Article SHEPHERD'S BUSH LODGE, No. 1828. Page 1 of 1 Article SHEPHERD'S BUSH LODGE, No. 1828. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Shepherd's Bush Lodge, No. 1828.
THE Annual meeting was held on Monday last , at the Athenaeum , Goldbawk-road , Shepherd ' s Bush . It is satisfactory to know that this Lodge , though it does not aspire to occupy so prominent a position with regard to numerical strength as some of the Lodges which assemble in the immediate neighbourhood , is making steady and consistent progress . It was , and is , intended to be a Lodge
where members of the Craft and their friends who desire to join tho ranks of Freemasonry , residing in the immediate locality , may assemble together in a quiet , unostentatious , and economic manner . The Lodge was consecrated in 1879 , and the brethren who hitherto have ruled it have won the confidence and esteem of the members .
Lodge was opened on this , the first clay of its fourth year , by Bro . George Harrison , who was supported by his Officers , and Past Masters L . Bryett and A . B . Baker ; two honorary member—Bros . G . W . Dixon P . P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks , and J . 0 . Carter P . P . G . S . W . of tbe same Province . As is usual at the meetings of this Lodge ,
there was a fair attendance of Visitors , amongst them being Bros . T . J . Railing P . M . 51 Prov . Grand Secretary Essex , T . W . Sharle 1567 , C . Sweaby Smith , M . D ., P . M . 1380 , 0 . Hubbard P . M . 820 , R . Pye 820 , F . L . Oliver S . W . 834 , Stephen A . Cooper P . M . 1657 , George Whittaker 1791 , L . Lichtwitz 1612 , M . S . Rubinstein 1642 ,
G . P . Festa W . M . 1900 , W . Side P . M . 1507 , G . Read P . M . 511 , F . Richmond 1695 , H . F . Jones S . D . 1512 , J . Walter P . M . 1158 , Capt . A . Nicols W . M . | 1794 , Peter Harnett 813 , T . Collings P . M . 1585 , T . W , Heaton 1642 , Robert Calingham 1178 , C . Dawson Philpott 1895 , W . Park 511 , J . Nielsen W . M . 1791 , T . fl . W . Fry 1692 , George Pung Hazell 697 , W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 . After the minutes of the last meeting had been read and confirmed , Brother Harrison
proceeded to raise Brother Crowe , which ceremony he performed in a careful and impressive manner . Amongst other items of business set out in the agenda for the members to transact , Avas to ballot for and , if approved , initiate Mr . Frederick 0 . Mander , estate agent , of 2 St . Agnes-villas , Uxbridge-road , W ., who was proposed by Bro . White , seconded by Bro . Williams J . D . Also for Mr . Carl Vandyke
photographer , Gloucester-road , S . W ., proposed by Brother Wyatt , seconded by Brother Pierpoinfc S . W . and W . M . elect . The ballon was in favour of both these candidates ; as likewise was it for Bro . Walter Coates , Wbittington Lodge , No . 826 , proposed as a joining member by Brother House , seconded by Brother Alais Past Master and Hon . Secretary . The duty of installing tho Wor .
Master elect—Brother R . Pierpoint—was most satisfactorily carried ont by the outgoing Master , Bro . Harrison . The Officers invested were R . Josey S . W ., Peter Burton J . W ., W . Game P . M . Treasurer , A . C . Alais P . M . Secretary , W . Williams S . D ., C . Breitbarfc J . D ., Fisher P . M . I . G , W . J . House M . C , J . Pierpoint W . S ., A . W . Paul Asst . W . S ., Sohofield P . M . Tyler . The address to the Master was
delivered by Brother Bryett P . M . ; thafc to the Wardens by Brother Alais P . M . and Secretary , while the concluding address , to the brethren , was given by the Installing Master . Brother P . M . Baker officiated as Master of Ceremonies throughout . At the close of the ceremony Brother Harrison was complimented on the ability he had displayed in carrying out the work of the day . It was now
announced thafc Mr . Mander , one of the candidates named above , was in attendance . He was introduced , and the new W . M . —Bro . Pierpoint —initiated him into the mysteries of the first degree . A Past Master ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Master , and Brother Harrison feelingly acknowledged the courtesy and invariable kindness he had received from the members , which he trusted might endure for many
years . Some matters of home interest were then brought nnder consideration , and hearty good wishes having been tendered , Lodge Avas closed . The banquet was provided by Brother J . R . Ward , who served it up to the satisfaction of all assembled . After the loyai toast of the Queen and the Craft , the Worshipful Master introduced that of the M . W . the Grand Master . The Prince of Wales , he said ,
was a staunch upholder of the principles of Freemasonry , and this toast was at all times greeted with a hearty reception . After " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " routine toasts were pushed on . Brother Harrison eloquently proposed the health of the W . M ., and then came a song from Brother Past Master Baker . In reply Brother Pierpoint said he hardly knew how to express his thauks . He felt flattered by
the way in which his name bad been received . Ifc was with some amount of diffidence he ventured to undertake the duties of the chair , but he would strive to the uttermost to carry them out successfully . It had been said that from the fulness of the heart the mouth speaketh ; his heart was full , but words did not fall glibly from his mouth . Some men had greatness thrust upon them ; he . felt it was so in
his case . However , of this he could assure them , he appreciated thoir kindness to its fullest extent . The health of the Initiate was followed by the E . A . song , by Brother Bryett . Bro . Mander mado a suitable reply , expressing the hopo thafc ho might eventually reach tlie Master ' s chair ; ho would strive to become a good and worthy Mason . For the Visitors Bros . T . J . Railing , Festa , Neilson , Reid , & c . rnplied .
The Worshipful Master in proposing the health of tho Immediate Past Master remarked that Brother Harrison had given full attention to the duties of his office dnring the year , and had ably conducted the ceremonies , including the crowning ono of installing his successor . After a lively song by Bro . Rubinstein , Bro . Harrison acknowledged the hononr done him by the W . M . Ho assured one and
all he wonld ever exert himself to advance the interests of the Lodge . The next toast was that of tho Past Masters , followed by a cornet solo , admirably rendered by Bro . Heaton . Bro . S . Bryett was the first to respond to tbe toast . He felt he might , with becoming modesty , take unto himself some credit for the success that had attended the establishment of their Lodge . True , it was not a largo
one , and this became the more apparent by comparison Avith others in the immediate neighbourhood . The Shepherd's Bush Lodge was not heralded into the world with a fanfare of trumpets , neither was there a large attendance of Grand Officers at its inauguration ¦ but be felt he might state that ifc was an influential one , and had made satisfactory progress . They started with ten founders , and all were pre-
Shepherd's Bush Lodge, No. 1828.
sent that evening . They had more than doubled the roll of the nam . bor of their mess , and what was originally intended was carried out , inasmuch as all the members were residents of Shepherd ' s Bush . Bro . Baker also replied ; he expressed his gratification at seeing so goodly an array of Visitors : this might be accepted as a testimony
of the respect in which tho Lodge was hold . For tbe Treasurer and Secretary , Bros . Game and Alais replied ; the Officers wero also complimented , and in duo conrso the Tyler gave the parting toast . Bro . Oliver presided at the pianoforte during the evening - he also contributed some excellent songs . We must nofc omit to mention the W . M . ' s song— " The Old Brigade "—which was given Avith ranch spirit . Bros . Reid and Morgan favoured with recitations .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . —Afc the Institute , Ealing , on Tuesday last , there were present Brothers Jones W . M ., Smith S . W ., Seward J . W ., Bellerby J . D ., Henning I . G ., Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , Wells Secretary , Beasley P . M . ; also Hadley , Danby and Clarke . Lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Brother Henning candidate . The W . M .
delivered the charge in a very able manner . Brothers Henning and Hadley answered the questions leading to the second degree . The meeting on Tuesday next being the one preceding the regular meet- , ing of Lodge No . 1612 , the Officers Avill occupy their respective positions , when it is hoped that the brethren will attend punctually . Brother Smith Avas elected Worshipful Master for the 12 th December , and having appointed his Officers in rotation , Lodge waa closed in due form , and the meeting adjourned to 5 th December .
Brixton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1949 . —The weekly meeting was held on Tuesday evening , the 28 th ult ., afc the Prince Regent , Bro . Monk ' s , Duhrich-road , East Brixton . In the absence of the W . M . elect , Bro . E . Bye jun ., who was attending his regular Lodge , Bro . Hy . M . Williams Secretary was invited to take the chair . He was supported by the following : —Bros . S . Richardson S . W ., F . A .
Smith J . W ., E . A . Francis Preceptor , C H . Phillips Treasurer , R . R . Johnson acting Secretary , Richard Poore S . D ., H . Goodwin J . D ., H . Hooper I . G . ; Bros . Pooler , Croucher , Knight , Howe , Harling , Hoare , Moss , Durham , and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Lodge was opened in the second and third degrees . Lodge
was resumed , and the ceremony of initiation rehearsed by the W . M ., with Bro . Howe as candidate . Bro . Phillips gave proofs of proficiency , and was eutrusted . Lodge was resumed in tho second degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed by Bro . Phillips . Lodge was resumed in the third , and regularly closed to tbe first degree . On the motion of the Preceptor , Bro . S . Richardson was unanimously elected
W . M . for the ensuing week . Hearty good wishes having been expressed by the brethren , Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned in peace and harmony until the following Tuesday , at 8 p . m . Most of the brethren remained for the " social hour" after labour , and some excellent songs were given . Bro . A . W . Sebastian Hoare , of Trinity College , London , ably presided at tho pianoforte . The W . M ., in responding to the toast of his health , referred to the fact thafc the
meeting that evening completed tho first six months of the Lodge ' s existeuce ; that the number of members was exactly seventy , while the attendance at the weekly meetings was most satisfactory . The Officers of the Lodge felt amply rewarded for their labours by the earnest manner in which tho brethren worked the various ceremonies , the regular attendance of so many , and by the hearty good feeling existing in the Lodge .
J . E . SHAND & Co ., AVino Merchants ( Experts and Valuers ) . AVell fermented old Wines ancl matured Spirits . 2 Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , London , S . AV . In announcing , last Aveek , the intended Lecture , Explanatory of the Ceremonies of the First Degree , to be given by Bro . James Stevens , in the Royal York Lodge of
Instruction , at the Pavilion , Brighton , Ave inadvertently mentioned Tuesday as the date , instead of Monday next , the 4 th inst . The Lodge is to be opened at 7 . 30 , and the breth - ren are to wear Craft clothing .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original and only true . >? 5 Bgji ^^ TTTJNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to ff ™ jj-flgffl ^ Mk JL J . its marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving and 1 _ I «____ P ^_ P- raPuIly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural-- __ - _ ' '____»¦ ' K'U , Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains . ¦ fl _ i ___ It nc - '' k ° a cnarm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in ^ s §! Ps || I | Jppe > Cholera antl Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what-^ __)_ MARl ^ - (! ver canso > soothes and strengthens the system under ex' hausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice . Tames . Lord Justice Mellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , ancl against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . See Times of July 2 ( th , 1973 . Bottles Is I . d , ' 2 s Oil , Is Gd , lis , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1830 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with much pleasure I am able to state that your Chlorodyne has boon of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now como and beg mo to give thorn that medicine which always relieves them , and which I need " hardly b-av is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , _ n ____ 8 AV . Owsir , L . R . C . P . Lon ' ., M . R . C . S . Fng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Cabul . The Times , August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . Tho want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks ! onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than tho bombs of the Turks . I mvself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottleof C ___ JO _ . OI . YN __ , with which I effected miraculous cures .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Shepherd's Bush Lodge, No. 1828.
THE Annual meeting was held on Monday last , at the Athenaeum , Goldbawk-road , Shepherd ' s Bush . It is satisfactory to know that this Lodge , though it does not aspire to occupy so prominent a position with regard to numerical strength as some of the Lodges which assemble in the immediate neighbourhood , is making steady and consistent progress . It was , and is , intended to be a Lodge
where members of the Craft and their friends who desire to join tho ranks of Freemasonry , residing in the immediate locality , may assemble together in a quiet , unostentatious , and economic manner . The Lodge was consecrated in 1879 , and the brethren who hitherto have ruled it have won the confidence and esteem of the members .
Lodge was opened on this , the first clay of its fourth year , by Bro . George Harrison , who was supported by his Officers , and Past Masters L . Bryett and A . B . Baker ; two honorary member—Bros . G . W . Dixon P . P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks , and J . 0 . Carter P . P . G . S . W . of tbe same Province . As is usual at the meetings of this Lodge ,
there was a fair attendance of Visitors , amongst them being Bros . T . J . Railing P . M . 51 Prov . Grand Secretary Essex , T . W . Sharle 1567 , C . Sweaby Smith , M . D ., P . M . 1380 , 0 . Hubbard P . M . 820 , R . Pye 820 , F . L . Oliver S . W . 834 , Stephen A . Cooper P . M . 1657 , George Whittaker 1791 , L . Lichtwitz 1612 , M . S . Rubinstein 1642 ,
G . P . Festa W . M . 1900 , W . Side P . M . 1507 , G . Read P . M . 511 , F . Richmond 1695 , H . F . Jones S . D . 1512 , J . Walter P . M . 1158 , Capt . A . Nicols W . M . | 1794 , Peter Harnett 813 , T . Collings P . M . 1585 , T . W , Heaton 1642 , Robert Calingham 1178 , C . Dawson Philpott 1895 , W . Park 511 , J . Nielsen W . M . 1791 , T . fl . W . Fry 1692 , George Pung Hazell 697 , W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 . After the minutes of the last meeting had been read and confirmed , Brother Harrison
proceeded to raise Brother Crowe , which ceremony he performed in a careful and impressive manner . Amongst other items of business set out in the agenda for the members to transact , Avas to ballot for and , if approved , initiate Mr . Frederick 0 . Mander , estate agent , of 2 St . Agnes-villas , Uxbridge-road , W ., who was proposed by Bro . White , seconded by Bro . Williams J . D . Also for Mr . Carl Vandyke
photographer , Gloucester-road , S . W ., proposed by Brother Wyatt , seconded by Brother Pierpoinfc S . W . and W . M . elect . The ballon was in favour of both these candidates ; as likewise was it for Bro . Walter Coates , Wbittington Lodge , No . 826 , proposed as a joining member by Brother House , seconded by Brother Alais Past Master and Hon . Secretary . The duty of installing tho Wor .
Master elect—Brother R . Pierpoint—was most satisfactorily carried ont by the outgoing Master , Bro . Harrison . The Officers invested were R . Josey S . W ., Peter Burton J . W ., W . Game P . M . Treasurer , A . C . Alais P . M . Secretary , W . Williams S . D ., C . Breitbarfc J . D ., Fisher P . M . I . G , W . J . House M . C , J . Pierpoint W . S ., A . W . Paul Asst . W . S ., Sohofield P . M . Tyler . The address to the Master was
delivered by Brother Bryett P . M . ; thafc to the Wardens by Brother Alais P . M . and Secretary , while the concluding address , to the brethren , was given by the Installing Master . Brother P . M . Baker officiated as Master of Ceremonies throughout . At the close of the ceremony Brother Harrison was complimented on the ability he had displayed in carrying out the work of the day . It was now
announced thafc Mr . Mander , one of the candidates named above , was in attendance . He was introduced , and the new W . M . —Bro . Pierpoint —initiated him into the mysteries of the first degree . A Past Master ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Master , and Brother Harrison feelingly acknowledged the courtesy and invariable kindness he had received from the members , which he trusted might endure for many
years . Some matters of home interest were then brought nnder consideration , and hearty good wishes having been tendered , Lodge Avas closed . The banquet was provided by Brother J . R . Ward , who served it up to the satisfaction of all assembled . After the loyai toast of the Queen and the Craft , the Worshipful Master introduced that of the M . W . the Grand Master . The Prince of Wales , he said ,
was a staunch upholder of the principles of Freemasonry , and this toast was at all times greeted with a hearty reception . After " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " routine toasts were pushed on . Brother Harrison eloquently proposed the health of the W . M ., and then came a song from Brother Past Master Baker . In reply Brother Pierpoint said he hardly knew how to express his thauks . He felt flattered by
the way in which his name bad been received . Ifc was with some amount of diffidence he ventured to undertake the duties of the chair , but he would strive to the uttermost to carry them out successfully . It had been said that from the fulness of the heart the mouth speaketh ; his heart was full , but words did not fall glibly from his mouth . Some men had greatness thrust upon them ; he . felt it was so in
his case . However , of this he could assure them , he appreciated thoir kindness to its fullest extent . The health of the Initiate was followed by the E . A . song , by Brother Bryett . Bro . Mander mado a suitable reply , expressing the hopo thafc ho might eventually reach tlie Master ' s chair ; ho would strive to become a good and worthy Mason . For the Visitors Bros . T . J . Railing , Festa , Neilson , Reid , & c . rnplied .
The Worshipful Master in proposing the health of tho Immediate Past Master remarked that Brother Harrison had given full attention to the duties of his office dnring the year , and had ably conducted the ceremonies , including the crowning ono of installing his successor . After a lively song by Bro . Rubinstein , Bro . Harrison acknowledged the hononr done him by the W . M . Ho assured one and
all he wonld ever exert himself to advance the interests of the Lodge . The next toast was that of tho Past Masters , followed by a cornet solo , admirably rendered by Bro . Heaton . Bro . S . Bryett was the first to respond to tbe toast . He felt he might , with becoming modesty , take unto himself some credit for the success that had attended the establishment of their Lodge . True , it was not a largo
one , and this became the more apparent by comparison Avith others in the immediate neighbourhood . The Shepherd's Bush Lodge was not heralded into the world with a fanfare of trumpets , neither was there a large attendance of Grand Officers at its inauguration ¦ but be felt he might state that ifc was an influential one , and had made satisfactory progress . They started with ten founders , and all were pre-
Shepherd's Bush Lodge, No. 1828.
sent that evening . They had more than doubled the roll of the nam . bor of their mess , and what was originally intended was carried out , inasmuch as all the members were residents of Shepherd ' s Bush . Bro . Baker also replied ; he expressed his gratification at seeing so goodly an array of Visitors : this might be accepted as a testimony
of the respect in which tho Lodge was hold . For tbe Treasurer and Secretary , Bros . Game and Alais replied ; the Officers wero also complimented , and in duo conrso the Tyler gave the parting toast . Bro . Oliver presided at the pianoforte during the evening - he also contributed some excellent songs . We must nofc omit to mention the W . M . ' s song— " The Old Brigade "—which was given Avith ranch spirit . Bros . Reid and Morgan favoured with recitations .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . —Afc the Institute , Ealing , on Tuesday last , there were present Brothers Jones W . M ., Smith S . W ., Seward J . W ., Bellerby J . D ., Henning I . G ., Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , Wells Secretary , Beasley P . M . ; also Hadley , Danby and Clarke . Lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Brother Henning candidate . The W . M .
delivered the charge in a very able manner . Brothers Henning and Hadley answered the questions leading to the second degree . The meeting on Tuesday next being the one preceding the regular meet- , ing of Lodge No . 1612 , the Officers Avill occupy their respective positions , when it is hoped that the brethren will attend punctually . Brother Smith Avas elected Worshipful Master for the 12 th December , and having appointed his Officers in rotation , Lodge waa closed in due form , and the meeting adjourned to 5 th December .
Brixton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1949 . —The weekly meeting was held on Tuesday evening , the 28 th ult ., afc the Prince Regent , Bro . Monk ' s , Duhrich-road , East Brixton . In the absence of the W . M . elect , Bro . E . Bye jun ., who was attending his regular Lodge , Bro . Hy . M . Williams Secretary was invited to take the chair . He was supported by the following : —Bros . S . Richardson S . W ., F . A .
Smith J . W ., E . A . Francis Preceptor , C H . Phillips Treasurer , R . R . Johnson acting Secretary , Richard Poore S . D ., H . Goodwin J . D ., H . Hooper I . G . ; Bros . Pooler , Croucher , Knight , Howe , Harling , Hoare , Moss , Durham , and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Lodge was opened in the second and third degrees . Lodge
was resumed , and the ceremony of initiation rehearsed by the W . M ., with Bro . Howe as candidate . Bro . Phillips gave proofs of proficiency , and was eutrusted . Lodge was resumed in tho second degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed by Bro . Phillips . Lodge was resumed in the third , and regularly closed to tbe first degree . On the motion of the Preceptor , Bro . S . Richardson was unanimously elected
W . M . for the ensuing week . Hearty good wishes having been expressed by the brethren , Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned in peace and harmony until the following Tuesday , at 8 p . m . Most of the brethren remained for the " social hour" after labour , and some excellent songs were given . Bro . A . W . Sebastian Hoare , of Trinity College , London , ably presided at tho pianoforte . The W . M ., in responding to the toast of his health , referred to the fact thafc the
meeting that evening completed tho first six months of the Lodge ' s existeuce ; that the number of members was exactly seventy , while the attendance at the weekly meetings was most satisfactory . The Officers of the Lodge felt amply rewarded for their labours by the earnest manner in which tho brethren worked the various ceremonies , the regular attendance of so many , and by the hearty good feeling existing in the Lodge .
J . E . SHAND & Co ., AVino Merchants ( Experts and Valuers ) . AVell fermented old Wines ancl matured Spirits . 2 Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , London , S . AV . In announcing , last Aveek , the intended Lecture , Explanatory of the Ceremonies of the First Degree , to be given by Bro . James Stevens , in the Royal York Lodge of
Instruction , at the Pavilion , Brighton , Ave inadvertently mentioned Tuesday as the date , instead of Monday next , the 4 th inst . The Lodge is to be opened at 7 . 30 , and the breth - ren are to wear Craft clothing .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original and only true . >? 5 Bgji ^^ TTTJNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to ff ™ jj-flgffl ^ Mk JL J . its marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving and 1 _ I «____ P ^_ P- raPuIly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural-- __ - _ ' '____»¦ ' K'U , Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains . ¦ fl _ i ___ It nc - '' k ° a cnarm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in ^ s §! Ps || I | Jppe > Cholera antl Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what-^ __)_ MARl ^ - (! ver canso > soothes and strengthens the system under ex' hausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice . Tames . Lord Justice Mellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , ancl against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . See Times of July 2 ( th , 1973 . Bottles Is I . d , ' 2 s Oil , Is Gd , lis , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1830 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with much pleasure I am able to state that your Chlorodyne has boon of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now como and beg mo to give thorn that medicine which always relieves them , and which I need " hardly b-av is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , _ n ____ 8 AV . Owsir , L . R . C . P . Lon ' ., M . R . C . S . Fng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Cabul . The Times , August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . Tho want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks ! onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than tho bombs of the Turks . I mvself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottleof C ___ JO _ . OI . YN __ , with which I effected miraculous cures .