Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 1 Article MEETINGS HELD, &c Page 1 of 1 Article MEETINGS HELD, &c Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS Page 1 of 2 →
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Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 57 . No . 96 , "Ancientsj" No . 120 at tho " Union of A . D . 1813 , " No . 96 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 81 from A . D . 1863 to the present time .
Co ull fobom tt man concern . WE , the Grand Lodgo of the most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , according to the old Con . stitntions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in the year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six , in ample
Form assembled , viz . ; The Right Worshipful Moat Noble Prince John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tullibardine , Strathsay aud Strathardale , Viscount Balquidder , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny & Gask , Constable of the Castle of Kinclaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley in the County of Gloucester & c . & c . & c .
Grand Master of Masons , The Right Worshipful Thomas Harper Esq - Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful William Oaks Esq - Senior Grand Warden , and the Right Worshipful Archibald Herron Esq - Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) Do hereby authorise and
impower our Trusty aud Well beloved Brethren , viz . The Wor-No . 96 shipfnl Cornelius Leggalt , ono of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Robert Melles , his Senior Warden , and the Wor . shipfnl Joseph Revitt , his Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodgo of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the New Commercial Inn , Aldborough , in the County of Suffolk or elsewhere upon the
First Friday in efrery Month , and on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions . And in the said Lodge ( when dnly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honorable Custom of the Royal Craft , in all Ages and Nations throughout the known World . And wo do hereby further authorise and empower our said Trusty and Well beloved Brethren Cornelius
Leggatt , Robert Melles and Joseph Revitt ( with tho Consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chuse , and install their Su' cessors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities as Freo Masons , & c . Aud such Suct'cSbors shall in like Manner nominate , chuse , and install
their Successors , Ac . & c . & c . Such Installations to be upon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continuanco of this Lodge for ever . Providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay clue Respect to this Right Worshipful Graud Lodgo , otherwise thia Warrant to bo of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this thirteenth clay of January in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eifiht . hundred and twelve , and iu the Year of Masonry Five thousand eight hundred and twelve . ROB - LESLIE , Grand Secretary . ¦ i ? NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered } in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 3 , > Letter C & E . March 1762 . ) By permission of the Right Worshipful Sir William Fowle Middleton , Bar' - P . G . M . for the County , this Warrant may be removed
from Aldbro to tbe Bull Inn , Woodbridge , Jan ? - 1 -1824 by Brothers Benj" - Gall , W . M Ja - Hibbett , J . W . W - Baxter P . M .. Tho - Sherning , Ja - Smyth , Rich - Fisher , Mark Luke Geo . Gross , Henry Carter , under the Title of the Doric Lodge . The present title , No ., & o . are , The Doric Lodge , No . 81 , "Woodbridge
Meetings Held, &C
The Eureka Chapter Rose Croix will meet on Saturday , 10 th March , nt 3 . 30 , at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , Bro . the Rev . Edward Walker , Provincial Grand Chaplain of Eases . M . W . Sov .
The M . W . Sov . Elect , Bro . C . J . . Smith , will be installed and the officers for the ensuing year appointed . A Past M . W . Sov , ' s jewel will be presented to Bro . the llev . E . Walker and several candidates perfected .
The Bayard Chapter Rose Croix wilt meet ou Tuesday , 13 th March , at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., at 5 p . m . III . Bro . Lieut-Colonel IL Somervillo Buraey 31 ° M . W . Sov ., for the perfection of candidates .
The Kemeys Tynte Preceptory of Knights Templar will meet on Friday , Kith March , at the Masonic Hall , 33 Goldensquare , W ., at 5 p . m . Y . E . . Sir- Knt . Lieut .-Colonel H . Somerville Burney E . ? ., iV . r the reception of candidates , and the eleotiou of E . Preceptor and Treasurer for tho ensuing year . The Friends in Council Lodge , No . 1383 will meet on Tuesday , 6 th March , at 8 . 30 , at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-
Meetings Held, &C
sqnare , W . W . Bro . Major Shadwell H . Clerke P . P . S . G . W . of Devon W . M . The Albion Chapter Eose Croix will meet on Friday , 2 nd March , at 5 p . m ., at the Southdown Hotel , Howard-square , East , bourne . 111 . Bro . Thomas Lane 30 * M . W . S . for tho perfection of candidates .
The Bard of Avon Preceptory K . T ., met on Thursday , 1 st March , at the Masouic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W . The Oxford and Cambridge Universities Chapter Eose CroiX will meet on Friday , 19 th Maroh , at the Masonio Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., for the installation of tho M . W . Sov .
elect , and appointment of officers for the ensuing year . The Palestine Chapter Eose Croix met on Tuesday , 27 th February , at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square . 111 . Bros . Charles Hammerton 31 ° as M . W . S . Lieut . James T . Ritchie R . A ., J . M . Kleuck and W . G . Brighton were perfected in the 18 ° .
The Philips Chapter Rose Croix met on Wednesday , 28 th February , at the Athemcum , Lancaster . Bro . Edward Airey M . W . S , 111 . Bro . J . D . Moore , 31 ° , installed Bro . Wm . John Sly as M . W . Sov . for the ensuing year , the officers were appointed and several brethren duly perfected in the 18 ° .
All Books intended for Review should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican , E . C . Early History and Transactions of tho Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons of the State of New York , 1781-1815 . Part VIII . Published by authority of the Grand Lodge . Granted to Kane Lodge , No . 454 , June 1874 . Now York : Masonic and Miscellaneous Publishers , No . 2 Bleecker-street ; D . Sickels and Co ., Managers . 1876 . THE eighth part of this valuable record deals with tho events which occurred between the closo of the year 1807 and that of 1810 . Most of the circumstances minuted aro of the usual character , and relate to the issue of Warrants for the constitution of new Lodges , the compositions of sundry Lodges for the payment of their duos , differences among members of Lodge A B C or X Y Z , & c . Occasionally we find
interspersed throughout these pages records of matters of greater moment . But to give onr analysis of the part in question . We find at the very outset—that is to say , at the meeting of Grand Lodge on the 2 nd December 1807 , a minute to the effeot that a communication had been received from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania relative to a convention proposed to bo held for tho purpose of organising a
supremo Grand Lodge for the whole Union of States . The matter was referred to a Committee , consisting of tho Senior Grand Warden , the Grand Secretary , and Bro . Vanderbilt W . M . of Trinity Lodgo , No . 10 . We likewiso find on this occasion that three members of a Committee , appointed to consider an application some time previously made for permission to hold a Lodge in the City of New York , to be
called Le Temple de l'Amitie , and other circumstances submitted by the petitioners , reported that there was no likelihood whatever of the Committee coming to any agreement . Thereupon it was resolved that the said Committee be disoharged , and a new one , with similar powers , was appointed in its stead . A communication from the Grand Lodge of England having been read , and ordered to be filed , tho
Graud Lodge was closed . On 3 rd March 1808 , the new Committee just referred to delivered their report , which was accepted . It is evident the petition was refused . Though the fact is not so stated , we find later that a communication from the petitioners was not allowed to be read . We note likewise that two other petititions to erect new Lodges in the City of New York having been submitted , a
motion was carried to the effect that for the present no More War . rants for new Lodges in the City should be issued . A letter from the Tammany Society , inviting Grand Lodge to take part in a certain demonstration about to be made at the Wallabout , is referred to a Committee , and at the next meeting of Grand Lodge , on the 1 st June , the Committee report , that having carefully inquired into all the
circumstances , they could find no evidence thafc any Masonic brethren had died on board of British prison ships , and therefore they were of opinion thafc it would be improper for the general Society of Freemasons to join in the procession . The report waa unanimousl y confirmed . A Worshipful Brother having been consured for using some memorandum in writing , which he had made for his own private use ,
to assist him in fulfilling his Masonic dnties , but which was utterly unintelligible to any but himself , expresses a wish that the writing should be submitted to the Grand Officers for their opinion and decision , and hands it to the Deputy Grand Master for that purpose . The request is granted , and a resolution passed that the Grand Officers make the required examination , aud report their opinion .
The report delivered later fully bears out the statement of the wriior , and exonerates him from all blame . At tho meeting of the Grand Stewards' Lodgo ou the 25 th May , it is noted that a sum not exceed , itig 20 dollars is ordered to be given as relief to a brother who is "in confinement in the jail in this city . " It is further noted thafc an application for assistance to the extent of 14 dollars was made on behalf of a certain Mrs . Hogbin , who had received Mrs . Vanche ,
widow of a Freemason , into her house , ou the latter ' s assurance thafc her board would be paid for by Masonic contributions . Mrs . Vanche , howovor , had Vaniched in debt to the extent above stated . "We presume that Mrs . llogbiu ' s faith in the beneficence of Freemasonry , how rudely soever it . may have been shaken by the consummate assurance and mysterious disappearance of Widow VanchcS , was confirmed ; for orders were given to the Committee of Charity to maka
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 57 . No . 96 , "Ancientsj" No . 120 at tho " Union of A . D . 1813 , " No . 96 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 81 from A . D . 1863 to the present time .
Co ull fobom tt man concern . WE , the Grand Lodgo of the most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , according to the old Con . stitntions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in the year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six , in ample
Form assembled , viz . ; The Right Worshipful Moat Noble Prince John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tullibardine , Strathsay aud Strathardale , Viscount Balquidder , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny & Gask , Constable of the Castle of Kinclaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley in the County of Gloucester & c . & c . & c .
Grand Master of Masons , The Right Worshipful Thomas Harper Esq - Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful William Oaks Esq - Senior Grand Warden , and the Right Worshipful Archibald Herron Esq - Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) Do hereby authorise and
impower our Trusty aud Well beloved Brethren , viz . The Wor-No . 96 shipfnl Cornelius Leggalt , ono of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Robert Melles , his Senior Warden , and the Wor . shipfnl Joseph Revitt , his Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodgo of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the New Commercial Inn , Aldborough , in the County of Suffolk or elsewhere upon the
First Friday in efrery Month , and on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions . And in the said Lodge ( when dnly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honorable Custom of the Royal Craft , in all Ages and Nations throughout the known World . And wo do hereby further authorise and empower our said Trusty and Well beloved Brethren Cornelius
Leggatt , Robert Melles and Joseph Revitt ( with tho Consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chuse , and install their Su' cessors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities as Freo Masons , & c . Aud such Suct'cSbors shall in like Manner nominate , chuse , and install
their Successors , Ac . & c . & c . Such Installations to be upon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continuanco of this Lodge for ever . Providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay clue Respect to this Right Worshipful Graud Lodgo , otherwise thia Warrant to bo of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this thirteenth clay of January in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eifiht . hundred and twelve , and iu the Year of Masonry Five thousand eight hundred and twelve . ROB - LESLIE , Grand Secretary . ¦ i ? NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered } in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 3 , > Letter C & E . March 1762 . ) By permission of the Right Worshipful Sir William Fowle Middleton , Bar' - P . G . M . for the County , this Warrant may be removed
from Aldbro to tbe Bull Inn , Woodbridge , Jan ? - 1 -1824 by Brothers Benj" - Gall , W . M Ja - Hibbett , J . W . W - Baxter P . M .. Tho - Sherning , Ja - Smyth , Rich - Fisher , Mark Luke Geo . Gross , Henry Carter , under the Title of the Doric Lodge . The present title , No ., & o . are , The Doric Lodge , No . 81 , "Woodbridge
Meetings Held, &C
The Eureka Chapter Rose Croix will meet on Saturday , 10 th March , nt 3 . 30 , at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , Bro . the Rev . Edward Walker , Provincial Grand Chaplain of Eases . M . W . Sov .
The M . W . Sov . Elect , Bro . C . J . . Smith , will be installed and the officers for the ensuing year appointed . A Past M . W . Sov , ' s jewel will be presented to Bro . the llev . E . Walker and several candidates perfected .
The Bayard Chapter Rose Croix wilt meet ou Tuesday , 13 th March , at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., at 5 p . m . III . Bro . Lieut-Colonel IL Somervillo Buraey 31 ° M . W . Sov ., for the perfection of candidates .
The Kemeys Tynte Preceptory of Knights Templar will meet on Friday , Kith March , at the Masonic Hall , 33 Goldensquare , W ., at 5 p . m . Y . E . . Sir- Knt . Lieut .-Colonel H . Somerville Burney E . ? ., iV . r the reception of candidates , and the eleotiou of E . Preceptor and Treasurer for tho ensuing year . The Friends in Council Lodge , No . 1383 will meet on Tuesday , 6 th March , at 8 . 30 , at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-
Meetings Held, &C
sqnare , W . W . Bro . Major Shadwell H . Clerke P . P . S . G . W . of Devon W . M . The Albion Chapter Eose Croix will meet on Friday , 2 nd March , at 5 p . m ., at the Southdown Hotel , Howard-square , East , bourne . 111 . Bro . Thomas Lane 30 * M . W . S . for tho perfection of candidates .
The Bard of Avon Preceptory K . T ., met on Thursday , 1 st March , at the Masouic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W . The Oxford and Cambridge Universities Chapter Eose CroiX will meet on Friday , 19 th Maroh , at the Masonio Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., for the installation of tho M . W . Sov .
elect , and appointment of officers for the ensuing year . The Palestine Chapter Eose Croix met on Tuesday , 27 th February , at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square . 111 . Bros . Charles Hammerton 31 ° as M . W . S . Lieut . James T . Ritchie R . A ., J . M . Kleuck and W . G . Brighton were perfected in the 18 ° .
The Philips Chapter Rose Croix met on Wednesday , 28 th February , at the Athemcum , Lancaster . Bro . Edward Airey M . W . S , 111 . Bro . J . D . Moore , 31 ° , installed Bro . Wm . John Sly as M . W . Sov . for the ensuing year , the officers were appointed and several brethren duly perfected in the 18 ° .
All Books intended for Review should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican , E . C . Early History and Transactions of tho Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons of the State of New York , 1781-1815 . Part VIII . Published by authority of the Grand Lodge . Granted to Kane Lodge , No . 454 , June 1874 . Now York : Masonic and Miscellaneous Publishers , No . 2 Bleecker-street ; D . Sickels and Co ., Managers . 1876 . THE eighth part of this valuable record deals with tho events which occurred between the closo of the year 1807 and that of 1810 . Most of the circumstances minuted aro of the usual character , and relate to the issue of Warrants for the constitution of new Lodges , the compositions of sundry Lodges for the payment of their duos , differences among members of Lodge A B C or X Y Z , & c . Occasionally we find
interspersed throughout these pages records of matters of greater moment . But to give onr analysis of the part in question . We find at the very outset—that is to say , at the meeting of Grand Lodge on the 2 nd December 1807 , a minute to the effeot that a communication had been received from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania relative to a convention proposed to bo held for tho purpose of organising a
supremo Grand Lodge for the whole Union of States . The matter was referred to a Committee , consisting of tho Senior Grand Warden , the Grand Secretary , and Bro . Vanderbilt W . M . of Trinity Lodgo , No . 10 . We likewiso find on this occasion that three members of a Committee , appointed to consider an application some time previously made for permission to hold a Lodge in the City of New York , to be
called Le Temple de l'Amitie , and other circumstances submitted by the petitioners , reported that there was no likelihood whatever of the Committee coming to any agreement . Thereupon it was resolved that the said Committee be disoharged , and a new one , with similar powers , was appointed in its stead . A communication from the Grand Lodge of England having been read , and ordered to be filed , tho
Graud Lodge was closed . On 3 rd March 1808 , the new Committee just referred to delivered their report , which was accepted . It is evident the petition was refused . Though the fact is not so stated , we find later that a communication from the petitioners was not allowed to be read . We note likewise that two other petititions to erect new Lodges in the City of New York having been submitted , a
motion was carried to the effect that for the present no More War . rants for new Lodges in the City should be issued . A letter from the Tammany Society , inviting Grand Lodge to take part in a certain demonstration about to be made at the Wallabout , is referred to a Committee , and at the next meeting of Grand Lodge , on the 1 st June , the Committee report , that having carefully inquired into all the
circumstances , they could find no evidence thafc any Masonic brethren had died on board of British prison ships , and therefore they were of opinion thafc it would be improper for the general Society of Freemasons to join in the procession . The report waa unanimousl y confirmed . A Worshipful Brother having been consured for using some memorandum in writing , which he had made for his own private use ,
to assist him in fulfilling his Masonic dnties , but which was utterly unintelligible to any but himself , expresses a wish that the writing should be submitted to the Grand Officers for their opinion and decision , and hands it to the Deputy Grand Master for that purpose . The request is granted , and a resolution passed that the Grand Officers make the required examination , aud report their opinion .
The report delivered later fully bears out the statement of the wriior , and exonerates him from all blame . At tho meeting of the Grand Stewards' Lodgo ou the 25 th May , it is noted that a sum not exceed , itig 20 dollars is ordered to be given as relief to a brother who is "in confinement in the jail in this city . " It is further noted thafc an application for assistance to the extent of 14 dollars was made on behalf of a certain Mrs . Hogbin , who had received Mrs . Vanche ,
widow of a Freemason , into her house , ou the latter ' s assurance thafc her board would be paid for by Masonic contributions . Mrs . Vanche , howovor , had Vaniched in debt to the extent above stated . "We presume that Mrs . llogbiu ' s faith in the beneficence of Freemasonry , how rudely soever it . may have been shaken by the consummate assurance and mysterious disappearance of Widow VanchcS , was confirmed ; for orders were given to the Committee of Charity to maka