Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 1 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 1 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings
Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 . —Tho members of tho Past Masters' Clnb attached to this Lodge held their annual meetiug at the Green Dragon Hotel , Bishopsgate-street , on Tuesday , 27 th February , in celebration of the anniversary of the Centenary of the Lodge , which wa 3 founded in 1769 . Bro . Charles Tyler , P . M . 19 , 66 , presided . Bro . Edward B . Grabham , P . M . P . S . G . W . Middlesex ,
having completed his year of office as Master of the Lodge , was formally admitted a member of tho Club , and invited by the President to partake with the brethren of a loving cup , presented that evening by Bro . W . M . Bywater , P . M . and Secretary of the Lodge , to whom was accorded a sincere vote of thanks for his very handsome and acceptable gift . Somo customary toasts followed , after which Bro . D . Nicholson P . M . was unanimously elected President for tho ensuing yeai-.
Strong Man Lodgo of Instruction , No . 45 . —Held its weekly meeting at its new quarters , the Old Eodney ' s Head , 12 Oldstreet ( Goswell-road end ) , on Monday last , in a very large and convenient room . A fair master of somo of the old members took plaoe . Present—Bros . Tolmie W . M ., Saul S . W ., R . Pearcy J . W ., Walker
S . D ., Stock J . D ., Beckett Preoeptor , A . W . Fenner Secretary , Christopher I . G ., H . Moss , Eudderforth , Isaac , E . Legg , Defriea , W . Meanwell , Baker , Gibbs , Read , Chinn , Frost , Jones , Powell , Curry , Sadler , G . Gardiner , Kidder , Cook , and Cook Visitor . Lodge opened in due form . Minntes read and confirmed . The W . M . thon worked the Fifteen Seotions , the questions being answered as follows : —
1 . Bro . Walker 429 8 . Bro . Jones 907 2 . „ E . Pearoy ... 228 9 . „ Saul 1201 3 . „ A . W . Fenner ... 1227 10 . „ Defries 45 4 . „ Isaac 11 . „ Sadler 1471 5 . „ Eudderforth ... 12 12 . „ Rudderforth .., 12 % •» r ° oe , 13 . „ Kidder 228 7 . „ E . Legg 861 14 # ^ R . Pearoy 228 15 . „ Stock 228
Lodge being resumed to 1 st degree , Bros . S . Chinn 858 , and Rudderforth 12 , were elected members . A cordial vote of thanks was awarded to the W . M . for the excellent manner he had worked the sections . Thanks were also voted to Bro . Curry for renovating the jewels of the Lodge . Officers were formally re-elected for the ensuing week , and the Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Angol Lodge , No . 51 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 27 th ult ., when , doubtless on account of the extremely cold weather , the attendance was somewhat limited . In the absence of the W . M . ( Bro . G . Gard Pye ) npon his wedding-tour , the chair of K . S . was ably filled by the W . Bro Alfred Welch I . P . M ., W . Bro . Alfred Cobb P . M . and Treas . acting as
S . W . There were also present—Bros . T . J . Balling J . W ., S . Chaplin P . M ., Fred . A . Cole P . M ., W . P . Lowes P . M ., W . Richey P . M ., J . J . C . Turner Organist , I . Harris S . D ., G . Mercer as I . G ., TJ . B . Matfcacks , A . R . Staines , H . Sandford , T . M . Bear , W . Bray , E . Hennemeyer , Jas . Collins , D . Hill jun ., A . 0 . Stopes , and C . Gunne Tyler . The business of tho evening comprised two passings
and a raising , which were carried out in the able manner iu which . Bro . Welch always conducts the ceremonies . Tho Secretary read a circular letter from the Worshipful the D . P . G . M ., announcing that Bro . T . J . Railing J . W ., and Secretary of the Lodge , had been appointed by the R . W . P . G . M . acting Provincial Grand Secretary , vice Bro . John Wright Carr deceased . The W . M . congratulated Bro . Railing npon his appointment to so distinguished an office in the
Province , and expressed his conviction that tho nomination would be received with pleasure , not only by the members of the Angel Lodge and its sister in the town—the United Lodge—but also by the brethren of the whole Province . A candidate for initiation and a joining member having been proposed , tho Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , the " social hour " being greatly enlivened by some capital vocal music by some of the brethren , under tho direction of Bro . Turner .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —Held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , HerculesTavern , Leadenhall-street , on 27 th February . Preseut—Bros . Daniel W . M ., Lees S . W ., Brown J . W ., Rich S . D ., Horsley J . D ., Hallar I . G ., West Cand ., Rudderforth Preceptor , Hollands Secretary , Holtham Treasurer , and Bros . Geibernan , Edgington , Baxter , Hulett , Hogarth , Dudley P . M . 1178 , Williams . The Lodge
was opeued , and the minutes confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . West as candidate . Bro . Edgington answered the questions leading to the 2 nd degree . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . Edgiugton passed . Bro . Halefcfc anstvered the questions leading to the 3 rd degree . Bro . Daniel vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Horsley . The Lodge was opened in the 3 rd
degree , and Bro . Horsley worked the ceremony iu a vory able manner , Bro . Hnlefct as candidate . Bro . Daniel resumed tho chair . The Lodge waa closed down to the 1 st dogree . Bros . Edgingtou , Horsley , Dudley , Williams were elected members . Bro . Leus was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was recorded to Bro . Daniel for the ablo manner in which he filled the chair .
Commercial Chapter , No , 79 . —Held an emergency meeting in their Chapter-rooms , 30 Hope-street . In the absence from the city of the First Principal , the Chapter waa opened in the Mark degree by Comps . J . Munro , J . M . Oliver , and R . Brodio , when Bro . J . Mclnnis of 360 waa advanced to that degree by J . Duthie . A Lodge of Excellent Masters was then opened , and the same waa duly
Notices Of Meetings
induoted . The Chapter was then opened by Comps . J . Duthie , J . Munro , and R . Brodie , whon the Bame gentleman was duly exalted to that degree .
Prudent Brethren Lodge , No . 145 . —The first regular meeting of this ancient Lodge , since tho installation , wa 3 held on Tuesday the 27 th ulfc ., at Freemason's Hall , Gt . Queen-street . Bro . W . Moult W . M ., Haslett S . W ., Hughes J . W ., G . S . States P . G . S . P . M . Secretary , Manly Assist . Sec , Leggett S . D ., Lister J . D ., W . Wilkin , son I . G . P ist Master ' s Bros . E . H . Thietlay , T . Bull , G . Purkess ,
Bros . A . Hugon , W . Wayre , H . Hall , Dowaou , T . Cuerer , Parni , Ac . Tho Lodge was opeued and tho minutes confirmed . The report of the audit was read , and showed a satisfactory account , with a balance of £ 61 15 s 9 d . Messrs . Read , Head aud Parnacott were initiated into the Order . Bros . F . Lee , J . B . L ^ mbe , W . A . Lefevre , and H . F . Davis were passed ; and Bros . Graves , Dawson aud Groom wero raised . Great credit is due to the W . M . for his careful working on
this tho first occasion of hia ocoupying the chair to work the ceremonies . It was then proposed , seconded and carried , pursuant to notice of motion , " That the initiation fee of this Lodge , on and after the regnlar meeting in March , be £ 15 15 s , and from the same date the joining foe be £ 12 12 s for each member . " The Lodge waa thee closed , and the brethren separated . There was no banquet . Bros . T . Benson 521 and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 were present aa Visitors .
Caveac Chapter , No . 176 . —The regular Convocation of this well-established Chapter waa held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgatestreet , E . C , on Saturday , 24 th February . The Chapter was opened by Comps . G . K . Lemann Z ., J . B . Sarrell H ., Dr . W . S . Wyman P . Z . aa J ., F . Walters P . Z . P . P . 1 st A . S . Middlesex Treasurer . The Com . panions were then admitted . The minutes of the previous convocation
were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . Rudolph Liebmana 1423 , Era Lodge , was duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . The meetings of the Sphinx and Caveao Chapters clashing on this occasion , caused the absence of the J ., Comps . W . M . Goss and P . A . Nairne P . Z . ; and , as many of the Comps ., belong to both Chapters , a notice of motion was given by the Treasurer , that the meeting in October be
abolished or altered to September . It was stated that tho Sphinx had changed all their other meetings , -which fell on the same days aa this Chapter ; but it was found that they were unable to alter their October one , consequently , to meet that difficulty , the Caveao meeting might be changed or abolished . Great regret was expressed at the unavoidable absence of Comps . A . Williams C . E . 1 st A . S ., Dr .
C . Browne 2 nd A . S ., whose professional duties prevented their attend , ance . It was unanimously resolved that Comp . R . Liebmann be the Steward to represeat the Chapter at the forthcoming Festival of tho Royal Masonio Benevolent institution for Girls . At the earnest solicitations of tho Treasurer , Comp . F . Walters agreed to accept the Stewardship , and to become a Life Governor of the Institution . It was understood soma one or two brethren would bo introduced at the
next meeting , who were ready and anxious to be exalted in this Chapter . Tho business of the meeting being ended , the Chapter was closed , and adjourned to Saturday , 24 th May .
St . James ' s Union Chapter , No . 180 . —A Convocation of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street . Comps . J . R . Stacey M . E . Z ., W . Smithetfc H ., W . C . Parsons J ., H . Reid P . Z . S . E ., Knyvett P . S ., N . A . Annetb 1 st Assist ., A . Cameron , P . Z . Troas . j P . Z . 's L . Herf I . P . Z ., H . Stacey , R . F . Hill ; and Comps . Marner , E . Farwig , Pink , A . Godfrey ,
Thatcher , & c . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . A ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . A . H . Smith , which was unanimously in hi 3 favour . He was duly exalted in R . A . Masonry . The working of the M . E . Z ., Priucipals , and Officers was perfectly rendered . Comp . A . Cameron P . Z . gave the mystical portion very impressively . The election of Principals and
officers took place , and were unanimously in favour of Comps . W . Smithett Z ., W . C . Parsons H ., Knyvett J ., A . Cameron P . Z . 1 ' reas ., H . Eeed P . Z . S . E ., Pillin S . N ., A . Annett P . S ., and Gilbert Janitor . Comp . Smithett proposed , and Comp . Cameron seconded , that a P . Z . jewel be presented to Comp . J . E . Stacey M . E . Z ., on his retiring from , the chair , for tho able and efficient manner he had conducted the
duties of the Chapter in every respeot during his year of office , which was earned unanimously . Comps . Morgan , E . Farwig , and C . Smith were elected auditors . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions , 30 in number , sat down to a very snmptuoua banquet , provided by Bro . Dawkins , and superintended by Bro . Knill . Grace having been said , the M . E . Z . gave the nsual Loyal and
Royal Arch toasts . The Chapter was always pleased at the accession of members . On this occasion he had great pleasnre in proposing the toast of the newly oxalted Companion . Hi 3 recommendation aud introduction was sufficient to show they were pleased to hail him as a member . Comp . Smith , in a very excellent speech , responded . Although , on his introduction into Freemasonry , he waa
fully impressed with it , the solemnity of the ceremony , so impressively delivered that evening , would never be effaced from his memory . The M . E . Z . proposed the toast of the Visitors , to which Comps . Barfiold , Pearson , and H . M . Levy severally responded . Comps . L . Herf I . P . Z . thon proposed the toast of the M . E . Z ., and spoke of tho admirable manner he had conducted tho duties of the Chapter . He hoped he might be spared for many yeara among them ,
for he was ono worthy of their regard . The M . E . Z ., in reply , thanked Comp . Herf for his kind remarks , and I : lie Companions for the manner they received tho toa 3 t . In presiding over them it was a labour of love . He hoped to meet them for many years to cement that bond of friendship that existed among them , and be in the proud position of a Past Principal . He then asked the Companions to drink a toast tba he was sure would bo received with feelings of great pleasure , an
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 . —Tho members of tho Past Masters' Clnb attached to this Lodge held their annual meetiug at the Green Dragon Hotel , Bishopsgate-street , on Tuesday , 27 th February , in celebration of the anniversary of the Centenary of the Lodge , which wa 3 founded in 1769 . Bro . Charles Tyler , P . M . 19 , 66 , presided . Bro . Edward B . Grabham , P . M . P . S . G . W . Middlesex ,
having completed his year of office as Master of the Lodge , was formally admitted a member of tho Club , and invited by the President to partake with the brethren of a loving cup , presented that evening by Bro . W . M . Bywater , P . M . and Secretary of the Lodge , to whom was accorded a sincere vote of thanks for his very handsome and acceptable gift . Somo customary toasts followed , after which Bro . D . Nicholson P . M . was unanimously elected President for tho ensuing yeai-.
Strong Man Lodgo of Instruction , No . 45 . —Held its weekly meeting at its new quarters , the Old Eodney ' s Head , 12 Oldstreet ( Goswell-road end ) , on Monday last , in a very large and convenient room . A fair master of somo of the old members took plaoe . Present—Bros . Tolmie W . M ., Saul S . W ., R . Pearcy J . W ., Walker
S . D ., Stock J . D ., Beckett Preoeptor , A . W . Fenner Secretary , Christopher I . G ., H . Moss , Eudderforth , Isaac , E . Legg , Defriea , W . Meanwell , Baker , Gibbs , Read , Chinn , Frost , Jones , Powell , Curry , Sadler , G . Gardiner , Kidder , Cook , and Cook Visitor . Lodge opened in due form . Minntes read and confirmed . The W . M . thon worked the Fifteen Seotions , the questions being answered as follows : —
1 . Bro . Walker 429 8 . Bro . Jones 907 2 . „ E . Pearoy ... 228 9 . „ Saul 1201 3 . „ A . W . Fenner ... 1227 10 . „ Defries 45 4 . „ Isaac 11 . „ Sadler 1471 5 . „ Eudderforth ... 12 12 . „ Rudderforth .., 12 % •» r ° oe , 13 . „ Kidder 228 7 . „ E . Legg 861 14 # ^ R . Pearoy 228 15 . „ Stock 228
Lodge being resumed to 1 st degree , Bros . S . Chinn 858 , and Rudderforth 12 , were elected members . A cordial vote of thanks was awarded to the W . M . for the excellent manner he had worked the sections . Thanks were also voted to Bro . Curry for renovating the jewels of the Lodge . Officers were formally re-elected for the ensuing week , and the Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Angol Lodge , No . 51 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 27 th ult ., when , doubtless on account of the extremely cold weather , the attendance was somewhat limited . In the absence of the W . M . ( Bro . G . Gard Pye ) npon his wedding-tour , the chair of K . S . was ably filled by the W . Bro Alfred Welch I . P . M ., W . Bro . Alfred Cobb P . M . and Treas . acting as
S . W . There were also present—Bros . T . J . Balling J . W ., S . Chaplin P . M ., Fred . A . Cole P . M ., W . P . Lowes P . M ., W . Richey P . M ., J . J . C . Turner Organist , I . Harris S . D ., G . Mercer as I . G ., TJ . B . Matfcacks , A . R . Staines , H . Sandford , T . M . Bear , W . Bray , E . Hennemeyer , Jas . Collins , D . Hill jun ., A . 0 . Stopes , and C . Gunne Tyler . The business of tho evening comprised two passings
and a raising , which were carried out in the able manner iu which . Bro . Welch always conducts the ceremonies . Tho Secretary read a circular letter from the Worshipful the D . P . G . M ., announcing that Bro . T . J . Railing J . W ., and Secretary of the Lodge , had been appointed by the R . W . P . G . M . acting Provincial Grand Secretary , vice Bro . John Wright Carr deceased . The W . M . congratulated Bro . Railing npon his appointment to so distinguished an office in the
Province , and expressed his conviction that tho nomination would be received with pleasure , not only by the members of the Angel Lodge and its sister in the town—the United Lodge—but also by the brethren of the whole Province . A candidate for initiation and a joining member having been proposed , tho Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , the " social hour " being greatly enlivened by some capital vocal music by some of the brethren , under tho direction of Bro . Turner .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —Held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , HerculesTavern , Leadenhall-street , on 27 th February . Preseut—Bros . Daniel W . M ., Lees S . W ., Brown J . W ., Rich S . D ., Horsley J . D ., Hallar I . G ., West Cand ., Rudderforth Preceptor , Hollands Secretary , Holtham Treasurer , and Bros . Geibernan , Edgington , Baxter , Hulett , Hogarth , Dudley P . M . 1178 , Williams . The Lodge
was opeued , and the minutes confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . West as candidate . Bro . Edgington answered the questions leading to the 2 nd degree . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . Edgiugton passed . Bro . Halefcfc anstvered the questions leading to the 3 rd degree . Bro . Daniel vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Horsley . The Lodge was opened in the 3 rd
degree , and Bro . Horsley worked the ceremony iu a vory able manner , Bro . Hnlefct as candidate . Bro . Daniel resumed tho chair . The Lodge waa closed down to the 1 st dogree . Bros . Edgingtou , Horsley , Dudley , Williams were elected members . Bro . Leus was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was recorded to Bro . Daniel for the ablo manner in which he filled the chair .
Commercial Chapter , No , 79 . —Held an emergency meeting in their Chapter-rooms , 30 Hope-street . In the absence from the city of the First Principal , the Chapter waa opened in the Mark degree by Comps . J . Munro , J . M . Oliver , and R . Brodio , when Bro . J . Mclnnis of 360 waa advanced to that degree by J . Duthie . A Lodge of Excellent Masters was then opened , and the same waa duly
Notices Of Meetings
induoted . The Chapter was then opened by Comps . J . Duthie , J . Munro , and R . Brodie , whon the Bame gentleman was duly exalted to that degree .
Prudent Brethren Lodge , No . 145 . —The first regular meeting of this ancient Lodge , since tho installation , wa 3 held on Tuesday the 27 th ulfc ., at Freemason's Hall , Gt . Queen-street . Bro . W . Moult W . M ., Haslett S . W ., Hughes J . W ., G . S . States P . G . S . P . M . Secretary , Manly Assist . Sec , Leggett S . D ., Lister J . D ., W . Wilkin , son I . G . P ist Master ' s Bros . E . H . Thietlay , T . Bull , G . Purkess ,
Bros . A . Hugon , W . Wayre , H . Hall , Dowaou , T . Cuerer , Parni , Ac . Tho Lodge was opeued and tho minutes confirmed . The report of the audit was read , and showed a satisfactory account , with a balance of £ 61 15 s 9 d . Messrs . Read , Head aud Parnacott were initiated into the Order . Bros . F . Lee , J . B . L ^ mbe , W . A . Lefevre , and H . F . Davis were passed ; and Bros . Graves , Dawson aud Groom wero raised . Great credit is due to the W . M . for his careful working on
this tho first occasion of hia ocoupying the chair to work the ceremonies . It was then proposed , seconded and carried , pursuant to notice of motion , " That the initiation fee of this Lodge , on and after the regnlar meeting in March , be £ 15 15 s , and from the same date the joining foe be £ 12 12 s for each member . " The Lodge waa thee closed , and the brethren separated . There was no banquet . Bros . T . Benson 521 and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 were present aa Visitors .
Caveac Chapter , No . 176 . —The regular Convocation of this well-established Chapter waa held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgatestreet , E . C , on Saturday , 24 th February . The Chapter was opened by Comps . G . K . Lemann Z ., J . B . Sarrell H ., Dr . W . S . Wyman P . Z . aa J ., F . Walters P . Z . P . P . 1 st A . S . Middlesex Treasurer . The Com . panions were then admitted . The minutes of the previous convocation
were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . Rudolph Liebmana 1423 , Era Lodge , was duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . The meetings of the Sphinx and Caveao Chapters clashing on this occasion , caused the absence of the J ., Comps . W . M . Goss and P . A . Nairne P . Z . ; and , as many of the Comps ., belong to both Chapters , a notice of motion was given by the Treasurer , that the meeting in October be
abolished or altered to September . It was stated that tho Sphinx had changed all their other meetings , -which fell on the same days aa this Chapter ; but it was found that they were unable to alter their October one , consequently , to meet that difficulty , the Caveao meeting might be changed or abolished . Great regret was expressed at the unavoidable absence of Comps . A . Williams C . E . 1 st A . S ., Dr .
C . Browne 2 nd A . S ., whose professional duties prevented their attend , ance . It was unanimously resolved that Comp . R . Liebmann be the Steward to represeat the Chapter at the forthcoming Festival of tho Royal Masonio Benevolent institution for Girls . At the earnest solicitations of tho Treasurer , Comp . F . Walters agreed to accept the Stewardship , and to become a Life Governor of the Institution . It was understood soma one or two brethren would bo introduced at the
next meeting , who were ready and anxious to be exalted in this Chapter . Tho business of the meeting being ended , the Chapter was closed , and adjourned to Saturday , 24 th May .
St . James ' s Union Chapter , No . 180 . —A Convocation of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street . Comps . J . R . Stacey M . E . Z ., W . Smithetfc H ., W . C . Parsons J ., H . Reid P . Z . S . E ., Knyvett P . S ., N . A . Annetb 1 st Assist ., A . Cameron , P . Z . Troas . j P . Z . 's L . Herf I . P . Z ., H . Stacey , R . F . Hill ; and Comps . Marner , E . Farwig , Pink , A . Godfrey ,
Thatcher , & c . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . A ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . A . H . Smith , which was unanimously in hi 3 favour . He was duly exalted in R . A . Masonry . The working of the M . E . Z ., Priucipals , and Officers was perfectly rendered . Comp . A . Cameron P . Z . gave the mystical portion very impressively . The election of Principals and
officers took place , and were unanimously in favour of Comps . W . Smithett Z ., W . C . Parsons H ., Knyvett J ., A . Cameron P . Z . 1 ' reas ., H . Eeed P . Z . S . E ., Pillin S . N ., A . Annett P . S ., and Gilbert Janitor . Comp . Smithett proposed , and Comp . Cameron seconded , that a P . Z . jewel be presented to Comp . J . E . Stacey M . E . Z ., on his retiring from , the chair , for tho able and efficient manner he had conducted the
duties of the Chapter in every respeot during his year of office , which was earned unanimously . Comps . Morgan , E . Farwig , and C . Smith were elected auditors . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions , 30 in number , sat down to a very snmptuoua banquet , provided by Bro . Dawkins , and superintended by Bro . Knill . Grace having been said , the M . E . Z . gave the nsual Loyal and
Royal Arch toasts . The Chapter was always pleased at the accession of members . On this occasion he had great pleasnre in proposing the toast of the newly oxalted Companion . Hi 3 recommendation aud introduction was sufficient to show they were pleased to hail him as a member . Comp . Smith , in a very excellent speech , responded . Although , on his introduction into Freemasonry , he waa
fully impressed with it , the solemnity of the ceremony , so impressively delivered that evening , would never be effaced from his memory . The M . E . Z . proposed the toast of the Visitors , to which Comps . Barfiold , Pearson , and H . M . Levy severally responded . Comps . L . Herf I . P . Z . thon proposed the toast of the M . E . Z ., and spoke of tho admirable manner he had conducted tho duties of the Chapter . He hoped he might be spared for many yeara among them ,
for he was ono worthy of their regard . The M . E . Z ., in reply , thanked Comp . Herf for his kind remarks , and I : lie Companions for the manner they received tho toa 3 t . In presiding over them it was a labour of love . He hoped to meet them for many years to cement that bond of friendship that existed among them , and be in the proud position of a Past Principal . He then asked the Companions to drink a toast tba he was sure would bo received with feelings of great pleasure , an