Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge Of Prosperity , No . 65 . —There was a mimeronslyattended meeting of ( lie members of this Lodge on Thursday , the 23 rd inst ., at tho Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , when Bro . Roberts Wor . Master presided , supported by Bros . G . Sebndler S . W ., Rich J . W ., Brown P . M . Sec ., Hawkins S . D ., Marshall J . D ., Gregory I . G ., Walker M . C , Chicken I . P . M ., Daniel P . M .. Ferry P . M , Harris , Rogers ,
Retnllaek , Haller , Stanford , Wood , Rudd , Ratcliffe , Ruse , Dvson . Sladden , Martin , Pilater , Brown , East , Ed ridge , Watkins , Roberts . Speight Prov . G . Tyler Surrey Tyler . Visitors—Bros . Caney 913 . Norwich , and Searl 1107 . Lodge was opened in duo form , and after transacting * some formal business , was advanced , when Bros . Wood and Retnllaek were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the
ceremony being most impressively performed by the Worshipfnl Master , assisted by his Officers . It was the subject of remark that , as an evidence of his Masonic zeal , Bro . Retnllaek had travelled all tho way from Cornwall in order to take bis degree , and that he had to leave early in the evening in order to meet his business engagement in the West of England next day . The business on the agenda paper having
been dispo-. d of , the brethren and visitors dined together , when the customan Loyal and Masonic toasts wei-e duly honoured , reference being made to the valuable services rendered to the Craft hy the Grand Officers Present and Past . Bro . Chicken I . P . M . then asked the company , to drink with the fervour it deserved the toast of the Wor . Master , in doing which he spoke of the admirable manner in which
Bro . Roberts had discharged his duties during the year . He had been a constant worker in the Lodge , and also at the Lodge of Instruction and anything else that appertained to Freemasonry . In all his functions he displayed a most commendable zeal and discernment , and had thus gained for himself the esteem nnd admiration of all with whom he was brought into contact . The W . Master , in
responding , thought he scarcely deserved the encomiums which were constantly passed npon him by the Past Masters and other brethren of the Lodge . He had been a member of it many years , and had done all be possibly conld to further its interests , as he trusted he might be able to do in the future . This evening it had afforded him pleasure to raise two worthy brethren to the third degree , and he
hoped , during the remainder of his term of office , they would bring forward many candidates for the mysteries and privileges of the Order . He trusted they would all rally round him and give him as much Avoik as they possibly could . He then announced that it had been decided to hold their annual ball , in aid of the Masonic Charities , at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Tnesday , 16 th January 1883 , and he was
pleased to say a large number of the Officers and brethren had signified their willingness to act as Stewards , and to assist him in carrying the affair to a successful issue . He wanted a good list to take np as Steward to the Benevolent Institution , and as the Lodge would only meet once more before he completed his term , he hoped to be liberally supported . He then proposed the Visitors , with which
he coupled the name of Bro . Bullen , who though only a yonng Mason , was a good and true one , and a thorough Cornish man . Bro . Bullen suitably replied , thanking the brethren for their hospitality , and expressing regret at having been unable to attend earlier to witness the raising of his esteemed friend Bro , Retallack , in consequence of having to attend his own Lodge at Norwich . The W . M ., in proposing the health of the Past Masters , said he could not say
enough in their praise for the valuable aid and counsel they afforded him in all that pertained to the good and welfare of the Lodge . Ho thanked them all most heartily , and expressed the confidence he felt that they would all work harmoniously together in the future as they had done in the past . Bro . Chicken I . P . M . said it was a pleasure to work under the able rule of their present W . Master , and the Past Masters would share with him in the desire to do all thev could to
maintain the prestige that had so long been enjoyed by tho Prosperity Lodge . He hoped to be able to render what little assistance he could for many years to come . He urged those -who had nofc yefc joined the Prosperity Chapter to lose no time in doing so , as only by that means could they learn the genuine secrets of the Masonic art . Bro . Brown P . M . also responded , and in doing so said the Past Masters ,
one and all , had the true interests of the Lodge at heart most thoroughly , and did whatever they could to promote its prosperity . As one of the originators of the Chapter , he desired to see it flourish and continue the successful career it had enjoyed in the first part of its existence , for it was already stronger than many of the Chapters in London of many years' standing . Their Chapter carried a considerable amount of weight with it . He was proud also to say the
Charities Association connected with this Lodge was in a very satisfactory and progressive condition . Bro . Ferry P . M . followed , with a few similar remarks , in the course of which he told the brethren that , until they joined the Chapter , they could nofc know really what Freemasonry was . In reply to the toast of the Officers , Bro . Schadler expressed the gratification it afforded him to act as Senior Warden under so estimable a Master , and Bro . Marshall delivered himself of similar sentiments as J . W . The health of the work .
mg Officers Ayas responded to by Bros . Walker as M . of C , and Hawkins as I . G ., after which the Tyler was summoned to bring the official list of toasts to a fitting close . The interesting proceedings were judiciously varied with some capitally-rendeied songs and recitations .
Loughboro' Lodge of Instruction , No . 22 . —On Monday evening , 27 th nit ., at Bro . McDiarmaid's , the Cambria Tavern , Cambria-road , Loughboro' -junction . Present Bros . Banks W . M . Pork-ins S . W ., Cormoek J . W McDiarmaid Treasurer , McKinley
Secretary , Littlewood S . D ., Sherring J . D ., Johnson Preceptor , Keyse I . G . ; also Westley , Westmore , Denning . Visitor—Brother Leigh 1772 . After preliminaries , Bros . Sherring and Westley worked the second and third sections of the lecture . Tho ceremony of initiafcion waa then rehearsed , with Bro . McKinley candidate , Bro .
Notices Of Meetings.
Westley , in a most able and efficient manner , worked the fourth section of the lecture . Bro . Leisrh 1752 was elected a member . Th 0 surplus of the Supper Fnnd , after all disbursements had been paid , was handed over to the Secretary . All business being ended , Lodge was closed in ancient form , and adjourned till Monday evening , 4 th October . The members held their usnal harmonic meeting . Visitors are cordially invited to these gatherings .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No-198 . —Held on Saturday , 25 th November , at the Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate-road . Islington , Present—Bros . Fenner W . M ., Weeden S . W ., Ferrar J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Gribbell S . D ., Houghton J . D ., Ashton I . G . ; also Broa , Rhodes , Galer , F . Venning , Richardson , Archer , & c . Lodge was opened in regular form , and tbe minutes of last meeting were read
and confirmed . Bro . Rhodes answered the questions leading to the second decree , and was entrusted . Lodge was advanced , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The same candidate answered the questions leading to tbe third degree . The W . M . worked the second and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren .
On the resumption of the Lodge the W . M . worked the first and second sections of the first lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Frank Venning , of the Temple Lodge , No . 101 , was duly elected a membex- , and Bro . Charles Weeden was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week , after which Lodge Avas closed , and adjourned .
One and All Lodge , No . 330 , Bodmin . —At the usua monthly meeting of this Lodge , on Monday , 27 th Nov ., Bro . John Treverton S . W . was unanimously elected as Worshipful Master , and Bro . W . Rowe P . M . P . P . G . D . C . was re-elected Treasurer , for the ensuing year . Ifc was also resolved to present to Bro . W . Rowe a Past
Master's jewel , in recognition of the valuable services he has rendered to the Lodge . The installation and presentation will take place on the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , the 27 th December , at three o'clock , after which the members will partake of their annual banquet .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 . — Meeting held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E , on Friday the 24 th November . Bros . C . H . Nevill W . M ., M . E . Stokes S . W ., A . J . Styles J . W ., James Stevens P . M . and Preceptor , John S . Terry P . M . and Secretary , C . H . Phillips S . D ., Henry J . D ., W . S .
Payne I . G ., H . Wiltshire , and others . Lodge was worked entirely in the first degree , with ceremony very ably rehearsed by the W . M ., and sections by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was called off for entry drill and called on . Bro . M . E . Stolces was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and the Lodge was then closed in harmony .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Meeting at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 28 th November . Present—Bros . Musto W . M ., Barnes S . W ., Cundick J . W ., Myers S . D ., Hirst J . D ., F . Clark I . G ., F . Carr Secretary , Wallington I . P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Job , Richardson , Beatton , McDonald , Musto inn ., Moss , Loane , G . H . Stephens , Hopkins ,
Steward , West , Webb , Allen , Boyce , T . Jones , Catling , Smyth , Robinson , Larter , Wardell , Marsh , Christian , Baker , Young , C . Lorkin , Glass , A . J . Clark , Olley , Darnell . Lodge was opened in due form , und the minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The following brethren assisted Bro . Musto to work the sections . First Lecture—Bros . Hirst 1421 , Musto jun . 1549 , Moss S . D . 933 , McDonald
S . D . 1445 , Barnes P . M . 554 , 993 . Second Lecture—Bros . Stewart 1278 , Richardson 174 , West 993 , Cavendish P . M . 1421 , Webb P . M . 1607 . Third Lecture—Bros . Hopkins 749 . Job W . M . 1076 , G . H . Stephens , J . W . 1623 . After a most successful evening ' s > vorking by the brethren of the Doric Lodge , the following were elected
members : —Gray 933 , Musto jun . 1349 , Loane 1421 , Hirst 1421 , Hopkins 749 , Richardson 174 , West 933 , Beatton 463 . A vote of thanks Avas unanimously accorded to the W . M . and presiding Officers , and also to the brethren who assisted in working the sections . Lodge was then closed , and adjonrned .
Duke of Cornwall Lodge , No . 1529 . —The festival of Sfc . John was celebrated by this Lodge on Wednesday , the 29 th November , when the W . Bro . W . W . Howard dnly installed Bro . John Beat as W . M . for the ensuing year . He invested his Officers as follows , viz : —Bros . W . W . Howard I . P . M ., Thomas Gatley S . W ., George Bray J . W ., H . F . WhiteSeld P . M . Treasurer , W *
Hortop Secretary , John James S . D ., E . Middle J . D ., J . B . Old M . C , John Coade I . G ., Samuel Roberts , W . H . Cobeldick and Robert Drew Stewards , F . Whitley Organist , W . C . Garrison Tyler . The business of the Lodge having been duly transacted , the brethren attended a banquet at the Barley Sheaf Hotel , which was served by Bro . Grove in his usual excellent style . There was a numerous gathering .
Walden Lodge , No . 12 80 . —The annual festival of this Lodge was held afc Saffron Walden , on the 21 sfc November , when Bro . Henry King S . W . was installed as W . M ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . W . A . Jones P . M . P . P . J . G . W . in his usual careful and impressive manner . An interesting feature of the proceedings was the presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel to W . Bro . Joseph Bell P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., on the occasion of his quitting the chair for the third time , and in
recognition of his unwearied services to the Lodge as its founder , promoter and firm supporter . The presentation was made by the new W . M ., who enlarged upon the many and valuable services rendered to the Lodge by the I . P . M . Bro . Bell feelingly responded , promising still to do all he could to promote the besfc interests of the Lodge . In the evening the members of the Lodge , and several Visitors , dined together afc the Rose and Crown Hotel . ......
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge Of Prosperity , No . 65 . —There was a mimeronslyattended meeting of ( lie members of this Lodge on Thursday , the 23 rd inst ., at tho Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , when Bro . Roberts Wor . Master presided , supported by Bros . G . Sebndler S . W ., Rich J . W ., Brown P . M . Sec ., Hawkins S . D ., Marshall J . D ., Gregory I . G ., Walker M . C , Chicken I . P . M ., Daniel P . M .. Ferry P . M , Harris , Rogers ,
Retnllaek , Haller , Stanford , Wood , Rudd , Ratcliffe , Ruse , Dvson . Sladden , Martin , Pilater , Brown , East , Ed ridge , Watkins , Roberts . Speight Prov . G . Tyler Surrey Tyler . Visitors—Bros . Caney 913 . Norwich , and Searl 1107 . Lodge was opened in duo form , and after transacting * some formal business , was advanced , when Bros . Wood and Retnllaek were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the
ceremony being most impressively performed by the Worshipfnl Master , assisted by his Officers . It was the subject of remark that , as an evidence of his Masonic zeal , Bro . Retnllaek had travelled all tho way from Cornwall in order to take bis degree , and that he had to leave early in the evening in order to meet his business engagement in the West of England next day . The business on the agenda paper having
been dispo-. d of , the brethren and visitors dined together , when the customan Loyal and Masonic toasts wei-e duly honoured , reference being made to the valuable services rendered to the Craft hy the Grand Officers Present and Past . Bro . Chicken I . P . M . then asked the company , to drink with the fervour it deserved the toast of the Wor . Master , in doing which he spoke of the admirable manner in which
Bro . Roberts had discharged his duties during the year . He had been a constant worker in the Lodge , and also at the Lodge of Instruction and anything else that appertained to Freemasonry . In all his functions he displayed a most commendable zeal and discernment , and had thus gained for himself the esteem nnd admiration of all with whom he was brought into contact . The W . Master , in
responding , thought he scarcely deserved the encomiums which were constantly passed npon him by the Past Masters and other brethren of the Lodge . He had been a member of it many years , and had done all be possibly conld to further its interests , as he trusted he might be able to do in the future . This evening it had afforded him pleasure to raise two worthy brethren to the third degree , and he
hoped , during the remainder of his term of office , they would bring forward many candidates for the mysteries and privileges of the Order . He trusted they would all rally round him and give him as much Avoik as they possibly could . He then announced that it had been decided to hold their annual ball , in aid of the Masonic Charities , at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Tnesday , 16 th January 1883 , and he was
pleased to say a large number of the Officers and brethren had signified their willingness to act as Stewards , and to assist him in carrying the affair to a successful issue . He wanted a good list to take np as Steward to the Benevolent Institution , and as the Lodge would only meet once more before he completed his term , he hoped to be liberally supported . He then proposed the Visitors , with which
he coupled the name of Bro . Bullen , who though only a yonng Mason , was a good and true one , and a thorough Cornish man . Bro . Bullen suitably replied , thanking the brethren for their hospitality , and expressing regret at having been unable to attend earlier to witness the raising of his esteemed friend Bro , Retallack , in consequence of having to attend his own Lodge at Norwich . The W . M ., in proposing the health of the Past Masters , said he could not say
enough in their praise for the valuable aid and counsel they afforded him in all that pertained to the good and welfare of the Lodge . Ho thanked them all most heartily , and expressed the confidence he felt that they would all work harmoniously together in the future as they had done in the past . Bro . Chicken I . P . M . said it was a pleasure to work under the able rule of their present W . Master , and the Past Masters would share with him in the desire to do all thev could to
maintain the prestige that had so long been enjoyed by tho Prosperity Lodge . He hoped to be able to render what little assistance he could for many years to come . He urged those -who had nofc yefc joined the Prosperity Chapter to lose no time in doing so , as only by that means could they learn the genuine secrets of the Masonic art . Bro . Brown P . M . also responded , and in doing so said the Past Masters ,
one and all , had the true interests of the Lodge at heart most thoroughly , and did whatever they could to promote its prosperity . As one of the originators of the Chapter , he desired to see it flourish and continue the successful career it had enjoyed in the first part of its existence , for it was already stronger than many of the Chapters in London of many years' standing . Their Chapter carried a considerable amount of weight with it . He was proud also to say the
Charities Association connected with this Lodge was in a very satisfactory and progressive condition . Bro . Ferry P . M . followed , with a few similar remarks , in the course of which he told the brethren that , until they joined the Chapter , they could nofc know really what Freemasonry was . In reply to the toast of the Officers , Bro . Schadler expressed the gratification it afforded him to act as Senior Warden under so estimable a Master , and Bro . Marshall delivered himself of similar sentiments as J . W . The health of the work .
mg Officers Ayas responded to by Bros . Walker as M . of C , and Hawkins as I . G ., after which the Tyler was summoned to bring the official list of toasts to a fitting close . The interesting proceedings were judiciously varied with some capitally-rendeied songs and recitations .
Loughboro' Lodge of Instruction , No . 22 . —On Monday evening , 27 th nit ., at Bro . McDiarmaid's , the Cambria Tavern , Cambria-road , Loughboro' -junction . Present Bros . Banks W . M . Pork-ins S . W ., Cormoek J . W McDiarmaid Treasurer , McKinley
Secretary , Littlewood S . D ., Sherring J . D ., Johnson Preceptor , Keyse I . G . ; also Westley , Westmore , Denning . Visitor—Brother Leigh 1772 . After preliminaries , Bros . Sherring and Westley worked the second and third sections of the lecture . Tho ceremony of initiafcion waa then rehearsed , with Bro . McKinley candidate , Bro .
Notices Of Meetings.
Westley , in a most able and efficient manner , worked the fourth section of the lecture . Bro . Leisrh 1752 was elected a member . Th 0 surplus of the Supper Fnnd , after all disbursements had been paid , was handed over to the Secretary . All business being ended , Lodge was closed in ancient form , and adjourned till Monday evening , 4 th October . The members held their usnal harmonic meeting . Visitors are cordially invited to these gatherings .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No-198 . —Held on Saturday , 25 th November , at the Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate-road . Islington , Present—Bros . Fenner W . M ., Weeden S . W ., Ferrar J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Gribbell S . D ., Houghton J . D ., Ashton I . G . ; also Broa , Rhodes , Galer , F . Venning , Richardson , Archer , & c . Lodge was opened in regular form , and tbe minutes of last meeting were read
and confirmed . Bro . Rhodes answered the questions leading to the second decree , and was entrusted . Lodge was advanced , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The same candidate answered the questions leading to tbe third degree . The W . M . worked the second and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren .
On the resumption of the Lodge the W . M . worked the first and second sections of the first lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Frank Venning , of the Temple Lodge , No . 101 , was duly elected a membex- , and Bro . Charles Weeden was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week , after which Lodge Avas closed , and adjourned .
One and All Lodge , No . 330 , Bodmin . —At the usua monthly meeting of this Lodge , on Monday , 27 th Nov ., Bro . John Treverton S . W . was unanimously elected as Worshipful Master , and Bro . W . Rowe P . M . P . P . G . D . C . was re-elected Treasurer , for the ensuing year . Ifc was also resolved to present to Bro . W . Rowe a Past
Master's jewel , in recognition of the valuable services he has rendered to the Lodge . The installation and presentation will take place on the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , the 27 th December , at three o'clock , after which the members will partake of their annual banquet .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 . — Meeting held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E , on Friday the 24 th November . Bros . C . H . Nevill W . M ., M . E . Stokes S . W ., A . J . Styles J . W ., James Stevens P . M . and Preceptor , John S . Terry P . M . and Secretary , C . H . Phillips S . D ., Henry J . D ., W . S .
Payne I . G ., H . Wiltshire , and others . Lodge was worked entirely in the first degree , with ceremony very ably rehearsed by the W . M ., and sections by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was called off for entry drill and called on . Bro . M . E . Stolces was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and the Lodge was then closed in harmony .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Meeting at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 28 th November . Present—Bros . Musto W . M ., Barnes S . W ., Cundick J . W ., Myers S . D ., Hirst J . D ., F . Clark I . G ., F . Carr Secretary , Wallington I . P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Job , Richardson , Beatton , McDonald , Musto inn ., Moss , Loane , G . H . Stephens , Hopkins ,
Steward , West , Webb , Allen , Boyce , T . Jones , Catling , Smyth , Robinson , Larter , Wardell , Marsh , Christian , Baker , Young , C . Lorkin , Glass , A . J . Clark , Olley , Darnell . Lodge was opened in due form , und the minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The following brethren assisted Bro . Musto to work the sections . First Lecture—Bros . Hirst 1421 , Musto jun . 1549 , Moss S . D . 933 , McDonald
S . D . 1445 , Barnes P . M . 554 , 993 . Second Lecture—Bros . Stewart 1278 , Richardson 174 , West 993 , Cavendish P . M . 1421 , Webb P . M . 1607 . Third Lecture—Bros . Hopkins 749 . Job W . M . 1076 , G . H . Stephens , J . W . 1623 . After a most successful evening ' s > vorking by the brethren of the Doric Lodge , the following were elected
members : —Gray 933 , Musto jun . 1349 , Loane 1421 , Hirst 1421 , Hopkins 749 , Richardson 174 , West 933 , Beatton 463 . A vote of thanks Avas unanimously accorded to the W . M . and presiding Officers , and also to the brethren who assisted in working the sections . Lodge was then closed , and adjonrned .
Duke of Cornwall Lodge , No . 1529 . —The festival of Sfc . John was celebrated by this Lodge on Wednesday , the 29 th November , when the W . Bro . W . W . Howard dnly installed Bro . John Beat as W . M . for the ensuing year . He invested his Officers as follows , viz : —Bros . W . W . Howard I . P . M ., Thomas Gatley S . W ., George Bray J . W ., H . F . WhiteSeld P . M . Treasurer , W *
Hortop Secretary , John James S . D ., E . Middle J . D ., J . B . Old M . C , John Coade I . G ., Samuel Roberts , W . H . Cobeldick and Robert Drew Stewards , F . Whitley Organist , W . C . Garrison Tyler . The business of the Lodge having been duly transacted , the brethren attended a banquet at the Barley Sheaf Hotel , which was served by Bro . Grove in his usual excellent style . There was a numerous gathering .
Walden Lodge , No . 12 80 . —The annual festival of this Lodge was held afc Saffron Walden , on the 21 sfc November , when Bro . Henry King S . W . was installed as W . M ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . W . A . Jones P . M . P . P . J . G . W . in his usual careful and impressive manner . An interesting feature of the proceedings was the presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel to W . Bro . Joseph Bell P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., on the occasion of his quitting the chair for the third time , and in
recognition of his unwearied services to the Lodge as its founder , promoter and firm supporter . The presentation was made by the new W . M ., who enlarged upon the many and valuable services rendered to the Lodge by the I . P . M . Bro . Bell feelingly responded , promising still to do all he could to promote the besfc interests of the Lodge . In the evening the members of the Lodge , and several Visitors , dined together afc the Rose and Crown Hotel . ......