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1 Wftlffi-JHHH 1 CA 6 IN £ T MANUFACTURER AND UPHOLSTERER , fKW ^ ' r ' ^^*' -i ^^ ^_|^_^_^^^ JJ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIPPERS , AND GOODS 1 S « Pi H ^ I ^ - ^[ i EC -OT- 55 CURTAIN BOAD , .. * 4 ^^ = ^ - ^ = ^ - __ M ^^^^^^^^ P ^ P ^ A large stock always on vieAv , to Avhich the attention of those about to
__ ¦ _¦ - . II - ' — J — "" ~ - " ~ _^^ ^^ PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURER . -- - ^ ^¦ ^ ^^^ MM ^ ^ Imm N ^ ^ ^ 237 & 239 EUSTOROAD , LONDON ,
W ^ By Appointment to Her Majesty ' s Eoyal Household Troops . I . J . ROWLEY & Go ., Colliery & Shipping Agents , GOAL , BREEZE & IRON MERCHANTS , London Office—14 Blandford Street , Portman Square , W . and at 16 Milton Street , Spring Bank , Hull . NETT CASH PRICES DELIVERED . PER TON PER TON BEST WALLSEND - - 27 s EUEEKA HARTLEY - - 19 s BEST SILKSTONE - - 24 s BEST HARD STEAM - - 19 s NEW SILKSTONE - - 22 s DUDLEY BREEZE - - - 21 s BEST DERBY BRIGHTS - 21 s BEST SMITH ' COAL SEABORNE 16 S LARGE BRIGHTS - - 20 s BEST GAS COKE , per 12 Sacks 12 s WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED .
00 __ TO _ E __ a-CI __ T ___ S , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GERMAN . C \ JONES , 350 Com _ .-r-ial-ro . fl , Lon-\ J \ don , B ., inventor of the Anglo-Gorman with chromatic scale . His temper oil stw ; l note-- never get out of tune . Used by tlio loading performers . Prico List of Musical tristrumetit-i nf every do ¦ c- .-iptio _ free . E .-tabli-dii . 1 1851 .
R . SENSTEAT ) , 9 St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester 3 quar _ , PAPER HA _ GZR , PAINTER AND -EG . _ b . TO _ . Estimates sent free on application . CHARGES MODERATE .
NOW BEADY . SYNOPSIS OF THB CHESS OPENINGS . A Tabulated Analysis . Third Edition , with additions and emendation ... By WILLIAM COOK . Prico :. ! .. Bel . Lo _\ oo > -: XV . XV . Moi ! OA _ , Hermes Hill , Pentonville .
Now Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , 5 s . VTTAIFS AND STRAYS , cnr _* - _ Y FROM V f THK CHESS fJo . i-3 , by Captain ffugli R l . ennotly , Vice-President of " the British Chess Association . fiOHDo :. . XV . XV . MOB - AN , Hermes Hill , Pentonville .
'THE EMPIRE LAMP . ( RIPPINGI .- E ' S PATENT . ) THE MOST BRILLIANT AND ECONOMICAL DOMESTIC LIGHT EXTANT . It equals Gas for Simplicity , but surpasses it for Illuminating Power . IT bums without a chimney , a pine-sbaped globe only being required , which has never been known to break from the heat of the flame . It will give moro light than any other lamp with a wick of equal size . The combustion is so per-1 feet that it deodorises the oil , antl burns abso' lutely without smell , giving an intense pure white and beautiful light . It is unrivalled for simplicity in lighting , cleaning , and trimming , antl is , in fact , the perfection of artificial light . Suitable for Cottnge or Mansion , Churches , Chapels . & c . Illustrated Catalogue , with full particulars , and giving valuable hints on Domestic Lighting and the Management of Lamps , free on application . THE HOLBORN LAMP COMPANY , 118 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C . gay where you saw this Advertisement .
ESTABLISHED 1832 . rp REASON , Mai _ fact _ rer of Perambu-J . . lators antl Invalid Chairs , __ ., of every description . 317 and 313 Upper Street , Islington , N . antl at the Factory , 339 Kingsland Road , London . A STRONG CIKCULAR CARRIAGE , on Bicycle Wheels , Warranted , £ 2 2 s .
_ MP * WW *~ - _ - _ - _^ -B--------- __ -l _»____ B «__ W _____________________ H ______________>
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
1 Wftlffi-JHHH 1 CA 6 IN £ T MANUFACTURER AND UPHOLSTERER , fKW ^ ' r ' ^^*' -i ^^ ^_|^_^_^^^ JJ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIPPERS , AND GOODS 1 S « Pi H ^ I ^ - ^[ i EC -OT- 55 CURTAIN BOAD , .. * 4 ^^ = ^ - ^ = ^ - __ M ^^^^^^^^ P ^ P ^ A large stock always on vieAv , to Avhich the attention of those about to
__ ¦ _¦ - . II - ' — J — "" ~ - " ~ _^^ ^^ PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURER . -- - ^ ^¦ ^ ^^^ MM ^ ^ Imm N ^ ^ ^ 237 & 239 EUSTOROAD , LONDON ,
W ^ By Appointment to Her Majesty ' s Eoyal Household Troops . I . J . ROWLEY & Go ., Colliery & Shipping Agents , GOAL , BREEZE & IRON MERCHANTS , London Office—14 Blandford Street , Portman Square , W . and at 16 Milton Street , Spring Bank , Hull . NETT CASH PRICES DELIVERED . PER TON PER TON BEST WALLSEND - - 27 s EUEEKA HARTLEY - - 19 s BEST SILKSTONE - - 24 s BEST HARD STEAM - - 19 s NEW SILKSTONE - - 22 s DUDLEY BREEZE - - - 21 s BEST DERBY BRIGHTS - 21 s BEST SMITH ' COAL SEABORNE 16 S LARGE BRIGHTS - - 20 s BEST GAS COKE , per 12 Sacks 12 s WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED .
00 __ TO _ E __ a-CI __ T ___ S , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GERMAN . C \ JONES , 350 Com _ .-r-ial-ro . fl , Lon-\ J \ don , B ., inventor of the Anglo-Gorman with chromatic scale . His temper oil stw ; l note-- never get out of tune . Used by tlio loading performers . Prico List of Musical tristrumetit-i nf every do ¦ c- .-iptio _ free . E .-tabli-dii . 1 1851 .
R . SENSTEAT ) , 9 St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester 3 quar _ , PAPER HA _ GZR , PAINTER AND -EG . _ b . TO _ . Estimates sent free on application . CHARGES MODERATE .
NOW BEADY . SYNOPSIS OF THB CHESS OPENINGS . A Tabulated Analysis . Third Edition , with additions and emendation ... By WILLIAM COOK . Prico :. ! .. Bel . Lo _\ oo > -: XV . XV . Moi ! OA _ , Hermes Hill , Pentonville .
Now Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , 5 s . VTTAIFS AND STRAYS , cnr _* - _ Y FROM V f THK CHESS fJo . i-3 , by Captain ffugli R l . ennotly , Vice-President of " the British Chess Association . fiOHDo :. . XV . XV . MOB - AN , Hermes Hill , Pentonville .
'THE EMPIRE LAMP . ( RIPPINGI .- E ' S PATENT . ) THE MOST BRILLIANT AND ECONOMICAL DOMESTIC LIGHT EXTANT . It equals Gas for Simplicity , but surpasses it for Illuminating Power . IT bums without a chimney , a pine-sbaped globe only being required , which has never been known to break from the heat of the flame . It will give moro light than any other lamp with a wick of equal size . The combustion is so per-1 feet that it deodorises the oil , antl burns abso' lutely without smell , giving an intense pure white and beautiful light . It is unrivalled for simplicity in lighting , cleaning , and trimming , antl is , in fact , the perfection of artificial light . Suitable for Cottnge or Mansion , Churches , Chapels . & c . Illustrated Catalogue , with full particulars , and giving valuable hints on Domestic Lighting and the Management of Lamps , free on application . THE HOLBORN LAMP COMPANY , 118 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C . gay where you saw this Advertisement .
ESTABLISHED 1832 . rp REASON , Mai _ fact _ rer of Perambu-J . . lators antl Invalid Chairs , __ ., of every description . 317 and 313 Upper Street , Islington , N . antl at the Factory , 339 Kingsland Road , London . A STRONG CIKCULAR CARRIAGE , on Bicycle Wheels , Warranted , £ 2 2 s .
_ MP * WW *~ - _ - _ - _^ -B--------- __ -l _»____ B «__ W _____________________ H ______________>