Article WHAT CAME YOU HERE TO DO ? ← Page 2 of 2 Article JOPPA CHAPTER, No. 188. Page 1 of 1 Article JOPPA CHAPTER, No. 188. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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What Came You Here To Do ?
death , and the ^ lullaby soothes tho infant to sleep in its mother ' s arms . In religion and in politics it is a powerful influence , and in Masonic ceremonies it is equally efficient . It affords all an oppor . tunity to participate and after an appropriate closing song the benediction falls on the ear with greater significance : " May tho blessing of Heaven rest on us awl all regular Masons ; may brotherly love prevail , and every moral and social virtue cement us . "
The General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls held their monthly meeting , nnder the Presidency of Col . Creaton , Grand Treasurer , at Freemasons ' Hall , on Thursday , when there were also present Brothers Col . Peters , Robert Grey , John Rucker , Frederick Walters ,
Henry Gloster , Frank Richardson , J . H . Matthews , Edw . Spooner , Frederick Adlard , H . Dubois , Herbert Dicketts , C . H . Webb , A . H . Tattershall , Robert P . Tebb , Peter de Lande Long , and E . C . Massey . Brother Frank Richardson P . G . D . brought forward the motion of which he gave
notice at the previous meeting , for the increase of the salaries of the teachers at the School at Battersea , in accordance with the recommendation of Miss Davis , the Head Mistress . The motion was agreed to . The proposed advances did not exceed £ 5 per annum in any case bnt
one , in which instance £ 10 per annum was agreed to . The recommendation of the House Committee that Messrs . Rosser and Russell ' s tender to repair the boilers at the Schools , for the sum of £ 36 2 s , be accepted , was adopted . Three petitions were nnder consideration , of which two
were approved and the candidates' names ordered to be added to the list for next election ; the other was deferred for three months , the child being unable to read . The chairman reported that a sum of £ 200 had been paid since the previous meeting on account of the building of the
swimming bath . It was resolved that if money were required on the current account before next meeting it shonld be withdrawn from the sum of £ 2000 now lying on deposit account at the bankers . Bro . Frank Richardson gave notice that he would move the following resolution at next meeting : —
" That the best thanks of the Subscribers to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls are eminently due , and are hereby tendered to Bro . Lieut .-Col . Leach , E . E ., for his fraternal condnct in voluntarily superintending the sanitary works lately so successfully carried out
at tbe School-building at Battersea . And that as a small recognition of the services rendered by him he be , and is , elected an honorary Vice-Patron of the Institution , with all the rights and privileges attached thereto . "
Joppa Chapter, No. 188.
JOPPA CHAPTER , No . 188 .
THE annual Convocation of this excellent working Chapter was held on the 27 th November , at the 4 lbion Tavern , Aldersgatestreet . Comps . Gnlliford M . E . Z ., Isaac H ., Cohen J ., Lazarus Treas ., Emanuel P . Z . S . E ., Henocbsberg P . S . P . Z . 's Albert , S . M . Lazarns , L . Lazarus , Levy , Dickinson , and Littaur . Visitors—Osborn M . E . Z . 1602 , and Edgar Bowyer P . Z . 1471 and 174 . The report of the committee was read and adopted . The business feature of the day , the
installation of Principals , was then proceeded with . Comps . Isaac was installed Z ., Cohen H ., Henocbsberg J . The ceremonies being conducted by Comp . Littaur in his usual faultless manner . Comps . Lazarus P . Z . was invested Treasurer , Emanuel P . Z , S . E ., Dewsnap S . N ., Brooke P . S ., Meiter 1 st Asst ., Hobinstoek juu . 2 nd Asst ., Goddard Janitor . The Companions were addressed by the new
M . E . Z . on their investiture in very appropriate terms , while tbe selection gave every satisfaction . The resignation of Comp . Abraham P . Z . was accepted with regret , and also that of Companion Brail . The Chapter was then closed , and the meeting adjourned until the last Monday in January . The Companions sat down to a sumptuous banquet and dessert provided by Comp . Jennings , and superintended
by Comp . Silver . The M . E . Z . in eloquent terms proposed the Loyal and Royal Arch toasts . Comp . W . H . Gnlliford I . P . Z . said , when he was authorised to hold the gavel , the Companions knew what they had to expect ; it required a powerful speaker to enumerate the qualities of their M . E . Z . From the timo Companion Isaac was exalted , each office he had held he had filled with credit , and his work
had always been done in a truly Masonic spirit . He ( Bro . Gnlliford ) hoped the Great Architect of the Universe would givo him health and strength to successfnlly carry out the duties . The M . E . Z . in reply thanked Comp . Gnlliford for the kind manner in which ho had s poken of him . As he was now placed in tho position of M . E . Z . he Would endeavour to do all he could to givo tha Companions
satisfaction . The Chapter was part of himself , and although but a young ifason , in his own Lodge he had initiated , passed and raised candidates , and installed his successor . Ho hoped during his year of office to make many exaltees ; although tho Companions had made him tbeir king , he had no desire to consider them as subjects . The
jtf-E . Z . then proposed the toast of the Visitors . The Joppa Chapter , *\ said , was noted for its reception of Visitors . On this occaai ° n they had only two , but both of them had made their " ¦ ark in Freemasonry — Companions Bowyer and Osborn . The Members of the Chapter were proud to seo them both . Comp . E . bowyer said he was pleased to be present . This was the first time
Joppa Chapter, No. 188.
he had visited the Chapter . He was pleased with the excellent working ; tho M . E . Z ., however , had been known to him for many years as a good working Mason . Comp . Osborn followed , fully endorsing all the remarks of Comp . Bowyer . Tho M . E . Z . said the toast of the Past Principals was ono that ought to commend itself to their regard . Each was well worthy of it . He must first draw
attention to the ono who had just vacated the chair—Comp . Gnlliford ; no better Mason existed ; it was perhaps too late to dilate ou hia exeellont qualities . lie would merely say Comp . Gnlliford had been S . E . for three years ; had filled the office of H . and J . to their satisfaction ; and while in the occupation of the chair had dono his duty in every respect ; it was to him an auspicious moment when
he was entrusted with the hononr of placing on Comp . Gulliford ' s breast tho token of esteem which all agreed ho had fairly earned . Tho Companions in giving him this jewel hoped ho might wear it as a token of the respect in which he is hold by every member of the Chapter . Ho would now place tho jewel on his breast , hoping he might live long to wear it . In addition he had to present another token , in tho
shape of a gold signet ring , with suitable engraving and inscription , aa a further memento of their appreciation of hia services . Comp . Gnlliford said ho felt it an especial honour to have to return thanks for the first time in his capacity of I . P . Z . He should always wear the jewel ho had just received with pride . He regretted that at the meeting he had not had the opportunity of showing his
qualiiication for work , but they knew ho had worked , and could do so at any j timo . On behalf of himself and the P . Z . 's he roturned hi- and their , sincere thanks . The M . E . Z . had now a pleasing duty to perform ; to I propose thf * health of tho Installing Principal Comp . W . Littaur , whose j intellectual qualities were thoroughly known and appreciated . After a response from Comp . Littanr , the M . E . Z . complimented the U . and
J . ; the lat ' er had been obliged to leave , but they had tho H ., Comp . I . P . Cohe *> , vvho ho hoped wonld be the next Z . ; he would couple with the toast the names of Comps . M . J . Emanuel , Brooks , aud Dewsnap . This having beon acknowledged by the Companions enumerated , tho M . E . Z . gave as a special toast the health of Comp .
H . M . Levy P . Z ., who , in place of Companion J . Lazarus , who was unavoidably absent , had officiated in tho capacity of Treasurer . Whatever duty Comp . Levy undertakes , it is for tho benefit of the Chapter . Comp . II . M . Levy responded . Tho Janitor ' s toast was given , and tha Companions separated , after spending a very agreeable and harmonious evening .
St . Peter ' s Chapter Rose Croix , Bolton . —A meeting of this Chapter was held on Saturday , the 25 th November , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at 4 o ' clock in tho afternoon . Present : — 111 . Bro . G . P . Brockbank 32 P . M . W . S . in the chair , W . J . Thomson 30 First General , C . S . Lane 30 Second General J . D . Murray Grand Marshal , J . T . Richardson Ass . Dir . of Cer ., W . Nicholl Capt . of Guard ,
R . D . Brook Steward , A . Jefferis Organist , J . W . Taylor 30 P . M . W . S ., Morris P . M . W . S ., Rob . Harwoocl 30 P . M . W . S ., Bros . J . E . Tees , Wm . Wylde , John Bollard , E . H . Swindlehurst , Frank H . Huet , Geo . Perguson ; Visitors—III . Bro . Thos . Chorlton 30 Palatine Chapter , Man-Chester ; also 111 . Bro . Capt . 0 . E . N . Reswi . k-Royds 33 Sov . G . Inspector General Northern Provinces . The Chapter having beon
opened , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed , a communication was read from the Supreme Council , intimating the appoint , ment of tho III . Bro . Captain Royds 33 to the position of an Inspector . General of tho Northern Provinces , and requiring the brethren to render duo fealty , submission , and obedience to the said brother . Whereupon the 111 . Bro . Royds was warmly congratulated on his
preferment , and acknowledged and saluted with tbe honours due to his rank . The following brethren were balloted for and approved—Bro . Robert Barlow Seddon of Lindsay Lodgo , No . 1 , 335 , Wigan , proposed by Bro . W . M . Wylde , seconded by Bro . J . D . Murray Grand Marshal ; Bro . William Johnson of Lindsay Lodge , No . 1335 , proposed by Bro . J . D . Murray Grand Marshal , seconded by Bro . W . M . Wylde ;
Bro . William Hiram Horrocks of Marquis of Lome Lodge , Leigh , No . 1351 , proposed by III . Bro . G . P . Brockbank , seconded by Bro . J . D . Murray Grand Marshal ; Bro . Benjamin Thomson of Lodge of Equity , Widnes , No . 1384 , proposed by Bro . J . Thomson 30 , seconded by Bro . Reginald Young 30 . Bro . Thomson , being the only one in
attendance , was perfected and saluted as a Sov . P . Rose Croix . A resolution was adopted expressing the deep sympathy of the Brethren with 111 . Bro . Entwisle 30 , in his serious affliction , with the earnest hope that his valuable life may be spared , and he be permitted to be as useful to the Masonic world in the future as he had been in the past . Chapter closed at 6 p . m .
We have to crave indulgence for holding over several important items .
BRO . G . S . GRAHAM , The Popular Tenor and Buffo Vocalist , from St . James ' s Hall , Crystal Palace , & c , , ( Provincial Granil Organist Middlesex ) IS OPEN TO ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS FOR Concerts , (_ hifc . tfnwwm . s , & Utasonix gaiiqucfs . } in . G . S . Graham's Party of Eminent Artists can be engaged for Masonic Banquets , Consecrations aud Installations , & c . For Opinions of tlie Pres ^ and terms , address—G . S . GRAHAM , St . John ' s Villa , 91 Fcrnlca Road ' Balham Surrey . '
RHEUMATISM . THE only real remedy for this complaint is the Northern Cure ( patent ) . In bottles ls l $ d each , to be had of all Chemists . Proprietors and Manufacturers , Edwards and Alexander , 29 Blaekett-street , -. ewcaatl . 'On-Tyne .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
What Came You Here To Do ?
death , and the ^ lullaby soothes tho infant to sleep in its mother ' s arms . In religion and in politics it is a powerful influence , and in Masonic ceremonies it is equally efficient . It affords all an oppor . tunity to participate and after an appropriate closing song the benediction falls on the ear with greater significance : " May tho blessing of Heaven rest on us awl all regular Masons ; may brotherly love prevail , and every moral and social virtue cement us . "
The General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls held their monthly meeting , nnder the Presidency of Col . Creaton , Grand Treasurer , at Freemasons ' Hall , on Thursday , when there were also present Brothers Col . Peters , Robert Grey , John Rucker , Frederick Walters ,
Henry Gloster , Frank Richardson , J . H . Matthews , Edw . Spooner , Frederick Adlard , H . Dubois , Herbert Dicketts , C . H . Webb , A . H . Tattershall , Robert P . Tebb , Peter de Lande Long , and E . C . Massey . Brother Frank Richardson P . G . D . brought forward the motion of which he gave
notice at the previous meeting , for the increase of the salaries of the teachers at the School at Battersea , in accordance with the recommendation of Miss Davis , the Head Mistress . The motion was agreed to . The proposed advances did not exceed £ 5 per annum in any case bnt
one , in which instance £ 10 per annum was agreed to . The recommendation of the House Committee that Messrs . Rosser and Russell ' s tender to repair the boilers at the Schools , for the sum of £ 36 2 s , be accepted , was adopted . Three petitions were nnder consideration , of which two
were approved and the candidates' names ordered to be added to the list for next election ; the other was deferred for three months , the child being unable to read . The chairman reported that a sum of £ 200 had been paid since the previous meeting on account of the building of the
swimming bath . It was resolved that if money were required on the current account before next meeting it shonld be withdrawn from the sum of £ 2000 now lying on deposit account at the bankers . Bro . Frank Richardson gave notice that he would move the following resolution at next meeting : —
" That the best thanks of the Subscribers to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls are eminently due , and are hereby tendered to Bro . Lieut .-Col . Leach , E . E ., for his fraternal condnct in voluntarily superintending the sanitary works lately so successfully carried out
at tbe School-building at Battersea . And that as a small recognition of the services rendered by him he be , and is , elected an honorary Vice-Patron of the Institution , with all the rights and privileges attached thereto . "
Joppa Chapter, No. 188.
JOPPA CHAPTER , No . 188 .
THE annual Convocation of this excellent working Chapter was held on the 27 th November , at the 4 lbion Tavern , Aldersgatestreet . Comps . Gnlliford M . E . Z ., Isaac H ., Cohen J ., Lazarus Treas ., Emanuel P . Z . S . E ., Henocbsberg P . S . P . Z . 's Albert , S . M . Lazarns , L . Lazarus , Levy , Dickinson , and Littaur . Visitors—Osborn M . E . Z . 1602 , and Edgar Bowyer P . Z . 1471 and 174 . The report of the committee was read and adopted . The business feature of the day , the
installation of Principals , was then proceeded with . Comps . Isaac was installed Z ., Cohen H ., Henocbsberg J . The ceremonies being conducted by Comp . Littaur in his usual faultless manner . Comps . Lazarus P . Z . was invested Treasurer , Emanuel P . Z , S . E ., Dewsnap S . N ., Brooke P . S ., Meiter 1 st Asst ., Hobinstoek juu . 2 nd Asst ., Goddard Janitor . The Companions were addressed by the new
M . E . Z . on their investiture in very appropriate terms , while tbe selection gave every satisfaction . The resignation of Comp . Abraham P . Z . was accepted with regret , and also that of Companion Brail . The Chapter was then closed , and the meeting adjourned until the last Monday in January . The Companions sat down to a sumptuous banquet and dessert provided by Comp . Jennings , and superintended
by Comp . Silver . The M . E . Z . in eloquent terms proposed the Loyal and Royal Arch toasts . Comp . W . H . Gnlliford I . P . Z . said , when he was authorised to hold the gavel , the Companions knew what they had to expect ; it required a powerful speaker to enumerate the qualities of their M . E . Z . From the timo Companion Isaac was exalted , each office he had held he had filled with credit , and his work
had always been done in a truly Masonic spirit . He ( Bro . Gnlliford ) hoped the Great Architect of the Universe would givo him health and strength to successfnlly carry out the duties . The M . E . Z . in reply thanked Comp . Gnlliford for the kind manner in which ho had s poken of him . As he was now placed in tho position of M . E . Z . he Would endeavour to do all he could to givo tha Companions
satisfaction . The Chapter was part of himself , and although but a young ifason , in his own Lodge he had initiated , passed and raised candidates , and installed his successor . Ho hoped during his year of office to make many exaltees ; although tho Companions had made him tbeir king , he had no desire to consider them as subjects . The
jtf-E . Z . then proposed the toast of the Visitors . The Joppa Chapter , *\ said , was noted for its reception of Visitors . On this occaai ° n they had only two , but both of them had made their " ¦ ark in Freemasonry — Companions Bowyer and Osborn . The Members of the Chapter were proud to seo them both . Comp . E . bowyer said he was pleased to be present . This was the first time
Joppa Chapter, No. 188.
he had visited the Chapter . He was pleased with the excellent working ; tho M . E . Z ., however , had been known to him for many years as a good working Mason . Comp . Osborn followed , fully endorsing all the remarks of Comp . Bowyer . Tho M . E . Z . said the toast of the Past Principals was ono that ought to commend itself to their regard . Each was well worthy of it . He must first draw
attention to the ono who had just vacated the chair—Comp . Gnlliford ; no better Mason existed ; it was perhaps too late to dilate ou hia exeellont qualities . lie would merely say Comp . Gnlliford had been S . E . for three years ; had filled the office of H . and J . to their satisfaction ; and while in the occupation of the chair had dono his duty in every respect ; it was to him an auspicious moment when
he was entrusted with the hononr of placing on Comp . Gulliford ' s breast tho token of esteem which all agreed ho had fairly earned . Tho Companions in giving him this jewel hoped ho might wear it as a token of the respect in which he is hold by every member of the Chapter . Ho would now place tho jewel on his breast , hoping he might live long to wear it . In addition he had to present another token , in tho
shape of a gold signet ring , with suitable engraving and inscription , aa a further memento of their appreciation of hia services . Comp . Gnlliford said ho felt it an especial honour to have to return thanks for the first time in his capacity of I . P . Z . He should always wear the jewel ho had just received with pride . He regretted that at the meeting he had not had the opportunity of showing his
qualiiication for work , but they knew ho had worked , and could do so at any j timo . On behalf of himself and the P . Z . 's he roturned hi- and their , sincere thanks . The M . E . Z . had now a pleasing duty to perform ; to I propose thf * health of tho Installing Principal Comp . W . Littaur , whose j intellectual qualities were thoroughly known and appreciated . After a response from Comp . Littanr , the M . E . Z . complimented the U . and
J . ; the lat ' er had been obliged to leave , but they had tho H ., Comp . I . P . Cohe *> , vvho ho hoped wonld be the next Z . ; he would couple with the toast the names of Comps . M . J . Emanuel , Brooks , aud Dewsnap . This having beon acknowledged by the Companions enumerated , tho M . E . Z . gave as a special toast the health of Comp .
H . M . Levy P . Z ., who , in place of Companion J . Lazarus , who was unavoidably absent , had officiated in tho capacity of Treasurer . Whatever duty Comp . Levy undertakes , it is for tho benefit of the Chapter . Comp . II . M . Levy responded . Tho Janitor ' s toast was given , and tha Companions separated , after spending a very agreeable and harmonious evening .
St . Peter ' s Chapter Rose Croix , Bolton . —A meeting of this Chapter was held on Saturday , the 25 th November , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at 4 o ' clock in tho afternoon . Present : — 111 . Bro . G . P . Brockbank 32 P . M . W . S . in the chair , W . J . Thomson 30 First General , C . S . Lane 30 Second General J . D . Murray Grand Marshal , J . T . Richardson Ass . Dir . of Cer ., W . Nicholl Capt . of Guard ,
R . D . Brook Steward , A . Jefferis Organist , J . W . Taylor 30 P . M . W . S ., Morris P . M . W . S ., Rob . Harwoocl 30 P . M . W . S ., Bros . J . E . Tees , Wm . Wylde , John Bollard , E . H . Swindlehurst , Frank H . Huet , Geo . Perguson ; Visitors—III . Bro . Thos . Chorlton 30 Palatine Chapter , Man-Chester ; also 111 . Bro . Capt . 0 . E . N . Reswi . k-Royds 33 Sov . G . Inspector General Northern Provinces . The Chapter having beon
opened , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed , a communication was read from the Supreme Council , intimating the appoint , ment of tho III . Bro . Captain Royds 33 to the position of an Inspector . General of tho Northern Provinces , and requiring the brethren to render duo fealty , submission , and obedience to the said brother . Whereupon the 111 . Bro . Royds was warmly congratulated on his
preferment , and acknowledged and saluted with tbe honours due to his rank . The following brethren were balloted for and approved—Bro . Robert Barlow Seddon of Lindsay Lodgo , No . 1 , 335 , Wigan , proposed by Bro . W . M . Wylde , seconded by Bro . J . D . Murray Grand Marshal ; Bro . William Johnson of Lindsay Lodge , No . 1335 , proposed by Bro . J . D . Murray Grand Marshal , seconded by Bro . W . M . Wylde ;
Bro . William Hiram Horrocks of Marquis of Lome Lodge , Leigh , No . 1351 , proposed by III . Bro . G . P . Brockbank , seconded by Bro . J . D . Murray Grand Marshal ; Bro . Benjamin Thomson of Lodge of Equity , Widnes , No . 1384 , proposed by Bro . J . Thomson 30 , seconded by Bro . Reginald Young 30 . Bro . Thomson , being the only one in
attendance , was perfected and saluted as a Sov . P . Rose Croix . A resolution was adopted expressing the deep sympathy of the Brethren with 111 . Bro . Entwisle 30 , in his serious affliction , with the earnest hope that his valuable life may be spared , and he be permitted to be as useful to the Masonic world in the future as he had been in the past . Chapter closed at 6 p . m .
We have to crave indulgence for holding over several important items .
BRO . G . S . GRAHAM , The Popular Tenor and Buffo Vocalist , from St . James ' s Hall , Crystal Palace , & c , , ( Provincial Granil Organist Middlesex ) IS OPEN TO ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS FOR Concerts , (_ hifc . tfnwwm . s , & Utasonix gaiiqucfs . } in . G . S . Graham's Party of Eminent Artists can be engaged for Masonic Banquets , Consecrations aud Installations , & c . For Opinions of tlie Pres ^ and terms , address—G . S . GRAHAM , St . John ' s Villa , 91 Fcrnlca Road ' Balham Surrey . '
RHEUMATISM . THE only real remedy for this complaint is the Northern Cure ( patent ) . In bottles ls l $ d each , to be had of all Chemists . Proprietors and Manufacturers , Edwards and Alexander , 29 Blaekett-street , -. ewcaatl . 'On-Tyne .