Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 3 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 3 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Tuesday , the 27 th of February , at Bro . Allen ' s , RoyalEdward , Triangle , Haokney . Present—Bros . E . T . Worsley W . M ., Lovelock S . W ., W . J . Smith J . W ., E . T . Worsley Sec , Allen Treas ., Saunders S . D ., Defries J . D ., P . M . Wallington , Pre . ceptor , Johnson I . G . ; P . M . Bro . Wright , and Bros . Dallas , Ould ,
Watkins , Perry , Perrin , Brown , Glover , Bonner , Wardell , Pavitt , Barker , Davis , & c . Business—The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , and the minutes of tho last meeting read and confirmed . The Lodge opened in the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , when the Preceptor perfor med the installation ceremony ; after which that of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Perry acting as candidate . Tho Lodge waa closed to
the first degree when Bro . Smith worked the 3 rd fleotion of tho Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Ould 781 was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Lovelock was elected as W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . Tbe Preceptor stated that , according to the rules , the annual supper takes place in
the month of March . He would therefore propose , whioh was seconded by Bro . Lovelock , that it be fixed for the fourth Tuesday—viz ., he 27 th . Those brethren wishing to be present will kindly communicate with the Secretary , at the above address . The Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned till Tuesday next .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . — -This Lodge was held at Bro . Bolton ' s , the King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , 23 rd February . Present—Bros . E . W . Pearoy W . M ., Lane S . W ., Powell J . W ., Crouch S . D ., Kent J . D ., Webb I . G ., Townsend Sec , Bolton , Simpson , Smith , Crellin , and A . W . Fenner . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutos read and confirmed . The
ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed by tho W . M ., Bro . Smith being candidate . Questions leading to 2 nd were answered . Bro . A . W . Fenner worked the 2 nd section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Powell 186 , and Bro . Crouch 1297 were duly elected members of the Lodge . Bro . Lane was elected W . M . for the ensuing
week . It was agreed to by the brethren that the first annual supper of this Lodge of Instruction take place at Bro . Bolton ' s , as above , on the third Friday in March . Full particulars , with names of Stewards and price of tioketa , will be duly announced in next week ' s number of the FREEMASON ' S CIIIIOXICLE . All business being ended , Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
Asaph Chapter , No . 1319 . —A convocation of this Chapt # r waa held on Monday , the 19 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Comps . E . Stanton Jones M . E . Z ., C . Coote P . Z ., H . Dodd J ., Harry Cox , Arthur Swanborongh , E . J . Henson , & o . The minutes of the former convocation were read and confirmed . Ballots
were taksn for the admission of Bros . TiBley D . C . Star Lodge , No . 1275 , W . Welsman P . M . South Middlesex , and S . W . 1589 , whioh were unanimously in their favour . Bro . John Caulford had been previously aocepted . These were duly exalted into Eoyal Arch Masonry . There being no other business before the Chapter , it was closed , aud the brethren separated .
Sphinx Chapter , No . 1329 . —A Convocation of this Chapter took plaoe at the Surrey Masonio Hall , Camberwell New-road , on 25 th February The Chapter was opened in due form by the retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . Nairne , and the minutes of last meeting confirmed . A Board of installed Principals was formed , and the M . E . Z . elect , Dr . Bedolfe waB installed by Comp . Nairne . The new M . E . Z . then
installed Comp . Vockins as H . and Comp . Goss as J ., and appointed Comps . Reynolds Treasurer , Temple Scribe E ., Cobham Scribe N ., aud Middlemas as Principal Sojourner , who in turn appointed as his assistants Comps . Bryant and Bickerton . Comp . Harrison was re-appointed Janitor . The M . E . Z . then presented the P . Z . Comp . Nairne with the usual jewel , as a slight memorial of his
very effioiont and able services to the Chapter during the past year . Bros . Permewan , Webb , and Runacres , were then exalted to the Royal Arch degree . The business of the Chapter ended , the Comps . retired to the banqueting-room , where the nsual Loyal and R . A . toasts having been disposed of , the M . E . Z ., in proposing the toast of the retiring First Principal , desired to express the high esteem in
which he was held by the Chapter , and its sense of the services he had rendered . Comp . Nairne might be truly looked upon as a conscript father of the Lodge ; for , under his fostering care , it had Iprung to life , and assumed the vigour of manhood whilst as yet a child . He knew and felt that the toast would be worthily responded to . The M . E . Z ., in proposing the health of the Second and Third
Principals , Comps . Vockins and Goss , alluded to the services Comp . Vockins had rendered to the Chapter , of which he might be called the Sponsor . He had laboured honestly for it , and all must esteem him for his work . The M . E . Z . had long known the W . M . of the Lodge in which Comp . Vockins was initiated , ' and from the character of its members it was an honour to have had suoh a Masonio origin . On proposing
the health of the Visitors , to which Comp . Bickerstaff replied , he expressed regret that Comp . Constable had been compelled to leave , but hoped the Comps . would not forget his benevolent aim of obtaining £ 1 , 000 for the BOYS , by the sale of Is tickets , each giving a chance of a Life Governorship to its holder . Comp . Constable was one of the most energetio Masons in London , and he hoped the
members of this Chapter would appreciate and aid his noble undertaking . He also read a letter from Comp . Hnghan , regretting the meeting was beyond the length of " his cable tow . " He roferred to Comp . Hnghan as performing a most useful part in collecting traditions of modern Masonry ; he had not undertaken his task a day too
soon , for in these days of ohange passing events are soon forgotten . For his own part , he thought Masoury too timid of investigation , bnt if it were undertaken with an earnest desire after truth , a strict obaervanoe of the rules of critioiim , and a careful definition of what is to be taken as Uob , and what as allegory , united to an honest
Notices Of Meetings
confession of the difficulties surrounding our position , it had all to gain , and nothing to fear . Men like Brother Haghau are not always to be found . Could not Grand Lodge be induced to found an annual lecture or oration , to illustrate Masonry , its history , traditions and objeots , and thus clear away the rubbish with whioh our ears are too often assailed t An honour of this kind would be highly esteemed
for men will not work to be snubbed and alighted . The M . E . Z . here passed round an autograph letter of the historian Gnizot on Masonry , and reminded the Comps . of a favourite toatt both iu Lodge and Chapter—viz ., that of thoir excellent Treasurer , Comp . Reynolds , than whom no man more kindhearted , or more worthy of esteem for his high charaoter , existod . Whilst ho continued to perform the duties
he had undertaken the Chapter would prosper . Tho next toast was that of "The Principal Sojourner , Middlemas , " a Comp . and friend whom each had learned to appreciate , whether in Chapter , Lodge , or the oivil affairs of the outside world , judging by the effect produoed upon the audience of the two most effective speeohea ho had ever heard ; one was delivered by Daniel O'Connell , and the other by
Comp . Middlemas , who was an exact and oicollent worker , and an honour to the Chapter . All the officers had woll done their duty , and each Companion had striven with them to bring the Chapter to that condition of efficiency and respect which it had undoubtedl y won . The repast waa excellent , and a very pleasant evening was spent by the Companions , when , at length tho Janitor appeared , and with hia finale closed the scene .
Llanidloes Lodge , No . 1582 . —This Lodge hold its regular meeting at the Trewythen Arms Hotel , Llanidloes , on 14 th February . The Lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . W . Collonder J . G . D . C . of North Wale 3 and Shropshire , supported by Bro 3 . W . A . Davies S . W ., John Kitto J . W . and Hon . Secretary , W . H . Williams S . D ., J . H . Webb acting J . D ., W . Russell I . G ., J . Trewin Tyler . There were also
preseat Bros . E . Davies , Hugh Jones , Owen Williams , F . Britton W . M . 1594 , E . J . Williams 1072 , & o . The minutes of the last regular Lodge having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Thomas Davies , who was duly eleoted and initiated . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Owen Williams , having proved himself qualified , was entrusted and retired . The Lodge was
opened in the third degree , when Bro . Owen Williams was re-admitted and raised . The Lodge was afterwards resumed to the first degree , when the W . M ., on rising , said , since they last met it had pleased the Great Disposer of all Events to remove from amongst them one to whom the Llanidloes Lodge must always feel deeply indebted , for when they first met on the 8 th of June last , they passed a vote of thanks to their
late Bro . Goldsboro for hia great services towards them in consecrating their Lodge ; also investing him as their immediate Past Master , in addition to which they asked him to accept a further compliment , and eleoted him an honorary member . But death had commenoed with their roll early , and ho trusted that the G . A . O . T . U . would spare them for a very long time before they had to make a similar announoe .
ment . It was now his melanoholy duty to propose a vote of condolence to the widow and family of their late Bro . Goldsboro j also that the Lodge assume mourning emblems until the May meeting . To most of the brethren of the Lodge Bro . Goldsboro was known only by name , until the day that he oama amongst them to consecrate the Lodge , but to himself he had been
known long before his entrance into Freemasonry ; he had not only to join in their sympathy , but to mourn the loss of a dear and valued friend . When he told them that in the provinoe of North Wales and Shropshire , their late brother had conseorated upwards of a dozen Lodges during the past twelve years , he wa 3 sure theirs was not the only Lodge in which he would be missed , and the want of his kindl y
counsel and advice would be felt . His feelings would not permit him to say anything more , and he had only to ask them to pass a vote of condolence to the widow and family of their late brother , who had gone to that " bourne from whence no traveller returns , " and who was now , he trusted , in that Grand Lodge above , where the world ' s Groat Architect lives and reigns for ever and over . He felt sure that the Province of North Wales and Shropshire would not soon forget the works of
their departed brother . The motion wa 3 secouded most feelingly by Bro . W . A . Davies S . W ., and carried in solemn silence . It was then proposed by the WM ., and seconded by Bro . J . Kitto J . W ., that the best thanks of the Lodge were due to Bro . D . P . Owen I . P . M . 998 , for the present he had made to the Lodge of twenty copies of the " Masonic Calendar for North Wales and Shropshire . " Mr . William SutolirTe , of Llandiloes , was proposed for initiation , after whioh the Lodge was closed , and adjourned to Wednesday , 14 th of Maroh .
The Bayard Lodge , No . 1615 , met at the Masonio Hall , 33 Golden-square , on Monday , 26 th February . W . Bro . Lieut-Colonel H . Somerville Burney , P . M . P . P . J . W . for Essex , W . M . Present-Captain Leeson S . W ., Alfred E . T . Watson J . W ., the Rev . Charles J . RidgewayP . M . P . P . G . C . Worcester , Chaplain , Frank Richardson P . M . Treasurer , Captain Portlock Dadson Secretary , Robert Fyers J . D .,
James Keene P . M . D . C , Francis C . Compton Organist , Major Wemys I . G ., Captain N . G . Philips P . M ., Major Shadwell H . Clerke P . M ., the Chevalier Habicht P . M ., Hugh H . Riach P . M ., Lieut . A . G . Walker R . A ., C . N . Longcroft , Lieut . G . Le C . Egerton R . N ., W . Bezley Thorne , E . B . Bernard , Herr Edward Sauerbrey , tho Chevalier Lloyd K . S . G ., Arthur Spicer , F . Calrow , C . Malcolm Wood , Captain S . C .
Pratt R . A ., W . B . Lethbridge , Captain H . S . Andrews , F . C . Maitland , Rev . G . Sutton Flack , Nicholas Herbert , C . P . Kempe , Captain S . J . Dyer and Major A . Wood . Visitors—Colonel Randolph , 1383 , Major F . J . Ricarde-Seaver , and Pelham Bullock , 214 . Bros . Spicer , Bernard , and the Chevalier Lloyd K . S . G . wero raised to the
sublime degree of Master Masons ; Bros , the Rev . G . Sutton Flack , F . Cave Maitland , and Nicholas Herbert were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft ; and Liout . G . Le C . Egerton R . N . and Mr . C . N . Long , croft were initiated . The W . M . presented a handsome banner to the Lodge , aud the sum of one hundrod guineas waa voted as a donation to the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Tuesday , the 27 th of February , at Bro . Allen ' s , RoyalEdward , Triangle , Haokney . Present—Bros . E . T . Worsley W . M ., Lovelock S . W ., W . J . Smith J . W ., E . T . Worsley Sec , Allen Treas ., Saunders S . D ., Defries J . D ., P . M . Wallington , Pre . ceptor , Johnson I . G . ; P . M . Bro . Wright , and Bros . Dallas , Ould ,
Watkins , Perry , Perrin , Brown , Glover , Bonner , Wardell , Pavitt , Barker , Davis , & c . Business—The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , and the minutes of tho last meeting read and confirmed . The Lodge opened in the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , when the Preceptor perfor med the installation ceremony ; after which that of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Perry acting as candidate . Tho Lodge waa closed to
the first degree when Bro . Smith worked the 3 rd fleotion of tho Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Ould 781 was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Lovelock was elected as W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . Tbe Preceptor stated that , according to the rules , the annual supper takes place in
the month of March . He would therefore propose , whioh was seconded by Bro . Lovelock , that it be fixed for the fourth Tuesday—viz ., he 27 th . Those brethren wishing to be present will kindly communicate with the Secretary , at the above address . The Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned till Tuesday next .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . — -This Lodge was held at Bro . Bolton ' s , the King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , 23 rd February . Present—Bros . E . W . Pearoy W . M ., Lane S . W ., Powell J . W ., Crouch S . D ., Kent J . D ., Webb I . G ., Townsend Sec , Bolton , Simpson , Smith , Crellin , and A . W . Fenner . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutos read and confirmed . The
ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed by tho W . M ., Bro . Smith being candidate . Questions leading to 2 nd were answered . Bro . A . W . Fenner worked the 2 nd section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Powell 186 , and Bro . Crouch 1297 were duly elected members of the Lodge . Bro . Lane was elected W . M . for the ensuing
week . It was agreed to by the brethren that the first annual supper of this Lodge of Instruction take place at Bro . Bolton ' s , as above , on the third Friday in March . Full particulars , with names of Stewards and price of tioketa , will be duly announced in next week ' s number of the FREEMASON ' S CIIIIOXICLE . All business being ended , Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
Asaph Chapter , No . 1319 . —A convocation of this Chapt # r waa held on Monday , the 19 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Comps . E . Stanton Jones M . E . Z ., C . Coote P . Z ., H . Dodd J ., Harry Cox , Arthur Swanborongh , E . J . Henson , & o . The minutes of the former convocation were read and confirmed . Ballots
were taksn for the admission of Bros . TiBley D . C . Star Lodge , No . 1275 , W . Welsman P . M . South Middlesex , and S . W . 1589 , whioh were unanimously in their favour . Bro . John Caulford had been previously aocepted . These were duly exalted into Eoyal Arch Masonry . There being no other business before the Chapter , it was closed , aud the brethren separated .
Sphinx Chapter , No . 1329 . —A Convocation of this Chapter took plaoe at the Surrey Masonio Hall , Camberwell New-road , on 25 th February The Chapter was opened in due form by the retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . Nairne , and the minutes of last meeting confirmed . A Board of installed Principals was formed , and the M . E . Z . elect , Dr . Bedolfe waB installed by Comp . Nairne . The new M . E . Z . then
installed Comp . Vockins as H . and Comp . Goss as J ., and appointed Comps . Reynolds Treasurer , Temple Scribe E ., Cobham Scribe N ., aud Middlemas as Principal Sojourner , who in turn appointed as his assistants Comps . Bryant and Bickerton . Comp . Harrison was re-appointed Janitor . The M . E . Z . then presented the P . Z . Comp . Nairne with the usual jewel , as a slight memorial of his
very effioiont and able services to the Chapter during the past year . Bros . Permewan , Webb , and Runacres , were then exalted to the Royal Arch degree . The business of the Chapter ended , the Comps . retired to the banqueting-room , where the nsual Loyal and R . A . toasts having been disposed of , the M . E . Z ., in proposing the toast of the retiring First Principal , desired to express the high esteem in
which he was held by the Chapter , and its sense of the services he had rendered . Comp . Nairne might be truly looked upon as a conscript father of the Lodge ; for , under his fostering care , it had Iprung to life , and assumed the vigour of manhood whilst as yet a child . He knew and felt that the toast would be worthily responded to . The M . E . Z ., in proposing the health of the Second and Third
Principals , Comps . Vockins and Goss , alluded to the services Comp . Vockins had rendered to the Chapter , of which he might be called the Sponsor . He had laboured honestly for it , and all must esteem him for his work . The M . E . Z . had long known the W . M . of the Lodge in which Comp . Vockins was initiated , ' and from the character of its members it was an honour to have had suoh a Masonio origin . On proposing
the health of the Visitors , to which Comp . Bickerstaff replied , he expressed regret that Comp . Constable had been compelled to leave , but hoped the Comps . would not forget his benevolent aim of obtaining £ 1 , 000 for the BOYS , by the sale of Is tickets , each giving a chance of a Life Governorship to its holder . Comp . Constable was one of the most energetio Masons in London , and he hoped the
members of this Chapter would appreciate and aid his noble undertaking . He also read a letter from Comp . Hnghan , regretting the meeting was beyond the length of " his cable tow . " He roferred to Comp . Hnghan as performing a most useful part in collecting traditions of modern Masonry ; he had not undertaken his task a day too
soon , for in these days of ohange passing events are soon forgotten . For his own part , he thought Masoury too timid of investigation , bnt if it were undertaken with an earnest desire after truth , a strict obaervanoe of the rules of critioiim , and a careful definition of what is to be taken as Uob , and what as allegory , united to an honest
Notices Of Meetings
confession of the difficulties surrounding our position , it had all to gain , and nothing to fear . Men like Brother Haghau are not always to be found . Could not Grand Lodge be induced to found an annual lecture or oration , to illustrate Masonry , its history , traditions and objeots , and thus clear away the rubbish with whioh our ears are too often assailed t An honour of this kind would be highly esteemed
for men will not work to be snubbed and alighted . The M . E . Z . here passed round an autograph letter of the historian Gnizot on Masonry , and reminded the Comps . of a favourite toatt both iu Lodge and Chapter—viz ., that of thoir excellent Treasurer , Comp . Reynolds , than whom no man more kindhearted , or more worthy of esteem for his high charaoter , existod . Whilst ho continued to perform the duties
he had undertaken the Chapter would prosper . Tho next toast was that of "The Principal Sojourner , Middlemas , " a Comp . and friend whom each had learned to appreciate , whether in Chapter , Lodge , or the oivil affairs of the outside world , judging by the effect produoed upon the audience of the two most effective speeohea ho had ever heard ; one was delivered by Daniel O'Connell , and the other by
Comp . Middlemas , who was an exact and oicollent worker , and an honour to the Chapter . All the officers had woll done their duty , and each Companion had striven with them to bring the Chapter to that condition of efficiency and respect which it had undoubtedl y won . The repast waa excellent , and a very pleasant evening was spent by the Companions , when , at length tho Janitor appeared , and with hia finale closed the scene .
Llanidloes Lodge , No . 1582 . —This Lodge hold its regular meeting at the Trewythen Arms Hotel , Llanidloes , on 14 th February . The Lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . W . Collonder J . G . D . C . of North Wale 3 and Shropshire , supported by Bro 3 . W . A . Davies S . W ., John Kitto J . W . and Hon . Secretary , W . H . Williams S . D ., J . H . Webb acting J . D ., W . Russell I . G ., J . Trewin Tyler . There were also
preseat Bros . E . Davies , Hugh Jones , Owen Williams , F . Britton W . M . 1594 , E . J . Williams 1072 , & o . The minutes of the last regular Lodge having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Thomas Davies , who was duly eleoted and initiated . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Owen Williams , having proved himself qualified , was entrusted and retired . The Lodge was
opened in the third degree , when Bro . Owen Williams was re-admitted and raised . The Lodge was afterwards resumed to the first degree , when the W . M ., on rising , said , since they last met it had pleased the Great Disposer of all Events to remove from amongst them one to whom the Llanidloes Lodge must always feel deeply indebted , for when they first met on the 8 th of June last , they passed a vote of thanks to their
late Bro . Goldsboro for hia great services towards them in consecrating their Lodge ; also investing him as their immediate Past Master , in addition to which they asked him to accept a further compliment , and eleoted him an honorary member . But death had commenoed with their roll early , and ho trusted that the G . A . O . T . U . would spare them for a very long time before they had to make a similar announoe .
ment . It was now his melanoholy duty to propose a vote of condolence to the widow and family of their late Bro . Goldsboro j also that the Lodge assume mourning emblems until the May meeting . To most of the brethren of the Lodge Bro . Goldsboro was known only by name , until the day that he oama amongst them to consecrate the Lodge , but to himself he had been
known long before his entrance into Freemasonry ; he had not only to join in their sympathy , but to mourn the loss of a dear and valued friend . When he told them that in the provinoe of North Wales and Shropshire , their late brother had conseorated upwards of a dozen Lodges during the past twelve years , he wa 3 sure theirs was not the only Lodge in which he would be missed , and the want of his kindl y
counsel and advice would be felt . His feelings would not permit him to say anything more , and he had only to ask them to pass a vote of condolence to the widow and family of their late brother , who had gone to that " bourne from whence no traveller returns , " and who was now , he trusted , in that Grand Lodge above , where the world ' s Groat Architect lives and reigns for ever and over . He felt sure that the Province of North Wales and Shropshire would not soon forget the works of
their departed brother . The motion wa 3 secouded most feelingly by Bro . W . A . Davies S . W ., and carried in solemn silence . It was then proposed by the WM ., and seconded by Bro . J . Kitto J . W ., that the best thanks of the Lodge were due to Bro . D . P . Owen I . P . M . 998 , for the present he had made to the Lodge of twenty copies of the " Masonic Calendar for North Wales and Shropshire . " Mr . William SutolirTe , of Llandiloes , was proposed for initiation , after whioh the Lodge was closed , and adjourned to Wednesday , 14 th of Maroh .
The Bayard Lodge , No . 1615 , met at the Masonio Hall , 33 Golden-square , on Monday , 26 th February . W . Bro . Lieut-Colonel H . Somerville Burney , P . M . P . P . J . W . for Essex , W . M . Present-Captain Leeson S . W ., Alfred E . T . Watson J . W ., the Rev . Charles J . RidgewayP . M . P . P . G . C . Worcester , Chaplain , Frank Richardson P . M . Treasurer , Captain Portlock Dadson Secretary , Robert Fyers J . D .,
James Keene P . M . D . C , Francis C . Compton Organist , Major Wemys I . G ., Captain N . G . Philips P . M ., Major Shadwell H . Clerke P . M ., the Chevalier Habicht P . M ., Hugh H . Riach P . M ., Lieut . A . G . Walker R . A ., C . N . Longcroft , Lieut . G . Le C . Egerton R . N ., W . Bezley Thorne , E . B . Bernard , Herr Edward Sauerbrey , tho Chevalier Lloyd K . S . G ., Arthur Spicer , F . Calrow , C . Malcolm Wood , Captain S . C .
Pratt R . A ., W . B . Lethbridge , Captain H . S . Andrews , F . C . Maitland , Rev . G . Sutton Flack , Nicholas Herbert , C . P . Kempe , Captain S . J . Dyer and Major A . Wood . Visitors—Colonel Randolph , 1383 , Major F . J . Ricarde-Seaver , and Pelham Bullock , 214 . Bros . Spicer , Bernard , and the Chevalier Lloyd K . S . G . wero raised to the
sublime degree of Master Masons ; Bros , the Rev . G . Sutton Flack , F . Cave Maitland , and Nicholas Herbert were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft ; and Liout . G . Le C . Egerton R . N . and Mr . C . N . Long , croft were initiated . The W . M . presented a handsome banner to the Lodge , aud the sum of one hundrod guineas waa voted as a donation to the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls .