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Notices Of Meetings
that was the H . and J . The H . had been elected as the future Z ., a post he is qualified to fill . The J . Comp . Parsons has been elected to a higher position , and skey had seen how he had worked the ceremony that evening . Ho had passed the chair of the Chapter with credit to himself and satisfaction ^ the brethren , aud tliis was but a
steppingstone to the chair of Z ., which he was sure he was qualified to fill . Comp . Farsons briefly and appropriately returned thanks for the toast . Tho M . E . Z . then proposed the P . Z . 's Comps . L . Herf , Cameron , Stacey , and Hill ; he mentioned their names with feelings of respect . He personally knew that their services were always at the command
of the Comps . Comp . H . A . Stacey P . Z . responded . Tho M . E . Z . proposed the Treasurer Comp . Cameron , and II . Reed the S . E . Tho former Companion is one that can rarely be equalled in Lodge or Chapter , he is so au fait in his duties , and always looks after thoir interests . The same remarks apply to Comp . Reed , but in a different ,
and perhaps , a more ordinary capacity . Whatever he undertakes is successfully carried out . Comp . Cameron and Reed both returned thanks for the toast in excellent speeches . The M . E . Z . then proposed the Acting P . S . and the rest of the officers . He might be congratulated
on his officers , for they would enable him to carry out the dutieB of the chair . Comps . Knyvett and Annett severally returned thanks , and the Janitor's toast concluded a very agreeable and harmonious evening , Companions Warner , Smith , and Hobson Binging some very excellent gongs .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 108 . —The annual meeting was held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , N ., on 24 th February . Bro . Geo . Cooper , W . M . of the Percy Lodge , presided , assisted by Bros . Pearcy S . W ., P . Stock J . W ., and J . A . Powell I . G . The Lodge having been regularly opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed . Bro . Pearcy , with the
assistance of Bro . James Terry and brethren , worked several sections of the first Lecture . The Secretary then read the report of the past year , by which it appears that the Lodge , having been in abeyance several years , was resuscitated in February 1876 , when Bro . James Terry P . G . D . C . Hertfordshire presided , and rehearsed the ceremonies of consecration and installation . During the past
year 180 members have been elected , who have attended in the aggregate over 1000 times . In addition to defraying the expenses of new furniture and clothing , the Lodge has become a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Benovolent Institution . Bro . Robert Halford was reelected Treasurer , and Bro . H . C . Killick Secretary . A vote of thanks was given by tho Porcy Lodge to the officers of the Instruction Lodge
for the efficient manner in which they had fulfilled their dnties . Bros . James Self 204 and P . G . S . W . Essex , Gibbs 1178 , and W . Regan 192 , were elocted members . Bro . Bedwell will preside this day . Tho Lodge adjourned at eight o'clock to the annual supper , at which about fifty members were present . A very pleasant evening
was spent , being enlivoned by somo excellent singing by Bros . J . Constable , Mnllord , Beasted , he ., aud an excellent reading by Bro . H . P . Isaac , from the " Lady of Lyons . " Tho Lodgo meets every Saturday at eight o'clock , and closes at ten . Tram cars from the City pass the door .
Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 . —Held at Bro . Yetton ' s , The Rising Sun , Globe-road , Bethnal-green . At tho usual meeting on tho 25 th nit ., the Fifteen Sections were worked , nearly 50 brethren being present . Bros . Hewlett W . M ., T . J . Barnes S . W ., Appleby J . W ., T . Austin I . P . M ., W . Musto Hon . Secretary . The sections of the first lecturo were worked by Bros . Lovelock , Calver ,
Appleby , Ashbmner , Rudderforth , Webb and Barnes ; the second by Bros . Taylor , Musto , Defriesz , Myers and Baxter ; the third by Bros . Lazarus , Job and Cohen . After the Master had rison for tho third time , Bro . Austin P . M . expressed his gratification at the manner in which the W . M . had performed his duties in the chair , and at the Bame time proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes
for his efficient services , and that ho be elected an honorary member of the Lodge ; this was seconded by Bro . Appleby J . W . Bro . Barnes P . M . on rising to put the motion , said that he had never experienced BO much pleasure in hearing tho Fifteen Sections worked as he had on this occasion , no saw around him a largo number of brethren , nearly all of whom ho looked npon as his children in Freemasonry ; they had devoted a great deal of time to learn the ritual from him as
a Preceptor , and the excellent manner in which the W . M . put the questions was such as to merit the warmest thanks of the brethren . The motion was carrie , d .-unanimonsly . The W . M . proposed , and Bro . Vetton seconded , that ' a rote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to tho brethren who had assisted him in the working of the sections , which was carried unanimously . Tho Lodge was closed in duo form , and adjourned to the 4 th inst .
Virtue and Silence Lodge , No . 332 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., at the White Lion Hotel , Haclleigh , Bro . A . J . Grin . wade W . M . in the chair . There was a good attendance of tho brethren , including the following Paafc Masters of the Lodge :--W . Hart P . P . G . J . D ., H . Golding P . G . S ., E . B , Powell P . G . P . Sup . Works , J . A . Pettit sen .
P . P . G . J . W ., J . A . Pettit jun ., P . P . G . D . C ., F . Spalding P . P . G . S . D ., and W . Gardiner P . P . G . Pursuivant . Tho Lodge having been opened in the three degrees , Bro . Grimwade , in his usual impressive and ablo manner , installed tho S . W ., Bro . W . C . Eltham , as W . M ., who then invested his officers aB follow : —Bro . A . J . Grimwade I . P . M ., T . Chisnal S . W ., F . Grimwade J . W ., W . Hart Treasurer , H . W .
Hitchcock Organist , W . Mackney Secretary , S . CooperS . D ., A . A . Seaborne J . D ., J . King I . G ., and W . Kersoy Tyler . ThoW . M ., in investing his officers , addressed a few appropriate and encouraging remarks to each , whilst tho brethren frequently gave expression to their appre . ciation of the selection made . Bro . Hart , on behalf of the members of the Lodge , presented Bro . A . J . Grimwade with a valuable Past Master ' s jewel , enbeorijbed for by the brethren , to mark their recogni-
Notices Of Meetings
tion of his efficient services during the past year , which had been the most successful and prosperous one the Lodge ever had . Bro . Grimwade , in feeling terms , expressed his thanks for the gift , which would be highly prized by him , and his regret at leaving the chair , although he felt sure that , in his successor , the Lodge had one who would ably perform the duties of W . M . The Lodge having been
olosed , the brethren adjourned to the banquetting-room , where a most excellent dinner was provided by Bro . Aldons . After the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts , which were duly hoaoured , and a very happy evening was spent . The Lodge recently sent Bro . Boby , who is this year one of the Stewards to the Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , the sum of £ 5 ; and during the evening it was decided to
forward another £ 5 , which would entitle the Lodge to a Life Governorship . The broken column was consequently sent round , aud the necessary sum handed in to the W . M . A memorial to the R . W . P . G . M . for Suffolk , Lord "Waveney , was signed by all the brethren present , praying that the Provincial Grand Lod ge , whioh this year is to be held at Hadleigh , may be fixed for a Friday , that being the most convenient day in the week for the brethren in the province .
Union Lodg e , No . 332 . —Held its regular meeting on Monday , 19 th February , Bro . D . MoGrady presiding , assisted by nearly all his •ffioe bearers . There was a heavy night ' s work .
St . George ' s Lodge , No . 333 . —Met at 213 Buohanan . street , Glasgow , on Wednesday , 14 th February , Bro . Jas . Findlay R . W . M . in the chair . Present—A . Thompson I . P . M ., Thos . Hill S . W ., Robt . Fairbairn J . W ., A . Dunn T ., A . Molntyre Secretary , J . K . Adam S . B ., A . Taylor S . D ., J . Findlay J . D . Visitors—Bros . D . M . Nelson P . M . 3 bis , G . S . D ., G . Muir 103 , and Bro . Gilmore 129 P . G . S . W .
Renfrewshire East , and W . Edwards I . P . M . 129 . There was one gentleman for initiation , and one brother to be raised to the sublime degree , both ceremonies were admirably wrought by the R . W . M ., Bro . Findlay . Bro . Thompson I . P . M . presented the Lodge with a handsome hour glass and scythe , for whioh he received the thanks of the Lodge .
Athol Lodge No . 413 . —Held its regular meeting on Friday , 27 th February . Bro . Nelson in the chair . J . Louttit I . P . M ., G . HolmesD . M ., J . Leeds S . M ., J . Bramlie S . W ., J . Wilson J . W ., P . Agnea Treasurer , pro . tern . Bro . W . Bell P . M . 3 bis ., G . W . Wheeler 73 , J . Booth R . W . M . 87 , J . Gray , St . John ' s , Kirkwall . The business consisted of the raising of two brethren , which was ably performed by P . M . Louttit .
Neptune Lodge , Glasgow , No . 419 . — Held their festival iu the South Side Assembly Rooms , under tho presidency of Bro . Mai com Stark R . W . M ., who was ably supported by the rest of his office-bearers . Thore was also a large attendance of visiting brethren and ladies , and a must enjoyable evening was spent by all present .
Thorntree Lodge , No . 512—Held their annual festival on Friday , 23 rd Febrnary . Bro . Lochlar Kellar R . W . M . in the chair . Bro . A . Nicholson Croupier . On the dais were the Rev . G . Campbell Chaplain , J . Scobie I . P . M ., Capt . Hays R . W . M ., Busby , St . John ' s , the Master of the Royal Arch , Pollockshaw , R . Nisbett , R . W . M . of
the Albert Edward 592 , and a number of influential brethren from the Province of Renfrewshire East . Bro . L . Keller supplied an abundant repast , and the intellectual food was equally good ; the speeches , if short , were all to the point , and the singing was of a class rarely heard from amateurs . The Thorntree Lodge will , we doubt not , flourish under its new rulers .
Pitzroy Lodge , No . 569 . —The members of this Lodge met at the Artillery Grounds , Finsbury , on Friday , tho 23 rd nit ., for the first timo , under the presidency of Bro . Ensi gn W . I . Spicer W . M . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Charles Rolfo , which being unanimous in his favour , he was introduced and admitted into the mysteries and privi .
leges of ancient Freemasonry . Bros . H . P . Matthews , Fnlcher , and Pash were then passed to the 2 nd degree . A ballot was then taken for Bros . J . E . Fnllager , of the Tuscan Lodge No . 14 , and George Smithers , of the William Preston Lodge No . 766 , which proved unanimous in their favour . Tho brethren then adjourned to a
banquet , and after the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts had been dnl y honoured , the Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a closo . Among the visitors wo noticed Bros . Strickland No . 180 , J . Garrott P . M . 183 , J . O . Carter P . M . 209 , P . G . D . C . ( Berks and Bucks ) , W . Nicholes No . 209 , and G . W . Dixon P . M . 861 P . P . G . D . C .
Cherwell Lodge , No . 599 . —The members of this Lodge held their twenty . fifth anniversary at the Red Lion Hotel , Baubury , oa Monday , 26 th Feb ., when Bro . Rev . J . Spittal was installed Wor . Master for the ensuing year , tho ceremony being performed by Bro . R . Havers , P . G . D . of England , with his accustomed ability . The uewly-instal led W . M . afterwards invested his officers as follows : — Bros . J . Potts I . PM ., Rev . A . Ayton S . W ., G . A . Hardacre J . W .,
R . Havers P . G . D . Treas ., E . J . Hartley P . M . Sec , T . W . Holland S . D ., C . H . Pemberton P . M . J . D ., W . Chamberlin and T . Fowler Stewards , R . C . Humfrey I . G ., T . Moss Tyler . The brethren afterwards dined together , under tho presidency of tho W . M ., who was snpported by Bros . R . Bird , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Rev . H . Adair Pickard , P . M . of the Apollo University Lodge , Oxford , H . C . Risley P . M ., Ii , Havers P . Gf . D ,, the nowly invested offioers , & c ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
that was the H . and J . The H . had been elected as the future Z ., a post he is qualified to fill . The J . Comp . Parsons has been elected to a higher position , and skey had seen how he had worked the ceremony that evening . Ho had passed the chair of the Chapter with credit to himself and satisfaction ^ the brethren , aud tliis was but a
steppingstone to the chair of Z ., which he was sure he was qualified to fill . Comp . Farsons briefly and appropriately returned thanks for the toast . Tho M . E . Z . then proposed the P . Z . 's Comps . L . Herf , Cameron , Stacey , and Hill ; he mentioned their names with feelings of respect . He personally knew that their services were always at the command
of the Comps . Comp . H . A . Stacey P . Z . responded . Tho M . E . Z . proposed the Treasurer Comp . Cameron , and II . Reed the S . E . Tho former Companion is one that can rarely be equalled in Lodge or Chapter , he is so au fait in his duties , and always looks after thoir interests . The same remarks apply to Comp . Reed , but in a different ,
and perhaps , a more ordinary capacity . Whatever he undertakes is successfully carried out . Comp . Cameron and Reed both returned thanks for the toast in excellent speeches . The M . E . Z . then proposed the Acting P . S . and the rest of the officers . He might be congratulated
on his officers , for they would enable him to carry out the dutieB of the chair . Comps . Knyvett and Annett severally returned thanks , and the Janitor's toast concluded a very agreeable and harmonious evening , Companions Warner , Smith , and Hobson Binging some very excellent gongs .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 108 . —The annual meeting was held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , N ., on 24 th February . Bro . Geo . Cooper , W . M . of the Percy Lodge , presided , assisted by Bros . Pearcy S . W ., P . Stock J . W ., and J . A . Powell I . G . The Lodge having been regularly opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed . Bro . Pearcy , with the
assistance of Bro . James Terry and brethren , worked several sections of the first Lecture . The Secretary then read the report of the past year , by which it appears that the Lodge , having been in abeyance several years , was resuscitated in February 1876 , when Bro . James Terry P . G . D . C . Hertfordshire presided , and rehearsed the ceremonies of consecration and installation . During the past
year 180 members have been elected , who have attended in the aggregate over 1000 times . In addition to defraying the expenses of new furniture and clothing , the Lodge has become a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Benovolent Institution . Bro . Robert Halford was reelected Treasurer , and Bro . H . C . Killick Secretary . A vote of thanks was given by tho Porcy Lodge to the officers of the Instruction Lodge
for the efficient manner in which they had fulfilled their dnties . Bros . James Self 204 and P . G . S . W . Essex , Gibbs 1178 , and W . Regan 192 , were elocted members . Bro . Bedwell will preside this day . Tho Lodge adjourned at eight o'clock to the annual supper , at which about fifty members were present . A very pleasant evening
was spent , being enlivoned by somo excellent singing by Bros . J . Constable , Mnllord , Beasted , he ., aud an excellent reading by Bro . H . P . Isaac , from the " Lady of Lyons . " Tho Lodgo meets every Saturday at eight o'clock , and closes at ten . Tram cars from the City pass the door .
Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 . —Held at Bro . Yetton ' s , The Rising Sun , Globe-road , Bethnal-green . At tho usual meeting on tho 25 th nit ., the Fifteen Sections were worked , nearly 50 brethren being present . Bros . Hewlett W . M ., T . J . Barnes S . W ., Appleby J . W ., T . Austin I . P . M ., W . Musto Hon . Secretary . The sections of the first lecturo were worked by Bros . Lovelock , Calver ,
Appleby , Ashbmner , Rudderforth , Webb and Barnes ; the second by Bros . Taylor , Musto , Defriesz , Myers and Baxter ; the third by Bros . Lazarus , Job and Cohen . After the Master had rison for tho third time , Bro . Austin P . M . expressed his gratification at the manner in which the W . M . had performed his duties in the chair , and at the Bame time proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes
for his efficient services , and that ho be elected an honorary member of the Lodge ; this was seconded by Bro . Appleby J . W . Bro . Barnes P . M . on rising to put the motion , said that he had never experienced BO much pleasure in hearing tho Fifteen Sections worked as he had on this occasion , no saw around him a largo number of brethren , nearly all of whom ho looked npon as his children in Freemasonry ; they had devoted a great deal of time to learn the ritual from him as
a Preceptor , and the excellent manner in which the W . M . put the questions was such as to merit the warmest thanks of the brethren . The motion was carrie , d .-unanimonsly . The W . M . proposed , and Bro . Vetton seconded , that ' a rote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to tho brethren who had assisted him in the working of the sections , which was carried unanimously . Tho Lodge was closed in duo form , and adjourned to the 4 th inst .
Virtue and Silence Lodge , No . 332 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., at the White Lion Hotel , Haclleigh , Bro . A . J . Grin . wade W . M . in the chair . There was a good attendance of tho brethren , including the following Paafc Masters of the Lodge :--W . Hart P . P . G . J . D ., H . Golding P . G . S ., E . B , Powell P . G . P . Sup . Works , J . A . Pettit sen .
P . P . G . J . W ., J . A . Pettit jun ., P . P . G . D . C ., F . Spalding P . P . G . S . D ., and W . Gardiner P . P . G . Pursuivant . Tho Lodge having been opened in the three degrees , Bro . Grimwade , in his usual impressive and ablo manner , installed tho S . W ., Bro . W . C . Eltham , as W . M ., who then invested his officers aB follow : —Bro . A . J . Grimwade I . P . M ., T . Chisnal S . W ., F . Grimwade J . W ., W . Hart Treasurer , H . W .
Hitchcock Organist , W . Mackney Secretary , S . CooperS . D ., A . A . Seaborne J . D ., J . King I . G ., and W . Kersoy Tyler . ThoW . M ., in investing his officers , addressed a few appropriate and encouraging remarks to each , whilst tho brethren frequently gave expression to their appre . ciation of the selection made . Bro . Hart , on behalf of the members of the Lodge , presented Bro . A . J . Grimwade with a valuable Past Master ' s jewel , enbeorijbed for by the brethren , to mark their recogni-
Notices Of Meetings
tion of his efficient services during the past year , which had been the most successful and prosperous one the Lodge ever had . Bro . Grimwade , in feeling terms , expressed his thanks for the gift , which would be highly prized by him , and his regret at leaving the chair , although he felt sure that , in his successor , the Lodge had one who would ably perform the duties of W . M . The Lodge having been
olosed , the brethren adjourned to the banquetting-room , where a most excellent dinner was provided by Bro . Aldons . After the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts , which were duly hoaoured , and a very happy evening was spent . The Lodge recently sent Bro . Boby , who is this year one of the Stewards to the Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , the sum of £ 5 ; and during the evening it was decided to
forward another £ 5 , which would entitle the Lodge to a Life Governorship . The broken column was consequently sent round , aud the necessary sum handed in to the W . M . A memorial to the R . W . P . G . M . for Suffolk , Lord "Waveney , was signed by all the brethren present , praying that the Provincial Grand Lod ge , whioh this year is to be held at Hadleigh , may be fixed for a Friday , that being the most convenient day in the week for the brethren in the province .
Union Lodg e , No . 332 . —Held its regular meeting on Monday , 19 th February , Bro . D . MoGrady presiding , assisted by nearly all his •ffioe bearers . There was a heavy night ' s work .
St . George ' s Lodge , No . 333 . —Met at 213 Buohanan . street , Glasgow , on Wednesday , 14 th February , Bro . Jas . Findlay R . W . M . in the chair . Present—A . Thompson I . P . M ., Thos . Hill S . W ., Robt . Fairbairn J . W ., A . Dunn T ., A . Molntyre Secretary , J . K . Adam S . B ., A . Taylor S . D ., J . Findlay J . D . Visitors—Bros . D . M . Nelson P . M . 3 bis , G . S . D ., G . Muir 103 , and Bro . Gilmore 129 P . G . S . W .
Renfrewshire East , and W . Edwards I . P . M . 129 . There was one gentleman for initiation , and one brother to be raised to the sublime degree , both ceremonies were admirably wrought by the R . W . M ., Bro . Findlay . Bro . Thompson I . P . M . presented the Lodge with a handsome hour glass and scythe , for whioh he received the thanks of the Lodge .
Athol Lodge No . 413 . —Held its regular meeting on Friday , 27 th February . Bro . Nelson in the chair . J . Louttit I . P . M ., G . HolmesD . M ., J . Leeds S . M ., J . Bramlie S . W ., J . Wilson J . W ., P . Agnea Treasurer , pro . tern . Bro . W . Bell P . M . 3 bis ., G . W . Wheeler 73 , J . Booth R . W . M . 87 , J . Gray , St . John ' s , Kirkwall . The business consisted of the raising of two brethren , which was ably performed by P . M . Louttit .
Neptune Lodge , Glasgow , No . 419 . — Held their festival iu the South Side Assembly Rooms , under tho presidency of Bro . Mai com Stark R . W . M ., who was ably supported by the rest of his office-bearers . Thore was also a large attendance of visiting brethren and ladies , and a must enjoyable evening was spent by all present .
Thorntree Lodge , No . 512—Held their annual festival on Friday , 23 rd Febrnary . Bro . Lochlar Kellar R . W . M . in the chair . Bro . A . Nicholson Croupier . On the dais were the Rev . G . Campbell Chaplain , J . Scobie I . P . M ., Capt . Hays R . W . M ., Busby , St . John ' s , the Master of the Royal Arch , Pollockshaw , R . Nisbett , R . W . M . of
the Albert Edward 592 , and a number of influential brethren from the Province of Renfrewshire East . Bro . L . Keller supplied an abundant repast , and the intellectual food was equally good ; the speeches , if short , were all to the point , and the singing was of a class rarely heard from amateurs . The Thorntree Lodge will , we doubt not , flourish under its new rulers .
Pitzroy Lodge , No . 569 . —The members of this Lodge met at the Artillery Grounds , Finsbury , on Friday , tho 23 rd nit ., for the first timo , under the presidency of Bro . Ensi gn W . I . Spicer W . M . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Charles Rolfo , which being unanimous in his favour , he was introduced and admitted into the mysteries and privi .
leges of ancient Freemasonry . Bros . H . P . Matthews , Fnlcher , and Pash were then passed to the 2 nd degree . A ballot was then taken for Bros . J . E . Fnllager , of the Tuscan Lodge No . 14 , and George Smithers , of the William Preston Lodge No . 766 , which proved unanimous in their favour . Tho brethren then adjourned to a
banquet , and after the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts had been dnl y honoured , the Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a closo . Among the visitors wo noticed Bros . Strickland No . 180 , J . Garrott P . M . 183 , J . O . Carter P . M . 209 , P . G . D . C . ( Berks and Bucks ) , W . Nicholes No . 209 , and G . W . Dixon P . M . 861 P . P . G . D . C .
Cherwell Lodge , No . 599 . —The members of this Lodge held their twenty . fifth anniversary at the Red Lion Hotel , Baubury , oa Monday , 26 th Feb ., when Bro . Rev . J . Spittal was installed Wor . Master for the ensuing year , tho ceremony being performed by Bro . R . Havers , P . G . D . of England , with his accustomed ability . The uewly-instal led W . M . afterwards invested his officers as follows : — Bros . J . Potts I . PM ., Rev . A . Ayton S . W ., G . A . Hardacre J . W .,
R . Havers P . G . D . Treas ., E . J . Hartley P . M . Sec , T . W . Holland S . D ., C . H . Pemberton P . M . J . D ., W . Chamberlin and T . Fowler Stewards , R . C . Humfrey I . G ., T . Moss Tyler . The brethren afterwards dined together , under tho presidency of tho W . M ., who was snpported by Bros . R . Bird , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Rev . H . Adair Pickard , P . M . of the Apollo University Lodge , Oxford , H . C . Risley P . M ., Ii , Havers P . Gf . D ,, the nowly invested offioers , & c ,