Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS. Page 1 of 1 Article JOPPA CHAPTER. No. 188. Page 1 of 1 Article JOPPA CHAPTER. No. 188. Page 1 of 1 Article POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER, No. 534. Page 1 of 1
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a^^^^gp^^alfrASV . W ^ WV * Kffi
Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons.
A QUARTERLY Convocation of the Snpreme Grand Chapter will be held at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Wednesday , the 7 th of February next , at six o'clock in the evening . The Minutes of the last Quarterly Convocation to be read for confirmation .
The report of the Committee of General Purposes ( as follows ) will be submitted to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England .
The Committee of General Purposes beg to report thafc they have examined fche accounts from the 18 th October 1882 , to the 16 th January 1883 , both inclusive , whioh fcbey find to be as follows : — £ a d . £ a d Balance Grand Chap- Disbursements durin " ter - ¦ 507 8 9 the quarter - ° 196 5 3 „ Unappropriated Balance . . 681 0 7 Account- 20119 11 „ in Unappropriated Subsequent Receipts- 400 11 7 Account - 232 14 5
£ 1 . 110 0 3 1 £ l , no 0 3 which balances are in the Bank of England , Western Branch . Tbe Committee have likewise to report that they have received the following Petitions : — lsfc . From Companions Reuben Williamson as Z ., Thomas Barber
as H ., Clark Turner Kaye as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Holme Valley Lodge , No . 652 , Holmfirth , to be called " The Chapter of Industry , " and to meet afc the Victoria Hotel , Holmfirth , Yorkshire .
2 nd . From Companions Edward Loftus Roche Thackwell as Z ., John Clement Cobbe as H ., William Munro Jack as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Goodwill , No . 465 , Bellary , to be called "The Goodwill Chapter , " and to meet afc Bellary , Madras , East Indies .
3 rd . From Companions Joseph Woolley Brooke as Z ., William Alfred Malony as H ., George Frederick Smith jun . as J ., and seven others for a Chapter to be attached to the Duke of Cornwall Lod ^ e , No . 1839 , London , to be called " The Duke of Cornwall Chapter , " and to meet afc the Freemasons' Hally London .
4 th . From Companions William Henry Skinner as Z ., Charles Moseley Nelson as H ., Frederick William Bdmnnd Dawson as J ., and eight others for ' a Chapter to be attached to the Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1338 , Auckland , New Zealand , to be called " The Auckland Chapter , " and to meet at the Freemasons' Hall , Princes Street , Auckland , North Island , New Zealand .
5 th . From Companions William Lodder as Z ., William Pollock Moat as H ., William Henry Cooper as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Remuera Lodge , No . 1710 , Remuera , New Zealand , to be called " The Remnera Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Remnera , Auckland , North Island , New Zealand .
6 th . From Companions Nathaniel Goodchild as Z ., Henry Slyman as H ., George Clark jun . as J ., and nine others for a Chapter to be attached to the Camden Lodge , No . 704 , London , to be called " The Camden Chapter , " and to meet afc Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , in the City of London .
The foregoing Petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . ( Signed ) JOHN CREATON , P . G . Pr . Soj . Grand Treasurer , PrGsitlGiifc FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . 17 th January 1883 .
Joppa Chapter. No. 188.
JOPPA CHAPTER . No . 188 .
THE regular Convocation was held on the 29 th nit ., afc the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Comps . Isaac Z ., Littanr P . Z . as H ., Henochsberg J ., Lazarns P . Z . Treas ., Emanuel P . Z . S . E .- Dewsnap S . N ., BrookeP . S ., L . Lazarns P . Z . as 1 st Assist ., Mann as Z . ; P . Z . 's Lazarus , Dickinson , Levy , Gulliford I . P . Z ., Littanr , L . Lazarns . Comps . Botibol , Lyon , Mann , Howard , Silver . Visitors—Comps .
Eckstein 1196 , Bott 507 . Chapter was opened ancl fche minutes of former Convocation were read and confirmed . Bro . da Silva I . P . M . 205 , who had been previously balloted for , was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry . The working of fche M . E . Z . was perfect , and each
Officer took example from him , with very satisfactory result . The resignation of a Companion was accepted with regret , and three candidates were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting . Comp , Lazarus P . Z . and Treasurer nnnouced that he was about to leave England for a time , on urgent business , and thafc he wished to resign
Joppa Chapter. No. 188.
the Treasurership for a short period , —be hoped for not longer than three or four months , —when his services would again be at their disposal . The M . E . Z . said the Companions wonld all regret his absence , but he thought they had nn efficient substitute who would do the work in his absence , viz ., Comp . Emanuel P . Z . and S . E . Therefore he thought they need not accept Comp . Lazarns ' s resignation ;
consequently , he had mnch pleasure in reinvesting him with the collar of Treasurer . Comp . Lazarns having suitably replied , Chapter waa closed until the last Monday in Maroh . The Companions then sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Comp . Jennings , and superintended by Comp . Silver . The M . E . Z . proposed the nsual Loyal and R . A . toasts . Comp . Gulliford I . P . Z . in proposing
the health of the Z ., said he had known Comp . Isaac for many years ; all were glad to see him in his exalted position . The M . E . Z ., in reply , thanked Comp . Gulliford for the manner he had proposed the toast of his health ; it was always his endeavour to advance R . A . Masonry , and this Chapter in particular . In speaking to the toast of the new exaltee , Companion Da Silva , the M . E . Z .
remarked he had made his mark in Freemasonry , and was a P . M . of the Lodge of Israel . Doubtless he would prove a good aud able R . A . worker . He trusted in a few years to see him occupy the chair in thia Chapter . Comp . Da Silva said his thanks were due to the M . E . Z . and the Companions who had so ably assisted fco exalt him into R . A . Masonry . The impression made on him was deep , and
would be lasting . He hoped to do all in his power for the benefit of fche Chapter . The M . E . Z . then proposed the toast of I . P . Z . Gulliford , whom they all respected , and with the toasfc he would couple the names of the other P . Z . ' s . Comps . Gulliford , Littaur , and Lazarns very ably responded to thia toast . After the Officers had received and acknowledged fche compliment paid them , Comp .
Eckstein responded for the Visitors . The M . E . Z . then called on them to drink a special toast—a happy voyage to their worthy Treasurer , Comp . Lazarus P . Z ., wishing him God speed and a happy return . After a very able response , the toasts of the S . E ., P . S ., and fche Junior Officers were given , and then fche Janitor conouded a very agreeable evening . Companions Dickinson , Davis , and Eckstein contributed to fche harmony .
Polish National Chapter, No. 534.
T HIS Chapter held its regular convocation on the 25 th ultimo , at the Freemasons' Hall . Comps . Warner M . E . Z ., Hyde Clarke P . Z ., Palmer P . Z . as J ., Nowakowski Treasurer , Paas P . Z . 28 S . E . pro tem , Johnston S . N ., R . Kelsey 1 st Assistant , W . E . Kelsey 2 nd Assistant , Palmer I . P . Z . Visitors : —Comps . Tongue 1201 , Louden 1348 , and H . M . Levy P . Z . 188 . The Chapter waa draped in mourning , owing to the death of the late respected Comp . Sherwill
P . Z . S . E . After preliminaries , the ballot waa taken for the admission of Bros . Jagielski P . M . 537 , Oliver Bryant J . D . 534 , and J . L . Hayhoe 1163 ; these were unanimous in favour of fche candidates . The two former being in attendance were duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry by Companion J . Palmer P . Z . ( who presided by permission of the M . E . Z . ) , in a very perfect and impressive manner .
The M . E . Z . rendered valuable assistance as J ., while Comp . Jackson ably officiated as P . S . Companions W . Paas P . Z . and Treasurer No . 28 , and Dr . Corrie Jackson late Joppa Lodge 183 were unanimously elected joining members . A letter of condolence waa unanimously voted , to be sent to the family of the late Companion Sherwill P . Z . S . E ., of whom all deeply deplored the loss . Comp .
Louden was proposed as a joining member , and Brother R . Morley was proposed as a candidate for exaltation . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to an excellent banquet ; , superintended by Companion E . Dawkins . After the routine toasts had been honoured , Companion J . Palmer P . Z . rose ; it was a great pleasure to him to propose the toast of the M . E . Z ., whom he
congratulated on having so many present ; he thought shortly the room they now occupied would not be large enough . He hoped they would give fche toast the reception it merited . The M . E . Z . said he could hardly find words to express to Companion Palmer his thanks ; he trusted during his year of office he had done the work to fche satisfaction of all the Companions . He might add that he was
exalted in this Chapter ; he had worked in the various offices , and had reached the highest position fche Chapter could confer ; he hoped to be among them for many years . The Z . in proposing the toasfc of the H . and J . said , no Royal Arch Chapter could flourish without the combined assistance of its H . and J ., they had the honour of having two distinguished Companions to fill those positions . He felt snre
they would give a hearty reception to the toast . Companion Hyde Clarke Past Z . Haggai responded . They had many members of the parent Lodge with them , and he hoped to see many more . He might mention incidentally that this was his fiftieth year in Masonry . Companion Palmer P . Z . said he took the office of Joshua in the absence of that Officer . Hia great aim was to do all he could for the
welfare of the Chapter . In responding to the toast of the exalfcees , Companion Jagielski rose to thank the Z . for his kind expressions . He had passed thongh the several grades of Craft Masonry , and now anticipated much gratification on acquiring new knowledge in suoh a sublime and beautiful degree as that of the Royal Arch . There were several members of th > parent Lodge present , aud he was pleased to
meet them . Comps . Tongue , Louden , and H . M . Levy responded for tho toasfc of the Visitors . The M . E . Z . then proposed the toast of fche S . N . Companion Chaplin was one whom they all respected Companion Dr . Corrie Jackson , who thafc evening had been unanimously elected a joining member , had ably assisted the Chapter by
his perfect working as P . S . Companion Jackson in responding said , he had been introduced into the Joppa Chapter some years since by Companion H . M . Levy ; he was pleased to be received as a joining member of the Polish National ; any time they required his services they were at command . Companion Chaplin followed , and then the toasts of fche Junior Officers and fchafc of the Janitor were given .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
a^^^^gp^^alfrASV . W ^ WV * Kffi
Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons.
A QUARTERLY Convocation of the Snpreme Grand Chapter will be held at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Wednesday , the 7 th of February next , at six o'clock in the evening . The Minutes of the last Quarterly Convocation to be read for confirmation .
The report of the Committee of General Purposes ( as follows ) will be submitted to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England .
The Committee of General Purposes beg to report thafc they have examined fche accounts from the 18 th October 1882 , to the 16 th January 1883 , both inclusive , whioh fcbey find to be as follows : — £ a d . £ a d Balance Grand Chap- Disbursements durin " ter - ¦ 507 8 9 the quarter - ° 196 5 3 „ Unappropriated Balance . . 681 0 7 Account- 20119 11 „ in Unappropriated Subsequent Receipts- 400 11 7 Account - 232 14 5
£ 1 . 110 0 3 1 £ l , no 0 3 which balances are in the Bank of England , Western Branch . Tbe Committee have likewise to report that they have received the following Petitions : — lsfc . From Companions Reuben Williamson as Z ., Thomas Barber
as H ., Clark Turner Kaye as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Holme Valley Lodge , No . 652 , Holmfirth , to be called " The Chapter of Industry , " and to meet afc the Victoria Hotel , Holmfirth , Yorkshire .
2 nd . From Companions Edward Loftus Roche Thackwell as Z ., John Clement Cobbe as H ., William Munro Jack as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Goodwill , No . 465 , Bellary , to be called "The Goodwill Chapter , " and to meet afc Bellary , Madras , East Indies .
3 rd . From Companions Joseph Woolley Brooke as Z ., William Alfred Malony as H ., George Frederick Smith jun . as J ., and seven others for a Chapter to be attached to the Duke of Cornwall Lod ^ e , No . 1839 , London , to be called " The Duke of Cornwall Chapter , " and to meet afc the Freemasons' Hally London .
4 th . From Companions William Henry Skinner as Z ., Charles Moseley Nelson as H ., Frederick William Bdmnnd Dawson as J ., and eight others for ' a Chapter to be attached to the Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1338 , Auckland , New Zealand , to be called " The Auckland Chapter , " and to meet at the Freemasons' Hall , Princes Street , Auckland , North Island , New Zealand .
5 th . From Companions William Lodder as Z ., William Pollock Moat as H ., William Henry Cooper as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Remuera Lodge , No . 1710 , Remuera , New Zealand , to be called " The Remnera Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Remnera , Auckland , North Island , New Zealand .
6 th . From Companions Nathaniel Goodchild as Z ., Henry Slyman as H ., George Clark jun . as J ., and nine others for a Chapter to be attached to the Camden Lodge , No . 704 , London , to be called " The Camden Chapter , " and to meet afc Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , in the City of London .
The foregoing Petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . ( Signed ) JOHN CREATON , P . G . Pr . Soj . Grand Treasurer , PrGsitlGiifc FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . 17 th January 1883 .
Joppa Chapter. No. 188.
JOPPA CHAPTER . No . 188 .
THE regular Convocation was held on the 29 th nit ., afc the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Comps . Isaac Z ., Littanr P . Z . as H ., Henochsberg J ., Lazarns P . Z . Treas ., Emanuel P . Z . S . E .- Dewsnap S . N ., BrookeP . S ., L . Lazarns P . Z . as 1 st Assist ., Mann as Z . ; P . Z . 's Lazarus , Dickinson , Levy , Gulliford I . P . Z ., Littanr , L . Lazarns . Comps . Botibol , Lyon , Mann , Howard , Silver . Visitors—Comps .
Eckstein 1196 , Bott 507 . Chapter was opened ancl fche minutes of former Convocation were read and confirmed . Bro . da Silva I . P . M . 205 , who had been previously balloted for , was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry . The working of fche M . E . Z . was perfect , and each
Officer took example from him , with very satisfactory result . The resignation of a Companion was accepted with regret , and three candidates were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting . Comp , Lazarus P . Z . and Treasurer nnnouced that he was about to leave England for a time , on urgent business , and thafc he wished to resign
Joppa Chapter. No. 188.
the Treasurership for a short period , —be hoped for not longer than three or four months , —when his services would again be at their disposal . The M . E . Z . said the Companions wonld all regret his absence , but he thought they had nn efficient substitute who would do the work in his absence , viz ., Comp . Emanuel P . Z . and S . E . Therefore he thought they need not accept Comp . Lazarns ' s resignation ;
consequently , he had mnch pleasure in reinvesting him with the collar of Treasurer . Comp . Lazarns having suitably replied , Chapter waa closed until the last Monday in Maroh . The Companions then sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Comp . Jennings , and superintended by Comp . Silver . The M . E . Z . proposed the nsual Loyal and R . A . toasts . Comp . Gulliford I . P . Z . in proposing
the health of the Z ., said he had known Comp . Isaac for many years ; all were glad to see him in his exalted position . The M . E . Z ., in reply , thanked Comp . Gulliford for the manner he had proposed the toast of his health ; it was always his endeavour to advance R . A . Masonry , and this Chapter in particular . In speaking to the toast of the new exaltee , Companion Da Silva , the M . E . Z .
remarked he had made his mark in Freemasonry , and was a P . M . of the Lodge of Israel . Doubtless he would prove a good aud able R . A . worker . He trusted in a few years to see him occupy the chair in thia Chapter . Comp . Da Silva said his thanks were due to the M . E . Z . and the Companions who had so ably assisted fco exalt him into R . A . Masonry . The impression made on him was deep , and
would be lasting . He hoped to do all in his power for the benefit of fche Chapter . The M . E . Z . then proposed the toast of I . P . Z . Gulliford , whom they all respected , and with the toasfc he would couple the names of the other P . Z . ' s . Comps . Gulliford , Littaur , and Lazarns very ably responded to thia toast . After the Officers had received and acknowledged fche compliment paid them , Comp .
Eckstein responded for the Visitors . The M . E . Z . then called on them to drink a special toast—a happy voyage to their worthy Treasurer , Comp . Lazarus P . Z ., wishing him God speed and a happy return . After a very able response , the toasts of the S . E ., P . S ., and fche Junior Officers were given , and then fche Janitor conouded a very agreeable evening . Companions Dickinson , Davis , and Eckstein contributed to fche harmony .
Polish National Chapter, No. 534.
T HIS Chapter held its regular convocation on the 25 th ultimo , at the Freemasons' Hall . Comps . Warner M . E . Z ., Hyde Clarke P . Z ., Palmer P . Z . as J ., Nowakowski Treasurer , Paas P . Z . 28 S . E . pro tem , Johnston S . N ., R . Kelsey 1 st Assistant , W . E . Kelsey 2 nd Assistant , Palmer I . P . Z . Visitors : —Comps . Tongue 1201 , Louden 1348 , and H . M . Levy P . Z . 188 . The Chapter waa draped in mourning , owing to the death of the late respected Comp . Sherwill
P . Z . S . E . After preliminaries , the ballot waa taken for the admission of Bros . Jagielski P . M . 537 , Oliver Bryant J . D . 534 , and J . L . Hayhoe 1163 ; these were unanimous in favour of fche candidates . The two former being in attendance were duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry by Companion J . Palmer P . Z . ( who presided by permission of the M . E . Z . ) , in a very perfect and impressive manner .
The M . E . Z . rendered valuable assistance as J ., while Comp . Jackson ably officiated as P . S . Companions W . Paas P . Z . and Treasurer No . 28 , and Dr . Corrie Jackson late Joppa Lodge 183 were unanimously elected joining members . A letter of condolence waa unanimously voted , to be sent to the family of the late Companion Sherwill P . Z . S . E ., of whom all deeply deplored the loss . Comp .
Louden was proposed as a joining member , and Brother R . Morley was proposed as a candidate for exaltation . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to an excellent banquet ; , superintended by Companion E . Dawkins . After the routine toasts had been honoured , Companion J . Palmer P . Z . rose ; it was a great pleasure to him to propose the toast of the M . E . Z ., whom he
congratulated on having so many present ; he thought shortly the room they now occupied would not be large enough . He hoped they would give fche toast the reception it merited . The M . E . Z . said he could hardly find words to express to Companion Palmer his thanks ; he trusted during his year of office he had done the work to fche satisfaction of all the Companions . He might add that he was
exalted in this Chapter ; he had worked in the various offices , and had reached the highest position fche Chapter could confer ; he hoped to be among them for many years . The Z . in proposing the toasfc of the H . and J . said , no Royal Arch Chapter could flourish without the combined assistance of its H . and J ., they had the honour of having two distinguished Companions to fill those positions . He felt snre
they would give a hearty reception to the toast . Companion Hyde Clarke Past Z . Haggai responded . They had many members of the parent Lodge with them , and he hoped to see many more . He might mention incidentally that this was his fiftieth year in Masonry . Companion Palmer P . Z . said he took the office of Joshua in the absence of that Officer . Hia great aim was to do all he could for the
welfare of the Chapter . In responding to the toast of the exalfcees , Companion Jagielski rose to thank the Z . for his kind expressions . He had passed thongh the several grades of Craft Masonry , and now anticipated much gratification on acquiring new knowledge in suoh a sublime and beautiful degree as that of the Royal Arch . There were several members of th > parent Lodge present , aud he was pleased to
meet them . Comps . Tongue , Louden , and H . M . Levy responded for tho toasfc of the Visitors . The M . E . Z . then proposed the toast of fche S . N . Companion Chaplin was one whom they all respected Companion Dr . Corrie Jackson , who thafc evening had been unanimously elected a joining member , had ably assisted the Chapter by
his perfect working as P . S . Companion Jackson in responding said , he had been introduced into the Joppa Chapter some years since by Companion H . M . Levy ; he was pleased to be received as a joining member of the Polish National ; any time they required his services they were at command . Companion Chaplin followed , and then the toasts of fche Junior Officers and fchafc of the Janitor were given .