Article IVY LODGE, No. 1441. ← Page 2 of 3 Article IVY LODGE, No. 1441. Page 2 of 3 →
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Ivy Lodge, No. 1441.
of Ireland , on behalf of themselves and remainder present , viz .: —Bros . Jonas Dnckett P . M . 507 , H . D . Martin J . W . 1309 , J . Oswald P . M . 1328 , J . Evans 753 , J . Quamer W . M . 569 , F . Rose 179 , W . A . Maloney P . M . 25 , W . J . Large W . M . 1321 , and Reader Brock 765 . The services of Bro . Past Master Jolly , the Hon . Sec , the Treasurer and tho Officers of the Lodge generally , were remembered , and tho proceedings
terminated with the Tyler ' s toast . A moro thoroughly enjoyable meeting from beginning to end we have but seldom experienced ; and we cannot close this report without a meed of praise to the musical brethren , all members of the Lodge , who contributed so largely to the success of this social gathering . Under the direction of the I . P . M Bro . Knight-Smitb , somo charming solos , duets and glees were rendered in most perfect style , Bros . Evans , Martin , Reynolds , and
Large especially distinguishing themselves . Bros . Knight-Smith and Cantle sang the duet " Excelsior , " and in several glees , with such musical taste and effect as conld scarcely be surpassed , and it would be no exaggeration to say that many so-called " Grand Concerts" have lacked that amount of talent ancl execution which on this occasion wero accessory only to an ordinary Masonio meeting . Wo shall hope to attend another Installation Meeting of the Ivy Lodge , No .
ON Monday , 16 thult ., Colonel the Right Hon . F . A . Stanley , M . P ., Secretary of State for War , was installed as M . E . Z . of thia Chapter , by Comp . Dr . Moore P . G . S . B . England , P . Prov . G . H ., Ac .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , —The above Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , 23 rd March , at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen Street . Present : —Bro . W . R . Lister W . M ., Dr . W . Wilkinson S . W ., C . A . Woods J . W ., E . H . Thiellay P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex Secretary , T . Bull P . M . Treasurer , A . D . Kerrell J . D ., J . Reid D . C , J . Curtis I . G ., Reinhardt Tyler , J . H . Leggott I . P . M .
The Lodge was opened and the minntes were confirmed . A ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . Philibert Desplaces , which was unanimously in that gentleman ' s favour , and he was duly initiated into the Order by the W . M ., who conducted tho ceremony in a very able and perfect manner . The W . M . then presented Bro . J . H . Leggott I . P . M ., in the name of the Lodge , with a very elegant silver Past Master ' s square , in lieu of tho charity Jewel -usually presented
by the Lodge , Bro . Leggctfc having previously provided himself with one . The amount handed in by our esteemed brother in support of his various Stewardships to the three Charities is over £ 900 . Bro . Leggott appropriatly responded for the kindness of the brethren . Lodge was then closed , nnd tho brethren separated ; there was no banquet . Bros . G . Mickey P . M . 449 , and T . Fraik wero present as visitors .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 30 th March . Bros . J . Lorkin W . M ., Smyth S . W ., Forss J . W ., Polak S . D ., Clark J . D ., Baker I . G ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Dallas , 0 . Lorkin , Allen , Hopkins , Marsh , and others . Lodgo was opened in due form , and the minntes of last meeting were read and
confirmed . Brother Hopkins was interrogated , entrusted , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason ; the W . M . gave tho Traditional History . Ledge was closed in the third , and resumed to the first degree , Bro . Allen answered the questions and was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The Lodge was closed in the second degree
Bro . Smyth was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Owing to Bro . P . M . Wallington having a very bad cold , tho ceremony of installation which should have been rehearsed was postponed till Tuesday , 6 th April . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
Lodge of Monteflore , No . 1017 . —The regular meeting was held on Wednesday , 24 th inst ., at the Regent Masonic Hall , Airstreet , Regent . street . Bros . L . J . Salomon W . M ., E . Ellis S . W ., M . Levy J . W ., L . Jacobs Treas ., E . P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , J . Syers S . D ., L . A . Lazarus as I . G ., H . Leverton D . C , Goldberger W . S ., S . Samuel Steward ,- P . M . ' s S . V . Abrahams , De Solla , W . H .
Gullifold , Grunbaum , S . Pollitzer , A . Blumenthal . After preliminaries lad been duly observed , Bro . W . H . B . Gulliford answered tbe necessary questioes satisfactorily , and was raised to the third degree . A ballot was taken for Mr . N . P . Valentine , who was duly initiated into the Order . Both ceremonies were perfectly and impressively rendered by the W . M . Among the Visitors were Bros .
G . H . Jaffa W . M . 1579 , S . Rosenthal , Henri De Solla No . 11 P . S . G . W . Middlesex , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The resignation of three brethren was accepted with regret , and a candidate was proposed for initiation at the next meeting . Lodge was then closed and the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . Nicols . In proposing tbe toast of the Deputy G . M . the W . M .
alluded to tbe honour the Ledge had received by one of their members being selected as a Grand Officer and invested by H . R . H . the M . W . the Grand Master . All respect Bro . E . P . Albert , and hope he will be among them for many years . Bro . E . P . Albert P . G . P . eloquently responded . Bro . W . H . Gulliford I . P . M . proposed tho toast of the W . M .
He did not propose the toast simply as their W . M . That evening his ( Bro . Gnlliford ' s ) eon had been passed to the third degree by the W . M ., and from the expressions of approval made by the brethren the work had been well done . He had wished to perform the ceremony himself , but he regretted be was unable to be present . Bro . Salomon was one who would cement the bonds of amity and friendship in the
Ivy Lodge, No. 1441.
Lodge . No better Mason could occupy tho chair . After a song by Bro . H . De Solla— " Phillis is my only joy "—tho W . M . felt pleased to hear tho encomiums passed by Bro . Gulliford j he hoped at close of his year of office to merit their approbation . He waa pleased that the Lodge continued in tho bonds of amity and brotherly love . Before sitting down he would propose the health of those who had
recently joined our ranks . Bro . Valentino is one whom they all know , and from his antecedents would ever respect . The other new member was a son of Bro . Gulliford I . P . M ., whose year of office had been eminently satisfactory . After Bro . Chandler had favoured with the " Village Blacksmith , " Bro . Valentino responded , and was fol . lowed by Bro . Gulliford . The W . M . then proposed tha toast of the
Visitors , and Bros . Rosenthal , Jaffa , De Solla and H . M . Levy responded . The toast of the P . M . ' fl was next given . Those brethren had striven to work for the welfare of the Lodge ; they one and all had done good and true service . As this was Bro . Pollitzer ' s natal day , all wished him long life and happiness . The W . M . wonld call on Bros .
Pollitzer and Gulliford to respond . After the brethren named had acknowledged the compliment , the W . M . proposed the Officers , coupling with the toast tho names of Bros . E . P . Albert Sec . and L . Jacobs Treas . After Bro . De Solla had again favoured the com . pany , the brethren named replied , and then the Tyler gave his toast , and the brethren separated .
Southern Star Lodge , Ho . 1158 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 23 rd ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge . Present : —Bros . R . S . Smith W . M ., R . Harris S . W ., A . Stewart J . W ., A . Wright P . M ., T . H . Pnlsford P . M . Sec , R . Fortune S . D ., Holloway J . D ., Austin D . C , Block Steward , Wilks I . G . Past Masters Bros . C . Wise , T . Potter , & c . The Lodge was formally opened and advanced
to the third degree , when Bro . Millard was raised . The Lodge was . resumed , and Mr . Georgo Hepburn Greenham , having been acepted unanimously on the ballot , was duly initiated into the Order . The election of W . M . for ensuing year resulted in favour of Bro . Harris , who received the unanimous support of the brethren .
Bro . A . Wright was re-elected Treasurer , as was also Bro . Stead tho Tyler . Three auditors were then elected , the votes being in favour of Bros . Webb , Rossiter and Davis . It was regularly proposed and carried that a Past Master ' s jewel , of the usual description , be presented from the Funds of the Lodge to Bro . R . S . Smith for his services to the Lodgo during his term of office .
Friars Lodge of Instruetion , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt's , the Liverpool Arms , Canning-town , on Tuesday , 30 th March . Bros . Shepherd W . M . 1349 W . M ., Johnson S . W ., Smith J . W ., Fyfo S . D ., Roddam J . D ., Cope I . G ., Worsley Secretary ; also Bros . Nash , Pavitt , Sadler , White , Roberts , & c . The Lodge opened in due form and the minntes read . The ceremony of installation was eloquently rehearsed by the W . M ., who installed Bro . Roberts in tho chair of
K . S . After which Bro . Roberts worked tbe initiation ceremony , Bro . Fyfo being candidate . Bro . Johnson was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week and appointed his Officers in rotation . A unanimous voto of thanks was ordered to be recorded on tho minutes of this Lodge of Instruction to Bro . Roberts for the very excellent manner in which he had worked the ceremony , for the first time in this Lodge . Lodge closed in duo form until Tuesday , 6 th April , when Auditors will be appointed .
Eoyal Military Lodge of Instruction , No . 1449 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 22 nd ult ., at the Masonio Hall , Canter , bury . Present : —Bros . T . Blamiers W . M ., H . Miskin S . W . and Treasurer , J . F . Howarth J . W ., W . Carter Secretary I . G ., J . Cranfield
S . D ., H . Walton J . D ., E . Ewell Tyler . The Lodge was opened in the first degree . The questions leading from the first to the second were put by the W . M . to Bro . Walton ( an initiate ) . The charge was given by Bro . Blamiers , and the working tools explained by Bro . Howarth .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction . —Held at the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on 18 th March . Bros . J . J . Gunner W . M ., C . Bellerby S . W ., W . Seward J . W ., E . C Porter S . D ., G . Coop J . D ., A . Jones I . G ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , T . Kingston P . M ., C . Andrews P . M ., J . W . Wells Secretary ; also Bros . H . Kasner , Tink Brown , G . S . Wright , J . Green , C . Meadows , J . J . Clarke , M . W .
Wyville , H . Youens , A . J . Burr , T . Allen , J . Owen , R . Fernee , Gasson , J . W . Fisher , F . Botley , J . W . Woolmer , F . C Woolmer , H . Stephens , and Mitchell . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of previous meeting were read , confirmed and signed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Mitchell candidate . Lodge was called off for refreshment . On resuming business , on the motion
of Bro . Tucker , seconded by Bro . Burr , the Lodge adjourned over the Easter holidays , until 1 st April . It was unanimously agreed that the annual banquet of the Lodge should take place on Thursday , 22 nd of April . Bros . G . Coop , W . Seward and J . R . Fernee were appointed Stewards . The discussion of the Bye-Laws of the Benevolent Association ( adjourned from last meeting ) was resumed ; Bro . G . Coop proposed , and Bro . H . Youens seconded , the following resolution : —
" That the Benevolent Association meet on Thursday , after the Lodge of Instruction is closed . " The resolution was carried . The Bye-Laws were then read seriatim by Bro . Bnrr , and sundry alterations having been made , it was unanimously agreed that the Bye-Lawa of the Association be agreed to . Bro . Seward was elected W . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge was closed in due form . Meeting was adjourned to Thursday , 1 st April .
West Smithfield Lodge of Instruetion , 1623 . — We are pleased to notice that the members of this young and flourishing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ivy Lodge, No. 1441.
of Ireland , on behalf of themselves and remainder present , viz .: —Bros . Jonas Dnckett P . M . 507 , H . D . Martin J . W . 1309 , J . Oswald P . M . 1328 , J . Evans 753 , J . Quamer W . M . 569 , F . Rose 179 , W . A . Maloney P . M . 25 , W . J . Large W . M . 1321 , and Reader Brock 765 . The services of Bro . Past Master Jolly , the Hon . Sec , the Treasurer and tho Officers of the Lodge generally , were remembered , and tho proceedings
terminated with the Tyler ' s toast . A moro thoroughly enjoyable meeting from beginning to end we have but seldom experienced ; and we cannot close this report without a meed of praise to the musical brethren , all members of the Lodge , who contributed so largely to the success of this social gathering . Under the direction of the I . P . M Bro . Knight-Smitb , somo charming solos , duets and glees were rendered in most perfect style , Bros . Evans , Martin , Reynolds , and
Large especially distinguishing themselves . Bros . Knight-Smith and Cantle sang the duet " Excelsior , " and in several glees , with such musical taste and effect as conld scarcely be surpassed , and it would be no exaggeration to say that many so-called " Grand Concerts" have lacked that amount of talent ancl execution which on this occasion wero accessory only to an ordinary Masonio meeting . Wo shall hope to attend another Installation Meeting of the Ivy Lodge , No .
ON Monday , 16 thult ., Colonel the Right Hon . F . A . Stanley , M . P ., Secretary of State for War , was installed as M . E . Z . of thia Chapter , by Comp . Dr . Moore P . G . S . B . England , P . Prov . G . H ., Ac .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , —The above Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , 23 rd March , at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen Street . Present : —Bro . W . R . Lister W . M ., Dr . W . Wilkinson S . W ., C . A . Woods J . W ., E . H . Thiellay P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex Secretary , T . Bull P . M . Treasurer , A . D . Kerrell J . D ., J . Reid D . C , J . Curtis I . G ., Reinhardt Tyler , J . H . Leggott I . P . M .
The Lodge was opened and the minntes were confirmed . A ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . Philibert Desplaces , which was unanimously in that gentleman ' s favour , and he was duly initiated into the Order by the W . M ., who conducted tho ceremony in a very able and perfect manner . The W . M . then presented Bro . J . H . Leggott I . P . M ., in the name of the Lodge , with a very elegant silver Past Master ' s square , in lieu of tho charity Jewel -usually presented
by the Lodge , Bro . Leggctfc having previously provided himself with one . The amount handed in by our esteemed brother in support of his various Stewardships to the three Charities is over £ 900 . Bro . Leggott appropriatly responded for the kindness of the brethren . Lodge was then closed , nnd tho brethren separated ; there was no banquet . Bros . G . Mickey P . M . 449 , and T . Fraik wero present as visitors .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 30 th March . Bros . J . Lorkin W . M ., Smyth S . W ., Forss J . W ., Polak S . D ., Clark J . D ., Baker I . G ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Dallas , 0 . Lorkin , Allen , Hopkins , Marsh , and others . Lodgo was opened in due form , and the minntes of last meeting were read and
confirmed . Brother Hopkins was interrogated , entrusted , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason ; the W . M . gave tho Traditional History . Ledge was closed in the third , and resumed to the first degree , Bro . Allen answered the questions and was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The Lodge was closed in the second degree
Bro . Smyth was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Owing to Bro . P . M . Wallington having a very bad cold , tho ceremony of installation which should have been rehearsed was postponed till Tuesday , 6 th April . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
Lodge of Monteflore , No . 1017 . —The regular meeting was held on Wednesday , 24 th inst ., at the Regent Masonic Hall , Airstreet , Regent . street . Bros . L . J . Salomon W . M ., E . Ellis S . W ., M . Levy J . W ., L . Jacobs Treas ., E . P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , J . Syers S . D ., L . A . Lazarus as I . G ., H . Leverton D . C , Goldberger W . S ., S . Samuel Steward ,- P . M . ' s S . V . Abrahams , De Solla , W . H .
Gullifold , Grunbaum , S . Pollitzer , A . Blumenthal . After preliminaries lad been duly observed , Bro . W . H . B . Gulliford answered tbe necessary questioes satisfactorily , and was raised to the third degree . A ballot was taken for Mr . N . P . Valentine , who was duly initiated into the Order . Both ceremonies were perfectly and impressively rendered by the W . M . Among the Visitors were Bros .
G . H . Jaffa W . M . 1579 , S . Rosenthal , Henri De Solla No . 11 P . S . G . W . Middlesex , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The resignation of three brethren was accepted with regret , and a candidate was proposed for initiation at the next meeting . Lodge was then closed and the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . Nicols . In proposing tbe toast of the Deputy G . M . the W . M .
alluded to tbe honour the Ledge had received by one of their members being selected as a Grand Officer and invested by H . R . H . the M . W . the Grand Master . All respect Bro . E . P . Albert , and hope he will be among them for many years . Bro . E . P . Albert P . G . P . eloquently responded . Bro . W . H . Gulliford I . P . M . proposed tho toast of the W . M .
He did not propose the toast simply as their W . M . That evening his ( Bro . Gnlliford ' s ) eon had been passed to the third degree by the W . M ., and from the expressions of approval made by the brethren the work had been well done . He had wished to perform the ceremony himself , but he regretted be was unable to be present . Bro . Salomon was one who would cement the bonds of amity and friendship in the
Ivy Lodge, No. 1441.
Lodge . No better Mason could occupy tho chair . After a song by Bro . H . De Solla— " Phillis is my only joy "—tho W . M . felt pleased to hear tho encomiums passed by Bro . Gulliford j he hoped at close of his year of office to merit their approbation . He waa pleased that the Lodge continued in tho bonds of amity and brotherly love . Before sitting down he would propose the health of those who had
recently joined our ranks . Bro . Valentino is one whom they all know , and from his antecedents would ever respect . The other new member was a son of Bro . Gulliford I . P . M ., whose year of office had been eminently satisfactory . After Bro . Chandler had favoured with the " Village Blacksmith , " Bro . Valentino responded , and was fol . lowed by Bro . Gulliford . The W . M . then proposed tha toast of the
Visitors , and Bros . Rosenthal , Jaffa , De Solla and H . M . Levy responded . The toast of the P . M . ' fl was next given . Those brethren had striven to work for the welfare of the Lodge ; they one and all had done good and true service . As this was Bro . Pollitzer ' s natal day , all wished him long life and happiness . The W . M . wonld call on Bros .
Pollitzer and Gulliford to respond . After the brethren named had acknowledged the compliment , the W . M . proposed the Officers , coupling with the toast tho names of Bros . E . P . Albert Sec . and L . Jacobs Treas . After Bro . De Solla had again favoured the com . pany , the brethren named replied , and then the Tyler gave his toast , and the brethren separated .
Southern Star Lodge , Ho . 1158 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 23 rd ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge . Present : —Bros . R . S . Smith W . M ., R . Harris S . W ., A . Stewart J . W ., A . Wright P . M ., T . H . Pnlsford P . M . Sec , R . Fortune S . D ., Holloway J . D ., Austin D . C , Block Steward , Wilks I . G . Past Masters Bros . C . Wise , T . Potter , & c . The Lodge was formally opened and advanced
to the third degree , when Bro . Millard was raised . The Lodge was . resumed , and Mr . Georgo Hepburn Greenham , having been acepted unanimously on the ballot , was duly initiated into the Order . The election of W . M . for ensuing year resulted in favour of Bro . Harris , who received the unanimous support of the brethren .
Bro . A . Wright was re-elected Treasurer , as was also Bro . Stead tho Tyler . Three auditors were then elected , the votes being in favour of Bros . Webb , Rossiter and Davis . It was regularly proposed and carried that a Past Master ' s jewel , of the usual description , be presented from the Funds of the Lodge to Bro . R . S . Smith for his services to the Lodgo during his term of office .
Friars Lodge of Instruetion , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt's , the Liverpool Arms , Canning-town , on Tuesday , 30 th March . Bros . Shepherd W . M . 1349 W . M ., Johnson S . W ., Smith J . W ., Fyfo S . D ., Roddam J . D ., Cope I . G ., Worsley Secretary ; also Bros . Nash , Pavitt , Sadler , White , Roberts , & c . The Lodge opened in due form and the minntes read . The ceremony of installation was eloquently rehearsed by the W . M ., who installed Bro . Roberts in tho chair of
K . S . After which Bro . Roberts worked tbe initiation ceremony , Bro . Fyfo being candidate . Bro . Johnson was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week and appointed his Officers in rotation . A unanimous voto of thanks was ordered to be recorded on tho minutes of this Lodge of Instruction to Bro . Roberts for the very excellent manner in which he had worked the ceremony , for the first time in this Lodge . Lodge closed in duo form until Tuesday , 6 th April , when Auditors will be appointed .
Eoyal Military Lodge of Instruction , No . 1449 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 22 nd ult ., at the Masonio Hall , Canter , bury . Present : —Bros . T . Blamiers W . M ., H . Miskin S . W . and Treasurer , J . F . Howarth J . W ., W . Carter Secretary I . G ., J . Cranfield
S . D ., H . Walton J . D ., E . Ewell Tyler . The Lodge was opened in the first degree . The questions leading from the first to the second were put by the W . M . to Bro . Walton ( an initiate ) . The charge was given by Bro . Blamiers , and the working tools explained by Bro . Howarth .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction . —Held at the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on 18 th March . Bros . J . J . Gunner W . M ., C . Bellerby S . W ., W . Seward J . W ., E . C Porter S . D ., G . Coop J . D ., A . Jones I . G ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , T . Kingston P . M ., C . Andrews P . M ., J . W . Wells Secretary ; also Bros . H . Kasner , Tink Brown , G . S . Wright , J . Green , C . Meadows , J . J . Clarke , M . W .
Wyville , H . Youens , A . J . Burr , T . Allen , J . Owen , R . Fernee , Gasson , J . W . Fisher , F . Botley , J . W . Woolmer , F . C Woolmer , H . Stephens , and Mitchell . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of previous meeting were read , confirmed and signed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Mitchell candidate . Lodge was called off for refreshment . On resuming business , on the motion
of Bro . Tucker , seconded by Bro . Burr , the Lodge adjourned over the Easter holidays , until 1 st April . It was unanimously agreed that the annual banquet of the Lodge should take place on Thursday , 22 nd of April . Bros . G . Coop , W . Seward and J . R . Fernee were appointed Stewards . The discussion of the Bye-Laws of the Benevolent Association ( adjourned from last meeting ) was resumed ; Bro . G . Coop proposed , and Bro . H . Youens seconded , the following resolution : —
" That the Benevolent Association meet on Thursday , after the Lodge of Instruction is closed . " The resolution was carried . The Bye-Laws were then read seriatim by Bro . Bnrr , and sundry alterations having been made , it was unanimously agreed that the Bye-Lawa of the Association be agreed to . Bro . Seward was elected W . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge was closed in due form . Meeting was adjourned to Thursday , 1 st April .
West Smithfield Lodge of Instruetion , 1623 . — We are pleased to notice that the members of this young and flourishing