Article DOINGS OF THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 3 Article DOINGS OF THE WEEK. Page 2 of 3 →
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Doings Of The Week.
and Cornwall and Lancashire . There was also a novel kind of sport—novel , at least , as regards appearance at our athletic meetings—in the shape of rope-pulling , besides a race for watermen and apprentices , the first prize being an
outrigger , presented by Mr . J . G . Chambers , the second , a pair of sculls . For the rope-pulling , gangs of men from the Blues and Coldstreams entered , the latter being victors in the final . If our readers would know what this
revival " is like , we refer them to any Boys Own Book of Sports and Pastimes . We remember , years ago , to have seen in one of these an illustration of two men pulling vigorously , each trying his hardest to drag his opponent over and beyond a certain line . The game , we think , was
called , in those days , French and English , and the contrast between the two men was very flattering to our national vanity . One , the Englishman , looked as solid and substantial as his own native prize beef , and taking it very leisurely , while "Mounseer , " who was long and thin , not to say skinny , was pulling his very hardest .
For the last two or three years the great volunteer field day on Easter Monday has not come off . Each successive year attempts have been made to revive it , but without success . The railway companies find it as much as they can manage to carry the thousands upon thousands of excursionists . We do not think this failure is matter for
very serious regret . We fancy very few volunteers m creased their store of military knowledge on the occasion . The most they brought away with them was , perhaps , a dim recollection of having marched past H . R . H . the Commander-in-Chief , or of the general appointed by him ,
of having marched up one hill and down another , fired away many rounds of blank cartridge—whether into friends or the enemy was , we believe , a matter of indifference—and got home , in somewhat loose formation , about the small hours of the morning . As far as our humble opinion goes ,
we think the plan of field days on a less ambitious scale , and involving less fatigue , is far preferable . Or a good march out is a sensible plan for combining the three objects of pleasure , healthy exercise , and adding to one ' s military experience . The most considerable of these
smaller reviews or sham-fights came off at Putney , about 3 , 000 men being present , under the command of Lord Ranelagh on the one hand and Lord Truro on the other . Some of the volunteer regiments in the north of London had a field day in the Alexandra Park , while the 37 th
Middlesex marched , on Good 1 nday , to St . Albans , the head quarters for the night being fixed at Bro . Marks ' s establishment , the " Petihen , " the men being billeted in the town . On Saturday the corps marched to Hertford , headquarters being fixed at the Salisbury Arms , and the men
billeted , as at St . Albans , throughout the town . A church parade was held on Sunday , and on Monday the corps returned . This is about the most admirable kind of mixed pleasure and military training the most enthusiastic volunteer can wish for .
We hardly know if we are to consider the Arthur Orton demonstration in Hyde Park on Easter Monday , under the presidency of Dr . Kenealy , among the legitimate amusements and entertainments of the season , and whether it will be the first of a series of annual meetings to be held while
the convict is in prison . As the congregation round about a , particular spot of many thousands of people , this demonstration may be held to have been a great success . What
moral effect it may or will have on the people of England , we do not feel ourselves competent to say . Those who benefited most were , no doubt , the pickpockets . Those who must feel the most delighted are the—more or
less—650 members of the House of Commons , who now know there is ono of their number who can play his part so admirably , as does the elect of Stoke . The London Operatic Season has begun , the Royal Italian , CoventGarden , havingbeen opened on Tuesday with
a very effective rendering of " Gnglielmo Tell . " This was followed , on Thursday , by Weber ' s " Der Freischutz , " and this evening will be given Verdi ' s " TJn Balloin Maschera . " Thus Mr . Gyo has some ten days' start of his rival at Her Majesty ' s , Drury Lane , Mr . Mapleson ' s campaign not
opening till the 10 th inst . We do not anticipate there will bo any special departure from the usual programme . Doubtless the repertoire at each house will be pretty much what it has been in past years . Signor Vianesi conducts at the Royal Italian , while Bro . Sir M . Costa will resume the baton at Her Majesty ' s . The strike , unhappily , still continues in South Wales , aor see wo much hope of any settlement of tho dispute ,
Doings Of The Week.
Some of the collieries , however , it is proposed to re-open at the wages prevailing in January 1870 , the plan being to give the locked-out colliers the opportunity of earning money , equal in amount to what they are entitled to receive in the shape of -relief from the Poor Law Authorities .
It remains to be seen if the proposal of the masters will be accepted , for the Merthyr Guardians seem to have their doubts as to the propriety of the plan . Meanwhile , there is no evidence of yielding on the part of the men , who have held sundry meetings , and decline to be the first to
make any advances to the masters . The death of General Sir John Cheape , G . C . B ., Colonel Commandant Royal ( late Bengal ) Engineers , is the third we have had to announce during the past few weeks . This distinguished officer was born in 1792 , and was in his 83 rd
year therefore . He entered the Royal Engineers in 1809 , and served with the forces , under the late Marquis of Hastings , inthePindarree War of 1815-16 . He served also in the first and second Burmese Wars , being in the latter ,
second , and , on the departure of General Godwin , first in command of the army . He was also chief engineer afc the siege of Moolfcan in 1848 , and was made a C . B . for his eminent services during the campaign .
On Tuesday the Mansion House was the scene of a very ancient ceremony . The Christ ' s Hospital boys , to the number of some 650 , marched in procession from Newgate Street to the Mansion House , in order to receive the usual Easter gifts from the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor .
A number of ladies and little children are always present in the saloon where the ceremony takes place , in order to witness it . Major Brackenbury , the Warden of the School , presented the boys in turn as they passed before his Lordship . The Grecians receive a guinea , probationers
half-a-guinea , monitors half-a-crown , and the rest a shilling , the money being all bright and new from the Mint . Each boy afterwards is regaled with buns and a glass of wine . They
then march home again . The Lad y Mayoress , Mr . Alderman and Sheriff and Mrs . Ellis , Mr . Sheriff and Mrs . Shaw , Mr . Alderman Sidney , Mr . Alderman and the Misses Carter , and others , were present .
The chief news from St . Andrews is the installation of Dean Stanley as Lord Rector of the Universit y on Wednesday , on which occasion he delivered the usual inaugural address , a marvel of eloquence , which was highly appreciated by the students for whose benefit it was spoken .
Almost the only item of news from abroad is that Marshal MacMahon has been decorated with the insignia of the Order of the Golden Fleece . The Emperor of Germany is sufficiently restored to health to have been enabled to pay a visit of congratulation to his Chancellor ,
Prince Bismarck , on the occasion of the latter ' s birthday . In Italy , and throughout Austro-Hungary , little else is talked aboub beyond the approaching visit of the Emperor to Venice , which is fixed , we believe , for the 5 th . From Spain there is nothing further of importance , either in tho way of war news , or of a nearer approach of peace .
The 6 th annual concert of the A B and C Divisions of Police , on behalf of the Metropolitian and City Police Orphanage , was held on the 23 rd ult ., at St . James ' s Hall , and attracted a crowded and fashionable audience . Great credit is due to Bro . Jas . Mott , for his exertions on this
occasion . He is a thorough musician , and on every occasion when the services of his talented daughters , Misses Emily and Lilly Mott are required , they are always ready to assist . Mr . Sims Reeves was announced to attend , but indisposition prevented him being present , which was
sincerely regretted . Miss Edith Wynne , Miss Matilda Scott , and Miss Emily Mott ( whose voice is visibly improved ) sang charmingly . Miss Lilly Mott played very cleverly on the piano . Messrs . Cummings , Coates , Mr . Lewis Thomas , aud Mr . Howard Reynolds , on the
cornet , were listened to with pleasure , and several encores resulted . The band of the A division , under the able direction of Mr . Allcock , played very artistically , and , judging from the numbers present , it is to bo hoped that the surplus will add to the funds of this excellent charity .
Those of our readers who stand in need of instruction in the business of the Craft , will be pleased to hear that Brother Crawley acts as Preceptor at the " Railway Tavern , " Railway Station , Fenchurch Street , on Monday
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Doings Of The Week.
and Cornwall and Lancashire . There was also a novel kind of sport—novel , at least , as regards appearance at our athletic meetings—in the shape of rope-pulling , besides a race for watermen and apprentices , the first prize being an
outrigger , presented by Mr . J . G . Chambers , the second , a pair of sculls . For the rope-pulling , gangs of men from the Blues and Coldstreams entered , the latter being victors in the final . If our readers would know what this
revival " is like , we refer them to any Boys Own Book of Sports and Pastimes . We remember , years ago , to have seen in one of these an illustration of two men pulling vigorously , each trying his hardest to drag his opponent over and beyond a certain line . The game , we think , was
called , in those days , French and English , and the contrast between the two men was very flattering to our national vanity . One , the Englishman , looked as solid and substantial as his own native prize beef , and taking it very leisurely , while "Mounseer , " who was long and thin , not to say skinny , was pulling his very hardest .
For the last two or three years the great volunteer field day on Easter Monday has not come off . Each successive year attempts have been made to revive it , but without success . The railway companies find it as much as they can manage to carry the thousands upon thousands of excursionists . We do not think this failure is matter for
very serious regret . We fancy very few volunteers m creased their store of military knowledge on the occasion . The most they brought away with them was , perhaps , a dim recollection of having marched past H . R . H . the Commander-in-Chief , or of the general appointed by him ,
of having marched up one hill and down another , fired away many rounds of blank cartridge—whether into friends or the enemy was , we believe , a matter of indifference—and got home , in somewhat loose formation , about the small hours of the morning . As far as our humble opinion goes ,
we think the plan of field days on a less ambitious scale , and involving less fatigue , is far preferable . Or a good march out is a sensible plan for combining the three objects of pleasure , healthy exercise , and adding to one ' s military experience . The most considerable of these
smaller reviews or sham-fights came off at Putney , about 3 , 000 men being present , under the command of Lord Ranelagh on the one hand and Lord Truro on the other . Some of the volunteer regiments in the north of London had a field day in the Alexandra Park , while the 37 th
Middlesex marched , on Good 1 nday , to St . Albans , the head quarters for the night being fixed at Bro . Marks ' s establishment , the " Petihen , " the men being billeted in the town . On Saturday the corps marched to Hertford , headquarters being fixed at the Salisbury Arms , and the men
billeted , as at St . Albans , throughout the town . A church parade was held on Sunday , and on Monday the corps returned . This is about the most admirable kind of mixed pleasure and military training the most enthusiastic volunteer can wish for .
We hardly know if we are to consider the Arthur Orton demonstration in Hyde Park on Easter Monday , under the presidency of Dr . Kenealy , among the legitimate amusements and entertainments of the season , and whether it will be the first of a series of annual meetings to be held while
the convict is in prison . As the congregation round about a , particular spot of many thousands of people , this demonstration may be held to have been a great success . What
moral effect it may or will have on the people of England , we do not feel ourselves competent to say . Those who benefited most were , no doubt , the pickpockets . Those who must feel the most delighted are the—more or
less—650 members of the House of Commons , who now know there is ono of their number who can play his part so admirably , as does the elect of Stoke . The London Operatic Season has begun , the Royal Italian , CoventGarden , havingbeen opened on Tuesday with
a very effective rendering of " Gnglielmo Tell . " This was followed , on Thursday , by Weber ' s " Der Freischutz , " and this evening will be given Verdi ' s " TJn Balloin Maschera . " Thus Mr . Gyo has some ten days' start of his rival at Her Majesty ' s , Drury Lane , Mr . Mapleson ' s campaign not
opening till the 10 th inst . We do not anticipate there will bo any special departure from the usual programme . Doubtless the repertoire at each house will be pretty much what it has been in past years . Signor Vianesi conducts at the Royal Italian , while Bro . Sir M . Costa will resume the baton at Her Majesty ' s . The strike , unhappily , still continues in South Wales , aor see wo much hope of any settlement of tho dispute ,
Doings Of The Week.
Some of the collieries , however , it is proposed to re-open at the wages prevailing in January 1870 , the plan being to give the locked-out colliers the opportunity of earning money , equal in amount to what they are entitled to receive in the shape of -relief from the Poor Law Authorities .
It remains to be seen if the proposal of the masters will be accepted , for the Merthyr Guardians seem to have their doubts as to the propriety of the plan . Meanwhile , there is no evidence of yielding on the part of the men , who have held sundry meetings , and decline to be the first to
make any advances to the masters . The death of General Sir John Cheape , G . C . B ., Colonel Commandant Royal ( late Bengal ) Engineers , is the third we have had to announce during the past few weeks . This distinguished officer was born in 1792 , and was in his 83 rd
year therefore . He entered the Royal Engineers in 1809 , and served with the forces , under the late Marquis of Hastings , inthePindarree War of 1815-16 . He served also in the first and second Burmese Wars , being in the latter ,
second , and , on the departure of General Godwin , first in command of the army . He was also chief engineer afc the siege of Moolfcan in 1848 , and was made a C . B . for his eminent services during the campaign .
On Tuesday the Mansion House was the scene of a very ancient ceremony . The Christ ' s Hospital boys , to the number of some 650 , marched in procession from Newgate Street to the Mansion House , in order to receive the usual Easter gifts from the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor .
A number of ladies and little children are always present in the saloon where the ceremony takes place , in order to witness it . Major Brackenbury , the Warden of the School , presented the boys in turn as they passed before his Lordship . The Grecians receive a guinea , probationers
half-a-guinea , monitors half-a-crown , and the rest a shilling , the money being all bright and new from the Mint . Each boy afterwards is regaled with buns and a glass of wine . They
then march home again . The Lad y Mayoress , Mr . Alderman and Sheriff and Mrs . Ellis , Mr . Sheriff and Mrs . Shaw , Mr . Alderman Sidney , Mr . Alderman and the Misses Carter , and others , were present .
The chief news from St . Andrews is the installation of Dean Stanley as Lord Rector of the Universit y on Wednesday , on which occasion he delivered the usual inaugural address , a marvel of eloquence , which was highly appreciated by the students for whose benefit it was spoken .
Almost the only item of news from abroad is that Marshal MacMahon has been decorated with the insignia of the Order of the Golden Fleece . The Emperor of Germany is sufficiently restored to health to have been enabled to pay a visit of congratulation to his Chancellor ,
Prince Bismarck , on the occasion of the latter ' s birthday . In Italy , and throughout Austro-Hungary , little else is talked aboub beyond the approaching visit of the Emperor to Venice , which is fixed , we believe , for the 5 th . From Spain there is nothing further of importance , either in tho way of war news , or of a nearer approach of peace .
The 6 th annual concert of the A B and C Divisions of Police , on behalf of the Metropolitian and City Police Orphanage , was held on the 23 rd ult ., at St . James ' s Hall , and attracted a crowded and fashionable audience . Great credit is due to Bro . Jas . Mott , for his exertions on this
occasion . He is a thorough musician , and on every occasion when the services of his talented daughters , Misses Emily and Lilly Mott are required , they are always ready to assist . Mr . Sims Reeves was announced to attend , but indisposition prevented him being present , which was
sincerely regretted . Miss Edith Wynne , Miss Matilda Scott , and Miss Emily Mott ( whose voice is visibly improved ) sang charmingly . Miss Lilly Mott played very cleverly on the piano . Messrs . Cummings , Coates , Mr . Lewis Thomas , aud Mr . Howard Reynolds , on the
cornet , were listened to with pleasure , and several encores resulted . The band of the A division , under the able direction of Mr . Allcock , played very artistically , and , judging from the numbers present , it is to bo hoped that the surplus will add to the funds of this excellent charity .
Those of our readers who stand in need of instruction in the business of the Craft , will be pleased to hear that Brother Crawley acts as Preceptor at the " Railway Tavern , " Railway Station , Fenchurch Street , on Monday