Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article IVY LODGE, No. 1441. Page 1 of 3 →
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Diary For The Week.
Emulation Lodge of Improvement ; , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instrnction ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonio Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 786—William Preston , Feathers'Tavern . Up . George-st ., Edgwaro-rd . 8 ( lust . ) 834— Hnnolngh , Six Bells , Hammersmith ( Instruction ) A 02—Bnrgoyno . Roil Cap , Camden Town , nt 8 ( Instrnction ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head . 79 Whitechnpel-road , nt 8 ( Instruction )
1056—Metropolitan , Portusral Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—Belgravo , . Termvn-street , S . W ., nt 8 ( Instruction ) 1288—Finsbury Park M . M ., Earl Russell , Isledon-road , N . nt 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard . Ahvyne Castle , St . Paul's-road . Cnnonbnry , at 8 ( In . ) 1365—Clapton , WhiteHart . LowerClapton , at 7-30 ( Instruction ) 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Gonlborne-rd , N . Kensington , at S . O ( Tnst . ) "R . A . 79—Pythngorean , Portland Hotel . London-street . Greenwich , at 8 ( Inst . ) R . C . —Mount Calvary , Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square
36—Glnmorgnn , Freemasons' Hall , Arcade , St . Mary ' s-street , Cardiff . 155—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 458— Aire nnd Cnlder , Privnto Rooms . Ouso-strcet , Goolo . 526—Honour , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . 6 « 2—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Uotel , West Bromwich . 697—United , Georgo Hotel , Colchester . 7 S 0—Roynl Alfred , Star nnd Gnrter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 ( Inst . )
815—Blaiv , Town Hall , Stratford-road , Hnlme . 1001—Harrogate and Claro , Masonic Rooms , Parliament-street , Harrogate . iaS 7—Benudesert , Assembly Rooms , Corn Exchange , Leighton Buzzard , Bods . 12 ^ 9—Rock , Bedford House , Rock Ferry . 1536—United Military , Masonic Hall , Plnmstead . General Lodgo of Instruction , Masonic Hall , Now-strcct , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 406—Do Sussex , Masonio Hall , Maple-stroot , Newcastle
Quarterly General Court , Girls' School , Freemnsons' Hall , at 12 103—London , Ship and Turtle , Loadcnhall Street , E . C . 198— "Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern . Southgate-Toart , N ., at , a ( Ti \ 9 tnwtiot" \ 1364—Earl of Zetland , Nags Head , Mare-street , Hackney , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1607—Loyalty , Aloxandrn Palnco , Muswell Hill . 1624—Eccleston , Grosvonor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1671—Mrzpah , Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-stroet , Regent-street , W ., at 8
1415—Campbell , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court 1612—West Middlesex , Tho Institute . Ealing 1637—Unity , Abercorn Hotel , Groat Stanmoro R . A . 308—Affability , Station House Hotel , Bottoms , Stansflold
Installation Meetings, &C.
THE installation meeting was held on Thursday , 25 th ult ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , and was numerously attended by brethren and visitors . Bros . 0 . Daniel W . M ., 0 . E . Ferry S . W ., "VV . Chicken J . W ., Goodwin P . M . Treasurer , G . Brown P . M . Secretary , Roberts S . D ., Schadler J . D ., Rich I . G . ; Past Masters L . A . Loins , Arnold , Goodall , Chivers , Cornwall , Goodwin , J . Bellerby . The lodge was opened and tho minntes wero confirmed . Bro . R . Dyson ,
late 65 , was nnanimously elected a joining member ; Mr . F . J . Rogers was initialed into tho Order ; Bros . Stafford and . Walker were raised , and Bro . W . B . Tabor was passed . Among- tlio Visitors wero Bros . Haynes 27 , A . Drew P . M . 890 , S . Barnett 185 , D . Moss 1275 , J . Stevens P . M . 1426 , "VV . H . Mann P . M . S 13 , R . A . James lato G 5 , G . S . Graham 1543 , H . Payne 228 , W . S . Dnnkley 1777 , R . Bridger
890 , R . Johnson 1777 , Fowler 1158 , F . Goodchild 1743 , J . W . Nash 73 , A . A . Thompson 1604 , Danes P . M . 754 , Sorrell 1 S 04 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The W . M . can bo congratulated on his excellent working . Tho report of tho Audit Committee was read and adopted . It showed the Lodge was in a flourishing ; state , as was also the Benevolent Fnnrl , the Treasurer holding a good balance in favour of the
Lodge and its Charity Fund . The Summer Banquet Committee was appointed . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . C . E . Ferry S . W . and Master elect , was presented , and in the presence of sixteen Worshipful Masters and Past Masters , duly installed , into tho chair by tho retiring W . M . Bro . C . Daniel , who performed the ceremony in a very able , perfect , and impressive manner . Bro . Brown
P . M . and Secretary gavo the concluding addresses , and he , as likewise Bro . Daniel , received a well merited encomium from the brethren and visitors . On tho re-admission of tho brethren , the customary salutations woro given , and the newly invested Master , in appropriate terms , appointed and invested his Officers as follow : — Bros . 0 . Daniel I . P . M ., Chicken S . W ., Roberts J . W ., Goodwin P . M .
Treasurer , G . Brown P . M . Secretary , Schadler S . D ., Rich J . D ., Wall I . G ., L . A . Leins P . M . D . C , Pierce A . D . C ., Akerman W . S ., Speight P . M . Tyler . Tho widow of a late member of the Lodge was relieved with the sum of five guineas , and a petition from her to the Board of Benevolence was recommended and . strongly supported by the brethren . The resignation of a member was accepted . Lodgo was
then closed until tho fourth Thursday in June . Tho brethren , seventy in number , sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bros . Ritfcer and Clifford , that gavo unqualified satisfaction . The menu card , designed by the W . M ., deserves special praise . Tho AV . M . genially presided , and proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . The National Anthem was sung , also " God bless the Princo of
Wales , by Bros . Stafford and Graham , and Bro . Dnnkley sang " Tom Bowling . " Bro . 0 . Daniel I . P . M . then rose ; ho had with mnch pleasure to take the gavel , to propose health and happiness to the W . M . From tho hour Bro . Ferry had joined them he had risen in their regard ; the more they saw of him tbe more they liked him . Although "he had been but a short timo in tho chair , all might see
now ably he presided . Indeed , ho was one they would all be proud of , and he ( Bro . Daniel ) hoped the brethren would drink tho toast , and wish him health and prosperity during his year of office , -the W . M ., iu reply , thanked Bro . Daniel for his kind expressions , and the brethren for the enthusiastic reception thoy had accorded him .
¦ He was surronnded by many old ancl esteemed friends , who had rallied round him , and ably supported him . He thanked the brethren heartily and cordiall y for tho manner in which tho toast had been received . The W . M . next proposed the health of tho initiate , which toast having been responded to , the W . M . proposed that of the
Installation Meetings, &C.
Visitors ; remarking how pleased tho Lodge was to seo them present . Bro . Goodchild sang a very humourous song . Bros . Jas . Stevens P . M . 1216 and W . II . Main P . M . 813 responded to tho toast , each paid deserved compliments to Bro . Daniel , tho Installing Master , and to Bro . Brown for his excellent rendering of tho addresses ; to tho W . M . also their thanks woro dno for his genial and ablo presidency . Tho
next toast was the health of the I . P . M . Bro . Daniels . Tho brethren had , by their unanimous voto , in consideration of tho ablo manner in which ho had cond acted thedu ties of tho Lodgo , voted him a jowol , whioh ho worthily deserved , ho ( tho W . M . ) had now tho pleasure of placing it on his breast , and with tho gift tho voice of tho Lodge wont ; no Master hotter deserved it . Ho ( tho W . M . ) also had a further pleasing
duty to perform , that was to present Bro . Daniel with an elegant and valuable gold keyless watch , with appropriate inscription , this he hoped Bro . Daniel would live for many years to wear , and bo among them in health and prosperity . Bro . Johnston sang " Sally in our Alley . " Bro . Daniel , who on rising was enthusiastically cheered , said ho was overpowered by his feelings j ho could hardly find words
to express his thanks for their kindness . By the wish of the brethren ho had accepted tho chair for the second time ; he had been strongly supported by tho Lodge , and he was pleased to say in leaving it , after two years , he left it in a flourishing condition , and surrounded by a spirit of peace and harmony . Tho substantial tokens of their goodness would never bo forgotten , suu \ ho trusted the watch might becomo an
hoirloom . His services would ever bo at their command . Tho W . M . then proposed tho toast of tho Past Masters ; Bros . Arnold Bellerby and Lewis , who wero present , woro all good mon and truo » thorough working Masons , who had done tho Lodge eminent service ' Thoso Past Masters who wero absent likewise deserved praise ; he hoped to seo them among them for many years . Bros . Arnold ,
Bellerby and Lowis responded , and then tho W . M . proposed tho toast of tho Installing Master ; he would couplo with ib tho throo Masonic Institutions , as Bro . Daniel was over enthusiastic in tho interests of tho Charities . Bro . Daniel replied ; ho was always pleased to serve as Steward ; ho had already done his share for the Charities , but ho would again and again represent them while ho had tho support of the brethren ; ho thanked tho W . M . for tho way ho
had spoken of him as Installing Master , but ho felt he was only doing his duty ; he hoped to their satisfaction . Tho W . M . thon proposed tho toast of Wardens aud Officers , including tho Treasurer , Bro . Goodwin , and the Secretary , Bro . Brown , who each responded . Tho Tyler's toast now brought a very agreeable evening to a close . The Prosperity Lodge of Instruction moets every Tuesday evening at 7 p . m ., at Bro . T . Maidwell's , Hercules Tavern , Le . idonhall-street .
Ivy Lodge, No. 1441.
IVY LODGE , No . 1441 .
THE members of this Lodge met in considerable numbers ab tho Surrey Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , tho 23 rd ult ., for tho Installation of Bro . William Ashwell P . M ., tho W . M . elect . Lodgo was opened at 4 . 30 by the W . M . Bro . Thomas Frederick Knight-Smith , and there wero present during tho Lodgo working Bros . Ashwell S . W ., R . Foster J . W ., G . Skegg S . D ., J . Burgess J . D ., A . Vernon I . G ., Past
Masters G . Mattock , Josiah . I . Cantlo , C . F . Poupard , L . CornoUissen , and C . S . Jolly Sec , Bros . A . Goodman D . C , D . H . Ashford , J . Vernon , E . W . Catling , W . G . Reynolds , J . W . St . John Hunt , J . Williams , J . A . Taylor , J . Raymond , W . Jacques , W . F . Gunnoll , B . Cooper , P . Dyke , 0 . Holste , T . Morloy , G . L . Luker , F . Paling , F . Gill , A . T . Trehearne , W . N . Shaw , Trant Smith , and others . The
business before tho Lodgo after confirmation of minutes consisted only of passing Bro . Paliug to the degree of F . C , and therefore at an early hour Bro . Ashwell was duly presented to the outgoing Master Bro . Knight- Smith who in a very excellent manner carried through the duty of installing his successor . After customary greetings and appointment and investment of Officers in rotation , Bro . Ashwell
closed his Lodge and accompanied tho brethren to tho Holborn Restaurant , where in tho Crown Room banquet was served . A largo number of members and thoir guests , unable to attend tho Lodge , were here assembled , and increased the party to a considerable extent . Ample provision had however been mado for them , aud a comfortable and most agreeable evening resulted from the perfect arrangements of
tho Officers and Stewards of tho Lodge . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured the I . P . M . Bro . Kni ght-Smith proposed the health of the newly Installed Master , Bro . W . Ashwell , in a very fluent and attractive speech , which was attentively listened to ; and tho toast was drunk with much enthusiasm . In reply the W . M . thanked the members of his Lodge for the honour conferred
on him , and declared that ho would do all in his power to help the prosperity of the Lodge , to study its best interest , and to leave the chair at tho expiration of his year of offico with work performed of which neithcrthoy nor himself should bo ashamed . The "W . M .. thenby special request called upon Bro . James Stevens ( a Visitor ) to recite " Masons' Vows . " We havo had tho great pleasure on previous
occasions to hear Bro . Stevens' excellent recital , but on this he excelled himself , and tho wrapt attention of his audience , and their unanimous expressions of approval testified to their appreciation of tho sentiments of that admirable Masonic poem , and his ability in rendering it . With tho toast of the Past Masters , all of whom but ono were present , tho W . M . coupled the name of his predecessor and Installing
Master , especially acknowledging ; his valuable services during the past year , and recognising tho fidelity withwhich ho had followed the example of those who had preceded him , and to whom tho present successful position of the Lodge is duo . In presenting to Bro . Knight-Smith a similar P . M . ' s jewel to that worn by his colleagues ho congratulated him and thorn upon tho excellent results of their
respective efforts on behalf of tho Lodge , and expressed the hopo that thoir services might be long continued . Suitable responses were mado by Bro . Smith and other P . M . ' s . Tho toast of the Visitors , fourteen in number , was cordially received , and acknowledged by Bro . James Stevens P . M . 1426 , T . P . Ceilings W . M . 22 , E . Farwig P . M 180 , A . Lemarque W . M . 917 , and W . Alexander of the Grand Lodge
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
Emulation Lodge of Improvement ; , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instrnction ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonio Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 786—William Preston , Feathers'Tavern . Up . George-st ., Edgwaro-rd . 8 ( lust . ) 834— Hnnolngh , Six Bells , Hammersmith ( Instruction ) A 02—Bnrgoyno . Roil Cap , Camden Town , nt 8 ( Instrnction ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head . 79 Whitechnpel-road , nt 8 ( Instruction )
1056—Metropolitan , Portusral Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—Belgravo , . Termvn-street , S . W ., nt 8 ( Instruction ) 1288—Finsbury Park M . M ., Earl Russell , Isledon-road , N . nt 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard . Ahvyne Castle , St . Paul's-road . Cnnonbnry , at 8 ( In . ) 1365—Clapton , WhiteHart . LowerClapton , at 7-30 ( Instruction ) 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Gonlborne-rd , N . Kensington , at S . O ( Tnst . ) "R . A . 79—Pythngorean , Portland Hotel . London-street . Greenwich , at 8 ( Inst . ) R . C . —Mount Calvary , Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square
36—Glnmorgnn , Freemasons' Hall , Arcade , St . Mary ' s-street , Cardiff . 155—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 458— Aire nnd Cnlder , Privnto Rooms . Ouso-strcet , Goolo . 526—Honour , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . 6 « 2—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Uotel , West Bromwich . 697—United , Georgo Hotel , Colchester . 7 S 0—Roynl Alfred , Star nnd Gnrter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 ( Inst . )
815—Blaiv , Town Hall , Stratford-road , Hnlme . 1001—Harrogate and Claro , Masonic Rooms , Parliament-street , Harrogate . iaS 7—Benudesert , Assembly Rooms , Corn Exchange , Leighton Buzzard , Bods . 12 ^ 9—Rock , Bedford House , Rock Ferry . 1536—United Military , Masonic Hall , Plnmstead . General Lodgo of Instruction , Masonic Hall , Now-strcct , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 406—Do Sussex , Masonio Hall , Maple-stroot , Newcastle
Quarterly General Court , Girls' School , Freemnsons' Hall , at 12 103—London , Ship and Turtle , Loadcnhall Street , E . C . 198— "Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern . Southgate-Toart , N ., at , a ( Ti \ 9 tnwtiot" \ 1364—Earl of Zetland , Nags Head , Mare-street , Hackney , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1607—Loyalty , Aloxandrn Palnco , Muswell Hill . 1624—Eccleston , Grosvonor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1671—Mrzpah , Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-stroet , Regent-street , W ., at 8
1415—Campbell , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court 1612—West Middlesex , Tho Institute . Ealing 1637—Unity , Abercorn Hotel , Groat Stanmoro R . A . 308—Affability , Station House Hotel , Bottoms , Stansflold
Installation Meetings, &C.
THE installation meeting was held on Thursday , 25 th ult ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , and was numerously attended by brethren and visitors . Bros . 0 . Daniel W . M ., 0 . E . Ferry S . W ., "VV . Chicken J . W ., Goodwin P . M . Treasurer , G . Brown P . M . Secretary , Roberts S . D ., Schadler J . D ., Rich I . G . ; Past Masters L . A . Loins , Arnold , Goodall , Chivers , Cornwall , Goodwin , J . Bellerby . The lodge was opened and tho minntes wero confirmed . Bro . R . Dyson ,
late 65 , was nnanimously elected a joining member ; Mr . F . J . Rogers was initialed into tho Order ; Bros . Stafford and . Walker were raised , and Bro . W . B . Tabor was passed . Among- tlio Visitors wero Bros . Haynes 27 , A . Drew P . M . 890 , S . Barnett 185 , D . Moss 1275 , J . Stevens P . M . 1426 , "VV . H . Mann P . M . S 13 , R . A . James lato G 5 , G . S . Graham 1543 , H . Payne 228 , W . S . Dnnkley 1777 , R . Bridger
890 , R . Johnson 1777 , Fowler 1158 , F . Goodchild 1743 , J . W . Nash 73 , A . A . Thompson 1604 , Danes P . M . 754 , Sorrell 1 S 04 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The W . M . can bo congratulated on his excellent working . Tho report of tho Audit Committee was read and adopted . It showed the Lodge was in a flourishing ; state , as was also the Benevolent Fnnrl , the Treasurer holding a good balance in favour of the
Lodge and its Charity Fund . The Summer Banquet Committee was appointed . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . C . E . Ferry S . W . and Master elect , was presented , and in the presence of sixteen Worshipful Masters and Past Masters , duly installed , into tho chair by tho retiring W . M . Bro . C . Daniel , who performed the ceremony in a very able , perfect , and impressive manner . Bro . Brown
P . M . and Secretary gavo the concluding addresses , and he , as likewise Bro . Daniel , received a well merited encomium from the brethren and visitors . On tho re-admission of tho brethren , the customary salutations woro given , and the newly invested Master , in appropriate terms , appointed and invested his Officers as follow : — Bros . 0 . Daniel I . P . M ., Chicken S . W ., Roberts J . W ., Goodwin P . M .
Treasurer , G . Brown P . M . Secretary , Schadler S . D ., Rich J . D ., Wall I . G ., L . A . Leins P . M . D . C , Pierce A . D . C ., Akerman W . S ., Speight P . M . Tyler . Tho widow of a late member of the Lodge was relieved with the sum of five guineas , and a petition from her to the Board of Benevolence was recommended and . strongly supported by the brethren . The resignation of a member was accepted . Lodgo was
then closed until tho fourth Thursday in June . Tho brethren , seventy in number , sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bros . Ritfcer and Clifford , that gavo unqualified satisfaction . The menu card , designed by the W . M ., deserves special praise . Tho AV . M . genially presided , and proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . The National Anthem was sung , also " God bless the Princo of
Wales , by Bros . Stafford and Graham , and Bro . Dnnkley sang " Tom Bowling . " Bro . 0 . Daniel I . P . M . then rose ; ho had with mnch pleasure to take the gavel , to propose health and happiness to the W . M . From tho hour Bro . Ferry had joined them he had risen in their regard ; the more they saw of him tbe more they liked him . Although "he had been but a short timo in tho chair , all might see
now ably he presided . Indeed , ho was one they would all be proud of , and he ( Bro . Daniel ) hoped the brethren would drink tho toast , and wish him health and prosperity during his year of office , -the W . M ., iu reply , thanked Bro . Daniel for his kind expressions , and the brethren for the enthusiastic reception thoy had accorded him .
¦ He was surronnded by many old ancl esteemed friends , who had rallied round him , and ably supported him . He thanked the brethren heartily and cordiall y for tho manner in which tho toast had been received . The W . M . next proposed the health of tho initiate , which toast having been responded to , the W . M . proposed that of the
Installation Meetings, &C.
Visitors ; remarking how pleased tho Lodge was to seo them present . Bro . Goodchild sang a very humourous song . Bros . Jas . Stevens P . M . 1216 and W . II . Main P . M . 813 responded to tho toast , each paid deserved compliments to Bro . Daniel , tho Installing Master , and to Bro . Brown for his excellent rendering of tho addresses ; to tho W . M . also their thanks woro dno for his genial and ablo presidency . Tho
next toast was the health of the I . P . M . Bro . Daniels . Tho brethren had , by their unanimous voto , in consideration of tho ablo manner in which ho had cond acted thedu ties of tho Lodgo , voted him a jowol , whioh ho worthily deserved , ho ( tho W . M . ) had now tho pleasure of placing it on his breast , and with tho gift tho voice of tho Lodge wont ; no Master hotter deserved it . Ho ( tho W . M . ) also had a further pleasing
duty to perform , that was to present Bro . Daniel with an elegant and valuable gold keyless watch , with appropriate inscription , this he hoped Bro . Daniel would live for many years to wear , and bo among them in health and prosperity . Bro . Johnston sang " Sally in our Alley . " Bro . Daniel , who on rising was enthusiastically cheered , said ho was overpowered by his feelings j ho could hardly find words
to express his thanks for their kindness . By the wish of the brethren ho had accepted tho chair for the second time ; he had been strongly supported by tho Lodge , and he was pleased to say in leaving it , after two years , he left it in a flourishing condition , and surrounded by a spirit of peace and harmony . Tho substantial tokens of their goodness would never bo forgotten , suu \ ho trusted the watch might becomo an
hoirloom . His services would ever bo at their command . Tho W . M . then proposed tho toast of tho Past Masters ; Bros . Arnold Bellerby and Lewis , who wero present , woro all good mon and truo » thorough working Masons , who had done tho Lodge eminent service ' Thoso Past Masters who wero absent likewise deserved praise ; he hoped to seo them among them for many years . Bros . Arnold ,
Bellerby and Lowis responded , and then tho W . M . proposed tho toast of tho Installing Master ; he would couplo with ib tho throo Masonic Institutions , as Bro . Daniel was over enthusiastic in tho interests of tho Charities . Bro . Daniel replied ; ho was always pleased to serve as Steward ; ho had already done his share for the Charities , but ho would again and again represent them while ho had tho support of the brethren ; ho thanked tho W . M . for tho way ho
had spoken of him as Installing Master , but ho felt he was only doing his duty ; he hoped to their satisfaction . Tho W . M . thon proposed tho toast of Wardens aud Officers , including tho Treasurer , Bro . Goodwin , and the Secretary , Bro . Brown , who each responded . Tho Tyler's toast now brought a very agreeable evening to a close . The Prosperity Lodge of Instruction moets every Tuesday evening at 7 p . m ., at Bro . T . Maidwell's , Hercules Tavern , Le . idonhall-street .
Ivy Lodge, No. 1441.
IVY LODGE , No . 1441 .
THE members of this Lodge met in considerable numbers ab tho Surrey Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , tho 23 rd ult ., for tho Installation of Bro . William Ashwell P . M ., tho W . M . elect . Lodgo was opened at 4 . 30 by the W . M . Bro . Thomas Frederick Knight-Smith , and there wero present during tho Lodgo working Bros . Ashwell S . W ., R . Foster J . W ., G . Skegg S . D ., J . Burgess J . D ., A . Vernon I . G ., Past
Masters G . Mattock , Josiah . I . Cantlo , C . F . Poupard , L . CornoUissen , and C . S . Jolly Sec , Bros . A . Goodman D . C , D . H . Ashford , J . Vernon , E . W . Catling , W . G . Reynolds , J . W . St . John Hunt , J . Williams , J . A . Taylor , J . Raymond , W . Jacques , W . F . Gunnoll , B . Cooper , P . Dyke , 0 . Holste , T . Morloy , G . L . Luker , F . Paling , F . Gill , A . T . Trehearne , W . N . Shaw , Trant Smith , and others . The
business before tho Lodgo after confirmation of minutes consisted only of passing Bro . Paliug to the degree of F . C , and therefore at an early hour Bro . Ashwell was duly presented to the outgoing Master Bro . Knight- Smith who in a very excellent manner carried through the duty of installing his successor . After customary greetings and appointment and investment of Officers in rotation , Bro . Ashwell
closed his Lodge and accompanied tho brethren to tho Holborn Restaurant , where in tho Crown Room banquet was served . A largo number of members and thoir guests , unable to attend tho Lodge , were here assembled , and increased the party to a considerable extent . Ample provision had however been mado for them , aud a comfortable and most agreeable evening resulted from the perfect arrangements of
tho Officers and Stewards of tho Lodge . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured the I . P . M . Bro . Kni ght-Smith proposed the health of the newly Installed Master , Bro . W . Ashwell , in a very fluent and attractive speech , which was attentively listened to ; and tho toast was drunk with much enthusiasm . In reply the W . M . thanked the members of his Lodge for the honour conferred
on him , and declared that ho would do all in his power to help the prosperity of the Lodge , to study its best interest , and to leave the chair at tho expiration of his year of offico with work performed of which neithcrthoy nor himself should bo ashamed . The "W . M .. thenby special request called upon Bro . James Stevens ( a Visitor ) to recite " Masons' Vows . " We havo had tho great pleasure on previous
occasions to hear Bro . Stevens' excellent recital , but on this he excelled himself , and tho wrapt attention of his audience , and their unanimous expressions of approval testified to their appreciation of tho sentiments of that admirable Masonic poem , and his ability in rendering it . With tho toast of the Past Masters , all of whom but ono were present , tho W . M . coupled the name of his predecessor and Installing
Master , especially acknowledging ; his valuable services during the past year , and recognising tho fidelity withwhich ho had followed the example of those who had preceded him , and to whom tho present successful position of the Lodge is duo . In presenting to Bro . Knight-Smith a similar P . M . ' s jewel to that worn by his colleagues ho congratulated him and thorn upon tho excellent results of their
respective efforts on behalf of tho Lodge , and expressed the hopo that thoir services might be long continued . Suitable responses were mado by Bro . Smith and other P . M . ' s . Tho toast of the Visitors , fourteen in number , was cordially received , and acknowledged by Bro . James Stevens P . M . 1426 , T . P . Ceilings W . M . 22 , E . Farwig P . M 180 , A . Lemarque W . M . 917 , and W . Alexander of the Grand Lodge