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Quarterly Communication Of Grand Lodge.
THE following is the business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 7 th March 1877 : — 1 . The Regulations for the Government of Grand Lodge daring the time of Public Business will be read . 2 . The Minntes of the Quarterly Communication of tin 6 th Decern , ber 1876 will be read and put for confirmation .
3 . The Minntes of the Especial Grand Lodgo of the 3 rd January 1877 will be read and put for confirmation . 4 . The M . W . Grand Master will move that the following reoom . mendations of the Especial Grand Lodge , holden at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Weduesday . the 3 rd day of Jauuary 1877 , be received aud adopted , viz .:
—( I . ) That the sum of £ 4 , 000 be voted to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution , for the purpose of founding and furnishing two Lifeboat Stations , in perpetuity , in such localities on the English Coast as the Sub-Committee , hereafter mentioned , shall decide .
( 2 . ) That a Sub-Committee , consisting of the M . W . the Pro Grand Master , the R . W . the Deputy Graud Master , and the R . W . the Senior Grand Warden , b « appointed to confer with the Secretary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution , with full powers to arrange all matters as to locality , detail , & c .
( 3 . ) That a Memorial Tablet be erected in Grand Lodge in commemoration of the event . 5 . Election of a M . W . Grand Master . 6 . Election of a Grand Treasurer . 7 . Report of the Lodge of Benevolenoe for the laBt quarter , in
which are recommendations for the following grants , viz . : — A Brother of the Lodge of Nine Muses , No . 235 , London ... £ 100 A Brother of the Union Lodge , No . 129 , Kendal £ 200
A Brother of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colohester £ 50 A Brother of the New Forest Lodge , No . 319 , Lymington ... £ 50 A Brother of the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 , Oxford ... £ 150 A Brother of the Lodge of Peace and Harmony , No . 60 , London £ 50 8 . THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England : The Board of General Purposes beg to report , that it having come to their knowledge that the Tyndall Lodge , No . 1363 , Chipping Sodbury , had been guilty of Masonio irregularity by passing and raising
brethren at shorter intervals than the period prescribed by the Book of Constitutions , the Board investigated the oiroumstanoes , and , in result , ordered that the brethren in question , be duly re-obligated and their Certificates withheld until that be done ; and , further , that the Lodge be fined one guinea for the offence .
The Board farther report the investigation by them of a similar Masonio irregularity on the part of the Royal Alfred Lodge , No . 1028 , Alfreton , a brother having been raised in such Lodge at a shorter in .
terval than that prescribed by the Book of Constitutions , and that , in result , they have ordered the brother in question to be re-obligated , and his Certificate to be withheld until that be donej and , further , that the Lodge be fined ono guinea for the offence .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C , President . 20 th February 1877 . To the Report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge Acconnts
at the last Meeting of the Finauce Committeo , held on Friday , the lfith day of February 1877 , shewing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 6 , 997 19 s 2 d ; and in the hands of the Grand Secretary , for petty cash , £ 75 ; and for servants' wages , £ 96 15 s .
9 . Report of Brother R . P . Harding , Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts , of receipts and disbursements during the year 1876 . 10 . Appeals . ( 1 . ) Appeal of Brother Edmund "Waller M . D ., the then W . Master
of St . Peter s Lodge , No . 442 , Peterborough , against the judgment of Brother Butler Wilkins , Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Northamp . tooshire and Huntingdonshire , relative to dissensions whioh have arisen in the Lodge , arising chiefly on the subject of the powers and privileges of the W . Master .
( 2 . ) Appeal of Brother the Rev . William T . Hobson , of the Tynwald Lodge , No . 1242 , Douglas , Isle of Man , against a resolution of the Board of General Purposes deolining to interfere between himself and Brother John A . Brown in a complaint submitted to them in a matter not relating to the Craft .
N . B . —The papers relating to these Appeals will be in the Grand Secretary's Office till the Meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the in . spection of the brethren during ojfice hours . 11 . Notices of Motions . ( 1 . ) By Bro . the ReT . Henry John Hatch W . M ., No . 160 : —
" That a Committee , consisting of the Present and Past Grand Officers , the Provincial Grand Masters , and such other members of the Craft as the said Committer shall , in their discretion , deem fit , from time to time to add to their numbers , be appointed to consider what steps should be taken to promote the building , either on the
Thames Embankment , or m some other conspicuous part of London , of a Masonic Temple , which , while offering more extended accommodation for the present requirements of Grand Lodge , shall be at once worthy of the rank , wealth , and increasing importance of Freemasonry ; an ornament to the chief city of the world , and a lasting memorial of gratitude to the G . A . O . T . U ., not only for tbe safe return from India
Quarterly Communication Of Grand Lodge.
of onr M . W . Grand Master His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , bnt for the success of his visit in elioiting and confirming throughout that vast territory a feeling of universal loyalty and attachment to the Imperial rule of England . "
" That such Committee shall be invested with full powers to prooure plans and estimates for such a building ; shall consider the best means of raising the necessary funds ; and shall continue to aot and report to every succeeding Grand Lodge , until the Grand Lodge shall think proper to discontinue the said Committee .
( 2 . ) By Bro . Benjamin Mallam P . M ., 108 : — " That a sum of money be given out of tho f nnds towards the f unda of the Alexandra Orphanage , sufficiently large in amount to allow of the Committee to place ono of the blocks of the buildings apart for the use of Infant Orphans of Freemasons .
List of Lodges for whioh warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : —
1652 . —Inverell Lodge , Inverell , N . S . W . 1653 . —Prince of Wales Lodge , Sydney , N . S . W . 1654 . —St . Leonards' Samaritan Lodge , St . Leonards , near Sydney , N . S . W . 1655 . —Corinthian Lodge , Thames , Auckland , New Zealand . 1656 . —Wolsey Lodge , Hampton Wick , Middlesex . 1657 . —Aldersgate Lodge , Aldersgate-street . 1658 . —Skelmersdale Lodge , Camberwell . 1659 . —Fidelity Lodge , Green Bank , Newfoundland . 1660 . —Arlecdon Lodge , Frizington , Cumberland . 1661 . —Newton Lodge , Newark-upon-Trent , Nottinghamshire . 1662 . —Beaconsfield Lodge , Walthamstow . 1663 . —Hartismere Lodg » , Eye , Suffolk . 1664 . —Gosforth Lodge , Gosforth , Northumberland . 1665 . —Natalia Lodge , Pietermaritzburg , Natal . 1666 . —Akaroa Lodge , Akaroa , Canterbury , New Zealand . 1667 . —Hntt Lodge , Lower Hutt , Wellington , New Zealand .
The Royal Oriental Order Of Sikha And The Sal B'Hai.
AN Ashayana of this Order was held at Kensington , on the 20 th February 1877 , under the presidency of one of the Censors . The Order Roll of the Arch Secretary was presented for inspection , and the signs dnly verified . A report of the Mahanhathas and of the Indian Council , or Mahanatha-i-Hind was receive I and approved . A draft of the Amilo-Aryan Constitution was submitted and referred
to the sponsors . The Ritual Committee made a report , which was approved . A report was also received from the Regalia Committee , and a general report was made as to the progress of the Order in Great Britain and Ireland for the year 1876 . The keys for the current cycle were then passed , and , after some other business , the Ashayana dispersed .
District Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
A QUARTERLY Communication was held at the Masonic Temple , Rangoon , on Wednesday , the 27 th December 1876 . Present—W . Bros . H . Kranss D . D . G . M . as D . G . M ., Jos . Dawson P . D . G . S . W . as D . D . G . M ., Edward Hopper P . D . G . S . W . as D . G . S . W ., A . M . Buchanan P . D . G . S . W . as D . G . J . W ., Rev . J . E . Marks P . D . G . O . as D . G . Chap ., E . G . Man D . G . Reg ., W . H . Porter D . G . Sec , B . Samuel P . D . G . Sec , A . Hotson D . G . S . D ., G . D . Hodding D . G . S . B ..
W . H . Wootton D . G . S . as D . G . O ., J . F . Briddon as D . G . P ., D . M . Paul P . D . G . P ., Bro . H . B . Davidson D . G . S ., and J . H . Clarkson as D . G . Tyler . Representatives of the following Lodges : —Star of Burmah , No . 614 ; Victoria in Burmah , No . 832 ; Rangoon , No . 1268 ; and Bro . A . L . Valliant P . S . W . No . 832 , visitor . The Grand Lodge having been opened in form , at 6 . 15 p . m ., and
the summona convening the Communication read , the proceedings of the last regnlar Communication , held on the 12 th September 1876 , were , on the motion of the Distriot Grand Master , taken as read , and were dnly confirmed . The District Grand Secretary reported receipt of apologies for their absence from several brethren , and read the report of the proceedings of a meeting of the Distriot
Grand Lodge Committee , with the District Grand Treasurer ' s acoounts since the date of last audit , & o ., which was adopted . The District Grand Master addressed the brethren as follows : —• The Masonic year which oloses to-day has been an important one to this province , and we have to record many changes ; chief among them the resignation of our D . G . M . Bro . Colonel Hervey Tucket
Duncan , C . S . I . We have already recorded our sense of the loss which Freemasonry has sustained by his resignation of the office of rnler in this province and our appreciation of the services he has rendered to the Fraternity during his Masonio career in Burmah . I have now to tell you that his resignation has been accepted by the Most Worshipful the Grand Master , and I lately received a letter
from our R . W . D . G . M ., conveying the command of the V . W . the Pro Grand Master , that the wishes of the Lodges in the province regard , ing a successor to him should be ascertained and made known to the Pro Grand Master through R . W . Bro . Duncan . This information I have procured , and am sending to Bio . Duncan , and we shall no
doubt in due time be informed what is the pleasure of H . R . H the Most Worshipful the Grand Master regarding a successor to Bro . Duncan as D . G . M . of British Burmah . The hand of death has been busy amongst us during the past year , and we have to deplore a serious loss in the untimely demise of W . Bro . J . V . Douglas De Wet , our D . Q . Treas . and a P . G . W- of this Lodge . I need not enlarge
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quarterly Communication Of Grand Lodge.
THE following is the business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 7 th March 1877 : — 1 . The Regulations for the Government of Grand Lodge daring the time of Public Business will be read . 2 . The Minntes of the Quarterly Communication of tin 6 th Decern , ber 1876 will be read and put for confirmation .
3 . The Minntes of the Especial Grand Lodgo of the 3 rd January 1877 will be read and put for confirmation . 4 . The M . W . Grand Master will move that the following reoom . mendations of the Especial Grand Lodge , holden at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Weduesday . the 3 rd day of Jauuary 1877 , be received aud adopted , viz .:
—( I . ) That the sum of £ 4 , 000 be voted to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution , for the purpose of founding and furnishing two Lifeboat Stations , in perpetuity , in such localities on the English Coast as the Sub-Committee , hereafter mentioned , shall decide .
( 2 . ) That a Sub-Committee , consisting of the M . W . the Pro Grand Master , the R . W . the Deputy Graud Master , and the R . W . the Senior Grand Warden , b « appointed to confer with the Secretary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution , with full powers to arrange all matters as to locality , detail , & c .
( 3 . ) That a Memorial Tablet be erected in Grand Lodge in commemoration of the event . 5 . Election of a M . W . Grand Master . 6 . Election of a Grand Treasurer . 7 . Report of the Lodge of Benevolenoe for the laBt quarter , in
which are recommendations for the following grants , viz . : — A Brother of the Lodge of Nine Muses , No . 235 , London ... £ 100 A Brother of the Union Lodge , No . 129 , Kendal £ 200
A Brother of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colohester £ 50 A Brother of the New Forest Lodge , No . 319 , Lymington ... £ 50 A Brother of the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 , Oxford ... £ 150 A Brother of the Lodge of Peace and Harmony , No . 60 , London £ 50 8 . THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England : The Board of General Purposes beg to report , that it having come to their knowledge that the Tyndall Lodge , No . 1363 , Chipping Sodbury , had been guilty of Masonio irregularity by passing and raising
brethren at shorter intervals than the period prescribed by the Book of Constitutions , the Board investigated the oiroumstanoes , and , in result , ordered that the brethren in question , be duly re-obligated and their Certificates withheld until that be done ; and , further , that the Lodge be fined one guinea for the offence .
The Board farther report the investigation by them of a similar Masonio irregularity on the part of the Royal Alfred Lodge , No . 1028 , Alfreton , a brother having been raised in such Lodge at a shorter in .
terval than that prescribed by the Book of Constitutions , and that , in result , they have ordered the brother in question to be re-obligated , and his Certificate to be withheld until that be donej and , further , that the Lodge be fined ono guinea for the offence .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C , President . 20 th February 1877 . To the Report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge Acconnts
at the last Meeting of the Finauce Committeo , held on Friday , the lfith day of February 1877 , shewing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 6 , 997 19 s 2 d ; and in the hands of the Grand Secretary , for petty cash , £ 75 ; and for servants' wages , £ 96 15 s .
9 . Report of Brother R . P . Harding , Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts , of receipts and disbursements during the year 1876 . 10 . Appeals . ( 1 . ) Appeal of Brother Edmund "Waller M . D ., the then W . Master
of St . Peter s Lodge , No . 442 , Peterborough , against the judgment of Brother Butler Wilkins , Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Northamp . tooshire and Huntingdonshire , relative to dissensions whioh have arisen in the Lodge , arising chiefly on the subject of the powers and privileges of the W . Master .
( 2 . ) Appeal of Brother the Rev . William T . Hobson , of the Tynwald Lodge , No . 1242 , Douglas , Isle of Man , against a resolution of the Board of General Purposes deolining to interfere between himself and Brother John A . Brown in a complaint submitted to them in a matter not relating to the Craft .
N . B . —The papers relating to these Appeals will be in the Grand Secretary's Office till the Meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the in . spection of the brethren during ojfice hours . 11 . Notices of Motions . ( 1 . ) By Bro . the ReT . Henry John Hatch W . M ., No . 160 : —
" That a Committee , consisting of the Present and Past Grand Officers , the Provincial Grand Masters , and such other members of the Craft as the said Committer shall , in their discretion , deem fit , from time to time to add to their numbers , be appointed to consider what steps should be taken to promote the building , either on the
Thames Embankment , or m some other conspicuous part of London , of a Masonic Temple , which , while offering more extended accommodation for the present requirements of Grand Lodge , shall be at once worthy of the rank , wealth , and increasing importance of Freemasonry ; an ornament to the chief city of the world , and a lasting memorial of gratitude to the G . A . O . T . U ., not only for tbe safe return from India
Quarterly Communication Of Grand Lodge.
of onr M . W . Grand Master His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , bnt for the success of his visit in elioiting and confirming throughout that vast territory a feeling of universal loyalty and attachment to the Imperial rule of England . "
" That such Committee shall be invested with full powers to prooure plans and estimates for such a building ; shall consider the best means of raising the necessary funds ; and shall continue to aot and report to every succeeding Grand Lodge , until the Grand Lodge shall think proper to discontinue the said Committee .
( 2 . ) By Bro . Benjamin Mallam P . M ., 108 : — " That a sum of money be given out of tho f nnds towards the f unda of the Alexandra Orphanage , sufficiently large in amount to allow of the Committee to place ono of the blocks of the buildings apart for the use of Infant Orphans of Freemasons .
List of Lodges for whioh warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : —
1652 . —Inverell Lodge , Inverell , N . S . W . 1653 . —Prince of Wales Lodge , Sydney , N . S . W . 1654 . —St . Leonards' Samaritan Lodge , St . Leonards , near Sydney , N . S . W . 1655 . —Corinthian Lodge , Thames , Auckland , New Zealand . 1656 . —Wolsey Lodge , Hampton Wick , Middlesex . 1657 . —Aldersgate Lodge , Aldersgate-street . 1658 . —Skelmersdale Lodge , Camberwell . 1659 . —Fidelity Lodge , Green Bank , Newfoundland . 1660 . —Arlecdon Lodge , Frizington , Cumberland . 1661 . —Newton Lodge , Newark-upon-Trent , Nottinghamshire . 1662 . —Beaconsfield Lodge , Walthamstow . 1663 . —Hartismere Lodg » , Eye , Suffolk . 1664 . —Gosforth Lodge , Gosforth , Northumberland . 1665 . —Natalia Lodge , Pietermaritzburg , Natal . 1666 . —Akaroa Lodge , Akaroa , Canterbury , New Zealand . 1667 . —Hntt Lodge , Lower Hutt , Wellington , New Zealand .
The Royal Oriental Order Of Sikha And The Sal B'Hai.
AN Ashayana of this Order was held at Kensington , on the 20 th February 1877 , under the presidency of one of the Censors . The Order Roll of the Arch Secretary was presented for inspection , and the signs dnly verified . A report of the Mahanhathas and of the Indian Council , or Mahanatha-i-Hind was receive I and approved . A draft of the Amilo-Aryan Constitution was submitted and referred
to the sponsors . The Ritual Committee made a report , which was approved . A report was also received from the Regalia Committee , and a general report was made as to the progress of the Order in Great Britain and Ireland for the year 1876 . The keys for the current cycle were then passed , and , after some other business , the Ashayana dispersed .
District Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
A QUARTERLY Communication was held at the Masonic Temple , Rangoon , on Wednesday , the 27 th December 1876 . Present—W . Bros . H . Kranss D . D . G . M . as D . G . M ., Jos . Dawson P . D . G . S . W . as D . D . G . M ., Edward Hopper P . D . G . S . W . as D . G . S . W ., A . M . Buchanan P . D . G . S . W . as D . G . J . W ., Rev . J . E . Marks P . D . G . O . as D . G . Chap ., E . G . Man D . G . Reg ., W . H . Porter D . G . Sec , B . Samuel P . D . G . Sec , A . Hotson D . G . S . D ., G . D . Hodding D . G . S . B ..
W . H . Wootton D . G . S . as D . G . O ., J . F . Briddon as D . G . P ., D . M . Paul P . D . G . P ., Bro . H . B . Davidson D . G . S ., and J . H . Clarkson as D . G . Tyler . Representatives of the following Lodges : —Star of Burmah , No . 614 ; Victoria in Burmah , No . 832 ; Rangoon , No . 1268 ; and Bro . A . L . Valliant P . S . W . No . 832 , visitor . The Grand Lodge having been opened in form , at 6 . 15 p . m ., and
the summona convening the Communication read , the proceedings of the last regnlar Communication , held on the 12 th September 1876 , were , on the motion of the Distriot Grand Master , taken as read , and were dnly confirmed . The District Grand Secretary reported receipt of apologies for their absence from several brethren , and read the report of the proceedings of a meeting of the Distriot
Grand Lodge Committee , with the District Grand Treasurer ' s acoounts since the date of last audit , & o ., which was adopted . The District Grand Master addressed the brethren as follows : —• The Masonic year which oloses to-day has been an important one to this province , and we have to record many changes ; chief among them the resignation of our D . G . M . Bro . Colonel Hervey Tucket
Duncan , C . S . I . We have already recorded our sense of the loss which Freemasonry has sustained by his resignation of the office of rnler in this province and our appreciation of the services he has rendered to the Fraternity during his Masonio career in Burmah . I have now to tell you that his resignation has been accepted by the Most Worshipful the Grand Master , and I lately received a letter
from our R . W . D . G . M ., conveying the command of the V . W . the Pro Grand Master , that the wishes of the Lodges in the province regard , ing a successor to him should be ascertained and made known to the Pro Grand Master through R . W . Bro . Duncan . This information I have procured , and am sending to Bio . Duncan , and we shall no
doubt in due time be informed what is the pleasure of H . R . H the Most Worshipful the Grand Master regarding a successor to Bro . Duncan as D . G . M . of British Burmah . The hand of death has been busy amongst us during the past year , and we have to deplore a serious loss in the untimely demise of W . Bro . J . V . Douglas De Wet , our D . Q . Treas . and a P . G . W- of this Lodge . I need not enlarge