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Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
THE following is the business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 6 th December 1882 : — 1 . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communicatiou of the 6 th September 1882 for confirmation .
2 . Nomination of a Grand Master for the ensuing year . 3 . Appointment of a President of the Lodge of Benevolence . 4 . Election of a Senior and Junior Vice-President of the Lodge of Benevolence .
5 . Election of twelve Past Masters to serve on the Lodge of Benevolence for the year ensuing . 6 . Report of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quarter , in whioh are recommendations for the following Grants , viz . : — The Widow of a Brother of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 , London £ 50 0 0
The Widow of a Brother of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 , Sunderland 50 0 0 A Brother of the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 68 , Bristol 100 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 298 , Rochdale 50 0 0 A Brother of the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . 7 , London 50 0 0 A Brother of the Alfred Lodge , No . 340 , Oxford - . 100 0 0
A Brother of the Thames Valley Lodge , No . 1460 , Halliford , Shepperton 50 0 0 A Brother of the Hundred of Elloe Lodge , No . 469 , Spalding - 100 0 0 A Brother of the Royal Alfred Lodge , No . 877 , Jersey - 100 0 0 A Brother of the Humber Lodge , No . 57 ; Hnll - - 50 0 6 The Widow of a Brother of the Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 , Greenwich 50 0 0
A Brother of the Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 , London - 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of tho Britannic Lodge , No . 33 , London 50 0 O The Widow of a Brother of the Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 , London 50 0 0
A Brother of tho Acacia Lodge , No . 1314 , Bromley , Kent - - - - 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of tho East Surrey Lodge of Concord ; No . 463 , Croydon 50 0 0 A Brother of the Enoch Lodgo , No . 11 , London - 50 0 0 A Brother of the East Medina Lodge , No . 175 ; Ryde , Isle of Wight 50 0 0
7 . REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the "United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . Tbe Board have to report the irregular conduct of a Provincial Lodge who , acting on a paragraph in their By-laws , recently raised a Fellow Craft to tbe degree of a Master Mason , within a period of 13 days from his having taken the former degree .
As the By-law in question was passed contrary to paragraph 7 , page 86 , of the Book of Constitutions , which requires an interval of 28 days between the conferring of any two degrees in England , the Board has ordered that the degree so conferred on tho Brother in question be cancelled , and that he be re-obligated in that degree previous to his being registered as a Master Mason ; and further , that the irregular By-law bo forthwith altered so as to be in accordance with the Book of Constitutions .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , President . FREEMASONS' HAL _ , LONDON , W . C . 21 st November 1882 . To the Report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee , held on li'riclay , the 17 th day of November last , shewing a Balance in tho Bank of England of £ 4 , 012 16 s 4 d , and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 75 , and for Servants' Wages £ 100 .
8 . REPORT OF THE COLONIAL BOARD . To the United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board have to state that in the . year 1877 , just previous to the dissolution of the District Grand Lodge of Egypt , the Deputy
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
District Grand Master in charge reported on certain Lodges in his District as follows : Lodge No . 1068—CAIRO . —In abeyance for t years , not possible to revive it . 1151—AtiKXANDRi . i . — Never met . Warrant believed to be
lost . 1156—CAIRO . —In abeyance for many years . Warrant believed to be lost . 1-119—RAML . UI . —Dissolved by its own members . Warrant frequently applied for , but cannot be obtained .
Since tho above-named period no returns or other documents have ever been received from the said Lodges , and there is no doubt that they have ceased to exist . The Board therefore recommend to Grand Lodge that tho
Lodges—No . 1068—Cairo 1154—Alexandria 1156—Cairo 1419—Ramlah be erased from the list of Lodges on the Registry of the United Grand Lodge of England . ( Signed ) JOHN A . RUCKER P . G . D ., President .
FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . 7 th October 1882 . 9 . APPEALS .
1 st . —From the Victoria Lodge , No . 1186 , Brisbane , Victoria , against the ruling of tho District Grand Master . —That a Lodge of Instruction can only be held under the Warrant of a Lodgo under whioh it is sanctioned , and consequently not in any other Building .
2 nd . —From Brother Lionel Mordecai , of the Friendly Lodge , No . 239 , Kingston , Jamaica , against the ruling of the Deputy District Grand Master , confirming a decision of Brother John Ashenheim P . M ., whilst acting as Master of the Lodge . — That an alteration made by the Lodge in their By-laws , changing
their day of Installation from December to January , was valid notwithstanding that it had been submitted for the approval of the Deputy District Grand Master , on the ground that it was not a " material alteration " as contemplated by Article 5 , page 63 , of the Book of Constitutions .
3 rd . —From Brother John James P . M . of the Lodge of Fortitude , No . 105 , Plymouth , against a decision of the Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire , refusing to call on Bro . Capt .
Elphinstone-Stone , Provincial Senior Grand Warden , to furnish the information on which he h ad opposed the election of Bro . James as Provincial Grand Treasurer at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge on the 1 st of August last .
N . B . —Tho papers relating to these appeals will be in the Grand Secretary's office till the meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the Brethren during office hours . 10 . NOTICES OF MOTION .
( 1 ) By Brother JOHN M . CLAI-ON P . G . D .: —( postponed from the Grand Lodge on tho 7 th June last , that an opportunity might be given to the Provincial Grand Lodges to consider whether an increase shonld be made in the quarterage at present paid to Grand Lodge ) .
" That for the purpose of maintaining and extending the Fund of Benevolence , all the members of the Lodges in the London district ( except Military Lodges ) , shall pay quarterly one shilling and sixpence each to the Fund , instead of one shilling as fixed by the Grand
Lodge held on the 2 nd March 1814 . And thafc all members of Lodges not within the London district ( except Military , Colonial , and Foreign Lodges ) shall pay quarterly , ninepence each to the Fund , instead of sixpence , as fixed by the said Grand Lodge . "
( 2 ) " That no sale be made of all or any part of the Capital Funds of Benevolence without the express order of a Grand Lodge , confirmed by a subsequent Grand
Lodge . " ( 3 ) By Brother EDWIN T . BUDDEN P . M . No . 622 : — " Whereas one of the great and professed objects of Free masonry is to promote the Liberal Arts and Sciences ;
And whereas the Most Worshipful Grand Master His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is endeavouring to establish a great National Institution called " The Royal College of Music " to consist of a Charitable Foundation
of 100 or moro Scholarships , for which His Royal Highness solicits the co-operation nnd assistance of all Public Corporations and great Associations throughout the land :
And whereas the Most Worshipful Grand Master has rendered great and valuable services to the Craft during his Grand Mastership ; this Grand Lodge in recog . nition of such services agrees to endow Two
Scholarships in the aforesaid Royal College of Music ; and thafc the Board of General Purposes be instructed to carry this resolution into effect at tho proper time by two or more instalments , as the Board may decide . " By Brother JAMES STEVENS P . M . No . 1216 : — ( 1 ) . "Thafc having regard to the great increase during th-
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Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
THE following is the business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 6 th December 1882 : — 1 . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communicatiou of the 6 th September 1882 for confirmation .
2 . Nomination of a Grand Master for the ensuing year . 3 . Appointment of a President of the Lodge of Benevolence . 4 . Election of a Senior and Junior Vice-President of the Lodge of Benevolence .
5 . Election of twelve Past Masters to serve on the Lodge of Benevolence for the year ensuing . 6 . Report of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quarter , in whioh are recommendations for the following Grants , viz . : — The Widow of a Brother of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 , London £ 50 0 0
The Widow of a Brother of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 , Sunderland 50 0 0 A Brother of the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 68 , Bristol 100 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 298 , Rochdale 50 0 0 A Brother of the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . 7 , London 50 0 0 A Brother of the Alfred Lodge , No . 340 , Oxford - . 100 0 0
A Brother of the Thames Valley Lodge , No . 1460 , Halliford , Shepperton 50 0 0 A Brother of the Hundred of Elloe Lodge , No . 469 , Spalding - 100 0 0 A Brother of the Royal Alfred Lodge , No . 877 , Jersey - 100 0 0 A Brother of the Humber Lodge , No . 57 ; Hnll - - 50 0 6 The Widow of a Brother of the Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 , Greenwich 50 0 0
A Brother of the Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 , London - 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of tho Britannic Lodge , No . 33 , London 50 0 O The Widow of a Brother of the Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 , London 50 0 0
A Brother of tho Acacia Lodge , No . 1314 , Bromley , Kent - - - - 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of tho East Surrey Lodge of Concord ; No . 463 , Croydon 50 0 0 A Brother of the Enoch Lodgo , No . 11 , London - 50 0 0 A Brother of the East Medina Lodge , No . 175 ; Ryde , Isle of Wight 50 0 0
7 . REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the "United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . Tbe Board have to report the irregular conduct of a Provincial Lodge who , acting on a paragraph in their By-laws , recently raised a Fellow Craft to tbe degree of a Master Mason , within a period of 13 days from his having taken the former degree .
As the By-law in question was passed contrary to paragraph 7 , page 86 , of the Book of Constitutions , which requires an interval of 28 days between the conferring of any two degrees in England , the Board has ordered that the degree so conferred on tho Brother in question be cancelled , and that he be re-obligated in that degree previous to his being registered as a Master Mason ; and further , that the irregular By-law bo forthwith altered so as to be in accordance with the Book of Constitutions .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , President . FREEMASONS' HAL _ , LONDON , W . C . 21 st November 1882 . To the Report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee , held on li'riclay , the 17 th day of November last , shewing a Balance in tho Bank of England of £ 4 , 012 16 s 4 d , and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 75 , and for Servants' Wages £ 100 .
8 . REPORT OF THE COLONIAL BOARD . To the United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board have to state that in the . year 1877 , just previous to the dissolution of the District Grand Lodge of Egypt , the Deputy
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
District Grand Master in charge reported on certain Lodges in his District as follows : Lodge No . 1068—CAIRO . —In abeyance for t years , not possible to revive it . 1151—AtiKXANDRi . i . — Never met . Warrant believed to be
lost . 1156—CAIRO . —In abeyance for many years . Warrant believed to be lost . 1-119—RAML . UI . —Dissolved by its own members . Warrant frequently applied for , but cannot be obtained .
Since tho above-named period no returns or other documents have ever been received from the said Lodges , and there is no doubt that they have ceased to exist . The Board therefore recommend to Grand Lodge that tho
Lodges—No . 1068—Cairo 1154—Alexandria 1156—Cairo 1419—Ramlah be erased from the list of Lodges on the Registry of the United Grand Lodge of England . ( Signed ) JOHN A . RUCKER P . G . D ., President .
FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . 7 th October 1882 . 9 . APPEALS .
1 st . —From the Victoria Lodge , No . 1186 , Brisbane , Victoria , against the ruling of tho District Grand Master . —That a Lodge of Instruction can only be held under the Warrant of a Lodgo under whioh it is sanctioned , and consequently not in any other Building .
2 nd . —From Brother Lionel Mordecai , of the Friendly Lodge , No . 239 , Kingston , Jamaica , against the ruling of the Deputy District Grand Master , confirming a decision of Brother John Ashenheim P . M ., whilst acting as Master of the Lodge . — That an alteration made by the Lodge in their By-laws , changing
their day of Installation from December to January , was valid notwithstanding that it had been submitted for the approval of the Deputy District Grand Master , on the ground that it was not a " material alteration " as contemplated by Article 5 , page 63 , of the Book of Constitutions .
3 rd . —From Brother John James P . M . of the Lodge of Fortitude , No . 105 , Plymouth , against a decision of the Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire , refusing to call on Bro . Capt .
Elphinstone-Stone , Provincial Senior Grand Warden , to furnish the information on which he h ad opposed the election of Bro . James as Provincial Grand Treasurer at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge on the 1 st of August last .
N . B . —Tho papers relating to these appeals will be in the Grand Secretary's office till the meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the Brethren during office hours . 10 . NOTICES OF MOTION .
( 1 ) By Brother JOHN M . CLAI-ON P . G . D .: —( postponed from the Grand Lodge on tho 7 th June last , that an opportunity might be given to the Provincial Grand Lodges to consider whether an increase shonld be made in the quarterage at present paid to Grand Lodge ) .
" That for the purpose of maintaining and extending the Fund of Benevolence , all the members of the Lodges in the London district ( except Military Lodges ) , shall pay quarterly one shilling and sixpence each to the Fund , instead of one shilling as fixed by the Grand
Lodge held on the 2 nd March 1814 . And thafc all members of Lodges not within the London district ( except Military , Colonial , and Foreign Lodges ) shall pay quarterly , ninepence each to the Fund , instead of sixpence , as fixed by the said Grand Lodge . "
( 2 ) " That no sale be made of all or any part of the Capital Funds of Benevolence without the express order of a Grand Lodge , confirmed by a subsequent Grand
Lodge . " ( 3 ) By Brother EDWIN T . BUDDEN P . M . No . 622 : — " Whereas one of the great and professed objects of Free masonry is to promote the Liberal Arts and Sciences ;
And whereas the Most Worshipful Grand Master His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is endeavouring to establish a great National Institution called " The Royal College of Music " to consist of a Charitable Foundation
of 100 or moro Scholarships , for which His Royal Highness solicits the co-operation nnd assistance of all Public Corporations and great Associations throughout the land :
And whereas the Most Worshipful Grand Master has rendered great and valuable services to the Craft during his Grand Mastership ; this Grand Lodge in recog . nition of such services agrees to endow Two
Scholarships in the aforesaid Royal College of Music ; and thafc the Board of General Purposes be instructed to carry this resolution into effect at tho proper time by two or more instalments , as the Board may decide . " By Brother JAMES STEVENS P . M . No . 1216 : — ( 1 ) . "Thafc having regard to the great increase during th-