Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget
indifferently . The crews are both heavy , averaging somewhat over twelve stone per man . All we need say in connection with the annual event is that , bar accidents , the best crew will assuredly win , but which that best may be it is not possible at this present time to say . There is ,
perhaps , one noticeable feature in the race of this year . There are more old bines rowing than , as far as we can remember , on any previous occasion . Meantime , light and
dark blae favours are beginning to show themselves more frequently as the day for the race approaches , these being , of coarse , among the earliest public symptoms of that "Blue fever , " to which London is annually liable .
The latest news from the East is so far satisfactory , that we believe peace has been actually concluded between Turkey and Servia on terms certainly more favourable than the latter , as a hopelessly defeated power , could have had any right to expect , had she not had the influence of the
Russian Empire at her back . Considering that the provocation to war came in the first instance from her , the terms are very handsome indeed . However , Servia , we fancy , has suffered too grievously to repeat her error . By this time she fully recogniues the value of the old familiar
Btory about the dwarf and the giant who went out together to do battle against their enemies . The dwarf was so foolishly valorous , that he thrust himself into the forefront of the battle , receiving all the hard knocks , while the giant merely advanced opportunely and secured the victory .
Servia has gone forth to battle with her enemy and has just escaped the contest with life , thanks to the influence of that powerful empire of Russia , which has been looking on the while , and , for aught that is known to the contrary , may even now be waiting an opportunity to dash at her
enemy the Turk . Peace with Montenegro is not yet arranged , but doubtless this will follow at an early date . The one momentous question that remains is whether Russia and Turkey will come to blows or not . With every day that ; passes , the prospects of a continued
maintenance of peace appear to be brighter . There have even been rumours that Russia has given orders for the demobilisation of her army . This , of course , must be a work of time , and will require very delicate management ,
or dissatisfaction will break out , not only among the troops assembled at Kischeneff , but elsewhere throughout the Empire . Let us hope , however , the news is true , and and that for the present , at all events , we may be no more harassed about the Eastern difficulty .
There is talk of the marriage of the young King of Spain with a daughter of the Duke de Montpensier . King Alphonso is yet a young man , and seems to get on well in the difficult task of governing a country so unsettled as is
Spain . The marriage is announced to take place at the end of next month . We trust the event may be for the happiness both of the King and the Princess , and that it will exercise a kindly influence over the country which Alphonso has been called to rule over .
We have received a short note , penned with difficulty by our worthy and zealous brother John Young , W . M . of Lodge 704 , Ahlaghill , Ireland . We learn with great regret that he is under treatment by the principal oculist of Belfast for blindness , * the sight of ono eye only being
partially preserved , though fears ave entertained for even that . He was first registered on the books of Grand Lodge in 1823 , having now been a Mason for 54 years , with yet undiminished fervour , though in the seventy-third year of his age . The brethren employed upon this Journal
Bend him their fraternal greeting . If the expression of our high esteem and deep sympathy can convey a gleam of gratification to one so afflicted , we would remind our brother that , under God ' s blessing , alleviation and resignation may best mitigate his calamity with the balm of a satisfied conscience , and the memories of a well-spent life .
As announced in another column , the Provincial Grand Secretary designate for Essex is Bro . T . J . Railing , of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester , where he was initiated in October 1869 , since which he has been an active and hardworking member . He has been its Secretary since 1871 ,
and the appreciation in which his services are held by his brethren is evidenced by the fact that iu May 1875 a valuable gold watch , suitably inscribed , and a handsomely engrossed vellum , were presented to him , in the presence of the D . P . G . M . and several distinguished brethren ( reported in the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE at the time , May 1875 ) .
Our Weekly Budget
We believe that the nomination of Bro . Railing to this distinguished post in the province has caused great satisfaction among the members of his Lodge , and we doubt not will be popular throughout the province . It is a little singular
the late Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . John Wright Carr , was an initiate of the Angel ; and it is a further remarkable circumstance that the present P . G . Treasurer for Essex , the W . Bro . Burton , and Bro . Carr first saw the light on the same evening and in the same Lodge .
H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales , M . W . Grand Master , has consented to preside at a dinner in aid of the funds for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb , on the 13 th of March , at Willis ' s Rooms , King-street , St . James ' s . Numerous noblemen and gentlemen , distinguished in the Order , are Stewards . Tickets , 21 s , can be obtained of Bro . W . Van Praagh , 12 Fitzroy-square . We are pleased to announce that Bro . E . Moss , Director of the Masonic Quartette , has been appointed tenor to the Foundling Chapel .
The Consecration of the Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1658 , will take place on Friday , the 9 th March , at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at four o ' clock precisely . V . W . Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , will perform the ceremony , and instal Bro . Samuel James Harvey , the W . M . designate .
The Festival Of The Benevolent Institution.
THE final meeting of the Board of Stewards was held on Monday , the 26 th ult ., Bro . J . Marsh Case J . G . D ., the President , in the chair . The Hon . Sec , Bro . Jas . Terry , announced that the total amount subscribed was £ 12 , 836 14 s , with five lists to come ia . He hoped to have to communicate the pleasing fact that it had reached
£ 13 , 000 . The accounts were audited , and found very satisfactory , leaving a balance ( out of the money paid aa Stewards' fees ) of £ 47 . The following propositions were duly carried : — 1 . Proposed by Bro . J . Stevens , and seconded by Bro .
H . M . Levy : —That the cordial thanks of this Board are due , and are hereby given , to the Right Hon . the Earl of Shrewsbury , Prov . G . M . for Staffordshire , for his great exertions in promoting the interests of this Institution by his powerful advocacy of its claims whilst acting as
Chairman of the Annual Festival , held on the 12 th February , in which he was nobly supported by brethren from all parts of the country , resulting in the munificent sum of £ 12 , 656 13 s being announced on the occasion . That a copy hereof be forwarded to his Lordship .
2 . Proposed by Bro . W . A . Tharp , and seconded by Bro . G . W . Verry -. —That the best thanks of the Board of Stewards be given to the V . W . Bro . J . Marsh Case J . G . D .,
the President to the Board , for the very admirable manner in which he has discharged the duties of the office , and for the kind courtesy he had evinced towards the brethren when presiding at their various meetings .
3 . Proposed by Bro . Hicks , and seconded by Bro . W . J . Murlis : —That the thanks of the Board of Stewards be given to the V . W . Bro . Samuel Tomkins , Grand Treasurer , Treasurer to the Board , for the admirable manner in which he had discharged the duties of the office , and for the courtesy he had shown towards the brethren .
4 . Proposed by Bro . J . G . Stevens , and seconded by Bro . W . Murlis : —That £ 10 be given from the balance on the account to Bro . G . Knill , and that a £ 10 Life Governorship be presented to V . W . Bro . J . M . Case , the balance to be handed over to Bro . James Terry , the Hon . Secretary .
A cordial and unanimous vote of thanks was given to Bro . James Terry , the Hon . Secretary , for his unremitting exertions in promoting the interests of the Institution , and the great success that attended the Festival . Bro . Terry thanked the brethren for their kind expressions ; he hoped
they wonld never have a worse Chairman or a worse Festival . The brethren severally congratulated him , and expressed a hope that next year the amount mig ht be increased . There were present Bros . W . A . Tharp , Godtschalk , J . Stevens , Hicks , E . Spooner , Lancaster , W . Kirk , G . W . Verry , C . G . Hill , T . Ross , W . J . Murlis , H . Higgins , J . W . Watts , and H , M . Levy .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget
indifferently . The crews are both heavy , averaging somewhat over twelve stone per man . All we need say in connection with the annual event is that , bar accidents , the best crew will assuredly win , but which that best may be it is not possible at this present time to say . There is ,
perhaps , one noticeable feature in the race of this year . There are more old bines rowing than , as far as we can remember , on any previous occasion . Meantime , light and
dark blae favours are beginning to show themselves more frequently as the day for the race approaches , these being , of coarse , among the earliest public symptoms of that "Blue fever , " to which London is annually liable .
The latest news from the East is so far satisfactory , that we believe peace has been actually concluded between Turkey and Servia on terms certainly more favourable than the latter , as a hopelessly defeated power , could have had any right to expect , had she not had the influence of the
Russian Empire at her back . Considering that the provocation to war came in the first instance from her , the terms are very handsome indeed . However , Servia , we fancy , has suffered too grievously to repeat her error . By this time she fully recogniues the value of the old familiar
Btory about the dwarf and the giant who went out together to do battle against their enemies . The dwarf was so foolishly valorous , that he thrust himself into the forefront of the battle , receiving all the hard knocks , while the giant merely advanced opportunely and secured the victory .
Servia has gone forth to battle with her enemy and has just escaped the contest with life , thanks to the influence of that powerful empire of Russia , which has been looking on the while , and , for aught that is known to the contrary , may even now be waiting an opportunity to dash at her
enemy the Turk . Peace with Montenegro is not yet arranged , but doubtless this will follow at an early date . The one momentous question that remains is whether Russia and Turkey will come to blows or not . With every day that ; passes , the prospects of a continued
maintenance of peace appear to be brighter . There have even been rumours that Russia has given orders for the demobilisation of her army . This , of course , must be a work of time , and will require very delicate management ,
or dissatisfaction will break out , not only among the troops assembled at Kischeneff , but elsewhere throughout the Empire . Let us hope , however , the news is true , and and that for the present , at all events , we may be no more harassed about the Eastern difficulty .
There is talk of the marriage of the young King of Spain with a daughter of the Duke de Montpensier . King Alphonso is yet a young man , and seems to get on well in the difficult task of governing a country so unsettled as is
Spain . The marriage is announced to take place at the end of next month . We trust the event may be for the happiness both of the King and the Princess , and that it will exercise a kindly influence over the country which Alphonso has been called to rule over .
We have received a short note , penned with difficulty by our worthy and zealous brother John Young , W . M . of Lodge 704 , Ahlaghill , Ireland . We learn with great regret that he is under treatment by the principal oculist of Belfast for blindness , * the sight of ono eye only being
partially preserved , though fears ave entertained for even that . He was first registered on the books of Grand Lodge in 1823 , having now been a Mason for 54 years , with yet undiminished fervour , though in the seventy-third year of his age . The brethren employed upon this Journal
Bend him their fraternal greeting . If the expression of our high esteem and deep sympathy can convey a gleam of gratification to one so afflicted , we would remind our brother that , under God ' s blessing , alleviation and resignation may best mitigate his calamity with the balm of a satisfied conscience , and the memories of a well-spent life .
As announced in another column , the Provincial Grand Secretary designate for Essex is Bro . T . J . Railing , of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester , where he was initiated in October 1869 , since which he has been an active and hardworking member . He has been its Secretary since 1871 ,
and the appreciation in which his services are held by his brethren is evidenced by the fact that iu May 1875 a valuable gold watch , suitably inscribed , and a handsomely engrossed vellum , were presented to him , in the presence of the D . P . G . M . and several distinguished brethren ( reported in the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE at the time , May 1875 ) .
Our Weekly Budget
We believe that the nomination of Bro . Railing to this distinguished post in the province has caused great satisfaction among the members of his Lodge , and we doubt not will be popular throughout the province . It is a little singular
the late Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . John Wright Carr , was an initiate of the Angel ; and it is a further remarkable circumstance that the present P . G . Treasurer for Essex , the W . Bro . Burton , and Bro . Carr first saw the light on the same evening and in the same Lodge .
H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales , M . W . Grand Master , has consented to preside at a dinner in aid of the funds for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb , on the 13 th of March , at Willis ' s Rooms , King-street , St . James ' s . Numerous noblemen and gentlemen , distinguished in the Order , are Stewards . Tickets , 21 s , can be obtained of Bro . W . Van Praagh , 12 Fitzroy-square . We are pleased to announce that Bro . E . Moss , Director of the Masonic Quartette , has been appointed tenor to the Foundling Chapel .
The Consecration of the Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1658 , will take place on Friday , the 9 th March , at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at four o ' clock precisely . V . W . Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , will perform the ceremony , and instal Bro . Samuel James Harvey , the W . M . designate .
The Festival Of The Benevolent Institution.
THE final meeting of the Board of Stewards was held on Monday , the 26 th ult ., Bro . J . Marsh Case J . G . D ., the President , in the chair . The Hon . Sec , Bro . Jas . Terry , announced that the total amount subscribed was £ 12 , 836 14 s , with five lists to come ia . He hoped to have to communicate the pleasing fact that it had reached
£ 13 , 000 . The accounts were audited , and found very satisfactory , leaving a balance ( out of the money paid aa Stewards' fees ) of £ 47 . The following propositions were duly carried : — 1 . Proposed by Bro . J . Stevens , and seconded by Bro .
H . M . Levy : —That the cordial thanks of this Board are due , and are hereby given , to the Right Hon . the Earl of Shrewsbury , Prov . G . M . for Staffordshire , for his great exertions in promoting the interests of this Institution by his powerful advocacy of its claims whilst acting as
Chairman of the Annual Festival , held on the 12 th February , in which he was nobly supported by brethren from all parts of the country , resulting in the munificent sum of £ 12 , 656 13 s being announced on the occasion . That a copy hereof be forwarded to his Lordship .
2 . Proposed by Bro . W . A . Tharp , and seconded by Bro . G . W . Verry -. —That the best thanks of the Board of Stewards be given to the V . W . Bro . J . Marsh Case J . G . D .,
the President to the Board , for the very admirable manner in which he has discharged the duties of the office , and for the kind courtesy he had evinced towards the brethren when presiding at their various meetings .
3 . Proposed by Bro . Hicks , and seconded by Bro . W . J . Murlis : —That the thanks of the Board of Stewards be given to the V . W . Bro . Samuel Tomkins , Grand Treasurer , Treasurer to the Board , for the admirable manner in which he had discharged the duties of the office , and for the courtesy he had shown towards the brethren .
4 . Proposed by Bro . J . G . Stevens , and seconded by Bro . W . Murlis : —That £ 10 be given from the balance on the account to Bro . G . Knill , and that a £ 10 Life Governorship be presented to V . W . Bro . J . M . Case , the balance to be handed over to Bro . James Terry , the Hon . Secretary .
A cordial and unanimous vote of thanks was given to Bro . James Terry , the Hon . Secretary , for his unremitting exertions in promoting the interests of the Institution , and the great success that attended the Festival . Bro . Terry thanked the brethren for their kind expressions ; he hoped
they wonld never have a worse Chairman or a worse Festival . The brethren severally congratulated him , and expressed a hope that next year the amount mig ht be increased . There were present Bros . W . A . Tharp , Godtschalk , J . Stevens , Hicks , E . Spooner , Lancaster , W . Kirk , G . W . Verry , C . G . Hill , T . Ross , W . J . Murlis , H . Higgins , J . W . Watts , and H , M . Levy .