Article UNIFORMITY OF MASONIC RITUAL AND OBSERVANCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article DORIC LODGE, No. 81, WOODBRIDGE. Page 1 of 1 Article BRUNSWICK LODGE, No. 159. Page 1 of 2 →
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Uniformity Of Masonic Ritual And Observance.
1 st was to be permitted to be once moro amongst us , and attend on Friday evenings , he most assuredly would fail to recognise his own handy-work , it had been so improved upon . Tho first portion of the task would be long , difficult , but most interesting if carried on with that love and harmony bv which wo are supposed
to bo especially distinguished ; that task once accomplished , the work of improvement , of reformation , and return to the once beautiful ritual , would be gradual , would bo slow , bnt would bo firm , lasting , and as certain as the incoming tide on a shallow beach , and like that gradually spread itself over the whole surface . Such I
believe to be the aim of Bro . Stevens and all who support him , and with my earnest hope for his success . Of course , the above does not apply to those learned brethren who are so wise in their own conceit that they have nothing tolearn , and need not that any should declare
unto them of that in whioh they are perfect , unequalled , and without compeers , and whose wisdom is so much superior to that head to whom they gave their allegiance at thoir initiation , and at every step since that they feel themselves relieved from their obligation , and at liberty to follow their own conceits , and those only .
I remain , Yours fraternally and faithfully , CHARLES JOHN PERCEVAL .
P . S . —Erratum in my letter of tho 20 fch , lines 43 , 44 , 45 , for "A large piece of ground immediately at tho back could have been bought for £ 1000 or less , " read " a large piece of waste ground , & c , for £ 1500 or less . " This was my fault , not yours . C . J . P .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Thank you very much for the insertion in yonr pages of my last letter on this subject , as I ivrote it . Yonr contemporary has seen fit to " delete " certain portions , which spoil the context of the whole ; and the letter written for hoth journals is shorn of its intended purpose , so far as that exponent of Masonio
opinion is concerned . I will not here impute reasons for the excision of matter whioh you have seen no reason to reject . To those who have the opportunity for comparing the respective impressions they will be sufficiently apparent . The suppression of parts of my letter is unworthy of more than passing regret that an opponent cannot fairly publish the arguments of " the other side . "
Will you add to all your former favours by giving me this opportunity to inform the brethren that I am now forming the Committee I have to nominate at next Grand Lodge meeting , and that I shall be glad to hear from any Past Masters ( particularly those of the Provinces ) desirous of joining with me in my efforts to secure "
Uniformity , & c , " through the instrumentality of a preliminary " enquiry into the various systems now in practice and reporting thereon " to Grand Lodge at a future date ? With the compliments of the season , and wishing the CHRONICLE continued prosperity ,
Believe me , yours very truly and fraternally , JAMES STEVENS . Clapham , 31 st December 1879 .
Installation Meetings, &C.
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 70 .
THE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on the 29 th ult ., nt the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , and after the initiation of three gentlemen , which was efficiently clone by the retiring W . M . ( Bro . Alfred E . Lean ) , assisted by W . Bros . S . Roach and R . Pengelly , the installation of the new Master ( Bro . William Odam ) , who was unanimously elected at the previous meeting , took place . This
ceremony was admirably performed by W . Bro . Lean , assisted by W . Bros . J . B . Gover P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C . and Richard Pengelly P . M ., in the presence of a large Board of Installed Masters . The musical portion of the ceremony was beautifully rendered by the Organist of the Lodge , Bro . John D . Barker . The Officers appointed and invested for the ensuing year were : —Bros . A . E . Lean I . P . M ., Edwin Tout
S . W ., James Griffen J . W ., Leonard D . Westcott P . M . P . P . G . S . Wks . Treasurer , John B . Gover Secretary , George Mitchell S . D ., Francis B . Westlake J . D ., J . H . Dwelly D . C , Thomas King sen . A . D . C ., W . H . Symons O ., John D . Barker I . G ., G . Sercombe S . S ., W . T . Deuniford J . S ., John Holmes Tyler . Bro . John D . Barker was appointed Charity Steward of the Lodge . The especial duty of this Officer is to collect
subscriptions and donations from the members for the Devon Masonic Educational Fund ; and in several Lodges whero similar appointments have been made it has been found to work well , and for the benefit of thid su well as the great Masonic Charities . A sum of three guineas was voted to a brother who was known to bo in needy circumstances . The Treasurer reported the Lodg' - to be in a nrosoerous condition .
The dinner to celebrate the Festival of St . John tho Evangelist was provided by Bro . Charles Walters , at the Farley Hotel , ancl was , in all respects , everything that could be desired . During the evening an olegant gold P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the late W . Master , engraved as follows : — " Presented to W . Bro . Alfred E . Lean by St .
John ' s Lodge , No . 70 , in recognition of his zeal as Master , A . L . 5879 . " The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and many excellent speeches , inculcating Charity as the outcome of Freemasonry , were made . The musical intervals wero very interesting . The glees of Bros . Firks , Goodall , and J . Rendle wero admirably rendered , and many of the brethren exercised their musical talent to
Installation Meetings, &C.
help to make the intervals between business highly enjoyable . In consequence of so many Lodges holding their annual meetings at this timo of the year many distinguished brethren were unable to be present . Letters regretting their unavoidable ab-ionco wero read from : —Right W . Bros . Lord Ebrington P . G . M ., Walter G . Rogers D . P . G . M ., L . P . Metham P . G . D . Eng . P . D . P . G . M ., Right Hon . Earl
Mount Edgcnmbo P . G . M . Cornwall , Col . J . W . Peard D . P . G . M . Cornwall , William J . Hughan P . G . D . Eng . P . G . S . W . Egypt P . P . G . S ., Cornwall , John Brewer P . G . Sec , Roar-Admir . il F . H . H . Glasse C . B ., Charles Godtsehalk P . M . P . P . G . D ., W . Derry P . M . P . P . G . S . D . ( tho Mayor of Plymouth ) , John Marshall WM . 156 , J . II . Dnwo W . M . 1255 , John Way P . M . 70 P . P . G . T ., J . . 1 . Avery P . M . 70
P . P . G . T , Richard Lose P . M . P . P . G . P ., V . Bird P . M . 70 and 1 , 550 P . P . G . T . Amongst thoso present at the ceremony or tho banquet , in addition to those whoso names havo been already mentioned , were V . W . nnd VV . Bros . Francis P . Holmes P . M . P . P . G . S . Works , Charles Stribbling P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., Samuel Ronch P . M ., Samuel Jew P . M . P . P . G . T ., John Dupre P . M . P . P . G . D . C , F . R . Tomes P . M .
P . P . G ., H . W . Thomas P . M ., R . G . Bird P . M ., Joseph Wainwright P . M ., all of Lodge 70 ; J . E . Curteis P . M . 189 P . P . G . S . Warden , Rev . W . Whittley P . M . 156 P . P . G . Chaplain , J . Matthews P . M . 282 P . P . G . S . Works , R . G . Tippott W . M . 1550 , P . B . Clements P . P . G . O ., C . Cooper P . M . and Secretary 105 , W . Browning P . M . 223 P . P . G . A . D . C , R . Cawsey P . M . 230 , George Firks W . M ., John R .
Lord P . M . and Treasurer , James Rendle P . M . and Secretary 1217 , W . Criper 282 , Thomas Goodall P . M . 951 , B . Elliott W . M . 1247 , J . R . H . Harris W . M . 230 , Charles Richardson P . M . 1212 , H . Chapis , 0 . Rodda , J . Kitt , H . S . Moon , T . King jun ., P . Hamley , R . Blight , K . Bond , Hoare , J . Beard , T . Gard , T . Cuming , Holloway , Moysey , Lister , Leigh , Grossman , & o . —Westei'n Daily Mercury .
Doric Lodge, No. 81, Woodbridge.
THE brethren of this Lodge celebrated their Installation Festival and fche Anniversary of St . John the Evangelist on Saturday , 27 th ult ., when there was a most successful ancl pleasant meeting . Lodgo opened about 3 . 30 . The presence book was signed by Bros . W . P . T . Phillips P . M . as W . M ., F . Whisstock S . W . the W . M . elect , E . St . G . Cobbold J . W ., B . D . Gall Treasurer , R . Allen S . D ., J . Stidolph Sec , Past Masters A . Barnes , B . Gall , T . Grimwood ; Bros . W . Roc ,
J . Cana Fisk , F . A . Kent , G . Freeman , E . R . Wood ancl W . H . Hessey . The Visitors were Bros . W . Clarke P . G . D . C P . M . British Union 114 Installing Master , T . J . Wentworth P . G . S . D . I . P . M . St . Luke ' s 225 , W . G . Cunnold W . M . 225 , G . Abbott P . P . G . S . B . S . D . 225 , C . Kent J . D . Prince of Wales 959 , D . D . Steele 959 , and R . Senton 225 . Tho Lodgo having been regularly opened in the three degrees by Bro . Phillips ,
the Installing Master assumed the chair . Bro . Whisstock was then presented , and having given assent to the ancient charges , all brethren below the chair left . The installation ceremony was then performed by Bro . Clarke in a most efficient and impressive style . Tho brethren having been readmitted , the W . M . was proclaimed and saluted in
regular form . The Worshipfnl Master invested his Officers as follows : —Bros . E . St . G . Cobbold S . W ., W . P . Phillips J . W . ( in his unavoidable absence , Bro . W . P . T . Phillips being invested for him ) , B . D . Gall Treasurer , Williamshurst Secretary ( Bro . J . Stidolph being invested for Bro . Williamshurst , who was absent through illness ) , E . R . Wood S . D ., F . A . Kent J . D ., B . Gall P . M . D . C , J . Cana
Fisk I . G ., G . Hall Tyler , B . D . Gall , G . Freeman , and R . Allen Stewards . Bro . the Rev . A . Tighe Gregory Chaplain , and Bro . J . Stidolph Organist , were re-appointed at last meeting of Lodgo . On the motion of Bro . W . P . T . Phillips , seconded by Bro . B . Gall , a resolution was passed that the nsual subscription from Lodge to the Masonic Girls' School should bo placo 1 on Bro . Clarke ' s list . The
Lodge then closed . The brethren adjourned to tho Bull Hotel , where a splendid banquet was prepared by Bro . J . Grout . After the removal of the cloth , the nsual Loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to . The W . M ., in replying to tho toasfc of his health , heartily thanked tho brethren for the high honour which had been conferred upon him . He alluded to the responsibilities thrown upon him ; he should , he said , do all he could for the
welfare of the Lodge . He reminded his Officers of the importance Of the punctual performance of their duties , and relied with confidence npon their co-operation and support at all times . Bro . W . Clarke proposed the Masonic Charities , earnestly urging upon his hearers the claims of the three great Institutions upon the entire Masonic brotherhood . The musical portion of tho programme was efficiently carried out by Bros . Abbott , Grayston and Steele , Bro . J . Stidolph accompanying on tho pianoforte .
Brunswick Lodge, No. 159.
THIS Lodge has now been in existence over one hundred years ; and ifc will be remembered thafc a few months since the brethren celebrated the centenary anniversary of their Lodge . During the whole course of its career the brethren have nofc had a regular abiding place for their " warrant ; " ancl for somo time pasfc they havo met at Lodge " Charity , " Union-street , Stonehouse . These rooms , however , being somewhat out of repair , ifc was felt desirable by the
brethren that they should assemble together in a more suitable place . Bro . R . Lose came forward and offered to p'ovido the desired accommodation . Tho brethren availed themselves of Bro . Lose ' s kindness , and building operations were commenced at the back of Hobart House , Hobart-street , Stonehouse , and a neat and commodious building has beon erected on this site . The structure consists of a handsome
Lodge room 42 feet long , 20 feet broad , ancl about 18 feet high ; a refreshment-room , ante-room , ancl the necessary offices . The Lodgo is approached from a side street , and its exterior has a very neat appearance . Inside everything is elaborately fitted up , and tho ! Lodge room , which is situated on the first floor , has been most hand-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Uniformity Of Masonic Ritual And Observance.
1 st was to be permitted to be once moro amongst us , and attend on Friday evenings , he most assuredly would fail to recognise his own handy-work , it had been so improved upon . Tho first portion of the task would be long , difficult , but most interesting if carried on with that love and harmony bv which wo are supposed
to bo especially distinguished ; that task once accomplished , the work of improvement , of reformation , and return to the once beautiful ritual , would be gradual , would bo slow , bnt would bo firm , lasting , and as certain as the incoming tide on a shallow beach , and like that gradually spread itself over the whole surface . Such I
believe to be the aim of Bro . Stevens and all who support him , and with my earnest hope for his success . Of course , the above does not apply to those learned brethren who are so wise in their own conceit that they have nothing tolearn , and need not that any should declare
unto them of that in whioh they are perfect , unequalled , and without compeers , and whose wisdom is so much superior to that head to whom they gave their allegiance at thoir initiation , and at every step since that they feel themselves relieved from their obligation , and at liberty to follow their own conceits , and those only .
I remain , Yours fraternally and faithfully , CHARLES JOHN PERCEVAL .
P . S . —Erratum in my letter of tho 20 fch , lines 43 , 44 , 45 , for "A large piece of ground immediately at tho back could have been bought for £ 1000 or less , " read " a large piece of waste ground , & c , for £ 1500 or less . " This was my fault , not yours . C . J . P .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Thank you very much for the insertion in yonr pages of my last letter on this subject , as I ivrote it . Yonr contemporary has seen fit to " delete " certain portions , which spoil the context of the whole ; and the letter written for hoth journals is shorn of its intended purpose , so far as that exponent of Masonio
opinion is concerned . I will not here impute reasons for the excision of matter whioh you have seen no reason to reject . To those who have the opportunity for comparing the respective impressions they will be sufficiently apparent . The suppression of parts of my letter is unworthy of more than passing regret that an opponent cannot fairly publish the arguments of " the other side . "
Will you add to all your former favours by giving me this opportunity to inform the brethren that I am now forming the Committee I have to nominate at next Grand Lodge meeting , and that I shall be glad to hear from any Past Masters ( particularly those of the Provinces ) desirous of joining with me in my efforts to secure "
Uniformity , & c , " through the instrumentality of a preliminary " enquiry into the various systems now in practice and reporting thereon " to Grand Lodge at a future date ? With the compliments of the season , and wishing the CHRONICLE continued prosperity ,
Believe me , yours very truly and fraternally , JAMES STEVENS . Clapham , 31 st December 1879 .
Installation Meetings, &C.
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 70 .
THE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on the 29 th ult ., nt the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , and after the initiation of three gentlemen , which was efficiently clone by the retiring W . M . ( Bro . Alfred E . Lean ) , assisted by W . Bros . S . Roach and R . Pengelly , the installation of the new Master ( Bro . William Odam ) , who was unanimously elected at the previous meeting , took place . This
ceremony was admirably performed by W . Bro . Lean , assisted by W . Bros . J . B . Gover P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C . and Richard Pengelly P . M ., in the presence of a large Board of Installed Masters . The musical portion of the ceremony was beautifully rendered by the Organist of the Lodge , Bro . John D . Barker . The Officers appointed and invested for the ensuing year were : —Bros . A . E . Lean I . P . M ., Edwin Tout
S . W ., James Griffen J . W ., Leonard D . Westcott P . M . P . P . G . S . Wks . Treasurer , John B . Gover Secretary , George Mitchell S . D ., Francis B . Westlake J . D ., J . H . Dwelly D . C , Thomas King sen . A . D . C ., W . H . Symons O ., John D . Barker I . G ., G . Sercombe S . S ., W . T . Deuniford J . S ., John Holmes Tyler . Bro . John D . Barker was appointed Charity Steward of the Lodge . The especial duty of this Officer is to collect
subscriptions and donations from the members for the Devon Masonic Educational Fund ; and in several Lodges whero similar appointments have been made it has been found to work well , and for the benefit of thid su well as the great Masonic Charities . A sum of three guineas was voted to a brother who was known to bo in needy circumstances . The Treasurer reported the Lodg' - to be in a nrosoerous condition .
The dinner to celebrate the Festival of St . John tho Evangelist was provided by Bro . Charles Walters , at the Farley Hotel , ancl was , in all respects , everything that could be desired . During the evening an olegant gold P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the late W . Master , engraved as follows : — " Presented to W . Bro . Alfred E . Lean by St .
John ' s Lodge , No . 70 , in recognition of his zeal as Master , A . L . 5879 . " The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and many excellent speeches , inculcating Charity as the outcome of Freemasonry , were made . The musical intervals wero very interesting . The glees of Bros . Firks , Goodall , and J . Rendle wero admirably rendered , and many of the brethren exercised their musical talent to
Installation Meetings, &C.
help to make the intervals between business highly enjoyable . In consequence of so many Lodges holding their annual meetings at this timo of the year many distinguished brethren were unable to be present . Letters regretting their unavoidable ab-ionco wero read from : —Right W . Bros . Lord Ebrington P . G . M ., Walter G . Rogers D . P . G . M ., L . P . Metham P . G . D . Eng . P . D . P . G . M ., Right Hon . Earl
Mount Edgcnmbo P . G . M . Cornwall , Col . J . W . Peard D . P . G . M . Cornwall , William J . Hughan P . G . D . Eng . P . G . S . W . Egypt P . P . G . S ., Cornwall , John Brewer P . G . Sec , Roar-Admir . il F . H . H . Glasse C . B ., Charles Godtsehalk P . M . P . P . G . D ., W . Derry P . M . P . P . G . S . D . ( tho Mayor of Plymouth ) , John Marshall WM . 156 , J . II . Dnwo W . M . 1255 , John Way P . M . 70 P . P . G . T ., J . . 1 . Avery P . M . 70
P . P . G . T , Richard Lose P . M . P . P . G . P ., V . Bird P . M . 70 and 1 , 550 P . P . G . T . Amongst thoso present at the ceremony or tho banquet , in addition to those whoso names havo been already mentioned , were V . W . nnd VV . Bros . Francis P . Holmes P . M . P . P . G . S . Works , Charles Stribbling P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., Samuel Ronch P . M ., Samuel Jew P . M . P . P . G . T ., John Dupre P . M . P . P . G . D . C , F . R . Tomes P . M .
P . P . G ., H . W . Thomas P . M ., R . G . Bird P . M ., Joseph Wainwright P . M ., all of Lodge 70 ; J . E . Curteis P . M . 189 P . P . G . S . Warden , Rev . W . Whittley P . M . 156 P . P . G . Chaplain , J . Matthews P . M . 282 P . P . G . S . Works , R . G . Tippott W . M . 1550 , P . B . Clements P . P . G . O ., C . Cooper P . M . and Secretary 105 , W . Browning P . M . 223 P . P . G . A . D . C , R . Cawsey P . M . 230 , George Firks W . M ., John R .
Lord P . M . and Treasurer , James Rendle P . M . and Secretary 1217 , W . Criper 282 , Thomas Goodall P . M . 951 , B . Elliott W . M . 1247 , J . R . H . Harris W . M . 230 , Charles Richardson P . M . 1212 , H . Chapis , 0 . Rodda , J . Kitt , H . S . Moon , T . King jun ., P . Hamley , R . Blight , K . Bond , Hoare , J . Beard , T . Gard , T . Cuming , Holloway , Moysey , Lister , Leigh , Grossman , & o . —Westei'n Daily Mercury .
Doric Lodge, No. 81, Woodbridge.
THE brethren of this Lodge celebrated their Installation Festival and fche Anniversary of St . John the Evangelist on Saturday , 27 th ult ., when there was a most successful ancl pleasant meeting . Lodgo opened about 3 . 30 . The presence book was signed by Bros . W . P . T . Phillips P . M . as W . M ., F . Whisstock S . W . the W . M . elect , E . St . G . Cobbold J . W ., B . D . Gall Treasurer , R . Allen S . D ., J . Stidolph Sec , Past Masters A . Barnes , B . Gall , T . Grimwood ; Bros . W . Roc ,
J . Cana Fisk , F . A . Kent , G . Freeman , E . R . Wood ancl W . H . Hessey . The Visitors were Bros . W . Clarke P . G . D . C P . M . British Union 114 Installing Master , T . J . Wentworth P . G . S . D . I . P . M . St . Luke ' s 225 , W . G . Cunnold W . M . 225 , G . Abbott P . P . G . S . B . S . D . 225 , C . Kent J . D . Prince of Wales 959 , D . D . Steele 959 , and R . Senton 225 . Tho Lodgo having been regularly opened in the three degrees by Bro . Phillips ,
the Installing Master assumed the chair . Bro . Whisstock was then presented , and having given assent to the ancient charges , all brethren below the chair left . The installation ceremony was then performed by Bro . Clarke in a most efficient and impressive style . Tho brethren having been readmitted , the W . M . was proclaimed and saluted in
regular form . The Worshipfnl Master invested his Officers as follows : —Bros . E . St . G . Cobbold S . W ., W . P . Phillips J . W . ( in his unavoidable absence , Bro . W . P . T . Phillips being invested for him ) , B . D . Gall Treasurer , Williamshurst Secretary ( Bro . J . Stidolph being invested for Bro . Williamshurst , who was absent through illness ) , E . R . Wood S . D ., F . A . Kent J . D ., B . Gall P . M . D . C , J . Cana
Fisk I . G ., G . Hall Tyler , B . D . Gall , G . Freeman , and R . Allen Stewards . Bro . the Rev . A . Tighe Gregory Chaplain , and Bro . J . Stidolph Organist , were re-appointed at last meeting of Lodgo . On the motion of Bro . W . P . T . Phillips , seconded by Bro . B . Gall , a resolution was passed that the nsual subscription from Lodge to the Masonic Girls' School should bo placo 1 on Bro . Clarke ' s list . The
Lodge then closed . The brethren adjourned to tho Bull Hotel , where a splendid banquet was prepared by Bro . J . Grout . After the removal of the cloth , the nsual Loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to . The W . M ., in replying to tho toasfc of his health , heartily thanked tho brethren for the high honour which had been conferred upon him . He alluded to the responsibilities thrown upon him ; he should , he said , do all he could for the
welfare of the Lodge . He reminded his Officers of the importance Of the punctual performance of their duties , and relied with confidence npon their co-operation and support at all times . Bro . W . Clarke proposed the Masonic Charities , earnestly urging upon his hearers the claims of the three great Institutions upon the entire Masonic brotherhood . The musical portion of tho programme was efficiently carried out by Bros . Abbott , Grayston and Steele , Bro . J . Stidolph accompanying on tho pianoforte .
Brunswick Lodge, No. 159.
THIS Lodge has now been in existence over one hundred years ; and ifc will be remembered thafc a few months since the brethren celebrated the centenary anniversary of their Lodge . During the whole course of its career the brethren have nofc had a regular abiding place for their " warrant ; " ancl for somo time pasfc they havo met at Lodge " Charity , " Union-street , Stonehouse . These rooms , however , being somewhat out of repair , ifc was felt desirable by the
brethren that they should assemble together in a more suitable place . Bro . R . Lose came forward and offered to p'ovido the desired accommodation . Tho brethren availed themselves of Bro . Lose ' s kindness , and building operations were commenced at the back of Hobart House , Hobart-street , Stonehouse , and a neat and commodious building has beon erected on this site . The structure consists of a handsome
Lodge room 42 feet long , 20 feet broad , ancl about 18 feet high ; a refreshment-room , ante-room , ancl the necessary offices . The Lodgo is approached from a side street , and its exterior has a very neat appearance . Inside everything is elaborately fitted up , and tho ! Lodge room , which is situated on the first floor , has been most hand-