of the Lodge of Benevolence .
Brother CHARLES ATKINS P . M . No . 27 and 1260 . HENRY GARROD P . M . No . 742 . GEORGE POLE BRITTEN P . M . No . 183 . CHARLES ALEXANDER COTTEBRUNE P . G . P . Names of Past Masters nominated to serve on the Lodge of Benevolence . Brother CHARLES ATKINS 27 GEORGE POLE BRITTEN 183 JOSEPH D . COLLIER 1366 THOMAS CULL 1446
List of Lodges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — No . 1976 . —The Umlazi Lodge , Pine Town , Natal . 1977 . —The Blackwater Lodge , Maldon , Essex .
1978 . —The St . George Lodge , Herberton , Queensland . 1979 . —The Lodge of Fidelity , Sydney , New South' Wales . 1980 . —The Prince of Wales' Lodge , Muswell Brook , New South Wales .
1981 . —The Arnold Lodge , East Moulsey , Surrey . 1982 . —The Gieenwood Lodge , Epsom , Surrey . 1983 . —The Martyn Lodge , Southwold , Suffolk . 1984 . —The Earl of Clarendon Lodge , Watford , Herts . 1985 . —The Light in Assam Lodge , Sibsagur , Assam , Bengal
The "Freemasons' Calendar and Pocket Book "for 1883 is now ready , and can be had at tbe Grand Secretary ' s Office , Freemasons' Hall , London , price 2 s , bound in roan .
The Grand Masters' Lodge of Mark Master Masons -will be consecrated by the Most Worshipful Bro . H . E . H . the Duke of Albany , Past Grand Master , on Tuesday next , the Sth inst ., immediately after the business of Grand Mark Lodge , which will be held on the same day . M . W . the
Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom is the W . M . designate , M . W . Bro . the Eight Hon . Lord Henniker , and R . W . Bro . the Right Hon . Earl of Kintore are respectively the Senior and Junior Wardens designate . The membership of this new Lodge will be restricted to present and past Grand Officers .
At the last regular meeting of the Phcenix Lodge , No . 257 , of Portsmouth , Bro . Ernest Hall was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , in succession to Captain W . H . C . St . Clair , R . N .
The Old Kent Mark Lodge of Instruction , which meets afc Bro . Medworth ' s , the Crown and Cushion , London-wall , E . G ., held its first meeting of the season on Monday evening , 20 th ult . The chair was taken at half-past six o ' clock by Bro . Donald M . Dewar Assistant G . Mark Secretary ,
who , with the co-operation of several brethren , rehearsed the ceremony of advancement . These meetings will in future be held on the 1 st and 3 rd Mondays in each month . Bro . S . J . Turquand still gives his services as Preceptor , and we hope he will be supported by a goodly muster of brethren interested in this degree on Monday next , 4 th December .
Diary For The Week.
"We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour _ s with a list of their Days of Meetings , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges . — : o : — SATTTHDAY , 2 nd DECEMBER .
General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons'Hall , at 4 142—St . Thomas , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street I !) - —Percy . Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate Road , N ., 8 . ( Instruction ) 1275—Star . ' Five Bells , 155 Now Cross-road , S . E ., at 7 . ( Instruction ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Lamb Tavern , op . osite Bcthnal G . Junct ., at 8 . ( Inat . ) 1361—Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ( Instruction )
1559—New Cn * ss , New Cross Hall , Now Cross 1572—Carnarvon , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 1622—Rose , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell 1621—Eccleston . King ' s Head , Ebnry Bridge , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chapter of Improvement , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , XV . at 8 . R . A . 975—Rose of Denmark , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge 1158—Truth . Private Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath , Manchester
MONDAY , 4 th DECEMBER . 12—Fortitude and Old Cumberland , 129 Leadenhall-street 22—Loughborough , Cambria Tavern , Cambria Road , near Loughborough Junction , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 25—Robert Bums , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 45—Strong Man , George Hotel , Australian Avenue , Barbican , at 7 ( Instrnc . ) 69—Unity , Inns of Court Hotel , Lincolns Inn Fields 72—Royal Jubilee , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 83—United Lo . ere of Prudence , Albion , Aldersgafco-streefc
lit—St . Luke , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . 171—Sincerity , Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , at 7 . ( Instruction ) 180—St . James ' s Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 186—Industry , Bell , Carter-lane , Doctors-commons , E . G ., at 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) 188—Joppa , Albion , Aldersgate-street , E . C . 256—Unions , Freemasons' Hall . W . C . 518—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Deptford , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1319—Asaph , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 1
1425—Hyde Park , Norfolk Square Hotel , Praed Street , Paddington , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1489—Marquess of Ripon , Pembnry Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hackney , at 7 . 30 ( In ) 1507—Metropolitan . The Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement , E . C , at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1608—Kilbnrr ., 46 South Molton Street , Oxford Street , W ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1623—West Smithtteld . Farringdon Hotel , Farringdon-street , E . O . at 8 ( Inst . ) 1625—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road 1669—Royal Leopold . Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E . 1670—Adelphi , 4 Adelphi Terrace , Strand
1693—Kingsland , Canonbury Tavern , Canonbury , N ., at 8 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1789—Ubiqne , Guardsman Army Coffee Tavern , Buckingham Palace-road , S . W ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1891—St . Ambrose . Baron ' s Court Hotel , West Kensington . ( Instruction ) R . A . 91—Regularity , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . R . A . 933—Doric , 79 Whitechapel-road , at 7 . ( Instruction ) R . A . 1056—Victoria , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue M . M . —Old Kent , Crown and Cushion , London . Wall , E . C . ( Instruction ) M . M , 224—Menatschin , Crit 3 rion , Piccadilly
37—Anchor and Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton-le-Moors 53—Royal Sussex , Masonic Hall , Old Orchard-street , Bath 119—Sn ' n , Square , and Compasses , Freemasons' Hall , College-st ., Whitehaven . 133—Harmonv , Ship Hotel . Faversham 154—Unanimity , Masonic Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield 156—Harmony , Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth 199—Peace and Harmony , Royal Oak Hotel , Dover 236—York , Masonic Hall , York
338—Vitnivian , Royal Hotel , Ro .= s , Herefordshire 381—Harmonv and Industry , Smalley ' s Hotel , Market street , Over Danven 382—Royal Union , Chequers Hotel , Uxbridgo . ( Instruction ) 395—Guy , Crown Hotel , Leamington Priors 431—St . George , Masonic Hall , Norfolk-street , N . Shields HI—Three Grand Principles , Re-. Lion Hotel , Petty C \ _ . y , Cambridge 478—Churchhill , Masonic Hall , Oxford 482—St . James ' s , Masonic Sioms , Wretham Road , Handsworth , Staffordshire
597—St . Cybi , Town Hall , Holyhead 822—St . Cuthberga , Masonic Hall , Wimborne 820—Lily of Richmond . Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ] 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 850—St . Oswald , Town Hall , Ashbourne , Derbyshire 1009—Shakspearc . Freemasons' Hall . Cooner-street , Manchester 1015—Stamford , Town Hall , Altrinchatn , Cheshire I 050—Gundiilpb , King ' s Head Hotel , Rochester
fflSI—Rowley , Athenamm , Lancaster 1077—Wilton . Red Lion Inn , Blackloy , Lancashire 1108—R-yal Wharfcdale , Private Room , Boroughgato , Otley , Yorks 1124—St . Oswald . Wynnstay Arms Hotel , Oswestry 1180—Forward , Masonic Rooms , New Hall-street , Birmingham 1211—Goderich , Masonic Hall , Gt . George-street , Leeds 1239—Wentworth , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . 1264—Neptune , Masonic Hall , Liverpool .
1302—De Warren , Masonic Hall , White Swan Hotel , Halifax . 1380—Skelmersdale , Queen ' s Hotel , Waterloo , Liverpool 1449—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1519—Albert Edward , Albion Hotel , Clayton-le-Moors , near Accringtou 1573—Caradoc , Masonic Hall . Caer-street , Swansea . 1578—Merlin , New Inn Hotel , Pontypridd , South Wales
1676—St . Nicholas , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 1798—Zion , Hulme Town Hall . Manchester . R . A . 302—Charity , New Masonic Hal ] , Darley-street , Bradford R . A . 380—Integrity , Masonic Temple , Morley R . A . 874—Holmesdale . Royal Sussex Hotel , Tunbridge Wells R . C—Skelmersdale , Masonic Hall , Liverpool
TUESDAY , Sth DECEMBER . Colonial Board , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 7—Royal York of Perseverance , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 9—Albion , Freema-ons' Hall , W . C . 18—Old Dundee , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street 55—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Sonthanvpton-bldgs ., Holborn , at 7 ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction ) 101—Temple , Ship ancl Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C .
141—Faith , 2 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 166—Union . Criterion , W . 172—Old Concord , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 177—Domatic . Surrey . [ .. sonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 183— Joppa , Champion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 217—Stability , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . 554—Yarborongh , Green Dragon , Stepney ( Instruction ) 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 ( Inst . )
765—St . James , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark 8