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THEROYALMASONICPUPILS'ASSISTANCEFUND, UNDER THE PATRONAGE AND SUPPORT OF H . E . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of England . H . E . H . the Duke of Connaught , K . G-., P . S . G . W . England . H . R . H . Prince Leopold , E . G ., P . J . G . W . England , Prov . G . M . Oxfordshire . The Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master England , Prov . G . M . Somersetshire . The Eight Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master England , Prov . G . M . West Lancashire . His Grace the Duke of Abercorn , G . M . Ireland . Sir M . E . Shaw-Stewart , Bart ., G . M . Scotland . The Eight Hon . the Earl of Rosslyn , Past Grand Master Scotland . The Provincial Grand Masters of—Herts nnd Bucks Lancashire ( "Bast ") South "Wales ( West ) "Derbyshire „ ( West ) Suflblk Devonshire Leicestcrsh . and RutlaneMi . Surrey Dorsetshire ' "Middlesex Sussex Hants , and Isle oE "Wight Northumberland Worcestershire Hertfordshire Oxfordshire Yorkshire ( N . and K . ) Kincardineshire Somersetshire The Deputy Provincial Grand Masters of—Berks nnd Bucks Lancashire ( East ) South "Wales ( West ) Cheshire Leieestersb . and Rutlandsh . Suffolk Derbyshire "Middlesex Surrey Dorsetshire "Norths , trad Hunts . Sussex Essex Northumberland Worcestershire Gloucestershire Nottinghamshire Yorkshire ( West ) Hants , and Isle of "Wight O sfordshiro Hertfordshire Somersetshire ETC ., ETC ., ETC . OBJECTS . STEWARDSHIPS . The main objects of the Fund are— Ladies , Brethren , and others undertaking the duties of Stewards , m ., ., ,. e ,, ., ii . •i •„ IT . „ > r „«„¦« , •/ , are not personally called npon for any fixed sum . nor is there any fee To provide situations for tho pupils on -their leaving the Masonio « ., •H . m ca . J -n I . i-n J J . I "h l >¦ * i » r o payable on serving the office . Stewards will be entitled to one vote bcia 00 ls - at each election for life for every £ 10 10 s they may collect . Ladies To -watch their progress , and offer aid and advice whore needful . ai . specially invited to become Stewards , more particularly to work To advance small amounts to aid in the purchase of tools , outfits , for the Fancy Bazaar ( details of which are given below ) , and for any and , later in life , goodwills of businesses , & c . amounts they may collect they will be entitled to double votes , same , , . , ... i , as is tho case on their qualifying as Life Subscribers . To establish scholarships , and otherwise support pupils at the Universities and other public schools , or assist boys who may desire to enter the Army or Navy , and aid them in obtaining commissions . Generally to watch . over tho future of the pupils , and help them in «» „ «? *» « w »« vv « . «* * « , „» ««» «~ u * , M securing success . & BMME AH 30 MHGY FME « To render assistance to tho unsuccessful candidates for the benefits of the existing Masonic charities . In aid of tbo Fund will be held in the Large Hall of the Freemasons ' And otherwise co-operate in the dispensing of Masonic charity . Tavern , London , ( the use of which , together with tho suite of rooms adjoining , has been kindly granted by Bro . Albert Best ) on 29 th and QUALIFICATIONS AND PRIVILEGES . 30 th June , and 1 st and 2 nd July next . This will afford ample scope for ladies and brethren to assist in A donation of 10 s Gd entitles to One Vote ; of 21 s to Two Votes at ,, . . - » ,, , . , » ,, -,, -. ., ... c ^ iCo i , u u , the raising of money for tbe objects of the Fund , as a small contnbn . each election during the year . ° ' J _ ' tion of goods or cash from friends would materially assist in the 5 guine ^ coMtitntes a Life Subscriber , witb 2 votes at each election fnrniah ; i ) g of the gta „ g < Admigs ; on Tickcts te the Bazaar-the 10 guineaTconstitutes aLife Governor , with 5 votes at each election P roceea 3 of wWch wil 1 bo ex P ended in Lifo Subscriberships , and then for Life . ballotted for and distributed among tho purchasers—can bo had on GO guineas constitutes a Vice President , with 30 votes at each application . election for Life . By introducing Professional Ladies or Gentlemen who will give 100 guineas constitutes a Vice Patron , with 70 votes at each election t jj eir service 3 for Entertainments , & c , to be arranged at intervals ¦ C T * -P during the Bazaar , brethren will materially assist the Committee , or Ladies , on qualifying as Life Subscribers , havo donblo the number ,. ... •T . i . n L -n T I i . x . , t e n . ' l •' ° f . feg they might organise Balls , Concerts , Readings , & c , on behalf of tho Lodges , Chapters , and other Societies ' acquire votes in perpetuity for Fnnd - Th ° P roceed 3 ( with Yotes ) in every caae wiU be ^ credited to double the amounts payable by individual donors for Life Votes . the individuals by whoso exertions tho money is raised . Treasurer . —Tlie EEV . 0 . J . MARTYN , The Rectory , Long Melford , Suffolk . Bankers. —THE BANK OI ENGLAND , Western Branch , Burlington Gardens , London , W . t . ( MCK RADCLYEFE , 129 High Holborn , London , W . C . cW . W . MORGAN JUN ., FREEMASON ' S CHEONICLE Office , Gt . Queen Street . Circulars and Forms for Collecting , together with other information , may bo had on application to the Secretaries , as above . Brethren willing to act as Stewards , or otherwise assist in the establishment of the Fund , or the carrying out of the Bazaar , will oblige by communicating with the Secretaries as early as possible .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEROYALMASONICPUPILS'ASSISTANCEFUND, UNDER THE PATRONAGE AND SUPPORT OF H . E . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of England . H . E . H . the Duke of Connaught , K . G-., P . S . G . W . England . H . R . H . Prince Leopold , E . G ., P . J . G . W . England , Prov . G . M . Oxfordshire . The Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master England , Prov . G . M . Somersetshire . The Eight Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master England , Prov . G . M . West Lancashire . His Grace the Duke of Abercorn , G . M . Ireland . Sir M . E . Shaw-Stewart , Bart ., G . M . Scotland . The Eight Hon . the Earl of Rosslyn , Past Grand Master Scotland . The Provincial Grand Masters of—Herts nnd Bucks Lancashire ( "Bast ") South "Wales ( West ) "Derbyshire „ ( West ) Suflblk Devonshire Leicestcrsh . and RutlaneMi . Surrey Dorsetshire ' "Middlesex Sussex Hants , and Isle oE "Wight Northumberland Worcestershire Hertfordshire Oxfordshire Yorkshire ( N . and K . ) Kincardineshire Somersetshire The Deputy Provincial Grand Masters of—Berks nnd Bucks Lancashire ( East ) South "Wales ( West ) Cheshire Leieestersb . and Rutlandsh . Suffolk Derbyshire "Middlesex Surrey Dorsetshire "Norths , trad Hunts . Sussex Essex Northumberland Worcestershire Gloucestershire Nottinghamshire Yorkshire ( West ) Hants , and Isle of "Wight O sfordshiro Hertfordshire Somersetshire ETC ., ETC ., ETC . OBJECTS . STEWARDSHIPS . The main objects of the Fund are— Ladies , Brethren , and others undertaking the duties of Stewards , m ., ., ,. e ,, ., ii . •i •„ IT . „ > r „«„¦« , •/ , are not personally called npon for any fixed sum . nor is there any fee To provide situations for tho pupils on -their leaving the Masonio « ., •H . m ca . J -n I . i-n J J . I "h l >¦ * i » r o payable on serving the office . Stewards will be entitled to one vote bcia 00 ls - at each election for life for every £ 10 10 s they may collect . Ladies To -watch their progress , and offer aid and advice whore needful . ai . specially invited to become Stewards , more particularly to work To advance small amounts to aid in the purchase of tools , outfits , for the Fancy Bazaar ( details of which are given below ) , and for any and , later in life , goodwills of businesses , & c . amounts they may collect they will be entitled to double votes , same , , . , ... i , as is tho case on their qualifying as Life Subscribers . To establish scholarships , and otherwise support pupils at the Universities and other public schools , or assist boys who may desire to enter the Army or Navy , and aid them in obtaining commissions . Generally to watch . over tho future of the pupils , and help them in «» „ «? *» « w »« vv « . «* * « , „» ««» «~ u * , M securing success . & BMME AH 30 MHGY FME « To render assistance to tho unsuccessful candidates for the benefits of the existing Masonic charities . In aid of tbo Fund will be held in the Large Hall of the Freemasons ' And otherwise co-operate in the dispensing of Masonic charity . Tavern , London , ( the use of which , together with tho suite of rooms adjoining , has been kindly granted by Bro . Albert Best ) on 29 th and QUALIFICATIONS AND PRIVILEGES . 30 th June , and 1 st and 2 nd July next . This will afford ample scope for ladies and brethren to assist in A donation of 10 s Gd entitles to One Vote ; of 21 s to Two Votes at ,, . . - » ,, , . , » ,, -,, -. ., ... c ^ iCo i , u u , the raising of money for tbe objects of the Fund , as a small contnbn . each election during the year . ° ' J _ ' tion of goods or cash from friends would materially assist in the 5 guine ^ coMtitntes a Life Subscriber , witb 2 votes at each election fnrniah ; i ) g of the gta „ g < Admigs ; on Tickcts te the Bazaar-the 10 guineaTconstitutes aLife Governor , with 5 votes at each election P roceea 3 of wWch wil 1 bo ex P ended in Lifo Subscriberships , and then for Life . ballotted for and distributed among tho purchasers—can bo had on GO guineas constitutes a Vice President , with 30 votes at each application . election for Life . By introducing Professional Ladies or Gentlemen who will give 100 guineas constitutes a Vice Patron , with 70 votes at each election t jj eir service 3 for Entertainments , & c , to be arranged at intervals ¦ C T * -P during the Bazaar , brethren will materially assist the Committee , or Ladies , on qualifying as Life Subscribers , havo donblo the number ,. ... •T . i . n L -n T I i . x . , t e n . ' l •' ° f . feg they might organise Balls , Concerts , Readings , & c , on behalf of tho Lodges , Chapters , and other Societies ' acquire votes in perpetuity for Fnnd - Th ° P roceed 3 ( with Yotes ) in every caae wiU be ^ credited to double the amounts payable by individual donors for Life Votes . the individuals by whoso exertions tho money is raised . Treasurer . —Tlie EEV . 0 . J . MARTYN , The Rectory , Long Melford , Suffolk . Bankers. —THE BANK OI ENGLAND , Western Branch , Burlington Gardens , London , W . t . ( MCK RADCLYEFE , 129 High Holborn , London , W . C . cW . W . MORGAN JUN ., FREEMASON ' S CHEONICLE Office , Gt . Queen Street . Circulars and Forms for Collecting , together with other information , may bo had on application to the Secretaries , as above . Brethren willing to act as Stewards , or otherwise assist in the establishment of the Fund , or the carrying out of the Bazaar , will oblige by communicating with the Secretaries as early as possible .