Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 3 of 3 Article LODGE OF PROSPERITY, No. 65. Page 1 of 1 Article ECONOMY LODGE. No. 76. Page 1 of 1 Article INDUSTRY LODGE, No. 186. Page 1 of 1 Article INDUSTRY LODGE, No. 186. Page 1 of 1 Article CANDOUR LODGE, No. 337. Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
him . He looked npon Masonry as one of fche most beautiful Institutions fchafc ever emanated from mankind , and had ever said there was no society or association—no meeting of men—where there was that sympathy and feeling as there existed amongst Masons . The more they knew and saw of each other , the more they must feel convinced this they was the true system of Brotherhood , when it was carried
out as it should be , as it was intended . Nothing ia more gratifying to an Officer , when he has endeavoured to the best of his ability to discharge the duties imposed upou him than to have , after many yeaas , such recognition as he had received to-night . He alluded again to fche many changes thafc had taken place daring his thirty-three years' connection with the Lodge , aud he was pleased to see it now
in the height of its prosperity . When he first joined it , ifc consisted of a different : body of men from those of whom it was at present composed . They met at a house close to the King's Head , in the Poultry , and very few of the brethren could now remember such a place , though ifc was a very grand house afc that time , with large tanks in whioh live turtles were kept , and whioh crawled about the
yard . They stayed there till the house was wanted for public improvement ; , and they went to the St . George , in Sfc . Michael's Alley , Cornhill , where , he was sorry to say , they met with sad reverses . The property got into difficulties , and their furniture was seized , and , as a consequence , they had to meet at fche London Tavern , fche proprietors kindly consenting to take them for a time . He described
many other vicissitudes through whioh fche Lodge had passed , and congratulated the brethren upon its present proud position . Several other toasts were honoured , including the Treasurer aud Secretary , the Officers , Prosperity to the Lodge , and the Masonio Charities , the list being brought to a conclusion afc a late hour , with the Tyler's toast . A most enjoyable reunion was thus closed happily .
Lodge Of Prosperity, No. 65.
THE members of this Lodge met in goodly numbers afc the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , on Thursday , 25 fch ulfc ., under the presidency of Bro . Roberts W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Sohadler S . W ., Rich J . W ., Brown P . M . Hon . Secretary , Hawkins S . D ., Marshall J . D ., Gregory I . G ., Walker M . C , Jones Steward , Chicken I . P . M ., Daniel P . M ., Ferry P . M ., and aboufc thirty other
brethren , with Bro . Banks Tyler ( acting for Bro . Speight P . M . ) Amongst the Visitors were Bros . Maidwell P . M . 27 , Butler 130 , and others . Lodge having been opened in accordance with ancient usage , the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed , after which the ballot was opened for Mr . Buggins , of Bowling Green
lane , Clerkenwell , who had been proposed by Bro . Jones , and seconded by the Secretary . The voting was unanimously in favour , and Mr . Buggins was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of tbe Order . Bro . Bentley Haynes , J . D . of the Egyptian Lodge 27 , was
unanimously admitted a joining member , on the proposition of the Worshipful Master , seconded by the Secretary . The business having been satisfactorily disposed of , the brethren and Visitors adjourned for supper , and at the conclusion of a substantial repast the customary Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
Economy Lodge. No. 76.
THE installation of Bro . W . H . Jacobs as W . M . of the above Lodge took place on Friday , 26 th ult ., in a very full Lodge , in the presence of many past and Provincial G . Officers , Bro . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . Hants and Isle of Wight , arriving iu time fco witness the ceremony . The ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . Harris P . M . P . P . G . W . Afc its close the W . M . invested his
Officers as follow : —Bros . Nixon I . P . M ., Powell S . W ., Stopher P . M . Treasurer , Gamon P . M . Secretary , Dodd Sec . 1833 Organist , W . Stopher S . D ., Cox J . D ., Clifton and Gover Stewards , Marks J . W ., Goodwin M . C , Murray Inner Guard , Sims Tyler . A hearty vote of thanks to the P . Prov . G . M . was given from the chair for his
kindness in attending , afc much inconvenience to himself , and Bro . Beach responded with his usual heartiness and felicity . The banquet was served afc the Royal Hotel in Mrs . Sprigg ' s best style . About forty brethren were present . Ifc was stated that tbe Worshipful Brother and P . G . M . was , this next spring , going . to promote a good work in connection with the Girls' School , and it was hoped he would
have the support , financial and personal , of the brethren in his project . There were Visitors from Basingstoke , Portsmouth , Ventnor , Southampton ; Winchfield and other Masonio centres , including Bros . Hayman P . M . 257 P . G . R ., Rake 487 P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., Willmott P . M . P . G . S . B ., Townsend P . M . 1902 P . G . R ., Beale W . M . 482 , Hall W . M . 257 , Goldsmith W . M . 302 , Rev . A . C . Hervey J . W . 309 , and others .
Industry Lodge, No. 186.
T ^ HE installation meeting of this sound working Lodge was held on ¦ * - the 23 rd ult ., at fche Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , and was numerously attended . The chair was occupied by Bro . Allison P . M ., in the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Johnston , who unfortunately had met with an accident . Bros . J . J . Taffs S . W ., Horsley J . W ., Mann P . M . Treasurer , Seex P . M . SecretaryPage J . D . P . M . Philps ,
, , Robinson , Lake , Tallent , and Hook . Lodge was opened , and the minntes of the former and emergency meeting of 9 tb January were read and confirmed . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Taffs S . W . and W . M . elect was presented , and duly installed
into the chair by Bro . Allison P . M ., in the presence of twenty-one W . M . 's and P . M . ' s , Bro . Horsley acting as M . C The customary salutations were given , and the VV . M . appointed and invested as bis Officers .- —Bros . Horsley S . W ., Hook J . W ., Mann P . M . Treasurer , Seex P . M . Secretary , Page S . D ., Earl J . D ., Westley I . G ., Hollands
Industry Lodge, No. 186.
and Sherring Stewards , Allison P . M . M . C , Woodstock P . M . Tyler . Bro . Mann was appointed Steward to represent the Lodge at the Boys' Festival , and the Lodge headed the lisfc with its usual liberal donation . A vote of sympathy was passed to tiro . Johnson , iu consequence of the accident whioh prevented his attendance , and fche Lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet
Many toasts were ably proposed , aud the W . M . and Officers were highly complimented upon the efficiency of the Lodge iu every respect . A select programme of music was well arranged and ably executed . Amongst those present were Bros . Cartnaad 548 , Poupart 9 , Clarke 1950 , Marsh 1326 , Eagle 1901 , Richard P . M . 954 , Johnson 1541 , Langton W . M . 1673 , and No . 1 G . M . Lodge , Lowry W . M . 1839 , Skelton P . M . 1506 , Ayling W . M . 975 , Carington W . M . 1314 , Moody
P . M . 1287 , Madell 1201 , Calvert 780 , Pearcy W . M . 1427 , and H . M Levy P . M . 188 .
Candour Lodge, No. 337.
CANDOUR LODGE , No . 337 .
THE installation meeting of thia Lodge took place in the new Masonio Rooms , Upper Mill , Oldham , on the 18 th ultimo , Bro . John Hirst P . M . P . P . J . G . W . installed Bro . Drake S . W . as W . M . John Buckley S . W ., T . G . Piatt J . W ., H . Walker P . M . Treasurer , J . Lawton PlM . Secretary , James Young S . D ., T . H . Tanner J . D .,
E . W . Piatt P . M . Organist , Thomas Stotfc I . G ., received their respective collars . The brethren met at high twelve . Banquet afc 3 * 30 , at which sixty-eight brethren attended . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were gone through , interspersed with singing . The meeting separated afc 10 * 30 , in peace and good harmony .
Loughborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 22 . — A meeting was held on Monday , 29 th ultimo , at Brother MoDiarmaid ' s , Cambria Tavern , Loughborough Junction . Present—Bros . Perkins W . M ., Warren S . W ., Brown J . W ., McDiarmaid Treasurer , Cornock S . D ., Reynolds J . D ., Taffs I . G ., Johnson Preceptor ; also Bros . Westley , Bellis , Sherring , Westmore , Banks . After preliminaries , the second section of the first lecture was worked by Brother Westley ,
and the third by Brother Sherring , the brethren answering the various questions iu a satisfactory manner . The W . M . then ably rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Brother Banks acting as candidate . Thanks were voted to Bros . Miller and Sherring for their presents of aprons to the Lodge . All Masonio business being ended , Lodge was closed in antient form and adjourned till Monday 5 th February , at 7 * 30 p . m .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 108 . —Afc the Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate Road , N ., on Saturday , the' 27 th ultimo . Present-Brothers R . P . Forge W . M ., Ashton S . W ., Galer J . W ., R . Pearcy Preceptor , A . W . Fenner Secretary , Venning S . D ., A . Ferrar J . D ., J . Rhodes l . G . ; also Brothers Brasted , A . M . Marks , Weeden , Dixie , Houghton , Humphreys , Mnckey , Archer , Snook ,
Gillard , Richardson , Gribbell , Ruffett , & a . The usual ceremonies were observed in opening , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was advanced fco fche second and third degrees , and the ceremony of installation was rehearsed , Brother Ashton acting as W . M . elect . Brother Ashton vacated the chair in favour of
Brother Forge . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Brother Weeden acting as candidate . Brother Pearcy worked fche first section of fche Lecture . A vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Forge for tbe able manner he had discharged the duties of the chair . Lodge was closed and adjourned until Saturday , the 3 rd February .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , No 507 . —The meeting held at the Surrey Masonio Hall , Camberwell , S . D ., on Friday , the 26 th ulfc ., waa presided over by Brother Richard Poore as W . M ., who was assisted by the following Officers , viz .: —Brothers Styles S . W ., Philips J . W ., Wiltshire S . D ., Bate J . D ., Sargeant I . G ., James Stevens P . M . and Preceptor . Lodge was opened in the three degrees , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Brother Bate
delivered tbe charge in the third degree . Lodge having been duly lowered , Brother Styles waa elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The resignation of Brother Terry P . M . as Secretary waa received with regret , and honorary membership was unanimously voted to him for past efficient services . Brother Richard Poore was elected to supply the vacant office , and accepted the appointment . Lodge was then closed , and fche meeting adjourned till the 2 nd of February ,
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held afc the Sisters' Tavern , Pownall Road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 30 th ultimo . Present—Bros . Smyth W . M ., Brasted S . W ., Christian J . W ., Darnell S . D ., Bunker J . D ., Gray I . G ., Carr Secretary , Wallington P . M .
Preceptor , and others . After due formalities , the ceremony of rais ing was rehearsed , Brother Carr candidate . The traditional history was ably given by the Worshipful Master . Brother Brasted was elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing week , and appointed his Officers in rotation .
It may be taken in the natural order of eventa that the popularity of our several Lodgea of Instruction should rise and fall , aud that at certain periods the number of those brethren who attend the periodical meetings shonld exhibit a perceptible variation , bufc we may say of tho Dalhousie ifc has never seriously been affected by these changes . The Preceptor , Brother Walliugton , one of the most competent of instructors , keeps steadily at his post , and can with
satisfaction point to numbers of his pupils who have made their mark in tbe Craft . Brother Brasted , who will preside on Tnesday next , is recognised as an ardent and consistent worker , and Brother Carr ably fulfils the duties of Secretary . When we add to this thafc Brother Smyth provides comfortable quarters for the brethren , we think we need hardly say much in favour of a visit from those who seek instruction and have fcheir Tuesday eveniugs afc disposal .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
him . He looked npon Masonry as one of fche most beautiful Institutions fchafc ever emanated from mankind , and had ever said there was no society or association—no meeting of men—where there was that sympathy and feeling as there existed amongst Masons . The more they knew and saw of each other , the more they must feel convinced this they was the true system of Brotherhood , when it was carried
out as it should be , as it was intended . Nothing ia more gratifying to an Officer , when he has endeavoured to the best of his ability to discharge the duties imposed upou him than to have , after many yeaas , such recognition as he had received to-night . He alluded again to fche many changes thafc had taken place daring his thirty-three years' connection with the Lodge , aud he was pleased to see it now
in the height of its prosperity . When he first joined it , ifc consisted of a different : body of men from those of whom it was at present composed . They met at a house close to the King's Head , in the Poultry , and very few of the brethren could now remember such a place , though ifc was a very grand house afc that time , with large tanks in whioh live turtles were kept , and whioh crawled about the
yard . They stayed there till the house was wanted for public improvement ; , and they went to the St . George , in Sfc . Michael's Alley , Cornhill , where , he was sorry to say , they met with sad reverses . The property got into difficulties , and their furniture was seized , and , as a consequence , they had to meet at fche London Tavern , fche proprietors kindly consenting to take them for a time . He described
many other vicissitudes through whioh fche Lodge had passed , and congratulated the brethren upon its present proud position . Several other toasts were honoured , including the Treasurer aud Secretary , the Officers , Prosperity to the Lodge , and the Masonio Charities , the list being brought to a conclusion afc a late hour , with the Tyler's toast . A most enjoyable reunion was thus closed happily .
Lodge Of Prosperity, No. 65.
THE members of this Lodge met in goodly numbers afc the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , on Thursday , 25 fch ulfc ., under the presidency of Bro . Roberts W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Sohadler S . W ., Rich J . W ., Brown P . M . Hon . Secretary , Hawkins S . D ., Marshall J . D ., Gregory I . G ., Walker M . C , Jones Steward , Chicken I . P . M ., Daniel P . M ., Ferry P . M ., and aboufc thirty other
brethren , with Bro . Banks Tyler ( acting for Bro . Speight P . M . ) Amongst the Visitors were Bros . Maidwell P . M . 27 , Butler 130 , and others . Lodge having been opened in accordance with ancient usage , the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed , after which the ballot was opened for Mr . Buggins , of Bowling Green
lane , Clerkenwell , who had been proposed by Bro . Jones , and seconded by the Secretary . The voting was unanimously in favour , and Mr . Buggins was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of tbe Order . Bro . Bentley Haynes , J . D . of the Egyptian Lodge 27 , was
unanimously admitted a joining member , on the proposition of the Worshipful Master , seconded by the Secretary . The business having been satisfactorily disposed of , the brethren and Visitors adjourned for supper , and at the conclusion of a substantial repast the customary Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
Economy Lodge. No. 76.
THE installation of Bro . W . H . Jacobs as W . M . of the above Lodge took place on Friday , 26 th ult ., in a very full Lodge , in the presence of many past and Provincial G . Officers , Bro . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . Hants and Isle of Wight , arriving iu time fco witness the ceremony . The ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . Harris P . M . P . P . G . W . Afc its close the W . M . invested his
Officers as follow : —Bros . Nixon I . P . M ., Powell S . W ., Stopher P . M . Treasurer , Gamon P . M . Secretary , Dodd Sec . 1833 Organist , W . Stopher S . D ., Cox J . D ., Clifton and Gover Stewards , Marks J . W ., Goodwin M . C , Murray Inner Guard , Sims Tyler . A hearty vote of thanks to the P . Prov . G . M . was given from the chair for his
kindness in attending , afc much inconvenience to himself , and Bro . Beach responded with his usual heartiness and felicity . The banquet was served afc the Royal Hotel in Mrs . Sprigg ' s best style . About forty brethren were present . Ifc was stated that tbe Worshipful Brother and P . G . M . was , this next spring , going . to promote a good work in connection with the Girls' School , and it was hoped he would
have the support , financial and personal , of the brethren in his project . There were Visitors from Basingstoke , Portsmouth , Ventnor , Southampton ; Winchfield and other Masonio centres , including Bros . Hayman P . M . 257 P . G . R ., Rake 487 P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., Willmott P . M . P . G . S . B ., Townsend P . M . 1902 P . G . R ., Beale W . M . 482 , Hall W . M . 257 , Goldsmith W . M . 302 , Rev . A . C . Hervey J . W . 309 , and others .
Industry Lodge, No. 186.
T ^ HE installation meeting of this sound working Lodge was held on ¦ * - the 23 rd ult ., at fche Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , and was numerously attended . The chair was occupied by Bro . Allison P . M ., in the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Johnston , who unfortunately had met with an accident . Bros . J . J . Taffs S . W ., Horsley J . W ., Mann P . M . Treasurer , Seex P . M . SecretaryPage J . D . P . M . Philps ,
, , Robinson , Lake , Tallent , and Hook . Lodge was opened , and the minntes of the former and emergency meeting of 9 tb January were read and confirmed . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Taffs S . W . and W . M . elect was presented , and duly installed
into the chair by Bro . Allison P . M ., in the presence of twenty-one W . M . 's and P . M . ' s , Bro . Horsley acting as M . C The customary salutations were given , and the VV . M . appointed and invested as bis Officers .- —Bros . Horsley S . W ., Hook J . W ., Mann P . M . Treasurer , Seex P . M . Secretary , Page S . D ., Earl J . D ., Westley I . G ., Hollands
Industry Lodge, No. 186.
and Sherring Stewards , Allison P . M . M . C , Woodstock P . M . Tyler . Bro . Mann was appointed Steward to represent the Lodge at the Boys' Festival , and the Lodge headed the lisfc with its usual liberal donation . A vote of sympathy was passed to tiro . Johnson , iu consequence of the accident whioh prevented his attendance , and fche Lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet
Many toasts were ably proposed , aud the W . M . and Officers were highly complimented upon the efficiency of the Lodge iu every respect . A select programme of music was well arranged and ably executed . Amongst those present were Bros . Cartnaad 548 , Poupart 9 , Clarke 1950 , Marsh 1326 , Eagle 1901 , Richard P . M . 954 , Johnson 1541 , Langton W . M . 1673 , and No . 1 G . M . Lodge , Lowry W . M . 1839 , Skelton P . M . 1506 , Ayling W . M . 975 , Carington W . M . 1314 , Moody
P . M . 1287 , Madell 1201 , Calvert 780 , Pearcy W . M . 1427 , and H . M Levy P . M . 188 .
Candour Lodge, No. 337.
CANDOUR LODGE , No . 337 .
THE installation meeting of thia Lodge took place in the new Masonio Rooms , Upper Mill , Oldham , on the 18 th ultimo , Bro . John Hirst P . M . P . P . J . G . W . installed Bro . Drake S . W . as W . M . John Buckley S . W ., T . G . Piatt J . W ., H . Walker P . M . Treasurer , J . Lawton PlM . Secretary , James Young S . D ., T . H . Tanner J . D .,
E . W . Piatt P . M . Organist , Thomas Stotfc I . G ., received their respective collars . The brethren met at high twelve . Banquet afc 3 * 30 , at which sixty-eight brethren attended . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were gone through , interspersed with singing . The meeting separated afc 10 * 30 , in peace and good harmony .
Loughborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 22 . — A meeting was held on Monday , 29 th ultimo , at Brother MoDiarmaid ' s , Cambria Tavern , Loughborough Junction . Present—Bros . Perkins W . M ., Warren S . W ., Brown J . W ., McDiarmaid Treasurer , Cornock S . D ., Reynolds J . D ., Taffs I . G ., Johnson Preceptor ; also Bros . Westley , Bellis , Sherring , Westmore , Banks . After preliminaries , the second section of the first lecture was worked by Brother Westley ,
and the third by Brother Sherring , the brethren answering the various questions iu a satisfactory manner . The W . M . then ably rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Brother Banks acting as candidate . Thanks were voted to Bros . Miller and Sherring for their presents of aprons to the Lodge . All Masonio business being ended , Lodge was closed in antient form and adjourned till Monday 5 th February , at 7 * 30 p . m .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 108 . —Afc the Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate Road , N ., on Saturday , the' 27 th ultimo . Present-Brothers R . P . Forge W . M ., Ashton S . W ., Galer J . W ., R . Pearcy Preceptor , A . W . Fenner Secretary , Venning S . D ., A . Ferrar J . D ., J . Rhodes l . G . ; also Brothers Brasted , A . M . Marks , Weeden , Dixie , Houghton , Humphreys , Mnckey , Archer , Snook ,
Gillard , Richardson , Gribbell , Ruffett , & a . The usual ceremonies were observed in opening , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was advanced fco fche second and third degrees , and the ceremony of installation was rehearsed , Brother Ashton acting as W . M . elect . Brother Ashton vacated the chair in favour of
Brother Forge . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Brother Weeden acting as candidate . Brother Pearcy worked fche first section of fche Lecture . A vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Forge for tbe able manner he had discharged the duties of the chair . Lodge was closed and adjourned until Saturday , the 3 rd February .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , No 507 . —The meeting held at the Surrey Masonio Hall , Camberwell , S . D ., on Friday , the 26 th ulfc ., waa presided over by Brother Richard Poore as W . M ., who was assisted by the following Officers , viz .: —Brothers Styles S . W ., Philips J . W ., Wiltshire S . D ., Bate J . D ., Sargeant I . G ., James Stevens P . M . and Preceptor . Lodge was opened in the three degrees , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Brother Bate
delivered tbe charge in the third degree . Lodge having been duly lowered , Brother Styles waa elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The resignation of Brother Terry P . M . as Secretary waa received with regret , and honorary membership was unanimously voted to him for past efficient services . Brother Richard Poore was elected to supply the vacant office , and accepted the appointment . Lodge was then closed , and fche meeting adjourned till the 2 nd of February ,
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held afc the Sisters' Tavern , Pownall Road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 30 th ultimo . Present—Bros . Smyth W . M ., Brasted S . W ., Christian J . W ., Darnell S . D ., Bunker J . D ., Gray I . G ., Carr Secretary , Wallington P . M .
Preceptor , and others . After due formalities , the ceremony of rais ing was rehearsed , Brother Carr candidate . The traditional history was ably given by the Worshipful Master . Brother Brasted was elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing week , and appointed his Officers in rotation .
It may be taken in the natural order of eventa that the popularity of our several Lodgea of Instruction should rise and fall , aud that at certain periods the number of those brethren who attend the periodical meetings shonld exhibit a perceptible variation , bufc we may say of tho Dalhousie ifc has never seriously been affected by these changes . The Preceptor , Brother Walliugton , one of the most competent of instructors , keeps steadily at his post , and can with
satisfaction point to numbers of his pupils who have made their mark in tbe Craft . Brother Brasted , who will preside on Tnesday next , is recognised as an ardent and consistent worker , and Brother Carr ably fulfils the duties of Secretary . When we add to this thafc Brother Smyth provides comfortable quarters for the brethren , we think we need hardly say much in favour of a visit from those who seek instruction and have fcheir Tuesday eveniugs afc disposal .