Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
ROYAL SAVOY LODGE , No . 1744 ON Monday evening we had the hononr of attending a Lodge whose " modest" dimensions was descanted on , to the infinite satisfaction of several of the speakers . Here , on Tuesday evening , we may say in the words of a popular poem , " th scene is changed . " There is nothing " modest " about the dimensions to which the Eoyal Savoy Lodgo has expanded . The Lodge is an offshoot of tho Metropolitan , No . 1507 , and now has nearly , if not quite 100 members on
its roll . The installation meeting was held on Tuesday , at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , when the chair was taken by Bro . James Willing P . M ., who was the first Master of the Lodge . It will be in the recollection of most of our readers that in our issue of the 21 st October it was our painful duty to record the death of Bro . Jonathan J . Jones , the Worshipful Master of this Lodge , which
took place after an illness of two or three weeks ; consequently , since that date the Lodge has been without a Master . Lodge was opened at 3 . 30 , when the members assembled , with the following ing Visitors : — E . T . Elsam P . M . 201 P . P . G . D . C . Surrey , A . Hardy 201 , E . H . Smith 1642 , B . Kauffmann I . G . 1732 , J . Mason Collector Eoyal Masonio Benevolent Institution , W . Fountain 879 , George
Clark jun . 1777 , E . G . Bell 534 , G . S . Dnke 1446 , G . Emblin 147 , G . A . Monsell 35 , Eichardson 1507 , J . Garrod P . M . 754 , W . M . Tegg W . M . 754 , George Eowe J . W . 754 , H . Thompson P . M . 177 and 1158 , Henry Stiles W . M . 1507 , A . Woodlifife 87 , W . Adams 1687 , Goode 1677 , T . M . Ormeston 1507 , Eobert Biggar 820 , C . J . Scales P . M . 1507 , 0 . W . Hudson 315 and 1510 Prov . G . D . of C . Sussex , J . W .
Tubby 1507 , W . Abrahams 201 , E . E . Barratt-Kidder W . M . 12 , E . M . Money S . D . 28 , J . Heaton S . W . 1260 , J . E . Cox 1260 , J . T . Salmons 917 , W . J . Mosedge 1589 , Edwin Storr Senior Deacon 167 , H . C . Eiohardsnn 1627 , Boncey Past Master 79 , Joseph Storey P . M 1107 , Frank Eothschild P . M . 1288 , James Arnold 1472 . J . W . Ager 947 . C . J . Harris 79 , T . 0 . Edmonds I . G . 1507 , J .
Hemming 1287 , W . Harris P . M . 177 , J . W . Simmonds P . M . 1288 , J , Eothschild 1288 , Charles Cockburn 129 , William Bawbery 217 , H . F Eoberts P . M . 79 , W . M . Eobinson W . M . 87 , J . F . Saunders 1507 , Arthur Millward W . M . 1677 , E . C . Massey P . M . 1297 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 . After the minutes of last meeting had been read and con . firmed , the report of the audit committee was received and adopted ,
Bros . F . Jackson and E . Eosswere raised to the sublime degree , and Bro . Charles J . Knightley was passed . Tha ballot was taken for four candidates—Mr . William Eeuben Dixon , proposed by Brother J . Willing P . M . Treasurer , seconded by Brother J . N . Hare ; Mr . Charles Edward Hilton , proposed by Brother J . Willing P . M . Treas , seconded by Brother W . M . Stiles Secretary ; Mr . Joseph Alexander
Eees , proposed by Brother H . Hoare , seconded by Brother W . J . Jennings ; and Mr . Henry Longman , proposed by Brother J . Bryan , seconded by Brother J . W . Smith I . G . In each case the result was unanimous , and Messrs . Dixon and Longman , with Mr . Sydney Clifford , who had been balloted for at a previous meeting , were introduced and initiated by the acting W . M . The W . M . elect was now
presented , and Bro . Willing , in addition to the heavy work he had already performed , proceeded with the Installation ceremony . The Board of Installed Masters was an exceptionally large one , and all expressed their approval of the way in which the work was done . On the re-admission of those below the degree , the W . M . was saluted , and he appointed the following as his Officers : —W . Cook S . W ., Deller
J . W ., Jas . Willing jun . P . M . Treas ., W . M . Stiles P . M . Sec , Holt S . D ., J . W . Smith J . D ., Jaques I . G ., J . C . Smith M . C , Sillis A . M . C ., Callahan Senior Steward , H . Dickie Junior Steward , Greenfield Organist , Mabey Assistant Secretary , Koester Past Master Tyler , The addresses were delivered in a careful manner by Bro . Willing , who on taking his seat had conferred on him the hononr of a vote of
thanks for his services . This having been suitably acknowledged , a proposition was made that as the late W . M . had left a widow and several children badly provided for , a petition should be sent in to the Board of Benevolence on her behalf , and this was signed by several of the members present . The Lodge also , taking into couaideration that Bro . Jones would , had he lived , have had a Past
Master ' s jewel voted him for his services , resolved to vote a sum of Ten Guineas for the immediate necessities of Mrs . Jones . A feature of the proceedings of tbe evening was the presentation to tbe esteemed Secretary , Bro . W . M . Stiles , of a substantial gold watch , which had been subscribed for by members of the Lodge . At the same
time , the members of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , of which Bro . W . M . Stiles is the Preceptor—not to be ontdmie —embraced the opportunity of testifying their appreciation of Bro . W . M . Stiles and presented him with a very handsome chain . 'Die watch bore the following inscription : —
Presented to i BKO . W . M . STILES M . E . Z . 1507 , P . M . 1732 , SECRETARY 1744 , ; by the members of the Eoyal Savoy Lodge , No . 1744 , and a few other brethren , in appreciation of his invarying courtesy and valuable services as Secretary , since the formation of the Lodge .
Of course these gifts were fully appreciated and acknowledged by tho recipient , who remarked that every time he looked at this valuable gift of theirs it would not only inform him of the progress of time , I but wonld serve to remind him there were a large number of brethren who appreciated the fact that he was an earnest Freemason he
Who tried to do his duty ^ ancl that had been fortunate enough to gain a host of friends by the truly Masonic policy of striving to be happy , and communicating happiness to others . The banquet was served in tho Large Hall of Freemasons' Tavern , and a very large party sat down to do justice to it . Brother Hyland , who his acquired and profited by tho experience he has gained as Worshipful Master of another popular Lodge , makea a capital president , and CM this o-casiou fnlly sustained his reputati ui . The
Installation Meetings, &C.
routine toasts wero done full justice to , Brother II . G . Buss Assistant Grand Secretary responding for tlie Grand Officers . In proposing tho health of the W . M ., Bro . Willing said he believed it would bo admitted he generally had plenty to say ; on tho present occasion that was not the case . The toast ho was about to propose—The health of thoir newly-iustalled W . M . —required no words to recommend it .
Bro . Hyland had always proved himself anxious to carry ont the work of Freemasonry , antl there was no doubt that occupying tho principal chair in tho Eoyal Savoy Lodgo would afford him ample opportunity of exercising that skill which ho waa known to possess . He was quite snro that Brother Hy land would also do all that lay in his power to promote tho happiness of tho brethren . The Eoyal Savoy
was not a Lodgo of grand pretensions : it was content with good work among its Officers , and goodwill among its members . It was not necessary for him to petition them for goodwill and consideration for their W . M ., because he was sure that was already secured by what Bro . Hyland had dono in the past ; this was the best guarantee they could have of what his condnct in the future would be .
After tho W . M . had thanked Bro . Willing for the kind things he had said of him , he assured the brethren he would strive to the utmost to keep up the reputation of the Lodge . For " The Visitors " replies were made by Bros . Barratt-Kidder , II . Stiles , Harris , Hudson , Storey , Elsham and Edwin Storr , who explained the share taken in
the production of tho testimonial to their Preceptor by the brethren of tho Metropolitan Lodgo of Instruction . Several other toasts were given , and the proceedings throughout were of a most agreeable character . All present vieing the one with the other to sustain the harmony of tho meeting .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 . —This successful Lodge held its usnal meeting at tho Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , on Wednesday evening last . Brother Marks occupied the position of W . M ., supported by Brothers Ferrar S . W ., Thompson J . W ., Cnsworth Preceptor , Perl Secretary , Dixie S . D ., Weeden J . D ., Aahton I . G . ; also Brothers Harper P . M ., Pierpoint , Poller , Boulton
Haslip , Chipperfield , Priestly . Lodge was duly opened , and the previous minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed in a very able manner , Brother Priestly acting as candidate . Brother Chipperfield having proved himself an efficient E . A ., was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodge was resumed to first degree , when Bros . Chipperfield and Priestly were unanimously
elected members . A vote of thanks was then recorded to the W . M . of the evening , Brother Marks , for the efficient manner he had filled that position , it being tho first time iu this Lodge of Instruction . Brother Ferrar was elected to the chair of K . S . for the ensuing meeting . A vote of thanks was also recorded to the brethren who
had so kindly contributed towards the renovating of the room . It < : an now safely be said that this Lodge is ono of tho best appointed and , as regards comfort , complete in the North of London . The annual supper will take place on the 13 th December , at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , at 7 . 30 sharp .
The anniversary banquet of the members of the Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 , will take place at the Swan Tavern , New Bethnal Green-road ( forty yards from Shoreditch ) , on Friday , Sth December inst . Tickets ( price 3 s 6 d ) can be had of the Secretary , Bro . H . Free 1227 . Bro . E . Pearcy W . M . 1227 will preside on this occasion .
" Wherefore , Sweet Maiden ; " a Song . Words by Bro . H . J . Moxon , Music by Bro . F . Julian Croger . We have received a copy of this very tuneful melody , and predict it will become popular amongst the young folk who are in the May time of their days .
Brother George Markham Tweddell requests us to announce that ho has now ready for the Press , to be published as soon as a sufficient number of copies are subscribed for , bound in blue cloth , gilt lettered , price Half-a-Crown , to be paid for on delivery , "A Hundred Mas nic Sonnets , " illustrative of the principles of the Craft . Subscribers' names will be thankfully received by the anthor , Rose Cottage , Stokesley , Yorkshire , and the copies duly forwarded as soon as they are received from the binder .
Ko __ ow _ " -r ' s OINTMTO . AS - PILLS . —Outward infirmities . —Before the discovery of these remedies , many cases of sores , ulcers , & c ., woro pronounced to be hopelessly incurable , becanse the treatment pursued tended to destroy the strength ifc was incompetent to preserve , and to exasperate the symptoms it was iiiadorjuatn to remove . Holloway ' s Pills exert the mo t wholesome powors ovor the unhealthy flesh or skin , without debarring the patient from fresh air and exerciss , and thus the constitutional vigour is husbanded while the most malignant ulcers , abscesses , and skin diseases are in process of cure . Both Ointment and Pills make the blood richer and purer , instead of permitting it to fall into that poor and watery state so fatal to many labouring under chronic ulcerations .
Obituary .
BROTHER J . W . FORGE . IN another column will be found a record of the death of Bro . J , W . Forge . Our late brother served every office in the Bead on Lodge , No . 619 , and was one of its oldest members . Although serionsly ill as far back as last | January , he was present at the consecration of the
Southgate Lodge , No . 1950 , when his brother by birth , R . P . Forge , was installed as the first Master by the Grand j Secretary Brother Colonel Shadwell H . Gierke . Brother 1 J . W . Forgo was much respected by a large circle of acmi ; iinfiin _( .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
ROYAL SAVOY LODGE , No . 1744 ON Monday evening we had the hononr of attending a Lodge whose " modest" dimensions was descanted on , to the infinite satisfaction of several of the speakers . Here , on Tuesday evening , we may say in the words of a popular poem , " th scene is changed . " There is nothing " modest " about the dimensions to which the Eoyal Savoy Lodgo has expanded . The Lodge is an offshoot of tho Metropolitan , No . 1507 , and now has nearly , if not quite 100 members on
its roll . The installation meeting was held on Tuesday , at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , when the chair was taken by Bro . James Willing P . M ., who was the first Master of the Lodge . It will be in the recollection of most of our readers that in our issue of the 21 st October it was our painful duty to record the death of Bro . Jonathan J . Jones , the Worshipful Master of this Lodge , which
took place after an illness of two or three weeks ; consequently , since that date the Lodge has been without a Master . Lodge was opened at 3 . 30 , when the members assembled , with the following ing Visitors : — E . T . Elsam P . M . 201 P . P . G . D . C . Surrey , A . Hardy 201 , E . H . Smith 1642 , B . Kauffmann I . G . 1732 , J . Mason Collector Eoyal Masonio Benevolent Institution , W . Fountain 879 , George
Clark jun . 1777 , E . G . Bell 534 , G . S . Dnke 1446 , G . Emblin 147 , G . A . Monsell 35 , Eichardson 1507 , J . Garrod P . M . 754 , W . M . Tegg W . M . 754 , George Eowe J . W . 754 , H . Thompson P . M . 177 and 1158 , Henry Stiles W . M . 1507 , A . Woodlifife 87 , W . Adams 1687 , Goode 1677 , T . M . Ormeston 1507 , Eobert Biggar 820 , C . J . Scales P . M . 1507 , 0 . W . Hudson 315 and 1510 Prov . G . D . of C . Sussex , J . W .
Tubby 1507 , W . Abrahams 201 , E . E . Barratt-Kidder W . M . 12 , E . M . Money S . D . 28 , J . Heaton S . W . 1260 , J . E . Cox 1260 , J . T . Salmons 917 , W . J . Mosedge 1589 , Edwin Storr Senior Deacon 167 , H . C . Eiohardsnn 1627 , Boncey Past Master 79 , Joseph Storey P . M 1107 , Frank Eothschild P . M . 1288 , James Arnold 1472 . J . W . Ager 947 . C . J . Harris 79 , T . 0 . Edmonds I . G . 1507 , J .
Hemming 1287 , W . Harris P . M . 177 , J . W . Simmonds P . M . 1288 , J , Eothschild 1288 , Charles Cockburn 129 , William Bawbery 217 , H . F Eoberts P . M . 79 , W . M . Eobinson W . M . 87 , J . F . Saunders 1507 , Arthur Millward W . M . 1677 , E . C . Massey P . M . 1297 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 . After the minutes of last meeting had been read and con . firmed , the report of the audit committee was received and adopted ,
Bros . F . Jackson and E . Eosswere raised to the sublime degree , and Bro . Charles J . Knightley was passed . Tha ballot was taken for four candidates—Mr . William Eeuben Dixon , proposed by Brother J . Willing P . M . Treasurer , seconded by Brother J . N . Hare ; Mr . Charles Edward Hilton , proposed by Brother J . Willing P . M . Treas , seconded by Brother W . M . Stiles Secretary ; Mr . Joseph Alexander
Eees , proposed by Brother H . Hoare , seconded by Brother W . J . Jennings ; and Mr . Henry Longman , proposed by Brother J . Bryan , seconded by Brother J . W . Smith I . G . In each case the result was unanimous , and Messrs . Dixon and Longman , with Mr . Sydney Clifford , who had been balloted for at a previous meeting , were introduced and initiated by the acting W . M . The W . M . elect was now
presented , and Bro . Willing , in addition to the heavy work he had already performed , proceeded with the Installation ceremony . The Board of Installed Masters was an exceptionally large one , and all expressed their approval of the way in which the work was done . On the re-admission of those below the degree , the W . M . was saluted , and he appointed the following as his Officers : —W . Cook S . W ., Deller
J . W ., Jas . Willing jun . P . M . Treas ., W . M . Stiles P . M . Sec , Holt S . D ., J . W . Smith J . D ., Jaques I . G ., J . C . Smith M . C , Sillis A . M . C ., Callahan Senior Steward , H . Dickie Junior Steward , Greenfield Organist , Mabey Assistant Secretary , Koester Past Master Tyler , The addresses were delivered in a careful manner by Bro . Willing , who on taking his seat had conferred on him the hononr of a vote of
thanks for his services . This having been suitably acknowledged , a proposition was made that as the late W . M . had left a widow and several children badly provided for , a petition should be sent in to the Board of Benevolence on her behalf , and this was signed by several of the members present . The Lodge also , taking into couaideration that Bro . Jones would , had he lived , have had a Past
Master ' s jewel voted him for his services , resolved to vote a sum of Ten Guineas for the immediate necessities of Mrs . Jones . A feature of the proceedings of tbe evening was the presentation to tbe esteemed Secretary , Bro . W . M . Stiles , of a substantial gold watch , which had been subscribed for by members of the Lodge . At the same
time , the members of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , of which Bro . W . M . Stiles is the Preceptor—not to be ontdmie —embraced the opportunity of testifying their appreciation of Bro . W . M . Stiles and presented him with a very handsome chain . 'Die watch bore the following inscription : —
Presented to i BKO . W . M . STILES M . E . Z . 1507 , P . M . 1732 , SECRETARY 1744 , ; by the members of the Eoyal Savoy Lodge , No . 1744 , and a few other brethren , in appreciation of his invarying courtesy and valuable services as Secretary , since the formation of the Lodge .
Of course these gifts were fully appreciated and acknowledged by tho recipient , who remarked that every time he looked at this valuable gift of theirs it would not only inform him of the progress of time , I but wonld serve to remind him there were a large number of brethren who appreciated the fact that he was an earnest Freemason he
Who tried to do his duty ^ ancl that had been fortunate enough to gain a host of friends by the truly Masonic policy of striving to be happy , and communicating happiness to others . The banquet was served in tho Large Hall of Freemasons' Tavern , and a very large party sat down to do justice to it . Brother Hyland , who his acquired and profited by tho experience he has gained as Worshipful Master of another popular Lodge , makea a capital president , and CM this o-casiou fnlly sustained his reputati ui . The
Installation Meetings, &C.
routine toasts wero done full justice to , Brother II . G . Buss Assistant Grand Secretary responding for tlie Grand Officers . In proposing tho health of the W . M ., Bro . Willing said he believed it would bo admitted he generally had plenty to say ; on tho present occasion that was not the case . The toast ho was about to propose—The health of thoir newly-iustalled W . M . —required no words to recommend it .
Bro . Hyland had always proved himself anxious to carry ont the work of Freemasonry , antl there was no doubt that occupying tho principal chair in tho Eoyal Savoy Lodgo would afford him ample opportunity of exercising that skill which ho waa known to possess . He was quite snro that Brother Hy land would also do all that lay in his power to promote tho happiness of tho brethren . The Eoyal Savoy
was not a Lodgo of grand pretensions : it was content with good work among its Officers , and goodwill among its members . It was not necessary for him to petition them for goodwill and consideration for their W . M ., because he was sure that was already secured by what Bro . Hyland had dono in the past ; this was the best guarantee they could have of what his condnct in the future would be .
After tho W . M . had thanked Bro . Willing for the kind things he had said of him , he assured the brethren he would strive to the utmost to keep up the reputation of the Lodge . For " The Visitors " replies were made by Bros . Barratt-Kidder , II . Stiles , Harris , Hudson , Storey , Elsham and Edwin Storr , who explained the share taken in
the production of tho testimonial to their Preceptor by the brethren of tho Metropolitan Lodgo of Instruction . Several other toasts were given , and the proceedings throughout were of a most agreeable character . All present vieing the one with the other to sustain the harmony of tho meeting .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 . —This successful Lodge held its usnal meeting at tho Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , on Wednesday evening last . Brother Marks occupied the position of W . M ., supported by Brothers Ferrar S . W ., Thompson J . W ., Cnsworth Preceptor , Perl Secretary , Dixie S . D ., Weeden J . D ., Aahton I . G . ; also Brothers Harper P . M ., Pierpoint , Poller , Boulton
Haslip , Chipperfield , Priestly . Lodge was duly opened , and the previous minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed in a very able manner , Brother Priestly acting as candidate . Brother Chipperfield having proved himself an efficient E . A ., was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodge was resumed to first degree , when Bros . Chipperfield and Priestly were unanimously
elected members . A vote of thanks was then recorded to the W . M . of the evening , Brother Marks , for the efficient manner he had filled that position , it being tho first time iu this Lodge of Instruction . Brother Ferrar was elected to the chair of K . S . for the ensuing meeting . A vote of thanks was also recorded to the brethren who
had so kindly contributed towards the renovating of the room . It < : an now safely be said that this Lodge is ono of tho best appointed and , as regards comfort , complete in the North of London . The annual supper will take place on the 13 th December , at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , at 7 . 30 sharp .
The anniversary banquet of the members of the Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 , will take place at the Swan Tavern , New Bethnal Green-road ( forty yards from Shoreditch ) , on Friday , Sth December inst . Tickets ( price 3 s 6 d ) can be had of the Secretary , Bro . H . Free 1227 . Bro . E . Pearcy W . M . 1227 will preside on this occasion .
" Wherefore , Sweet Maiden ; " a Song . Words by Bro . H . J . Moxon , Music by Bro . F . Julian Croger . We have received a copy of this very tuneful melody , and predict it will become popular amongst the young folk who are in the May time of their days .
Brother George Markham Tweddell requests us to announce that ho has now ready for the Press , to be published as soon as a sufficient number of copies are subscribed for , bound in blue cloth , gilt lettered , price Half-a-Crown , to be paid for on delivery , "A Hundred Mas nic Sonnets , " illustrative of the principles of the Craft . Subscribers' names will be thankfully received by the anthor , Rose Cottage , Stokesley , Yorkshire , and the copies duly forwarded as soon as they are received from the binder .
Ko __ ow _ " -r ' s OINTMTO . AS - PILLS . —Outward infirmities . —Before the discovery of these remedies , many cases of sores , ulcers , & c ., woro pronounced to be hopelessly incurable , becanse the treatment pursued tended to destroy the strength ifc was incompetent to preserve , and to exasperate the symptoms it was iiiadorjuatn to remove . Holloway ' s Pills exert the mo t wholesome powors ovor the unhealthy flesh or skin , without debarring the patient from fresh air and exerciss , and thus the constitutional vigour is husbanded while the most malignant ulcers , abscesses , and skin diseases are in process of cure . Both Ointment and Pills make the blood richer and purer , instead of permitting it to fall into that poor and watery state so fatal to many labouring under chronic ulcerations .
Obituary .
BROTHER J . W . FORGE . IN another column will be found a record of the death of Bro . J , W . Forge . Our late brother served every office in the Bead on Lodge , No . 619 , and was one of its oldest members . Although serionsly ill as far back as last | January , he was present at the consecration of the
Southgate Lodge , No . 1950 , when his brother by birth , R . P . Forge , was installed as the first Master by the Grand j Secretary Brother Colonel Shadwell H . Gierke . Brother 1 J . W . Forgo was much respected by a large circle of acmi ; iinfiin _( .