Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS. Page 1 of 1 Article BOMBAY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Our Weekly Budget.
delay till the last moment her ratification of the Treaty . As to the Czar , there is said to be some hesitation on his part in signing the Treaty , owing to efforts made by the so-called " patriotic " party to induce him to reject it , but it is hoped and believed that the peaceful inclinations of His
Majesty will prevail . Meantime , wo hear of General Kauffman , of Khiva fame , undertaking a new expedition in Central Asia , Balk being the object this time of his amiable
intentions . This , if successful , will bring the Russians close to the frontiers oS Afghanistan , and looks as thong-h it were intended as a counter-move to our defensive treaty with Turkey in respect of her Asiatic territories .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcester will be held on Wednesday , 7 th August , at tho College Hall , Worcester , under the Banner of the Worcester Lodge No . 280 .
Prov . Grand Lodge will be opened at twelve o ' clock at noon and the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master of England , Lord Skelmersdale , will instal Right W . Bro . Sir E . A . H . Lecluuere as Grand Master of the Province .
The banquet will bo served tit the Shire Hall , at o p . m ., for which tickets may be procured from the Prov . Grand Stewards , or from Bro . H . Oram , Hon . Sec . of the Worcester Lodge .
The annual Provincial Grand Lodgo of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight will bo held at the Philharmonic Hall , Southampton , on Tuesday , the lUtii of August , for the transaction of the ordinary business of tho Province .
Wc understand that a third Lodge , of which Bro . Walshaw P . M . is to be the first Master , will be consecrated in Scarborough on the 12 th September , by Dr . J . P . Bell , D . P . G . M . for North and East Yorkshire .
A Musical and Dramatic Entertainment will be given at the Surrey Masonic Club , Camberwell-new-road , S . E ., under the direction of Bro . G . S . Graham , on Saturday
evening , 3 rd August 1878 , at eight o ' clock precisely . Brethren desirous of becoming members of the Club , may obtain particulars of the Honorary Secretary , Bro . James Stevens , at the Hall on any evening .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
rTIHE final meeting of tho Hoard of { stewards tor tho Jate festival JL was held on Monday , tho 29 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bro . It . 15 . Webster in tho chair . The Hon . Sec , Bro . F . Binckes , road the report relating to the Festival , which was adopted . Thero were present at tho Alexandra Palace—14-7 Stewards , and the total number was 5 'J'J . Bro . H . M . Levy
proposed , and Bro . C . F . Hogard seconded , that in recognition of the valuable services of Bro . F . Binckes , Hon . Sec , he be presented with the balance resulting from the Stewards' fees , and that the sum of five guineas be presented to Bro . Taylor lor his services in connexion with the Festival . After suitable reply from Bro . Binckes , cordial
votes of thanks wero recorded to Bros . T . Cnbitt ( Hon . Treasurer ) , J . H . Map leson ( for providing the artistes ) , and to Bro . It . B . Webster ( acting Chairman ) . Thero were present Bros . C . F . ilogard , Murray , Winter , Jardine , F . Adlard , E . B . Webster , J . W . Garrod , Mclllwham , T . Cubitt , Land and H . M . Levy .
Royal And Select Masters.
A MEETING of the Grand Masters Council , JSo . 1 , was held at the Masonic Rooms , 2 Red Lion-sqnare , on Tuesday , the 30 th of Jnly . Present—Bros . Rev . G . It . Portal M . P . G . M ., Hyde Pullen G . P . G . W ., Frederick Davison G . Treasurer , S . ltoseuthal T . J . M . Is ' o . ' 6 , General J . S . Brownrigg , ltov . Ambrose W . Hal ) , Magnus Uhren , Dr . F . W . Rarnsav , S . C . Dibdin , D . M . 'Dewar , aud id . Bro . Robert Morris ,
LL . D ., of Kentucky . After tho minutes ot the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Bros . T . C . Wails aud E . B . Brigui wero introduced and received tho various degrees of Most Excellent Master , Royal Master , Select Master and Super Excellent Master . The other business belore the Council having , been transacted , tht Meeting was closed in ancient form , aud adjourned to Wednesday Lhe 30 th of October .
HOLLOWAY ' S 1 ' . LS . —IU general debility , nervous tremor , and mental depression , ti . e-e unrivalled l ' llU have a marvellous effect . Tney have won tin . confidence of millions in all parts of the civilised world . Constitutions shaken by sensual excesses , or by long residence in unwholesome- climates , or b \ sedentary habits , are wonderfully renovated by a course of this extraordinary medicine , which , powerml as is its action on the whole svstern , is periectlt
harmless to tne teudertst iraiue . Tne 1 'ills are composed of rare balsams , witiioiit . the admixture of a grain of any mineral wnatever , or of any othe . deleterious substance , 'i'hey operate directly , powerfully , -tmi beneticiaUy upon the wnole mass o . biooil ; nor can we question me fact wuen we see mdigosuoi . cured , liver comp amt = arrested , the opptesoeel lungs brought into nealihfu . play , and every physical function renewed and strengthened by their agency ,
T 7 "URltACIIIiE witnessed on Monday , tho 24 th June , one of tho XV . greatest achievements recorded in the annals of Freemasonry in Sitid . St . John ' s Day being recognised by all English Masons as ono of high festival , the brethren of Lodgo " Union" were determined to mako it ouo of tho most memorable , it being the installation
to tho chair of that Lodge for tho second timo of Wor . Bro . George C . Brayson . The entire credit and success of the undertaking is due to this brother , whoso zeal for tho Craft and admirable working aro the admiration of his brethren . Tho procession to Trinity Church was formed iu tho following order : —
Lodge Endeavour , Mauora , represented by AY . Bro . T . Warn AY . M ., W . A . Miles , W . It . Scroggie , D . D'Silva , J . Hughes , aud W . S . Copo . Lodgo Hopo , Knrrachee , represented by AV . Bros . Adam Clark W . M ., Thomas Cossor P . M ., J . H . Duncan P . M . ; H . F . Brayson , J . Davison , C . T , Edwards , E . King , A . McSween , G . Twells , W . Trevena , C . W . ltook , J . M . Horno , J . G . Quanbrough , audAV . Bishop . Lodgo Industry , Hyderabad , represented by W . Bros . W . Wilson
W . M ., J . D . Wilson P . M . ; W . Hoonahan S . AY ., A . Wiffiu J . W ., Brumby S . D ., Mitchell J . D . Lodge Union , Kurracheo , represented by W . Bros . George C . Brayson W . M ., James Grant P . M ., J . A . Hauuah ; J . Quinn , W . Aspiuall , W . H . Miller , \ V . Cunens , It . Allan , J . C . Elstone , T . Watson , W . H . Franklin , AY . H . Bloss , H . S . Cocksedge , J . Collott , and E . Cardwoll .
Visitor—W . Bro . Alexander Campbell , Lodgo Felix , Aden . Each Lodgo , preceded by its Tyler and Banner Bearer , marched through tho western entrance of tho Lodge . On emerging therefrom it was met by an admiring crowd , amongst whom could be seen many of tho chief residents of tho Station . The sceno throughout , variegated as it was bv tho different colours of each Lodge , was
pretty in the extreme . I lie procession halted at tho north door ot Trinity Church , when tho order of formation was reversed , Union being first , Hope second , followed by Endeavour and Industry . Entry into Trinity Church was made from the west door . The compound of the Church was fairly filled with " onr gallant sons of Mars , " belonging to H . M . ' s 83 rd and Iloyal Artillery .
At the west door stood Bro . the Rev . J . Higgins , in Masonio costume , who led the procession up the nave of the Church , when he retired and ascended tho pulpit , and W . Bro . George Brayson led the brothren to the seats that had been specially reserved for them . Every seat in that spacious Church was crowded with spectators . The Rev . D . Cotes from the reading desk gave out the
hymn" Great Architect of earth and heaven , "which was sung by the full choir in attendance , accompanied by the sweet music of tho organ , and followed by short prayers . The sermon was preached by Bro . the ltov . J . Higgins , from 1 Kings vi . 7-8 , " There was neither hammer , nor axe , nor any tool of iron , in the house while it was in building . "
Refereuco ia here made , as doubtless yon all know , my Brothers , to one circumstance in the construction of that splendid Temple , which Solomon built to the Glory of Almighty God . Its stones were prepared and its timbers shaped at a distance from tho spot where afterwards they wero erected . In the distant quarries of Syenne ; or in the Forests of Lebanon there was , doubtless , the sound of man ' s
busy toil ; but here on Mount Moriah , the jar and clang of labour was unheard . Tier upon tier , course above course , tho Temple rose beneath the builder ' s hands , in stately and silent growth . In those explorations which aro being carried on ia the Holy City ( under tho auspices of the Palestine Exploration Society ) we appear to have
come upon the foundations of Solomon ' s Temple , and each great block of stono still shows tho Mason ' s private mark designed to indicate its exact position in the building . In silence therefore tho foundations wero laid , in silence were the arches turned and fitted with their key-stones , in silence each pillar rose and was surmounted by its capital .
. No workman s axo , no pond rous hammer rung , Liko some tall palm , the mystio fabric sprung . " " Majestic silence ! " exclaims the poet , and in that silence was prefigured ono of the deepest truths of God ' s natural as well as moral Government ; namely , that God ever works silentl y if not secretly . Thus gradual are all the hidden processes of Nature , thus slowl y and
in secret the seed germinates , the spront puts forth its tender leaflets , the sap ebbs and flows beneath the bark . Everywhere , through all its myriad of hidden recesses , tho busy workers of living nataro completo their task , and tho secret laws of inert nature develop their consequences , —step by stop , stage after stage , unwatchod save by the AU-Seeiug-Eye . Whether it ba the worm weaving the
shroudlike cocoon , that in due time shall give birth to the ephemera of * day ; or the nebulous particles ( star seed , as they havo been called ) which gathering through millions of ages and forming at last the revolving world which men call a star : in each and all wo find tho JHUJC lav / , silent growth , progressive development , continuously passiug from ouo growth of glory to another . 1 'heio is no sudden
bound in nature , its changes may surprise men , but hidden laws havo long been working for their development , whether in tho meanest iinimalcula that crowds a water-drop or in the brightest of thoso created intelligences , that circle around the Throno of Thrones . Let us contiast with tho masons of Solomon ' s Temple another group of Tomplo Builders and wo shall see the types of divino and
of human work , tho types of a debased masonry , discarding Faith in God aud love to man , aud masonry in its purer form , acknowlodo-inoind obedient to tho rules of tho Great Architect of the Universe . The first aro thoso gathered on the plains of Shinar . They would . mild a city and a tower whose top should reach nnto heaveD . For . , 'Otfnl of the divino command , to go forth in overy direction and cijlonizo and possess tho world ; forgetful of tho tlivina promise , thai
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
delay till the last moment her ratification of the Treaty . As to the Czar , there is said to be some hesitation on his part in signing the Treaty , owing to efforts made by the so-called " patriotic " party to induce him to reject it , but it is hoped and believed that the peaceful inclinations of His
Majesty will prevail . Meantime , wo hear of General Kauffman , of Khiva fame , undertaking a new expedition in Central Asia , Balk being the object this time of his amiable
intentions . This , if successful , will bring the Russians close to the frontiers oS Afghanistan , and looks as thong-h it were intended as a counter-move to our defensive treaty with Turkey in respect of her Asiatic territories .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcester will be held on Wednesday , 7 th August , at tho College Hall , Worcester , under the Banner of the Worcester Lodge No . 280 .
Prov . Grand Lodge will be opened at twelve o ' clock at noon and the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master of England , Lord Skelmersdale , will instal Right W . Bro . Sir E . A . H . Lecluuere as Grand Master of the Province .
The banquet will bo served tit the Shire Hall , at o p . m ., for which tickets may be procured from the Prov . Grand Stewards , or from Bro . H . Oram , Hon . Sec . of the Worcester Lodge .
The annual Provincial Grand Lodgo of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight will bo held at the Philharmonic Hall , Southampton , on Tuesday , the lUtii of August , for the transaction of the ordinary business of tho Province .
Wc understand that a third Lodge , of which Bro . Walshaw P . M . is to be the first Master , will be consecrated in Scarborough on the 12 th September , by Dr . J . P . Bell , D . P . G . M . for North and East Yorkshire .
A Musical and Dramatic Entertainment will be given at the Surrey Masonic Club , Camberwell-new-road , S . E ., under the direction of Bro . G . S . Graham , on Saturday
evening , 3 rd August 1878 , at eight o ' clock precisely . Brethren desirous of becoming members of the Club , may obtain particulars of the Honorary Secretary , Bro . James Stevens , at the Hall on any evening .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
rTIHE final meeting of tho Hoard of { stewards tor tho Jate festival JL was held on Monday , tho 29 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bro . It . 15 . Webster in tho chair . The Hon . Sec , Bro . F . Binckes , road the report relating to the Festival , which was adopted . Thero were present at tho Alexandra Palace—14-7 Stewards , and the total number was 5 'J'J . Bro . H . M . Levy
proposed , and Bro . C . F . Hogard seconded , that in recognition of the valuable services of Bro . F . Binckes , Hon . Sec , he be presented with the balance resulting from the Stewards' fees , and that the sum of five guineas be presented to Bro . Taylor lor his services in connexion with the Festival . After suitable reply from Bro . Binckes , cordial
votes of thanks wero recorded to Bros . T . Cnbitt ( Hon . Treasurer ) , J . H . Map leson ( for providing the artistes ) , and to Bro . It . B . Webster ( acting Chairman ) . Thero were present Bros . C . F . ilogard , Murray , Winter , Jardine , F . Adlard , E . B . Webster , J . W . Garrod , Mclllwham , T . Cubitt , Land and H . M . Levy .
Royal And Select Masters.
A MEETING of the Grand Masters Council , JSo . 1 , was held at the Masonic Rooms , 2 Red Lion-sqnare , on Tuesday , the 30 th of Jnly . Present—Bros . Rev . G . It . Portal M . P . G . M ., Hyde Pullen G . P . G . W ., Frederick Davison G . Treasurer , S . ltoseuthal T . J . M . Is ' o . ' 6 , General J . S . Brownrigg , ltov . Ambrose W . Hal ) , Magnus Uhren , Dr . F . W . Rarnsav , S . C . Dibdin , D . M . 'Dewar , aud id . Bro . Robert Morris ,
LL . D ., of Kentucky . After tho minutes ot the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Bros . T . C . Wails aud E . B . Brigui wero introduced and received tho various degrees of Most Excellent Master , Royal Master , Select Master and Super Excellent Master . The other business belore the Council having , been transacted , tht Meeting was closed in ancient form , aud adjourned to Wednesday Lhe 30 th of October .
HOLLOWAY ' S 1 ' . LS . —IU general debility , nervous tremor , and mental depression , ti . e-e unrivalled l ' llU have a marvellous effect . Tney have won tin . confidence of millions in all parts of the civilised world . Constitutions shaken by sensual excesses , or by long residence in unwholesome- climates , or b \ sedentary habits , are wonderfully renovated by a course of this extraordinary medicine , which , powerml as is its action on the whole svstern , is periectlt
harmless to tne teudertst iraiue . Tne 1 'ills are composed of rare balsams , witiioiit . the admixture of a grain of any mineral wnatever , or of any othe . deleterious substance , 'i'hey operate directly , powerfully , -tmi beneticiaUy upon the wnole mass o . biooil ; nor can we question me fact wuen we see mdigosuoi . cured , liver comp amt = arrested , the opptesoeel lungs brought into nealihfu . play , and every physical function renewed and strengthened by their agency ,
T 7 "URltACIIIiE witnessed on Monday , tho 24 th June , one of tho XV . greatest achievements recorded in the annals of Freemasonry in Sitid . St . John ' s Day being recognised by all English Masons as ono of high festival , the brethren of Lodgo " Union" were determined to mako it ouo of tho most memorable , it being the installation
to tho chair of that Lodge for tho second timo of Wor . Bro . George C . Brayson . The entire credit and success of the undertaking is due to this brother , whoso zeal for tho Craft and admirable working aro the admiration of his brethren . Tho procession to Trinity Church was formed iu tho following order : —
Lodge Endeavour , Mauora , represented by AY . Bro . T . Warn AY . M ., W . A . Miles , W . It . Scroggie , D . D'Silva , J . Hughes , aud W . S . Copo . Lodgo Hopo , Knrrachee , represented by AV . Bros . Adam Clark W . M ., Thomas Cossor P . M ., J . H . Duncan P . M . ; H . F . Brayson , J . Davison , C . T , Edwards , E . King , A . McSween , G . Twells , W . Trevena , C . W . ltook , J . M . Horno , J . G . Quanbrough , audAV . Bishop . Lodgo Industry , Hyderabad , represented by W . Bros . W . Wilson
W . M ., J . D . Wilson P . M . ; W . Hoonahan S . AY ., A . Wiffiu J . W ., Brumby S . D ., Mitchell J . D . Lodge Union , Kurracheo , represented by W . Bros . George C . Brayson W . M ., James Grant P . M ., J . A . Hauuah ; J . Quinn , W . Aspiuall , W . H . Miller , \ V . Cunens , It . Allan , J . C . Elstone , T . Watson , W . H . Franklin , AY . H . Bloss , H . S . Cocksedge , J . Collott , and E . Cardwoll .
Visitor—W . Bro . Alexander Campbell , Lodgo Felix , Aden . Each Lodgo , preceded by its Tyler and Banner Bearer , marched through tho western entrance of tho Lodge . On emerging therefrom it was met by an admiring crowd , amongst whom could be seen many of tho chief residents of tho Station . The sceno throughout , variegated as it was bv tho different colours of each Lodge , was
pretty in the extreme . I lie procession halted at tho north door ot Trinity Church , when tho order of formation was reversed , Union being first , Hope second , followed by Endeavour and Industry . Entry into Trinity Church was made from the west door . The compound of the Church was fairly filled with " onr gallant sons of Mars , " belonging to H . M . ' s 83 rd and Iloyal Artillery .
At the west door stood Bro . the Rev . J . Higgins , in Masonio costume , who led the procession up the nave of the Church , when he retired and ascended tho pulpit , and W . Bro . George Brayson led the brothren to the seats that had been specially reserved for them . Every seat in that spacious Church was crowded with spectators . The Rev . D . Cotes from the reading desk gave out the
hymn" Great Architect of earth and heaven , "which was sung by the full choir in attendance , accompanied by the sweet music of tho organ , and followed by short prayers . The sermon was preached by Bro . the ltov . J . Higgins , from 1 Kings vi . 7-8 , " There was neither hammer , nor axe , nor any tool of iron , in the house while it was in building . "
Refereuco ia here made , as doubtless yon all know , my Brothers , to one circumstance in the construction of that splendid Temple , which Solomon built to the Glory of Almighty God . Its stones were prepared and its timbers shaped at a distance from tho spot where afterwards they wero erected . In the distant quarries of Syenne ; or in the Forests of Lebanon there was , doubtless , the sound of man ' s
busy toil ; but here on Mount Moriah , the jar and clang of labour was unheard . Tier upon tier , course above course , tho Temple rose beneath the builder ' s hands , in stately and silent growth . In those explorations which aro being carried on ia the Holy City ( under tho auspices of the Palestine Exploration Society ) we appear to have
come upon the foundations of Solomon ' s Temple , and each great block of stono still shows tho Mason ' s private mark designed to indicate its exact position in the building . In silence therefore tho foundations wero laid , in silence were the arches turned and fitted with their key-stones , in silence each pillar rose and was surmounted by its capital .
. No workman s axo , no pond rous hammer rung , Liko some tall palm , the mystio fabric sprung . " " Majestic silence ! " exclaims the poet , and in that silence was prefigured ono of the deepest truths of God ' s natural as well as moral Government ; namely , that God ever works silentl y if not secretly . Thus gradual are all the hidden processes of Nature , thus slowl y and
in secret the seed germinates , the spront puts forth its tender leaflets , the sap ebbs and flows beneath the bark . Everywhere , through all its myriad of hidden recesses , tho busy workers of living nataro completo their task , and tho secret laws of inert nature develop their consequences , —step by stop , stage after stage , unwatchod save by the AU-Seeiug-Eye . Whether it ba the worm weaving the
shroudlike cocoon , that in due time shall give birth to the ephemera of * day ; or the nebulous particles ( star seed , as they havo been called ) which gathering through millions of ages and forming at last the revolving world which men call a star : in each and all wo find tho JHUJC lav / , silent growth , progressive development , continuously passiug from ouo growth of glory to another . 1 'heio is no sudden
bound in nature , its changes may surprise men , but hidden laws havo long been working for their development , whether in tho meanest iinimalcula that crowds a water-drop or in the brightest of thoso created intelligences , that circle around the Throno of Thrones . Let us contiast with tho masons of Solomon ' s Temple another group of Tomplo Builders and wo shall see the types of divino and
of human work , tho types of a debased masonry , discarding Faith in God aud love to man , aud masonry in its purer form , acknowlodo-inoind obedient to tho rules of tho Great Architect of the Universe . The first aro thoso gathered on the plains of Shinar . They would . mild a city and a tower whose top should reach nnto heaveD . For . , 'Otfnl of the divino command , to go forth in overy direction and cijlonizo and possess tho world ; forgetful of tho tlivina promise , thai